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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20004873 No.20004873 [Reply] [Original]

Non-American here. Tell me about the famous black cookout? What are they cooking? Why is it so significant?

>> No.20004876 [DELETED] 

I’m going to let all of you anons in here in on a little secret. Did you know that when niggers talk about “seasoning” they are exclusively referring to “Lawry’s Seasoned Salt?”
I’m not joking, it’s an honest to God fact. Next time you get on the subject of cooking while chatting with a nigger ask him what his favorite seasonings are to use while cooking. He’ll stare at you mouth agape before mumbling out some incoherent nigger speak like
>“mufuggah ion no not mufuggin gorton ramsay nigga nah mean I’m just usin seasoning nigga”

Niggers really have no concept of seasoning, they honestly think all flavor is derived from lawry’s seasoning salt. One time I was invited to my nigger neighbor’s 4th of July bbq. I could hardly contain my excitement because I was finally about to be enlightened by the fabled nigger BBQ, or so I thought.

Imagine my disappointment when I arrived and was greeted with the following
>chicken rubbed with lawry’s seasoned salt
>ribs with dry rub of lawry’s seasoned salt and paprika
>mashed potatoes loaded with lawry’s seasoned salt
>salad garnished with lawry’s seasoned salt
>asparagus coated in so much lawry’s seasoned salt that it was entirely crystallized by the time it was done grilling
>every table had a bottle of lawry’s seasoned salt on it “to add some extra seasoning”
It was absolutely unreal. Do you know how many times I was asked to “pass the seasoning” that night? It can’t be counted on both hands. Describing the situation as Lynchian is too kind.

If you ever find yourself dating a nigger and want to impress her grill up some chicken and rub it with enough lawry’s seasoned salt to cure an entire calf. You will be amazed at her eyes light up as she takes her first bite and she showers you with compliments for “cookin’ with soul”

>> No.20004883
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fippidy bippidy

>> No.20004887

Disgusting collard greens, shitty mac and cheese, some way too salty shit bbq and a drive by shooting for dessert

>> No.20004890


>> No.20004906

kek. yeah right. soulless anons
>fried chicken

>> No.20004910

We cook good food for friends and family to come enjoy and socialize. I don’t get what you’re asking.

Everybody makes everything we do a meme, it’s no more significant than any other races cookout.

>> No.20004916 [DELETED] 

Niggers didn’t invent fried chicken though. It only became associated with them because Colonel Sanders realized that nigger beasts are genetically predisposed to enjoy wharfing down huge amounts of grease/fat/msg and he used this knowledge to become a millionaire.

>> No.20004924
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Collards can be awesome.

>> No.20004935

Here's some articles on the matter.

>> No.20004970

Cheap shitty meat coated in as many dollar store seasoning mixes as they had change for.

>> No.20004972

Finally see a negro who pays his taxes, works, has a family, mows his lawn and speaks normal English and hwiteboi here complains about some free food that he ate

>> No.20005022

>Tell me about the famous black cookout
mmhmm, black people get together and have a cookout, and joke about perhaps not inviting the white people, or about a time where a wypipo got invited and brought some potato salad with raisins or something. they just make burgers and stuff, it's like a regular cookout probably, but with Lawry's and purple drank.
>What are they cooking?
burgers, hotdogs, maybe crab boil but that's kind of it's own thing, no matter what it is they're gonna put Lawry's on it
>Why is it so significant?
it's a way of redistributing the wealth (inasmuch as Lawry's seasoning, hamburgers, and hotdogs are wealth) amongst the extended family and their friends, and to coordinate each other's completely legal business activities with each other. also, presumably, it's where you check out your wife/gf's hotter friends and sisters for a while and get blasted on Henny
it's just a social gathering; black people's traditional cookouts seem generally to have more people than a white cookout that isn't called for a specific event

>> No.20005026

they are clearly cooking kebabs

>> No.20005030

When I was in a house with 3 black roommates, we were all unemployed and desperate for work (this was in the summer of 2009)

anyway we didn't have enough money to pay the AC bill, but one day they spend 6 hours pre-seasoning and then grilling ribs. Without asking me. So I went out and bought a case of cornas

>> No.20005042

Frying like that was carried over from Africa apparently

>> No.20005053

Hey! They also use Walmart brand garlic powder/onion powder and Tony Chachere's or Slap Ya Mama sometimes kek

>> No.20005067

>black cookout
>white cookout
Ummmm why can't black people and white people just get along? And just have cookouts not [insert_skin_colour here] cookouts?

>> No.20005170

Yeah anon, not like them fancy white folk, they use the McCormick brand garlic powder, it's a real game changer let me tell you

>> No.20005202

>black cookout
more like shootout, cause that’s all they do

>> No.20005214 [DELETED] 

White people use fresh garlic and onions because they live near supermarkets or farmers markets and don’t have to subsist off of slop like nigger cattle that use bodegas for all of their EBT purchases.

>> No.20005217

why over news pappers? don't have a tablecloth?

>> No.20005227

Were depressed, autistic, suicidal and sexually frustrated and our whiteness is the only thing we think we have over them, that’s why

>> No.20005234


>> No.20005238

kill yourself

>> No.20005254

A regular cookout but blacks think they have a monopoly on good cooking because their only exposure to wypipo food is school and prison.

>> No.20005259

Blacks force the race thing way more. Their cookouts are about being black and how much they love not having white people there.

>> No.20005264

Independent of race, the American cookout represents a humble but comfortable middle-class suburban success ("suburban" is important here; property/land ownership is a big part of it), togetherness with family/friends/neighbors, a momentary return to proper gender roles, and the carefree, easygoing attitude of hot summers--all combined, a characteristically American picture. Among the African-American community, the American Cookout may have an additional significance due to their historically having to fight harder to achieve this middle-class suburban success--probably combined with a conscious emphasis on foods considered to be "home-ish" (many "black" foods often just American Southern foods, misinterpreted by Northerners). Which is not to say that the grotesque examples lampooned by /ck/ do not exist, but consider that TikTok videos represent only a small part of reality. The threat is not "le negroes" but bidenflation, the dismal real estate market, and fact that broken zoomers actually believe that 1950s advertising portrayals of cookouts were an unachievable fantasy. (Spoiler: no.)

>> No.20005271

I could have a 50s style cookout tomorrow and it's December

>> No.20005279

They aren't stingy on the salt

>> No.20005280
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To add, assuming OP is not a troll, it helps to step outside ourselves and realize that there are parts of the world where even "having a backyard" is just not a thing, much less being permitted to grill. (Looking at you, German urbanites.) Our supreme American Cookouts are more significant than we give them credit for. I, for one, hope to be invited to your own family cookout and hear "he cute" whispered by your sassy cousin as I ask for extra butter for my succotash. (Spoiler: he ain't cute.)

>> No.20005282

Australian, Floridian, or /wintergrill/? All are based, but speaking as a fellow Grillmeister who operates a Weber like the fuckin' Postal Service ("Neither snow nor rain..."), I still concede that summertime is Peak Grilliage.

>> No.20005285

yummers, i too enjoy newspaper ink in my food, scrumptious!

>> No.20005286

>Non-American here
Welcome to our American website. Enjoy your stay.
>Tell me about the famous black cookout?
It's like any other cookout, except a majority of the attendees are black. On 4chan, that is enough to make them famous.
>What are they cooking?
Shish kebab and sausages, apparently. Did you not even look at the image?
>Why is it so significant?
The heat of the grill cooks the meat.

>> No.20005289

i dunno, i'm brown and i invite both as well as asians, i sometimes like to do a funny little joke for shits and giggles and pour all the lemonade in the cups and take a big spoonful of salt and put it in a random one. i let them choose the cup and i try to guess who got the lemonade with the salt in it before he or she starts cringing

>> No.20005290

>What are they cooking? Why is it so significant?
It is EXACTLY the same as any other cookout. Race doesn't figure into it. Grilling whatever anyone wants, prepared salads from pasta salad, potato salad, etc. Differences between cookouts is just who has a grandma or guests who either buy prepared salads from the grocery or deli, or make quality homemade versions. There will always be burgers,maybe hot dogs for the kiddies, and regionally people might be cooking argentinean sausages and steaks,italian sausages and peppers....in addition to the burgers.
If you are black, probably someone will demand mac n cheese, some horrible rendition with eggs to firm it up with less cheese overall. A cookout should have a chilled salad, not a lukewarm mac and cheese, really.

>> No.20005292


>> No.20005302

At black cookouts, everyone stands around the grill hootin' and hollerin' and offering opinionated commentary on the progress of the cooking.
Whereas at white cookouts, everyone sits around the grill in a folding lawn chair, completely silent with hands folded in their laps, until the timer goes off, and then they all clap.

>> No.20005303
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I hate most food white people bring to potlucks. As a kid I would just eat whatever my mom brought.

>> No.20005307 [DELETED] 

Idk, my family is jamaican not nigger american

>> No.20005322

Blackmericans aren't some monolith.
I've been to cookouts where there was barbecue, others where it was just grilled/roasted meat, others where fried fish was served and so on. The only thing that seems to be almost universal, at least IME, Is potato salad. I've only been to one cookout where it wasn't supplied and at that one, I brought it (I'm from Yurp and live in the US, but my dad grew up in NY and picked up how to make Blackmerican potato salad from having Black friends when he was a kid).

>Did you know that when they talk about “seasoning” they are exclusively referring to “Lawry’s Seasoned Salt?”
>You will be amazed at her eyes light up as she takes her first bite and she showers you with compliments for “cookin’ with soul”
Funny enough, it's not wrong. I even have a pair of anecdotes to back it up. I used to date a Black American southerner whose immediate family was spurned by the extended family for not using Lawry's. My ex's mum never liked the taste of it, I guess, so raised her family without it.
Anecdote 2: at a Friendsgiving I was invited to about 8 years ago, I brought homecooked collard greens. I cook them similarly to how tough greens are cooked where I'm from, that being some halfway point between stewing and sauteing. Only difference is that I used onion where we would prefer garlic and used chopped bacon and its rendered grease as the cooking fat.
The host, a black woman, said they were good but "don't have that soul" and laughed as she said "it need some Lawry's!" Only when >>20004876 said the "cooking with soul" bit did I realise that this woman 8 years ago wasn't taking the piss.

>> No.20005331

>oke about perhaps not inviting the white people, or about a time where a wypipo got invited and brought some potato salad with raisins or something
I'm >>20005322 and I'm seriously fucking loling at this because it happened to me.
The potato salad I brought to that one cookout was very much enjoyed but I kept getting comments about white people potato salad vs black people potato salad and that my potato salad was black people potato salad. There were also questions about where I got the recipe.
>my dad; he's always made it this way
"Is yo' dad Black?"
One girl, the wife of the host's grandson (granddaughter in law?) Kept talking about "Caucasian people" and their food and specifically mentioned fucking raisins in potato salad lmao
The host chimed in "he ain't white; his dad Chinese." which I had to correct and say that he's only half Asian and where my grandmother is from is not China.
Maybe I was wrong and they really are a monolith.

>> No.20005336

>bkack potato salad
Ummm recipe?

>> No.20005345

Wow long time no see with this copypasta

>> No.20005347

I don't know, really. It's just boiled potatoes dressed with mayonnaise, prepared American mustard, a little cider vinegar or lemon juice and mashed egg yolks then tossed with chopped or shredded egg white, carrot, onion and celery and seasoned simply with just plain old salt. This is all done while the potatoes are still hot and the salad is allowed to cool in the fridge. That's it.
I've had American supermarket potato salad and if that's indicative of "white people potato salad" that shit is too sweet and it's fucking swimming in it's dressing. My dad and I never put so much liquid that it looks like clam chowder and I guess the yolks and mustard give it a yellow hue while some supermarket ones I've seen are almost bone white.

>> No.20005348
File: 29 KB, 348x400, McCormick_Company_Incorporated_Brendan_Foley_Headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The host, a black woman, said they were good but "don't have that soul" and laughed as she said "it need some Lawry's!"
And then she got up on the table and begin twerking, as McCormick & Company, Incorporated (NYSE: MKC) stockholders started dancing in a rain of dollar bills. Classic.

>> No.20005352

>just boiled potatoes
Oh, maybe this point is important; yellow fleshed potatoes. I made the mistake of using red potatoes leftover from St Patrick's and the texture and taste was all wrong.
I don't know about using other varieties. After the debacle that was red potato potato salad, I chose to never deviate from what my dad does ever again (except I occasionally use peas and corn instead of celery or add lemon zest).
And forgot to mention: dust with paprika before serving.

>> No.20005354

Since Lawry's was invented by whites, are they entitled to reparations from the Black Community for cultural appropriation?

>> No.20005355

>And then she got up on the table and begin twerking
You joke and no table was involved but she definitely did do a little bit of shimmy after, yes. Not a twerk, tho.
She was fun and I miss her but she was a renter and the area had gentrified and pushed her and literally all of the other Black families out. My area is mostly Asian and white now.

>> No.20005359
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>a little bit of shimmy
mfw never get to see that cute jiggle

>> No.20005516
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>> No.20005944 [DELETED] 

To all the worthless white scum lurking and posting in this thread: FUCK YOU

>> No.20005949 [DELETED] 

Shalom Rabbi

>> No.20006030

They probably expected you to pay it. We had one black roommate in a house of 5 guys. He never paid utilities in like 6 months and reeked of weed constantly.

>> No.20006032

truth hurts doesn't it?

>> No.20006037

>white cookout
don't those get hounded and bombed by anti-racists into extinction these days?

>> No.20006045 [DELETED] 

are you the gun who report spammed the first post for hurting your feelings?

>> No.20006056

no one is stopping you from grilling with your family and friends, stop acting so oppressed lmao

>> No.20006061 [DELETED] 

Say the n word to my face. I dare you.

>> No.20006062

>tfw I only like german potato salad that's just sliced potatoes, vinegar, onions, and bacon, maybe with some chives

>> No.20006075 [DELETED] 

don't pretend that organizing a "white" even isn't ostracized


>> No.20006180


>> No.20006183

the last time I put up posters for a white only cookout in my neighborhood the cops showed up at my house and all my neighbors let their dogs poop on my front lawn

>> No.20006187

oh and they didn't pick up the poop cops were chill though

>> No.20006194

The dogs clapped afterwards

>> No.20006202

Getting along doesn't mean you have to always be around each other. I get along with plenty of people I'd never want to live with

>> No.20006213

Looks like they are grilling some sort of chicken kabob with zuchini, yellow squash, onions, and tomatoes.

>> No.20006219

Oh and also looks like theres some sort of sausage on the grill as well.

>> No.20006227

Any reason not to do this in a mixing bowl?

>> No.20006239

>tonight on things that totally happened

>> No.20006242

What is the difference between black potato salad and white potato salad? I am from a white area and have never heard of this distinction before.

>> No.20006243

His follow up on the fish fry and playing bones also has many observations.

>> No.20006284

My mother (she's a terrible cook) just puts mayo, mustard, And maybe chives in her potato salad. I have never heard of putting bacon and cheese and all that stuff in your salad, but I never really interacted with anyone nor have I really eaten other people's food

>> No.20006295

you don't wash your hands before making it

>> No.20006300

So white people don't wash their hands before making potato salad...?

>> No.20006304

>Their cookouts are about being black and how much they love not having white people there.
this is what 4channers actually believe

>> No.20006306

you don't? you said you're from a white area but maybe you were spiritually black all along

>> No.20006315

The “famous” black cookout is dying out. Close to 80% of black mothers are unmarried, and many of them live in truly miserable commie block apartments riddled with crime. For a while there it seemed a drive by shooting would happen every week at a black cookout somewhere. Then Covid happened, killing most social gathering traditions. Then our economy went to shit. Meat is expensive now. I witnessed a bizarre theft not too long ago where a black midget in a wheelchair with two other normal guys got busted in the grocery store parking lot. Security kept pulling packs of ribs out from under blankets he had over his legs while the little guy kicked and screamed about brutality. I felt like I had wandered into a David Lynch film. Anyway, I used to hear about crawfish boils or cookouts and see large groups of black people chilling out and having fun. Looked really comfy. I just haven’t seen it happening lately. I think everybody’s just plain fucking broke.

>> No.20006319
File: 140 KB, 1110x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are wh*te people like this?

>> No.20006328

Yeah it's not that at all. A lot of ghetto blacks hate whites, but it's not the black /pol/ over there

>> No.20006330

I wasn't the guy you originally replied to, just a passerby. I imagine blacks and whites wash their hands before cooking for someone else

>> No.20006334

Noise, drug sales, crime scenes.

>> No.20006359

>black midget in a wheelchair with two other normal guys got busted in the grocery store parking lot
I live in a majority white and Asian area and one of the local supermarkets just got security and... he's a little person... and Black.
It's just really weird to me to see this admittedly very muscular little guy in a security uniform. I can't help but imagine he would've been mistaken for a trick-or-treater if he'd started just a month earlier than he did.
That said, my neighbourhood had a cookout/block party for the kids just before Halloween so it's still a thing, at least where I live.

>> No.20006362

Not her, but I vaguely remember reading the headline for a news article about that or something similar. Vancouver, I think.

>> No.20006363


>> No.20006413

audibly kekked

>> No.20006420

>tfw want to be able to enjoy cookouts(white) but I'm an autistic retard and socializing is like 80% of the event

>> No.20006428

love the vid of this

>> No.20006494

Wh-WHAT!! Oh, man. Come on. I’m all for equal opportunity but that seems like a really bad idea. I’m not sure what manner of dwarfism he has but little people are known to suffer more bone injuries. You must live in one of those high trust societies where security is kept for insurance purposes only. That little man would get his ass kicked all around the fucking store then slammed in a freezer if he tried to stop some of these more hostile types from thieving around here.

>> No.20006501

and the most baller ribs this side of the amtrak

>> No.20006517

They are cooking basically the same thing every other cook out has. The big difference is that a black men are allowed to express their emotions where white men just stand around and grunt.

>> No.20006526

actually not even newspapers, but the advertisements that come with the mail, which I can personally tell you are kept on the floor, then thrown into bins which arent cleaned, then thrown into filthy postal vehicles before being manhandled by the carrier's dirty hands that have already touched a hundred other things

>> No.20006651
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The "Cookout" is mostly a cultural event where families gather and the uncles play loud R&B music. Their cooking is nothing too special.

Don't go to one expecting to be served somemythological "soul food"

>> No.20006682

Soul food is reserved for the black family. White's are not allowed to smell it if they were to pass by the cookout

>> No.20006694

Oh I was wondering why that black family was quickly throwing food into a box when I was walking nearby

>> No.20006724 [DELETED] 

Okay I’ll let you know the next time I plan to visit the chimp exhibit at the zoo.

>> No.20006731

That's what I thought, too. I don't know the various types of dwarfism but he has that type with the big-ass heads and short limbs, though not that severe.
You could miss it were it not for his extremely short stature. I'm not the tallest guy on earth, just barely 6'1, but this guy is easily a foot shorter than me.
I've seen tiny women (not with dwarfism, tho) doing this sort of work elsewhere, but never have I seen a little person of any sex working as security.

>> No.20006734 [DELETED] 

Recruiting more white people?

>> No.20007081

white people do both the things you said, black people do all the same things but they also wash the chicken with soap

>> No.20007094

jesus h fuckin christ

>> No.20007122

Black people don't use those words, so you're, as usual, full of shit

>> No.20007129
File: 42 KB, 640x924, 88D0m-t7iXPizP_V1aj2YshzEoY8DYOiZL92Nvx3Dnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thought this video was real
We found the first white boy dumber than a black Chicago teen

>> No.20007130

Not even people that like collard greens like collard greens.

>> No.20007634

good test for your immune system

>> No.20007652

Potlucks are just better in the south where people know how to cook. Vegans and other bs shit northern whites bring absolutely ruins potlucks.

>> No.20007654

Yeah, most supermarket ones are shit that taste like ass, but if you can find the Amish style ones, those are decent.

>> No.20007658

You'd need a pretty big bowl for that mexislop, and this was 100% done for party (*social media views*) purposes.

>> No.20007666

It's security theater anon, depending on the state they aren't even legally allowed to do shit. CA won't even charge them for triple digit amounts. Corpo gets a "security person" on the docket, and normal people get a chuckle at the loophole, and DEI quotas get met - black check, disabled check.

>> No.20007672

>"soul food"
This is just renamed southern "comfort food". Mystery has been revealed!

>> No.20007688

I'm a white person who grew up in the south. Cookouts were pretty common among white folk, it was usually burgers, hot dogs, pulled pork, and/or grilled chicken, with baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, and macaroni salad being common sides. I feel like most black people had similar experiences. Usually it's cheaper foods to make for a group with the host making the mains with 1-2 sides, and the guests bringing a side they made.

>> No.20007689 [DELETED] 

Buck status: broken

>> No.20007715

S-shit he found it out

>> No.20007718 [DELETED] 

Doesn't that mean sex with a black man? White people STILL can't stop thinking about fucking black people

>> No.20007728 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't that mean sex with a black man?
Not if they use the buck breaking machine.

>> No.20007743 [DELETED] 

So it's still sex with black men. Do white people have this innate fetish for blacks or something?

>> No.20007748

i've let several black men fuck me (a white boy) and can assure you i only think about sex with black men like 2 or 3 times a day at most

>> No.20007768 [DELETED] 

Tariq Nasheed is that you? From what I've gathered from the gay community if anything black men feel unwanted. Apparently in gay dating apps people will say things like "looking for sugar and spice not chocolate or rice." Meaning they want white or Latino men but not black or asian.

>> No.20007769 [DELETED] 

You uh... Know a lot about the gay community. Do you... Buck break... Often?

>> No.20007771
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>prepared on a table
>everything is straight out of the packaging
>assuming only the meat is hot
>mixed into pure sloppa
grim and vomitpilled

>> No.20007779

Do you have any friends with a house, or else do you have a house?
I have a "cookout" every once in a while with my other dweeb friend. It's just the two of us, or maybe a total of 4 people. We cook burgers on his flat top in the back yard, and either build a fire at night and drink or drink while watching Beavis and Butthead.

>> No.20007785

No, never. The poop chute is a one way road for a reason anon.

>> No.20007788

I don't believe you. I think your down for cinnamon and chocolate and occasionally sugar

>> No.20007790

You can believe what you like anon, but I am not a homosex.

>> No.20007822
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are you flyover? eating seafood off of newspaper is common even for white people

>> No.20007827
File: 2.81 MB, 800x450, african_cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, when it comes to cooking bush meat, there's nobody more familiar.

>> No.20007833 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 1024x776, Tyrone_coalburner_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should ask about what they're eating.

>> No.20007835 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1280x853, Plumpy-Nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as in Africa.

>> No.20007841 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 480x465, Newports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing boy needs more than that.

>> No.20007971 [DELETED] 

Yeah, well my US raised dad is one half but my mum is from Yuri, where I was born and raised. Over there, potato salad is made by boiled potatoes in vinegar water the draining and dressing with olive oil, garlic, parsley and salt. That's it. Simplest shit ever but goddamn if I don't get pangs for it in the spring (which is when we typically eat it rather than the summer). Also, like the other potato salad I mentioned, yellow fleshed potatoes are used here, too.
I've made something similar with bacon grease and shallot instead of oil and garlic. Also good.

>> No.20007974

Yeah, well my US raised dad is one half but my mum is from Yurp, where I was born and raised. Over there, potato salad is made by boiled potatoes in vinegar water the draining and dressing with olive oil, garlic, parsley and salt. That's it. Simplest shit ever but goddamn if I don't get pangs for it in the spring (which is when we typically eat it rather than the summer). Also, like the other potato salad I mentioned, yellow fleshed potatoes are used here, too.
I've made something similar with bacon grease and shallot instead of oil and garlic. Also good.

>> No.20008179

A don't like to be around loud felonious idiotic chimps waiting to shoot up the place at the smallest perceived provocation.

>> No.20008326

this nigga wastin beans

>> No.20008642
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s e a s o n i n g

>> No.20008735

I'm not that anon, but if that video were the only instance it wouldn't have been brought up.

>> No.20008744

I think OP is asking about black cookouts specifically. No offense to yt

>> No.20008749

Don't talk for a month you moron

>> No.20008754

My point is: that video is satirical and is funny to all races because he doesn't something so crazy as to wash chicken with soap. But suppose the video is real, the black lady and the black viewers (go into any comment section for this video and find the people that think this was real) both agree washing chicken is stupid. I'm honestly surprised I have to explain to 4channers that people do stupid shit online for content. But again, suppose all of those videos of black people cleaning chicken with soap are all real, and they cook and eat the chicken afterwards: why are hoards of black people laughing at the video and calling it absurd if it's a common thing in black household?

>> No.20008764

I said the video doesn't matter. Many of us just observe IRL

>> No.20008766

*Washing chicken with soap, let alone bleach, is stupid. A lot of blacks do rinse their chicken, however.

Sorry for the spelling errors, I've had 4 hours of sleep

>> No.20008770

What do you observe in real life? Black people washing chicken with soap or bleach? I doubt you do

>> No.20008787

I observe your mom lol

>> No.20008800
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>> No.20008810

Somebody in another thread mentioned that these unhinged sloppa webms/vids were an inside joke among swingers but I haven't found any context to this claim. I'd believe it though, degens tend be degens in more than one area of their lives. Does anybody know more about this?

>> No.20008832

You've never been to a crawfish boil...?

Travel more bro.

>> No.20008842


>> No.20009015


>> No.20009030

no clue what you're talking about there anon

>> No.20009035 [DELETED] 

i'm open to it shaqueefa

>> No.20009039


>> No.20010568
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>> No.20010624

you are supposed to take the broth out dumb fuck

>> No.20010712

Family dinners must have been hell for you growing up, eh Billy Bob?

>> No.20010723

i'm not even American but i know it's common i louisiana to serve seafood on newspaper, this dude obviously isnt doing it the best but it seems he at least tries for his kids

>> No.20010749

>not draining the liquid first and simply pouring it out

>> No.20010769

Exactly, we have pots with built-in strainer baskets. Dude in the video was winging it, should have at least came through with a spider

>> No.20010783

It reminds of when I went to an "Italian" cafe in America which, surprisingly, had Neapolitan iced coffee in the menu (shakerato, which is made by pouring a shot or two of espresso over sugar and ice in a cocktail shaker and shaking until the ice had mostly melted then straining into a glass).
The barista forgot the ice and couldn't figure out why she burned the shit out of her hands trying to shake the shaker.
Similarly, this guy forgot to drain the liquid before tipping out his seafood. It's humorous to watch such oblivious people make such obvious mistakes. Schadenfreude.

>> No.20010813

I don't understand why he was doing a crawfish broil by cooking the shit in water instead of frying the shit in lard. Dumb muhfugga

>> No.20011041

Indians serving food with their hands is almost more hygienic.

>> No.20011045

If you fry it it’s not a boil you dumb muhfugga

>> No.20011074

I'll always remember the ending of Nothing to Lose.


>> No.20011111

bunch of ghetto black people take over a park for the day, cook a bunch of slop with charcoal, drink 40oz of malt liquor, throw trash and shit everywhere, all the little obese ones drinking cool aid and other forms of liquid sugar. by the end of the day there have been multiple fights and potentially a shooting. police hangout at the park all day cause they KNOW that it's impossible for blacks to congregate without starting violence.

>> No.20011136
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>> No.20011235 [DELETED] 
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Holy kek

>> No.20011237 [DELETED] 

What a terrible fucking comeback
Apply yourself

>> No.20011247 [DELETED] 

Lol calm down timmy

>> No.20011251

So retarded it’s based

>> No.20011256 [DELETED] 

Is this the power of nigger comebacks?

>> No.20011839

Why are they watering down a pot of water?

>> No.20011841

Apparently they're mostly from one dude's production shop pumping out scroll material for boomers on facebook, we only see the ones that are truly nuts because they achieve escape velocity and end up on other social media.

>> No.20013205 [DELETED] 

Got insulted at first, then I realized I'm not white ;_;

>> No.20013229

just go back you turbofaggot

>> No.20013427

This is the kind of biting stand-up comedy from the 80s I miss.

>> No.20013538
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Lobsters and clams in the NE.

>> No.20013571
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Now post Stalekracker doing the exact same thing

>> No.20013583 [DELETED] 

>N word
You fucked up, timbo

>> No.20013766

Yeah they stopped paying their share of the rent and decided to squat for the next couple months, which is when I moved out. Also my savings were out.

Nice guys though

>> No.20013781


>> No.20013783

I like collard greens, but you were right about everything else.

>> No.20013883
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>surprisingly, had Neapolitan iced coffee in the menu (shakerato)
That stuff is pretty good. Didn't know that was the name for it. Always just called it "cafe frida" or some shit, which I know is not trchnically correct and a different thing but I used the term interchangeably.

What do you think of Brasilena?

>> No.20013933

When you are more disgusting than ja/ck/

>> No.20013955

peach cobbler is the grossest dessert i've eaten. literally peach slime soup. retard tier.

>> No.20014181

Overcooked burgers. They fear pink in meat. Mostly dry food well to over seasoned. Chicken dry as my ass.
Good mac and potato salads.

>> No.20014190

The white pallet isn't accused to the well seasoned (more than a pinch of salt) black dinner

>> No.20014222

soap is not a spice albeit

>> No.20014265
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It's more flavorful than butter and hot water

>> No.20014404 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about? They are hated by anyone with common sense, world wide.

>> No.20014446 [DELETED] 

>Implying anyone here gets invited to black cookouts

>> No.20014560 [DELETED] 

It's not about the food, it's so culturally significant because it's a space where blacks can be unadulteratedly black without the peering eye of whitey.

>> No.20014577

Blanon reporting in, only because it's thread-relevant. Our family's July 4th cookout was:
>Smoked chicken
>Grilled chicken because the smoked chicken guy's brother said he does better chicken
>Pork ribs
>Beef ribs (there was an argument over who does better ribs and splitting it by animal was the compromise)
>Hot dogs
>Tofu dogs for my cousin's white girlfriend
>Smoked duck
>NY Strip (only for the grandparents and their siblings)
Then of course a bunch of baked beans, corn bread, coleslaw.
The crawfish boil is usually an Easter thing for us. Anyway it's just an excuse for your family to get together, there's no real ritual to it.

>> No.20014581 [DELETED] 

Weird how white people aren't allowed to have their own spaces without the peering eyes of antiwhites, because antiwhite hate groups like the ADL and SPLC slander them for it and the FBI will try to entrap them for it.

>> No.20014595

Which one ended up making the better chicken?

>> No.20014603

As a matter of politeness you never tell your black relatives who cooks better to them to their faces.
But the grilled chicken was better and everyone knows it. In fairness to the smoked chicken, I personally struggle to get the skin right when smoking it without overcooking the chicken, too.

>> No.20014605

>better to them
Sorry, meant better *than* them.

>> No.20014710

>peach slime soup.
They fucked it up. Properly made, it shouldn't be remotely liquid-y.

>> No.20015317

he's not wrong though lmao shit talking and complaining and ranting about whites with some bottles of crown is a literal pastime black ppl can do for hours and never get bored

>> No.20015353

True. Ever been to a black barbershop? When they're not talking sports or women, they're talking about white people with occasional deviances to other topics. But it's still mostly white people.

>> No.20015373

honestly, at 99% of black cookouts it's just hotdogs and hamburger

>> No.20015378

So it's kinda like what you guys do?

>> No.20015393

>what you guys do?
What guys? And do what? I don't bitch about white people except white women and white women aren't people. I bitch about the Irish and greasy wop degos but neither is white nor people.

>> No.20015429

The vast majority of 4chan users bitch about non whites 24/7. It seems like that's all you guys think about

>> No.20015431

if a bunch of rats were dumped into your house, you'd probably bitch too.

>> No.20015448

Huh? I'm black retard just telling you how it is. Don't care if that makes you mad

>> No.20015451

"Dumped" lol white's brought blacks to their home. If anyone to be blamed it's them. You reap what you sow

>> No.20015456

And I'm telling you how it is. 4chan users complain and complain just as much as a 20 year old black woman at Harvard. If THAT makes you mad, then idk what to tell you

>> No.20015461

not my problem lmao

>> No.20015471

I suggest blaming the Jews for that

>> No.20015477
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Just telling you how it is

>> No.20015481

Then this is a Jewish country and you shouldn't be mad that they rule it

>> No.20015491


>> No.20015492

Why that lil nigga so jolly? ain't shit 2 be jolly bout...

>> No.20015516

I am not mad, I am of the Jewish faith myself

>> No.20015526


>> No.20015945

Janny tranny deleted my posts because I was being 'Not Jewish'

>> No.20015956

You finna get a ban asshole

>> No.20016586
