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20041502 No.20041502 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't artificial sweeteners replaced natural sugar in fast food industry despite having zero calorie?

>> No.20041507

Some ppl think they taste funny.
Probably natural sugar is lots easier to incorporate into mass produced food chain & maybe cheaper

>> No.20041511
File: 80 KB, 1000x642, Production-Process-Of-Hfcs-Processing-Plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't use sugar in fast food

>> No.20041533

Coz it will kill the sugar cane/beet/corn grower

Isn’t your country in some sort of corn debt that forced you to have HFCS for 200 yrs or something?

>> No.20041560

Tastes like shit. I hate that a lot of places have switches to the zero sugar version of sodas as the default. In most cases they are incredibly poor imitations of the original and it doesn't feel right drinking them.

>> No.20041606

Tastes awful and there are health concerns such as them being carcinogenic.

>> No.20041612

I don't like cancer, anon

>> No.20041613

some of them cause gas and diarrhea. real sugar can do it too but normal servings of stuff like sucralose can give you wet farts. same reason why olestra didn't end up working out.

in europe they're required to replace some sugar in things with artificial sweeteners though or their products get taxed a lot higher. i guess it's good because you have people who won't stop drinking 6+ sodas a day anyway but people say they end up tasting like crap and it sucks for the people who rightly view them as occasional treats.

>> No.20041616

They are gross

>> No.20041624

Stevie has birth prevention properties. The mayans used to use it to prevent pregnancy

>> No.20042091

Apsartame literally gives me a throbbing headache

>> No.20042098

horrible taste
compare a coke zero or any other zero sugar beverage to the original and it’s fucking repulsive

>> No.20042602

>Just eat the chemicals
Some people don't eat sugar or add sugar to everything. I use honey in marinades--rarely.
The USA has a sugar quota. Everything else must be HFC because of it. There is no reason to ever use artificial anything and the people that do are literally cancer.
Permacultre farms produce more food wiithout chemicals than monocultre corporate farms. The reason they monoculture is so they can centrally plan and control food production--city parasites MUST control the food production else they're fucked because they're literally cancer.

>> No.20042612
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Because they have a foul aftertaste.
I always know when something is using artificial sweetners and it's because a second after swallowing it's like a high-school lab decided to shart in my mouth.

>> No.20042678
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Because industries are stupid and run by old boomers who still use fax machines.
It's nice there are so many options on the market now though. I recommend monkfruit.
It was illegal to put stevia in food until 10-15 years ago in the US, even though it was common in other countries.
But discussion of artificial sweeteners tends to be stupid and pointless because people lump them all in together even though they are made of totally different chemicals and taste different from each other.
Another good sweetener on the rise is allulose. Has a nice authentic sugary texture and flavor, good for baking.
Others I've tried:
- Erythritol: Weird cooling taste almost like mint, causes thirst, diarhea, other than that tastes good, not bitter.
- Xylitol: Like Erythitol but with more calories and glycemic impact
- Sucralose: One of my favorites, I like the artificial taste somehow. But it seems like a toxic artificial chemical.
- Aspartame: I like the taste but you can't cook with it, and one of the most likely to be toxic.
- monkfruit: I have a bottle of "Monkdrops", I could drink it straight from the bottle, it tastes like honey.
- Stevia: tastes bitter and terrible, but it pairs well with tea which is already naturally bitter. If you get the actual herb and not an extract it tastes better.
- saccharin: Old fashioned artificial sweetener that comes in the pink packets, tastes bitter and awful, I do not recommend.

>> No.20042689

Apartame (now AminoSweet) turns to formaldehyde in your stomach.

>> No.20042719
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> Waaah, muh chemicals!
So? How much formaldahyde? Like not even a drop total? It's a natural substance thats broken down by the body easily.
Did you know soda has dihydrogen monoxide??? Thousands of people die from dihydrogen monoxide overdose per year! Ban dihydrogen mondoxide from food!

>> No.20042739
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Artificial sweeteners BAD, they have nanotech in them that will be activated by 5G and turn you into cyborgs and shoot jewish lasers out of your eyeballs.
Eat lots of natural sugar instead, it's natural bro, its' good for you!
Sincerely yours, picrel.

>> No.20042771
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the amount of retards that love sucking corporate cock and regurgitating their lies on this website is truly mind boggling.
The reason artificial sweeteners are a thing at all is because Donnie here literally bought out the FDA oversight committee, lied about everything and defunded further (((research))).

>> No.20042775

>I think I sound so smart
You don't know shit about biology or chemistry and are beyond retarded.

>> No.20042780

Yeah, whining about chemicals is silly.
Except when it comes to the aftertaste.
I don't care if it's a drop or a jug of formaldehyde, it's still disgusting in everything it's in and makes nothing better by its addition.

I LIKE that it's possibly carcinogenic, and proven to cause diabetes. Aspartame fans deserve to die from cancerbetes. Not Needing Everything To Be Sweet enjoyers such as myself will piss dandelion and burdock on your graves.

>> No.20044516

>They are bad for health
Yes beverage and fast food industry cares about your health so much.

>> No.20044766
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>no sugar

>> No.20044787

taste worse
more expensive to produce
doesn't have the same chemistry so you can't do stuff like caramelize for baking and cooking science

>> No.20045731

They taste like poison and aren't healthy. >>20044516
They don't they just follow the market which may include people who consider their health.