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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20112196 No.20112196 [Reply] [Original]

>lab grown meat
the future is genetically modified creatures that have little to no higher brain function

>> No.20112211 [DELETED] 

>the future is genetically modified creatures that have little to no higher brain function

>> No.20112217


>> No.20112224

I just realized the only way vegans could win is pushing for shit like this
holy fuck is that creepy

>> No.20112236
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>> No.20112242

i reckon a 900lb mass of flash that cant move itself isnt very viable

>> No.20112250

all of its meat will be as tender as filet mignon because of that

>> No.20112266

will it? id have to imagine it'd be pretty gross if it cant even roll itself over and all that weight is on it, but im not a professional flesh shaper

>> No.20112273

People will bitch and moan and make these "dystopian" concepts but present no alternatives for the massive increase in population they want.

>> No.20112277

Planetary colonization is the only answer. Humanity is a virus & all that.

>> No.20112287

>present no alternatives for the massive increase in population they want.
It's quite simple, rilly: mass genocide the undesirables and use their flesh to feed those that are desirable.
We could create fake warzones and draft people to fight in these wars just so they can die. Like the whole Ukraine thing.

>> No.20112289

how is it the answer when the larger the population gets the faster it grows

>> No.20112292

Mmm, delicious domestic meat pig

>> No.20112300

>how is it the answer when the larger the population gets the faster it grows
It's a shame that the human population doesn't have some sort of apoptosis adaptation built into it. Things would be so much easier if we were like Black people and we murdered our own kind when our tribes exceeded a certain number.
Yeah, try to tell me that there's a better reason for all of the murders in Black 'hoods

>> No.20112321

yes but it's creepy so people won't buy it and the environmentalists will condem it like nuclear

>> No.20112338

>It's a shame that the human population doesn't have some sort of apoptosis adaptation built into it
It does, controlled reproduction is the catalyst for civilization and the more civilized the people are the less they will reproduce. Its why the ancient greeks had so much gay buttsex.

>> No.20112342

pretty sure lab meat is already a thing

>> No.20112349

it's totally experimental, doesn't actually replicate the tissues or nutrition, and is more expensive than normal mean

>> No.20112352
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the future is genetically modified creatures that desire to be eaten
anencephaly is going to be used to grow rich people their own replacement organs

>> No.20112357

>the future is genetically modified creatures that desire to be eaten
that's a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy joke

>> No.20112361

yeah but its not illegal

>> No.20112373

I see.
Nurses regularly turn patients who can't move around so that they don't develop bedsores and bloodflow issues.
It would be trivial for a future technology to have the means to automatically regularly turn over a brain dead meat creature.

>> No.20112374

>It does, controlled reproduction is the catalyst for civilization and the more civilized the people are the less they will reproduce. Its why the ancient greeks had so much gay buttsex.
Actually, homosexuals are born that way because of genetics, and homosexuality is not a choice. You will know that I am correct when you look at the following link that explicitly points out the gay genes:

>> No.20112383

>a brain dead meat creature.
That's what we call all of the patients that come into our emergency room. It never fails to get a laugh.

>> No.20112387

are you implying that behavior genetics are merely a representation of the possibility of emerging psychological phenotypes and two well-to-do men spraying thick ropes all over each other after a hot frotting session for the good of mankind is more symptomatic of higher societal functions? that would be a lot to take in.

>> No.20112388


>> No.20112413

Why would you rather the animal be capable of suffering? You're no better than those asians who boil their food alive.

>> No.20112423

>You're no better than those asians who boil their food alive.
Back in the 2010's, we used to have African-American People of Color that would make ghetto lobsters by boiling their own children alive. They say that if the kid is held upside down, it will get confused and won't scream when you dip its head into the boiling water.

>> No.20112430

you are defending this over creating meat that never had to die

>> No.20112436

>you are defending this over creating meat that never had to die
Yeah, I'll eat those cancerous tumors after you do.

>> No.20112441

as if the frankestein monsters wouldnt kill you just as fast

>> No.20112927

Production isn't the problem, distribution is. For example tons of food gets wasted because the stores/restaurants don't want to setup food donations

>> No.20112939

That still has a lot of the downsides of traditional meat production. With lab-grown meat we could grow exactly what we want with less waste.

>> No.20112944

with current lab grown meat tech, it can only generate muscle cells and in order to simulate meat, it needs to be "3d printed" on to a substrate along with fat. that's not particularly appealing when you can't get specific cuts of meat or bone in meat cuts like ribs, wings, and drumsticks.
but I'm sure the technology will improve in the future, but right now, the dystopian idea of a brain dead meat creature sounds more appealing from a culinary perspective.

>> No.20113299
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>> No.20113337

>the future is genetically modified creatures that desire to be eaten
yaaaAAAAAaaaas daddy

>> No.20113445

Eat more vegetables and less meat, retard.


>> No.20113475

Turn unused locations into farmland?

>> No.20113485

Why is everyone acting like this is dystopian
I'm not even trying to be edgy: being literally engineered to be brain-dead seems like a much more humane way to generate meat than factory farming with fully conscious, intelligent animals, the way we're do now

>> No.20113489

>You're no better than those asians who boil their food alive.
dont americans boil lobsters too though? why is that only asians in your mind?

>> No.20113494

somehow this is less humane than just raising and killing pigs

>> No.20113497

>constantly inseminated
>enhanced with snake genes
Am I on /d/?

>> No.20113520

just guard the border properly so the overbreeding countries can't get in

>> No.20113569

You know you can just stop eating meat, right?

>> No.20113600

I wish they had something like this for human flesh instead. Imagine being able to choose between O+, A-, B+, or AB- meat when you go to a fancy restaurant, or even the meat's sex. Imagine eating a freshly ground burger made from some dude's traps, genetically engineered to be as fatty as possible like wagyu.
Or imagine being able to buy Black meat in bulk to make jerky for the poors. You could call it Soylent Black and tell "people" that it is made out of African-American infants. Just make sure it is at least 25% crisco (or Black fat) and 25% lawry's.

>> No.20113609

And other planets will have to deal with the same problem in whatever way they can. Population control on one planet is an option, but ultimately not the best for the persistence of the species. Our only realistic long-term answer to overpopulation will be increases in tech or genocide, probably both.

>> No.20113629

>Our only realistic long-term answer to overpopulation will be increases in tech or genocide, probably both.
Hitler probably could've avoided a lot of food supply chain issues if he had ordered his people to process the prisoners in the concentration camps as food for the troops. I mean, sure, nobody really wants to eat boiled Jew, but at least then he would've had a reason to put them in ovens.

>> No.20113824

The cleanliness standards for labgrown meat are too high to ever be commercially viable.
Living creatures naturally come with a great immune system already included that does all the hard work for us.

>> No.20113880

Status quo bias. If we still hunted for meat like we did in the ancestral environment, the sight of a slaughterhouse would seem an unconscionable affront to nature. But we were born into this society, so we're conditioned to think it's perfectly normal and therefore neutral, and only deviations from the status quo can be judged as being abhorrent. If we already did it like in the OP, nobody would dream of saying "This is disgusting. We should make it so the meatsacks can feel pain, then it will be fine."

>> No.20113893

Livestock still regularly get sick. And sometimes their illnesses spread to us. People still regularly get food poisoning from them.

I don't think lab-grown meat will be in stores soon but it doesn't seem that far off to say it's impossible.

>> No.20113895

>Am I on /d/?
lmao I thought the same but unironically

>> No.20113899
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Dude what the actual fuck

>> No.20113913

An animal getting curably ill is totally different from a culture vat having to be dumped and sterilized all over again because one bacterium got inside and started reproducing.

>> No.20114398

was looking for this post

>> No.20114525

god i wish that were me

>> No.20114579

This is why meat eating is degenerate. Someone always, without fail, uses it as an excuse to eat other humans. "But pigs are so similar to us and we eat pork, why not eat human next?!" The human brain can't help but do this because of our heightened empathy.

>> No.20114586

>You're no better than those asians who boil their food alive.
i am better than any of that fucking monsters

>> No.20114616

>The human brain can't help but do this because of our heightened empathy.
That literally makes no sense. Why would someone with empathy want to eat another human?

>> No.20114647

It's not underempathy for humans, it's overempathy for animals. Humans anthropomorphize animals because of our large capacity for empathy. Therefore, to the human brain, eating a pig = eating a human.

>> No.20114716

>Humans anthropomorphize animals because of our large capacity for empathy.
To be fair, some animals, like cats, actually ARE capable of emulating some human behaviors and repeating those behaviors in the same ways that humans would. Well, some cats anyway. Just like with humans, some cats are more retarded than others.

>> No.20114783

No worse than what happens on already

>> No.20115292

This looks like something a Furry would make

the art not the concept

>> No.20115460

non-vegans will say this is horrifying yet see nothing wrong with normal, conscious pigs being kept in functionally the same conditions

>> No.20115480
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put me in the fucking screencap for this because this is beyond fucked up.

anon plz kill yourself.

>> No.20115483

Because right and wrong is determined by the Creator and His perfectly designed natural order, not by some utilitarian calculation of suffering or your personal feelings.

>> No.20115488


>> No.20115494

Our factory farmed hormone injected meat is already horrible for you. This would be 10x worse lol. Lab grown meat is promising. I honestly don't understand why poltards are so against it? Like I don't like any of the impossible or vegan crap because I like meat. I'm not opposed to Lab grown meat though. It just needs to become cheaper to produce than farmer meat, which will eventually happen.

>> No.20115503

god I wish that was me

>> No.20115504

Lab-grown meat is one of those technologies that isn't just a novelty. It's something we actually need to develop. Our current methods for producing meat just aren't sustainable in the long run. Even if you overlook the abject cruelty we impose on animals in factory farms, there's just no way it can continue to produce meat in a manner that will meet the growing global demand.

Lab-grown meat is critical to both meeting that demand and developing a new system that is more sustainable and doesn't involve the brutality we inflict on animals.

In a few decades(in the developed world) humans will look back at killing/eating live animals as barbaric and primitive. It will only exist in a traditional sense. Poltards are just low-IQ contrarians who fear what they don't understand.

>> No.20115516
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>> No.20115529

id rather meat is completely banned then eating tumors and insects

>> No.20115554

>the future is genetically modified creatures that have little to no higher brain function
Why waste energy growing and maintaining bones and organs?
If you just want meat, then just grow fucking meat.

>> No.20115572

it's so you can grow things like ribs which have a unique flavor thanks to its connective tissue. also highly valued cuts like oxtail. bones can be used for bone broth.

>> No.20115583

Then just grow meat with high collegen or straight up bone marrow.
What's the value in growing it all together when you can control tissue content proportion more easily if you just grow it separately?

>> No.20115588

>bones can be used for bone broth.
That's still an extra unnecessary step and eventual waste product. Theoretically you could "brew" the bone broth directly with something like this.

>> No.20115595

most people think industrialized meat production is pretty fucked up though, especially if they know what actually happens in those places

>> No.20115627

The only population increasing is Africans, so we should just cut off all aid, team up with Asia to build a giant wall around it, then move down from the north eradicating them all as we go.

>> No.20115630

you're incredibly misinformed about the world. china is the one providing a shit ton of aid and business collaboration with africa

>> No.20115682

It was never about populationsl increase.

>> No.20115708
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This. Imagine if you could use your own genes to make this meat, it would be like replacing a damaged car part with an OEM part. Human meat is the most nutritious thing you can possibly eat, especially organs. Why do you think the elites do it constantly? Sadly moralcucks will never make this a reality.
>inb4 le prions!!!

>> No.20115765

to create a debt trap, which africa is now walking up to and starting to pull back from.

>> No.20115781

You could have a story where you have animals like that but then it's later discovered that actually they do have a brain, it's just hidden inside of their body and that the scientists found that they couldn't grow the meat without it and yet they knew the public would be more accepting if the animal didn't have a brain

>> No.20115784


>> No.20115787

fyi someone can report you as off topic and your banned
good joke tho
we will grow meat like trees
thank you future

>> No.20115810
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Kek, oh no a ban from 4chan what ever will I do

>> No.20115824

But enough about your mother

>> No.20115842
File: 118 KB, 672x337, slig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it actually be unethical to eat the thing in that pic?
How about breeding them for the purpose?

Personally, I am still waiting for slig.

>> No.20115843

What does immigration have to do with food and cooking?

>> No.20115851

what did i just read?

>> No.20115856

>massive increase in population they want
Who the FUCK wants that?

>> No.20116177

yes but not out of altruism like the Europeans did

>> No.20116470

OH NOOOO faggot