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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19627278 No.19627278 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>25 years old big into meal prep
>goes to store buys big cylinder of instant oats
>thinks to self “this will last me two months”
>subsequently forgets about oats in back of pantry
>many months go by, enjoying weekend with family
>notices moths around the house
>thinks nothing of them
>believes it's something common strictly because California region
>moth begin to proliferate
>realize there is a source
>going through the pantry seeing the infestation is worse than originally thought
>each resealable item has clusters of moth cobwebs and larva
>fortunately moths are contained in pantry
>throws away a lot of dry goods
>continue to find moths around house decide to bug bomb as family is away
>mfw its time for bug genocide
>moths population is greatly reduced yet some are still found around from time to time
>move across the country wishing luck to my landlord thinking moths had nested somewhere deep in the apartment
>unpack be sure to wipe down every inch of my stuff killing each moth on site
>weeks go by I rest easy
>one day wife mentions larvae in pantry
>frantically scanning walls seeing my impending doom yet again
>go on mass infanticide, killing more than a dozen larva
>I am confused as all items are sealed or untouched by my winged house guests
>realization hits
>I grab the container of oats from pantry,the container seeming untouched but slightly heavier than expected
>I peek inside and time itself slows to a crawl
>I stare into the deep abyss and it stares back at me. the undulating structure like a sea sponge, remnants of the oats in combination with cobweb now turned to moth waist. Its infinite depths are coated in lava and moths.
>I quickly close the lid
>they created a super nest from an unopened container of oats
>I doused in lighter fluid and set fire to the evil moth hotel
>the source now burnt yet I still scour the walls looking for unwanted guests these demon houdinis waiting to return yet again in any unassuming and unpackage

>> No.19627285

I feel you OP, my gf had a printer sitting on a cupboard with hamster food in it. The moths have somehow nested inside the printer and I told her to just throw it out before we move in together. I even offered to buy her a new one but she insisted that she cleaned it properly and wanted to keep it.

You can imagine where this is going.

>> No.19627296

Where the hell do you guys live? What species is this? I've never considered moths to be pests. They just exist. If one gets inside the house it's because my door was open.

>> No.19627300

why would you take the moth nest with you? why didn't you throw it out when you initially realized your pantry was infested?

one time I was having trouble with fruit flies in my kitchen so I started putting everything in plastic containers. I put a sack of potatos in a big box and then forgot they were there. months later I started smelling something terrible in the kitchen. I took the trash out and dumped bleach down the sink but I could still smell it. I started going through everything trying to find the source of the smell, and when I opened the container that had the potatos in them I almost passed out from the smell it unleashed. I put the lid back on and threw the entire container out.

>> No.19627304
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CA, flour moth

>> No.19627306

I didn't fucking know it was a normal thing of oatmeal up opened and untampered till I opened it. Hind site I should have burned it all with fire.

>> No.19627312

Man and I thought I had it bad when I bit into a grub filled kind bar. Hope you learned to not trust oats.

>> No.19627348

Happened to me exactly once in over twenty years of eating oats
It's not usually that big a deal

>> No.19627379

I had a bad German cockroach infestation in my last apartment. The fuckers infested my dad’s house after I moved back in. They are still here but greatly reduced due to bug bombing + bait traps + frequency emitting wall outlet plugs. And attention to cleanliness. Welcome to hear any other stories on how to get rid of them for good.

>> No.19627550

Had a very similar experience with some flour I bought on markdown from Kroger.
About a week goes by and I start to notice a moth here and there in the kitchen. A week later the problem is noticeably worse. All centered around the pantry.
Later as I'm making bread dough I notice this weird stringy shit in it and some odd clumps and really didnt think anything of it. I dont know why I didnt think this was a problem, it was very obvious in hindsight.
At some point I was able to put 2 and 2 together and tossed the shitty markdown flour in the trash.

>> No.19627551

I hear boric acid is good for roaches, on top of what your doing vis a vis keeping everything a little cleaner.
You can buy a huge bag of it for maybe $15 off amazon, it will last forever. Its essentially the same shit you get in the raid roach motels.

>> No.19627579

You can actually die from ranced potato gas

>> No.19627621
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A picture of the hotel would have really helped you story. Buy glass containers with tight lids to store dry food. Then you can see where you have a problem because they won’t go away. And don’t forget the labels it will be nigh impossible to know what is inside each container without a label.

>> No.19627959
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>> No.19628173
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Hello gangstalker, I shall be sharing my video of the exact same thing
I hate moths and am perpetually infested but am nowhere near as emotional as you are because they are slow moving, stupid things that just infest and eat

>> No.19628208

ever since i was a kid working in a grocery store, i've thoroughly inspected every paper/cardboard container of grain i buy
once stocking some breadcrumbs in the cardboard tubes, i found that every single one on the shelf had little pinholes from larva getting into the container

this is the way to go

>> No.19628218
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>I doused in lighter fluid and set fire to the evil moth hotel

>> No.19628229

We had a big thing of raw peanuts that we kept near the backdoor so we could feed them to blue jays. We got moths in it and didn't know where they were coming from for weeks. Those moths were so goddamn annoying.

>> No.19628278

A pest is a pest, I can sympathize with OP because any type of pest can spread, and it sounds like they were fucking up his pantry repeatedly

>> No.19628291

happened to me once when i was gifted an unwanted 20 lb bag of rice

>> No.19628335

Man FUCK fruit flies. I now have a permanent issue with them because I forgot about a half drunk red bull on a top shelf.

>> No.19628352

My family had this happen when I was younger, except we live on the other side of the country in NY. Moths stared appearing everywhere in the pantry and kitchen, we had to throw out so much food to finally get rid of them.

>> No.19628405

usually people aren't retarded enough to not check every single food item when there's a bug infestation

>> No.19628684

Your time will come.

>> No.19630288

people assumed sealed containers are... sealed. sealed and sanitized. but most people dont realize that things like flour, rice, oats, ect ARENT sanitized. they are cleaned, sure, and dried... but they arent pastruized, cooked, or whatever you think would be needed to remove insect larva. thats why you should deep freeze flour and rice and other raw ingredients before putting them into long term storage.

>> No.19630848

how long of a freezing ?

>> No.19630871

>live in shitty 50 y/o apartment building
>place had a rodent problem

>fucking rice
>in my rice
>isn't very nice

>> No.19631012

Wtf. If OPs container was completely sealed with no holes he literally purchased those moths. Also be cleaner Holy sh*t just throw out the food. One thing is dust, another is leaving food out and forgetting it for days that's just gross.

>> No.19631943
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>4chan hates bugs thread
I'm in

>> No.19631947

Germany, flour moth like the other guy said

>> No.19631959

Man moving from a place with a moth problem and the first few months having your head on a swivel for any moth activity in the new place is something i've experienced

thankfully it seems the moths didnt move with me

>> No.19631989

borax and praying to your deity of choice

>> No.19632133

Flour moths aren't the cute kind, they're like winged cockroaches

>> No.19632557

>bought a bag of potatoes from the supermarket
>remember mom said always put them in the dark in a paper bag
>Put them in the closet in a grocery bag
>Forget about them for several months
>open up the closet and find ghastly white potato shoots 6 feet tall stretching out of the bag and shriveled up potatoes nearly consumed
>Feel funny about potatoes ever since

>> No.19633158 [DELETED] 

fake story

>> No.19633224

>big into meal prep
>Big cylinder of instant oats expected to last months

If you're that into prep, why the fuck didn't you do anything with them for that long? What were you prepping that you had to remove the seal and not touch them again? Also, moths didn't magically nest in there without the lid being open.

A "big cylinder" of oats lasts me about a week, 10 days tops.

>> No.19633279

I once seasoned 1kg of meat with rotten salt, the kind that comes without sodium.
I had that little bottle stored for years, didt know it had an expiration date.
Once I tasted the meat, It was like I imagine eating a corpse tastes like. Fucking disgusting I didnt cook for almost 3 months. Ate only from delivery.

>> No.19633295
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>sodium free salt

>> No.19633299

Nigger put chlorine on the meat.

>> No.19633304

>Step one; drop meat down waterslide to season thoroughly

>> No.19633310

When 40% of your pantry is just breakfast cereal

>> No.19633312
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fucking retards

>> No.19633318
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>> No.19633330

>I almost passed out from the smell it unleashed.
this reminds me of when i gassed myself
opening a sealed bucket of chlorine pool tablets left baking in the AZ sun for months. my throat, eyes, nostrils burned so badly.

>> No.19633415

1-2 days should be sufficent for most warm weather pests. i always freeze those large bags of rice if i plan on putting them in smaller containers and storing them long term.

>> No.19633485

Nigga why do you need to label that shit, can you not identify walnuts by sight?

>> No.19633523

ah those little guys, I mostly just ignore them, occasionally they find some flour and you can throw it away, but for the most part they dont tseem to turn into a source of wall covering menaces.

>> No.19633758

god dammit. I just went and checked my canister of oats and they were fucking crawling. I've been seeing moths for a bit and that container was sealed so they were quite infrequently showing up. I found a nest somewhere else in my pantry and thought that was the end of it.

>> No.19633779


>> No.19633959

Stupid fag can't read, OP literally says he forgot about it in his story

>> No.19633968
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Thankyou for letting me relive the horrors

>> No.19633973
File: 128 KB, 500x500, Moth_Lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the brotherhood gangstalker

>> No.19633993

I just threw away around $450 worth of food. decided to dig through my pantry and freezer. wow I have a lot of old food and condiments. freezer burned bullshit.

>> No.19634015

I checked on a relative's house once when they'd left for a business trip. The power had gone out the day they left, and they said they'd tossed all their perishables since they wouldn't be home to know when it came back on. Turns out they forgot a rack of ribs in their garage fridge that they'd gotten to grill before the power outage. I didn't check their house until a week later. It had been 90+ degrees all week and the power had never come back on. When I opened the fridge I reflexively balled up like the stench was a wild tiger lunging at me. I've never had such a violent reaction to a smell before. I didn't even throw up, it just felt like I retched my kidney into my throat.

>> No.19634018

This didn't happen

>> No.19634072

Visiting from /lit/
I dont get what your problem is
When my bookmoths are very knowledgeable and keep by library in perfect order. Yeah, it took me alot of trial and error, but eventually I grew them up to the point where they're very sophisticated and reserved.
If you just learned how to ranch your flourmoths, you could've had them grow into a full kitchen crew and taught them how to make cakes, pies, pastries, etc. Not to even mention basic cooking meals that are easy for anyone to make, but the real kicker is that you could've had them make more esoteric forbidden meals, like deep-beef lasagna or t'horth'un sponge cake
My bookmoth keep my full attention, but If I had the spare time I would absolutely cultivate flourmoths, too.

>> No.19635471

go to /diy/ and ask, youll need to silicone every little opening in your kitchen, clean everything, every surface, behind stoves, vent hoods, ect, and get an Ozone producing machine. make sure to read the instructions so you dont kill yourself

>> No.19635489

>it will be nigh impossible to know what is inside each container without a label
maybe the flours

>> No.19635630

I get a call to go tech on a small north american tour for three weeks. Work's been steadily slowing and just generally pissing me off, so I agree. The months pass, with a few prep and rehearsal days, and finally it's time to leave. I've prepped two weeks' worth of food for the missus - a few different things, a few different starches and proteins. I tell her snag what she wants over the first few days, and freeze the rest. I remind her on my way out the door - "I'm not going to be offended if you don't eat all of those meal packs, but I will be offended if you let them grow friends."
I come back from the tour to a truly foul smell. I expect it's the sink, green bin or the garbage, but they're all clean. Maybe it's the dishwasher? Finally I check the fridge...
The mold growing in the containers has perfectly replicated the face of my wife. It begs me to let it live. I unplug the refrigerator. The moldwife is now fully formed, and has discovered how to make vanilla, cinnamon, and orchid scented compounds, as well as a new hypo-allergenic penicillin derivative. For now she seems benign, even friendly, but I worry what the future brings.

But for real, the bitch ate one, and left the rest to go moldy. She left me to toss the remains of hundreds of dollars worth of food while gagging on the stench.

>> No.19635680

>fuck I just poured whole walnuts into a bowl of milk instead of corn flakes... I knew I should've labelled my transparent glass containers...

>> No.19635701

What the hell is wrong with your wife?

>> No.19635742

... How much time do you have?
She doesn't really enjoy cooking... which is horseshit, because 1) She does, I've seen it, and 2) These were fully prepped. They could have been eaten cold.
She doesn't enjoy doing the dishes, but nobody does. If the sink's full, you do it in waves to mitigate the mundane boredom of it - fill the rack, let it dry, do another round.

I'm a smack her ass when she gets home and pretend that I wear the pants around here.

>> No.19636791

Rice in your rice? What else would you expect to be in rice?

>> No.19636794

They literally use that for lethal injections in prisons, Anon. I'm not even making it up. The other drugs are just so the prisoner "doesn't feel pain" but that stuff is what kills them.

>> No.19636804

It's pinholes from the larvae leaving the container you moron. Every whole grain you buy in a grocery store is going to have some amount of pantry pest eggs. It's impossible not to have them.
That's why the whole Eat the bug thing is retarded everyone is eating bugs pretty much anytime they eat carbs

>> No.19636865

German cockroaches were living in my MacBook and then infested my new place when I moved

>> No.19636868

It's part of the cocktail (the heart stopping part. The dose of sodium thiopental / phenobarbital is usually enough to kill on its own, The pancurium is also delivered in a lethal dose, but it basically follows up where the thiopental/phenobarbital ends - shutting down the diaphragm. It takes 30-60s with the dose used. The potassium chloride causes an irregular heartbeat or full on cardiac arrest after the lungs and diaphragm have been paralyzed.

While each of these would kill a person, the order they're administered is what makes it an "easy" death - anaesthesia inducing coma, a paralytic to shut down any twitching as well as any lingering urge to breathe, and the depolarization of heart muscle cells by a potassium salt (usually chloride, but sometimes acetate).

If you absolutely must mainline salt, make it a mild NaCl solution.

>> No.19636883

We had an old fridge in the garage with a whole turkey in the freezer. At some point the fridge stopped working. No idea how long that turkey was rotting in there in the Texas heat. Had to just throw the whole fridge away.

>> No.19638617

So, you got no time, and a bitch whose neglectful in some areas? Could be worse I guess, I'm gonna assume you're head over heels for each other cause thus far she sounds ungrateful.

>> No.19638655

When I was a fat disgusting neet slob living in my own filth my apartment was literally, no exaggeration swarming with fruit flies. I would set up traps for them inside plastic bags, seal them up and throw them in the freezer but the motherfuckers just kept coming. Good times.

>> No.19638682

Isn't this the shit wives use to kill husbands since it disappears from the body with virtually no trace?

>> No.19638691

I've let potatoes liquify before, so what wanna fight about it? Cleaned up the mess and bought some new potatoes

I've even bought potatoes where one was bad before. Never buy potatoes without smelling them, learned that the stupid way. So what threw the bad one out, clean the rest up good, put em in the fridge, ate em, didn't die. Wanna fite about it?

>> No.19638786

>dat <<CHIRP>> doe...
Strange to see a White hand with that detector chirp in the background. Leads me to believe that video is ALL HIS FUCKING FAULT to begin with.

>> No.19638798

**DON'T FORGET! you'll need to transfer the frozen packages to the refrigerator, and then to a cool room unless you want heavy condensation which begets MOLD.

>> No.19638823

I prefer Ringer's

>> No.19638835
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I WAS going to fore-go it, but your Dubbs convinced me...