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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20056076 No.20056076 [Reply] [Original]

Burger joints are useless. You can make better burgers at home.
But your local Döner guy is irreplaceable.

>> No.20056078

something tells me we'll have about 20 million more doner guys before (((they're))) done

>> No.20056082

I don't have a local Döner guy

t. all white small town midwesterner

>> No.20056095

then you have to step up for your community and become the Döner

>> No.20056420

For me, it's Waffle House

>> No.20056422

MUM'S TORMENT Girl, 14, was ‘groomed, murdered and ground into kebab meat’ – but her family’s nightmare isn’t over


>> No.20056426


>> No.20056580

Sounds like a town that no one would miss if a tornado tore right through and eliminated the infrastructure/population

>> No.20056584

sounds like a great town to move in migrant refugees

>> No.20056591

I can smell the Meth being cooked and smoked.

>> No.20056607
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>tfw America doesn’t have a single real döner shop on this entire continent
The one thing, literally one thing we can’t seem to get right. We got gyros, we got pita, we got falafel and shawarma, but nobody (NOBODY) can make a real döner. Breaks my heart.

>> No.20056676

Sure. But even Denver doesn't have Döner.

>> No.20056770

Sounds like y'all are jealous of a real country boy

>> No.20056790

How does a 14 year old beit have such gnarly yellow teeth? What do you guys eat? Fuck. Aside from that.. sad.. if she got ground up into mince.. wouldn't thst not befit a kebab hunk of meat? Calling bologna. If so.. neat. Buncha unfortunate cannibal fucks out there.

>> No.20056795

Let me show you some modern inventions. Wheel and fire.

>> No.20056880

>the sun
Also, the article never confirms that's what happened. In fact, the accused were acquitted and compensated because the bong lawyers were so incompetent
>captcha: w0tmo

>> No.20056917

>the accused were acquitted and compensated because the bong lawyers were so incompetent
No it's because the bong police literally refused to turn over evidence or speak out about the many reports, many such cases

>> No.20056919

>you can make better burgers at home
Some people can. You're not one of them.

>> No.20056921

So when did you start to hate white people?

>> No.20056931

the evil brown hoard has infested most of our lands, both digital and physical
form militias whilst you can

>> No.20057116

Conjecture just like the theory on what happened to her.

>> No.20057130

I don't want to live next near a dirty Paki.

>> No.20057134

I'd eat styrofoam for the rest of my life if that's the price for every brown person leaving germany.

>> No.20057805

>The Sun
I knew it had to be from there before I even read the link

>> No.20057818

Same here. If I want low quality shaved 'meat', I can get steakums at the grocery store. Tzatziki is easy to make as well.

>> No.20057843

We dont need those things. We have John Deere

>> No.20057862

then you have to step up for your community and become a dirty Paki

>> No.20058104
File: 6 KB, 299x168, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't even have gyros really. have you seen the typical gyro meat used in the USA? its this big gelatinous mystery meat cone.

I've never been to greece but i doubt their gyros look like this

>> No.20058127

traditional pork gyros is just pig meat on a spit with a fuckton of oregano. the meat slurry thing is good too, depends on what you want. im sure greek people dont turn their nose up to that shit either

>> No.20058132

>greek people

>> No.20058135

What did You mean by nobody?

>> No.20058142

There is a new one opening every few weeks and the close just as quickly.

>> No.20058389

I make superior spicy meat shavings in my airfryer at home, sorry mr. turkman.

>> No.20058408

Real, pork gyros are virtually unheard of in America because of "reasons".

>> No.20058479

You mean horde.
t. a brown Brit

>> No.20059233

>Also, the article never confirms that's what happened.
hmmm I wonder...
>Suspicion first fell on husband Bob and, as police searched the family home, they found counselling records for a woman called Martina Peters.
>When Karen asked ex-soldier Bob who the woman was he admitted Martina was him - and he was undergoing counselling for transgender issues.

>> No.20059317

If the waters of the rivers were to rise up and swallow New York City whole, nobody would miss the city, and nobody would miss most of the people. They'd miss the people they'd known- they'd miss the art in the museums and the food in a couple of restaurants. But the city itself would go unmourned.

>> No.20059336

damn dude, I was about to make the same post

about 5 years ago there was a doner cart downtown but it didnt last

>> No.20059352

how hard would it be to recreate doner well at home? seems pretty simple actually but never really thought about it

>> No.20059963


but you have to keep in mind that the Döner he ate in berlin were mediocre. that industrial stuff (frozen spikes from the same supplier) completely gets destroyed by homemade spikes like this


>> No.20060048

>outside is cooked.
>inside the raw meat stays at room temperature for hours and hours and hours.
That shit should be banned by the FDA.

>> No.20060051

what if the room is really hot

>> No.20060063

there is no raw meat in Döner. the outside is crispy, the inside is soft but still brown. each piece is really thin. nobody will ever serve you red piece of meat

>> No.20060070
File: 11 KB, 300x222, 1569990636383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News flash most uncooked meat looks terrible. Its why you fucking cook it.

>> No.20061024

la viande crue est fine sous la surface

>> No.20061064

Getting the seasoning right will be dificult. All the shitty copycat will say a ton of cumin but at least German döner meat doesn't taste like cumin at all but strongly after herbs like oregano and thyme. Also msg and mustard powder help to get the "real" flavour right as with every industrial slop.

>> No.20061105

I've got a really good Lebanese doner shop close to me in midwest murka. But they're supplied out of the large middle-eastern community up in Dearborn Michigan. The problem with the northern part of Midwest America is that as you get closer to Minneapolis, you start getting into an area that was inundated with Scandinavian immigrants. You can find some great smoked fish up there, but they suck at a lot of other cuisines.

That's kind of the thing with the US. different regions were flooded with different immigrant groups at different times, and the food in each area reflects this. It's why food travel is so great here though. You can hop a flight and try different regional specialties as part of a vacation.

>> No.20061122

ok cool when I'm traveling and the closest place near me is Burger King I'll just go home and make one myself instead, thanks for the advice op

>> No.20061142
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer tacos and burritos. At least the meat is mostly recognizable

Dont worry honky, The will be a two-man down the street soon enough

>> No.20061343

Even the most basic bitch home made burger out of fresh ingredients beats McDonalds slop.

>> No.20061390

>mediocre homemade food is better than the worst fast food version of the same thing
Nobody was talking about McDonald's, you fucking retard. You can turn your argument around and say any home cook in America can make better doner kebab than whatever the shittiest doner chain is in Europe, and then make the conclusion that doner kebab places are pointless. That's your argument. That's how stupid you sound.

>> No.20061433

It's the biggest, most popular chain, it's certainly representative for burgers.
No one cares about your fancy little burger place where you pay 40$ for a burger.

>> No.20061437

"gangs of mostly asian men"
lol they can't say paki. your country is over

>> No.20061439

i guess it's missing the human meat LOL

>> No.20061467

Mrs. Merkel, please...

>> No.20061477

You know damn well that if I went to some shitty doner chain while waiting at the train station in fucking Annecy and made a thread saying, "hurr durr, y do yuros hype this shit up lmao it's such garbabe!" you'd reply saying to go somewhere better or call it a skill issue, or most likely just say that yuros are gatekeeping the good stuff from amerimutts because they don't have any taste in the first place. It's all the same shit. You're not making an argument; you're just saying my side good, your side bad, and the way people do that is always by cherrypicking the worst examples on the other side and generalizing them. It's really dumb, disingenuous, and ultimately uninteresting. Also, McDonalds is far more popular in Europe than America, and conflating "big" with "popular" is fucking retarded. Look up one of those maps with the "most popular" beers in every country. If your response isn't, "what the fuck? nobody but poor people, tourists, and dumb kids drink that shit" then your country probably sucks - or you fall into one of those categories.

>> No.20061490

What's all this retarded seething?
You're missing the obvious point; even a shitty Döner is hard to replicate at home compared to a burger.

>> No.20061546

What reasons

>> No.20061576

I am going to buy a burger tonight in honor of your thread.

>> No.20061960


Here is how proper döner is prepared in turkey

It is either from lamb or veal, salted and marinated in various stuff overnight. So you cna say it's partially cooked. It wont be a problem as it is, as long as you eat form safe places.

I can't the same for the gooey mess that they produce döner from. Like in germany or most of europe. That shit looks like mcdonalds chickne nuggets stuff you see in jamie oliver episdde. It is nasty.

>> No.20061968

Might be a good niche if you're looking for a restaurant. It's Canadian already, so it easily fits into the Midwest milieu.

>> No.20062395

My local doner, there is only one, kind of sucks.

>> No.20062410

Hell no, just wait until the migrants complain about muh racism when they trash the place and white people had enough of their bullshit, with that, you'll wind up having more Trump supporters (Based). Think realistically and stop gooning to kneegrows or shitskins clapping white girl cheeks.
I don't because I am not brainwashed by the Steinberg and that I'm not on Reddit for the most part.
This. Cook your own food instead, even an inexperienced fuck can do better than GoyDonald's and GoySlop King

>> No.20062594
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It's so good when your drunk.

>> No.20062605

>"gangs of mostly asian men"
>lol they can't say paki
thats literally what asian refers to in the uk

>> No.20062606


>> No.20062610

Dude, he's drunk, cut him some slack

>> No.20062664

really? you don't have any chinamen?
doubt it

>> No.20062667

They do but they're well-behaved
"Asian" means Muslim

>> No.20063785
File: 121 KB, 994x1200, 1679194813461964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063807

Actually 4chan made me hate white people, all of you are a bunch of cunts and faggots

>> No.20063919

i don't get the appeal of doner
it's a cheap salad with some funky-tasting mystery meat on top that's then drenched with mayonnaise. I'm not a weird pretentious "foodie" it's just that I literally like none of the components

>> No.20063957

>i don't get the appeal of doner
taste gud
>funky-tasting mystery meat
If yours is funky tasting, or you don't know whats in it, you're getting it from a pretty shitty place.

If you're having trouble comprehending why the style of meat may be desired, ask yourself if you prefer a seared steak or a steak with no sear.

>> No.20063996

Humans are pretty much inedible. No muscles and the remaining meat is stringy and probably tastes like piss.

>> No.20064011

Döner is okay. But in a life or death situation, I'd choose a burger.

>> No.20064889
File: 53 KB, 300x327, Lahey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But your local Döner guy is irreplaceable.
Or is he?
>Muslims forever btfo by one little Asian Australian lady

>> No.20065133
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 2A8D667C-C5D6-485B-92D0-3BE613B79FBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have become donar destroyer of burger

>> No.20065177

>all white small town midwesterner
You have an Arby's. Get the Greek gyro with double meat, ask for an extra tziki sauce on the side. It's as good as most gyros/donner I've had (lived in Chicago and Germany).

>> No.20067246


>> No.20067649

Because it's called pork souvlaki over here. Still available though.