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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19666493 No.19666493 [Reply] [Original]

fish and fries

>> No.19666504

Oh boy are we ready for an action packed thread where we argue if those things are called chips or french fries which will then splinter off to crisps vs chips? Are you all ready ladies and gentleman for another quality /ck/ thread. Start your engines and lets GOOOOOOOO!

>> No.19666509

for me it’s crinkles n’ jims!

>> No.19666516

Hahaha no American that is called fish and chips not fish and fries. Hahaha silly Americans and your naming conventions that don't match my naming conventions.

>> No.19666517

for me its frenchies

>> No.19666673

What's the best thing to have with fried fish besides chips?

>> No.19666678

Lol no no no my brother in christ! It's french fries not chips lol!

>> No.19666690

Hahahaha you sneaky guy. It's not french fries, it's chips! That's what they are really called! LOL!

>> No.19666692
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>> No.19666695

Frips, the fry chip hybrid.

>> No.19666708

Australians are too dumb to differentiate between the too they will eat anything you put infront of them

>> No.19666713

>too dumb to differentiate between the too
The irony of this post. Bone apple teeth.

>> No.19666715

Headin to long john silvers rn lads what should I get?

>> No.19666722

Australians think Chicken Parmigiana is authentic Australian cuisine now so what do you expect from those retards?

>> No.19666726

Kek I remember dating this Filipino hapa chick who said ‘lets to go to the pub and grab a steak and chips like real aussies’, these people are basically Americans with no identity or self awareness

>> No.19666729

Americans for the most part have no self awareness either.
t. Burger

>> No.19666787

It is not chips. It's fries/crisps you stupid fucks.
The British call wood chips wood chips.
Wood chips are chippy and snap when you break them apart. Fries don't typically do that, but are generally crispy. Chips are chippy, often snap, and are crispy. Also, potato chips look like wood chips, unlike fries/crisps.

French fries = fries/crisps.
Potato chips= chips

>> No.19667060


>> No.19667262

I'm making this on Monday. I'm second guessing my pick of Guinness for the beer though. I have Corona in the fridge that are a year old, I could use those.

>> No.19667354

They are actually called freedom fries

>> No.19667369
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luv a chippy me

>> No.19667378
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Dim Sims

>> No.19667386

you think Americans invented steak? lmao

>> No.19667397
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>smooth coating on the outside because it gets coated in a wet batter on the outside and then straight into the fryer
In the southern style (originally scottish) it gets dredged in dry seasoned flour before it goes in the oil. Fries are weak, you get wedges or 'tater logs as we call them. Tartar sauce & cocktail sauce (made with horseradish) are essential.

>> No.19667771

Had fish ‘n’ chips at a 5 star hotel in Straya (Amerifat here). Was bretty gud.

>> No.19667900
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fuckin oath, fish n chips in the UK can be pretty good but it's not the same without a fried dimmy

>> No.19667918

a lobotomy

>> No.19667925

>5 star hotel
>Serving fish and chippo food
Lmao you got conned. You could have gone to the local corner chippo and got a huge bag for 5 bucks with extra chicken salt. Battered sav , some scallops and bobs your uncle

>> No.19668059

to be fair alot of local fish and chip places have turned to shit since the Asians bought most of them off the Greeks, at least you know the hotel service would do them right even if it's expensive

>> No.19668089

In a random show he was doing MPW went on a little side tangent and made Fish n Chips. He didn't mention the recipe, just said that the best Fish n Chips are are made with yeast. Anyone know what kind of batter he's talking about?
t. FnC afficionado

>> No.19668110
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For me, it's Wisconsin Friday Night Fish Fry. Served with a ice cold pilsner.

>> No.19668162

I don't know what to tell you, anon. He's talking about using a yeasted batter.

>> No.19668187

Could you post a good basic recipe?? How long do you let it rise in room temp? Can you bread your fish and then let it sit around in the fridge? A random recipe I looked up mentions that if the oil isn't exactly 180c or higher the batter won't seal up and the breading will get soggy - Is that true?

>> No.19668213

Pretty much any yeasted batter recipe you'll find on google will be essentially the same as the rest. The only difference will probably be the precise seasonings, but that's just preference, so don't sweat it too much.

>> No.19668264

Do aussies not eat steak n fries at the pub or something I don't get it

>> No.19668273
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Why don't you frinkle fuck off

>> No.19668292
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Throw another shrimp on the Barbie cunt

>> No.19668389

They are ..fucking…called….fish and…..CHIPS.

>> No.19669259

it's called beer batter. add flour to beer. that's all.

>> No.19669442

French fries? chips? I only see freedom fries. MAGA!

>> No.19669512
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Fish and chips

>> No.19669704

All the fish and chips in my town are run by indians and Chinese. They're all dog shit.

>> No.19669715

I'm curious to know if anyone itt has eaten at both an english chippie and an Aussie fish and chip shop. Who makes the better fish and chips?

>> No.19669745

those are fries, chips are thicker cut

>> No.19669754

Bongs believe curry is authentic british cuisine. Your point?

>> No.19669764

There's a deep sense of "cultural cringe" in Australia. You should read into it to better understand why Aussies act this way.

>> No.19670038

i've conquered all the chippies

>> No.19670040


>> No.19670046

I call them "fish and sticks"

>> No.19670072

>too dumb to differentiate between the too

>> No.19670090

What's the best beer to use for these fish fellas?

>> No.19670106

any of pilsner, kolsch, english bitter, pale euro lager, bock, amber ale

>> No.19670120

>fish and fries
Wat? You mean fish n chips right lsd?

>> No.19670177
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Already explained the Supreme logic to naming of chips and fries.
Also, there is noting "free" about fries dumbasses.

>> No.19670181


>> No.19670194

in my state we tend to eat them with potato cakes and apple sauce

>> No.19670197

potato pancakes i mean

>> No.19670200

freedom chips

>> No.19670218

that batter looks so fucking bland

>> No.19670332

How do you prevent the coating from getting soggy? I tried dry brining it but it isn't enough.

>> No.19670399


>> No.19670620

Rice flour and resting on wire rack after the fry.

>> No.19670634
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pescado y patata

>> No.19670645

Bait as fuck. Even Americans call it fish and chips when they're paired together as a dish. We will literally order fries in a British pub while ordering fish and chips.

I know cod is traditional but we allow some options over here. I actually prefer haddock so long as it's not overcooked. Of course if you live inland you're just going to want to fry lakefish like bass, walleye, or whole catfish for better flavor.

>> No.19670646

If you haven't had salmon instead of cod or halibut for the fish part you are missing out

>> No.19671669

Chips are soft and fluffy, maybe occasionally crispy. Fish and chips chips are soft and will bend under their own weight, they’re basically brown and taste of pure grease. If you got hard or crispy chips at a chippie you should leave cos the fish will be shit too.

>> No.19671670

We used to get that every friday in primary school and it was absolutely disgusting each time

>> No.19671679

Is fried catfish as good as they say? Always wanted to try it, looks lush

>> No.19671790

Why are americans deep frying their fish and chips? You’re supposed to batter and lightly fry them not dunk them in a deeper for 10 minutes

>> No.19671796

When muttland finally starts using Spanish as their first language this won't be a problem

It's been 250 years they need to stop desperately clinging onto the past
They have more native Spanish speakers than Australia + Britain + Canada + new Zealand has people

>> No.19671824
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>> No.19671825

Spanish is a european language

More european than Australia, Britain (by a lot), New Zealand, and China

>> No.19671899

Spics aren't people so it's a non-issue.

>> No.19671916

not even close to true

>> No.19671921
File: 366 KB, 1081x1280, 2ED133AD-68F2-4847-92C4-16EB4D7E7E17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to an english pub in north east usa and ordered the fish and chips and got this. Fuck.
Where am I supposed to go for authentic fish and chips in northeast usa?

>> No.19671936


>> No.19671945

Go back. Don't care.

>> No.19671959
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I bet you call this a woman, too.

>> No.19671962

It's a bottom-feeding garbage fish and it tastes like it.

>> No.19672260

Why are yanks incapible of making actual chips (fries)? And I'm not talking about "steak fries". Even if you go to an Irish or brit pub they'll give you the standard meh yank style fry for the fish & chips. Are the potatoes in the USA not capable of being a "chunky" chip or something? I legit don't get it. Only people that have been to both the US and Ireland or the UK will know what I'm talking about, the fries aren't the same even if they try to replicate them.

>> No.19672436

It's as authentically British as the language...

>> No.19672448

Soaked in malt vinegar, with a squirt bottle of cocktail sauce and a nice hot tea or cool apple cider. One of life's pleasures

>> No.19673027

It depends on where you get it from. Grab it from trash waters get trash. Grab it from good waters get good grub.

>> No.19673034

British curry sauce is literally just KFC gravy it’s bland asf

>> No.19673088

Been around a bit. Kiwis make the best sorry Nigel and Bruce

>> No.19673389

Making this tomorrow. I'm gonna eat a shit load of fries and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.

>> No.19674598

Its honestly never an issue, litterally give me an example where you would not understand what sorta chips you want/ask for etc.
If your at the beach about to head home and someone asks if you wnna get chips on the way, its obviously hot chips. If your going to the shops and someone asks if you could grab some chips for them, its obviously cold chips.