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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.66 MB, 412x626, 1678650645460686.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20117818 No.20117818 [Reply] [Original]

Are deserts universally accepted breakfast items, or is that just an American thing?

>> No.20117834

in med countries they'll have stuff like croissants or other sweet baked shit. Euro breakfasts are dead. UK breakfasts are unbeatable.

>> No.20117847

I can't eat anything sweet when I wake up. Most people in the US eat nothing or bagels and eggs.

>> No.20117856

that breakfast is probably like 4000 calories worth of empty carbs and sugar. i hate women enablers. id beat my gf if she tried to order that shit and eat it all

>> No.20117868
File: 1.98 MB, 1258x708, 1698788399378257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sweet are we talking for the croissants?

>> No.20117873

As a New England man I'd say it's an American thing. But maybe it's just my "" large"" gf always ordering desert for breakfast.

>> No.20117895

you don't have a gf, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.20117904

At first I really wanted to fuck the dancing tiddy monster. But for some reason the look of pure fucking DISGUST on that chick in the background makes me want to impregnate her. She's not even super attractive but just that look of disgust and disapproval makes me want her so bad I really can't explain it bros. Also, I still want to fuck the tiddy monster in the ass even if she is a tiktok npc retard.

>> No.20117917

>At first I really wanted to fuck the dancing tiddy monster
get some standards

>> No.20117922

Get off the internet man

>> No.20117931

>med countries they'll have stuff like croissants or other sweet baked shit
I'm from Italy and that's the typical breakfast for us. Or certain types of biscuits/cookies with milk. Americans do it, too, but they're very very small bikkies and they call them "breakfast cereal."

>> No.20117939

I used to eat sugary breakfast cereal in France when I was a kid, was it banned by communists or something?

>> No.20117968

Fat bitches need dick too.
You first tranny.

>> No.20117977

post the whole webm to see how retarded and cringe she looks

>> No.20117987

haha!! someone gift this man reddit gold!

>> No.20118048

They already EAT dick, cum, and other shit. Don't make them fatter. Get the trad hottie behind her instead.

>> No.20118066

Did you not read my original post? I want her too. But I want the tiddy monster as well. She can eat this dick all damn day.

>> No.20118091

Good luck with that anon. Fat bitches do suck like they are eating, but they smell terrible when they get sweaty during and after sex.

>> No.20118111

I've fucked a couple chubby chicks and they never smelled bad before. Maybe you're talking about literal landwhales but chubby chicks are usual throat demons in the sack and because of the extra fat you can be as rough as you want without any fear of hurting them. Super skinny chicks are hit or miss. They are either indestructible and can take 50 miles of dick without flinching or are complete whimps and are constantly telling you to slow down or wait wait wait. Fat bitches on the other hand just completely let you gut them, it's great.

>> No.20118123

When I'm at the beach I have key lime pie and black coffee for breakfast every day and it never gets old.

>> No.20118125

I'm older than you. When I was growing up, breakfast cereal was just not a common thing in Italy. It is /now/ and has been for a while, but it's still not as common as normal-ass biscuits or pastries.

>> No.20118128

Guess I fucked the wrong chubbies

>> No.20118130

Once you're an adult with your own income, you can eat desserts at any time you damn well please.

>> No.20118132

I don't think you can or should eat desert, sand is bad for you

>> No.20118134

Sounds like you be fuckin bitches that don't wash lmao maybe anon isn't the only one who needs to work on their standards huh chief?

>> No.20118135

Why does her skin look like that?

>> No.20118140

The only time I fucked fat girls was in my teens and that's because they were easy.

>> No.20118169

They ones I fucked didn't smell bad, at least not until sex

>> No.20118170

It's called being white. Dumbass Americans.

>> No.20118174

She spends time outside. The line is where she normally wears a short sleeve T-shirt. It's called a tan-line. Touch grass.

>> No.20118179

There's still time for you to pound out some more man. They're usually a fun time. I wouldn't go super fat but slightly thick or chubby is nice. Anything bigger than that is just too much.
Oh man in my teens I'd fuck anything that would let me. Plenty of fat chicks during high school. Also plenty of whores in general. I used to feel bad lying and telling them I liked them, etc etc just to get some ass but it is what it is. Especially after I lost my virginity sophomore year, I would literally tell chicks ANYTHING to get a crumb of pussy back then.

>> No.20118195

I get a tan line in the summer but I don't have skin that looks like a pig

>> No.20118201

It's pronounced kwah-sahn. I was just in Europe.

>> No.20118219


>> No.20118225


>> No.20118234

>Fat bitches need dick too.
They literally need to not have dick until they're human-sized, you fag

>> No.20118245

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.20118248

Why'd you crop out the retarded dance the tiktoker is doing, that's what the chick in the back is reacting to.

>> No.20118257

Even in the US most decent folk don't think that dessert is an acceptable breakfast. IHOP monstrosities are aberrations in our diets.

>> No.20118260

I pronounce aunt like ant unfortunately

>> No.20118264

The biggest girl I ever bedded:
>early 20s working at bank in a grocery store in a strip mall
>fighting with hot but BPD gf over the phone
>"fuck you!!!! I'm cheating on you!!!
>fucking bitch.jpeg
>walking through strip mall angry as fuck
>blonde fat chick that works at check cashing place is outside also
>"heeeey anon you look familiar :)"
>never seen her before but whatever.
>chat with her and exchange numbers
>get home from work still pissed about turbowhore gf
>I'll call fatty
>hey anon, sure we can hang out
>meet with her and she follows me back to my place
>her car is rusted and has no side panels on the driver's side
>hang for no more than 30 minutes and I make a move
>sure anon but don't cum in me
>cum in her pretty quick because fatty
>starts yelling "my sister died of aids I told you not to come in me"
>I deny because she was wet so I figured she wouldn't know
>she reaches down and scoops my cum out of her vag and sticks it in my face
>THiS ISNT ME!!!!!
>she leaves
>1 week later she leaves a love letter on the windshield of my car
>never went back
And she smelled bad too. Fat girls post sex can smell almost sour. Never again though

>> No.20118272
File: 1.24 MB, 1791x792, architect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please escort this unaccompanied child out

>> No.20118273

that means you're american and not black, nothing unfortunate about that

>> No.20118277
File: 2.15 MB, 640x640, IMG_2372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sister died of aids I told you not to come in me

>> No.20118280

Normie retards should be baed feim having access to smartphones.

>> No.20118289
File: 194 KB, 735x1102, conflicting-copy-croissant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs it's a French thing and she's eating a Belgian waffle , do you retards not understand all the shit you mock America for are things that your people brought to America?
Not like a American went on holiday and said "i'll make that back at home but worse" NO! your immigrants brought their recipes here and made monstrosities out of them when they all the sudden had easy access to a full pantry.

>> No.20118325

When I went to Italy they seemed borderline offended if I didn't end the meal with dessert, if not at least some limoncello.
I don't really like desserts that much though.

>> No.20118336


>> No.20118345


>> No.20118365


It is an everywhere thing to some extent.

>> No.20118395

Dutch people cover toast in chocolate sprinkles and call it breakfast, so yeah

>> No.20118402

Will someone please just post this chunky bitch zooming out at ihop already

>> No.20118496


you couldn't have waterboarded this out of me

>> No.20118507

1) limoncello is not a universally Italian thing
2) we seldom to never have sweets after a meal
3) Shitcunt, New Jersey is not Italy

>> No.20118512

I'm in my 40s, does that change anything?

>> No.20118526

1) It was called digestivo, and the places I went to and people I talked to were insistent that I had it even if I didn't ask or pay for it.
2) "What is dolce". Again, frequently asked.
3) wat

>> No.20118530
File: 15 KB, 204x205, 1692916679357593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20118592

how old are you? I'm in my 30s and breakfast ceral has always been an option in most of euro countries I've lived in. Sure breakfast options may vary culturally but common items like toast/cereal have always been widely available. I found that Germany had the best ''traditional'' breakfast though.

>> No.20118603

is this a Dutch thing? My grandma spent a few years there when she was younger and that's been her breakfast for as long as I've been alive.

>> No.20118631

So am I. First time I even heard of Kellogg's was 1990. Idk when they launched in Italy, but the fact that American style breakfast cereals weren't common during my childhood implies they came either in 1990 itself or surely before then. They didn't get terribly popular until the mid-to-late 90s.
I'm part chink.
is not limoncello. Or, more accurately, limoncello is but one regionally preferred digestivo. There are others more popular in their own regions. That's the point I was getting at.
>"What is dolce"
Literally just means "sweet" and most of our meals don't end with one. Special occasions, sure, but they're hardly an everyday presence.

>> No.20118698

>mid-to-late 90
ah that would explain it then, I didn't move here until '97, by that time breakfast cereals were everywhere. The options were kinda boring, I was always a bit disappointed there weren't more local cereals and it was just more of the same stuff I'd had before.

>> No.20118719


>> No.20118723

You guys have sex?

>> No.20118755
File: 54 KB, 1041x803, You Cry Mein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get a tan line in the summer but I don't have skin that looks like a pig
It's okay to tell the truth sometimes anon. Everyone is going to notice how small that webm is and how far she is from the camera. Just spend more time in the sun, or stop being mad at Europeans.

>> No.20118758

>That's the point I was getting at.
You're not making the point that you think you're making.
And for your "seldom" dolce, I was offered it most places I went to. More frequently than I get offered it in America. That's not a slight against you or Italians, that's just how it was when I went. Apparently every meal was a special occasion.

>> No.20118894

Of course they ask you to have dessert and offer you a digestive on the house — in a restaurant.

>> No.20118926
File: 1.10 MB, 1628x1577, 1694385287237736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the full uncropped webm, it makes it better. the normal girl cringing at the tik tok roastie making a wacky meme video and dancing like a retard.

>> No.20118969

imagine openly expressing your le disgust like that

>> No.20118992

I know, right? Let the spry lady eat her gross pancakes.

>> No.20119006

Every Italian run restaurant I've ever gone to will start pouring you free limoncello or grappa if it's near close and you start a conversation with the owner/manager. Fuck I love wops and wop culture

>> No.20119613

>deafening silence
Why does every 21 year old here think they're an old and wise grandpa

>> No.20119615

He has it too. Is it broken capillaries caused by hemophilia? Alcohol abuse?

>> No.20119664

Kekin' at the disgust look
Crushin' at the disdain look
She's lovely

>> No.20119673

Kouign Amann is hard drug. Use at your own risk.

>> No.20119694

You are not very smart.

>> No.20119715
File: 519 KB, 2560x2560, 000000379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are manchildren obsessively buying this corpse's cereal purely out of the nostalgic desire to have sex with a children's mascot.

>> No.20119719

It shows that she isn't a normalfag/roastie, she is literally just normal. Perfect wife.

>> No.20119720

You tell me, kiddo.

>> No.20119726

I wouldn't recommend eating sand from a desert for breakfast regardless of hemisphere.

>> No.20119728

>if she tried to order that
You either don't eat out enough for that to matter, or you eat out too much to be respected.

>> No.20119739

Crying about waffles while shoveling Nutella toast down their throat. Justeurothings.

>> No.20119748

In mexico a sweet bread plus a coke can be considered a meal, although not a good one.

>> No.20119750

>— in a restaurant.
Okay, but why make this distinction?
Do you think Americans eat the same at home as they do when they eat out?

>> No.20119755

>You are not very smart.
Neither are you.
Seriously, what the fuck was that bit about "New Jersey"?

>> No.20119768

Primal fetish on xvideos my guy. Youre welcome

>> No.20119769

See >>20119694

>> No.20119770

You're telling me that you don't enjoy a delicious former Yugoslavic republic of Macedonia after your meals?

>> No.20119772

Americans eat burgers literally everywhere they go. Home. Work. School. Out on a date. Down the pub. At the cinema. On holiday. Even on the international space station. So yes. Yes they do eat the same at home as they do when they eat out.

>> No.20119774

>Yes they do eat the same at home as they do when they eat out.
Are we talking about burgers?
Are burgers a dessert?

>> No.20119779

See >>20119779

>> No.20119790

I always forget they were ever part of Yugoslavia. They're a bit too far. I always think of Yugoslavia as right next to Italy and Macedonia as a whole world away.
But anyway, I only eat Macedonia in the summer and only as part of a cold lunch, like sandwiches, tuna'd veal (or lamb) or simmenthal salad.
No one wants some hot shit after swimming in the tyrrhenian.

>> No.20119792


>> No.20119797

>this nigga don't eat no gobi, painted or sahara

>> No.20119800

Is this what being an adult is? Pretending obese women with faces that make them look 20 years older are attractive because 90% of this country is too retarded to eat normal?
Fuck I'll just blow my brains out. It's a desert of obese single moms. Gross

>> No.20119970

nta but I don't see the connection

>> No.20120238


>> No.20120266

>Primal fetish
It's all stepmom bullshit, is there some connection I'm not getting

>> No.20120276

thank you for your story. I learned a lot by clicking on the thread about breakfast.

>> No.20120306

imagine knowing the stuff of this pic

>> No.20120312

Please post the full webm.

>> No.20120351

Only a true king would have no shame in telling this story.

>> No.20120516
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 1690681445478686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sister died of aids i told you not to come in me

>> No.20120518
File: 63 KB, 466x466, 1682769493031635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are manchildren
We really aren't that far away now, are we? Think I hear the horns coming on now....

>> No.20120537

Goddamn what the fuck lol

>> No.20120565

kill yourself for real

>> No.20120571

It’s the fucking tres leches pancakes at ihop you fucking frog mongoloid.

>> No.20120572

You first ape.

>> No.20120580

The quintessential millenilol mindset right here
bacon on everything xd
cake for breakfast teehee

>> No.20120584

bagels are just donuts without frosting

>> No.20120587

what happened with ur gf after!? why did you cheat on her??

>> No.20120594

Stop posting my waif without my permission

>> No.20120619

She cheated on him because she's bipolar. BPD chicks are literally, physically incapable of not slamming miles of dick at every available opportunity. And the hotter they are, the more extreme it is.

>> No.20120658

Bipolar and BPD are two different things.

>> No.20120703

thats so retarded. bpd isnt real and self proclaimed ‘bpd’ girls are insanely loyal

>> No.20120718

In the story I meant it as bipolar disorder but checked and saw bpd is actually borderline personality disorder so I guess I'm retarded. I wouldn't rule bpd out though.
Also >>20120619 is correct

>> No.20120724

that was a stupid thing to type lol

>> No.20120736

She wasn't self-proclaimed. She used to cut her stomach and was prescribed lithium. You have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about if you think bipolar girls are loyal and devoted. You may know one that is, but the vast majority are not.

>> No.20120741
File: 3.29 MB, 365x498, 1636925065885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20120751

Right because women/girls going into severely manic states doesn't often lead to promiscuity

>> No.20120757

id know. thats just stupid

>> No.20120771

i said bpd not bipolar moron

>> No.20120799

Borderline is worse because they don't think other people really exist so whatever they do is fine

>> No.20120806

And I clearly meant bi-polar >>20120718

>> No.20120819

I don't think that's what BPD is. I know someone who has it and she just gets obsessed with people and cries a lot. Then plots revenge on imagined slights

>> No.20120833

I dated a borderline chick, I know several, I've helped friends deal with borderlines, my SIL is borderline we've basically had to delete her from the family
They can make you feel awesome about yourself but that's only when they want to play with you, they treat other people like objects and have no real empathy for others
All those imaginary revenge scenarios never play out because that would take effort and those people aren't real to them so why bother
The worst thing you can do to a borderline is force a change in their lives (talk to a boss, family member, etc) because it means that one of their toys did something on its own that's not supposed to happen

>> No.20120874

i do this. i didnt know this was a thing. ill always stick by my point that bpd isnt real but what you described is exactly me

>> No.20120910

Nah. That sounds like sociopathy. As far as I remember it, from looking it up when this girl got diagnosed, thinking others aren't real is absolutely not a symptom of BPD but absolutely is of sociopathy.

>> No.20120930

Borderlines know people are real, what I described is what it's like to have a borderline in your life from a normal perspective
That's why they form very close, personal, and most importantly private relationships with people, it's so they can have multiple separate lives at the same time
With one person they're a friend, with another person they're a lover, with another person, they're a spouse
They will try to keep these people from interacting with each other because those outside, uncontrollable relationships can break their little imaginary worlds

>> No.20120939


>> No.20120969

I would kill myself if I made a post as Reddit as yours.

>> No.20121123
File: 38 KB, 400x500, 1612324104347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best thing to order at IHOP?

>> No.20121143
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the original with the soylennial in it
the way millenials give themselves away is their interest in facial expression humor
this is what makes them cringe to zoomies

>> No.20121181

Never understood the infatuation with Lita. She has the worst boob job in the history of earth and a jawline of some ancient Nordic viking warlord

>> No.20121213

No such thing as a bad boob job. Unless your gay.

>> No.20121214

the Fat Bitch with the pancakes looks Fun

>> No.20121245
File: 107 KB, 700x1021, da987a36fec12bf5b4fe5dbb481c7dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody above the age of 18 thinks that

>> No.20121310

>this is what makes them cringe to zoomies
The only reason you should ever care what a zoomer thinks is if you are one or you're rent something to them.
And even then, you probably shouldn't care because it's not like they have a choice anyway.

>> No.20121431

Is this really the hill you want to die on? Your desire to act like a total fag in public?

>> No.20121436

It was all the rage in Italy. In fact that was practically the only option for breakfast. Fuckers didn't have anything normal available for breakfast.

>> No.20121442

Agreed 100% she's obviously not a 10, but something about her makes me think she'd be an absolute rockstar in bed.
She also looks like the type that would stink up your bathroom after taking a poop and then try and blame it on yhr plumbing so there's that I suppose

>> No.20121527

she died of AIDS

>> No.20121565
File: 99 KB, 1024x969, The Chocolate Gallery Cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chocolate Gallery Cafe in Warren MI.

>> No.20121743

>Lol pass this man some reddit gold! XDDD
Shut the fuck up loser

>> No.20121746

Nostalgia for a mascot that isn't even a year old?

>> No.20121767
File: 63 KB, 624x421, ihop-on-dem-bitties-naumsayin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her soggy, deflated waffles already have plenty of JELLY.

>> No.20121834

>Your desire to act like a total fag in public?
You misunderstand, my brother.
I'm saying if you see a millenial acting like that in public, it's because they're trying to sell things to the lil' zoomzooms.
You think the millenials are watching this crap? Fuck no, look at the reaction of that woman in the back. That's what her actual peers think of this shit.

>> No.20121914
File: 285 KB, 1280x688, 1678992318314773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20122006

Are you retarded or just trolling? Just because you can eat cake for breakfast doesn't mean you'll do it all the time. Learn some self control for fucks sake

>> No.20122016

Dank OC
how long did you spend making this gem?

>> No.20122095
File: 60 KB, 750x990, mcmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20122100
File: 575 KB, 1191x897, bpgw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20122128

You won’t do shit numbnuts.

>> No.20122132 [DELETED] 

>i hate women enablers. id beat my gf if she tried to order that shit and eat it all
(You Will Never Touch A Woman)

>> No.20122174

Kill yourself

>> No.20122177
File: 59 KB, 203x251, day_ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this face staring up at you the whole time.

>> No.20122197


>> No.20122374

I don't eat cake for breakfast, ever, because I'm not a filthy amerimutt or a child

>> No.20122391

That's literally the face my last gf made when she got a whiff of my unwashed, cheesy pecker. Oh the memories..

>> No.20122631

You lucky motherfucker

>> No.20122635

The moderators of this board are all trannies, seeing women with large natural tits triggers them something fierce.

>> No.20122657

land whales seething

>> No.20122658

post it anyway, at most it's 3 days in gay baby jail

>> No.20122780

The girl with the pancakes is Brazilian so I guess it's not just an American thing.

>> No.20122835

Old people just have coffee and bread and wait until lunch for a proper meal. Old is anyone over 25 or so. I have a cortado, toast, and maybe an apple.

>> No.20123112


White Boy Rick?


>> No.20123140

We eat cake for breakfast in my country and we have among three longest lifespans on Earth.

>> No.20123604
File: 1.63 MB, 576x1024, 1000037691.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20123655

Maybe it's because posting the same fucking webm every day for a week gets really annoying for anyone that isn't a coom brain.
If you like it so much, save it and watch it on your own.

>> No.20123672

UK breakfast is about the only thing remotely palatable on that inbred shithole island.

>> No.20123715

I wonder if this is a Catholic country thing or not. My family is Mexican and typical Mexi breakfast is like that, and I eat like that here now too. Coffee with bread in the morning, lunch is my first real meal.

>> No.20123718

Half of these are not even from France

>> No.20123806

>do Americans sometimes have rare indulgent treats?
Why are euros so poor?

>> No.20123818

It's a class thing. Those indulgent sugary things used to be the exclusive domain of the ultra rich because of how expensive and time-consuming they are to make. The difference is in America we see stuff rich people have and try to figure out how to make it accessible to the masses, whilst in Europe they see stuff rich people have and try to regulate it out of existence. It's rooted in the differences in politics. America is founded on the idea of "every man a Prince", whilst European countries have adopted the "every man a pauper" idea.
Most of European politics and culture is rooted in this; in trying to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator because "inequality is evil".

>> No.20123875

They're just pancakes, retard. In fact, the only reason why you confused them for waffles in the first place is literally because of all the fucking syrup and butter that's just grossly slathered on top of the pancakes, so much that the pancakes appear as those they have indentations on them similar to what you'd find on a waffle.
That goes to show just how fucked this dish is on a gastronomical level, that the dish itself was such an eldritch monstrosity that it had transcended the limits of reality and became something akin to an uncanny illusion. Almost like something out of an episode of Ren and Stimpy.

>> No.20124026

I wouldn't say so. While Austria, Slovenia and Croatia are all Catholic countries who eat moreorless the same sort if breakfast we do in Italy, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania are also Catholic and they're breakfasts are similar to one another's than to Italy's. The idea of meat or eggs at breakfast, outside of raw yolk beaten with sugar or custard, is unthinkable to an Italian, an option (albeit less preferable compared to pastry) to an Austrian and an inevitability to someone from Hungary.

Maybe Mexico and Italy have similar breakfasts due to our shared history. Garibaldi and all that.
But then, we share a lot of history with Poland and Hungary, too, and they don't eat quite the same brekkie

>> No.20124032

In Mexico it's pretty standard to eat stewed beans with buttered flour tortillas sometimes with fried eggs, cheese, and salsa
Another common breakfast is a bread roll halved, with refried beans and cheese melted on top, served with salsa or pico

>> No.20124044

Yeah, very dutch, called Hagelslag

>> No.20124104

Yeah, that's very much not what we eat in Italy lmao
I thought those guys are those colourful sugar breads for breakfast, whatever they're called.

>> No.20124140

Girl in the back has severe judgemental issues. She's just mad she can't enjoy a nice stack the way the other girl does. Heaven forbid people show joy in their life.

>> No.20124142

The breads and pastries are usually afternoon snacks
Mexican breakfast weighs heavily on what was for dinner the night before

>> No.20124149
File: 1.71 MB, 2400x1800, 20231126_115727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my breakfast is usually something like pic rel, or just fruit
not a fan of sweets in the morning, but savoury is a must

>> No.20124522

>severe judgemental issues
lmao are you fat or something?

>> No.20124733

And yet here you are still...you can kys now ape.

>> No.20125001


>> No.20125147

Closest I can get is a single small pancake with jam or fruit, as a side to an omelet. I really can't do the whole big pile of sugar thing for breakfast. Or any meal for that matter.

>> No.20125181


Bitter Girl is jealous of Pancake Girls boobies.

>> No.20125232

What's better on pancakes, whipped cream or butter frosting?

>> No.20125370

I want to watch her poop it all out after she’s done eating

>> No.20125437

you guys made it sound like this girl was gonna look like jabba the hut but she’s super bangable all day every day

>> No.20125545

Seek help

>> No.20125563

Don't listen to him. His parents are Northern Mexican illegals and he's a disgusting chicanolard

>> No.20125646
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>>she reaches down and scoops my cum out of her vag

>> No.20125676

Even German breakfast is bread with nutella
It's really good bread but still

>> No.20125874

stop speaking faggot.

>> No.20125882

You should kill yourself right now, ape.

>> No.20125957

Typical shit diet of a millennial chick that comprises of sweet foods followed by intermittent fasting

>> No.20125982

>She's just mad she can't enjoy a nice stack the way the other girl does.
Did you forget that this bitch setup to record this fucking shit? Retard.

>> No.20126000

That's literally how I eat, thoughever.

>> No.20126022

i've already tried, turns out i'm invincible

>> No.20126034

I feel like in the only person who thinks the woman in the back I'd a butch who can't mind her own business. If she were like 25 years older people would be calling her a karen.

>> No.20126044

Anyone filming you deserves to be fucked up. No exceptions. That's it's some mentally disabled retard doesn't matter.

>> No.20126050

in the uncropped vid the lady with the pancakes is dancing for a tiktok about being hungry

>> No.20126071

I know. Who gives a shit? Just leave the person.

>> No.20126079

we can equally hate both women in this video

>> No.20126081
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>> No.20126160

Nice looking brekkie

Is this due to rabies?

>> No.20126676

There was a time when white people enforced societal norms by publicly shaming people who chose to break them. Then the notion of personal liberty became bastardized to justify any degenerate or abhorrent behavior as "live and let live" and it directly led to our current state of being.

>> No.20127132

i feel you man, that fat bitch may have a nice pair but that look of pure disdain is truly worth of a ring and my semen

>> No.20127407

Why does she tap the bread on her face?

>> No.20127460

Scooping it out after is pretty common.

>> No.20127463

She's obviously jealous of those tits.

>> No.20127609

It's more than just that
>good posture
>proper manners
Other than the fact she's wearing a tank top and jorts in IHOP with possibly her dad she seems to have good taste and discretion

>> No.20127709

Girls that goes out with their dads are such a turn on for me. I don't know why.

>> No.20127750

what are you talking about, people have been making fruit preserves and having them with breakfast for over a thousand years.

>> No.20127778

Why in God's name would you have anything but eggs?

>> No.20127788

You've never had a farmers tan?

>> No.20127798

>Lucy Overbite

>> No.20127839
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>> No.20127880
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>when she sees my average hispanic penis

>> No.20128135

The idea of stuffing yourself with the heaviest food possible first thing in the morning is repulsive. Cortado and a cigarette is objectively the best morning combination.

>> No.20128158

20 years ago we called you chubby chasers. It was teasing, but not a compliment. Her tits do not delete those rolls, she's still just a slam-pig.

>> No.20128181

>Her tits do not delete those rolls

For me they do. Tits to waste ratio is what matters. A girl can be skinny but if the tits are really small then she might as well be a fatty for me

>> No.20128191

She's excited by cheap diner food, has great tits and crazy-eyes. 8/10 would pump & dump

>> No.20128202

why is it so dark

>> No.20128847


>> No.20128864

You guys don't understand, the music in the video is actually being played real time in the restaurant, that's why people are staring, she was disturbing the peace.

>> No.20129212

>How sweet are we talking for the croissants?
they are consumed empty or with the filling they were sold with (jam, or chocolate or custard-like cream)

>> No.20129220

ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4qoGFI_ubg

>> No.20129400


>> No.20129452

you guys eat breakfast?

>> No.20129453
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>> No.20129479

Your first meal of the day is breakfast.

>> No.20129719

She still sucked it though?

>> No.20129725

I think the average woman consumes about 700 calories worth of sugar with their morning "coffee"

>> No.20129803

Anglo woman, maybe. And yes: American negresses count as Anglo women because they speak Anglo-ish and are culturally part of the Anglosphere.
Women in my country have maybe a teaspoon or two of sugar, if that, in their coffee. That's like, what, 50 calories?

>> No.20130911

I may say that waist / hips trump ass AND titties if they are very wide. Something neuron-activating about a woman with hips made to carry 4 children at once.

Tits = ass imo. Big ass titties can make up for no ass, and a big ass can make up for no titties.

>> No.20130916

Agreed. Big cringe.

>> No.20130942

>blotchy pink and white everywhere like a scalded pig
Have *you* ever had a farmers tan? Doesn't sound like it

>> No.20131218

just let people hecking enjoy things chud

>> No.20131819

You're not wrong.

>> No.20131827

>4 days ago

>> No.20131905

>Who gives a shit? Just leave the person.
This stops applying when you literally upload your behavior to the internet.
You explicitly consent to the feedback of everyone you share it to when you do that.
Lady in the back however didn't consent to being in the video, however. She's the real victim in this and her ire is well-merited.

>> No.20131914

Big tits can make up for no ass, but big ass can’t make up for no tits, for me

>> No.20131946

sausage is the breakfast of queens

>> No.20132138

>I know. Who gives a shit? Just leave the person.

Did she walk up to pancake girl and ask her to stop? Did she leave a mean comment? Did she call to get her cancelled on twitter?

Imagine being bothered by a person looking in your direction. If it had been a problem pancake girl would have just done another take.

>> No.20132232

Just American. When I found out Americans actually eat shit like donuts or a stack of pancakes with syrup for breakfast I was shocked, and remain so.

>> No.20132237

Thanks for brightening up my day anon.

>> No.20132243

>another obsessed thirdie yurotroon thread

>> No.20134128

>Are deserts universally accepted breakfast items, or is that just an American thing?
lmao half the people I know don't even eat breakfast, nevertheless dessert
Stop believing everything you see on the internet

>> No.20134287
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>starts yelling "my sister died of aids I told you not to come in me"

>> No.20134433

>Girls that goes out with their dads are such a turn on for me. I don't know why.
A woman having a good relationship with her father is always a green flag.

>> No.20134438

There's no worse look than a fat woman with small tits. It's over at that point.

>> No.20134449

>bagels are just donuts without frosting
This only applies to the shittiest of bagels.

>> No.20134469

What a rude bitch. People that try to photo bomb content creators when they're creating content need to be removed from society.

>> No.20134632

she should have shot the creator in the face for creating content.

>> No.20134649
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>> No.20135792

she'd kick your nuts

>> No.20135808
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i hate fat people eating unhealthy food
i hate attention seeking whores
i hate people that film theirselves doing something "crazy"

im on the side of the nice slim coffee girl in the back

>> No.20135821
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>> No.20135822

it means they're fucking

>> No.20135926

really depends on how sweet you're talking, since cereal or some pancakes with jam is accepted, but most of breakfast cuisine (at least in Europe) doesn't revolve around sweet things but it does include them

>> No.20135937

Pancakes aren't a desert.
Just having sugar in something doesn't make it a desert only retards think that.

>> No.20136852

Amerimutts literally eat simple sugars and empty carbs and then call it a nutritional breakfast.

>> No.20137142
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>American thing
Retard, that's a French thing. Americans eat combination of French and Bong breakfast. Yes it's worst of both worlds.
If you stay in US, and since you are a poorfag, no really, they charge based on what Americans make, not (you), it will be in a chain hotel, skip paying for breakfast and go out for food.
>pic unrelated, this place is based, you will be staying in McMarriot or similar poorfag sub-brand, getting same service as local murder motels at 2x the price just because you are scared of clowns and crackheads

>> No.20138195

Australia here, only day I have desert for breakfast is easter sunday. Hot cross buns and chocolate eggs

>> No.20138205

>cum in her pretty quick because fatty

>> No.20138211

She's beautiful

>> No.20138270

Thanks, opinion discarded

>> No.20138913

Bread and ice cream is a secret you can't post that

>> No.20140773

Page 10 necrobump

>> No.20140847

Fat girls hit different and make you cum faster

>> No.20140905
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>judges that judging is bad
This usually flies over your heads.