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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 1280x720, PaneraChargedLemonades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19996205 No.19996205 [Reply] [Original]

>kills you

>> No.19996217
File: 102 KB, 1167x866, F2Sxhd3W4AEo9El[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The charges, officer?

>> No.19996218

You should drink the lemonade for making this thread.

>> No.19996229

One day all energy drinks will br banned mark my words

>> No.19996235

well look at caffeine like we look at coke now

>> No.19996246

No, just self serve stations and free refills across all beverages. Maybe even water, too.
Energy drinks will only see a price hike.

>> No.19996254


i gotta get my hand on one of these before they take them off the menu

>> No.19996264

Why can't I buy monster energy in a 2 liter bottle? Is there any energy drink you can buy like that?

>> No.19996280

based panera bleaching the genepool
how do we get minorities to drink more of this stuff?

>> No.19996283

let them buy it with food stamps, snap, or wic

>> No.19996287

Honest to god question who the fuck eats at panera bread? It's like the McDonalds version of a bakery. Why the fuck would you ever go there?

>> No.19996288

Then who will fight for white people? Not whites, certainly

>> No.19996293

White women jizz over this place.

>> No.19996296

It's essentially a waiting room in the middle of a big city, it's someplace you can sit and get a coffee and/or some food while you're between things or want to step away from the office

>> No.19996300

We already had this thread a couple days ago, please stop posting it. Regards

>> No.19996301

It's okay to call them retards here.

>> No.19996306

>Free refills
>Kills you after a second cup
Maybe Red Lobster should had poison to their all you can eat shrimps.

>> No.19996349

>let a retard loose because its no longer fun to take care of them after they become adults
>retard kills himself
>try to cash in on your dead son's corpse by sueing a restraunt chain he killed himself at while being retarded

this is dumb.

>> No.19996351

/PCLG/ - Panera Charged Lemonade General

>> No.19996398

Many such cases, at least they were worth something to them in the end.

>> No.19996409

they probably already have just because they know people will come for the memes after a second case

Two C4 Energy drinks is the same caffeine content as a 30oz (the large cup) charged lemonade

>> No.19996438

All this would potentially do is end self-serve stations.
Because "trust" in your customers proves fatal. To them.

>> No.19996448

Maybe we should try to start a TikTok challenge of downing like 3 or 4 in under an hour.

>> No.19996454
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, 2D32C0B0-6618-4426-9C4B-BFC05330C3B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills you
And i wouldn’t have it any other way, anon.

>> No.19996455

Are they deadly? I don't know what these are

>> No.19996456

After the first idiots dropped there's a warning label that this is the max recommended dose of caffeine in a 24 hour period but people still keep drinking 3 or 4 of them.

>> No.19996458


>> No.19996462

Not necessarily, but you may reveal zoomers with undiagnosed heart conditions.

>> No.19996468

Ah, nice. Can you post how you feel after finishing each one?

>> No.19996585

Only if you have a heart.

>> No.19996588

do it pussy

>> No.19996591

paypal me 50 dollars and i'll do it

>> No.19996594

go beg on the streets like a real gypsy, gypsy.

>> No.19996599

It seems that you're too broke to give me 50 dollars, my condolences.

>> No.19996602

>It's essentially a waiting room in the middle of a big city, it's someplace you can sit and get a coffee and/or some food while you're between things or want to step away from the office

i already have that. it's called my car.

>> No.19996604

too much chutzpah, poor begging gypsy

>> No.19996606
File: 2.09 MB, 5500x5500, CarOwnership[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a big city lots of people either don't have cars or don't drive to work

>> No.19996617

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.19996660

i deserve to die

>> No.19996662

only in europe hahaha those cucks ban everything

>> No.19996664


>> No.19996760

I want the jet fuel lemonades.

>> No.19996800

Give me the aid I need

>> No.19996803

Isnt it basically impossible to overdose on caffeine?

>> No.19996939


>> No.19996983

>teens dies

>> No.19997040
File: 42 KB, 460x500, this_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deserved to die

>> No.19997044

>Why the fuck would you ever go there?
foods good

>> No.19997055

It's hospital food where you can sit around with a bunch of dumbasses who are in the middle of a zoom session or job interview on their laptop

>> No.19997088

caffeine is a stimulant and is currently available in forms that can easily be taken to point of lethal overdose

>> No.19997216
File: 536 KB, 960x1361, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19997388

Gow anus

>> No.19997476

NYC is a special case because it's the only American city with a halfway decent metro system.

>> No.19997491

It's very easy to make your own, chuddy.

>> No.19997985

get em while you can folks because I predict these bad boys will be taken off the panera menu in the near future

>> No.19998208
File: 152 KB, 1079x808, 20231213005014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain implosion lemonade
10,000 grams of pure caffeine
Cause you can't overthink if ur heart stops!

Brain implosion lemonade
Crave zero thoughts, want head empty!
Then drink and drink and drink until u drop!

>> No.19998313

its honestly crazy how you guys can say stuff like this and still believe youre the good guys

>> No.19998321

imagine poisoning yourself because you mindfucked yourself into believing conspiracy theory nonsense

>> No.19998467

I'll take 10

>> No.19998496

Alcohol/drugs should also be banned

>> No.19998530

>alcohol + stupidity causes drunk driving accidents
>never banned
>two literal retards with defects die from an energy drink

>> No.19998546
File: 542 KB, 1600x1548, 18th Amendment Joint Resolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never banned

>> No.19998549

american education lmao

>> No.19998570


>> No.19998801

did you miss the real reason all those mafia movies used to be made anon?

>> No.19998818

>its no longer fun to take care of them after they become adults
im not sure why you think taking care of retarded children is fun

>> No.19999323

>experts say
Kill yourself

>> No.19999330

All we know is... he's called "The Stig!"

>> No.19999389

>he doesn't know

>> No.19999401

based panera

>> No.19999416

I'm more impressed how many people have cars in that shithole.

>> No.20001012

Bumping to remind myself to try it before it gets taken off the menu.

>> No.20001078

It's actually more than the max recommended dose.

Also, who the fuck is going to read a warning label on non-alcoholic lemonade? People don't even read warning labels on cigarettes. You'd have to fucking plaster pictures of dead people on the shit.

>> No.20001114

>be a retarded fat faggot with a fat faggot retard heart
>know I shouldn’t drink caffeinated beverages
“Hmmm what should I get to wash down my cheddar cheese and lard soup bread bowl…hmmm the charged lemonade sounds good”
>too big of a fat retard to understand what the word “charged” means
>proceed to drink 8 liters of it because I’m a fat retard
>fat retard heart proceeds to explode
>somehow my fat retard family sues the company for gorillans of dollars

>> No.20001157

>too big of a fat retard to understand what the word “charged” means
Charged doesn't mean full of shittons of caffeine. You'll see electricity related verbiage as an indicator for extra sour or even extra sweet. Or hell, even vibrant colors.

You think fucking shocktarts had caffeine in them?

>> No.20001177

you're thinking of weed or LSD. caffeine is far more deadly than either of those. and way less fun.

>> No.20001631

These threads are always full of talmudic jews defending panera, i cannot fathom another explanation.

>> No.20001633

wait shocktarts don't have caffeine in them? I thought that was the whole point

>> No.20003364

>>too big of a fat retard to understand what the word “charged” means
this is a new level of corporate dicksucking
>What?! You don't know Panera's lingo inside and out!? You don't memorize their store-specific parlance!?!?!? You deserve whatever happens to you!!! Maybe try being a more dedicated customer next life!!!!!!!!

>> No.20003381

I can chug unpasteurized milk as my ancestors smile upon me. Can you say the same?

>> No.20003389

I tried it and felt so good afterwards, I can see why theyre so popular (and why Panera hasnt removed it from the menu despite backlash)
in based world we'll have drinks with triple the caffeine as those charge lemonades

there is not a single ingredient in redbull thats bad for you
caffeine is good for you and intake is strongly positively correlated with lifespan, and scales by the more caffeine you consume per day (ie people who drink 5+ coffees a day live longer than 1 a day, and coffee drinkers in general live longer than non drinkers)

American moralfagging over alcohol/nicotine/caffeine intake is a scourge, literal slave mindset

>> No.20003855

funny it tends to be the foreigners that are all chain smoking alcoholics

>> No.20003860

Filtered by a energy drink

>> No.20003865

Wrong. (((They))) need workers alert and productive

>> No.20004281

hey bro? make sure you remember to try it before it gets removed from the menu

>> No.20004314

They've only killed wypipo though
A defective white girl and a literal retard

>> No.20004596

>white girl
She was jewish actually.

>> No.20006452
File: 115 KB, 1080x1186, 50 shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charged means forced induction for extra boost

>> No.20006678
File: 326 KB, 1924x1138, GBa7lfcaoAASnrB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20007537

I had a large cup full of one of these flavors last year and it didn't do anything to me. People are fucking retarded if they get killed by caffeinated lemonade.

>> No.20007576

I had it. It tasted horrible and I didn't even feel the caffeine, I went home an hour later and took a nap

>> No.20007629

>filters the weak

>> No.20009010

They used to have OG in "big fuckin can" 32oz but switched to button top 24oz a number of years ago.
T. former beverage industry worker

>> No.20009859
File: 117 KB, 1024x1024, Booster-Original-Energy-Sirup-fuer-Wassersprudler-05l-Flasche-1-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most "extreme" i know is that here you can buy Booster energy drink (basic redbull flavored stuff) not only in 1.5liter bottles, but also as a concentrated syrup.
a 500ml bottle makes for 12 liters of finished drink with the standard 32mg/100ml. this means that the concentrate has 768mg/100ml, or 3840mg in the whole bottle.
but the syrup is extremely sour (even if you thin it down i find it doesn't quite taste as balanced between sweet and sour as the drink normally does), so you really couldn't just comfortably sip it for the ultimate energy drink.

>> No.20009978
File: 74 KB, 640x570, zbbaxgwqjnw71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just maybe

>> No.20010687

I never had any interest going to Panera
Now I want to try their "Killer lemonades"
Kinda turned in their favor, grim advertising I guess
Do they still sell them with the same caffeine concentration?

>> No.20010759

If caffeine makes you sleepy, you have ADHD.

>> No.20010786

I miss when it was just, St. Louis Bread Co. I know they keep the name and all but I used to go to the original when it was still a mom&pop shop and Ken Rosenthal is actually a pretty nice guy.

>> No.20010864

>Louisiana - one of the only states free of the mormon / amish plague


>> No.20010953

Or they have an even balance

>> No.20010988

they sell it behind the counter and load it up with ice, but you can still ask for no ice

>> No.20011297

If you squint, the picture looks like a watermelon
Very appropriate for the us

>> No.20012123

I got these all the time before that chick died. The caffeine content was clearly labeled. You'd have to be a complete retard to die from a caffeine overdose.

>> No.20012134

oh the humanity

>> No.20012264

Don't ever reply to my post or its children ever again

>> No.20012636

Does a few hundred mg of caffeine actually kill people? I've personally never had more than a gram in one sitting, but even that didn't make me sick.

>> No.20013446

It might if you have a heart condition or are just more sensitive to caffeine

>> No.20013977
File: 21 KB, 368x403, 409567711_732112848767083_5491432641140127024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20014000

Just grab any store bought lemonade, and grab a yerba matte drink, and mix the two.

>> No.20014742

I think they should keep the suicide-aid because it's so poignantly american it'd feel like losing a civil liberty or something.