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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20229891 No.20229891 [Reply] [Original]

Do you plan out a menu and shop for it or do you just look at what you have and try to figure out what you can make with what you have?

>> No.20229900

cute handwriting, op

>> No.20229907

i though it was pretty shitty but at least its legible

>> No.20229912

This is like the weekly menu at a group home for adults with mental disabilities.

>> No.20229914

I buy basics and usually have an immediate meal planned for that night/the next day but otherwise plan around how much meat is or will be in my freezer.

>> No.20229922

it has it's privileges

>> No.20229932

I have a deep freezer so i stock up for the month when meat goes on sale, i still have a thanksgiving turkey.
I break the beef and chicken into portions and wrap it in foil then stick them in 1gal freezer bags

>> No.20229940

most of the time I just see what's on sale and plan a meal around it while I'm still in the store. like "oh chicken's on sale, and these mushrooms are a good deal, what can I build around that". or sometimes I get a craving for a particular meal I want to make in the near future. and then when those are made I look around at what ingredients I have left over and come up with something to use them up.
so a bit of both, generally I plan ahead but not like a strict day-by-day itinerary, it's just a feeling of "oh I want to make this sometime in the next week"

>> No.20229948

I could never plan that far ahead so I prefer buying a week or two at the store, but I really could use my deep freezer for more than just the shit I don't eat but don't want to throw away.

>> No.20229950

I look for what's good in the market and buy accordingly.

>> No.20229953

I put my shopping list in my phone like a normal person. If the NSA wants to know what I'm buying for food then they can also see what I'm saying about the jews and glowies

>> No.20229955


we grow/raise most of our food, so we plan meals based on what is ripe, harvested, butchered or preserved, on-hand.

except for Tuesdays.

Tuesdays are for Tacos.

>> No.20229958

I shop online. I buy a bunch of shit then make something with it. Or I might get an idea while I'm shopping and get all the ingredients for it.

>> No.20229976

How do you have time to make all that? Are you just brainstorming?

>> No.20230053

i hate having to keep opening my phone when i'm shopping.
paper is just quicker and easier to cross off items

>> No.20230074
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nope i cook everything from scratch because its the only way i can afford to eat what i want on my budget.
I cook pretty much everything in about 1 hour, things like dough can be made days in advance so i make enough for multiple meal like i make burger buns out of my pizza dough recipe

>> No.20230151
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i miss having a big garden but sometimes it kinda sucked when we had a giant harvest of something like okra by day 3 i'm DONE!

>> No.20230169
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Where is this magical pizza from where the wagies care enough to autistically align the ingredients this way?

>> No.20230182
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i made it and it's autistically aligned like that because i had a existential crisis over whether the peppers or the pepperonis go on first

>> No.20230187

It's really a combination of the two, it's really not one or the other.

>> No.20230191
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Thank you.

>> No.20230193

That looks pretty good especially with some beers.

>> No.20230219
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I almost never plan meals. I just buy deals and keep a stock of seasonal/sale vegetables. Stir fries pretty common. Sometimes I get a nub in my butt for something particular like meat pie or sardine sammie. But like I just keep pounds of chicken wings in the feezer for when I want chicken wings, slices of steak, sausage, etc.
A deep freezer is pretty great
Anon just mad a shasushka post, now I'm inclined to make it tomorrow. I have eggs, peppers, onions, rotel, etc on hand so it's not like I have to go shopping

>> No.20230234

never had it but it looks good but i fear it might look better then it actually is especially for the effort over just making scrambled

>> No.20230241

Phone is easier because the app can be edited a million times without burning through an entire notebook

>> No.20230297

How scatterbrained are you for this to be an issue?

>> No.20230300

it's not really that much effort. I never made it for breakfast cause I rarely eat anything that rich for breakfast, but I make a variation of it with little kefta meatballs for dinner sometimes, it's pretty gud and easy to throw together when you have no other ideas

>> No.20230306

How old are you that taking your phone to the store with you is too demanding?

>> No.20230311

>people use lists at all instead of just relying on memory
the fuck?

>> No.20230368

i've made it many times before, I wouldn't call it breakfast. but I don't eat breakfast generally
it's a nice light dinner/lunch and super quick/easy
literally just cook up some peppers/onions/garlic, dump in canned tomatoes, create divits for eggs, crack in eggs, put on lid and wait 5 minutes
wa la
highly recommend. you can go italian seasoning or curry or cummin or mexican, etc
it's not demanding, it's gay. i keep pads of paper around
>need something
>pick up pad and pencil
>carry and look at
>need something
>pick up phone
>open app
>type in app
>phone locks
>pickup, unlock, open app, etc
I write with a pen faster than I use a phone keyboard + it feels kino while doing anything on my phone annoys me. Sometimes I use my phone if I wanted to make a list without a pad around but I definitely prefer the pad

>> No.20230419

>open app
>type in app
>phone locks
When was the last time you used your phone?

>> No.20230431

i use it all fucking day, I use it all the time. it does things more efficiently than most things
i submit job forms throughout the day, check house blueprints.
but not more efficiently than a notepad and pen
I get texts and read emails and I write down the relevant information on a clipboard I can glance at conveniently
but the weekend, when I'm not working? I don't fucking touch it unless I'm talking to family.

>> No.20230440

i also play nikke, shitpost on 4chan, and browse discord throughout the day while at work on my phone
but those aren't effeciency tasks. grocery shopping is an effeciency task. I'll have my phone in my pocket and a bluetooth earbud playing whatever book I'm on but i'll be reading a notepad thrown in the baby seat
this also applies when supplies shopping for jobs
i fucking hate reading off my phone
my eyes are perfect btw. it's just gay.

>> No.20230441

You use it all "fucking" day, but don't know that it stays on if you don't lock it, and that apps don't close if you don't close them?
So at the store you are doing a full flush of your phone apps after every sentence followed by a lock, and yet I'm to believe you use it all day and know what it's useful for?

>> No.20230444

based. a little penmanship > tiktakking some faggoty ass notes in your phone like a hyperactive adhd riddled zoomhauer

>> No.20230453

I always buy non-perishables in bulk and then shop according to what dishes I want to make for the week.

>> No.20230456

yes i can leave my 600$ phone on with a touch sensitive screen balancing atop vegetables and booze and pick it up with my fat ass fingers desperately not trying to swipe away from google keep while pretending not to care I have 5% battery after 10 hours working construction
I can just carry a tiny fucking notepad I can glance at and shove in my pocket or not care if it's precariously balancing

>> No.20230461

I bet you feel really cool whipping out your pencil at the grocery store huh, really owning the zoomers

>> No.20230465

i used to do this but i descended into schizophrenia and currently only eat snacks like ritz toasted veggie chips

>> No.20230468

i don't need a pencil I already wrote everything down, it's just a thick paper pad to glance at
but yes I'm cooler than zoomers and laugh at the idea of any of you confronting me in real life
hell i even just bought a quest 2, I game all the time. I love tech
but a physical notepad is superior to a phone based one if you're actually doing anything

>> No.20230471

Are you the rich FTM tranny with the pit bull?

>> No.20230503

My menu is barebones, so I just get what I have or will run out of in the coming week. Sometimes, I have a desire for better than average dinners, but I have to make sure I use up all the ingredients for it because it might go bad before I get to use it all.
The joys of living alone... :^(

>> No.20230526

This. I use a little pocket notebook and pen. So much more convenient to write stuff down and cross it off than diddling with a phone. Besides, it's not like I have anything more important that could be going in a pocket notebook.

>> No.20230537

the tricks to living alone are:
make things in big batches and freeze leftovers
buy ingredients that can be used for multiple dishes
use produce that's going bad to make stock

>> No.20230539
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rightt? a pocket notepad is literally a personal obligation diary
a phone is full of everyone elses problems
i literally have a handful of saved pages from notebooks years ago of books/names/etc to followup on that directly relate to me from unique situations
meanwhile my pc backlog is just full of drunk entertainment bullshit that i'll never delete or address

>> No.20230549

>edited a million times without burning through an entire notebook
Again, wtf are you doing? Your grocery list must look like a serial killer's manifesto

>> No.20230565

We plan meals based on what's in season, what's on offer/special/"sale" and what looks good when we go shopping.

>> No.20230806

I'm trying to do this. I pretty much only make omelettes, hamburgers, chicken, pot roast and steak right now. Here's the menu I've been considering:

1. Fried chicken
2. Burrito/Taco/quesadilla
3. Pizza
4. French toast
5. Teriyaki chicken
5. Lemon/lime/orange chicken
6. Chicken Tikka masala
7. Thai chicken curry
8. Egg fried rice
9. Beef stroganoff
10. BBQ ribs
11. Waffles

Idk what else to go for, I'm trying to keep it mostly high protein, high fat, low carb.

>> No.20230829
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I try to stock my fridge with things I'll cook and some things that are ready to eat because my week consists of waking at 6am and getting back home @ 10:30pm due to full time work and school. I can't be assed to meal prep so I just eat at the food trucks during lunch and I have to choose between sleep/study/prepare dinner each night. I usually choose sleep or study so my food ends up expiring in the fridge very often. I'm just throwing money away on shit I never eat until the weekends and sometimes I'm so beat on the weekends I don't restock the fridge with fresh stuff and have to go the whole week with spoiling food in the fridge because I don't have even 15 minutes between work and school (school and work are located on an airfield, not even 5 minute drive from one to the other). I still haven't figured out a menu that works aside from cooking somehting Sunday and having dinner for the next three to four days. I need to buy a lunchbox. I make a mean pasta; secret ingredient = brown sugar.

>> No.20231328
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do you eat pork? because a butt roast is stupid easy to cook and you wind up with +4lbs of meat.
Picrel but there are a lot easier ways to cook it, i just cover with a dry rub then saute some onions in a dutch oven add the butt and a cup of water, cover and bake for 4-5 hours at 275f then another hour uncovered

>> No.20231334

For a minute I thought you meant for running your own restaurant/business.
I hyper-fixate on one dish at a time until I find the quality of what I'm making acceptable. Sometimes that ends up being a couple days, sometimes, a lot fucking longer.
I usually overstock on ingredients for things I anticipate to make repeatedly, otherwise, its just a staple in my pantry/freezer that I can use on the fly.

>> No.20231335

Yeah kinda. I've got around 40-50ish recipes that i make regularly, i got them printed out and laminated. Every saturday i pick out 7 and write down the stuff i need to shop to make them, i then buy it on sundays and then every time i finish making one of the 7 cards i picked then i put it into a new box and i continue like that until the first box is empty. Then i shuffle the second box and do it again. That way i kinda force myself to eat different things every day and make sure i don't just make the same sloppa all week every week. It works alright.

>> No.20231340
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this anon beat me to it >>20230537
big batches but freeze in small portions, a lot of things freeze just fine for a month or two.
If you have veggies like carrots, celery, onions, garlic, mushrooms and peppers going bad just freeze them until you have enough to make broth then freeze the broth in ice cube trays so you can grab out a few to make soup.
Before i started doing this i was wasting so much money that i though home cooking was pointless

>> No.20231343

The latter. It helps that I've refined my repertoire to use many of the same ingredients so it's easy to buy groceries without a meal plan.

>> No.20231344

Here's another, don't knock up or marry some bitch or have babies with it.

>> No.20231347
File: 775 KB, 490x612, Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 06-15-28 butterflied seared chicken with garlic beurre monte sauce - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hyper-fixate on one dish at a time until I find the quality of what I'm making acceptable.
i do this to a fault, i think i ate chili everyday for over a month and i'm still not happy with my butterflied seared chicken with garlic beurre monte sauce, i want a creamy sauce not just melted butter

>> No.20231349

after i started cooking i realized that basically every spice blend was the same spices just in different amounts +/- one spice.

>> No.20231401
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thats like a properly functioning version of my system where i rotate between about 50 recipes based on which ones i remember that week then after awhile i go look at my recipes and think why haven't i made xyz in forever.

>> No.20231411

get behind me satan

>> No.20232200
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>> No.20232220

when you order pizza salami and there’s only one salami
>i send it back

>> No.20232243

>say to myself "tonight/tomorrow i will make thing"
>stop off on the way home to get shit for it
>proceed to make thing

>> No.20232468
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forgot pic

>> No.20232756

kek makes a lot more sense now

>> No.20232762

i have to drive 20min out of the way if i don;'t want my wallet to get ass gaped at publix

>> No.20232766


>> No.20232959
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sucks bro