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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19674529 No.19674529 [Reply] [Original]

thank you based alcohol

>> No.19674540

I dont get the boost in confidence or release of inhibitions anymore, just the reduced motor function.
So now I can't speak properly or walk in a straight line AND I'm self conscious about it. Thanks alcohol!

>> No.19674573

>makes me talk even more awkwardly
>have to pee every 15 minutes

>> No.19676168

Alcohol just removes my autism limiter.

>> No.19676244

is there anything like alcohol that doesn't hurt your liver? I love the effects and I wanna use it every day

>> No.19676252

>is there anything like alcohol that doesn't hurt your liver? I love the effects and I wanna use it every day
Tylenol. I highly recommend it.
It's like marijuana without the negative side effects.

>> No.19676256

Yes but they have their own horrible downsides

>> No.19676284

this, it's only occasionally where I'll be struck with the lack of inhibition I was once granted.

>> No.19676296

Anything but. If it was cured, you wouldn't need alcohol anymore.

>> No.19676343

stop drinking beer
start drinking booze

>> No.19676349

>>makes me talk even more awkwardly
Clearly you aren't drinking enough, its gotta loosen up your jaw and make you smooth

>> No.19676386

That has nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with aging.

>> No.19676404

>be a sperg for 19 years
>drink booze and become non-sperg
>but a mere 3 years later become sperg again

>> No.19676406

Tylenol will unironically kill you faster than alcohol.

>> No.19676416

It's probably just you, personally, being retarded. The rest of the world is getting on fine.

That's the joke, apparently.

>> No.19676497

or maybe, just maybe, alcohol boosts your confidence and lowers your inhibitions

>> No.19676502

>alcohol boosts your confidence and lowers your inhibitions
Yes, it does. It also aids in social bonding. If you don't have those effects then you're probably just so big a loser even alcohol can't help you and you should go see a doctor.

>> No.19676512

what does age have to do with it then?

>> No.19676557

Men get more inhibited as they age because they take their place in society and become more acutely aware of how their behavior affects their standing in the greater community around them and their legacy/progeny. The youth are always prone to be less inhibited because that's the nature of youth, it's chaotic and boundary-testing. Pathological inhibition in adolescents or young adults is a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. The multiplying effect of carrying this over into adulthood can lead to full on trauma or psychosis; most serial killers start in their late 20s to 30s, not in their comparatively reckless, uninhibited youth.

>> No.19676565
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*makes everyone else autistic so you seem normal*

>> No.19676575

>guarantees you'll remain in the rut you're in for the rest of your life
alright mate "you do you"

>> No.19676587

neat, thanks for answering

>> No.19676609

Meditation. Learn how to do it properly because it takes some discipline. If you do it right you'll feel amazing and the effects will last for at least a few hours if not the whole day. All drugs will fuck you over one way or another

>> No.19677008

Ketamine is a dissociative that supposedly makes you feel similar to being full blown drunk, but with none of the social benefits. Before it became popular with zoomers I had a couple /fit/ friends who did ket when we were partying because they felt drunk but didn't consume any calories.

>> No.19677540

Do ghb like fags and some gymbros

>> No.19678010

What did the serial killers have to do with it?

>> No.19678024

Nothing he’s just making shit up to feel better about his addiction

>> No.19678038

ket is cut with all sorts of shit if you get it off the street + snorting it will fuck your nose up
most importantly, long term ket use will make you incontinent because it fucks up your bladder

>> No.19678048

It never did anything to me behaviorally; just made me a little dizzy when walking

>> No.19678201

Why did I have no social anxiety as a teenager/adult but now it's severe
Analysing everybody's words, the way they react to what I say, whos moving or currently sipping a drink or too close ect i never can fully relax (even while drunk) around my friends who I've known since we were 13 for fucksake

>> No.19678208

while booze will help you blend in with normies it starts to wane heavier because it's a necessity. makes me despise people and myself. it's a slowly deteriorating, hellish revolving door where the light at the end of the tunnel is death.

>> No.19678211

just take a regiment of nac, b1, c, d, and b multivitamin and you will be fine. that's something like what mcaffee did, and he was drunk all day for decades

>> No.19678224

I went on a recent business trip and just went by myself to a different cocktail bar each night. idk if it was the wedding ring, the alcohol, or both, but it was so easy to talk to random chicks at the bar. I hadn't tried it before, would recommend for you single boys

>> No.19678230

also the key is to NOT get drunk. catch a nice buzz and ride it. need to know your limits

>> No.19678242

Do you get the buzz, start sobering up a bit, then have another 2 beers to relight it? My problem is after beer 4-5 I don't get the buzz/euphoria I just start losing motor control, until I've had about 8-9 and call it a night (I drink once every 2 weeks so never build up a tolerance)
Maybe I need more of a break between them

>> No.19678255

sometimes I'll have one more drink after I've waited an hour or so and downed a few glasses of water, but most of the time I just hard stop. for me it lasts a good 2 hours or so, and by that point I've been drinking for a good 3.5. Don't need to be out longer than that. obviously drink plenty of water throughout.

>> No.19678267

>Heavy alcoholics consuming at least 80 g of alcohol per day for more than 10 years will develop liver disease at a rate of nearly 100%
>Increased fat deposition (steatosis) is usually present in those drinking more than 80g of alcohol per day. This is the equivalent of 6 units, for example 3 pints of beer

>> No.19678285

Doesn't that mean you can have five shots on a Friday and a beer on weekdays and you're in the clear. Seems like you can drink pretty well without any issues.

>> No.19678294

I’m at 20 and still going strong with 6-8 drinks per night. Good genes maybe.

>> No.19678299

The information is likely bullshit. Three pints a day is nothing compared to the alcoholics I know. I'm not gonna test it though

>> No.19679069

Don't you guy's know that smash mouth guy died from liver failure a few days ago. How come you y'all keep drinking

>> No.19679096
File: 27 KB, 850x481, 16482849683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any combination of these reasons.
>hate myself
For the bad things I've done, the good things I haven't done. My failures, what makes me a disappointment in both my eyes and my families. For not having the gut to pursue the life I wanted to live. Those opportunities now long gone.
>hate other people
The dick bags, the assholes, the tyrants and narcissists. I work hard to try to get to where I want to go and to help others, but it all counts for nothing because crooked people with the nastiest personalities get ahead. They're smarter and faster and other people appease them even if they're victims of their harassment and mind games. The manipulative types who one don't hate themselves through self deception and grandiosity. They make me feel bad for existing like its an unfair game, like doing the right thing gets you nowhere. So I hate them.
>hate existence
The unbearable weight of mortality, sickness, loss, betrayal and sorrow becomes too much for a conscious mind. The conditions of reality themselves doom us from the start. One can become convinced that the absence of conscious existence is a better alternative to the suffering and grief of life.

Any of these reasons is enough for someone to crawl into the bottle full well knowing it ends in a miserable death. It's self pity, hatred, and resentment. But deep inside is the desire for the destruction of reality, if people only stopped wallowing in self pity and used their pain to drive them forward then maybe we could get somewhere, but drinking yourself to death is easier so people do that instead.

>> No.19679259

benzos but that's a whole new problem

>> No.19679279

Stop being an alcoholic.

>> No.19679367

>be socially anxious retard
>get a few drinks in me after smoking the reefers
>suddenly i'm fucking chad
Being sober is such shit, bros.

>> No.19679512

Have you considered counseling

>> No.19679515

>hate myself
Forgive yourself and let go of the past
>hate other people
Cut them out of your life and move on
>hate existence
I got nothing but I know that dying of alcoholism is not a fun way to go

>> No.19679554

no shit but eventually it'll give you the courage to hang yourself

>> No.19679563

>this sad sack of shit is the guy calling you a faggot on /ck/

>> No.19679902

Nothing in my post is wrong and I never call people faggots

>> No.19679912

hahahahaha. you will always be autistic.

>> No.19680079

You do know that guy loses in the end right?

>> No.19680088

why are you americans call everything by brand. you fucking consoomers. the active substance is paracetamol. just call it like that.. it makes you sound dumb when you only name brands..

>> No.19680105

In the US paracetamol is called acetaminophen. We call it by brand names because that's what relevant in America and what's not relevant in America isn't relevant at all on an American website. Seethe

>> No.19680133

ok, anyways. the brand is not relevant at all. the active substance is. you're robbing yourself completely by buying A brands that have exactly the same substance as B brands that are 50% of the price.

>> No.19680139

Thanks for the tip

>> No.19680148

Recreational drugs unironically make autism better.

>> No.19680217

You can fix this by stopping pissing in the middle of pissing. It's more of a mental exercise that translates to control over your muscles. Incontinence is 90% a mental issue anyway.

>> No.19681435

Bullshit, I drank for 10 years and stopped, blood tests and doc says I'm fine now, the liver is amazing at regenerating.

>> No.19681529

do you eat broccoli on a regular basis?

>> No.19682767


>> No.19682809

No I eat cauliflower

>> No.19683049

i know what that's like. i am a huge disappointment too and i always hear u directly about my family talking about it. i hate it and it makes me want to drink but i know that if i get drunk every time i get frustrated it's only going to get worse. hell i am probably going to drink again today though

>> No.19683098

You could just stop being a disappointment bro.

>> No.19683109

Alcohol abuse ages.

>> No.19683163
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>> No.19683179

>I absolve myself of all responsibility with a wojak straw man
Come on, at least the other guy owned up to himself and put an edgy twist on it. You're just a pitiful retard.

>> No.19683184

Based until you turn 28 and getting blacked out every night catches up with you and your body starts falling apart

>> No.19683185

*removes your filter so your autism shines brighter than ever* thanks alcohol

>> No.19683187

Mid 40s stupid faggot loser ASD anon here. Let me tell you that I'd trade all my good alcohol breakthroughs and memories in exchange for no alcoholism or health problems

>> No.19683217

So how much did you drink and for how long, what sort of problems do you have

>> No.19683225

Two beer a day, twenty years. Doctors say I got a month to live.

>> No.19683914

gabapentin is similar to booze for me. works on the same receptors. benzos like xanax and diazepam as well, but they have other very negative side effects. kratom also hits some of the same receptors.

>> No.19683923

If you smoke newports you'll become real popular with the blacks.

>> No.19683938

Would you make the Bam Margera trade? You get to live your youth like a rockstar and be king of the world BUT you exhaust at middle age and are left addicted and broke.

I think a lot of people would kill to make that deal. Have a wonderful life when yong and then just commit suicide via overdose when the money runs out.

>> No.19684150

You're kind of confused here. When Americans use brand names as a word for a product, that doesn't mean they're brand-loyal. It just means that they call acetaminophen "Tylenol", even if it's not Tylenol. It's irksome, but it's not for the reason you think it is. Also, everyone does it to some degree. How many people do you know who say "Photoshop" or "'shopped" instead of "image editing software" or "edited"?

>> No.19684153

you're a real hunter shaeffer

>> No.19686050

Last night I drank 10 shots and took a hit d My brother's weed. My heart started racing at 156 bpm. It wasn't one of those stupid panic attacks because I know what's that like and i was emotionally sound at the time. I don't know what it could've been.

>> No.19686082

The key is to never combine them but to alternate so your body doesn't get used to either

>> No.19687353

was is chronic? I swear the first couple times I hit that kinda shit I feel like I could have a stroke or heart attack coming on.

>> No.19687362

>measuring a fluid by weight that's sold by volume and whose active ingredient is measured as % by volume

friends don't let friends do metrication

>> No.19687675
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Cures having a functioning liver

>> No.19687678


So retardos #1, forever.

>> No.19688119

weed cures autism

>> No.19688816

Excellent for those who suffer from Chronic Sobriety.