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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.28 MB, 1149x1500, biffrydberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20217824 No.20217824 [Reply] [Original]

Biff Rydberg: Fried beef, potatoes, and onion with mustard cream sauce.

>> No.20217900

The cream and meat thing is pretty kino.

>> No.20217905

Im swedish and this is my first time hearing about this.
Looks delish but also looks like unmixed hash.

>> No.20217909

I guess I'd eat it.

>> No.20217916

the nordics don't share food so we have no way of knowing

>> No.20217918

Should i go and sit alone in another room while you and your family eat?

>> No.20217929
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>Im swedish and this is my first time hearing about this.

>> No.20217954
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Authentic TexMex

>> No.20217967

Jansson's temptation.

>> No.20219342

What's that dish thats a shrimp sandwich but in cake format? That stuff is delicious. Some of the sweets aren't too bad either.

>> No.20219436

>Biff Rydberg
The dude from Back To the Future?

>> No.20219446


>> No.20219458

Taco or frozen pizza

>> No.20219473

You have never heard of sandwich cake/smörgåstårta?

The Swedes stick shrimp salad to everything.

>> No.20220033

Fläsk w/ potato and löksky is really nice, and don't forget the potatisbullar. Norwegian christmas food is really nice too

>> No.20221040

I've had a few scando dishes, but don't know any snow-speak. I can only call them what they are served like.
There's also a creamy dill sauce with fish and little round mash potatoes ball things that were pretty nice. I am surprised Scandinavian restaurants aren't more popular. Some say theyre bland but the stuff they get right they get really right.

>> No.20221077
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This is so strange to me. My "101%" Swedish grandmother would always invite everyone, their friends and their neighbors to eat with us whenever she could. She was the type that would set an extra place setting just in case someone stopped by and she'd insist they'd come join us. Once it was a doorknocker for some inner-city charity who had never tried pickled herring before, sometimes it would be the widower across the street, or on holidays she'd make sure NOBODY spent Thanksgiving or Christmas alone.
Also she was jolly and squishy and she'd give literally anyone the biggest warmest hugs with a wet smooch on the cheek you'd have to wipe off. You could literally feel the years of rough jaded cynicism slough out of your body as she warmed even the coldest of hearts.
I miss my grandma.

>> No.20221131
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Gravlax med senapsås for me tyvm

>> No.20221132

Are you from the midwest? Something about the climate there deactivated the scandi genes when they moved there

>> No.20221272
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Flygande jacob

>> No.20221792

In the future flying jacob will only be called jacob because everything else will already fly or hover

>> No.20221822

Swedish grandmothers in Sweden do that except with pastries.
>oh I have someone over I must fill the entire freezer with different kinds of cookies, cinnamon buns, raspberry caves just in case
Even at 90 years old it never seems to stop them that no one is going to eat 2 kg of pastries each in one visit.
A lot of the "don't offer food" stuff is just exaggeration by foreigners who don't understand the culture. Someone else's kids being over are usually more along the lines of "ask your parents if they're okay with eating here instead of at home" or you already having eaten when you got there so you just chill in their room watching something off VHS/play games/whatever. Adults who want to grift off food without an invitation might get a cold reception but obviously pals usually get invited to eat if they're around, although one thing I notice is that a large chunk of people will say thanks for the offer but they'll their own dinner plans already.
Listening to older americans it doesn't seem like it was unusual for them either like NYC italians saying that other people's parents would remind them that it was dinner time and if they didn't get home on time they would have nothing to eat until the day after.

>> No.20221848
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I like Palt both the regular and the saltier blood kind.
Milk-stewed macaronis with meatballs/sausage are also way better than they have any right to be.

>> No.20221906

this is very good minus the banana, why do these freaks put banana on everything?

>> No.20221995

I've never actually eaten Flygande Jacob, it always felt like some 70s fad that only stuck around in certain circles, but have eaten banana & chicken curry pizza more out of curiosity than anything else.
Decades ago I got an actually good one where the banana was just a thin crispy layer that just added a bit of sweetness to the dish and basically no texture or strong taste. Then I tried one a couple of years ago and it was a mushy inedible chunk that I had to remove because it was retch-inducing and that was the end of that.
It's not really as common as one would think but more like the one offbeat pizza you might see on a menu but never actually buy.

>> No.20222022

"Seaman's steak" is breddy gud take on your typical pot roast.

Okay. The sandwich cake thing is viewed as a cheap catering / busy hockey mom classic here. The ham and salami version is certainly more common.

>> No.20222043

>It's not really as common as one would think but more like the one offbeat pizza you might see on a menu but never actually buy.
I know and have seen many people order it and who like it without controversy

>> No.20222106
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Spaking of pizza, thank you Norrland.

>> No.20222109
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>Are you from the midwest?
Sure as sugar, anon. It's the best part of the country, I wouldn't want it any different. Comfy, easy-living, down to earth, candidly kind people with a good sense of humor and no-bullshit attitude. I lived out west for a while and I just couldn't get why people were so fake and anxious to others, it's like they were living a fake life and couldn't talk to strangers without pretending they were on a tv show.

>> No.20222610
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>Im swedish

Why do you lie on an anime forum?

>> No.20222613

Shut up with your reddit memes

>> No.20222617

Something like 1/3 of the population of Sweden moved to the US
There are still parts of the US where Swedish is still spoken commonly

>> No.20222621

Lmao, so you are some kind of american?
Please stop lying on imageboards for Japanese cartoons.

>> No.20222628


>> No.20222721

Yeah that doesn't matter though because those people aren't Swedish anymore

>> No.20222748

"Swedish" is both an ethnicity and a nationality. You can be ethnically Swedish and be third generation in another country, or be Swedish because you were raised in the country of Sweden.
It's not that hard to grasp. If a black Somalian has three generations of children in Sweden, those descendents may have Swedish nationality but will never be ethnically Swedish.
This is common sense in the United States.

>> No.20222764
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Same thing can be argued for those who stayed behind

>> No.20222976

>There are still parts of the US where Swedish is still spoken commonly
There are apparently still parts of Sweden where that is the case as well, or so I've been told.

>> No.20223042
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>> No.20223051

Why is everything in this dish so autistically compartmentalized like just throw it all together in a big stew or something wtf is this incel dinner

>> No.20223280

Pizzas have gotten so fucking expensive. 150kr for one with a 33cl drink. I'm gonna eat way less now.

>> No.20223308

thank you
im tired of hearing "we're british too!" from pakis, born to pakis, born to pakis. youre not british and never will be

>> No.20224267

who invented perogies?

>> No.20224272
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For me, it's smalahove.

>> No.20225398


>> No.20225407
File: 641 KB, 683x1024, ChefExcellence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when you could buy those Taco Kits for like 4 crowns

>> No.20225409
