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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20298108 No.20298108 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have a problem with their food staring back at them? It me makes feel weird....

>> No.20298112

I would gladly eat bugs if they were good but they aren't

>> No.20298113
File: 264 KB, 1200x900, 9daede6a-d75b-434c-acd3-caddca44ffb9--IMG_2600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't a cappozella enjoyer


>> No.20298115 [DELETED] 

Humiliation ritual

>> No.20298123 [DELETED] 

what do you not think is a humiliation ritual you braindead fuck

>> No.20298139

Davos Summit buffet

>> No.20298144

This. People love crab, shrimp and lobster but that's because they're big enough to remove the chitin and the flesh tastes delicious because they live in the water. Grasshoppers and shit are mostly undigestable chitin and the little flesh there is tastes like dirt. I do kinda want to try that ant soup that apparently tastes like peanuts though. Ants eat well so they have at least a good chance of being tastier.

>> No.20298153

this, calling seafood "bugs" is tastelet or poorfag cope

>> No.20298161

Saying sea bugs aren't bugs is retard cope. Just accept the fact that you like eating bugs.

>> No.20298170

i prefer to eat things without eyes myself

>> No.20298174

why are you scared of potatoes or something

>> No.20298181

just remove the eyes before cooking it

>> No.20298342

I'd eat the hell out of those scorpions and big-ass grasshopper things. Are those giant water bugs on the left? I'm not fucking with those, or the spiders.
Pardon the pleonasm, but it's only humiliation if you feel humiliated.

>> No.20298356

I would eat the scorpion, it's already on a pike. And it would make me feel powerful.

>> No.20298390

i don't, i like cooking fish whole and eating their eyes. I've seen whole goat head cooked. i don't think bugs would taste nice tho. for money tho i'd probably go for those in the back on the right

>> No.20298401

I have such a crippling phobia that I can't even dare open the thumbnail, but if I could provide for my family just by choking down bugs, then I'd grab a bottle of tabasco and close my eyes.

>> No.20298411

>have such a crippling phobia that I can't even dare open the thumbnail
>if I could provide for my family just by choking down bugs, then I'd grab a bottle of tabasco and close my eyes.

>> No.20298445

just eat all the grubs, easy money

>> No.20298453

id be a rich man cause id eat whatever is on the top right screw everything else they are scary

>> No.20298460

I dunno dude, a brief moment of discomfort in exchange for a months rent seems more than worth it to me.

>> No.20298461 [DELETED] 

Bots are currently spamming the term "humiliation ritual" across 4chan so they can gauge the social penetration power of their bot network.

>> No.20298466

because they are not bugs. they are not related to bugs closely. they are different animals.
you cope because youre a picky bitch who doesnt like anything so you whine about what other people like

>> No.20298468

A decade ago, I'd call you a conspiracy theorist, but nowadays I'll just assume you're more or less correct and wait for the headlines.

>> No.20298493

just get a real job lmao

>> No.20298495

i keep seeing that shit being posted on /sp/ and was wondering where it came from out of nowhere

>> No.20298503

>nnnnooooo you don't get it goy, you NEED to break your body for 16 hours every day! How else will this sheetrock make it to the other side of the property?!
Nah, I'll eat bugs for 1k each.

>> No.20298510
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But the eyes are the best part.

>> No.20298513

find someone giving you that offer in real life and you feel free anon, until then I recommend you consider something more realistic

>> No.20298624

It probably doesn't help either that they removed

>> No.20298655

they're dead. i'm walking away with as much money as there are bugs.

>> No.20298669

I'm starting with the pan in the back right then front row left to right until they pull me away. I'll take breaks with the scorpions as a treat. I seriously couldn't handle the spiders, and those roaches next to the spiders? not for all the money on the rest of the table.

>> No.20298683

They are extremely closely related and most probably descended from the same common ancestor, which means it wouldn't be wrong to call crustaceans bugs.
It would be wrong to call them insects, but not bugs.

>> No.20298686
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x4032, anon's favorite meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's dead I'll eat it
Enjoy your dinner.

>> No.20298688

>and most probably descended from the same common ancestor
>doood we're all just star stuff
>eat the fucking bugs

>> No.20298705
File: 6 KB, 700x500, 1709842644610180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd walk away with 0
The currency involved is a mystery, but I'm not eating bugs like a good goy

>> No.20298743


>> No.20298749
File: 2.97 MB, 3888x2592, Dried_river_shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought dried shrimp to make thai salads with and their little black eyes are cute yet creepy.

>> No.20299722

I could eat hundreds of crickets.

>> No.20299778

it's not brave or admirable to not do something optional
you're like those people who brag about never having smoked or drank as if that's harder than actually quitting

>> No.20299798
File: 3.96 MB, 2480x1042, 823492894289482942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either the grubs up back or in the front, maybe the grasshoppers.

And we devein and peel them. Any time some jackass (bonus points if you can find out they're from a certain group that forbids eating any insects except locusts, so when we gotta eat ze bugs they conveniently don't have to) goes 'hurdur sea bugs' they forget that fact. I'm not seeing grub meat separated from the heads there and nigga drops an entire fucking taranchula in the fryer and goes "bone apple tit why aren't you eating it it's just like a lobster".

Yeah fucking crab cake doesn't have random claws sticking out of it. Motherfuckers be like pic related is the same, fuck you nigger they aren't.

>> No.20299819

Are there meaty bugs like the ones from the Lion King? Closest thing I have tasted are the cocks of my passed out buddies.

>> No.20299895

I empty the worm tray

>> No.20299912
File: 530 KB, 800x450, SnekLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, they are paying me?
I see empty boxes.

>> No.20300012

I could easily put away everything except probably the giant grubs and water bugs. Nice polbait thread though fagbag.

>> No.20300018

this makes me extremely uncomfortable

>> No.20300351

Whoa, the cute image macro has done what years of Klaus Schwab's shills never did - I'm totally up for eating bugs now!

Ahhhh, the moment is passing though. Can you help me out with some more bug eating friendly memes, OP?

>> No.20301047


>> No.20301624
File: 8 KB, 499x499, 1709917047999016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! How many Shekels do you receive per 100 demoralization posts?
Hahaha I'm just NOT gonna eat the bugs, you know?

>> No.20301828

Can I get some hot sauce? If yes, I'm walking away with however many bugs is on that fucking table times 1000.

>> No.20301972
File: 16 KB, 493x481, whenyoukillyeunglings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get drunk enough to not care or taste, and then fist hundreds of crickets or THOUSANDS of ants in my mouth
I'd be a multi-millionaire
Maybe a billionaire

>> No.20301992

Nice try, but worms aren't bugs. Do we need to go through this again?

>> No.20301994

No, when I cook fish I make it a point to eat their faces off, so they know who's in charge.

>> No.20302002

I wouldn't enjoy it but I'd eat as many crickets, grasshoppers, and ants as possible for cash. Maybe try a beetle or tarantula if they're worth more and see what it's like.
This unironically looks decent to me.

>> No.20302026

>Saying sea bugs aren't bugs is retard cope. Just accept the fact that you like eating bugs.
they literally aren't bugs, you autistic retard, they aren't in the same class or order.

>> No.20302243

top right probably tastes pretty similar to shrimp. i'd clear that entire tray out then go for bottom right until i'm too full to eat anymore. at least $100k easy