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19895173 No.19895173 [Reply] [Original]

>drinking something you have to immediately chase down to get the flavor out of your mouth and throat

>> No.19895182

Only literal children need a chaser for whiskey neat.

>> No.19895184

That's why I drink miller lite.

>> No.19895187

what pansy needs a chaser?

>> No.19895188

>Only non-alcoholics need a chaser for whiskey neat.

>> No.19895192

I’ve been drinking bourbon and vodka on the rocks for a decade and have never heard of a so called “chaser”. Is this a zoomer thing?

>> No.19895202

It's for people who can't handle the taste of whatever cheap whiskey they can afford.

It's more a child thing rather than zoomer thing,

>> No.19895207

drink better whiskey

>> No.19895209

Yeah it’s something people who never learned to drink do

>> No.19895210

Miller light was first created in the mid 1960’s at a diet beer for women. Miller purchased the failing brewery and did the reverse of the bud light marketing strategy during the 80’s.

>> No.19895226

Excuse me, what can you tell me about about Heineken?

>> No.19895236

Sipping on a neat whiskey is an instant giveaway as a someone who has his taste buds ruined by binge drinking

>> No.19895241

well as a young to middle aged man you only really have a certain amount of acceptable things to substitute for your lack of personality. so you end up getting into something like whiskey tasting, or bbqing, or cast iron pans and making it a core part of your life. not me though, my only hobby is being gay

>> No.19895321

You forgot coffee.

>> No.19895331

ehhh, nicer stuff sure, but cheap shit? I need a chaser. I don't drink cheap shit often and I can't stomach straight johnnie walker red for example. Let alone actual cheap swill.

>> No.19895337

>being gay is a hobby
Just in your case, or is being gay a hobby for all man-to-man sex havers?

>> No.19895354

it gets you fucked up quicker

>> No.19895373

doing shots is degenerate

>> No.19895386

im sorry anon but im not trying to be a dignified monk i wanna do shots and get fucked up

>> No.19895396

No kidding you're not trying
You're not trying at all

>> No.19895429

I only do that if I need to drink it all at once to get very drunk very fast.
when sipping there's no chaser required.

>> No.19895436

Why would I want to get the flavor of whiskey out of my mouth?
Chasers are for women.

>> No.19895469

? alcoholics don't sip on things to savor the taste

>> No.19895472

go be a concerned soccer mom somewhere else faggot

>> No.19895512
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Oh hey, it's another
>I can't comprehend that different people have different genetics which leads to differences in their perception of taste
Personally I've always liked the taste of alcohol, assuming it isn't bottom shelf trash loaded with sugar and artificial coloring etc. I even enjoy sipping on vodka as long as it's not bottom shelf plastic bottle type stuff. The one major exception is gin, but that's more to do with all the herbs and juniper and shit they infuse it with making it taste like Pine-sol floor cleaner.

>> No.19895516

Not much of a straight scotch/bourbon/whiskey sort of drinker, but I certainly don't need a chaser (except maybe for tequila, not very nice on its own). For some reason out of all the spirits, vodka is the one I most took to for neat sipping. Sake is also pretty nice, but australian prices make it an unappealing buy for the alcohol to cost ratio.

>> No.19895532

i don't sip alcohol except gin. tanqueray or new amsterdam with ice
bombay sucks

>> No.19895543

Stop buying cheap whiskey.

>> No.19895552

Decent whiskey doesn't taste bad. I don't know about scotch but you can get a decent bourbon for $25. No excuse for using a chaser.

>> No.19895592
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It's pretty hard to fuck up bourbon due to the regulations put on it. Has to be aged minimum of 2 years but if its aged less than 4 years it requires an age statement telling you it's only 2-3 years old so most places age a minimum of 4, and can't have any additives, just whiskey aged in oak barrels, and that's its. Evan Williams BIB is my go to for a cheap bourbon, and you can easily find it for like $15-20 depending on taxes.

>> No.19895599

New Amsterdam vodka is what homeless bumz buy for special occasions or after a successful smash and grab in a hotel parking lot.

>> No.19895610

To people who aren't used to higher proof bourbon: sometimes the cheap ones can feel like they burn too much; if that's the case just try adding a small amount of water to it (just a few drops can work) and it will mellow it out for you. Do that instead of using a chaser.

>> No.19895617

Whisky is one of the few liquors where price really determines the quality. Don't buy swill if you're actually looking to enjoy it.

>> No.19895619

Even somewhat nicer stuff burns a bit much for me personally.

Woodford Reserve is my go-to for bourbon, but even that I usually sip with a coke on the side.

>> No.19895620

nah it's just a hobby for me because I'm not good enough to do it full time professionally, know'm sayin?

>> No.19895639

I don't know dude. I truly enjoy whiskey so I can't explain this behavior.

>> No.19895642

Liquor is nasty shit. I'd take a 15pk of Beast Ice for $10 over a $100 bottle of whiskey any day.

>> No.19895658

I stopped drinking Heineken when they moved production to Mexico.

>> No.19896511

my list of favorite sipping whiskey for on the rocks:

Yamakazi 12 year
Hakushu 12 year
Hibiki 12 year

Coffey Grain
From the Barrel

15 year single malt scotch

Diamond peak single malt
Mountain angel 10 year

I didn't include anything that's hard to acquire, if you're looking for good sipping whiskey just try these. Miyagikyo is my favorite overall with hakushu 12y being second.

>> No.19896535

Why are you drinking something if you don't like the taste of it

>> No.19896626

This thread is utterly riddled with zoomer faggotry.
>only LE ALKIES drink scotch
fuck off you pathetic little cunts, grow the fuck up

>> No.19897080

This is the most retarded and gay thread I’ve ever encountered

>> No.19897140

this /thread

>> No.19897148

Liquorfags and hot sauce fags are one and the same

>> No.19897153 [DELETED] 

you're home, commence posting

>> No.19897178

literally never paid more than $20 for a handle of liquor

>> No.19897180

Sounds like you've only ever had shit whiskey.
I drink my whiskey with ice and it tastes nice. Amrut fusion single malt whiskey and tenjaku are the two relatively cheap whiskeys I have in my cabinet right now.
I also drink my chateau de breuil calvados with just ice. The 12y vsop version. Some anon rec'd it to me for the annual sora no woto stream and I enjoyed it enough that I always keep a bottle stocked.

>> No.19897736

I hate putting ice in whiskey, it just waters it down and forces you to drink faster. If I'm going to use ice then I'm going to make an actual cocktail, otherwise I'm going to drink it neat so I can fully enjoy the flavor.

>> No.19897787
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You do know you're allowed to put water in it, right? Professionals will tell you it tastes best at 37.5% alcohol, but you can dilute further if you want.

>> No.19897796

Whiskey is best at 50% or higher

>> No.19897882
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>> No.19897897
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You don't hate being alive enough to where you'll do anything and everything to literally drown it out for a few blissful moments. And for that I envy you, bitterly.

>> No.19897914

I unironically enjoy cheap scotch like J&B Rare, Bell's, Grant's, Dewar's, etc. I drink them neat just fine.

>> No.19897917

>drink whiskey
>tastes like char-grilled aged piss
>every single cell in my mouth and throat protests
>immediately feel the urge to vomit
>sip water
>declare how much i love whiskey to my friends
>been doing this for 6 years
>still haven't acquired the taste

the trick is to lie

>> No.19897918

I don't get this chaser culture. No one was chasing every shot twenty years ago, you were a fucking pussy if you needed a chaser back then. Now everyone takes a chaser to the point where people think you're trying to flex your masculinity if you don't take a chaser. My personal theory is that zoomers use weapons grade marijuana and pressed pills instead of drinking so when they do drink, they can't handle the taste of alcohol and have to mask it. Wheras older generations started their substance abuse with alcohol so they quickly became used to the taste of alcohol.

>> No.19898034

I've been drinking alone in my home for the past 10 years. I wasn't even aware of this chaser culture thing. Good thing I'm autistic.

>> No.19898037

Anyone else trapped in Whiskey Hell (your local liquor stores' inventory are almost all whiskey, but never the flavor you actually want, and everything else in the store is beer)?

>> No.19898040

The only decent liquor stores to me are at least 30 minutes away. Their selection is decent at least and I can find most things that I want.

>> No.19898041

What are liquor stores, is it an American thing? I buy my whiskey at the supermarket.

>> No.19898042

They're stores that just sell alcohol, of all sorts. In my state it's illegal to sell liquor at grocery store and you can only get wine and beer.

>> No.19898049

The trick is to start drinking Lagavulin, actually

>> No.19898052

The online stores only give a generic inventory, too. so you don't get an accurate representation of what they places actually have in stock

>> No.19898054

I had wanted to pick up some Old Grand Dad 114 since I keep seeing it shilled here but online I couldn't find it anywhere that lists their stock. I did find Old Grand Dad Bonded though so when I went to get that they had 114 too, they just didn't list it. Bought both of course.

>> No.19898081

I just want to find some Macieira to use as a base for a liqueur but the online stores never list ANY brandies

>> No.19898096

The only “higher quality” stuff I can drink neat is Suntory, but I’m poor and that’s for special occasions.

>> No.19898133

i don't know what the fuck you're talking.

>> No.19898138

any shit spirits, America soda's and soda's with artificial sweeteners, cordial Haven't had it in years but there was one flavour that had some fucked up pulp in the back of my throat

>> No.19898488

anyone who doesnt drink cheap whisky neat is a faggot or a woman

>> No.19898890

The perception that whiskey is hard to drink and everyone is just pretending to like it is so bizarre to me considering bourbon is eternally popular and aside from Jack Daniels it literally tastes like sugar and spice and everything nice.

>> No.19898899

because they are underage poorfags and drinking for social reasons aka to get drunk

>> No.19899018

>Literal children

>> No.19899863

women and children in this thread

>> No.19899906

I like to hold the wood water in my mouth for several minutes before swallowing.

>> No.19899909

Costco hotdogs

>> No.19899974

>The one major exception is gin, but that's more to do with all the herbs and juniper and shit they infuse it with making it taste like Pine-sol floor cleaner.
Gins vary a lot. Some are really herbal and others are fruity.

>> No.19900132

>and aside from Jack Daniels
The higher end Jack Daniels bottles are good

>> No.19900277

For whiskey? Why? The aftertaste of whiskey in your mouth is great.

Oh, so you mean that chasers are for people who buy garbage whiskey that tastes terrible because they are too poor to afford anything with any taste. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.19900292

what kind of horsepiss are you drinking if you need a chaser

>> No.19900299

Wait, is OP unironically claiming that whiskey needs a chaser? Is he 16 or something?

>> No.19900373

why don't poor people just buy vodka?

>> No.19900401

Maybe vodka is higher priced in the US than other countries. In the US, the poorest drink malt liquor.

>> No.19900519

whiskey is so sweet and sugary already, I would understand if it was paint stripper or something, this makes no sense though

>> No.19900577

They do. Bottom shelf vodka is the cheapest/most bang for your buck alcohol you can get.

>> No.19900583

>he drinks alcohol
convince me it actually tastes good without calling me a child.

>> No.19900586

yeah bourbon is pretty much a yummy little sweet treat

>> No.19900614

>t. autistic manchild shitting up the board with threads about hot pockets

>> No.19900652

i’m from /fit/ and /o/ you fucking alcoholic. now convince me that alcoholic drinks actually taste good

>> No.19900692

just buy a bottle you DOUBLE NIGGER

>> No.19900711

the internet really proves to me that mutts have baby's palates. they think its a flex to drink black coffee or an ipa

>> No.19900720

The "americans out of nowhere" post is a bit late, I must say

>> No.19901038

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who would ruin good whiskey with ice cubes.

>> No.19901061

"Americans" Those are called Americans my friend.

>> No.19901069

Jameson is so shit

>> No.19901098

Adding water can make whiskey better.

>> No.19901115

You’re 19

>> No.19901275

Is that why Thai's add club soda to SangSom and Mekhong?

>> No.19901519

i only drink whisky if i drink,i only drink like 2-3 times a year and have been doing that for the last 10.
you are just a pussy

>> No.19901662

The only thing I do with non mixed drinks is drive.

>> No.19901684

>drink cheap whiskey
>tastes like shit
>drink expensive whiskey
>tastes like shit
i don't get it either anon

>> No.19901783

for me, it's fireball and apple juice
sometimes manzanita sol if i feel like mixing it up a little

>> No.19901820

step it up and mix fireball and warm fresh apple cider, it's a god tier autumn mixer

>> No.19901823

For me its wassail

>> No.19901834

I drink my whiskey neat, but I often drink water alongside it.

The reason to drink water as a chaser is that it lets you clear your palate so you can fully focus on the next sip, rather than lingering on a previous one.
It also helps me pace my drinking, which matters when you get good stuff that costs an arm and a leg.

>> No.19901842

If you don't like it, you don't like it. It's similar to drinking coffee black or eating really dark chocolate in that it might be offputting to some, while others will love it.
Personally, I like how it adds a bit of sharpness and bite and how fermentation can produce some unique flavor profiles.

A controlled amount of water can make whiskey better. Ice cubes don't control it well, and the alcohol quantity decreases over time.

>> No.19901888


>> No.19901902

Not all alcohol tastes good, r word.
There’s a difference between Oban 14 and Burnette’s. People call you a child because pretending to not understand that people have palettes different from you is a common le sophisticated college sophomore take.

>> No.19902391

What an odd request.

>> No.19902765
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>Liking liquor makes me more adult!

>> No.19902776

It does

>> No.19902810
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>doing shots is degenerate
This can be true. Getting a buzz on right away is nice and all, but it's pretty much abuse on the body. If you're about to go into a club, and you're at the beginning of your bar night, go for it, though. Just don't slam down a glass or act outrageously low class.

That said, the ultimate chaser scenario is more like a follow-up sipper. I adore a smooth tequila reposado, but I love the lime-chili burn of a really delicious sangrita. From the blender, it's almost like pureed thick salsa, with fresh flavors of lime, and tingle of chili peppers, and freshness of the herbal cilantro. Bite of salt, softened sourness by sweetness of fresh orange juice. It's the perfect shot and chaser. Almost a bloody mary but has that OJ and fresh onion component.

>> No.19902853

it's really not the same, the bitter compounds in coffee and chocolate are in the <1% range. whisky is at least 40% ethanol, which completely eclipses any taste that the other 60% of the drink may have. idk why people need to cope about this, alcohol doesn't taste like anything other than pain, just admit that you want to get drunk.

>> No.19902863

i'm going to crush your skull you autistic moron

>> No.19902871

You have to be 18 years or older to post on this website.

>> No.19902875

drunks are pathetic, not scary. don't exert yourself too much or you'll damage what little is left of your liver.

>> No.19902943

Either this or you're drinking shit whiskey.

>> No.19902957

>y-you're just a drunkard!!
i'm just tired of your childish bullshit. i'm basically with this anon >>19901519
culturally devoid neglected hot pocket chicken nugget eating autistic subhumans like you have become all too common and you think you're hot shit, you need to be put in place. most people secretly hate you but you can't tell
you probably decided that whisky was shit after taking a shot of it once because you saw it in the movies and decided it was shit forever and ever. sip it, zoomnigger

>> No.19902967

>which completely eclipses any taste that the other 60% of the drink may have
You are impressively wrong.

>> No.19902986

and yes, the alcohol is complex and is the fucking thing that carries the flavour. try leaving a glass out for a day to evaporate the alcohol and it'll taste like mildly flavoured water

>> No.19903014

>try leaving a glass out for a day to evaporate the alcohol and it'll taste like mildly flavoured water
thank you for proving my point.

>> No.19903016

only tastelets don't

>> No.19903050

>the bitter compounds in coffee and chocolate are in the <1% range
You have never had black coffee or dark chocolate

>> No.19903287

post your sickly arm you alkie fiend

>> No.19903386

alcohol unhealthy
ok bye

>> No.19903409

No. It's a very old thing.

>> No.19903985

If you drink a lot of water after alcohol you will have a smaller hangover. Remember that alcohol dehydrates your body so keep that water in you.

>> No.19904131

tastelet detected, I bet you couldn't tell the difference between good and bad coffee or chocolate if you tried

>> No.19904353

As a bonafide boozer, I'm kinda fat as shit and so are the rest that I know. It's mostly the female soaks that get all African bodied

>> No.19904367

lol I drink maybe once every three months and I can enjoy a good whiskey neat
this attitude where you either have to be a puritanical teetotaler or youre an alcoholic is a uniquely American phenomenon

>> No.19904549

You guys need to seek help

>> No.19904556

It's hard to say that something made of 40%+ of ethanol tastes "good" but they certainly interesting flavors.

I always drink neat, warm, and do not chase btw.

>> No.19904590

and nagging randoms on 4chin is befitting of a grandma

>> No.19906909

Anyone know the exact mix of ingredients if I wanted to do a Fiori Di Sicilia liqueur?

>> No.19908113
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a lot of alchool normal fags drink is fucking shit, but they drink it anyway because social pressure, to fit in the group, "fun" etc

>> No.19908168

What the fuck are you talking about. Even after Bidenomics you can still get gasoline-tier vodka in 1.75 liter bottles for $10-$12. Used to be like $8-$9. I have some for sanitizing and pie crusts but I'd never drink it lel.

>> No.19908174

I drink high proof liquor to stay slightly buzzed and chase it with lower proof liquor.
Please help.

>> No.19908365

I sip my whiskey neat and I’ve only had a couple beers this month. I just buy whiskey that tastes good and take small sips to control the burn.

>> No.19908597
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I won't buy any whiskey under 100 proof
>What about 99 pro--

>> No.19909062
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>> No.19909304

Based as fuck

>> No.19909308
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>> No.19909313

I like whiskey, use an iPhone, think hot sauces and “hot sauce culture” is for fucking faggots, I do not often eat bacon, I do not smoke, I eat steak medium or medium rare, and I do not have a “man cave”

When I drink whisky it’s usually on my back patio in a rocking chair

>> No.19909314

To the whiskey chads itt, I have a question.
Do you enjoy hot/spicy foods as well?
Trying to see if my theory holds up.

>> No.19909323

If you felt the need to be offended by that you're exactly the type of person who should be

>> No.19909325

I took it as a survey mate I think you’re awfully pent up and angry

>> No.19909330

I like spicy foods when Asians prepare it and not whiteoids putting meme sauce on random dishes

>> No.19909628

Based bottled in bond enjoyer.

>> No.19909642
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Wow such Japan whiskey

>> No.19909679

>sipping whiskey
no such thing you insufferable redditor
anything above low grade american corn slop is meant for sipping
>on the rocks
confirmed retard

>> No.19910467

I dislike hot foods, but I like spicy foods. What matters is that the dish doesn't use heat to cover up the fact it has no flavor (buffalo wings are the best example of this).

>> No.19910486
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I use a chaser when i'm too cheap to buy better alcohol

>> No.19911696

whisky thread saved from page 10

>> No.19911698

thank you based page 10 guy

>> No.19911715

>He's not relaxing with a fine cigar and a snifter after fapping

>> No.19912110

You should be lucky you're not in "Whiskey Hell" zones like British Columbia where whiskey makes up 3/4 of a store's inventory, the only nice thing is we have access to Cuban rum (Real Havana Club) and Burgers don't

>> No.19912588

yall are cringe
drink wine

>> No.19912609

seething drunkie

>> No.19912681

>ehhh, nicer stuff sure, but cheap shit?
Adults don't drink the cheap shit.

>> No.19912686

Sure they do, all the time

Unless you're implying they're man-children.

>> No.19912687

All alcohol tastes like shit. So if you're going to drink it you may as well optimize for getting drunk. Wine is for bored housewives and faggots.

>> No.19912691
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>Unless you're implying they're man-children

>> No.19912697

>All alcohol tastes like shit.

>> No.19912703

We get it. You're a pseud that likes to sit around pretending to be sophisticated as you drink what's basically spoiled fruit juice and larp like this gives you some distinguished palette. It doesn't. You're just drinking something that tastes like shit and won't even get you that drunk.

>> No.19912708

Not that anon. I legitimately enjoy the taste of whiskey.

>> No.19912719
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truly whisky is for reddit incel soy chud bugmen.

basedealpha gigachad kings drink rum.

where my rum chads at?

>> No.19912746

NTA, I also enjoy the taste of nicer whisky.

>> No.19912755

I drink but alcohol does not taste good.
Not your fruity IPA, not your stout, not your whiskey, it's a poison for your body and it tastes bad.

>> No.19912801

What would be a good rum available in Leafistan that's similar to Helios Teeda?

>> No.19912816

>not your whiskey

>> No.19912820

wine legitimately tastes good
its not some cope alc like whiskey
yep i love the taste of a nasty old shitty barrel
it really brings out the vanilla caramel notes
but good thing theres not actually any vanilla or caramels in my drink cause thats for pussy wimp queers! i drink my whiskey neat and my coffee black! god bless, amen.

>> No.19912824

I enjoy wine and whisky, get over it

>> No.19912825

Doesn't even have to be nice. Bourbon, even cheaper ones, tastes like cooking spices, brown sugar, vanilla, toffee, caramel, tobacco, oak, etc. It tastes good.

>> No.19912836
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Drinking pic related.

What's your favorite way to drink rum, anon?

>> No.19912839
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big dawg energy

>> No.19912843

ill drink whiskey dont get me wrong
but its cope
every sip you take youre coping
whiskey highballs taste like soysauce water
its a funny drink and ill drink it and youll still be coping

>> No.19912845

aww he thought the cement block was a baby!

>> No.19912847

cheaper bourbon hits you over the head with it, better bourbon actually tastes good

>> No.19912849

>whiskey highballs
Whiskey doesn't need to be mixed into anything to be good

>> No.19912860

lol okay

i'm drinking a nicer blended whisky straight with no problem. I wouldn't do it with $20-50 bottles, but it's not hard to do with anything halfway decent.

>> No.19912889

can't state how many times i've taken a big gulp of scotch and choked on it. not very pleasant to experience.

>> No.19913195

>3/4 of inventory is whiskey
Sounds good to me boss
>Britbong Columbia
Why do you choose violence?

>> No.19913377

I can't afford to travel much and leaf laws don't permit sending fancy booze through the mail (yeah sure the Chinese mystery drinks are all free of Methanol I totally believe that)

>> No.19913462

t. don't even drink whiskey

>> No.19913630

a chaser is something high school/college kids do when they slam cake flavored smirnof. People in the real world have a mixed drink or alcohol that they don't find disgusting.

>> No.19914781

Is wild turkey 101 considered a decent whiskey? I got shilled into buying it by /ck/ and it tastes like ass

>> No.19914791

It's at the same price point as johnnie walker red, so no.

>> No.19914801

It's a great affordable whiskey and one of my favorites, but if you're talking in terms of fancy 12 year aged scotch, than no.

>> No.19914811

It's fine and good for its price point, but it's very much on the cheap side of things. So objectively, in the grand scheme of whiskey, no it isn't "good". But taken in the context of its price bracket, then sure it's fine.

>> No.19914901


>> No.19914914

Sounds more like a cope thing.
Only bloody marys and the cheapest gut-rot have chasers.

>> No.19915364

It's good, all who say otherwise are tastelets or children

>> No.19916074

It is. If you're new to bourbon you may not like it immediately. Just sip on it and take your time.

>> No.19916077

(cont.) Also just because it's decent doesn't mean you'll necessarily like it. People have different tastes. Bourbons don't all taste the same.

>> No.19916309

for me, it's Flor De Cana or Smith & Cross. premium rums.

>> No.19916968
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>> No.19916997

IMO, it's too high proof for people new to whiskey.

>> No.19917002

>alcohol doesn't taste like anything other than pain
Confirmed under age. Once you get older you'll be able to enjoy it.

>> No.19917033

drunkards are so predictive, that's all every single one of you can say. i'm 39, how much longer do i have to wait? we don't have taste receptors for alcohol, all that we can feel is the irritation. accept that you just want to get drunk.

>> No.19917600

They should just start with a high proof and get used to it rather than being a pussy and drinking low ABV like weakling Irish/Scotchfags.

>> No.19917610

If you don't like whiskey, don't drink it. Simple as.

>> No.19917613

Binge drinkers don't sip on whiskey. They prefer cheap vodka.

>> No.19917619

I buy about one bottle of whiskey a year. Probably time to pick it soon with christmas coming up

>> No.19917627

I bought nine bottles of whiskey last week.

>> No.19917688
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>Aight, check me out:
>Glass, whisky, no ice
>Call it Glass-Whisky no ice-drink
>Or call me Supa Neat Boy, whisky straight unemployed
>'Cause I'm super NEET, boy! (I'm not a drinker)

>> No.19917720

Ratings of cheap bourbons I've tried (or re-tried) recently

Early Times BiB -- Good
Evan Williams BiB -- Average
Old Forester 100 -- Average
Old Grand Dad BiB -- Very Good
Old Grand Dad 114 -- Very Good
Wild Turkey 101 -- Good

>> No.19917729
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i'm almost out of liquor i might try old grand dad when i need a new bottle

>> No.19917743

Trying it won't hurt your wallet at least

>> No.19917762

for sure. i've been waiting to try four roses for a bit (another praised bourbon that isn't available in nips for some reason) but grand dad gets so much praise on here, i'll try it

>> No.19917895
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>mfw the verif is GYMMH so now I go to the gym

>> No.19918002

That's why I tried it too, because I kept seeing it shilled here lol

>> No.19918027

>drinking something you have to immediately chase down to get the flavor out of your mouth and throat
to get drunk.

no matter what anyone says.

>> No.19918037

At the end of the day, if whiskey tasted exactly the same as it does now yet had no effects on your body or mind, people probably wouldn't drink it all that much, so I think you're right

>> No.19918043

I often drink whiskey without even getting a buzz.

>> No.19918044

Jesus, how much is a bottle of Suntory near you?
A bottle of Toki is about $34 before taxes where I live.

>> No.19918052
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>i see it being shilled
>so it must be le good
I never, ever want to see you fags fucking say "ur schizo lol no one shills or advertises here" as you fucking mongrels admit that that's all it takes and you're, by your own admission, buying it due to that. How gullible. Just everyone take a look at this shit. THIS is NPC behavior.

>> No.19918066

Going to get a glass of Lagavulin just got you lads.

>> No.19918068

When I say "shilled" I just mean that I read several posts saying that it was good, not that there was some kind of advertising campaign. I consider posts here closer to something like a personal recommendation rather than a TV commercial.

>> No.19918074

case in point
you're simply a retard npc if you buy based on other peoples "recommendation" alone

>> No.19918075

>I consider posts here closer to something like a personal recommendation rather than a TV commercial.
That's a hilariously naive way to think. I'm sure no marketers also caught on to that kind of thinking and try to slip in marketing as being more "personal". You're fucking idiots.

>> No.19918080

Whatever bro, I got a new bourbon out of it that one's of my favorites now. Suck my cock.

>> No.19918081
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NTA, but this is my pricing in a fairly wealthy suburb.

>> No.19918099

Oh sorry didn’t realize you were a woman.

>> No.19918101
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>t. 40% ABV scotch child

>> No.19918103

Excuse me sweetie I’m drinking a rye old fashioned

>> No.19918108

Anyone here tried Puni Alba?

>> No.19918112

I like old fashioneds as well (I make a bottle of simple syrup for them that I keep in my fridge) but the few ryes I've tried were not that great.

>> No.19918115

>puts syrup in them
Maybe you'd like some wine or a fruity cocktail since you're evidently a homosexual or a woman.

>> No.19918118

I used to follow the "correct" method with a muddler but it's too much trouble and doesn't taste any different.

>> No.19918122

What rye did you use?

>> No.19918127

I've had Rittenhouse and Bulleit. The only one I put in an Old Fashioned was Rittenhouse.

>> No.19918136

I like both but prefer Bulleit. Have it in my bar.

>> No.19918289
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This is really good

>> No.19918320

>bourbon and vodka on the rocks
this sounds disgusting

>> No.19918339

Would you pay $40 for this drink?


>> No.19918356

No, I never use ice (outside of an old fashioned) because it just waters down the whiskey

>> No.19919696

>if whiskey tasted exactly the same as it does now yet had no effects on your body or mind
Seconding the other anon. Unless I down the whiskey in under 5 minutes or it's 50%+ ABV, I don't feel it.
You're meant to take your time and enjoy it, not quaff it like a cheap beer or shitty vodka.

>> No.19920318

I don't understand what my post has to do with that lmao

>> No.19920779

This shitpost is a work of art.

>> No.19920808

how do I make myself more susceptible to alcohol?
meaning aside from not drinking for a month
my liver is too strong, sometimes I wish I was asian so I could just buy one bottle of whiskey every six months instead of having to drink ~300ml before I even notice anything

>> No.19920830


>> No.19920834

it's not your liver, you're mentally naturally psychedelic

>> No.19920872
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>how do I make myself more susceptible to alcohol?
1. Drink on an empty stomach.
2. Chug, don't sip.
3. If needed, chase with no more than 1 oz of non-alcoholic juice/soda/whatever.
4. Finally, allow at least 15 minutes for alcohol to absorb before diluting stomach contents with food or other drink.

>> No.19921388
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Is Old Tub Bourbon any good

>> No.19922158

It's simple and sweet. It's a Beam product, so expect that characteristic peanut note. Decent value for a $20 bottled in bond, hard to go wrong really.

>> No.19922381

What spirits would go will with high-caffeine coffee beans for homemade liqueur

>> No.19922435

It doesn't. Don't drink for the taste, it's for the affect. Although there are some liquors that actually do taste good but they are few and far. Still haven't had a good beer tho.

>> No.19922497

>drinking something to chase down bad feelings

>> No.19924038

I drink bottom shelf vodka, coka cola or miller as a chaser, it makes me comfortable as fuck for an hour... happy hours. I get giddy. Alcoholics high is the blues and bliss at the same time. Just perfect. Sleep later, buzz now.

>> No.19924047

people who have grown accustomed to poison their bodies with people who have a healthy aversion to literal poison

selling your alcoholism as a virtue that manly men do is literal marlboro man tier clown shit

>> No.19924073
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Hello malt-mates!

>> No.19924147

What mental illness causes Reddit to want Rums that taste like mouthwash?

>> No.19924240

It's not manly specifically, adult women should be able to drink as well. Only children can't.

>> No.19924257

I think some people just have different tastes for different liquors. EG, I have never needed a chaser for straight whiskey, even the cheapest shittiest whiskey. But I also can't drink straight tequila, even expensive top-shelf tequila. Maybe some people are the opposite and just can't do whiskey?

>> No.19924259

Go back to Bountiful

>> No.19924349
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Has anyone tried this? Friends and I picked up this at the gas station

>> No.19924354

Check the abv, the Fireball they sell at gas stations is a special version with a lower abv. Regular 35%abv Fireball is good.

>> No.19924405

remember we're on 4chan arguing with some of the biggest spergs on the planet. yeah personal taste varies wildly and not everyone loves certain alcohols straight up. like I love sambuca chilled on the rocks but I know all anise alcohols are polarizing
only time I've ever done a chaser was when my bro convinced to try pickle juice after a shot of whiskey. a decent combination desu but I'm not usually a shot drinker.
the college drunks drink of choice
I don't love cinnamon so I dislike the stuff but if you do you'll love it

>> No.19924413

>pie crusts

>> No.19924422

>only time I've ever done a chaser was when my bro convinced to try pickle juice after a shot of whiskey.
ngl that sounds awful. If anything I would need whiskey to chase the pickle juice.

>> No.19924441
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>He doesn't have booze rocks

>> No.19924448

Honestly I see no reason to chill whiskey at all. In a cocktail it's fine but if you're drinking it by itself room temperature is ideal.

>> No.19924456

I would say slightly chilled is honestly better.

It doesn't need to be cool/cold, but ~58-62f would be nice, a few degrees below room temp.

>> No.19924522

The best cheap mixer rye for cocktails is OF100 rye

>> No.19924529

I was just thinking about drinking some brandy, and I love the flavor.
No chaser for this one.

>> No.19924541

Not available in my area (neither is WT101 rye coincidentally)

>> No.19924643

I thought it would be too but it worked shockingly enough, but I also love pickles regardless

>> No.19924665

>"Whiskey Hell" zones like British Columbia where whiskey makes up 3/4 of a store's inventory,
Funny thing is that the whiskey selections are still fucking shit there

>> No.19924811


>> No.19924921

I remember buying that once before an exam. Didn't check the proof of it, got so wasted had to give up 30 minutes into the exam. Was fun, failed the whole thing however.

>> No.19924931

Really sweet, super popular among college students. If you're just trying to get fucked up it's fine but not really enjoyable as a regular thing. I've bought shooters of it a few times for concerts. Jaegermeister is tastier IMO.

>> No.19925435

bump your budget up to 30 and treat yourself to handle of Evan Williams Bottled In Bond

>> No.19925443


Remember that quite a lot of the United States is a theocratic shithole where they make it illegal to sell a banana and a bottle of wine in the same building because otherwise the devil might get your soul.

>> No.19925524

I'd sacrifice a goat if it meant getting Mr. Black up here

>> No.19925561

Coffee rules applies to Alcohol, if you can't drink it unadulterated you don't like it.
It's fine to not like things. Just don't drink it if you don't like it. Try something else.

>> No.19925568

Do you really WANT a James Hoffman of Booze? Learn to write my name right on the cup before becoming a nutritionist

>> No.19925688

Saying "don't call me a child" doesn't give you carte blanche to act like a child.

>> No.19925722

And the rest of the country is an even more authoritarian hellhole under the progressive fundamentalists

>> No.19925743

EW BiB is like like $23. WT101 is less than $30 too.

>> No.19925770

nigger opinion

Also alchohol free wine/beer taste like shit unlike the real thing.

>> No.19925774

Based jeet Jack daniels on the rocks for you sar

>> No.19925978

>Not Amrut
Modi should exile you for such an offense

>> No.19925991
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Is this good or is this just a meme drink?