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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 279 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20140638 No.20140638 [Reply] [Original]

Picrel is Amerimutt lands greatest culinary innovation.
Not even shitting on America here, it's unironically delicious. Wish I could get the seasoning pack in Europe.

>> No.20140646

You are welcome yurocuck. I will take one beej as repayment. *unzips* ignore the smeg btw

>> No.20140647

eurocucks would crawl through a sewer of human shit to suck down one oz of our worst ranch that flows straight from the tip of my dick to the back of your throat

>> No.20140649

Fuck yeaaahhhh, they are gay little cocksuckers for our semen sauces lmao

>> No.20140656

>Wish I could get the seasoning pack in Europe
the valley stays hidden, don't even try

>> No.20140659

>garlic powder
>onion powder
>dried chives
>dried parsley
Add that to a mix of mayo and sour cream/buttermilk (depending on how thick you want it). You're welcome.

>> No.20140661

There are plenty of recipes, I'm sure you can make it from scratch, that's what my dad does since he moved back to Eurp

>> No.20140663

i prefer the powder packets

>> No.20140687

Tastes just like sour mayo. Expected it at least to taste slightly like remoulade or something similar but it has no actual flavour.

>> No.20141100

I hate to admit it but it is actually really good

>> No.20141187

Do euros know the hidden combo of ranch as pizza dip?

>> No.20141198

This nigga fucks

>> No.20141209

Mutt. Homosexual coomer. Checks out. Only forgot the BBC reference.

>> No.20141229

i never had american ranch but my family always made something we'd just call garlic sauce that was used for fries, pizza, wings etc. it was just sour cream and mayo with garlic powder, herbs, bit of sugar, maggi and salt&pepper which seems pretty similar to most ranch recipes i can find online

>> No.20141255

I like adding the ranch seasoning to greek yogurt; makes for a great veggie dip that gives you a decent amount of protein.

>> No.20141260

Name one (1) situation where ranch outperforms garlic aioli.

>> No.20141265

Making ranch yourself with the mix is one of those things that is easy and makes your salads way way fucking better. There is no excuse /ck/

>> No.20141272

Dill is one of the main herbs for ranch. Be sure to use it

>> No.20141307

Buffalo / BBQ Wings

>> No.20141317

what? since when is sour mayo overwhelmingly zesty?

>> No.20141322 [DELETED] 

There's nothing like waking up hungover on Sunday morning with an empty pizza box and an empty bottle of ranch

>> No.20141355
File: 43 KB, 1200x900, Ranch-Dressing-Ingredients-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand why it got so much hate its really not much different then a bunch of other dip/dressing like tzatziki

>> No.20141364

Except its way better because it doesnt have icky yogurt in it

>> No.20141375

I cannot help myself if there are baby carrots and ranch I will just keep eating forever

>> No.20141381

Those aren't baby carrots you're eating, Anon
They're full-size carrots that have been whittled down with a lathe
They're lathed carrot segments
You're eating segmented carrots, Anon

>> No.20141415
File: 13 KB, 360x360, ranch-dressing-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets the hate because of its association with lardasses, overuse in shitty restaurants, and insane ubiquity.

>> No.20141417

Bc op pic first ingredient is oil. Sugar not far down. It’s a lot of calories, mostly fat.

>> No.20141419

yeah, i do. my grandma would grow dill, parsley and chives in her garden and then freeze them when they were out of season so we always had plenty. the sauce we made was basically this >>20141355 but without the buttermilk or onion powder

>> No.20141428

>first ingredient is oil
Um, anon, have you read the ingredients of any other sauce or salad dressing in the last two decades?

>> No.20141929

Tzatziki is much lower in fat content and is made with fresh ingredients.

>> No.20141943

You forgot the dill, dillhole.

>> No.20141964

its a mayo based condiment of course the first ingredient is oil

>> No.20142055
File: 279 KB, 1536x2048, p10058511_i_v10_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be surprised to learn that in America, the laws regarding food are generally written by the food producers and most consoomershave the IQ of a spare tire (tyre). Fresh stuff costs more, so let's go with de/rehydrated, hfcs, trans fats, red dye number 6.02^^23, wyngs, and other crimes against humanity.

>> No.20142097
File: 124 KB, 800x600, 20200916_125905_HDR_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its made with greek yogurt vs ranch with buttermilk so if anything they are equal in fat content and i honestly don't get how you eurotards can't grasp that America is a agricultural powerhouse and the produce section in our grocery stores are bigger then your entire grocery stores.
Plus who the fuck doesn't have a herb garden with dill, parsley, chives and garlic etc. growing?

>> No.20142134

>Plus who the fuck doesn't have a herb garden with dill, parsley, chives and garlic etc. growing
Every single wal-shart shopper. Ever.

>> No.20142145

Once you go homemade buttermilk ranch you never go back

>> No.20142198

Ranch is made with mayo and a hint of buttermilk. Tzatzki is made with 10% fat yoghurt and some olive oil.

>> No.20142776

To be fair, there is nothing stopping you from taking the ranch seasonings and adding them to greek yogurt; I do that all the time to make a veggie dip. It works well as a sauce for certain grilled meats.

>> No.20142794

>yurocuck brings up black cocks completely unprompted while pretending it's americans that are obsessed
Checks out

>> No.20142798

>no u are mutts law

>> No.20142800

You literally are in this case Sven

>> No.20142803

just take the L with dignity juan

>> No.20142808

Feel free to point out where in either of those posts niggers are mentioned and then ask yourself why you felt the need to bring them up Jens

>> No.20142816

>cant read
ah okay have a bix nood muhfugga

>> No.20142818

Delusion isn't healthy Hans

>> No.20142824

Trabajo aqui nunca okay? No breako

>> No.20142825

Thank you, eurofag. At least you're willing to admit greatness when you recognize it.

>> No.20142828

Concession accepted, yurocuck's law upheld

>> No.20142831

>no u are mutts law
your translator broke juanita

>> No.20142838

You don't have to keep cope replying Lars, it's gonna be okay

>> No.20142844

I already won, cease the mutt posting from now on okay. White people don't do that. And back to work nunca otherwise I o no payo you o. I oh call oh ice oh

>> No.20142846

You won by bringing up nigger dicks for no reason and then going "nuh uh"?

>> No.20142847

I won since you can't speak and read ingles.

>> No.20142849

That's literally what happened though, nobody mentioned blacks but you

>> No.20142856

>point out mutts immediately acted gay
>point out all that misses is their incessant bbc posting
>"no u are mutts law"
sorry juan, its terminal, dont need a braino to work o the lawn o. you o know o whatto? here is o some dollaro for burrito, arriba arriba

>> No.20142861

Ranch is the best thing to dip fries into.
Thank you America.

>> No.20142864

>dumb yurocuck doesn't even know the meme he's spouting
>is so far up his own ass he can't comprehend that he literally became the subject of the joke he tried to make
Jesus christ lmao

>> No.20142865

How common is ranch as a freedom fry dip though.

>> No.20142870

>agricultural powerhouse
>growing nothing but corn
lol, lmao

>> No.20142871

>no u are mutts law
uhuh, i won, you are going in circles. in el circle vamonos you

>> No.20142873

You should really learn what phrases mean before using them ESL-kun

>> No.20142875

>no u are esl

>> No.20142877


>> No.20142880

I accept this confirmation of you being brown as concession. Have a good day chico.

>> No.20142886

Keep that yurocuck's law going Klaus, godspeed

>> No.20142889

>no u are mutts law

>> No.20142891

Yes, literally

>> No.20142894


>> No.20142897

I know you don't actually know what it is and that's what makes this funny

>> No.20142901


>> No.20142903

Concession accepted

>> No.20142908

>69th post
I already won

>> No.20142911

Cope harder

>> No.20142915
File: 91 KB, 947x653, 1706281137048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avocados number

>> No.20142918

I can't imagine you can do that mutt.

>> No.20142919

Your ESL is showing Jari

>> No.20142922

>no u are the esl

>> No.20142927

>maybe if I seethe again

>> No.20142933

>no u

>> No.20142936

>no u

>> No.20142941


>> No.20142943


>> No.20142944

i won

>> No.20142948

lol no

>> No.20143023
File: 879 KB, 766x430, Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 10-40-19 walmart garden center - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America exports rice to china ffs
also every walmart has a garden center that bigger then your grocery store

>> No.20143034
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, oe93f6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, our greatest culinary invention is nacho cheese dip.

>> No.20143098
File: 397 KB, 766x564, Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11-05-01 america's top agricultural products - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think you tards were baiting but now i'm convinced you really don't have any concept of America nor do you realize we export food to almost every country on the planet including yours

>> No.20143103

hmmm hay

>> No.20143106

Please mr America, deliver your corn, soy and wheat to us, please.

>> No.20143122

Stop you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.20143161
File: 790 KB, 1080x687, DSCN1639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny coming from someone that's never had a actual garden fresh vegetable in their life.

>> No.20143180

False. The bottle stuff is poopshits. Prepared from the packet mix is the way to go. I figured that out the hard way.
t. yuro living in America who only had ranch for the first time a few years ago and thought it was great so he went to the grocery store to buy a bottle of ranch and it tasted like shit then the girl who had him try ranch time him it had to be hidden valley but he bought wishbone so he went back to the store and bought a bottle of hidden valley but it was still shit and the girl told him it had to be there owner so he bought the packet and everything was right in the world

>> No.20143196

well said...kinda

>> No.20143223

Yeah, fucked up autocorrect notwithstanding, there point is that the HV packet is good and everything else tastes like bonobo taint.

>> No.20143273

Love me some garden fresh corn, wheat and soy. Sadly we rather plant actual vegetables like potatoes, onions or cabbage here.

>> No.20143415
File: 818 KB, 1080x810, DSCN1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally posted a pic of my garden and you can't even identify the vegetables in the pic, I'll give you a hint this ain't corn.

>> No.20143420

It's hay, the top crop 'round here. Yessirreeh we love us some hay to export.

>> No.20143438
File: 648 KB, 1080x810, DSCN1693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any clue what any of these are?
also America is the 5th largest potato producer not that is anything to brag about

>> No.20143441

esl moment

>> No.20143453
File: 691 KB, 1080x810, DSCN2359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you not eat beef? hay is just dried grass as in "grass fed cattle" during the winter months when the grass isn't growing.
You really need to get out of the city more and go touch grass.

>> No.20143798

Based packet knowing gf

>> No.20143822
File: 399 KB, 414x834, big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Packets kneel.

>> No.20143839
File: 463 KB, 1080x681, ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't bother buy things i can make.
this recipe is solid but i add a ts of garlic powder and double the dill and black pepper.

>> No.20143847

Nice, saved.

>> No.20145724

we actually produce everything domestically and dont need any of your gmo garbage

>> No.20146249

You're acting retarded and I can't figure out why.

>> No.20146497

doubt unless your diet is basic as fuck, America has every growing climate which is pretty rare and i can't think of another country that does

>> No.20146535

>think of another country that does
Russia. They have every ecosystem imaginable from rain forests to deserts to steppes to tundra to everything in between.

>> No.20146579

bruh they don't grow bananas in Russia but you're right that they are the next best but still no where even close to America

>> No.20146660

>they don't grow bananas in Russia
They do, though in any great quantity. Otherwise, they wouldn't cost like 1500r/kg

>> No.20147369
File: 540 KB, 1080x810, IMG_20240127_175728862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capital DOUBT X
i know exactly what it take to grow bananas in a cooler climate not a freezing one just cool like 50f and they don't like it one bit, basically all i can do is kinda keep them alive but not a chance of them fruiting.

>> No.20147565

>cooler climate

>> No.20147633
File: 35 KB, 600x272, FATFARM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish I could get the seasoning pack in Europe.
There's this thing...called the interweebs.
You can have like 20 2 packs shipped to you for under $40.
The different store brand varieties like Kroger and possibly even Wal-mart are just as good usually. The secret is good buttermilk, (NOT regular whole milk, but that is passable,) and a high quality mayonnaise.
Made fresh like this yields a end result that is far superior to the bottled shit, or even the pre-made that seems to be the trend in the chilled produce section here. IDKW, it still has that shitty preservative taste. Good restaurants still mix up their ranch like this instead of using the gallon jugs or portion-pak "barrels"
>Peppercorn ranch= Add FRESH coarse ground pepper
>Sriracha ranch=a good long squit or two of Sriracha
>Parmesan Ranch...You get it by now.
I don't understand how fucking lazy people are to not even take the fucking 5 minutes it takes to make quality dressings and/or condiments.

Just as a "Vibe check", I'd like to know how many ITT know how to make a simple vinaigrette?
Doesn't have to be super involved, just a simple OIL, Vinegar, Herbs/lillys and possibly juice(s)
No judgement--Powders are acceptable, as are other preparations.

Seriously, Who makes their own here?

>> No.20147664
File: 131 KB, 813x767, MILKWALKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your family made a superior product.
Adding the seasonings, or the ranch pack to sour cream or greek yogurt makes it "Dip" but there's nothing wrong with then taking that "Dip", putting some in a separate container like a shaker bottle. and thinning it with a little wholemilk or buttermilk.
>Dill is one of the main herbs for ranch. Be sure to use it
Russian detected-Why do you guys put dill on вcё??

>> No.20147677
File: 13 KB, 228x221, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The secret is good buttermilk
i use powdered buttermilk rehydrated with regular ass milk because i don't have to many uses for buttermilk so i can't justify buying.

one important thing to remember is when making it from scratch you need to make it ahead of time to let the flavors meld. a few hours minimum but overnight is better

>> No.20147681
File: 63 KB, 538x290, No KNIFE!!...NO CATS!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schrödinger's pun
This didn't get the (you)s it deserved

>> No.20147704
File: 532 KB, 400x300, Level-UP!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really need to get out of the city more and go touch grass.
Missed opportunity there.
BASED Recipe poaster

>> No.20147713

I've used this before too. Good tip,
I always give myself about 3 hours lead time on ranch.

>> No.20147725

This is because you are likely using much better quality milk and mayo than they

>> No.20147733

maybe, but i think it's also the preservatives they put in the bottled ranch to make it shelf-stable that make it taste "off"

>> No.20147766
File: 112 KB, 415x416, Double-Cheffed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double Cheffed
That's really all it is.

>> No.20147771

it just tastes like soybean oil

>> No.20147819

>Missed opportunity there.
touch hay?

>> No.20147835
File: 966 KB, 480x270, HAYYYYYY!!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the One...
Or perhaps MAKE HAY.

>> No.20147837

>Picrel is Amerimutt lands greatest culinary innovation.
Not at all, American are the leading party when it comes to industrial cooking.

>> No.20148888

>whats a greenhouse

>> No.20149746
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, It's Fucking RAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pain in the ass and unless you're controlling the lighting, barometric pressure and oxygen levels plants won't thrive or even grow.
For example look at what it takes to grow cocaine outside of south America, it's cheaper to buy and staff a entire plantation in Colombia then it is to recreate the growing environment and that's just to get it to grow not even flower

>> No.20149753

Can't believe this thread is still up.

>> No.20149757

>it's cheaper to buy and staff a entire plantation in Colombia then it is to recreate the growing environment and that's just to get it to grow not even flower
In no small part because police in more develop countries tend to raid and destroy the greenhouses.

>> No.20149768

that escalated quickly

>> No.20149827
File: 691 KB, 1080x810, DSCN1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry it's my fault
i just get kinda pissed when yurotards say Americans don't eat vegetables when they can't identify a single plant in my garden

>> No.20150340

you can easily create it yourself.
Seasoning mix seem to contain:

Maltodextrin, Buttermilk, Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Garlic*, Onion*, Lactic Acid, Calcium Lactate, Spices, Citric Acid, Less Than 1% Of: Calcium Stearate, Artificial Flavor, Xanthan Gum, Carboxymethylcellulose, Guar Gum, Natural Flavor. *Dried

Maltodextrin as the first ingredient is pretty concerning tho. it's really unhealthy. but not surprised with american products.

never tried ranch, but it just looks like regular "Slasaus" (the shit we put in salads in the Netherlands) with some added garlic and onion. nothing special

>> No.20150416

I made some buttermilk ranch with all fresh herbs and damn it tasted good with my chicken tender food product.

>> No.20150515

Where's a pic of your garden?
I'm Yuro in America and I have to say that it, for the most part, is true that Americans don't eat vegetables. Not many, anyway, and certainly not in any great variety. People grow rather incredible when I tell them I say close to a kilo of produce daily
By whatevs: garden pics?

>> No.20150521

Oh wait, is that it? I see peppers, squash of some sort and some corn. There's lots of others but I can't tell from that distance. Looks lovely and I'm jealous.

>> No.20150873
File: 133 KB, 956x1280, kensranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden valley is crap...try a superior ranch dressing

>> No.20150895

You eat 15 pounds of vegetables a week? What are you, a vegetarian?

>> No.20150973

This stuff is a ranch secret weapon if you want to make dip or some powder on top of things like potato chips or fried food. You can also use it to make some buttermilk to make chicken.

>> No.20151093
File: 562 KB, 1080x810, DSCN2131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it's mine from my last house (i try not to dox my current location)
yellow squash, butternut squash
lettuce-many kinds
water melons
pepper- banana,jalapeno, bell, Hungarian wax, cayenne
snow peas, snap peas
green beans
dill, sage, mint, oregano, parsley

>> No.20151155

No. I had leftover fried chicken for breakfast, actually. I'm just from a very veg-forward part of the world, is all. And when it gets cooked down, it's not as daunting as you would think.
Only ate about 700g today or so, most recently a handful of baby carrots because I was still hungry after dinner (red bell pepper bisque and grilled cheese, which included about a half pound each of red bell peppers and onion, split three ways). Lunch was macaroni and cheese with kale and caramelized onion and some horrible shit a vegan neighbour gave us called Quorn.
I had a banana and two oranges at different points in the day.

In the foreground, yeah? I wasn't sure if that was parsley, herb celery or lovage. I fucking love lovage.
I want to grow lovage but I'm shit at starting from seed and I can't find seedlings for sale. : (

>> No.20151170

Oh hey, look! It's future scientist astronaut man!

>> No.20151211

You may be surprised to learn that not everyone is as narcissistic as you

>> No.20151219
File: 668 KB, 1080x810, DSCN1725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly never heard of it before but now i'm interested, i wonder if its just called something different colloquially?

>> No.20151261

it's nice because it doesn't water down dips like regular buttermilk, i add a little to my coleslaw

>> No.20152701

afaik, lovage is the only English language word for the stuff

>> No.20152724

Lovage is only really used with soups though. It grows very easily similar to parsley and even looks like it.

>> No.20152938

>only really used with soups though
I put it in my roast chicken and some sauces and gravies.

>> No.20152958

If it wasn't for America, you silly eurosissies would be starving in the streets.

>> No.20152994

did you not actually inspect this before sending it? lol

>> No.20153049
File: 448 KB, 728x450, Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 12-09-43 does florida grow all the potatoes for lays - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. most common means that is the only thing that's grown there in mass
Florida produces the lions share of potatoes for Lay's but its not our top crop so its not on that map.
Are you starting to understand yet?
We export rice to china ffs

>> No.20153057

This basically. It's a sneed oil drink for fat Americans. Gives you the illusion of saturated fat without the satiety or health benefits. I hecking love liver and cell toxicity sauce!!!

>> No.20153085
File: 215 KB, 1088x1500, 9135hF8MOrL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this pic
>just add sour cream
in the bottom left, also sugar is no where on the ingredient list.

>> No.20153095

Now let's see the ingredients list

>> No.20153104

I'm sure it's awful lmao but having had shit like >>20143839, I can tell you that it at least tastes nice. Artificial junk every now and again is no great sin. When it makes a significant portion of your diet is when you've got a problem. Also, even >>20143822 doesn't taste as good as >>20153085

>> No.20153109

sure but you're too retarded to understand what you're actually reading so you'll sperg out at big words and scary sounding things like " Lactic acid" oh no dried milk!

> Maltodextrin, Buttermilk, Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Garlic*, Onion*, Lactic Acid, Calcium Lactate, Spices, Citric Acid, Less Than 1% Of: Calcium Stearate, Artificial Flavor, Xanthan Gum, Carboxymethylcellulose, Guar Gum, Natural Flavor. *Dried

>> No.20153113

Lol! Literal sugar

Oh no no no no

>> No.20153143

see what did i say "too retarded"
its a carb yea but so are potatoes also you eat it way more then you think because it is irreplaceable in most recipes as its the only way to powder a fat

>> No.20153153
File: 684 KB, 220x275, 1653249532843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no no no no
> brags about eating vegetables
>won't eat cellulose
oh bud do i have a surprise for you

>> No.20153417

Can someone explain why we don't see american dressings in the european market? it's not like europeans don't eat salads or vegetables and I feel like they would become popular quite fast.

>> No.20153419
File: 98 KB, 750x755, 1705547969717539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dugg

>> No.20153424

>Can someone explain why we don't see american dressings in the european market?
I'm pretty sure some of it is not legally safe for humans there.

>> No.20153561

they'd just switch out the ingredients like with ketchup

>> No.20153609

Difference in tastes. Same reason you don't see Panna Chef or Vegemite in American stores.

>> No.20153638

There are no niches. I don't know what should be replaced by ranch. Remoulade, tartare, tzatziki?

>> No.20153647

That's not what you think it is.

>> No.20153692

I think it’s trash I prefer a good vinaigrette. We hit our salads with olive oil, lemon, lime, salt, and pepper. If you’re eating fresh product you don’t need to mask it with “ranch”. Bleu cheese is better on wings too.

>> No.20153990

i do though, is there some reason that forginers can't comprehend that thousands of their countrymen leave and move to America every year? My Publix has a whole section of just Polish food and 1/8th of a aisle of British products

>> No.20153991

In the US stores generally carry either Marmite or Vegemite, but never both

>> No.20153995
File: 419 KB, 438x611, Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 17-52-10 tartar sauce recipe - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a dick you know he's talking about tartar sauce which really isn't that far off from ranch

>> No.20154006
File: 480 KB, 385x632, Lighthouse ranch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg you all
the mix packets, or getting your own mix of herbs to make it fresh is obviously top tier
but if you HAVE to buy it premade, get something like this that needs to be refrigerated
without the preservatives that mute flavors and it has sour cream for a superior creamy texture

it's only a dollar or two more and is VASTLY superior

>> No.20154046

>I prefer a good vinaigrette
so oil, vinegar, lemon, salt... do you know what happens if you add just one egg yolk to that and whisk it? you made mayo and you really don't even need the egg if you use mustard powder.
you tards are more caught up on the notion that American food is unhealthy that you don't realize you're eating the exact same thing

>> No.20154048

>do you know what happens if you add just one egg yolk to that and whisk it?
It becomes a whole different dish, like adding pasta do a sauce.

>> No.20154062

you're being pedantic
the difference between a vinaigrette and a mayo dressing is a matter of whisking it. It doesn't turn it into some unhealthy American abomination just because it was emulsified especially since emulsification is half of French cuisines claim to fame

>> No.20154077

I'm not even the same anon, but adding Mayo to vinaigrette creates something very different, it's pretty normal for someone that like vinaigrette to really not like this.

>It doesn't turn it into some unhealthy American abomination
American cuisine is literally about this, picking a proper dish and Americanizing it.

>> No.20154105

>It doesn't turn it into some unhealthy American abomination
Let me try to explain this a bit more, since my post was vague.

To americanize some food is to make it better fit the American taste and customs, it generally happen in two ways. First by replacing foreign ingredients with more typical ones (German sausages for American sausages, some European cheese for cheddar or Craft cheese). Second by adding lots of sugar and fat to the recipe, adding Mayo is the better example possible of doing this.

>> No.20154107

>adding Mayo to vinaigrette
ffs vinaigrette is mayo. go grab a stick blender and stick it in a vinaigrette and see what happens...it turns into a creamy dressing. Sure it might split pretty quickly without mustard powder to bind it but its still the same thing

>> No.20154111

Milk is not butter.

>> No.20154123

>VASTLY superior
Tastes like poopshits. You like the taste of poopshits. Enjoy your poopshits. I'm be having >>20153085

>> No.20154124
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>Americanize it by replacing European cheese with English cheese

>> No.20154129

There's no milk in mayo

>> No.20154131

>isn't that far off from ranch
Except in every way except the colour lmao

>> No.20154135
File: 24 KB, 257x338, 1554792349881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding lots of fat to the recipe
>prefers oily dressing instead of creamy dressing made from the exact same ingredients

>> No.20154136

And where's the Panna Chef, which is neither Polish nor British? I've been living in the US a while now and have never seen Vegemite here. Nor Marmite. Never had either but I hear they're similar to Cenovis, which I have to import.

>> No.20154137

Replacing types of cheese usually consumed in Europe, with types of cheese usually consume in the US.

I used this example because I still remember a couple of recipes that replaced Gruyere for cheddar and kraft cheese respectively.

>> No.20154138

Let me explain this in a way you an understand, milk and butter are made of the same substance, but they are not same. The same goes for vinaigrette and the thing you proposed.

>> No.20154143

remove the pickles and you have a simple ranch
>>20153995 vs >>20141355

>> No.20154145

>vinaigrette with olive oil and no eggs
Same ingredients...

>> No.20154164

If you think >>20141355 tastes anything like ranch, you've got a faulty tongue. Probably should have made it from Soviet surplus.

>> No.20154170

go to your local publix, Kroger, ingles, walmart etc. and ask to talk to the department manager and ask for him to order it.
I have never been to a store that wouldn't stock a product if you just asked. I got walmart to stock Sarsons malt vinegar for me a few years ago and they've kept restocking ever since

>> No.20154183
File: 335 KB, 612x612, Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 18-49-27 olive oil mayo - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you never made mayo before? most people use a mild olive oil and if you're a vegan use mustard powder instead of egg.
shit you can just buy olive oil mayo if you want to.
Also do you not add any herb or spices to your vinaigrette? ffs man you do not speak for your countrymen, sitting there eating lettuce drenched in olive oil like thats normal .

>> No.20154189

Now I understand, you call a quite large number of things "mayo".

I guess if we count something without eggs, and using olive oil as base as "mayo", then this "mayo" can be an more American version of a vinaigrette.

>> No.20154200

Dill is optional, I enjoy it but not everyone does. Chives and parsley are non negotiable though.

>> No.20154209

do you think mayo can only be made with soybean oil? what gave you that crazy idea?

>> No.20154214

Mayo requires eggs... calling something without eggs is like calling soi protein "meat" or almond liquid "milk".

>> No.20154228
File: 428 KB, 498x373, 1551509840556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the origin of mayo used olive oil and the egg was there only as a emulsifying agent

>Mayonnaise sauce may have its origins in the ancient remoulade.
>Remoulade sauce was known for a long time and there were hot and cold versions of it. In both cases, the base was oil, vinegar, salt, herbs, often other ingredients such as capers or anchovies, and then mustard; in short, it was an enriched vinaigrette.

>> No.20154240

So, how an Vinaigrette, that lack any egg can be said to have the same ingrediente of Mayo, that must use eggs?

>> No.20154279
File: 156 KB, 640x426, 1581877760648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranch is a emulsified vinaigrette
saying its trash and you prefer a vinaigrette makes you a fucking moron since the base ingredients of both are oil, vinegar, lemon and herbs

>> No.20154282

>saying its trash and you prefer a vinaigrette makes
I'm not even the same guy, I'm just saying that pretending vinaigrette and ranch are the same thing is lying, unless you're ignorant.

The base of Mayo is eggs, Vinaigrette lacks eggs.

>> No.20154296

>The base of Mayo is a thing that makes up, like, 5% of it's total mass

>> No.20154300

>Hidden valley ranch
>Not runny restaurant ranch
I pity you

>> No.20154301

This is why people don't like to talk to your people, you guys literally keep twisting stuff until others get tired and you can claim you're right.

Sure honey... mayo totally doesn't require eggs... any other lie you want me to play pretend with you?

>> No.20154315
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bro i was saying the difference between a creamy dressing and a vinaigrette is purely emulsification so the notion that American dressings are some kind of unhealthy monstrosity compared to a healthy vinaigrettes is absurd

and no the base of mayo is oil and a acid the egg is just there to emulsify the two, you're acting like its a egg custard

>> No.20154318

>Bro, Mayo doesn't need eggs, this is how things must be so I can "win".

>> No.20154330

Eggless mayo sounds like an eggless omelette

>> No.20154338

It sound like meatless meat, milkless milk and other stuff that certain activist groups push.

>> No.20154339

Mayo requires eggs, there's no way this isn't a troll.

>> No.20154358

>your people
The Vomerese?

>> No.20154365

I assume you're American.

>> No.20154383
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mayo is not a custard. it's a oil with vinegar or lemon juice whipped into it to get a creamy consistency. The egg is there to help it stay that way.
If your mayo tastes like egg dip then you fucked up but it does explain some of you seem the despise mayo.

>> No.20154387

Even another post on how "real mayo" lacks eggs...

>> No.20154391

but a creamy dressing doesn't and it's made up of the same ingredients as a vinaigrette

>> No.20154398

A "creamy dressing" is not "mayo", that's the whole point.

>> No.20154400

You'd be wrong. You also incorrectly supposed that I've posted elsewhere in your silly little tiff beyond pointing out that eggs are not the base to mayonnaise, regardless of how integral they are. It would be like saying seaweed is the base to sushi. It's integral, sure, but the base is rice or fish, depending on your perspective.
I presume from your American use of "assume" that you are very fat and very American.

>> No.20154404

where in my post does it say that mayo doesn't have eggs? I'm just saying mayo isn't a egg custard, you need like 2 eggs for a liter of mayo

>> No.20154405

It has been some time since I saw someone say something wrong and do this much mental gymnastics trying to save some face.

You could have just pertend you never said "Mayo doesn't need to have eggs".

>> No.20154419

>I'm just saying mayo isn't a egg custard, you need like 2 eggs for a liter of mayo
Maybe no, but you made a lot of posts on how "vinaigrette literally has the same ingredients of mayo", and a few more on how "real mayo can lack eggs".

>> No.20154432
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the conversation was about creamy dressings being unhealthy trash compared to a vinaigrette and buddy insisted that you have to add mayo to make a creamy dressing therefore its a completely different thing and wildly unhealthy despite me pointing out 95% of the ingredients are exactly the same and the addition of a egg yolk doesn't really make it any more unhealthy not that a egg yolk is even needed to make a creamy dressing when you can just use mustard powder as the emulsifying agent in your creamy dressing making it 100% the same ingredients as a vinaigrette with the only difference being one is whisked to a creamy consistency SO HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT MAKE IT UNHEALTHY TRASH COMPARED TO A VINAIGRETTE?

>> No.20154434

No need to pretend since I never said it. My only posts in reply to you are this one as well as >>20154400 and >>20154296

Other posts of mine: >>20153609 and >>20154136
Have you anything more to say that you'd like to be wrong about, my dear?

I live in the US now but not in any part where those stores exist. I suppose being a refrigerated product, Panna Chef might not be something I can get here, though I do miss it. As for Cenovis, I'll ask at ShopRite, though I doubt I'll get far. Thanks for the suggestion all the same.

>> No.20154439

>Most volume in Mayo is not egg... so...
You're trying too hard.

Then are two ignorant guys who think cheap sarcasm can compensate lying about Mayo.

>> No.20154455

And what lie about mayonnaise have I said, my dear? What an absolutely bizarre accusation. Keep in mind that, again, the only thing I've said on the subject is >>20154296
Are you claiming that egg is 95% of a mayonnaise? That would be a silly thing you say.

>> No.20154458

>Are you claiming that egg is 95% of a mayonnaise
Wow, I got you really want to be right, but do you need to invente stuff and pretend I said it? Kek.

If you want to be taken seriously, just make better posts.

>> No.20154472

That's hit or miss, really depends on the store.
i haven't been to one of those in years

>> No.20154474

>make better posts
Sure thing, darling. Right after you point out what lie about mayonnaise I've said.

>> No.20154493

mayo is a enriched vinaigrette, there you happy? you are acting like its a wildly different thing and its not, the only difference is the addition of a egg

>> No.20154497

>Sure thing, darling. Right after you point out what lie about mayonnaise I've said.
See, this is what I'm talking about, barely worth a reply despite being an (you).

Mayo is vinaigrette + eggs, the same way an Omelette is a salad + eggs... adding eggs change the recipe in a critical way.

But yeah, a Mayo with lots of extras is somehow related to vinaigrette.

>> No.20154503

>See, this is what I'm talking about, barely worth a reply despite being an (you).
That's nice, dear, but you claimed I told a lie about mayonnaise yet haven't pointed out where this lie was made. I'm only asking for you to point out where I did such an egregious thing as lie about mayonnaise. I would never! The very idea! Entirely shameful.

>> No.20154554
File: 567 KB, 766x430, Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 20-47-06 seasoned mayo - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omelette is a salad + eggs... adding eggs change the recipe in a critical way.
no see thats where you're full of shit, putting some whipped cream on a chocolate milk shake just makes it a chocolate milk shake with whipped cream, it doesn't magically turn it into a cake.
If your mayo tastes like egg custard thats your problem but it shouldn't nor should it have the consistency of it either.
And seasoned mayo is common as fuck, people aren't out there making herb egg dip you fucking moron they're making herb emulsified vinaigrette and using the egg as the binder not the flavor

>> No.20154561

>yeah, adding eggs change nothing, whatever it takes for me to be right.
Amazing how far people are to feel they "won".

>> No.20154594

better analogy
a omelette is a omelette, if you add some onion, pepper, bacon and cheese...its still a fucking omelette because the base is still the base

>> No.20154601

>better analogy
Rewritting it to stop making sense but making you "right" is not better.

>> No.20154817
File: 478 KB, 599x401, Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 21-56-46 emulsified vinaigrette - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitching about moving goal posts when you entered a thread about dressing and steered it into mayo semantics

>> No.20154917

My ex and I once went to a restaurant where the dumb cow ordered an omelette and out came strips of shredded egg with a small green salad. Not an omelette by any stretch.
And that is why you should never order an omelette out anywhere except for diners and from omelette stations at breakfast buffets.