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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19772989 No.19772989 [Reply] [Original]

how did people even eat fries before they invented ketchup

>> No.19772996

potatoes were invented after ketchup, anon

>> No.19773003

i think you mean tomatoes

>> No.19773007

With mayo like god intended.

>> No.19773024

with mayonnaise, like a civilized person (aka Dutch)

>> No.19773025


>> No.19773037

That’s a beautiful kitty

>> No.19773049

vinegar, salt, garum, mustard, other sauces and spices that suited fried potatoes just fine

>> No.19773050

I'm at the stage in my life that I just eat them straight.
If I buy them in a drive thru they rarely survive the ride home.

Otherwise, I do like then. With horseradish sauce.

>> No.19773054

Ketchup is the worst condiment for fries. It's not terrible but it is most inferior of all options

>> No.19773081

Same way as they do now, without sugary slow poison.

>> No.19773096

I stopped eating ketchup in 2004 when I heard that John Kerry's wife was the heiress to the Heinz company. Since 95% of ketchup in the US is Heinz, I thought I needed to boycott it to reduce the power of the Democrat elite.

19 years later, I know that that was just one of the many daily two-minute hates that have been forgotten by time. I realize that the political system in America is a uniparty that exists to further the interests of big business, and that the ritualized, yet vestigial act of voting yields no solution to any problem. But I still don't eat ketchup. Fries are fine without it.

>> No.19773111

They used one of the many other kinds of catsup such as oyster or mushroom

>> No.19773138

maybe it shouldn't have taken you 20 years to realize that the heiress of a sauce company is probably politically neutral

>> No.19773142

>heiress to a large company
>politically neutral
youre not very bright are you

>> No.19773149

so your point is that both sides are exactly the same and serve the same master, but she's totally a democrat (team blue)

>> No.19773186

I want to scratch the cute miss on her chin and forehead c:

Personally I just eat mine with salt and pepper

>> No.19773205

how do people who eat red sugar splooge live day to day life?

>> No.19773216
File: 79 KB, 480x648, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat looks just like OP's cat
what breed even is this?

>> No.19773228

New York Toxowagon

>> No.19773231

fuck you

>> No.19773262
File: 492 KB, 1800x1200, doggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pattern is called tortoiseshell, who knows what breed, it could just be a domestic longhair. Mine looked like yours not OPs, and she was a Maine coon mutt.

>> No.19773274

How did they enjoy ketchup on hot fries before they could keep the ketchup cold?

>> No.19773286

the orange looks more like grey, tortoiseshell is orange

>> No.19773290

Ketchup predates deep-frying by quite a long time. Even if it wasn't always tomato-based.
potatoes are also a new world crop

>> No.19773357

im not the person you were replying to, retard

>> No.19773384

point remains
truly rich people don't take sides

>> No.19773938

Why wouldyou add moisture to a a fried food?

>> No.19774084

Have you ever heard of a man named Donald J. Trump?

>> No.19774096

Malt vinegar, like God intended.
That's vinegar, oil, and egg.

>> No.19774106

> but...
No. Mustard. Believe me. And not the fluorescent yellow toxic shit you may find in the anglosphere. Real, Dijon, mustard.

Mayonnaise is for the weak and the futur diabetic.

>> No.19774238

do you know the angloshere is the biggest import market for things like mustard? you can find literally any mustard here

>> No.19774558

With salt and malt vinegar like they still do in Britain.

>> No.19774563


>> No.19774863

except for a mustard that tastes good, obviously

>> No.19775302
File: 36 KB, 800x800, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real, Dijon, mustard.
is shit
embrace penis

>> No.19775323

I like them with just salt.

>> No.19775465

I never cared for ketchup as a child. Anytime my mom bought fries for me, she'd remind me to open my ketchup packet or whatever and I'd just ignore her. It's just like a flavorless condiment to me. Actually, the only time I ever like ketchup is if I add tobasco to it. Then it becomes a good tangy/spicy sauce. Ketchup on its own is boring.

>> No.19776956

needing sauce for fries means you're not human.

>> No.19776966

>he thinks trump isn't in on it
gullible anon is gullible.

>> No.19777059

>I stopped eating ketchup in 2004 when I heard that John Kerry's wife was the heiress to the Heinz company.

How does it feel to have your brain completely consumed by culture war nonsense?
What's it like, not having a soul?

>> No.19777069

lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant lubricant

>> No.19777082 [DELETED] 

I'd have beat your scrawny little ass if you didn't follow my ketchup instructions.

>> No.19777094
File: 49 KB, 528x352, 1694554569855145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garlic and parsley
we also have mayo and malt vinegar chads in this thread
ketchup was never necessary in the first place

>> No.19777446

I'd beat your scrawny little ass if you didn't follow my ketchup instructions.

>> No.19777669
File: 66 KB, 1024x958, BA90FE6B-CE05-4F0C-BCBE-72BA3EB982A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19777832

Mayo is good when you make it yourself which takes 1 minute with an immersion blender. This way you can also season it the way you want to.

>> No.19777856

>red wine vinegar
Name a better sauce for fries

>> No.19777895

shorthair > longhair /thread

>> No.19778193

Cat of the cat variety

>> No.19778270

for all the haters of commercial tomato ketchup I invite you to make your own and learn how amazing it can be without corn syrup and corporate gōyslop in it.

>> No.19778381

can't someone else just make it for me

>> No.19778384

i met a dutch person today and they couldn't even speak english, they were completely retarded.

>> No.19778421

Never met a Dutch person who didn't speak English.

>> No.19778423
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x2500, Patatje_met.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget mayo

>> No.19778429
File: 476 KB, 2560x1908, Norwegian-Forest-Cat-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a moggie but Norwegian forest cats look like that.

>> No.19779200

>Even if it wasn't always tomato-based.
It wasn't tomato based until very recently, it was mushroom based.

>> No.19779207

Why would you not eat ketchup? 5% of a 350 million person market isn’t nothing. You can find non Heinz ketchup in literally every single grocery store in the country.

>> No.19779212
File: 14 KB, 450x450, Hunt's All Natural Classic Tomato Ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best for fries

>> No.19779223
File: 1.08 MB, 2800x1220, chips_cheese_gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it the British way Anon.

>> No.19779240
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, mayans-agriculture-and-food-l-2894862777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ketchup was invented before fries. potatoes and tomatoes come from the americas and the Mayans already had ketchup by the time the spanish came, but Mayans couldn't deep fry anything because they didn't have metal utensils.

>> No.19779638

kys nigger

>> No.19779754

>jungle monkeys don't learn to hunt because free fruit and veg grow everywhere around them
>it gets dry for a few years and they all instantly starve to death
many such cases