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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19621385 No.19621385 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been to Vietnam and Thailand and they do Food stalls so much better than the west. The variety of food you can find is nearly limitless, they stall close midnight, and some are even open till dawn and the food taste better than anything Ive gotten from a food stall in the west. The intense competition between stalls maintains a high degree of quality and value. The sense of community and the vibe is much better, and even taking account of the avg wage, its cheap. Beer is plentiful. The only downside is, there's a non negligible chance of food poisoning, but I've personally never experienced it.

Whilst in the west or atleast Australia, food stalls are overpriced and soulless. Why are literal third world countries dabbing the west when it comes to night food stalls?

>> No.19621401

you know the reason already
>no food standards
>australian farmers are a cabal
>australian cities, are also dead at night and nowhere near as dense as asian countries
for all the bad about Australia at least im 30 minutes from the city on a large block surrounded by hobby farms.

>> No.19621406

Also the type of people who congregrate in the few semi permanent food stalls that are present where I live are bougie hipster fags who can't get over themselves and ruin the scene for the avg person.

>> No.19621432

Yeah I know, I'm just pissed. The only food related good memories I've had was getting high in Bangkok and experiencing the bustling night-life of a large Asian city with friends. The city just felt alive. . I think I need experience that again, Melbourne is way too dead t these days despite having nearly 7 million people here. It's a fukn nanny state here aswell and I can't stand the stand offish feel I get from so many people here. Even in the US, I could just talk to randoms on the street and we could just end up having an hour conversation about trains. I hate this country and it's people, everyone here has gotten too comfortable in their own shells.

>> No.19621462

melbourne sucks, but at least you have shit unlike perth. that said i nearly got glasses in melbourne in broad daylight so idk. perth city: dead during the day, deader at night. everything is sparsely spread throughout the northern suburbs, south has fuck all. and even then its all millennial shit like Subiaco and Leederville.

>> No.19621469
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>The intense competition between stalls maintains a high degree of quality and value.
>there's a non negligible chance of food poisoning

>> No.19621480

aussies have somehow convinced other aussies that fast food costing $25 and dinner out costing $100 is a normal thing
fucking everything in aus is ridiculously overpriced and everyone just accepts it because if you need money you can just do traffic control, general laboring or a trade and make $80/hr

>> No.19621485

Stop lying, Thai street food is fucking filthy and usually not very good. Thai food is literally better in my home country.

>> No.19621486

Quality in making tasty shit, not in having bullet proof food handling procedures

>> No.19621491

>aussies have somehow convinced other aussies that fast food costing $25 and dinner out costing $100 is a normal thing
what the heck? since when were aussies this based? fast food and dining out regularly is a detriment to this world

>> No.19621494

>The variety of food you can find is nearly limitless

>chop up monkey meat
>put it in 3 different buckets
>sell it as whatever you want

>> No.19621499

Thai street food is god tier if you know where to look for it. My brothers Thai girlfriend kind of gave us the tour of the best street food in Bangkok so we didn't fall for the tourist traps or the dodgy places.

>> No.19621529

youre saying this like its a bad thing.
monkey similar to us, has basically all the nutrient you need.
should be vr vr expensive but youre getting it cheap tasty in a bucket.
and you have the nerve to bitch about it. i ought to stomp you out

>> No.19621533

I hate Bangkok so much. Quite possibly the worst place I’ve ever been to in my life. Full of ugly uncivilised monkeys, literally smells like shit everywhere, extremely filthy, extremely polluted, ugly fat subhuman sex/ “love” tourists everywhere, and their language sounds like alien insect speak.

>> No.19621536

And wtf is the point of spending so much on fast food when it ain't fast and the food taste like bland slop? Ive stopped going out after being burned so many times with the so called next big thing and finding out its another mediocre burger joint charging 20 dollars for an 8 dollar burger. I hate the arrogance pf the avg Australian too, about "muh quality food culture" When anyone who has travelled in non shitholes will know Australia has mediocre food scene unless you're willing to go to a 500 dollar a seat restaurant. Ive stopped going out unless I need to. And just cook at home. Less disappointment.

>> No.19621541
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>i ought to stomp you out
you step to me you're not gonna be eating anything but knuckle sandwiches

>> No.19621559

Well that's your opinion mate

>> No.19621598

No health codes no business licenses blame your government

>> No.19621615

I suspect it's because anyone attempting to start a street food stall in a white country gets buried under reports and complaints from a bunch of bored nosey cunts who have nothing better to do than curtain twitch and bitch about every single fucking change in their neighbourhood.

>> No.19622653
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I dont mind a decent kebab but why the fuck is it only that here? Why isn't there more competition?
Aus is pretty damn diverse in the cities. Especially Asian folk. "Lamb or chicken?" That's it?

It takes 6mns to fry chicken. Same for some yakitori. Have some shit in a bain marie. Chicken feet, lamb shanks, fucking dogs testicles whatever. Just give me something else.

>> No.19623468 [DELETED] 
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walkable cities

>> No.19623563

We are completely subservient to the government here. It stifles us from all sides and makes everybody afraid to ever do anything, because fines and loicenses and snitches surround us.

In SE Asia, if someone is poor and homeless, they will go into a supermarket and buy some bottles of water, then sit out on a street corner selling the water bottles for a small profit. Everyone knows they could buy the water cheaper inside the store, but they flip the poor guy a couple bucks and he retains some dignity, since he's selling something, he's "working" and not begging. Everyone is happy.

If a homeless person tried that shit here, the first Aussie woman who spotted them would call the cops, and the police would arrest the homeless person for street vending without a license. Probably beat the shit outta him too.

There are signs outside Westfield with a stick figure begging on his knees, in a circle with a red line. NO BEGGING FOR MONEY ALLOWED.

That's how deeply soulless we have become.

>> No.19623602

when did white women lose the ability to mind their fucking business

>> No.19623781

When men stopped putting them in their places