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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1350, 1686745734861679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19702216 No.19702216 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing gonsumerism goffee gear, goffee-related topics and transocean drama.

Working on the Instagram page edition.

Last thread: >>19691296

>> No.19702219
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R8 it. Ignore the picture tho, it was taken with a phone.

>> No.19702228

>midnight in italy
>schizo posting stops
>7am in australia
>anaerobic fermentation natural process panama posting starts
gonna be a great day.
dialing in actually interesting beans is one if life's many pleasures.
oh and

>> No.19702234
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>> No.19702236

And the instagram retard forgets the pastebin once again.

>> No.19702239
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>> No.19702244

Wtf I now want to buy a Jura E6™

>> No.19702266
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must have some sort of AI powered super camera. I've never seen this before.

>> No.19702296

I think reddit espresso is right, Silvia + Niche is the ideal combo for 90%+ of people

>> No.19702352

This but Lelit Anna instead

>> No.19702364

>Lelit Anna
looks nice, how is the modding community for it
Silvia/GCP are good because there are is such a good modding community for them

>> No.19702375
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>> No.19702378

Buy Lelit Glenda then, it has no PID though.

The superior choice is Lelit PL91T.

>> No.19702443

Moka does it better gearqueer.

>> No.19702492

What about profitec go?

>> No.19702507
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Transocean drama? What's going on with my imitation crab?

>> No.19702535

>type name into youtube
>watch the first 5 videos reviewing it
>you know have more or the same level of information as anyone else here.
>form opinion based on that information
its literally that easy.

>> No.19702543

I’m not denying that, also Flair 58+ > semi automatic espresso machines

>> No.19702569
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If I scanned a photograph of my coffee grinds next to a penny would you guys be able to tell me if I am making the grind course or fine enough for my drip coffee maker? I just got a Hario Skerton Pro and I am having trouble knowing what the grind should be. TIA!

>> No.19702606

>hario scale arbitrarily decided to stop working

>> No.19702621

Just print this out.

>> No.19702792 [DELETED] 
File: 498 KB, 640x640, 1690694047104731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling cute, might delete later

>> No.19702803

range ban this faggot please.

>> No.19702815

>chink scale keeps on kickin'
>haven't even had to switch batteries in over a year

>> No.19702850
File: 3.97 MB, 1080x1440, Sonic S7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest and greates chinkshit goffee consumerism.

>> No.19702855

>chink flair ripoff
>MASSIVE brew chamber
Every time

>> No.19702868

>hoons coffee has 2 entirely different tabs for videos
>videos has videos
>live tab has even more videos
what the FUCK
why did no one tell me?!

>> No.19702874
File: 31 KB, 431x332, IMG_0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.19702902

Rancilio Silvia $835
Lelit Victoria $1000

The Lelit Victoria has a PID and a pressure gauge, why is the Silvia always recommended but I never see the Victoria being recommended?

>> No.19702907

Can I order a suitcase with all the items in the video? I want to have everything.

>> No.19702909

Because the Silvia is a well estabilished machine with a modding community, the Lelit is fairly new.

It’s a cope basically, the Victoria is perfect.

>> No.19702927

>the Victoria is perfect.
I see that the factory standard pressure is around 11 bar but it seems like changing the pressure is easier than on a Silvia/GCP, you don't need to buy a new spring or anything

>> No.19702936

holy kino

>> No.19703064

What about profitec go?

>> No.19703080
File: 132 KB, 1200x1200, 012400090_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Bialetti Mokona?

>> No.19703086

can you poorfags keep to yourselves please

>> No.19703096

I have it on very good authority, from an authentic italian, that moka is the the best way to make espresso. Are you telling me this is false?

>> No.19703099

>Bialetti Mokona
>it's not a shop
This image is absolutely fucking with me

>> No.19703133

I'm bored of my v60 even though my coffee tastes great. now what

>> No.19703145


>> No.19703190
File: 767 KB, 250x167, 2Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wants this

>> No.19703198
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you know what you have to do anon

>> No.19703200

where do i buy one

>> No.19703207

That's not a reeeanini :3

>> No.19703434

time to brew up a nice bit o goff before bed :)

>> No.19703495

Should I buy the competition filter? I like competing.

>> No.19703518

Increased my water temperature closer to boiling. The coffee tastes so much better. I'm losing my mind.

>> No.19703560

Should have listened to the Hoff

>> No.19703719

>get an americano at a coffee shop
>its nice
>make instant coffee at home
>its also nice

I have so many autistic hobbies but I never could get into coffee.. always seemed like more work than its worth.

>> No.19703786
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Still using my Clever and grocery store brand beans
I don't need more

>> No.19703793

Probably didn't need to buy a pearl for that.

>> No.19703856

thinking of taking the beginner asspresso leap and buying the bambino
so far i've been playing around with a 1zpresso q2 for my v60, moka and french press

but in the instructions i got with it there was no recommended instructions on how to get espresso grind fineness. does that mean it can't grind that fine and that i'd need to get a new grinder too, in addition to the bambino? or am i good sticking with the q2?

>> No.19703890

you can grind slightly finer which allows for slightly higher pressure and higher extraction.
also just much much higher quality machining than standard filter.

>> No.19703928
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>grind finer
>lose taste
>grind coarser
>sweet and tasty

>> No.19703943

Bambino+q2 is going to be a bad time.

>> No.19704164

Do you guys still get butthurt over cold brew

>> No.19704165

because it literally can't grind espresso fine or because it would be too hard on me arms?
i've seen stories online about people taking 10 minutes (?????) to grind a fine grind with it but that's literally incomprehensible to me, i've ground fine dozens of times when i was playing around on the cheap office espresso machine, it never takes me more than a minute, i have no clue how people are getting 10 minute grind times.

>> No.19704166


>> No.19704170

no one gets butthurt over cold brew
some people here just dont like it
some people do
we had like a month of non stop cold brew talk earlier this year
i personally drank cold brew all day every day last summer.

>> No.19704184

What is the objective correct ratio and time for cold brew then.

I have been doing 1 1/2 or 2 tbsp of coffee in 12 oz of water, and about 18 hours of seeping time. First at room temperature and then into the fridge when I go to bed. Filter in the morning. Results are decent but could be better. Does coffee quality matter that much? I am just using pre ground Starbucks brand from the grocery store

>> No.19704202

heat-managment must be a nightmare.
I bet it costs more than the flair58 also, which makes it utterly pointless.

>> No.19704237

>What is the objective correct ratio and time for cold brew then.
1:8-1:12 grounds:water

>> No.19704268

It does. 850 fucking dollars on both AliExpress and Amazon.

>> No.19704273

does it at least come with the full kit and the case? id buy the full kit for 850

>> No.19704275
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>> No.19704296


>> No.19704440
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New beeenzbag

>> No.19704464

How to be reincarnated as coffee berry borerer? I try to live a good, caffeinated life or is there some scripture??

>> No.19704622

Who the hell spends $500 or more on an espresso machine?

>> No.19704657

Everyone that is making espresso.

>> No.19704666


>> No.19704668
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So what if I want espresso but do not wish to spend $500 or more on an espresso machine

>> No.19704682

you can always succ dick

>> No.19704726
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>too lazy to fully wash my Moka Pot so just rinse it with water
>coffee taste 10 times better

>> No.19704793
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Flair-Espresso-Manual-Coffee-Maker_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flair classic arguably has the best price-performance ratio of all entry level machines, but it takes about 4-8 minutes to make a single shot (basket too smol for double shot). It's a very elegant appliance that is light and takes little space, but it can't do volume. Personally, I enjoy the preparation process, like a little ritual. With some practice you can grind the beans and tamper the basket while simultaneously doing a couple rounds of pre-heating for the brew chamber, and cut down on time considerably. If you do all the steps properly you can get far superior results to similarly priced automatic machines - with the pressure gauge you get more control and can try lots of fancy-schmantzy espresso vodoo.
Naturally, its popularity and affordability result in a lot of hatred in these threads, not all of which may be ironic.

In any case, if you want espresso from the push of a button, this is not for you. If you're very pressed for money, look into the even cheaper flair options like the neo, or refurbished models. However, some of these only come with portafilters iirc, and if you order a regular basket and the pressure gauge (which is a crucial tool, especially for beginners) on top, the cost will probably be virtually the same.

>> No.19704805

I forgot, you also need a decent hand grinder. Store-bought, pre-ground espresso is too coarse for the flairs, not that you should consider that kind of coffee in the first place.
A flair classic + a decent hand-grinder will set you back about $250-400, depending on location and currency. Also, get a stepless grinder, stepped grinders suck for espresso.

>> No.19704838

for the fall season I have decided to experiment with making spiced coffee. Here is my blend:

1 cup medium roast arabic coffee
5 tbsp orange peel
2 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp pumpkin spice
2 tbsp vanilla powder
1 tbsp nutmeg

possibly too strong, as it's bordering on more spice than coffee, but i like the flavor.

>> No.19704840

as others have said in other threads... if you are unsure about if you want to spend money on a true espresso machine, buy a wacaco picopresso first and see if you even like it.
I bought mine, and I like playing around with it. its time consuming but it gets the job done for me. I have had really great shots and it's 130$ I added a nonpressurized filter basket and puck screen for less than 50$ I use it 2-3 times a week and I'm happy with it. if I get some extra cash I might go GCP but for now it scratches the itch. just my opinion, but if you aren't afraid of losing 200$ compared to 500$ it's worth a try.

>> No.19704842

What advantage does the picopresso have over a flair?

>> No.19704844

it's smol

>> No.19704845

Is it kawaii?

>> No.19705051
File: 1.61 MB, 1865x765, 1687163260428883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robustarabica coffee beans combine the fruity notes of a good Arabica with the strength of a Robusta. This blend perfectly balances acidity and bitterness, through a racy character. The dominant aromas are read by a mixture of red fruits accompanied by slight bitterness, due to its origin from Kenya and Madagascar, at 50% each. This blend not only balances the aromas of each species, but also provides a full-bodied cup for the most serious espresso lovers.
First sip.
Really good.
Ambrosial intrabuccal lingering taste for at least 45min.

>> No.19705151
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Basè. Baseèèèè.

>> No.19705152

It's a little bit cheaper, but worse in every regard except portability - which is not a big benefit unless you're a total coffee addict who can't go 3 houts without a shot, or a very active camper.
A flair classic (with pressure gauge) will give you all the range (but not the convenience) of a 5x more expensive machine, the picopresso will give you neither. If you're unhappy with it, just re-sell it on ebay for like a $30 loss, or make it a fancy christmas or birthday present to someone you know, who is into cooking.

>> No.19705164
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Don't even need the James Webb telescope to spot those broken beans.
To become the bug you must deny all existence of the bug. In the face of overwhelming evidence, just scream
>Nuh-uh. Not true. Not at all.

>> No.19705229
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>+goffee burr
>+magnetic catch cup
>-20g capacity
>-internal adjustment

>> No.19705230

>F R O T H Y

>> No.19705233

how you wanna brew?

>> No.19705237


>> No.19705238

>broken beans
thats just because it was taken with a phone.

>> No.19705239

baratza encore

>> No.19705253

>-24 steps
>The 24 grid digital identification is clear and clear, bringing more accurate fixed point adjustment and precise quantitative adjustment of thickness, which can meet the thickness adjustment needs of various instruments such as Italian style, mocha, hand punching, and pressure pressing. 笔记
Please don't buy this. The kingrinder k1 is the same price with the coupon.
Porca puttana! But they came highly rated from the dipshits who post reviews on trip advisor. I also wrote to Samsung to seek their POV on the issue, since the phone has a 24 months warranty. Let's wait and see.

>> No.19705258

>absolutely devastated by the Italian Moka Chad

Top kek he's losing his mind

>> No.19705260

>What level of cope is this?

>> No.19705305

I finally made a cofe that wasn't bitter or sour. Now what

>> No.19705329

Enjoy your goffee

>> No.19705336

Is there a coffee making chart for choosing what kind of coffee to make for what kind of coffee you like? Like a flowchart?

>> No.19705388

Not really. Methods are more to do with how you make the thing and not what you end up making. The only really different ones are espresso, which is much more concentrated and thick than most coffee, and moka post coffee which is kind of inbetween espresso and the rest.

>> No.19705420
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do you bripe thrice a week anon?

>> No.19705426


>> No.19705442
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Of course.

>> No.19705738
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Anyone here know of any chemical experiments with coffee to try and improve the taste?

I'm thinking of trying to add some sort of emulsifier to my grounds for my moka pot in order to pull more oils from the beans to try and change the taste.

>> No.19705756

do it and report back

>> No.19705773

What should I use though? I need something that doesn't have much flavor on its own.

I'm thinking a tiny amount of gum arabic powder in the grounds, but would that thicken it too much?

>> No.19705778

>Please don't buy this. The kingrinder k1 is the same price with the coupon.
it looks to use the same adjustment as their M1, so that would be 24 steps per rotation (3 possible) for a total of 72 steps.

>> No.19705787

why the fuck are you asking me?
do i look like a chemist to you?

>> No.19705804

new to coffee, want to start grinding my own beans, what's something preferably around the $20 range ?

>> No.19705812

a rock
smash the beans against the ground with it.

>> No.19705814

aliexpress, plenty of grinders under $20 and better thant a rock.

>> No.19705821

So about half as many clicks per rotation as the k1. For the same price. Not a very compelling value for the poorfag. Its a budget q2 with shitty adjustment, but the q2 already had shitty adjustment. But you get a magnetic catch cup.

>> No.19705883

>bro just put cadmium in your coffee instead of natural minerals
chur bro

>> No.19705945

Your poorfag station m'sir

>> No.19706060
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make it however you want but usually the more involved process have stronger/richer taste

>> No.19706105

How do I drink coffee without needing to shit immediately afterwards? Is there any dietary supplement or additive for this?

>> No.19706401
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>There are no bug bites!

>> No.19706429

you say that like its a problem?

>> No.19706444

Eat something with it? I only ever get the shits when i drink coffee while fasting.

>> No.19706448

try shitting more and crying less

>> No.19706929

Timemore (Ascended chink brand) > Normal brands > Chink brands

>> No.19707072

Try different beans with varying roast levels. My friend gifted me some beans last year with an unlabeled bag and those beans are the only ones that didn't make me shit.

>> No.19707123

So which one makes you shit less? Light roasts or dark roasts?

>> No.19707134

I bought some light roast coffee after drinking only medium roast and this does not smell of or taste like "coffee" to me
It tastes kinda nice though, next time I'm gonna try really dark roast

>> No.19707138
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Dark roast is coffee as God intended, make it 80% arabica and 20% robusta and it’s a match made in heaven.

>> No.19707195
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<$500 – Bare Bones
If you’re looking to step up from a Nespresso or just drink less Starbucks, start here. There are really two ways to go:

Manual ($250–$300) – Flair Neo ($125) + 1Zpresso JX ($130).

Automatic ($450–$500) – Breville Bambino ($350) + Baratza Encore ($170).

The DeLonghi Dedica ($350) is also a solid choice. For grinders, you can also check out the Breville Dose Control ($150), or upgrade to the 1Zpresso J-Max ($230). The Sette 30 ($300) and Mignon Notte ($320) grinders are solid, but may put you above $500.

>> No.19707201

Is that the Hodeidah Gran Gourmet Bar 80/20 blend?

>> No.19707202

i wanna pull shots so bad broistas.. havent gotten me a spresso making chine' yet tho. i love muh moka but damn im ready for the next steppe.

>> No.19707214
File: 1.70 MB, 2941x3680, IMG_4812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s Continental Piave 80/20 blend :D

>> No.19707357
File: 141 KB, 1200x1800, moka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does anything after 120ml from a 6 cup moka pot taste horribly bitter and weak?
I have tried low heat, high heat, fine ground, filter ground, with and without a filter
the 120ml that I do get is very strong and tastes great but everybody online says you should get well over 200ml of good tasting coffee
since the coffee after 120ml is really watery I am fully extracting right?

>> No.19707364

likely not. im getting 200ml every time, its delicious every time. usually needs a tweaking with every new batch of beans i start on but otherwise very consistent. id suggest you first leave the heat at a fixed setting, and focus on adjusting grind per brew til you get a profile you enjoy. grind is the major factor in my experience.

>> No.19707375

whats your dose size? and water ratio?
i have the stainless steel 6cup moka, my usual (which nets me 200ml brew) is 270ml boiled water, 26-30g bean. the bean weight depends on the roast type typically.

>> No.19707382

medium dark exelsa beans

>> No.19707383

I fill the basket fully and preheat the water to the marker which is about 300ml
don't know the exact grounds weight

>> No.19707434

its likely your grind size then. more water would extract more but if the grind is too large you would still be getting weaker results. consider grinding finer. dont be afraid to jump multiple sizes and see how sharp the change in flavor is, if it hits sour then you know you can dial back a bit to find the flavorful sweet spot.
how much brew do you get out of the 300ml fill?

>> No.19707453

I have wilfa nymalt burr grinder on the finest setting it grinds about as fine as table salt, a lot finer than preground filter coffee
if I brew longer than 120ml it tastes awful

>> No.19707515

too fine, grind coarser that that. you should notice a difference in flavor. if it doesnt improve then i suppose your grinder cannot grind for moka. though its unlikely imo.

>> No.19707560

the very same thing happens with coarser filter ground coffee
the first 120ml are the best coffee I have ever had, its just what comes after that is undrinkable

>> No.19707594

>26-30g beans

My 3 cup stainless moka holds 21g, wtf.

>> No.19707626

Grinding for espresso on a K2 takes 30 seconds, unless you don't have body strength
Then it takes forever and is painful
This is the real reason to get an expensive electric grinder

>> No.19707633

Hoffee time
>iced coffee recipe at the end of summer
Thanks dickhead

>> No.19707634

>no moka pot in the thumbnail

Extremely discarded

>> No.19707655

hoffdaddy is looking stacked, why does he hide it?

>> No.19707675

He's started manually grinding his goffee

>> No.19707676

when did the hoff get jacked?

>> No.19707689
File: 2.81 MB, 576x1024, 1694758351275095.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no coffee sink in my bathroom

Why live

>> No.19707698

It's still hot enough to justify making it.

>> No.19707704
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/ctg/ help me understand caffeine extraction. I immersion brew 4 tablespoons ground coffee to 2 cups water. Say I increase the water to 2.33 cups. Will that significantly change the amount of caffeine extracted or is it really fixed upon the amount of grounds you add as long as you don't go above the caffeine concentration saturation level, and the quantity of water really just controls the taste?

It seems stupid, but sometimes I add more coffee and decrease the amount of water and I feel like I get more caffeine out of it which seems counterintuitive on some level.

>> No.19707707

>tfw you will never live in a post scarcity utopia with a central coffee piping system

>> No.19707709
File: 769 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0075 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bellman stovetop steamer
>Flair 58
>Hario 1.2L drip kettle
>Niche grinder
Big improvement with the electric vs. hand grinder. Now that one is relegated to grinding for pourovers. The Encore and Hario Switch from when my gf had her own place.

>> No.19707711

>Use Tetsu Kasuya’s method
>Tastes amazing the first 2 times
>Tastes over extracted and like burnt soil the third time when I didn’t change anything
WHY? Also what are /ctg/‘s favorite pour over methods?

>> No.19707715

Generally more water = more extraction, up to a point. However while you will extract more from the beans the drink will also be more diluted so it'll feel stronger.

>> No.19707718


>> No.19707755

ahh a kenyan enjoyer i see.

>> No.19707761

That's normal for Jackson, being a shithole is in that city's DNA.

>> No.19707774

>more water + more time in contact with coffee = more extraction
>more water in = more water out(usually)
>more water out = more diluted
>more diluted = weaker "feeling" eg each sip is going to taste thing and weak but if you drink all the coffee you have made you ill get more caffeine
the "more water + more time in contact with coffee = more extraction" can be overcome with pressure, which is why espresso exists.
which then becomes "less water + high pressure = more extraction" (espresso bros help me out here)

>> No.19707785

Never understood how people here circlejerk over a spindly british richkid sissy with faggy frosted hair who bullshits 80% of what he says and steals the other 20%
Imagine unironically calling someone "the hoff" and worshiping his advice

>> No.19707792

You don't know shit about coffee

>> No.19707795

I can't think of anyone else that is more consistently correct about everything coffee related. People literally only give him shit because he looks like a massive fag.

>> No.19707843

you are seething anon.

>> No.19707897

Just say you want to suck on his pecker and move on

>> No.19707902
File: 610 KB, 700x666, 1664888792803962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had two more sips today.
Only espresso so far.
Gotta say i was apprehensive at first but it's great goffee.
Grade is three tier. 0=would not drink again. 1= would drink again, but not bother buying. 3=would buy again.
Would buy again.

>> No.19707963

Kek he clearly started working out. Mid life crisis?

>> No.19708059

5 pours, 3x your coffee weight each time.
It would be much better if he was a gay Italian man who shills superautomatics and burns his roasts.

>> No.19708133

The kinoest kino that ever kinoed is finally here. Sip up boys.

>> No.19708150

>best value

>> No.19708167

Do you think those are conflicting terms?

>> No.19708176


>> No.19708189


>> No.19708384

Not conflicting, but generally when you're thinking of an "endgame" then the budget option is typically not what you're planning around.


>> No.19708428

The next 80mm "endgame" single doser is an EG-1 at $3900+shipping and tax. Makes the wug a pretty good value at $1700+$300(+s/h,tax,and customs fees) for the weber core burrs. If you added a $2000 Weber Key onto that EG-1 order it would run you north of $6000, or an extra $263 for same burrs+carrier for the wug.
> typically not what you're planning around
"Value" is exactly what you should be planning around. How much are you paying for what you're getting? I'm not sure calling a $2000+ grinder "the budget option" really works.

>> No.19708654

Ever since I got off coffee I noticed by teeth have begun looking a bit whiter
Which is weird, because all I did was swap out coffee for tea which is supposedly even worse in regards to teeth staining. Lol. Fuck you guys

>> No.19708921

black tea or white tea?
>caring about having bright white teeth
just brush your teeth twice a day nigga

>> No.19708923

can you stop posting this fat loser
literally anyone else please.

>> No.19708950
File: 2.82 MB, 3621x2985, 20230915_190238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I finally nailed it.

>> No.19708953

you almost got me, 7/10 bait.

>> No.19708956

What's bait about it?

>> No.19708982

Mostly earl grey tea and black tea. I do however put some milk and sugar in my tea which changes the color whereas I always drank my coffee blacked, maybe that's why my teeth are regenerating?
>just brush your teeth twice a day nigga
I do, but coffee stains would still stay there

>> No.19708988

wait anon, you are drinking water between sips of coffee arent you?

>> No.19709086


>> No.19709435

Looks like it was diced with a kitchen knife

>> No.19709437

Is it too coarse? I set my Encore pretty low, lower than it recommends.

>> No.19709444

Not sure if your baiting or not but yes, that is incredibly course. Should be slightly courser than table salt if you're doing a pour over

>> No.19709450

look at the grounds here

>> No.19709664
File: 2.04 MB, 3024x2755, 20230915_232758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not baiting at all.

This video's seems to be notched to 21, and here's what that looks like on mine. Is this too coarse? This >>19708950 was at 13 or so. I took everything out and put it back together, but the gasket is a bitch to handle and I'm not sure if the hopper was supposed to click upon being pressed down - it does click when I rotate it, but the burrs don't seem to rotate at all if it's supposed to do that. I'm not sure.

>> No.19709678
File: 1.65 MB, 3238x2997, 20230915_233331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at 4, for comparison. The manual recommends 8 for espresso with lower being finer.

>> No.19709717

Remove the hopper and inspect in and around the burr. Make sure nothing is broken or incorrectly seated.

>> No.19709736

And this

>> No.19709759

Print this out so you've got a reference.

>> No.19709768

I already removed the hopper. There was a lot of coffee dust there of course, but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. I gave it a dry wipedown.
I'll try recalibrating it since it DOES seem like the grind is adjusting, just not nearly as much as it should.

>> No.19709816

Make sure the burr is in correctly. There should be markings to align. There's also a plastic ring that is made to break easily if something like a rock finds its way inside.

>> No.19709833

Yeah, the red markings are all lined up correctly and it looks fine there. If there's any problem it's with the obnoxious rubber gasket but looking at videos it seems like that thing is annoying as hell for everyone else too.
I won't work on it any more tonight just because it's past midnight and I'll need to get all my shit together for it. Thanks for all the help, lads.

>> No.19710050

new goff
left it in the bag for like 2 weeks before opening it
very sweet and also savory.

>> No.19710106

Any burundi? :3

>> No.19710248

its honduras natty.
(this was ready to be sent for like 2 hours, i didnt realise i didnt send it and it was just sitting on my screen.)

>> No.19710277

Can a french press filter grounds that fine?

>> No.19710298

watch the video he literally says (timestamped)
and the technique he says reduces it is this

>> No.19710313

any youtube music users?
i just clicked on it for the first time in my life and its pretty cool actually.
and the quality of the audio sounds way better than listening to the exact same song on youtube.
am i crazy?

>> No.19710395


>> No.19710512
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Based Morgon listening to /ctg/ advice and leaving the homeless hoodie for the tried & true method.

>> No.19710515

Wow 4 whole bits of color

>> No.19710517

She ate the rest..

>> No.19710840
File: 1.33 MB, 400x300, 7ba0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chelchele natty to start off the morning.

>> No.19710940


>> No.19711318


>> No.19711569

Once I master the moka should I get a flair or a phin for my next consoomer purchase? Don't have an espresso setup yet.

>> No.19711616

I feel like just saying fuck it with the Flair and going straight to a 58. Is it worth the steep price upgrade compared to the lower-end models? The preheating sounds very nice.

>> No.19711656

I've had both. It's worth.

>> No.19711676

i only just now realized i can make immersion coffe in a regular pyrex measuring cup and just pour it through my drip machine to filter the grounds. no earthly reason to buy a french press. this completely solves my biggest problem as a poorfag with no gear, which is that it's very hard to make coffee in small quantities without totally botching the extraction and getting a subpar cup. i dunno why i never thought of this before when it should have been obvious

>> No.19711692
File: 85 KB, 1287x747, 2023-09-16 16_11_31-Flair 58 Refurbished _ Lever Espresso Machine _ Flair Espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that bolded comment mean it doesn't come with preheat functionality at all, or just that the preheat controller isn't detachable?

>> No.19711703

More like between cups

>> No.19711722

What is the hand grinder upgrade from the Jx pro? Is there even one? Or just side grades

>> No.19711798

Pill me on a different but equal machine compared to the profitec go or else I will buy the profitec go

>> No.19711801

What is a budget setup for good coffee?

>> No.19711806
File: 280 KB, 1200x1200, flair_58_preheat_system_woo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the original 2021 model I have, not the new +. Same preheat functionality, the cable just detaches in a different spot. Not a big deal. I wouldn't be detaching anything to rinse out an electric brewhead in the sink. Just needs a wipe out every once in a while.
HG-1 Prime.

>> No.19711828

I’m dying

>> No.19711838


>> No.19711840

Lowest budget? Kingrinder k1 and a plastic v60. If your budget goes further than that, snag a better grinder. Kingrinder k4/k6.

>> No.19711911

I followed a cold brew recipe on here once that was so good I came in my pants.
Dialing in some colombian beans today. Washed process, very classic coffee with a hint of acidity to make it interesting

>> No.19711912

>HG-1 Prime
Not what I was expecting for a hand grinder
And damn that's expensive

>> No.19712016

HG-2 is even more expensive. They both use the same 83mm conical burrs from the mazzer robur.

>> No.19712023

I don't mind cold brew existing but I don't care for it too much unless it's in a super sweet starbucks-style dessert drink

>> No.19712068
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>> No.19712100

or meme answer, 9barista

>> No.19712110

seeing someone other than me recommend vertically cranked bench mounted hand grinders????
did i step into bizarro world /ctg/ ?

>> No.19712141

>been on a goffee break
>bought some new light/medium roasted Honduran beans
>French press
>Walnut and Chocolatey flavors
>bretty damn good

>> No.19712162
File: 63 KB, 1768x465, tistV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think you're talking to?

>> No.19712167

>Japanese grinders, German grinders
>There're all made in China.

>> No.19712176

>Who do you think you're talking to?
idk Anonymous you tell me(Anonymous)
had a great moka just now :)
same honduras as yesterday.
now for some greek yogurt.

>> No.19712195

Here you go. Handmade in Germany.
>its medium roast and costs $95kg you spastic cunt. actually kill yourself

>> No.19712344
File: 273 KB, 726x544, moka pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I delidded my moka pot. The lid on these things are annoying.

>> No.19712350
File: 119 KB, 1100x734, 1694912261416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture of lathe being used
Fucking fake and gay advertising.

>> No.19712378

clean your moka
if the outside looks like that i cant imagine how disgusting the inside is.

>> No.19712382


>> No.19712407
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>> No.19712430

I think dark roast is good at one thing: homogenizing flavor and making it palatable no matter the bean origin. I'm kind of mixed but I honestly prefer full city roast and anything over that it gets dubious. Some African single origin stuff I like light as hell because I want the flavor of the bean.

>> No.19712470

Moka pot is honestly a close enough facimilie for my tastes. If you don't mind oily shits, immersion done correctly can be okish.

>> No.19712691

Cheap moka pot setup? You guys seem to think moka is the best way to brew besides espresso.

>> No.19712706

>You guys seem to think moka is the best way to brew besides espresso.
That's very far from a consensus.

>> No.19712712

>That's very far from a consensus.
skill issue honestly

>> No.19712715

It's just a handful of poor schizos.

>> No.19712725

its actually more expensive to get into than espresso.

>> No.19712750


>> No.19712755

>timemore shill
top kek

>> No.19712761

What's the Bambino worth now? Do you already have a somewhat decent grinder?

>> No.19712764

He was asking for budget and timemore is chinkshit but it's certainly a feasible budget option.

>> No.19712769

And its ~twice the price of the equivalent Kingrinder K0?

>> No.19712780

It's like $15 more, but the K0 is most likely a better suggestion, yes.

>> No.19712805

They're $33 with the coupon. $49 with $16 off.

>> No.19712818 [DELETED] 

that's also what the population looks like in the american city of jackson, mississippi

>> No.19712864

Is a flair capable of making the full stretch of espresso drinks? Ristretto, lungo, etc.?

>> No.19712950

i cant imagine why you wouldn't be able to.

>> No.19713158
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based as roasted coffee bean

>> No.19713179
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>> No.19713513

why is your latte diarrhea green? nice setup otherwise

>> No.19713538

Italian special

>> No.19713593

If I'm just making espresso and not wanting to froth milk and shit the bambino is really the best machine out there.

>> No.19713744

It's a wickedly good value prospect.

>> No.19713745

Prove it.

>> No.19713896

Thermojet no warming up. If it breaks just buy a whole new one.

>> No.19713926

he is drinking tea, tsubaki houjicha actually.

>> No.19714115 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 640x640, IMG_5852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka bros…

>> No.19714119
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_5852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka bros, we now have zoom.

>> No.19714128
File: 46 KB, 600x1000, 6779E635-ADBD-488E-A581-C48A6EB5277F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow gays, I just made my first cup of actual coffee with a chemex. Previously, I was just using automatic machines or improperly using a French press (wasn’t letting it sit for long enough). I decided to splurg and get a burr grinder, a scale, a chemex, and some nice Guatemalan beans. I watched a few tutorials and followed the steps, and holy shit, I wasn’t expecting it to be this much better. It’s like coffee I’d get at a nice coffee shop in Seattle or something, but I made it. What the fuck. Recommend me beans. I drink a lot of coffee, so I’m gonna go through what I got in a week or two.

>> No.19714222

Get the huila, wuri and ayarza.

>> No.19714228

Looks like shit. You take this on a phone? The postprocessing ruins coffee.

>> No.19714281

you are seething anon.

>> No.19714324
File: 1.26 MB, 1956x2925, IMG_5834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my reflex.
It’s been years since the last time I’ve used it and I’m starting again, so shit quality is to be expected desu senpai.

>> No.19714403

Practice makes perfect.
I thought they banned you?

>> No.19714494

>nearly 5x the price of the flair for an equivalent outpout

>> No.19714508

Welcome to the club and congrats on ruining cheap coffee for yourself forever.
>Recommend me beans.
I've really enjoyed both of these roasters, personally.

>> No.19714808

fuck you

>> No.19714835
File: 7 KB, 219x230, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: if it isn't sumatra, it's trash. simple as.

>> No.19714854

Should I order the Kingrinder K6 from Aliexpress or from Amazon? It's 200 CAD on Amazon and 140 CAD on Aliexpress. My concern is the quality control with Aliexpress and the ease of return/exchange of faulty product. Also are these grinders significantly discounted around the holiday season? Do you think it would be worth it to wait a couple months? I already have a Cuisinart burr grinder that's not great, but I'm cool with using it a couple more months.

>> No.19714860

do you want it this week or 3 months from now?

>> No.19714867

>overdose on instant coffee
>get phantom burning rubber smells
>can't drink coffee or rubber smells come back
What do I do?

>> No.19714890

They’re for Normiegram, I hate that shit too because I need to crop the pictures in Lightroom since my camera doesn’t allow me to choose a different resolution if I shoot in RAW.

>> No.19714900

how's the
>Working on the Instagram page edition
going? kek

>> No.19714905
File: 2.60 MB, 2126x1048, 7cores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 200 CAD
If you're already willing to pay $200cad, I'd just get a k-max from roguewave. Costs a little more but eliminates all your worries of qc and potential rma + comes with a little coffee. Don't know what kin is tossing in these days but that $240 gets you a case, brush, and puffer as well.
>All 1Zpresso products include a one-year limited warranty under normal usage.

>> No.19714918

am i retarded/blind if i think everything in this image looks exactly the same?

>> No.19714985
File: 716 KB, 1125x1080, IMG_5864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected, it’s quite a challenge because I have high expectations but limited experience.
Shooting almost exclusively with the phone has made me lazy and too dependant on the automatic mode, so as I said above I need time to git gud. Also it’s a pain in the ass having to make coffee and take pictures with the camera, but I will adapt.

Pic related is the page right now (it’s private and locked), these are test pictures which I think I’ll keep, I just need to work on the noise in the pictures and the , the post processing enhances it and I have to figure out how to work it out. My camera is 7 years old but it’s not bad.

>> No.19715003

No I'm just showing off the very similar burr geometry between a couple popular picks. The comandante and q2s are 38mm. The others are 48mm "clones" of the comandante. Guy wants a K6 but worried about quality control, just spend a little more and get the 1zpresso k. If you wanted a 1zpresso k with a motor, check out the Option o mini.

>> No.19715066

>once again forgetting the paste bin

>> No.19715091
File: 281 KB, 378x504, 1675216546706141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing personal, kid

>> No.19715093

i have a comandante burr in my c2

>> No.19715107

Because some people want to be able to push a button and not deal with manually heating water; because some people want an integrated milk option, because some of those people want an integrated milk option with automatic capability for themselves or are happy to steam manually but want others in the house to be able to use auto.

>> No.19715154

>$315.00 CAD
Thanks for the reply, but that's more than I'm willing to spend on a chinese hand grinder. I've heard 1zpresso and Kingrinder are very similar in terms of construction and grind quality so it's hard to justify paying 50% more for such a similar product.

>> No.19715192
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>> No.19715302
File: 948 KB, 200x200, 1505255730633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go outside(?)
>meticulously make the most labor intensive shot of espresso possible
>immediately ruin it by dumping it to watered down milk

>> No.19715319
File: 286 KB, 1000x800, 1671553719904860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19715332

what's the difference in taste between a french press and a moka pot?

>> No.19715339

one is french

>> No.19715341

moka is more intense, but both have fat so not really that far apart

>> No.19715343

thats like saying what's the difference between espresso and green tea.

>> No.19715350

>what's the difference between espresso and green tea.

>> No.19715353

so more intense means stronger flavor? does that also mean more caffeine?

>> No.19715367

have you ever had espresso
have you ever had green tea
if you havent and the only coffee you have ever had and you have nothing else in your life to compare it to then moka is way stronger tasting and feeling, it is not as thin and watery as french press, it has alot more oils, it has a much richer deeper flavor.
but it seems you literally have no life experiences to compare to so even saying all this i doubt you can even imagine a drink with these qualities.
buy a moka
buy or use a good burr grinder($250+)
learn how to use it(aka watch james hoffmann moka series and or wired gourmet moka voodoo)
buy good beans
make moka
enjoy moka
compare to french press
report back with your conclusion.

>> No.19715368

Oh my bad. I forgot rw auto converted to usd for me. Anyway yeah, kins have gone on sale around black friday in past years so good luck.

>> No.19715376

15 g of beans give the same caffeine in moka pot and french press

>> No.19715382


>> No.19715383

what bean grain size should i use with the moka?

>> No.19715386

More caffeine for the same volume of finished liquid coffee. Not necessarily more caffeine extracted out of the same mass of dry coffee. Think of it as higher concentration for the moka vs lower concentration for the French press.

>> No.19715389

here, sit and watch.

>> No.19715390

Between espresso and filter

>> No.19715392

>Between espresso and filter
sounds like he has no concept of what these drinks are or how to make them.

>> No.19715395

will do, thank you

>> No.19715400

that guy is wrong btw and he has no understanding of caffeine extraction.

>> No.19715405
File: 1.69 MB, 4009x2923, IMG_3432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious?

>> No.19715407

Coffeetubers? Come back when you've got coffeegrammers kid.

>> No.19715437
File: 467 KB, 744x720, 1576367892224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bellman Stovetop Steamer or Nanofoamer Pro?
On one hand the Nanofoamer Pro isn't even out yet and is a little pricier but looks sleek and everything I've seen about it says it's pretty good. On the other hand I see people saying the Bellman takes a while to heat and it's a little uglier but I have an induction plate so it should be fine, and it's much cheaper.

>> No.19715445

you need to take reading comprehension lessons because i have no idea how you could have possibly interpreted what i said as "moka grind size is not between filter and espresso"
we dont know what grinder he has or if he has one at all
we DO know he has no idea how espresso is different to green tea
at that point i am confident in saying he has no idea what a filter grind looks like(if he has ever made/ ground coffee for filter) or what an espresso grind looks like.
you cant go to the middle of 2 things if you have no concept of what those 2 things even are.

and another thing
>aeropress/moka/drip coffee maker
these 3 things do not share the same grind size what the fuck is wrong with this company? if i read that on a grind chart i would throw away everything that is written on it because i cant trust they they know anything about grinding coffee.
like yes, moka is between filter and espresso.
just like 9 is between 1 and 10.
its correct but its also 100% totally worthless information.

>> No.19715450


I really enjoy espresso later In the day after I've eaten multiple meals and my pallette is not the same as when I first wakeup. In the morning I drink it quickly while getting ready for the day and it doesn't taste as good.

>> No.19715464

>Nanofoamer Pro
looks good
BUT, as a nanofoamer lithium owner and user, the screen thing they have on the end is a massive cunt to PROPERLY clean.
like it can look clean and still be dirty, getting the entire foamer tip to truly be clean after every use is a massive time sink and pain in the ass.
i was going to be away from home for a couple of weeks so i made sure to clean mine very very thoroughly and it looks and felt and smelt clean
but when i got back and took a look at it, it smelt like rancid milk somehow.
i have had other milk foamers which never had this problem
MAYBE this new one is better or whatever but i would say to consider this when looking at this product.

>> No.19715505

Yeah he does it on purpose.

>> No.19715601

I'm that guy. How was I wrong?

>> No.19715654

sorry bro, i had a schizo moment and totally misread your comment.

>> No.19715690

If it means anything I'm very happy with the Q2 I got early this year. I was on a budget and that was on sale for super cheap. I feel no need to upgrade at the moment until I venture into espresso, and even then I saw some Lance Hedrick video where he used the Q2 to make a seemingly passable shot so I'm sure I could cut my teeth with it there at least to experiment.

>> No.19715698
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x2785, 20230917_211856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recalibrating it was surprisingly easy and now I see why there was so much praise for serviceability in the reviews while I was shopping for the thing. Turns out the calibration was all the way to the most coarse setting; I went ahead and swapped it almost all the way to the right since I don't currently need a particularly coarse grind for anything. This feels much more in line with what I should be aiming for.

Thanks again for the advice, wouldn't have known something was wrong without you guys pointing it out.

>> No.19715730
File: 135 KB, 1440x1440, 362855340_946278836457496_3097062232585178659_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seemingly passable shot
The one where he was using a 40mm flair classic? Takes a more forgiving(coarser) grind than 58mm baskets. Q2 grinding for 9 bar in a standard diameter basket is going to be a pain.

>> No.19715733

I want to eat that puck

>> No.19715809
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>> No.19715831

bet you are laughing at your original pic now like we were.
hope you enjoy your new coffee :)

>> No.19715877

>french press
coffee is made by immersion
coffee is made by pressure

>> No.19715912

How do you find those baskets vs paper filter?

>> No.19715950
File: 2.63 MB, 2004x996, pcl2200pullman876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have any sworks baskets yet. I do have a 2200 hole pcl which would be somewhat close to the sworks high flow. I like the pcl+papers more than my old pullman+papers but I'm exclusively doing long ratio turbos. The shots I was getting off pm+paper were still great though.

>> No.19716001

Yeah I'm alternating between VST with paper and the stock BDB baskets with paper vs paperless and I like what the paper does to order a bunch of precut ones because I'm lazy but I'm curious to see where the whole high flow basket thing goes in a little time.

>> No.19716045

Ah well, good to know that's the case; I suppose itll be worth my while investing in an espresso grinder then.

>> No.19716066
File: 1.36 MB, 220x246, B206E1EE-7E9A-4556-93C9-D7C05AEC6F1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the cheapest decent setup to make real espresso? I bought my parents one of those nespresso machines a couple months ago, and I wanna know if 500 or so backs would be better spent on that and some pods or some used espresso equipment

>> No.19716116

Just order one of these and a bunch of the square chemex filters. I've got the shitty ektools punch and I wish I would have bought this instead. Paying the tax for precut papers doesn't seem worth, but I do want to try some ahlstrom papers like the actual nerds.

>> No.19716192

New thread since the italitard is incompetent.

>> No.19716298

From what I've read in these threads, you should get a flair manual lever machine and a Kingrinder or 1zpresso grinder. Should be doable under 500 USD. I personally don't have either and have never made espresso before, I'm just summarizing what I've read here.

>> No.19716787

What is the baseline coffee grinder I can get? I’m using a basic Walmart one and I know it’s shitty, just wanted to start somewhere

>> No.19716801

If you're fine with a manual one then a kingrinder, k4 or k6 are the best ones but honestly and of them will probably beat a wallmart grinder.

>> No.19716846
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I made some amazing, mind blowing pour overs but have yet to make a moka pot cup that doesn't taste bad.
Okay wait, I actually just remembered I did make an amazing moka pot once but I have not been able to replicate it yet.

>> No.19717026


same, i hear manual espresso makes some top tier brews. i dont have a true espresso machine yet but im seriously considering the flair as my next cofe splurge. gotta get it w the pressure gauge.
i mainly use moka pot and its great really, makes delicious espresso like coffee. but the downside is it inevitably leaves me wanting true espresso after using it a while.