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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19776948 No.19776948 [Reply] [Original]

lmao. imagine a dish prepared by a person who uses these things

>> No.19776962

hope you and your tranny gayfriend die a violent death bro

>> No.19776985

This is not a bad invention for the disabled or impaired. Like, those downie cooks might be a lot safer with a knife with those on

>> No.19776998
File: 84 KB, 430x430, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butchers are already wearing chainmail gloves tho

>> No.19777045

>pulling knife towards body

>> No.19777050

chainmail gloves make 1000 times more sense than those fucking things, especially for demanding butcher tasks like deboning.

>> No.19777067

Looks like a still from a Hellraiser movie

>> No.19777072

Banjo players gotta eat.

>> No.19777095

hes pulling it to the right

>> No.19777105

It's OK, he's also wearing a chainmail coat (+1).

>> No.19777181

Mithril gloves are lighter and more durable.

>> No.19777239

I'd like to know who even sells these. They literally discourage you from using proper cutting technique.
If you have shaky hands or something just use a cut glove. Imagine Michael j fox fumbling around with these 5 little doohickeys.

>> No.19777313
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this, just get yourself a pair of cut-resistant gloves, if you really risk of hurting yourself every time you use a knife.
imagine inserting those small metal things on each one of your fingers before starting to cut food.

>> No.19777327

Right towards his forearm

>> No.19777330

Those must get filthy so fast.

>> No.19777351

little flesh wound never hurt anyone

>> No.19777355

because people have short memory span and history repeats itself.

>> No.19777378

They soak up moisture yes but they are absolutely great and cheap. Can be washed in laundry or dishwasher. I have one exclusively for my mandolin which is never touching meat so a quick rinse and leaving it to dry is perfectly fine. Most commercial kitchens have an abundance of them laying around.

>> No.19777510
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are banjo players bad cooks?

>> No.19777533


>> No.19777711

when I worked at a meat counter for like a month in high school we used these, there was no reason not to

>> No.19777981

do you have any idea how the human body works

>> No.19778069

the worst

>> No.19778220

they live pretty much exclusive on pork 'n' beans

>> No.19778285

At first, I thought they were to avoid getting chilli and garlic so over your fingers but upon closer inspection, it's just very, very dumb.

I have a condition where I occasionally can't feel my hands or feetb and they turn white. I fear something like this would make it more dangerous for me.

>> No.19778288
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Here's an example. Not my hand, tho.

>> No.19778292

They used to be. Now that everyone has a Dagger of Infinite Sharpness +1, you need at least mithril gloves +3 to have any dirty if protection at all.

>> No.19778593
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never trust a potato to cook itself

>> No.19778618

What causes that? Lack of stealing?

>> No.19778637

The cause varies person to person. It's a syndrome or phenomenon that can be caused by quite a number of factors. For me, it's a symptom of having lupus.

>> No.19778664

You’re kidding right? Chances are you’re sitting your fat ass on an entire continent that was stolen, paid for by a colonial enterprise that was whites stealing as many resources from the other continents as long as they were able to.

>> No.19778728
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>You’re kidding right?

>> No.19778743

the worst thing im gonna cut is my knuckles. If your allowing your other fingers to sillily dance across the cutting board you deserve a few stitches.
I'd sooner respect someone using the chainmail glove while cutting than these overrated thimbles.

>> No.19778818

>imply browns steal as a joke
>get called out on who the biggest thieves are
>DURR you missed my joke

k son

>> No.19778834

Wasn't my post. Just pointing out that theoretically asking "you're kidding, right?" it's a silly thing to do when someone is obviously kidding, kiddorino.

>> No.19778851

Absolutely disgusting. Tons of nasty stuff feeds off vegetable matter, especially starches/sugars.

>> No.19778857

Fucking autocorrect. RHETORICALLY

>> No.19778886
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>tfw getting ready to safely make a sandwich

>> No.19779005

it's a funny joke and you are a stupid nog
t. brown person

>> No.19779046

Often places will cover them with a plastic glove too, in my experience.

>> No.19779051

Seems like a totally valid thing for people with shaky hands or some similar impairment. I don't understand people who feel the need to mock every single thing that isn't tailor-made for them.

>> No.19779143


>> No.19779154

cool you just learned what ableism used to mean before it was turned into a leftist faggot meme

>> No.19779310

Fun fact. That kid isn't playing.
They had an experienced banjo play slip his arms from behind him to play.

>> No.19779534

>come to a land mass
>the people here are fighting for resources
>start also fighting for resources
>turns out you are a better fighter than them
>get all the resources
>now you're the bad guy

>> No.19780226 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 454x390, TM's permab&.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19780498

Why would I want downies to be safe? They should have been aborted in the womb.

>> No.19780932


>> No.19780998

At least it's logic compare to the finger armor to cut a spicy fruit

>> No.19781008

this is bait right? that's dead flesh and those fingers will fall off soon

>> No.19781022

Think about what you just said

>> No.19781026

yep, pure bait. don't bother looking it up goy, fact checking is a leftist thing

>> No.19781028

Sir calm down this is a Wendy's

>> No.19781046

My mum bought me these after I told her I'd bought a new knife. I had to hold back from feeling insulted.

>> No.19781188

sorry for bringing your, at best, medieval people into the modern world

>> No.19781220
File: 101 KB, 837x660, old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this is actually for the elderly and people with motor control problems. People who have shaky hands.
But they don't put that in the advertising because it's unappealing.

>> No.19782853

You said it yourself though, cut *resistant* not proof. Safe practice and awareness are your friends, PPE is always your last line of defense

>> No.19782945
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You're a master marksman, Anon

>> No.19782959


>> No.19782986

I have Raynaud's too... so happy its about to be winter lol

>> No.19783010

how would people with shaky hands be able to put them on

>> No.19783410

Not even remotely what dead flesh looks like retard
t. My fingers fell off

>> No.19783915

I worked in the butcher at a grocery store and the managers would freak out if we cut something without them

>> No.19783953

That's funny. I remember when I worked in a deli they'd freak out if we used the slicers WITH one one because it would fuck up the blade if it actually hit the glove.

Like the one situation working there where you'd actually want to use a cut proof glove and they wouldn't let us.

>> No.19783965

uhm sweety we don't post facts here

>> No.19783969

Why on earth would you ever not use the guide press? Even using a mandolin without the guard is just asking for stitches, using your hand on an industrial slicer is I-didnt-need-that-fingertip retardation

>> No.19784050

We used the guides of course, but it still would have been nice to use a real cut proof glove as extra precaution when you had to work the spinning death blade.

>> No.19784315

Good Lord the amount of times I showed up stoned/hungover at work I had so many near misses It's a miracle I still have all my fingers

>> No.19784497

can you at least cut the tags off? christ