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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 953 KB, 1170x1563, 1702740995155767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20008775 No.20008775 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking fraud.

>> No.20008798

Please understand, he needs money for nose candy.

>> No.20008818

Its just bussines and entertainment, nothing personal.

>> No.20008826

No one has any principles any more.
There is no meaning, beauty, or purpose in our consumer society.
The only things that matter are commerce and convenience.

>> No.20008845
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>> No.20008849

maybe to them. I choose to care in ways outside of profit, I hope you do as well.

>> No.20008868

kekkin' based

>> No.20008874

Americans are lazy slobs and he's cashing in because he's a smart businessman.

>> No.20008899 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20008901

How can microwaved battered frozen fish ever be good

>> No.20008907
File: 228 KB, 1600x1048, GettyImages-844051918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a homosexual fish, I must say I love them in my mouth

>> No.20008919

the question i have is why he's going this now and not like 12 years ago when he was more relevant

>> No.20008920

I had this one. My wife bought a few. You have to use the oven for it. Or maybe I overlooked the microwave instructions. It was decent. Wish I had a malt vinegar to go with it. If his risotto is anything like his lobster risotto I’ll eat them 7 days a week. Gordon’s lobster risotto is seriously the best thing I’ve ever ate my entire life. My wife does make his mushroom risotto from scratch with some meatball recipe she stole from him.

>> No.20008947

could you please explain in a logical and reasonable way what the fuck "goyslop" is.

from what I have seen from post here and on pol it means
>any food I don't like that other people eat.

>> No.20008954
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>> No.20008955

>>any food I don't like that other people eat.
that's exactly what it means. it's just another incelese buzzword

>> No.20008980
File: 188 KB, 1280x1280, Alternate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No major controversies
>Always puts food quality first
>No mass produced microwave meals
>The few products he has sold were limited batches.
>Never had sponsorships from garbage fast food chains
>The best cooking show to come out of Food Network
Name a better famous chef. I dare you.

>> No.20008988
File: 155 KB, 432x240, beanswastik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really confusing, because I can't tell if it's a dig against jews or non jews. it's like you're promoting being kosher.

I mean if you call everything goyslop, does that mean you are jewish?

I mean technically all food is goyslop because kosher food can be eaten by anyone, and jewish people eat cheap food as well.

the whole thing makes as much sense as a refried bean swastika.

>> No.20008992


>> No.20009007

Not a chef, but a video production guy

>> No.20009013

It's just a white label product. Basically every celebrity does this. You retards pearl clutch over the dumbest things. Acting like you cu/ck/s are a bastion of food while 75% of the threads here are about fast food and beer.

>> No.20009020

I'm hope I stop seeking this guy on my screens so much

>> No.20009037

Nobody's saying it won't make him money.
We're saying he's a massive hypocrite.

He has spent years publicly humiliating small business owners for the exact same shit.

>> No.20009053


>> No.20009055

He used to get drunk and post crazy shit on Twitter
>Do you think the camp uniforms will be striped, like the ones in Auschwitz, or will plaid be in vogue?
He went fucking bananas on 2016 election night. I wish I had all of the deleted ones saved. Some of them were really funny. Still my favorite celebrity chef hands down though.

>> No.20009093

hes not a chef

>> No.20009097

I don't understand, does he still need more money? Isn't he filthy rich by this point?

>> No.20009120

He publicly humiliated small business owners for serving frozen food in a restaurant, cooking it badly, and upcharging it by 100%, not frozen food in general you fucking mongoloid

>> No.20009123

Selling frozen food from a sit down restaurant is not the same as buying frozen food from the super market brainiac

>> No.20009140

kek Walmart are branded as Asda here in bongistan and they have more sense than to stock this shit in his home country.

>> No.20009141

no one walks into the frozen section at walmart expecting restaurant quality food

>> No.20009143
File: 75 KB, 640x853, goyslop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little to no nutritional value
>ridiculously unhealthy in certain categories (146% of daily sugar, 298% of daily sodium, 371% of daily saturated fats etc)
>made in a lab
>long list of 5+ syllable ingredients only scientists can pronounce
>loaded with artificial sweeteners
>marketed towards kids and fat slobs

>> No.20009147

He’s a baker you jackass!

>> No.20009152

I want to eat that.

>> No.20009173

>not frozen food in general
Literally watch the show, retard. It's always
>and is it fresh?
>no chef it's frozen
>dramatic music
And then he goes apeshit on them before teaching how to get local stuff fresh. According to what he's preached, frozen = bad. He even does this in Hell's Kitchen too.

>> No.20009204

He's been shilling Walmart slop for years on Master Chef at this point, why are you surprised?

>> No.20009209

it's because it's a restaurant where people expect fresh food.

>> No.20009217

Yes because regardless of whether frozen food is acceptable to eat, selling it in a restaurant and passing it off as your own cooking is nigger behavior you dumb faggot. I agree that he's a sellout shill who would call these things unacceptable trash if his name wasn't on them, but holding a professional restaurant "chef" to a different standard than some lonely faggot microwaving a ready made dinner for one isn't really that insane

>> No.20009219
File: 628 KB, 1240x1753, ingredients strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that describes all food, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.20009229

except nature put those ingredients together instead of nabisco in an industrial warehouse

>> No.20009236

Everyone sells out.
Everyone has a number they won't turn down.

I wonder what was his.

>> No.20009246
File: 1.53 MB, 1016x1006, goyslurp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get the seeds to plant pic related?

>> No.20009252

holy shit i vomited in my mouth a little

>> No.20009264
File: 408 KB, 720x480, Non Sequitar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thing

see pic

>> No.20009272

leggo my eggo

>> No.20009277
File: 733 KB, 1280x720, gordon towel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see him catch someone on KN serving his own frozen dinners and see what he says.

The retards who buy that slop just because it has his name on it absolutely think they're getting exactly that.


"I‘m excited to try them! People are too quick to criticize these days. I would love the opportunity to visit one of his famous restaurants some day, but for now there’s at least this option. All of them sound really yummy!"

>> No.20009292

not really, nature has selection pressures on it that industrial foods don't
you need to step back and look more holistically, why do people have better health and outcomes on unprocessed food than industrial food?
your analysis is too low level. it's like saying a high level literary work is the same as degenerate porn novels because they're both comprised of the same 26 letters

>> No.20009300
File: 255 KB, 1440x2089, melts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. buys pic related

>> No.20009305

walk into restaurant --> expect fresh food -> get frozen food (bad)
walk into frozen section at walmart --> expect frozen food -> get frozen food (bad but what you expected)
the reason that gordon gets mad is not only because frozen foods are bad, but the combination of the misplaced expectations. (expecting fresh + getting frozen).
no one walking into the frozen section at walmart is expecting fresh food

>> No.20009309

>can cook anything you've ever heard of and would want to eat
>does it while explaining the science behind why weird shit works
>offers alternatives and variations if you want to make it to your preference
>not a chef
So because he hasn't been addicted to cocaine and made the exact same food for years at a time disqualifies him as a chef?

>> No.20009315

Now with Gordan Ramsey's new offerings you can walk into frozen section at WalMart --> expect shitty frozen food --> get food prepared by Gordon himself. What a steal!

>> No.20009409

prefer the knorr stock pot to be honest

>> No.20009443

Stay mad rabbi

>> No.20009446

We know fatty, we know
Cool story, rabbi

>> No.20009458

To be fair, I bet they would taste better than pretty much every other frozen meal.

>> No.20009473

>$6 for a single serving frozen meal

>> No.20009476

You think he makes them himself?
You think Jamie Oliver is standing in a smithy hammering out the pans they sell with his name on them?

>> No.20009478

thank you for calling me jewish and thus a superior being to yourself. glad to know your place in the world

>> No.20009541

Obviously not. I'm saying it's not hard to beat wall the garbage out there.

>> No.20009616

"19. Is there any food you won't eat? Any ready meal [frozen meal]. It's so easy to prepare a quick meal using fresh produce, such as a simple stir-fry, but people still resort to ready meals that all taste exactly the same."
-(2009, September 29). Interview with Gordon Ramsay. Bon Appétit.

>> No.20009739

No, it's not hard at all. I just want to know why you think this frozen garbage is better than the rest just because they licensed his name for it.

>> No.20009766

They probably taste great
Sodium and fat content will be high.

>> No.20009794

doesnt he have enough money? or at least enough to not part with what little dignity he has left?

>> No.20009838

Because the branding in this case probably makes the small changes to be better than most, if not all other competitors. It's not like it would actually cost much to make them better.
You're just a pointlessly argumentative faggot teenager bored on a Saturday.

>> No.20009848

You’re completely fucking retarded if you can’t grasp the difference

>> No.20009870

>muh sodium
Are you 90 years old?

>> No.20009877

>I'm hope you enjoy them all !!!
Gordon Ramsay is ESL?

>> No.20009891

I'm spending maybe a minute per hour on this thread. Calm down.
And no, they are not going to scramble to improve the quality of their product because they put Ramsay on it. They put Ramsay on it because they'd rather move product by advertising to idiots than by having the best product on the market.
It's a lot easier to change the label than it is to change the recipe.

>> No.20009896

How does this make him a fraud?

>> No.20009922

Some people don't realize he stopped being a serious chef ages ago.

>> No.20009948

I mean that he had an issue with frozen meals not being high quality, so he solved the problem and made high quality frozen meals, setting a new standard

>> No.20009966

i personally dont believe that gordon ramsay ever did cocaine. its not as common with chefs as you would probably think

>> No.20009967

people on /ck/ have bought them all. They're not high quality. They're just awful.

>> No.20009982

he might be a good chef but he is a fucking terrible tv chef. stresses me out watching him cook and bellow YES? YES??? at a pan. i want to relax while i watch people cook something nice, not feel stressed as a furious sweaty man verbally panics through every single step of even the simplest recipe.
it's eggs you weirdo just calm down

>> No.20009993

Bro, after seeing that egg demo from him several times now I don't even want to try it. They look like egg paste and not scrambled eggs. Some people fucking love them but they just look like powdered eggs reconstituted.

>> No.20010000

yeh it looks like dogshit but his delivery makes his shows unwatchable for me. i don't watch cooking shows to feel stressed, it's literally the most relaxing thing i can think to watch as long as gordon's not in it.

>> No.20010023

Good thing for Gordon and his habit that he traded being a chef for being a tv personality sometime in the 90's. Also, Boredain was no chef.

>> No.20010031
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>> No.20010040

this guy says its good

>> No.20010047

>This fucking fraud.
He's so hyperactive that it's hard to believe he's not in withdrawal from drugs or alcohol at all times. The low class mannerisms and vocabulary.... just really bugs me. I can't stand how he speaks to people when he travels. Intolerable. If I do watch a single recipe he makes, I spot something so wrong with a step or ingredient that I can't believe anyone idolizes him.

>> No.20010057

but hes so polite and well mannered

>> No.20010069

Thanks but no thanks, man. Thumbnail's a little too reddit for my and my son's daughter's liking.

>> No.20010218

I wonder if whatever fag made this knows how disingenuous it is.

>> No.20010232

Don't forget the niggers who added industrial pollutants and toxins through malice or incompetence

>> No.20010347

Why the fuck are people so fucking stupid when it comes to Gordon? He sold out ages okay when he got on TV, even more so for his American shows.

Bunch of fucking boomers still believing their precious TV would never lie to them.

>> No.20010350

If people watched only 1 episode, the trip to India, they'd understand just how utterly stupid he is 24/7.

>> No.20010581

>its not as common with chefs as you would probably think
except it is.. the stress working in a busy kitchen, the abnormal shift times. it's very common to use coke

>> No.20010587
File: 198 KB, 763x1023, yzLvPjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm thinking he's /ourguy/ next to Chef John

>> No.20010595

in Britain theres a high amount of coke use anyway

>> No.20010642

I do not understand the big deal. He's making money, and I'm not sure who he's hurting by selling frozen dinners.

>> No.20010688

>t. never worked in a kitchen

>> No.20010695

>and I'm not sure who he's hurting by selling frozen dinners.
Other chefs and restaurants that know that customers can now buy microwave dinners that are equal to what you can get from a three star chef like Ramsay.

>> No.20010975

Have you ever see him say frozen is unacceptable outside of a situation in which he is speaking to the owner or employee of a sit down restaurant?

>> No.20011007

They have no reason to cost $6.

>> No.20011017

>They have no reason to cost $6.
I'd like to see you make a meal equivalent to something Ramsay could make for $6 or less.

>> No.20011039

>I'm hope you enjoy
OK, hope.

>> No.20011376

Because 12 years ago he still had a reputation to uphold for his TV shows. Now, this is just free money for letting people print his face on a box for some easy living retirement income.

>> No.20011385

>a sit down restaurant
As opposed to a non sit down restaurant?

>> No.20011386

Julia Child
Emeril Lagasse to a lesser extent

>> No.20011389

He’s not a chef.
He’s a tv producer.

>> No.20011516

>unitaskers are le bad :(((
>an oven is a unitasker, by definition, it only heats up food
He could've just said that he overgeneralized a bit too much.

>> No.20011517


>> No.20011519


>> No.20011541

Skips the middle man and get addicted to pure coca leaf.

>> No.20011552

So what are sit-down restaurants opposed to then, smartypants?

>> No.20011583

A restaurant by legal and literal definition has seating.
It’s not a restaurant otherwise.

>> No.20011592

>having to explain that on a supposedly food and cooking board
He came for the fast food threads.

>> No.20011632
File: 554 KB, 2200x2200, Gordon-Ramsay-Red-Wine-Braised-Beef-Frozen-Meals-9-5oz_b3efba49-3855-4d83-89ad-21653c2b41ab.e216288fad656270cfba5b47687f4a4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you must this one is freaking awesome.
Best frozen food ever had.

>> No.20011643

Who knew a TV chef was a load of bollocks. Do a year of culinary school will be at the same level as him.

>> No.20011690

Not too fond of ramseycels myself

>> No.20011736

one of the worst videos ive ever seen
never eaten a chicken pot pie before
never eaten fish and chips
doesnt know what shepherds pie is
doesnt know what a caper is
cringe humor entire way throughf
god i want to punch this idiot

>> No.20011791

Hi Gordan

>> No.20011806

cutthroat kitchen was prime /ck/ino. I miss it so much.

>> No.20011829

how many michelin stars do you have?

>> No.20011831

Yeah, he's really anti drugs because it destroyed his younger brother. They grew up really close because they were only a year apart, but their lives just went completely different directions.

>> No.20011929


>> No.20012008

>an oven is a unitasker
It isn't though. Unitaskers are something niche that applies to one or two single foods (eg: egg separators, banana slicers, salad spinners).
An oven has multiple heating elements, cooking types, and is used for a vast majority of cooking. That's not 'unitasking'.
By your fruity logic, how else would he heat food?

>> No.20012015

There are tons of take-out only restaurants

>> No.20012191

>Name a better famous chef. I dare you.

>> No.20012207

Marco Pierre White

>> No.20012217

>put on your menu that the food is fresh
>open up frozen meat, microwave it
>open up frozen sauce, microwave that too and dump it on the meat

>> No.20012234

>assuming that it says fresh on the menu

>> No.20012263
File: 1.18 MB, 724x738, gordon ramsays bacon is so good even jews eat it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20012283

This is easily the worst idea. he even has it laid flat in the top pic to avoid drawing the eye to it. You cant make a fucking risotto in the microwave. Its all about the rice absorbing the perfect amount of liquid and timing.

>> No.20012287
File: 1.04 MB, 808x811, risotto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the pic.

>> No.20012293

>cook it flat
>if you cook in a deep pan all the rice cooks at different temperatures
Exactly like a microwave.

>> No.20012356

This is available in a liquor store 20 miles from me, I almost want to try it

>> No.20012364

Just an age old American tradition of pompous Brits on television selling us overpriced shit

>> No.20012371

He recently had another child and he's getting old now. Probably trying to make enough money while he can.

>> No.20012424

Are the shallots supposed to be that chunky or did he just not want to correct his daughter?
I don't eat risotto myself but I've cooked it for others and usually tried to get the shallots/onions as finely chopped as I could. That's how I was taught.

>> No.20012434
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Why are so many """people""" completely unashamed of selling out? Ramsey has enough money to live the rest of his life in comfort, what was this gig really going to get him?

>> No.20012459

I've watched every single Kitchen Nightmares, it ALWAYS says fresh on the menu.

>> No.20012466

Ramsay never had any principles when it comes to his paycheck.
first thing he did with his very first michelin star was accept an endorsement deal for a propriety variety of green apple only to serve plain old granny smiths at the event.
"$6000 for a half hour's work" was all he had to say on the matter.
he was also filming a television show at the time and was not shy about the apple swap on camera.
he's also agreed to shill frozen walmart steaks in the past.

in a way i kind of respect him for it, unlike Marco who spent years railing against sellouts only to turn around and dance for knorr stock cubes.

>> No.20012472

What's wrong with Knorr stock cubes?

>> No.20012475

I love it when poor people are baffled by financial well being

Stay poor fag lmao

>> No.20012479

he's not a chef because he has never been a chef de cuisine.
he has been in charge of a commercial kitchen.
he in fact hired a chef to run the off-camera kitchen for Good Eats.

re-read that sentence until you understand.

>> No.20012480

>he has never* been in charge of a commercial kitchen.

holy fuck how did i fuck that up
anyway i like the guy but taking a cooking class doesn't make you a chef.

>> No.20012484

You're a fucking moron

>> No.20012487

>convection/"air fry"

that's at least three tasks standard in every oven

>> No.20012492

He also pretty much just did "On Food and Cooking" by Harold McGee for TV.

>> No.20012505

and there's nothing wrong with that.
he did film school and cooking school with the express goal of becoming the Bill Nye of food TV, and it worked.

but he's not a chef.

>> No.20012515

I don't disagree, I might have never found it otherwise. He was a comfy character in the 90s, but he kind of assholed up later on in his career.
I like that he's a hunter and not afraid to show off his guns, that's not something too common in the entertainment industry.

>> No.20012516


>> No.20012519


>> No.20012525

Kek. Got 'im.

>> No.20012535

Have you tried them? I had the pot pies and thought they were great. Don't know how it's "fraudulent" to make a good frozen product.

>> No.20012538

he has spent his entire television career shouting at people for using frozen food so this would be a betrayal of his principles if he had any.

>> No.20012539

idk about all of his shows but kitchen nightmares was kino

>> No.20012569

Yeah no kidding, he saved marriages on that show, gotta give him props just for that.

>> No.20012573

Frozen food isn't appropriate to be served to guests in a fine dining establishment. That doesn't mean it isn't appropriate to exist. I don't want a Gordon's frozen pot pie in a restaurant but I do want one at Walmart.

>> No.20012584


Like the other anon commented, GR has been against frozen food for years, not just in a commercial restaurant. He's always pushed for making food from scratch at home and how easy it is.

These frozen meals are the same brand that make the other celebrity chef frozen meals. They just use their likeness to make dishes that are more "inspired by" the chefs than the chefs actually being involved in creating them.

>> No.20012724

Their people have said they are bullshit and many were given cause they didn't know what they were eating and didn't want to look like uneducated foodies.

>> No.20012922

they don't have any standards, they are prepared to throw away their entire status for some money a jew gives them. that's how people work. people are the worst

>> No.20013291

Ostensibly rich people can be very bad with their money.

>> No.20013843

>doesnt he have enough money?
Imagine someone offering you 5mil just to use your name and likeness to sell a product. You don't have to do any work besides a few photoshoots and a couple video commercials. Would you say no? Sure you can say that he already has more than enough money but why would you say no to more money with barely any work.

>enough to not part with what little dignity he has left?
He also got 6 kids. So I am also sure he is thinking about making as much as he can so he has more than enough to leave his kids with something.

>> No.20013989

Why bother asking about any shitty contemporary internet buzzword? It either starts out as "thing I don't like", or it eventually becomes "thing I don't like".
Here's my advice: Just stop paying attention to people who don't speak like people.

>> No.20013997

That's disingenuous, but not "BIG WORD ME CAN'T PRONOUNCE BAD AND SCARY" isnt?

>> No.20014019

I wonder if you ever made it past highschool chemistry, assuming you even took that in highschool

>> No.20014020

Means something along the lines of "poverty food" but not actually in the sense of being economical like your beans and rice type of stuff. Fast food, frozen prepared meals, potato chips and soybean/corn syrup dip for them, maybe even the awful hot bar from your local walmart. It should be clear why this could be called "slop" and people have been referring to low quality food in that way for many decades.

You might also think of it as the food equivalent of popular media, like your marvel movies etc. Maybe it's enjoyable in some sense but somebody who makes that their entire lifestyle is probably in a sad state, and it could be argued that this trash is being produced with the explicit intent of making the populace less healthy, less intelligent, and without a doubt with the intent of taking their money - these elements constitute the "goy" part of the name, that is, it's presented as being a jewish trick to demoralize and exploit the non-jewish population by various means.

>> No.20014032

People are seething mad about this because now everybody can eat affordable cuisine made by a Michelin star chef. Eating food at Michelin starred restaurants has lost its glamour now that Gordon Ramsey has brought top quality Michelin Star cuisine to the average person with his gourmet heat and eat meals. Gordon is tearing down barriers and giving everybody the chance to enjoy some of the world's best food.

>> No.20014510

In the early UK kitchen nightmares Ramsay was very much okay with frozen food. It's all about how it's prepared

>> No.20014518
File: 223 KB, 740x581, 1702881617399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far better than other frozen meals
>only $6
I'm gonna try them this week

>> No.20014545

If anyone thinks Gordon is suddenly sullying his name with his Chef Gusteau co-packed slop forgot all the years he starred in Hell's Kitchen and Restaurant: Impossible. It wasn't selling frozen meals to Americans, it was selling "Reality" TV to Americans. He has no prestige to lose.

>> No.20014551

First the grilled cheese and now this.
He obviously doesn't give a fuck and is having a laugh before retiring on a yacht in the Mediterranean.

>> No.20014681
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>> No.20014686
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>> No.20014771
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>> No.20015054


>> No.20015090

this. after the change between the original kitchen nightmares n the shitty american water horn version it was very clear this was going to be the end result

>> No.20015213

The fuck

>> No.20015221

Oh shit he called me out.

>> No.20015804

lol haven't seen that posted in a while

>> No.20015985


It looks like it has worms

>> No.20016000
File: 611 KB, 1280x720, 1702284431606598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still this triggered by a word that describes you to a t

>> No.20016704
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Wish me luck, cu/ck/s. I'm going in

>> No.20016718

the chipotle ketchup is better

>> No.20016729

wwhd if I served him it in Hells kitchun?

>> No.20016739
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>> No.20016843
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I'm glad you asked.

>> No.20017039

Based memetic researcher, hope that anon checks this because it's both accurate and succinct

>> No.20017040

Cooks do downers. I'd wager everyone with an opioid addiction who isn't homeless has a job in food preparation. Weed too of course.

>> No.20017233

I just finished the lasagna and does Ramsay have an equivalent to "flavortown"? Because that's where it just took me

>> No.20017248


>> No.20017304

Someone should serve this to him on one of his shows and see the reaction, and then reveal the truth.

>> No.20017358

imagine caring about TV personalities in 2023, they all hate you

>> No.20017387

There are plenty of standing restaurants in Japan because they're for quick eating only.

I think there were a few take out only places that I've visited in my city where they are inside a building with a window for ordering and paying, and counters along the wall but no chairs. Most were Chinese and Mexican places, maybe a couple were Black places that only sold fried chicken or bbq.

I don't understand why this guy needs to keep making more new shows and shit. He has enough money.

>> No.20017405

>in a way i kind of respect him for it, unlike Marco who spent years railing against sellouts only to turn around and dance for knorr stock cubes.
Marco doesn't bother me as much with his shilling because at least he still tries to incorporate it into homecooking lessons and genuinely seems passionate about teaching people how to cook. dude's just making a living, it's not as bad as Gordon who is already sitting on an empire and still sticks his face on any product for a paycheque. the former is subsistence, the latter is greed

>> No.20017417

>he's a fraud
>but that\s just entertainment
so, he's a fraud--thanks for .. eh, nothing.

>> No.20017428

sloppa doesn't have to be unhealthy

>> No.20017441

Him liking me or not does not change the quality of his cooking.
Last I checked the food quality is a pretty important part when it comes to that.

>> No.20017534

>Him liking me or not does not change the quality of his cooking.
>Last I checked the food quality is a pretty important part when it comes to that.
LIke you were told by someone else, he's not even a chef, you autist. He's a TV character. Some people tried some of his recipes, and they were awful. You bought into a gimmick. A gimmick you can get for free on YouTube from 200 other shmucks now. You are stuck in a 2004 time warp. What's next, bringing up Top Chef contestants? lol

>> No.20017611

I saw Ramsay's grilled cheese recipe. I could make a better grilled cheese simply by not using whatever cheese he did (Provolone or something like that, you're supposed to use gouda or swiss).

>> No.20017636

>aur naur too racist, we're gonna ban you globally for this even though other boards don't fucking care

>> No.20018290


>> No.20018340

The quote is actually from Anton LaVey.

>> No.20020376

Marcos controversy are his multiple divorces, his degenerate sons, and the infamous knorr stock cube incident.

>> No.20020388

How retarded do you have to be to believe any of what you just wrote?

>> No.20020870

he worked in bong kitchens in the 80s
he defiantly did coke

>> No.20021210

>from what I have seen from post here and on pol it means
Wierd what I take from it is shit from the frozen section besides frozen veg or fast food.

>> No.20021216

did his aged eggnog last year. was good but probably needed another month (I did 1)

>> No.20021221


How retarded do you have to be to think he actually cooked a single thing on Amy of his shows and didn't just cut to what someone else made in editing, let alone think he's an actual chef?

>> No.20021248

$70 million simply wouldn't have sufficed for him and the next few generations of his descendants to be well.

>> No.20021314

One of these is not loike the others
I always pictured sloppa as food that's somewhat ugly but comfy and can be served with a ladle.
And it's always homemade.

>> No.20021316
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that was hard, now it's my turn
name a better chef

>> No.20021344

>salad spinners
Not a unitasker, can use it for all sorts of produce, moreover now you have an extra (plastic) colander and bowl if the need arises

>> No.20021347

Grilled cheese should be cheddar shaved thinly mixed with provolone.

Gouda and Swiss I dont like melted.

>> No.20021381

Tony Bourdain was a professional chef, working at Brasserie Les Halles in New York City up until he published his award winning book "Kitchen Confidential". At that point, he left the kitchen and became a TV food and travel personality.

>> No.20021397

Yes, I'm sure the years he spent in kitchens of other restaurants, opening his own, and earning michelin stars just never actually happened

>> No.20021412


When did he spent years in the kitchens of restaurants and open his own restaurant?

>> No.20021527

Salad spinners are unitaskers; they literally just spin produce. As opposed to your collander (metal) used to hold the produce and rinse/clean it properly. A spinner is just a lazy persons collander to quickly rinse things. It cannot for example be used to strain pasta, separate olive juice, or anything else. It does 1 thing: spin produce. They're junk.

>> No.20021535

Enjoy your soggy lettuce. Is a bowl a unitasker? Its only task is to hold stuff.

>> No.20021546

I rinse lettuce under a faucet, shake it for a while then pat it with a kitchen towel if it was sandy and dirty. Like a human being that doesn't need a gadget to do 1 specific task.
>Is a bowl a unitasker?
Technically yes because you generally only eat off it, or hold food for mixing. You can use it as a template for cutting dough, making a mold for something like a rice crispy dessert, separating eggs, whisking eggs for scramble, quite a number of uses. But I guess for NPCs if you only ever eat off a bowl or plate they are a unitasker.

>> No.20021648

Oh I thought we were still talking about Ramsay. Alton's cool too, so fuck you

>> No.20021650

No it doesn't goyslop is shit that is objectively unhealthy. Sometimes served in absurd amounts or the most ludicrous ways possible. It's a great term.

>> No.20021656

Whether anton levay or ramsey, I am in the clear.
>French dressing is the only for me

>> No.20021658
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>I'm hope you enjoy them all !!!

>> No.20021659

>hyperbolic response

>> No.20021671

Damn, LaVey was a fucking moron.

>> No.20021944
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Marco has also said that it’s perfectly fine to buy a high grade mayonnaise to use instead of spending your limited cooking time making your own. He’s a realist who knows that “ain’t nobody got time for that”

The Knorr deal was just an extension of that attitude. Of course making your own stock from the fond of roasted veal bones then slow boiling it with aromatics and then cooling it and filtering will be the best, but a bullion base is something the typical cook will actually do instead of the “ ain’t nobody got time for that” method.

Bullion is an easy way to add richness and flavor to tons of dishes and talking trash on a chef who is fully capable of making a stock for using an option that’s “good enough” especially when he’s using it to encourage more people to cook their own meals in an easier manner.

Do you mill your own flour from wheat that’s been aged and dried to optimal humidity to make your pasta from scratch the day it will be cooked? There’s an Italian restaurant here in Philly that does just that, but for the rest of us, ain’t nobody got time for that…

Also, my fiancé is a culinary trained chef who is also Italian, when I saw Ramsey meals at the Walmart I had to grab this for her and gave it to her for dinner on one of her late shifts….saying that I prepared her a Michelin star meal.
She laughed her ass off and declared it better than Chef boyardee, but not by much…

>> No.20021988

Gordon confirmed for satanic, that dressing test is from Anton levey

>> No.20022207

>Some people tried some of his recipes, and they were awful.
Yes, sometimes people will not enjoy a recipe. That's a given for literally any food from any chef.
Who are the 'some people' in this context anyway?

>> No.20022245

the photoshopped plate really sells it

>> No.20022489

he needs the money

>> No.20023097

If you knew your Good Eats lore, you'd know he relented on his 'no uni-tasker' rule when he made crepes with a crepe pan

>> No.20023122

Rick Bayless

>> No.20023128

this is not the smile of a man that endorses this product

>> No.20024085

Unfathomably based

>> No.20024092

I always got the feeling he's a massive cunt IRL

>> No.20024093

>to minimalize resource usage
and that's a bad thing?

>> No.20024095

For you

>> No.20024948
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No way people can shit on Marco for Knorr now. It was pretty funny but It is still just a product to aid you or help in cooking. They make spices and sauces and other such things.
Ramsay coming out with frozen slop meals is the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.20025745

also stockpots are actually quite good compared to most cubes available in supermarkets or whatever

>> No.20025849
File: 152 KB, 1500x900, The-Fine-Art-of-Being-Jacques-Pepin-FT-BLOG0523-d93a0b35332b48d69a87fee7314e92c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughs (and slurps) in Pepin

>> No.20026134

Because that's the entertainment and show that the producers and he wanted to put on because they knew the American audience would eat that shit up. In reality he doesn't give a shit they use frozen food but he has to pretend to because that's what the audience expects him to.

>> No.20026152
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His wife keeps pumping kids out. She fears Empty Nest syndrome and would rather be a perpetual baby machine then not have kids at home.
>Be Gordon
>"Honey I'm tired of all this world travelling and working: the kids are set for life and I want to retire; isn't that why I put all this work in to begin with?"
>"No Gordon. See this turkey baster? It contains your sperm from 20 years ago. I have several more batches in freezers hidden around London. I'm having another baby. You better keep working to support us or I'll tell everyone you're a terrible parent! In it goes!"