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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, 9097709235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19970048 No.19970048 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning from the office!

>> No.19970052

>Hey Dwight
>*Jim giggles*
>*Pam sniggers*

>> No.19970054

>cisco 7962G
great, starting the morning off with a trigger. I hate you for this

>> No.19970060

I would rather kill myself than ever work in an office again

>> No.19970061

too much bread

>> No.19970065

good morning sirs , have you done the needful today?

>> No.19970068

I don't miss having to put up with normies and their endless talk about them having insane expectations for their children and cheating on their spouses, but I miss the little surprises like this. Enjoy, anon.

>> No.19970145 [DELETED] 

I feel that way sometimes but then I think about people who have to work in slaughter houses and suddenly my life doesn’t seem so bad

>> No.19970150 [DELETED] 

You could be a Russian getting sent to Ukraine to have your genitals blown off by a drone

>> No.19970159

that's a fairly small amount of breakfast for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.19970161

question: who would win in a fight between a black bear and a grizzly bear?

>> No.19970166

This picture was taken in Valparaiso, Indiana.

>> No.19970169

bring your own cream cheese!

>> No.19970226

>cisco 7962G
These are still at every desk in every office private and federal and I have never once witnessed them ring. Are they props at this point, to give the illusion real work is being done at a desk?

>> No.19970229

I worked at an office with on on every desk for 6 years. The one on my desk was never plugged in as far as I know, but there was one man in the office that talked on his every day.

>> No.19970230

Not even close lol

>> No.19970306

Their purpose is to provide you with a number that people can’t use to get ahold of you outside office hours. I have no problem with them.

>> No.19970350

>Dunkin donuts
It's amazing how they are still in business. Their donuts are garbage

>> No.19970352

Plenty of other shit fast food places are still in business. How is the surprising to you?

>> No.19970363

There was a contracting firm that my company worked with and they used to bring in big platters of Chick-fil-A minis to seduce us into hiring more of their contractors rather than from the other firms we worked with.
These days they're not allowed to anymore because of some new business ethics protocol, but I do remember that their contractors were the best but were significantly more expensive than the discount pajeet contractor.

>> No.19970367

Bears beat battlestar galatica

>> No.19970370


>> No.19970371

What makes a yeast donut with sugar on it better or worse than another? Donuts are inherently bottom of the barrel pastries, and I love them all.

>> No.19970377

I want a plain bagel

>> No.19970384


>> No.19970412
File: 1.04 MB, 4160x2340, 20160622_114348_HDR_compress85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we usually get
(I've worked here for 13 years)

>> No.19970419

Errr I mean Spokane, Washington.

>> No.19970491

Open it up and let's see what it looks like

>> No.19970599
File: 222 KB, 1080x1444, 20231204_104235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like this

>> No.19970631

Looks good to me homie

>> No.19970679


>> No.19970729


>> No.19970982

why is micheal from vsauce make your pizza

>> No.19971326

At my workplace we're using MS Teams exclusively. Last time I used my phone was... a week ago for a package. But before then it had to be months. New hires in our units don't even have phones.

>> No.19971340

ey whats good Dog

>> No.19971503

I don't want to be that guy, but if you're going to inject a shitton of sugar into your system, why donuts? There are way better non-healthy things you can make every once in a while, like cheesecake.

>> No.19971857

is this an AZ DES office?

>> No.19971862

after the morning huddle.

>> No.19971889

"free food" at the office always would annoy me. i think it's more watching the fat cows chewing away and going "awww but i was on a diet" while they cram down a 2nd donut and then eat their sad lean cuisine at lunch.

maybe i just hate people.

>> No.19971905

Only Cheez Whiz, hot dog, and other food product consuming Yankees eat at Dunkin'. They call it "Dunkies" too in that horrible accent.

>> No.19971947

wheres the coffee?

>> No.19972294
File: 104 KB, 1600x1157, portrait-fat-asian-businesswoman-smiling-camera-working-his-laptop-his-office-fat-businesswoman-smiling-173619413-3386680600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys, Ranjeet is bringing SAMOSAS to the potluck!

>> No.19972329

>not Krispy Kreme

I’d quit if I worked in that shithole.

>> No.19972358

This is what life is like in Randolph, Massachusetts

>> No.19972545

never underestimate the appetites of goyslop loving amerisharts

>> No.19972565
File: 153 KB, 1200x960, DrPr5uDU0AI9NED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any chocolate glazed cake donuts at all :[

>> No.19972573
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, 1670652649447996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true. i hate this communal shit. ever go to restaurant to eat "family style"? tapas? sharing your well thoughtful order? splitting a bill amongst a group? MURDER THEM ALL.

>> No.19972596

>tfw brought donuts once to my small office which had five people total working in it (including me) just to be nice even though I don't like donuts
>Everyone complained that I got the wrong ones
I thought I purchased a good variety and amount given the number of people. I had to excuse myself to the office bathroom and cry for a good twenty minutes because of how much I failed them.

>> No.19972802

Depressed just looking at that.

>> No.19972851

As a former front desk grunt for many years, yes and they do not fucking stop, FUCK!

>> No.19973378

Semi same situation, I think the phone ringing gives me ptsd at the point I cringe every single time

>> No.19973384

Guy I worked with would bring a dozen of grape jelly filled donuts everytime, no variety whatsoever. Disgusting.

>> No.19973395

You a cop?

>> No.19973428

Volunteer sheriff's deputy

>> No.19973468

>Bagels in plastic bags
Enjoy your soft ass bagel

>> No.19973547

How's life as a dep? Just curious as an yuropoor who's never even considered joining their local law enforcement.

>> No.19973555

It's good if you live in a small town. I live in PA, so not much foing on here. I also work full time on an office selling paper and have inherited a beet farm

>> No.19973627

>no cream cheese
>no knife to slice your bagel in half then slit your wrists to escape purgatory

>> No.19973637

>I hate this job! Fuck management! I don't get paid enough to take this sh--
>Oh is that free food
>What was I talking about? Oh yeah did you see the Masked Singer last night?

>> No.19973644

Why do southoids pretend Krispy Kreme is better than DD?
Having lived in both areas I can assure you it is the exact same slop, same flavor, texture, sweetness, cheapness of dough.
Why is the inferiority complex still burning so bright about New England even when it's long since fallen from prominence and become pitiable?

>> No.19973653

So their suffering is in fact trivial, they are spoiled pieces of shit, and management is in the moral right to throw them crumbs since that's all it takes to distract them from their constant Marxist bitchings?
I agree. The average first-world worker is a spoilt and ill-meaning bastard and I pity anyone with the patience to run a business.
Seems like just extremely shittier customer service to be a manager.

>> No.19973743

Wouldn't soft be a good thing? Now soggy on the other hand...

>> No.19973748

>flavor, texture

>> No.19974292

Just looked on their website
>Caesar Salad (Dine In Only)
>Juicy romaine lettuce tossed in Caesar dressing with Parmesan cheese and chow mien noodles.
what the fuck?

>> No.19974379
File: 85 KB, 714x608, 1680449676525972 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I worked in an office still before we went WFH they had a kiosk where a different local restaurant would be selling their food three days a week, as well as Chick-fil-a.
Sounds like you hate everything. >>19972596
You should have instead closed the box, brought it back to your desk and refused to give them any. You could relent but only after making the requestor pledge allegiance to one of the flavors you got. Otherwise fuck em.
You sound completely insufferable. The worst poster on /ck/ by far are the snobs. Of all places, this is where you come to be smug? Or is it even worse and this is how you actually are in regular life too?

>> No.19974386

You dont like chow mien in your caear salad?

>> No.19974414

>you're a snob for calling out other people for being snobs about fucking donuts
Drown yourself retard

>> No.19974434

Depends. My office uses a computer program to get calls. We connect a headset to the computer. Other departments have those phones and use them for work.

>> No.19974673

>one man in the office that talked on his every day.
I could see him having a comfy time doing that every day. what did he talk about?

>> No.19974885

it's bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica

>> No.19974985
File: 983 KB, 1576x2100, 170109598242565546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize they were that uniquitous, and yes that's yuro date format

>> No.19975021

>gets called fat twice
>not her office, not her laptop

>> No.19975671

honestly i thought the same but then i finally tried the original glazed while the hot light was on and, woah best donuts ive ever had not even close.

>> No.19975692

Identify theft is not a joke

>> No.19975948

Yup. KK >>>>>>>>> DD at least for glazed

>> No.19975996
File: 745 KB, 2284x1713, 9923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.19975997

This guy talks like such a fag lmao

>> No.19976028

He did underground tank inspections, so it was mostly gas station owners that he just bs'ed with

>> No.19976514

okay that sounds kinda stressful having to BS people every day

>> No.19976877

seethe and cope southlander

>> No.19977282

They're literally only good until an hour after they open. If you wake up at the crack of dawn, you can get the actual good donuts.
My uncle used to camp out behind their store when he was a teenager in the late 70's and get all the stale ones at the end of the day.

>> No.19978067

unfathomably based

>> No.19978181

Based, I always brought donuts in.

>> No.19978274

Legit looks exactly like the little office cubicle at my last job, everything from the desk/carpet/shelves/walls etc are the same. Is this just a standard copy pasted cubicle setup for a lot of places or something?

>> No.19978339

Why do you faggots do this?

>> No.19978516

fuck. are all cubicles everywhere fucking identical? the color of that cloth, the sickly tan-ish metal, the carpet. all fucking identical to my old cube when I worked in an office.

>> No.19979642

Idk if this is a reference but who the fuck eats cheesecake in the morning fat american

>> No.19979854

...I'm retarded and wasn't really thinking about breakfast when I posted this. For that, I'd prefer greek yogurt and honey, grapes or another fresh fruit, and an omelette or whole wheat pancake.

>> No.19979886
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1617462995985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd prefer greek yogurt and honey, grapes or another fresh fruit, and an omelette or whole wheat pancake
>for breakfast
>over donuts

>> No.19979911

avoid the smorgasbord and just have a donut fatbody

>> No.19979913

Who asked

>> No.19979933

bro donuts are so fucking gross i hate when they order donuts

>> No.19980022

>You sound completely insufferable. The worst poster on /ck/ by far are the snobs. Of all places, this is where you come to be smug? Or is it even worse and this is how you actually are in regular life too?
They're redditors. Redditors are all soicucks who have to hate and bash people like incels who are "lower" on social totem than they are to feel good about themselves.

>> No.19980081

incels are at the lowest of the lowest of the social order though. redditors who can get girls should rightfully punch them down

>> No.19980149

>redditors who can get girls

>> No.19980163

Stop trying to defend Dunkin. Their dough is shit, all of their donuts have giant holes inside the donut from their crappy cheap dough, their filled donuts have maybe two spoonfuls of jelly in one quarter of the donut.
Krispy Kreme isn't the best but it is leagues ahead of Dunkin shit.
T. New Yorker

>> No.19980179
File: 55 KB, 557x423, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Englander here that moved to New York
Dunkin is absolute fucking shit. Bottom barrel. Fucking 7-11 has better coffee and pastries.

It may be identified with the region but it's like stockholm syndrome or some shit, because it is objectively garbage

>> No.19980182

The average Redditor has leagues better chances than anybody on this shithole who isn't 60 and wasn't dating before they ever set foot on 4chan.

>> No.19980233


>> No.19981128

>volunteer cop
the fuck