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File: 591 KB, 1100x800, cola pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19814227 No.19814227 [Reply] [Original]

We're settling this fucking now.

>> No.19814230

No we're not.

>> No.19814234

fucking make me, tough guy

>> No.19814236

Not sipping the goysyrup.

>> No.19814239
File: 19 KB, 500x334, RC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RC Cola

>> No.19814252

Intimidated, perhaps scared of picking a side? Fence sitters disgusting me.

>> No.19814254
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For me it's

>> No.19814256

I just think you're an insufferable cunt.

>> No.19814257

based rc cola enjoyer

>> No.19814272

I'll drink either but prefer Pepsi

>> No.19814287

My dad worked for PepsiCo as a truck driver when I was a kid, he'd sometimes bring home extra cases and stuff it was pretty sweet. So I like pepsi more, but I don't really drink caffeine anymore so idk

>> No.19814333
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whoever designed the new can label is a retard. the old one was perfect; the logo was fully readable and filled the top and bottom of the can. now the logo is not fully readable without tilting the can, and there's a bunch of empty red space underneath.

>> No.19814352

Whichever is cheaper

>> No.19814409

Maybe they're designed for coozie users, but I agree

>> No.19815028

shasta/rc cola > x

>> No.19815039

Dr. Pepper. Fuck your political direction brain.

>> No.19815049

Ok, retard, Coke is like 5% better than Pepsi, there you go. They're still both garbage.

>> No.19815168

>What do you mean you can just be utterly disgusted at ultra processed sugary drinks?! Bro you have to not only like that shit but you have to pick a side too! If you don't, you're crazy

>> No.19815186
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>> No.19815273


>> No.19815277

1974 called. they want their cola back

>> No.19815285

It's been a long time since I had this. It's basically the premium cheap cola brand

>> No.19815289

coke zero
or rc cola zero

>> No.19815306
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I like Trocadero :)

>> No.19816731

>rc cola zero
You mean Diet Rite?

>> No.19816750

Family friend owns Pepsi in Venezuela I think...
I grew up understanding that in no country in the world does Pepsi outsell Coke, except for in Venezuela where Pepsi reigns.

Coke is a bit less sweet. Pepsi is clearly marketed via musicians to black people, young people and ethnicities. But regionally, old time brands like RC Cola have their fans. Ithink Winn Dixie, Publix and other local brands very often have more spice, and when thinned out in a cocktail such as Rum n Coke...the store brand colas are superior. If I am at a serve yourself fountain machine, and it's a very cold day, the sweeter pepsi is just fine, and can fix a headache, achy tummy, or need for hydration.

Most of the time, at home, I buy caffeine free diet coke, because my cola drinking moods are pretty late in the day.

>> No.19817273
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I quite enjoy the berries and cream one.

>> No.19817277

Rc has flavors???

>> No.19817351

yeah that one

>> No.19817494

A Malcolm Gladwell book did a whole chapter on it. Super tasters clocked who would win instantly (rare case of merit, each way). Concordantly, Pepsi.ads have always been for retarded children.

More importantly Robert Lustig explains all soda as a dehydrating vector to make you drink more of it. All the sugar is only in it to mask it as salt water. Same with tasteless caffiene, which is reclaimed with paint thinner from natural sources coffee and tea. All aluminum cans are internally plasticized to avoid mineralization. Scotch guarded, basically.

You are shipping water retardly by truck all over the world. How would you like to be wrong today?

But the short answer is Coke, by a mile. But that Aldi brand "Summit" is the best knock-off of coke I've ever just recently had. BUT ITS THE SAME FUCKING PRICE. ...the fuck. $2.87 a two liter? It's the new cigarettes. Ween yourself off with homemade iced tea at half strength. Once you are tired of making a gallon of that everyday, you can drink water like an adult and move on with your life.

>> No.19817599

Probably so the logo could still be visible above the hand, for product placement.

>> No.19817675

Generally, Pepsi tastes better* but Coke is more useful as a mixer. As an alcpholic usually it's Coke for me.

*Aside from the one can in ten or so with an unusually sweet, almost banana-like flavor. Those are a bit freaky.

>> No.19817752

It’s been settled for a while

>> No.19817804

I think this is my general opinion also, like Pepsi but it just tastes weird as a mixer.

>> No.19817811

I think it’s designed to look bigger than it is because they’re about to drop it down to 299mls or something

>> No.19817816

Mango pepsi > cherry coke > cherry pepsi > vanilla coke > coke > pepsi

>> No.19817826
File: 19 KB, 153x318, likecola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Like?

>> No.19817831

no one has ever said "is Coke ok instead?"

>> No.19817839

true, although i find it funny they still say is pepsi ok? like there will be some auditor coming in to shut the place down if they got pepsi instead of coke

>> No.19817845

The closest comparison is usually "is Mr pibb ok". 20 years and still nobody calls it pibb extra.

>> No.19818054
File: 40 KB, 640x414, DoctorDoctorGiveMeTheNews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19818068

Neither. They're both bad for you.

>> No.19818069

ahh liquid marzipan

>> No.19818070

diet A&W > coke zero > diet pepsi > diet coke > pepsi max > Jarritos >>>>>>>> all other full-sugar sodas

>> No.19818255

enjoy getting cancer, retard

>> No.19818267

I prefer Dr. Pepper. However, if you insist. Coke. It tastes better, was founded by a Confederate veteran, and is more iconic than this 2nd rate imitation.

>> No.19818285

coke is better than pepsi, but i dont like either

>> No.19818291

What's the flavor?

>> No.19818304

Spotted the black person.

>> No.19818545

That is such an accurate statement I can't even put in words how much I praise it.
Be more specific. There's 23 of them.

>> No.19819273

I lived on Coke for years, then I gave it up cold turkey 4 months ago. Still miss it, but the 'beetus was out of control.

>> No.19819321
File: 265 KB, 1200x900, 5160[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke. It's a bit less sweet, smoother taste.

It's like this so when you put two cans next to each other you can read it (look at the ones near the middle). It encourages vendors to put two rows of Coke in their machines/fridges instead of just one, leaving less room for other brands. They probably also want their logo so recognizable you can identify it from a small fraction-- which is probably already the case given the stylized writing and multiple identifiable areas like the C going through the L.

>> No.19819362


>> No.19819393
File: 3.99 MB, 1280x720, 1692502478502286.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Periodically switch from one to the other when you get bored of one. If there are other cola brands that are good, get them.

>> No.19819413

This... RC cleveland steamers both Coke and Pepsi daily

>> No.19819460

cherry vanilla cough medicine it's great but Europeans seem to hate it

>> No.19819551

both will give you kidney stones and make you fat. Coke tastes better though, pepsi is too sweet

>> No.19819582

Pepsi is still good though
I won't buy either though

>> No.19819631

You're right anon.
But I think we're at that point where all marketing cucks have to 'jump the shark' and make logos look fucking retarded in order to look 'new' and keep their jobs now.

>> No.19819634

Both are on par desu but when it comes to the vanilla flavor it's pepsi all the way.

>> No.19819636


>> No.19820168

Chad opinion.

>> No.19820171

none of them
i always pick whatever store brand there is
cost 5 times less, can't even tell the difference
>inb4 oh you've no tastebuds
fuck off, its literally the same
you're just used to one in particular

>> No.19820183

I miss Chek cola so much... the best of the off brands.

>> No.19820195
File: 90 KB, 680x714, soysmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar free soda

>> No.19820267

>fuck off, its literally the same
coke is more citrus and fruitier and it has a gummier mouthfeel. pepsi has a purer cola flavor.

>> No.19820283 [DELETED] 

coke for burgers
pepsi for pizza

>> No.19820431

cherry coke please

>> No.19820432

Unless it's vanilla coke I literally don't care. Coke, pepsi, dr pepper, cherry flavoring, diet versions. It's all the same mediocre shit as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.19820570

Damn, this is Don Draper genius type shit. Honestly would make a great slogan for an ad.

>> No.19820607
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke has more flavor (spices n such) and less sweet.
I think it tastes way better.

>> No.19820774

Put me down for team Pepsi.

>> No.19821005


>> No.19821062

mmmm, which high fructose corn syrup should I drink? get the FUCK off my board

>> No.19821069

For me, it's Pepsi.

>> No.19821076

But if we are talking about pepsi max, keep that shit away from me

>> No.19821662

Have a drink.

>> No.19821715
File: 61 KB, 960x960, 079c3406-07cf-4593-b701-295f4278053d_1239518537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mogs fucking both of them

>> No.19821765

People keep making this thread so I will say once again both are perfect 10 end of discussion.

>> No.19822066

coke only if it's from mcdonalds

pepsi if there's literally nothing else to drink

>> No.19822089

I pick Pepsi but anon is right- we are not settling this now (or ever)

>> No.19822106

Pepsi and Coke both taste the same to me.
t. someone who doesn't drink cola flavoured drinks often

>> No.19823478

check was great
winn dixie really went down hill
they used to be the beef people but now their meat is nothing special anymore. publix has better cuts. shit even food lion has the same if not better cuts now.

>> No.19823482

The HFCS is the goy syrup. You want the ones with cane sugar.

>> No.19823594

I hate all the constant rebrands and new logos pepsi does, I don't wanna drink a drink that has no confidence in itself.

>> No.19823697
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>> No.19825140
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, Pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19825628
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holy fucking BASED