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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20159780 No.20159780 [Reply] [Original]

I dont understand popular coffee culture

why do people line up and pay $7 for bean water and milk? That's enough for a meal. Its too expensive

>> No.20159783

stop being poor, anti-social, and autistic

>> No.20159787

>I don't understand
because you're a thick headed moron

>> No.20159810

I hate coffee dates for this exact reason

>> No.20159813

we hate women and sex-havers

>> No.20159834

I bet you dab your pizza with a napkin don't you?

>> No.20159860

I don't usually, but good coffee equipment costs a lot of money and so does good coffee and milk, the cost of a product is not the cost of the raw ingredients, also most restaurant meals are not anywhere close to $7, unless you live in somalia

I don't think you go on a lot of dates so this should be a non-issue

>> No.20159974

>That's enough for a meal
maybe in a third world country. But not everyone lives in Mexico bro

>> No.20159990

Half that coffee is rent, wages and utilities

>> No.20160003

That's a start but also consider insurance, interest payments, taxes, inventory losses due to spoilage/training/equipment calibration/etc, equipment rental fees, garbage collection, platform fees for marketing/advertising, blah blah blah. Running a restaurant in an area where a coffee shop could even be economically viable (high traffic area where the locals have money) is expensive

>> No.20160005

I suspect that a lot of them have nothing better to do and want to stand in line to be seen, maybe also put it on some company billing. Maybe also come creepy way of picking up chicks or something like that.
A lot of people in cities really have nothing better to do but stand around and be seen, it's all they're good at.

>> No.20160009

>incel moment

>> No.20160021
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Yeah there's nothing I like more than going to the glamorous new coffee shop so I can be photographed by the paparazzi and hit on cute celebrity women, you know the kind who go to sophisticated establishments like Starbucks. As an up and coming young celebrity my agent says it's a necessary use of my time, I need to spend at LEAST an hour a day standing in line at the coffee shop to be seen

>> No.20160022

why there are so many poorfags here lately?

>> No.20160028

Coffee culture is retarded but so is trying to simplify everything to make it sound stupider. LE BEAN WATER!!!! LE DEAD COW?! WHO WOULD PAY FOR LE DEAD COW ON LE CARBOHYDRATES?!?!?!?!

Just shut the fuck up, you're worse than starbucks people.

>> No.20160034

i go to 7am coffee with a bunch of homeless people pooling their ebt together for massive amounts of sugar and creamer. we all sit there for a few hours and i tip the barista with weeed. the coffee is free.

half of us wake up woth the sunrise, i wish coffee was at 6am

>> No.20160036

Kind of like people standing in line for starbucks or subway, they always look like a seriously sad lot, like cattle in line for the slaughter.

>> No.20160037

we are more authentic than them
>*opens another Monster energy drinks and starts browsing Steam*

>> No.20160039

bro why do they drink the carbon water bro what is the appeal

>> No.20160045

>good coffee equipment costs a lot of money
drip coffee is literally cents

>> No.20160052

lol 420 weed dude

>> No.20160112
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someone wanna try explaining 3rd wave coffee to this boomer? just thinking about trying to get him to understand is making me feel exhausted

>> No.20160115

you're finna make poor fags seethe

>> No.20160132

turd worlders. banning SEA/BRICS countries would singlehandedly transform the site quality overnight. but gookmoot needs his ad revenue so it will never happen

>> No.20160155

Biden's economy in full swing

>> No.20160161

I also hate women but I still have sex with them if they let me

I hate myself also

>> No.20160162

unemployment is about as low as it's been in generations, sorry you're such a sperg no one wants to hire you

>> No.20160168

trump passed all the trillion dollar+ covid "recovery" bills that all went into the pockets of fortune 500 companies so they didn't have to suffer a .001% decline in profits, thank him most of all

>> No.20160187

>dude you need this fancy $7000 machine with a million different parts and a small computer to enjoy a beverage people had for centuries
why are coffee drinkers like this?
at least the tea people stay autistic to their little clay teapots and cups

>> No.20160191

I drink coffee I brewed from a cone filter 95% of the time. doesn't mean espresso isn't delicious. imagine that, imagine having the means and the inclination to enjoy and appreciate more than one thing.

>> No.20160277

wasnt espresso invented because people didn't have the time to sit down for a proper cup of coffee?

and why couldnt you just..use less water for the drip coffee. or do it twice

>> No.20160280

That's an espresso machine, not a coffee dripper lol

>> No.20160282

Popular espresso based drinks have as many calories as a meal

>> No.20160295

maybe in the US lmao

>> No.20160313

>wasnt espresso invented because people didn't have the time to sit down for a proper cup of coffee?
yeah and lobster was prisoner food and people used to drown witches and the english language had genders on inanimate objects just like french, turns out things change who knew!

>and why couldnt you just..use less water for the drip coffee. or do it twice
different brew style, espresso uses high pressure and a finer grit and metal mesh, so there's more oils and a different flavor. the beans tend to be roasted differently and there's usually blending to optimize for various desired traits like oils and acidity and stuff. the flavor won't be similar. there's no perfect analogy but maybe something like sherry vs regular wine that just happens to be strong: if all you cared about was getting drunk the differences would matter less if at all

>> No.20160327

lol cheapskate

>> No.20160328


>> No.20160340
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also just brewing drip twice would not taste good, good brewing means extracting the right ratio of chemicals that give flavors people like, with a minimum of extracted chemicals having flavors people don't like, and the sweet spot varies depending on a number of different factors because those chemicals dissolve faster or slower depending on temperature, pressure, and so on

congrats you evaded the ban

>> No.20160354

Addiction to caffeine and/or sugar.

>> No.20160383

tl;dr addicts are retards without self control.

>> No.20160406

>That's enough for a meal
Fuck you, bot

>> No.20160410

>single mother energy

>> No.20160442

>I dont understand
Could have stopped there, mate.

>> No.20160446
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>enough for a meal
Not in Biden Kikemerica where trillions if dollars are printed for trans kids and war.

>> No.20160460

No they fucking don’t? Espresso makes you shit yourself it’s not fattening at all. It’s 1% espresso in those drinks maybe then the rest is 3/4ths of a gallon of sugary flavor syrup and whipped cream and chocolate chunks and slop

>> No.20160531

It's a luxury. Think about. "Craft" coffee is the definition of a luxury. No big deal if you cannot afford a luxury. Just get some cheaper coffee. There's plenty of brands to choose from!

>> No.20160547
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to be fair there's like 15 calories in a shot of espresso just from the oils

>> No.20160571

This board is about everything other than "food & cooking."

>> No.20160728

holy shit you're retarded

>> No.20160790

shit like this is a great argument for placing all incels in internment camps until further notice

>> No.20160817

A lot of it is posturing and being easily duped.
The type of people who identify with brands and see what they consume as a sign of status.
Try not to question it too much.
You'll never get a meaningful answer from them.

>> No.20160819

Wouldn't it just be easier and cheaper to just get them laid?

>> No.20161144

This is bad because?

>> No.20161896

>not everyone lives in Mexico
Man, ain't that the truth. I ate lunch for seven bucks yesterday, a pretty substantial meal at that. From where? Taco Bell.

>> No.20161910

This is bad because?

>> No.20161917

Man there sure is a lot of anti-autistic bigotry in this thread…you ever tried sucking my dick?

>> No.20161920

I’d like to see you try

>> No.20162216


>> No.20162447


t. fierce advocate for trans kids

>> No.20162529

And you don't think that seed oil and sugary cream and chocolate slop is calorie dense? A cup of decent 100% arabica black coffee will pair well with whatever you're eating.

>> No.20162540

Espresso has no calories. your statement about “espresso based drinks” being bad for you is incorrect. Piles of synthetic plastic sugar are.

>> No.20162561

plastic sugar?

>> No.20162584

>if we stop counting it doesn't exist

>> No.20162706

>Espresso makes you shit yourself

Your body is weak

>> No.20162817

I found the rest of OPs image and it wasn't very funny

>> No.20162824

>bean water
E-pic. We're all atoms XD

>> No.20162857
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>> No.20162865
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Some we live in a society bullshit, but the illusion has been shattered for many. The pact has been too far damaged, likely broken.

>> No.20163067

they pay to pretend it's "just a coffee"

they'd be disgusted with themselves if they made it the same at home.

also, even the shittiest grinder costs more than a drink from a cafe, and NPCs WILL NOT amortize most things

>> No.20163078
File: 110 KB, 850x1122, IMG_7176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meet at a very queer cafe where the entire basement is a canvas and there's pinball down there, and lots of other pinball nearby, and other stuff it's in a city. The cafe always has three different single-origin roasts. i go for the light, black. my favorite barista chats with me sometimes at other places we both happen to be at

>> No.20163082

>if they let me

>> No.20163084

and the least blatant fed award goes to:

>> No.20163092

>most restaurant meals are not anywhere close to $7, unless you live in somalia

What is this, 2015? I can hit $7 ordering from a fucking mcd value menu.

>> No.20163335

I'm completely confused by your post. Did McDonalds prices go down? I haven't been inside a McDonalds in about 20 years

>> No.20163435

Because society is built on consensual transactions

>> No.20163563

filter coffee costs a few cents, milk costs a few cents.
it does not make any sense that there are so many huge chains and independent companies, all over the world, that charge multiple dollars per cup for the convenience of getting the local goth chicks and hipster manlets to press some buttons on some machines for you.

I believe starbucks et al. are generally used by investment banks to perform intranational laundry and to artificially inflate the service economy to sell more bonds

>> No.20163610

>filter coffee costs a few cents, milk costs a few cents.
I don't know what kind of nasty, fucked up coffee you're drinking, but for home use, I buy pretty good single-origin coffee and brew it in my kitchen, and the cost per cup is about $0.75-$1.00. Milk would be about $0.25 for an average latte but I don't do milk. This is an estimate of the raw ingredient costs, so figure on about $1.00-$1.25 total for the part that goes directly into the cup, ignoring losses due to continuous grind recalibration (which eats up more than you think, if you care about the shot quality at all) and similar production overheads.

Granted starbucks uses absolute trash-tier McDonalds-grade garbage beans so you can probably cut those numbers in half, but the point is, 500% markup from the raw ingredient cost is pretty reasonable for restaurant economics, especially considering they can't serve wine which is a major profit center for legit sitdown joints

>> No.20163890

I ran the numbers, you're actually correct. I guess I just don't like coffee that much.

>> No.20164107

its bean water and steamed milk

>> No.20164125

U are bean water and curdled milk

>> No.20164385

Wat city?

>> No.20164930


>> No.20164947

>very queer cafe
Is it one of those places where unless you have blue or purple hair and several nails through your face you get a judgmental staredown and the staff loudly talks about their unpleasant dates with people who were "still in the closet" (translation: normal hair and no nails through the face) while occasionally giving you the death stare from across the room? I love those accepting and kind safe spaces for queers! Just goes to show you we're like one big family! (drop the L, G, B, or T, depending on which ones you're not)

>> No.20164975

all kinds of people go there. it's very popular and one of the only coffee shops in the area open late

your scenario is completely fictional, at least around here. even at goth things, no one cares how anyone is dressed. Some show up in business casual.

>> No.20165000

It is not at all fictional, but it's understandable why people who look like that act like that since they have been ostracized and excluded by people who look like me all their lives. It's why in bigger cities there are queer spaces for all the different cliques even the normies, jocks, and trads. Just like high school except everyone's going to end up in the same gas chamber if MAGA wins, so in the end we should all just get along.

Anyway I didn't mean your specific cafes, but it is definitely a thing.

>> No.20165025

>at least the tea people stay autistic to their little clay teapots and cups
Listen, buddy. We get our boil temps, sugar, milk, lemon, and other autisms. Don't even get us started on green, black, red, white, and herbal tea differences. Some don't consider herbal tea to be tea at all.

Coffee is good with milk and sugar, mostly milk and sugar. Its good in tiramisu however.

>> No.20165034
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>sugar, milk, lemon
absolutamente asqueroso

>> No.20165045

>why do people line up and pay $7 for bean water and milk?

no one is doing this though and nowhere charges that much. the only drinks that come that high in price are drinks that require multiple different processes to complete

if you're paying more than $3 for a cup of coffee with milk and sugar (in any orientation, latte, etc.) youre getting cucked

>> No.20165057

>Some don't consider herbal tea to be tea at all.
they arent. If they are 'tea', then you might as well consider steeped coffee as 'tea' too.

>> No.20165065

Theres pine needle tea, and thistle tea, and nettle tea. What are those then, tough guy?

>> No.20165071

those are not tea. Its like calling blended almond water almond 'milk'. Its not fucking milk. And those are not teas. They are tisanes.

>> No.20165086

Well who poured soymilk into your coffee?

>> No.20165089

Uh huh, I'm sure it is. You can always tell when people barely spend any time outside

>> No.20165091

where is the soy cow that produces soymilk from its teats?

>> No.20165130

Right next to the manga cow that makes milk of magnesia

>> No.20165131
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Bit drama queen of me to use in this context but picrel expresses the basic concept of what you're doing right now, obviously it's understandable, you're a traumatized people, goth queers probably have to put up with a lot of bullshit in the midwest, but anyway yes touch grass incel log off I'm a bot this is my brain on 4chan, etc. I know. It's fine.

>> No.20165136

Nooo but that's different!

>> No.20165273

It's not just dirty bean water, it's special source, fair trade, ethical torture, farmer handjob friendly beans, slow roasted until black enough it qualifies to be a DEI hire, and then ground into a fine powder with the best drug making equipment money can buy. It is then pressure blasted with spring mountain water that totally isn't local tap water you guise, to make a dirty bean soup, which a nut slurry fluid is added to for creaming purposes. Add pumps of artificial vanillin to mask the bitterness of the dirt, and then a slather of beaten fake cream is added to the top as a garnish. All from someone who has a useless college degree.

THAT is why shit is $10 per drink.

>> No.20165280

>herbal tea
Uhh, buddy, we call those tisanes round these here parts

>> No.20165620

Its insane how coffee is one of the few things where it's actually just cheaper to make it yourself. Making your own latte costs less and is quicker than getting a $1.5 7/11 latte from the espresso machine.

>> No.20165653

artisanal coffee is so pretentious if i could roll my eyes 360 degrees i would

its like meeting a vegan. but for drinks

>> No.20165665

since when

>> No.20165789

uhh, buddy, kill yourself

>> No.20165822

Social contract? I didn't sign anything!

>> No.20165838

i don't get this comic. what is the writer trying to make fun of, in regards to what the white man is doing?

>> No.20165841

bruh thats the only reason to go to a coffee shop unless you really need caffeine quick and couldn't get any at home

>> No.20165881

Do you do it raw in the basement?

>> No.20165959

Since forever

>> No.20165975
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>stand around and be seen

>> No.20166032

coffee dates are superior to dinner dates

>> No.20166036

the staff would not allow that, and there's a camera on one side and people constantly coming down to use the very punk toilets

>> No.20166041

It's all the addicts that need their next hit.

>> No.20166053

i really think its some twisted social-peacocking thing. Like going to a really fancy/hipster cafe just so you can post it on social media. Its less about the drink and more about 'look at me im so cool'. You dont see the same trend with tea. Yes there are dedicated teahouses but they are exceedingly rare in number when compared to cafes.

So, in conclusion, all cafes should be nuked.

>> No.20166144

mental illness

>> No.20166147

>has no actual reply except a personal attack
i accept your concession

>> No.20166148

>reverts to ad hominem
You just lost, mate.

>> No.20166178

You don't drink coffee, it's obvious. Pourovers are definitely cheaper to make at home and better because most baristas don't pay enough attention because they can crank out more bar drinks in that time instead of dicking around with a gooseneck for 5 minutes while the line builds up. You just need a $200 grinder and a $60 kettle and you're good to go.

Espresso drinks are in no way cheaper to make at home unless you're making coffee for a family of 20. A passable espresso grinder costs $400 MINIMUM and then there's the espresso machine and I don't think you can wrap your head around what those cost. And then there's the constant recalibration that requires you to burn through beans that get wasted.

You can certainly make something that superficially resembles a latte with cheap consumer-grade gear but it's not the same beverage.

t. worked as a barista for a few years in college, used to have some home espresso gear before I gave it up because it couldn't hold a candle to the real thing

>> No.20166179

Most of it is NPC programming, they line up for coffee because that's what they're supposed to do as a daily ritual also to show which class/caste they belong to by where they get coffee

>> No.20166195

I won't say anything unless I find out what kind of FED the bastard boomer was.

>> No.20166444

This is bad because?

>> No.20166457

if you mix coffee with milk or sugar you're a fag

>> No.20166472

Nobody unironically says "tisanes" because its a stupid word.

>> No.20166476

>espresso-based drink
Nigga what the fuck are you talking about, an espresso is an espresso. I seriously hope you aren't lumping things like an espresso martini in with coffee
>as many calories as a meal
??? Coffee should be under 50 cal, what fucking coffee are you drinking

>> No.20166688

>A passable espresso grinder costs $400 MINIMUM and then there's the espresso machine and I don't think you can wrap your head around what those cost.
>And then there's the constant recalibration that requires you to burn through beans that get wasted.
Lmao even. You were a mcdonald's tier wagie. You served shitty coffee at the shop, you made shitty coffee at home.