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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20039203 No.20039203 [Reply] [Original]

Why is cooking so fucking hard?

I have tried to fry an egg like twenty times now, and every time it tastes like shit and I feel ill

seriously how do people even get good at this, its so messy and variable and I hate having to wash my hands everytime i touch something

>> No.20039205

Fried eggs taste bad in general.

>> No.20039206
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>8 minutes
>soft boiled

>> No.20039297

well what is it then?
I cooked shoyu eggs for 7 minutes and they were closer to "runny egg" than "softboiled"
it seems maybe an extra minute would have cooked them exactly like I like them

>> No.20039387

Yes that can be perfectly normal.

>> No.20039410

>Why is cooking so fucking hard?
it's not.
stop cooking everything on high.

>> No.20039414

Are you timing from a cold start like a retard?

>> No.20039415

Depends on your technique, which is the problem with this image. Is she boiling water and then leaving the pot on the hot stove? Is she leaving it at a simmer? How many eggs per batch, since each is basically a giant ice cube?

Without context the image is retarded.

>> No.20039416

Boiled eggs are one of the hardest things to get right. It's considered impossible to peel them, few have succeeded

>> No.20039418


Soft boiled has a runny yolk.

>> No.20039420
File: 2.88 MB, 406x720, egg doctor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a spoon.

>> No.20039422

there's only one correct way so context is not needed.

>boil water
>place eggs in water
>boil for 7 mins.
>run pot under cold tap until water is cool enough to stick hand in
>hold eggs in pot, dump water
>run pot under cold tap for two more mins.
that's it.

>> No.20039424

What do you call it when you fucking nail it and the yolk is like a custard, still all 100% liquid but it doesn't run.

>> No.20039426

Well yes that's because you're not retarded and also know not to overcrowd the pot.
But the person who made the infographic is obviously retarded.

>> No.20039427

>wasting 2 minutes of running water instead of just using ice water

Are you poor and not have an ice machine or just retarded

>> No.20039428

>green yolk
nofuckingthanks lmaoooo

>> No.20039446

What is this black magic

>> No.20039540

>posts an infographic on how to hardboil eggs
>"I have tried to fry an egg like twenty times now"

Maybe take the egg out of the water and crack it in hot oil? Then put salt and pepper on it.

>> No.20039822

>fried eggs taste bad

Start sourcing better eggs.
Seriously, a pale yellow yolk from a factory caged hen that is fed the cheapest feed available has none of the flavor of a rich orange yolk from a pasture raised hen that gets good feed and gets to forage and scratch for insects.

Buy fresh from Amish or Mennonite farmers and realize that flavors still exist.
Even if you are forced to buy at the supermarket, you can get pasture hen eggs, they just cost a lot more than the crappy ones.

>> No.20039984

> boil water first and dunk the eggs in already boiling water
> add a couple drops of vinegar in the water
> when done put them in cold water with ice
> peel them

>> No.20040003

>vinegar into boiling water
Mustard gas

>> No.20040012

why are you assuming im american

>> No.20040023

He's desperately trying to defend is simpleton taste

>> No.20040048

Just buy an egg timer that goes into the pot. Mine looks like an uWu kitty and changes color to indicate the doneness of my eggies.

For frying eggs, crack it into the pan then put a lid on it to help cook the top before the bottom burns. And stop using high heat for everything, retard.

>> No.20040061

>feels ill when frying egg.
>twenty times
Something doesn't add up.
Are you okay if someone else cooks them or if they're cooked another way? Are you sure you haven't developed an egg alergy?

>> No.20040075

Your picrel references boiled eggs, but you wrote about FRYING eggs?
Are you trying to boil your eggs in a pot that is filled with vegetable oil?

>> No.20040081

>Why is cooking so fucking hard?
It isn't. You're just developmentally challenged.

> I hate having to wash my hands everytime i touch something

>> No.20040093

>I hate having to wash my hands everytime i touch something

>> No.20040101

How does he get out??

>> No.20040102

i have autism, dont make fun of me

>> No.20040103

who the hell has a dedicated ice machine

just pull the cubes out of the freezer god damn

>> No.20040108
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>not having a dedicated ice machine capable of making and holding at least 300lbs of ice

>> No.20040117

He's referring to the icemaker that's standard in every fridge that cost more than $200. Probably some insane luxury item wherever he's from that he's using as an esl flex.

>> No.20040128

every fridge repair guy says to avoid built in icemaker models because they are pieces of shit that break all the time. i don't know anyone who actually owns one.

>> No.20040136

I had one at my old house for the 12 years I lived there, and according to the records on the one in my new house, it's a 2020 model. I've never had an issue with either.

>> No.20040139

Ice machines are the biggest scam in the world.

>> No.20040146

I appreciate the convenience, and if one happens to break after the 13ish years I've had them in my life I'll either have it fixed or buy one with an even bigger ice maker.

>> No.20040147

We got a new fridge/freezer with built in ice-maker and it only lasted a week before it started making mustard gas instead of ice

>> No.20040160

Was it stone ground? If not you bought a poorfag death machine.

>> No.20041527

Misinformation Alert! Misinformation Alert! Misinformation Alert!

Hard boiled is 12 minutes!

>> No.20041573
File: 957 KB, 3641x2261, Fried_Egg_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fried eggs and toast for dinner. They were delicious.

>if you're making 1-2 eggs use a small ~5" pan
>if you're making 4-5 eggs use a medium ~8" pan
>don't try to fry more than that in one pan
>fry them in a shitload of margarine ~1tbsp per egg
>low heat
>heat up the pan until the margarine is bubbling
>wait as long as possible before flipping to cook to desired doneness
>salt/pepper right before flipping them
>after flipping if the bottoms are more/less burnt than you like then adjust heat accordingly next time
>you can probably turn heat off after flipping them and let the residual pan heat finish cooking them

>> No.20041619
File: 6 KB, 209x250, forget it you're a lost cause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have tried to fry an egg like twenty times now, and every time it tastes like shit and I feel ill

>> No.20041841


>> No.20041883

>Why is cooking so fucking hard?
Developmental disorder.

>> No.20042234

I like 6m30s for my boiled eggs.

>> No.20042399
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A Ching Chang Chong Nip Nang Nong

>> No.20042403

They probably used large eggs. Soft-boiled is 6,5 minutes on M eggs

>> No.20042527

sounds like you are either:
really fucking incompetent
have an actual egg allergy

>> No.20042555

>orange yolk

>> No.20042907

The people I bought my house from didn't want to take their fridge with them, one of the ones with double doors and a built-in ice machine.
They said they didn't want it because the ice machine was "broken", literally the only thing wrong with it was that the lid had detached from the opener, a stick of strong tape and it was as good as new.

>> No.20042929

I think the one guy is maybe mixing up an ice machine with with an ice machine with an in-door dispenser. The latter ones always clog up on me.
But the fridges I have with ice machines that are in the freezer and you have to reach in and just grab the ice always do fine for me. I've never had the actual mechanics break though.

>> No.20042997

Orange is the normal colour of yolks.

>> No.20043006

sturdy eggshells from chickens that are fed a healthy diet and no antibiotics i guess

>> No.20043117

He cracks all the eggs

>> No.20043324

>pam the pan
>crack 2 eggs
>make a small cup with your fingers and fill with water and drop in whatever makes it to the pan
>salt peppa
>7/10 heat
>wait exactly 3 minutes
>slide it onto the plate
You literally don't even need a spatula. You don't need to flip or touch the eggs except to plate and even then its literally slipping off the pan. You cannot fuck it up.

>> No.20043358

Just do what Frank does:


No flipping, no lids, no water, impossible to fuck up. The secret to the "perfect" fried egg was just a fuckload of butter all along.

>> No.20043391

How to turn 140 calories into 400 in one simple step

>> No.20043411

>every time it tastes like shit and I feel ill
i feel ill after reading your post

>> No.20043430


>> No.20043565

A tablespoon of butter is only 100 calories, and for two eggs you need maybe 1 1/2 tbsp, a good portion of which gets drained off after frying.

>> No.20043602

I flip my eggs then break the yolks because I make them over medium

>> No.20043774
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cooking eggs is easy you just crack then you're done

>> No.20044091

How long does it take to become an egg doctor?

>> No.20044114

>complains about frying eggs
>posts picture about boiling eggs
broken bot

>> No.20044241

This kills the egg

>> No.20044455

Boiled eggs are easy. Poached eggs, now, that's impossible.

>> No.20044576
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, 1700748598532081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20045479

I only like real butter in baked goods for some reason and flipping without killing the egg is a skill check which makes it more fun.

>> No.20046576

>how do people even get good at this
There are two ways to get boiled eggs exactly right.
1. Control the quality of the ingredients carefully and get the timing right (it depends on when you start timing, how powerful your hob is, so on). It takes effort to get right and is always a bit variable.
2. Get yourself a precise temperature controlled water bath. Then you can get eggs to the point of perfection every time. (Can't remember the exact temperatures you need but you can look them up.) This is how a restaurant does it, as it scales up and doesn't require being super careful about the eggs' freshness, but it needs special equipment so isn't so practical at home.

>> No.20046615

That's what I do, but I steam the eggs. No boil

>> No.20046643

My favourite way is low and slow in a pan with a lid. Good amount of lard. Turn heat off when it looks 75% done. Flip it over, put lid back on and leave it for a minute while I make toast or butter bread.

>> No.20046900

This chicks channel is good ngl

>> No.20047084

I guess I like "over cooked", lol.

>> No.20047109

Yeah nothing wrong with that unless the yolk is turning green. I've literally never bit into a boiled egg white and thought "rubbery"

>> No.20047123

green eggs are based. Eat it with ham.

>> No.20048661

Is this who the Egg King in his Egg Fort goes to see for his checkups?

>> No.20048746

Ice machines in fridges reduce your fridge's insulation. Anyone worth their salt in hot climates has a separate ice machine just for ice.

>> No.20048776

Who deserves more ridicule, I wonder. The psyops that try to paint normal, safe and flavorful food as "no flavor, gross and icky" or the normies and anons stupid enough to fall for it?
There's no such thing as "rubbery whites", they're simply firm for a pleasant chew rather than disgusting snot-textured soft boiled eggs. The "dry yolk" is wonderfully flaky. Thoroughly cooked eggs are great and keep a decent amount of time so you can bring them on a trip, they're great on bread or as an ingredient of other dishes, or simply eaten plain as a snack or dipped in mustard.
Similarly well done steak is the peak form of preparation, anyone who claims it's dry or rubbery fell for the nigger memes about how white people can't cook.

>> No.20048788

>15 minutes

it won't just be as hard as a rock but coloured like a rock too, jesus christ

>> No.20048816

>Similarly well done steak is the peak form of preparation
Thick, lean, well done steak is bad. Thick fatty steak is probably fine with steak sauce. Asmongold style steak jerky is probably fine.