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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19848321 No.19848321 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever posted this yesterday, fuck you. I asked for a “round egg” in the drive thru and you could hear them laughing through the speaker. They had no idea what I was talking about. The teenage employees asked me several times what I meant, I told them I wanted the round mcmuffin egg on my sandwich but they just kept pausing and laughing.

I ended up pulling out from the drive thru out of embarrassment.

>> No.19848324


Nobody cares

>> No.19848325

You cared enough to post in my thread. Now give me my round egg!

>> No.19848327

Do you think I give a flip?

>> No.19848330

You better

>> No.19848331

That's kinda pathetic. Could've just said fresh egg, because obviously the wagie has to crack and make it and would know. Other odd McDonald's terms are dehy'd onions (the ones on the regular cheeseburgers instead of fresh chopped) and their hollandaise ripoff that they called breakfast sauce that goes on your steak bagel.

You could theoretically order an egg's bennedict sandwich for McBreakfast.

>> No.19848338 [DELETED] 

How Autistic are you?

>> No.19848363

>The year of our lord 2023
>Still seaking faux nutrition at the devil's Scottish restaurant
>For the first meal of the day no less!
I hope you fix yourself anon. When was the last time you talked to your parents? Are they alive? If so they probably miss you. Give them a call and maybe hit the gym sometime. You could very easily and cheaply make yourself a breakfast muffin that might even be somewhat healthy. Please improve your life. You are not separate from nature.

>> No.19848387

Thanks for the laff 2 start my day

>> No.19848395

Effective. faggot.

>> No.19848408

Oh no a couple of mcjob retards can't figure out what you were ordering and you feel embarrassed now.

Harden the fuck up, snowflake. Who gives a fucking shit it's a McDonalds.

They're not deciding your destiny, they're making cheap fast food for your fat fucking face.

>> No.19848411

Your fault for believing bullshit without doing your due diligence.

>> No.19848444

Worked for me yesterday. Why are you spreading lies? About this, of all things? Get a life.

>> No.19848513
File: 178 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231029-094818_DoorDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard and a faggot.
This is such a common substitution it's even on delivery apps.
Here's a round egg being added to a sausage mcgriddle

>> No.19848629

>$2.59 for a fucking egg
goyslop deliveryapp consoomers get what they deserve

>> No.19848632


>> No.19848637

You deserve it if you think the biggest problem here is that you’re getting a filling-less omelette instead of an egg fried in a mold.

All that other processed crap, not a problem I guess, but OH NO MY EGG HAS BEEN FOLDED!!!

>> No.19848646

Fake and gay you sniveling quim

>> No.19848749
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In 1986 I ran over a small child in a McDonald's parking lot and got away with it because I paid a really expensive lawyer to argue that it was just a freak accident (it wasn't, I did it on purpose lmao, the single mother was too poor to afford a really good attorney).

>> No.19848776

literally did this last week. Wtf are you talking about

>> No.19848778

They make it in some rounded mold on the girdle. I don't think they made it the way they show on the right for some time.
Last time I had McDicks was 2020 though.

>> No.19848782

If this is true, you realize this could be used to relitigate the case right? You're not supposed to brag about lying after the fact.

>> No.19848783


>> No.19848793
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Even higher end organic eggs are at around 75¢ per egg at most, no?

>> No.19848815

>450 calorie breakfast sandwich from McDonald's

>460 calorie breakfast sandwich, HOMEMADE

>> No.19848898

calories, huh
is that where your analysis ends?
eat a pear or something

>> No.19848952


>> No.19848953

a pear of what

>> No.19848958

a pear of pairs, nigger

>> No.19848966

You didn't give the command correctly, you have to say

>> No.19848975

it's the same price in-person

>> No.19848977

do you not know how a business operates?

>> No.19848985

You need to ask for it properly, moron. Ask loudly and clearly "Can I please have a round egg?" while flailing your arms around. It's McDonald's policy to give round eggs only to people who do that.

>> No.19848987

>work in breakfast restaurant
>am allowed to eat as many eggs as i want
i'm so hungry. tomorrow needs to hurry up so i can eat

>> No.19848998

>Anon completely forgot this is an anonymous message board

>> No.19849226
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Absolutely wrecked.

>> No.19849239

Why did people ever think this made sense? This response has been around since the late 80s as a 'witty comeback' to 'prove' something, ESPECIALLY once internet chatrooms opened up.

>x thing
>i don't care about x thing

It's on a board where maybe the person cares about the other threads, spending around 7 seconds to say "Nobody cares" does not prove 'caring' it proves boredom and the knowledge that 7 seconds isn't a waste of time to tell someone to fuck themselves.

I, too, do not care.

>> No.19849333

I don’t know what it’ll take to make people realize that you pay a premium for convenience, for someone else to make the food for you and prepare it and serve it up on a tray or in a paper bag.

And that many of us have enough money to be able to pay that and not worry about it. Saving money isn’t the end all be all of life, unless you’re poor

>> No.19849407


>> No.19849412


>> No.19849414

>go to mcdonalds
>order a cheeseburger with ketchcup and cheese only
>retarded highschoolers asks me if i want the burger patty
>ask to see manager
>ask manager if the cashier is special needs
>tard manager also assumes that asking for 'ketchup and cheese only' on a cheeseburger means no patty
what the fuck has happened to mcdicks

>> No.19849470

>not shaming them and asking for a senior employee

>> No.19849652 [DELETED] 

>”I-I don’t care!”
>proceeds to write half a paragraph
You care too much, weirdo

>> No.19849660

>he thinks the manager isn’t also a teenager?

>> No.19849677

I do this all the fucking time. The logical conclusion is that you're retarded.

>> No.19849689

the manager was a retarded genx

>> No.19849796

>I ended up pulling out from the drive thru out of embarrassment.
sounds like a personal problem
work on that confidence bucko

>> No.19849815


The seethe from the wagie cooks the round egg

I feel like its not right tyere yet.. any suggestions?

>> No.19849938

>”I don’t care either!”
>proceeds to write half a paragraph
You clearly care too much, weirdo

>> No.19849957

Round these parts, you can get a round egg if you say "please" to the server. Those out of towners end up with square egg because their parents didn't show them manners.
>this is an anonymous message board
No, no, don't make me laugh. We've got moderators that share IPs in their secret chatroom and the boys with shades all over this place, and you still said this with a straight face?

>> No.19849989

Double jeopardy bitch

>> No.19851369

>order sausage mcgriddle
>no sausage
>no mcgriddle
>add round egg
The brekfest of champions

>> No.19851372

Sounds like you need to get better at speaking and making yourself understood.

>> No.19851377

Did you miss your stop on Reddit?

>> No.19851383


>> No.19851421

that's not how double jeopardy works

>> No.19851433

Because the people who say it are children with no ability to argue a point

>> No.19851439

>life hack: if you ask the wagies at McDonald's to substitute a thing for another thing, they give you that thing

Wow no way

>> No.19851441

This is cope. If you respond to a post saying you don’t care, you’re lying. No argument needed. The point has been made.

>> No.19851450

>the mother was too poor to hire a good attorney which means the DA could prosecute
>double jeopardy means perjury isn't illegal
>double jeopardy means that if you get convicted of perjury for that, you wouldn't also lose any civil case brought against you if she had any $5 lawyer
Ur either retarded or this is fake & gay. My money is on both since you don't know prosecution is up to the government, not the victim.

>> No.19851454
File: 102 KB, 494x554, HonestPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they sage it then hide the thread, especially after insulting you, then yeah they don't care about the topic. They may care about having the thread deleted to clean up their beloved board so they might report it as well.

>> No.19851461

Are you that autist from that /tg/ thread about willpower?

>> No.19851465

Ironically what you’re doing is actually a coping mechanism

>> No.19851481

The McAholes just announced a sales increase in the latest quarter mainly from raising prices faster than costs, stating: “Comparable sales results benefited from strong average check growth driven by strategic menu price increases.”

Those are their words from their own press release. I haven’t eaten there in over a year (have a soft spot for the cheeborgors and nuggies) and have no plan to as long as they don’t offer actual value for money.

>> No.19851490

Get friends

>> No.19851498

There will always be more idiots with money

>> No.19851522


>> No.19851567

>not addressing them as McSlaves

>> No.19851576

>You know what they call a pear in Pairs?
>They don't call it a pear?
>No, man, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the fuck a pear is.
>What'd they call it?
>They call it Promenade du Cours La Reine

>> No.19851705

>that goes on your steak bagel
what year is it? mcdonalds got rid of the breakfast bagels in like 2006

>> No.19851711

Maybe in your area. Mine has had them since they brought them back after the pandemic.

>> No.19851716

i've been to 30 mcdonalds in the last 3 years, most being in one of the most populated areas in the US, where the fuck do you live

>> No.19851727 [DELETED] 

Why aren't there triangular eggs?

>> No.19851755

This anons asking the real questions. Triangles are the strong shape, and eggs make you the strongest you.
My money is on Jewish tricks. They know the magic behind the triangle. Just look at the star of david. It's got 6 triangles, and a hexagon(which is just 6 triangles itself), and let's not forget its a 6 pointed star.
It's clear. All evidence points towards triangle eggs being reserved excluding for members of the synagogue of satan. Maybe once isreal falls white men can enjoy triangle eggs again, or at least we can hope.

>> No.19851782

In the East Coast megalopolis

>> No.19852073

This guy is full of shit. If this was real:

1. Anon would have faced criminal charges for manslaughter, which is prosecuted by the state.

2. Anon would face a separate civil case for wrongful death. The mother wouldn't need to "afford a lawyer" because personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis (we only get paid if you win) and a wrongful death case of a child is potentially a multi-million dollar insurance claim.

>> No.19852367

This is how leftists think the legal system works

>> No.19852446
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>> No.19852526

you dont care but you stopped everything you were doing to post "i dont care", you bumped the thread, and now you continue arguing when you say you dont care

the point is, why? what do you gain out of this? what does anyone gain out of this? you are not making any good to anyone because alot of people do care, you dont even have anything to even add to the thread, if you really did not care you should just ignore the thread, you dont need to state your opinion on everything if your opinion is nothing, thats twitter user attitude

>> No.19852554

You were on top with “nobody cares” and you had already won the argument regardless of his reply, but now he won since you typed all this bullshit out.

You care

>> No.19852598

>she thinks her friends on twitter and instagram are real
touch grass

>> No.19852707

The wagie was probably just retarded. Say "egg McMuffin egg"

>> No.19854348
File: 123 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the Mrs for a slap up mea, 5 courses, lobster, wagyu steak the works, sunk 3 bottles if very expensive wine.
Told the Mrs to wait outside while I paid the bill, lol.
Did I fook pay a 2 grand bill, pmsl.
Heard my waitress got sacked.
Serves her right, you don't go maccy D's and pay after, do ya

>> No.19854599

it is a thing, you probably had retarded workers.

>> No.19855790

OP, it’s time to admit that you made up this whole interaction.

>> No.19855928


>> No.19857078

Either larp or you live in the ghetto and even fat retards can't spring for uber eats

>> No.19857084

Fuck off you absolute normie faggot.