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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, Cobb-Salad-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19806159 No.19806159 [Reply] [Original]

What do you put in a salad to make it actually filling and not get hungry a few hours later? This might sound like a joke post but I'd really like to start eating healthier and I know basically nothing about salads. I want to eat healthy, but I don't want to have a headache all day from lack of food, so I'd like to know how to make salads that fill me up and contain all the nutrition I need. A salad as a meal, not an appetizer.

>> No.19806165

A bed of lettuce then top it with stuff. Stop being so lazy and unimaginative.

>> No.19806183

Some of the things in your very picture. Chicken, boiled eggs, avocados, sardines, you could consider chickpeas or other kinds of legumes too.

>> No.19806190

One thing I guess is to get away from the idea that it has to have a bunch of greens on bottom. It can but it doesn't have to.

>> No.19806203

Stop thinking of everything as different categories and thinking you have to go from one extreme to the other. Look at the bowl of salad and then compare it to the calories in the same bowl of spaghetti. Now do you understand why you're getting a headache? Add more substantial shit to your salad than just lettuce, but also grill up some zucchini or eggplant to eat with your regular meals and have a couple less tendies instead. If you think of it in terms of healthy vs unhealthy food you're never going to get anywhere. Eat more variety in general and you'll be fine. Only women regularly eat salad as a meal, and you literally posted a perfect example of a filling salad for when you do feel like having that so what are you even asking?

>> No.19806206

Chicken nuggets and ranch dresing

>> No.19806210


>> No.19806214
File: 19 KB, 300x299, Popeye-Spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... also spinach to be strong like popeye so I can rescue olive oil

>> No.19806217

Nuts, cheese, chopped boiled egg, croutons

>> No.19806311
File: 240 KB, 1500x1500, Goldfish_Crackers-Cheddar_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget some goldfish crackers

>> No.19806377

Chicken thighs.

>> No.19806398

Cobb salad is a good place to start.
Really, though. You just gotta think in terms of quantity.
For example, I just have the one meal a day, with a small snack later. But my meals are 300g of meat, 400-500g of veggies, and 300g of rice.
If you want your meals to be salads, just pick out some veggies you like and get a shit ton of them. Pick out 2-3 dressings to rotate through so things don't get stale. And just scale up the quantity so it's enough calories per day.

>> No.19806656

I don't like things in my salad. I want leaves and also leaves plus leaves and some leaves. A little salt and homemade dressing and I'm happy.
Last I ate salad a few days ago, it was a side to salmon.
Salads are not a main for me.
The salad in OP is pretty but absolutely not anything I would ever make and I likely wouldn't much enjoy eating it.

>> No.19806946

lettuce is not healthy. all grocery store vegetables are covered in toxic pesticides and human fesces from the fertilizer, however because lettuce has so much service area, it can have 10x or more than other veggies do.
all of this not even accounting for the fact it has a nearly non-existent nutrient content, as it is 95% water by weight.
people think salad is healthy because there's hardly any food in it per weight and they're fat ducks who just need to eat less calories.

>> No.19806953

cashews or peanuts

>> No.19807287

>all salads must have lettuce

>> No.19807298

Beetroot, goat cheese, tuna, olives, chicken, greek yogurt, smoked salmon.

>> No.19808076

What do you put in the dressing?

>> No.19808140

Avocado, olives, cheese, sliced cabbage, yogurt. Lots of options when it comes to salads.

>> No.19808171

Depends on the main and what greens I use for the salad. For the salmon one, I used the olive oil and rendered salmon fat left from roasting the side and champagne vinegar to make it. For spinach or rocket, warm bacon dressing works very well, particularly if the main is pork. If we're having a vegetarian main, for tofu or tempeh, sesame and miso dressing or tamarind and onion oil and for beans, either raita or oil-pickled mango (if the meal is South Asian), lemon and olive oil (if Italian) or tahini lemon and olive oil (if Turkish, Greek, Middle Eastern or Caucasus), regardless of the sort of green.

>> No.19809516


>> No.19809602

animal products

we evolved by outsourcing the inflammation to animals and you want to munch grass? cows spend all day eating grass and are still hungry.

>> No.19809721

Cows are also fat as fuck.

>> No.19809764

eat a big slice of buttered toast on the side with it?

>> No.19809862
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>> No.19810055

Have it meet your macros
t. /fit/izen

>> No.19810059

>diced red onion
>diced apple
>Greek dressing

>> No.19810066

Think about instant absorbing grains like cracked wheat (taboulleh) or quinoa, even some white rice, brown rice or pilaf (last night's leftovers) can be salad-ized the next day with dressings and addins.
Hard boiled eggs, if unshelled, can be kept in the fridge several days ready to top every meal. Packaged grilled chicken strips, like oscar meyer can sub in should you not have a steak or chicken breast from last night's dinner.

Get inspired by salad menus from various restaurants. Sub your iceberg for baby mesclun that have things like beet greens, use kale and slaw mixes.

>> No.19810074

>and not get hungry a few hours later...

That's the point of a salad, anon. Your digestive system NOT taking forever to digest food. Just eat something just as light a few hours later.

>> No.19810442

Air fried chicken nuggets, grilled chicken, blue cheese crumbles, hard boiled eggs, chopped nuts... Why can't you figure any of this out for yourself? Are you incapable of higher thought?

>> No.19810567


Feeling full isn't about calories, gaylord.

>> No.19810629

>all the nutrition I need
is literally about macro tho

>> No.19810636


>> No.19810641

Is this the age old /fit/ counter-argument of shifting the goalposts? Calories are not what makes you feel full; the amount of leptin in your blood is. Different foodstuffs with comparable macros won't necessarily elicit the same leptin response, ergo hitting "macros" will not necessarily prevent you from feeling hungry. And this is before you even approach the topic of potential leptin resistance or under/over-production.

>> No.19810659

>hitting your requirements in protein, fat and (modest amount of) carbohydrates with plenty of vegetables in your salad won't make you feel full
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19810746

underrated post.

>> No.19812393

Such as?

>> No.19813495

Egg salad

>> No.19815008

Well, I'm mad about salads.

>> No.19815046

Meat, fish, eggs, beans (preferably a variety), peas (preferably mixed with beans), or (cooked) nuts. Dressing varieties for flavour. Also if you have a headache from lack of food you aren't "eating healthy".

>> No.19815295

Add either chicken, eggs, tuna or spam as a main ingredient, then add stuff like olives, onions, bell peppers etc.

>> No.19815334

Quinoa and lentils.

>> No.19815336

pile of spinach with a pile of chopped broccoli, covered in copious amounts of ranch and then covered again in pepper. That is my go to base. Good as is, but if I have other stuff I'll throw that in too. boiled egg, avocado, tomato, carrots, beets, meat. Anything. So good and filling.

>> No.19815339

Doesn't the ranch eradicate any possible health benefits?

>> No.19815348

>copious amounts of ranch
What is OP trying to dodge?

>> No.19815542

Cucumber, tomato, red onion, mint, dill, lettuce if you want, drizzle olive oil, bit of salt, pepper. Voilá