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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19577091 No.19577091 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese cuisine is overrated.

>> No.19577096
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Your thread is shit too and I just wanted you to know that.

>> No.19577112

I agree. The perfect example is miso soup. It requires a ton of meme ingredients and long prep time for the broth alone but the outcome is a bland and boring. It doesn't even taste better than chicken stock or bone broth.

>> No.19577117

You just haven't had it right. You have to either visit the country, or have a relative who is Japanese make it for you. My wife and her mom make it pretty good.

>> No.19577159

I rate jap food as above average and I think it is completely correctly rated as that, because I like it more than average food.

>> No.19577173

I think Japanese cuisine is among the greatest cuisines in the world along with French but I do not like eating it or cooking it that much
I like cooking and eating Indian food because it transforms cheap ingredients into great tasting meals

>> No.19577177

basic foods with meme preparation/presentation = japanese cuisine

>> No.19577180

Yep and that's the beauty and elegance of Japanese cuisine
Too many people think that Japanese cuisine is super complex and difficult but that's not true at all

>> No.19577182

nah you're just a weeb.

>> No.19577184

Yeah I'm a weeb but Japan has the second most Michelin stars behind France and French chefs who are regarded as the best in the world are commonly admirers of Japanese cuisines

>> No.19577211

im just going to eat raw fish.
but sea bugs must be cooked.

>> No.19577214

i live here and yeah it kinda sucks. about 25% of it is really good but there's a lot of just slop and everything is WAY too fishy and mushy

>> No.19577299

French food is garbage.
You are clearly a faggot.

>> No.19577305

It's the healthiest in the world so it's objectively the best.

>> No.19577328

>bone broth
That's just beef stock my retard friend, stop butchering the english language

>> No.19577349
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Your IQ must be at least double digits to post here, anon

>> No.19577400

No, it has a monstrious amount of salt. And because of that, a lot of japaneses has hypertension.
It is also the only country of the OECD that allows pretty much every pesticides for their agriculture. Their slops are also full of dangerous additives.

>> No.19577452

They're the people who live the longest, their diet is objectively the best

>> No.19577456

Name one good tasting japanese dessert I'll wait

>> No.19577460

You know that "face" is more important than "fact" in Asia, right?

Secondly, if you ate what a basking shark eats you wouldn't live 300 years like they do.

Japanese are not your species.

>> No.19577461

>long prep time for the broth alone
Wrong, it requires a fraction of the time that it takes to make a meat or vegetable broth from scratch.

>> No.19577467

>Michelin stars
>regarded as the best in the world

circle jerkers

>> No.19577469

>Japanese are not your species.
Utterly retarded.
>You know that "face" is more important than "fact" in Asia
Japan is lying? Is that the best you've got?

>> No.19577554

>fried meat in america
Eww gross
>fried meat in japan
Omg based look at this

>> No.19577574

Did you just fall for the anime memes that it's the best thing in the world and nothing else compares? It's still good. Overrated doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.19577706

>upvotes from a french tire company are a good measure for the quality of a nation's cuisine
Chinese is the healthiest. Nips load their food with sugar and they hardly eat any vegetables

>> No.19577810

>Chinese is the healthiest.
Wrong, gutter oil is carcinogenic

>> No.19577837

True housewives probably use miso with dashi already in it. So it's really just a case of adding water and some small ingredients.

>> No.19577964

The average chinese eats more vegetables and offal in a month than you've eaten in your entire life

>> No.19578001

The average chinese drinks more water contaminated with heavy metals than I'll ever consume in my whole life, yes.

>> No.19578609

So? It's still delicious.

>> No.19578648
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I love curry, fucking hate sushi, I wish my town had like 10 curry houses instead of sushi places that fleece the gajin

>> No.19578824

at least it's rated, unlike your mom's cuisine

>> No.19578854

Objectively false. You're a victim to propaganda. It's understandable

>> No.19578903

Which part of it is false? I'd imagine rural Chinese have better water. Maybe it's the average city dweller that's drinking more contaminated water? But whatever. I guess we will just apply the blanket false statement instead of trying to dig into the context.

>> No.19579552

Visit China and you'll find out. Nothing like first hand experience

>> No.19579735
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Go to an Indian or Jamaican restaurant

>> No.19579770

Jap food is pretty good but I feel that a lot of it's dishes are weaker versions of what Gooks are able to cook, i.e. sushi compared to kimbap

>> No.19579784

Eating dogs is bad

>> No.19580142

ok I'll just travel to China with my chemistry set and do a survey of all the water reservoirs and aquifers in the country.

>> No.19580291

Tire company ingratiates itself to massive consumer demographic by using its cultural cache... Holy crap this burdock slop must be really good!!!

>> No.19580310

what do you mean? miso is well flavored but then again there are superior soups all across asia.

>> No.19580311

>go to japan
>sushi is bland

>> No.19580313


>> No.19580317

>only cows have bones
Bonglard education

>> No.19580321

I like miso soup, it's a little plain sure but very few things are more heartwarming on a chilly rainy day

>> No.19580509

I like the jap style stuff though, there are at least poo places in town

>> No.19580519

I like their pickles and the whole tsuyu business. And I like oyakodon as a low effort healthy dish though certainly it gets mogged by fried rice if youre trying to impress.

>> No.19580574

you are correct OP may you continue your journey to culinary enlightenment

>> No.19581620

t. uramaki goyslop slurper

>> No.19582870

This. Tastewise it's nothing special.

>> No.19582957

its not overrated lol. how can a country's food be overrated. lol wtf

>> No.19583000

that sounds fun desu
if any CCP water scientists are looking for someone to do that hit me up

>> No.19583076

oh actually I just got back from China. it was fun visiting all the water sources and taking measurements

>> No.19584438

God, I hate this retarded mindset.
>You just gotta have the people who invented the food make it, and that'll magically make it better... somehow...
No, it fucking won't. It's shit no matter who makes it.

Pizza made by an Italian isn't somehow automatically gonna be better than pizza made by some Mongolian, just because they're Italian.

French food made by a Frenchie isn't somehow automatically going to be better than French food made by a Mexican, just because they're French.

And Jap food made by a Jap isn't going to somehow automatically be better than Jap food made by a Brit.

It's not how it fucking works. Lose this childish, idiotic way of thinking. Jesus Christ.

By not being as good as it's made out to be... duh.

>> No.19585659
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Japanese food really isn't that highly rated aside from sushi, and maybe ramen, but in most cases people just appreciate instant ramen as a cheap and easy meal.

>> No.19585829

i've been to china.
they just drink out of water bottles cuz the tap water is poison there.

>> No.19585890

>meme ingrediants
what it like fucking 5 things
water, bonito flakes,seaweed, tofu, miso

>> No.19586106

The only reason you think so is because seafood does not hit the same way for you.

>> No.19586185

japan is basically england with better pr

>live on island
>drive on wrong side of road
>drink tea
>love curry because their native food is nothing but fish and unseasoned vegetables

they gave 3 stars to that one guy for serving live ants to people. michelin stars don't mean shit.

>> No.19586197

I'm a weeb and I agree.

I love me some fuckin' ramen and udon, and when I go to Japan this year I want to get some takoyaki and onigiri.

But most weebs would drink their own piss if Japanese people did it.

>> No.19586441

I bought some furikake to try it out and it turned out sweet when every description and ingredient points to it being salty.
I think I got scammed.

>> No.19586531

Japan has taken advantage of all the white nerds and geeks to fall in love with their culture. They did it so much that their own people fell victim to it. Manga, square watermelons, and $20 for a tiny portion of rice, raw fish, and fermented soy bean extract. High time and effort expenditure in the pursuit of perfecting ultimately inconsequential items, food, entertainment, and all other cultural things. Overrated as fuck.

>> No.19587210

>a ton of meme ingredients
>2-3 spoons of miso paste into water with some shallots is a ton of meme ingredients
lol it never amazes me how fucking dense /ck/ is, like seriously

>> No.19587216

thats abt it lmfao, everything else is optional

>> No.19587249

for me, it's hk.

>> No.19587505

I wouldn’t say it’s overrated, but it certainly gets more hype compared
to similar dishes from other cuisines. If you placed a plate of Japanese
curry with katsu and rice and a plate of jagerschnitzel with spatzle in front of me, it would just depend on my mood to pick the dish. Japanese cuisine is good at being balanced, and like Italian cuisine it benefits from a strict adherence to fresher ingredients.

>> No.19587525

totally agree. it's strange that japanese restaurants are more common than korean restaurants when:
1) the number of koreans in this country is higher than japanese
2) korean food is WAY better than japanese food

>> No.19587547

Korean women and food are physically superior to Japanese, but every aspect of Korean culture is a loathsome amalgam of the worst traits of East and West mixed with a seasoning reminiscent of the inferiority complex held by many southeast asians

>> No.19587606

>they hardly eat any vegetables
Not that the Chinese eat any more. Food is very cheap in China but only because it's utterly worthless in terms of nutrients.
You can get a bowl of noodles for ¥20 but this bowl will be mostly just noodles and broth, so basically carbs and salt. You'll be lucky to get any vegetables let alone meat in it.
This experience sums up most food in sub-prefectural cities and anything below. You can get decent food in the urban core of prefectural level cities, or provincial level cities like Beijing or Shanghai, but the vast majority of Chinese people live outside of these areas and rely on nothing but unhealthy goyslop.
I'm 100% certain that bottled drinks in China are subsidised by the government, who probably find it cheaper and easier just to get people to drink bottled water instead, but the people here think boiling Flint Michigan tier water is enough to get rid of heavy metals.
This. If you want decent portions of Chinese food with first world health standards and second world pricing, Hong Kong's your best bet.

>> No.19587670

Mochi balls have the delicious flavour of seaweed and fermented fish bile while also imitating the delectable texture of shorn testicle skin on my lolling tongue. 100/100 excellent quality desserts best cuisine in the world.

>> No.19587683

This is actually an interesting take

>> No.19587688

You forgot
>Have a brutal colonial empire which leads you to be despised by the other countries in your region of the world.

>> No.19587695

I love it when I see these fights square off.

>> No.19587710

You'll find that Japanese cuisine is quite popular in China, especially in prefectural level cities and above.

>> No.19588914


>> No.19588929

Japanese food is mentioned sometimes, and it is overall ok. It is not overrated or underrated.

>> No.19589466

It's ultimate form over function, trying to present shit ingredients in the best possible way. When they actually do use good ingredients the use them almost raw.

>> No.19590842

Why you would want raw fish over fried fish is beyond me.

>> No.19590859
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Japanese food is like Italian food with a e s t h e t i c. Recipes are simple, nothing fancy about the cooking, and no 32 step recipes. It's just obsession dialed up to 11 for quality in ingredients and bringing the best out of them with turbo autist attention to sizing, timing, heat, and detail.
>zomg yt peepo

>> No.19590862

I don't think it's overrated, however that doesn't mean it's overwhelmingly good either. I mostly miss spices and heat. Most of the flavours consist mainly of fish, fermented soy, sugar and pickles.

>> No.19590868

overrated perhaps, but still better
tuna is only worth eating raw.
nips understand that sometimes the best thing to do to get the most out of an ingredient is nothing

>> No.19590879

all he had to do was not have sex

>> No.19590884
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>just don't have sex with the sensei
You are out of your mind, anon.

>> No.19590895

He started off in the worst place, than dug a deeper hole with his dick.

>> No.19590900
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I have been waiting for people to talk about sensei.

>> No.19591966

>all he had to do was not act in accordance with his nature

>> No.19592524

all he had to do was fuck his mother

>> No.19592583

sushi is excellent food.

>> No.19592615

Nip tea is literally meme. Even peasants in most tea-drinking are(East Asia, South Asia, SEA, England) not gonna drink it.

>> No.19593045

What is good tea. Once I got the tin can stuff that dim sum places use I stopped looking for better tea. Never seen nip tea except the yama kinds that come in packets. Roasted rice one is kinda neat tho

>> No.19593934
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Yeah most people in China aren't rapid nationalist retards despite what the Chinese and western governments want you to believe.
Most Japanese restaurants are independently owned but many are chains like Yoshinoya. Prefectural level cities are those with high regional importance but not important nationally, these are the lowest tier cities where you'll still find international elements like Japanese food.

>> No.19593936
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Consider this!

>> No.19594270

Sensei looks so cute when she eats

>> No.19595678


>> No.19596205
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Japanese culture is overrated as is most of them

>> No.19596273

this is prolly bait, but as a japanese person I think I agree maybe. I've never been to Japan but if it's anything like in anime I could never wrap my head around how wives cooked so much food and so quickly for each meal : breakfast is like salmon, rice, soup, a salad PLUS ALL THE SHIT for lunch you gotta prepare for your school kids and working husband (protein, eggs, salad, rice again, vegetables – but maybe a salaryman husband eats at a gyuudon joint), and then dinner which is MOAR RICE, more soup, another salad or vegetable, and another protein. Maybe on a lucky day, you get stuff like tempura or fried stuff e.g. katsudon, tonkatsu, or panko shrimp.
Since I've never actually been to the Holy Land itself, I asked my mom how do wives and/or mothers do all this and she didn't really give me much of an answer since she didn't raise us in Japan and she's a working mother rather than a stay-at-home mother.

Short story, I only like "Americanized" or Western-ish Japanese food and my mum has lost nearly all palate for most japanese food. Fucking hell, she doesn't even know how she used to eat rice for every meal cuz her stomach gets upset if she eats too much of it now and if it's got raw fish in it, i.e. sushi, that's a total no-go.

So, uh, my two dollars I guess...

>> No.19596284

Oh, btw, with all the "the wife cooking stuff", I meant that for all that time, it's great to have fresh nice food every day, but it's really not worth the time, money, effort, etc. etc. I'm not good at cooking so it takes a long time, so I definitely would favor Western food that can be made in like ten minutes like a sandwich or pasta or something idrk

>> No.19597831

Didn't know

>> No.19597933

>my wife and her mom
let me guess, you are white

>> No.19598021

The problem about nip tea is on the procedure of how you ferment the tea leaves. Most tea-drinking areas dry of fry to perform this procedure. However nips are still steaming their tea which is a traditional method that could be traced back to middle age China. This method does makes the taste more tender but has no fucking flavor.
I’m not an expert on tea but you can totally have a nice experience drinking those tin tea from dim sum places. Nip tea just doesn’t make sense from any perspective in any tea-drinking areas.

>> No.19599251

Chinese > Japanese

>> No.19599262

Your opinion is overrated. Butthurt faggot.

>> No.19600475

In what way?

>> No.19601447

> Pizza made by an Italian isn't somehow automatically gonna be better than pizza made by some Mongolian, just because they're Italian.
Except it would you fucking tard

>> No.19601494

jp cusisine is ok, it's the faggots that are fanatics of it that need to hang

>> No.19603219

>Pizza made by an Italian isn't somehow automatically gonna be better than pizza made by some Mongolian, just because they're Italian.
It is.

>> No.19603479
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Nips are the Italians of Asia, they convince themselves they have the highest quality produce because their land is blessed which makes their simple recipes sound better, but then you eat it and unless you force yourself it's really just decent spaghetti or fish on sour rice.

actually does have thousands of years of culinary tradition - Japan didn't even have soba until Edo even though there's evidence China had been making soba 6000 years ago
large swaths of land plus neighbors with plenty of spices
immediately picked up to speed during the spice trade, took in literally everything and some regions made their entire cuisine about being spicy as fuck
literally invented steaming
way more soy sauce varieties and actually uses them
chinese vinegars (literal museums of different varieties)
regional cooking is actually diverse rather than being known for the 'best' in some random produce
has no need to hype up 'high quality' sacred produce, instead everything has some sort of folktale about how the food kills demons or has practical uses like telling peasants to pay rent
ancient methods are still used today, but unlike Japan, out of actual necessity rather than to be a weeb hipster
japan has 8 kinds of noodle, but realistically it's soba, ramen, and udon
china has over 1000 kinds of noodles
actually invents their own new cooking techniques
like pretty much everything else, sushi was invented in china
defining 'chinese cuisine' is borderline impossible because of the amount of unique dishes present as well as past
still making new shit all the time, at an accelerated rate due to globalism and exploding economy
chefs use a $20 steel rectangle for everything and still produce same detail as itame who paid $1000 for a specialty samurai sword

I don't even think Japanese is overrated. Unlike this site would lead you to believe, most people aren't weeaboos and most people would rank it humbly.

>> No.19604969

>tuna is only worth eating raw.

>> No.19604976

What are some lesser known japanese dishes that the upper classes enjoyed back when most of the country was starving? Most popular dishes are clearly poorfag cope even though they're delicious.

>> No.19605010


>> No.19605059

So many words. Most of them wrong, given that Japanese food is better then Chinese. Simple as.

>> No.19605068
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Wrong. And I say that as a weeb.

>> No.19605754

That anon probably lives somewhere without access to good water, don't bully.

>> No.19605758

I won't tell you to love Japanese food but it is generally very good to the asian palate.
SEAfags might be an exception but who cares what flips and viets think.

>> No.19605770


If you have any other opinion regarding Asian foods, cooking, cuisine, or general food culture, kill yourself.

>> No.19605874

Come on...every native born chinese know that japanese stuffs are better and healthier than the domestic shit...
Bland yes, but much healthier
Why it is always those who speak good English being ultra-nationalist? Just stop trying so hard...you will never be chinese

>> No.19605891

I am yt peepo. I very much dislike the Jap culture obsessed weebs than I do actual Jap food.

>> No.19605929

Korean? Seriously?
They are like the british or dutch of asia...

>> No.19605964

삼겹살 > 90% of asian foods
If you factor in 냉면, 김치찌깨, 족발, 양념 게장, 곱장, 낙곱새, the same quality 사시미/초밥 as
Japan, it's not even close. And that's not even mentioning Korean fried chicken.

China's got the hotpot though, I will say that.

>> No.19605976

BBQ, it is not like only Korean eat BBQ, in fact I find Korean BBQ to be quite bland.
Have you ever tried those BBQ people from western china made? They are insanely flavourful and tender.
I find korean sauces for BBQ is even less diverse than the Cantonese BBQ sauces.
>냉면, 김치찌깨, 족발, 양념 게장, 곱장, 낙곱새
I find most of them to be bland, I have not tried the korean pork feet though.

>korean fried chicken
Seriously....the chicken is juicy, but the sauce is too sweet

>> No.19605980
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>> No.19606020

삼겹 usually comes with seasoned oil, soybean paste, marinated spice glazes and different vegetable wraps to throw it in. It's already triple XL bacon, what more do you want? The chicken is usually quality whether it's breadcrumbed, charcoal-grilled, fried, or sauced up.

Most Chinese cuts are well-seasoned though. From what I've had it seems like a lot of the best stuff is goat/chicken skewers with marinated pork being the mainstay, which I've got no issue with. 마라탕 is pretty addicting too, easy to fall in love with.

>> No.19606237

Szechuan bbq kicks the fucking shit out of korean

>> No.19606255

Fuck you and your fictional ugly ho

>> No.19606270
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nigga I know you just can't read

>> No.19606276
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that is sensei, she is real, and we are happy together
go touch grass, virgin

>> No.19606279

porn where?!

>> No.19606296

>chicken and lamb skewers
yadda yadda american kbqq is just a small portion of what you can get and doesn't represent the full scope

hard to beat brother

>> No.19606317

Sushi sucks. Ramen is based. Curry and katsu dishes are just derived from western cuisine.

The japs love western cuisine like burgers, pizza, french fries, steak, pancakes, cake, bread, and pasta. Jap food is overrated.

>> No.19606369
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Now we're talking, this is the actual overrated take. Kimchi is a gift from god and they've perfected it, but the rest of their staple ingredients are just as basic as Japanese, but with gochujang/garu (especially compared to the CN). They're overrated because they went heavily into tech places in CA as well as LA so two of the most concentrated places of social media whoring suddenly exploded with Korean food. Now the 3rd gen diaspora are desperate to prove their yellowness and will not shut up about how Korean food is the peak of cuisine. You even see Koreans actually rave about how peak spicy the food is when the average max is like a 3 on a Sz scale and a 1 on Vietnamese/Thai. K-pop makes turbo weebs of their own, but Korean food hype is pushed by return to roots Korean American kids and westcoast normalfags as well making it truly overrated.
Japanese food is just overhyped by weebs alone. Thank you for reading my thesis paper.

>> No.19606377

Good post anon

>> No.19606399

No clue what you're talking about, anon. Never been to K-town and have only been in California briefly on trips. Didn't necessarily care to try Americanized Korean food when I was there. However, in terms of food variety, uniqueness, and overall bang for buck, Korean food kicks the shit out of the other nationalities in Asia.

Korean food isn't the spiciest in Asia by any metric, nor has it claimed to be, but it has more in what it offers than any other country (except for China probably) due to the fact that it historically has incorporated a lot of varying foreign influences into its own food. Most other asian cultures are autistically focused on their own regional dishes and don't pay mind to ever change them, and while this is also true for traditional Korean staples, they at least make room for other things and try to incorporate it. This is reflected in what you see provided in the USA as well as their own country. Korean fried chicken being a common example.

>tl;dr spending almost a decade in Asia makes you realize where some places are lacking

>> No.19606429

>t. jealous insecure burger

>> No.19606437

fair enough, how do you spend a decade in asia - english teaching or vacationer?

>> No.19606444
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they advertise what is natural of something to be the result of their autism, which is incorrect. If the Jap is good at something, it's advertising to clueless retards.
picrel some retards on this board actually fell for the sliteyes' Jewish tricks.
t. own multiple clay pots for cooking, both glazed and unglazed

>> No.19606450

you know what, I'll let you anime posters pass this time, you're based as fuck

>> No.19606466

I started out as a teacher then got involved in a start up business and was almost hitched. Didn't end up working out, but I got to tour most of the countries and it ended up being a good time. Worked myself to death and killed my liver simultaneously, the true asian path.

>> No.19606485
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>Japanese are so disturbingly autistic about their food they turn even the simplest of things into rituals that they say requires a lifetime to master
>Such mysterious and apparently inconceivable techniques include... rotating skewered meat, and putting raw fish on rice
Sushi chefs say women can't be sushi masters because their hands are too warm, which ruins the consistency of the rice. Not only is that just retarded on its own, but I've never met a woman with warm hands in my fucking life, it's almost a cliche that women bring jackets with them fucking everywhere and whenever I would take a date to the theater or my wife now, I always bring an extra jacket because they get cold. They've even done studies that show women have colder hands on average than men. It's just fucking autism.

It's like the italians who think you can only get the TRUE experience of whatever fucking lazy pasta dish they're sucking off if you eat it in the magical italian province of boopity boppity because if it doesn't have AUTHENTIC italian foot fungus in the wine it won't have the same depth of flavor. Simple fact is, americanized versions of all ethnic foods are superior, simple as - and anyone can cook. It's not brain surgery and you don't need to meditate under a waterfall for 7 decades before you earn the right to rotate a kebab.

>> No.19606491

Appellations are a fairly recent phenomenon. They exist primarily as a form of economic protectionism. It drives up the value of farm land in those regions to prevent industry from chasing all wine making out of the country.

>> No.19606498

>Simple fact is, americanized versions of all ethnic foods are superior, simple as - and anyone can cook.
I was with you 100% of the way until this part. Americanized foods served in restaurants are not superior to home cooking from other countries. Most Americans can't cook for shit outside of BBQ or the microwave, and trying to create dishes without a working knowledge of the ingredients and recipes of any particular region leads to meh results.

There's a reason why 1st gen immigrants work in the kitchens here and stay for a a long time without speaking English. They can put that shit down in the kitchen...but even that isn't quite the same as what's available if you go and try dishes from their place of origin.

>> No.19606499

Oh despite my post I don't actually have a huge problem with appellations or the like, it helps to know that you're getting something authentic if you're paying the price to get that and economic protectionism is based. I'm more referring to the people who think if you DON'T have the purely authentic this and that, suddenly the food becomes inedible slop and can't compare - parmesan being a good example when you can get excellent parmesan cheese without having to pay a premium for parmigiano reggiano specifically.

>> No.19606507
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As a Japanese, I am concerned about where and by whom the food is prepared and evaluated by you.

>Cooked by Japanese in Japan
>Cooked by Japanese outside of Japan
>Cooked by non-Japanese outside Japan

If it is a dish that can be prepared by a child, such as Japanese curry, it is highly reproducible.
Other than that, I'm interested in what it is.

>> No.19606514

Hard disagree. I'm not going to debate about imaginary home cooks anyhow since cooking isn't a racial bonus like an RPG, anyone can learn to cook and frankly the more "authentic" a place is the worse its food tends to be. Besides, I'm not debating the cooking skills of home cooks in unnamed countries vs america, I'm talking about recipes. Americanized ethnic food is always a step up from the standard food you'd get in their home countries. With the sheer variety of ingredients and cultures in the USA the access to fusion restaurants and combined cooking techniques has produced some of the best food out there.

>> No.19606544

>chicken and lamb skewers
m8 sounds like you're the one eating americanised versions not me

>> No.19606552

>American is a race
Most Americans order takeout/delivery/fast food or eat processed things at home. If someone's cooking, it's usually our ideation of something that already has been rooted in that area due to cultural influence, like red sauce pasta and meatballs, or soft tacos, or NY style pizza, pierogies, whatever.

>the more authentic a place is the worse its food tends to be
I don't think authenticity is the be-all end-all, but Chipotle isn't quite the same as getting food from a taco truck in Goleta or Jalisco.

>I'm talking about recipes
Regarding my first point, we don't have recipes for all of the things that are available over the world because the ingredients are not easily found here or the food itself isn't commonly eaten. For instance, three-layer pork belly is farmed specifically in Korea to have a certain amount of fat content that makes it good for searing on cast iron with a gas range. The same kind of product can be found in the USA if you go to a specialty store, but since most people don't crouch over a cast range skillet to fry fat slabs of bacon here, the quality of the pork itself and preparation around it isn't really the same. Hell, I can't even find pork belly that isn't wholesale piece or already frozen in my city.

Most "authentic" Mexican grills in the United Sates don't offer mole as a menu option, even though it's very popular in the Hispanic community, because consumers here are reluctant towards the idea of chocolate being used as a marinade for meat.

You can apply the same to Indian curries and the variety of spices required, or sashimi and the absolute demand for freshness that is required. Hell, even if you think of American dishes like fried chicken and macaroni and cheese, which themselves are regional staples: chances are that they are going to be better if you get them from a place down south than in the midwest or NY. I'm not saying you can't find good chicken and mac up here, but it's just more likely.

>> No.19606561
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I think it is the unique sushi of the countryside
There are quite a few of them, and many of them are made with non-fish or only vegetables.
In many cases, even Japanese people do not know of its existence.

>> No.19606637

If you like hfcs sure

>> No.19606700

Nice I'm planning some work travel as a cook in EU for a couple years after I finish school. I wanna see if I can end it in Asia as a teacher for a few more. Have already killed liver by being sous while finishing university. How true is it that your expected to drink with coworkers after work? Is it okay to only go half the time?

>> No.19606913

>no, a person who spent 20+ years in the country eating that food on a daily basis will not be better at cooking it than a random person who found a recipe online

>> No.19607106

Depends on the company and their way of doing things. My first job had mandatory 회식 every 3 months or so but not every place does that, especially nowadays. It's kind of an older tradition that definitely still gets carried on in some workplaces, but you're not required to participate or anything.

>> No.19607243

chinese food is better than japanese food when not made with gutter oil

>> No.19607333

>muh salt
drink water then dumbass. People who go out of their way to hate on japan and people who rightfully admire it are consistently dumber than the people liking japanese stuff.

>> No.19607347

japanese are notoriously insular. The real reason westerners become weebs is because the west is full of crabs in a bucket sociopaths like you who use sophistry and blatant lies to try to keep people invested in this shithole which is clearly run by people who hate us. You have stockholm syndrome.

>> No.19607348

Yeah, that's strange about that? A person who isn't into cooking obviously will not know how to cook, even if it's their country's food.

>> No.19608504

I've been there many times retardbros. Italian pizza is not particularly good.

>> No.19608591

Shouldn't have had the pizza rossini, eh?

>> No.19608837

Not really. You guys have some of the simplest cuisine in the world, it's not that hard to recreate. I'm sorry, Italians are just indoctrinated into self superiority. No one except Italians want to be Italians.

>> No.19608884

A shocking amount of zoomer weebs think that 7-eleven egg salad sandwiches are japanese cuisine because they're made with ingredients sourced in Japan

>> No.19608931

Gen z outright rejected the US public education system and are literally uneducated. 1 in 1000 will be some tech-forward start up billionaire investor, but the rest are legitimately fucked.

>> No.19608943

711 is in practice a Japanese owned company now, anon. And convenience store food is definitely a notable part of their cuisine, even though it might not be fancy it's kind of a staple.

>> No.19609002

the following are overrated:
stir fry

>> No.19609210
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Sensei is a certified chef but only for underage students of hers

>> No.19609216

>the following are overrated:
>stir fry

>> No.19609254

ok I take it back
japanese food is actually underrated

>> No.19609295
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>stir fry
Honestly I can't even be mad. I literally thought stir fry was a food until early 20s. We keep things simple in the midwest.

>> No.19609299


>> No.19609367

miso soup is literally 3 ingredients at its most basic. The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.19609392

Going to Italy for pizza when America exists.

>> No.19609530
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>miso soup is literally 3 ingredients at its most basic
And 2 of them you have to buy exclusively for the soup.
It requires
- Kelp, which has different cultivars and you fucking bet one is going to tell you which is the best because ~muh kelp was in water with the right temperature~ or some Japanese Jewish bullshit
- Katsuobushi, fermented and shaved skipjack. Again, a dish may even require the usage of multiple types of this, from flakes to thick cuts
- Some may tell you to use Iriko (literally dried anchovies but Japan)
- Miso, fermented salted soy beans. I don't even need to tell you they have at least 3 basic types of this and god knows how many variations they manage to shit out from their Jewish mouths.
- Tofu (muh silken tofu is best)
- Negi (WELSH ONION), but then these Nips also managed to shit out at least 4 variants of this, not including Chinese chives.
- Muh Japanese Kelp must be wiped with a damped towel. The kelp should only be briefly passed through 70-75C water in order to extract the most optimal flavour.
- But for fermented skipjack, you have to dunk them in boiling water, shut off heat and then seep for ~15minutes to once again, ~extract the best flavour~
- The dried anchovies, you must pick off their heads, pry them in halves to remove the died innards or else they MAY impart undesirable flavours. Then lightly roast them before dropping into water.
- Miso, once again with the temperature bullshit. You apparently can't mix miso into water that is too hot (not even boiling)
- Someone somewhere has invented the "best" way to wash and chop onion to "preserve the flavours"
Every step of autism above is just to sell you how autistic they are and drive up their advertisement on how ~muh attention to details~ these fucking slit-eyes are. Fact is, everything they to is inconsequential as fuck. They use words as if something can only be done/made by Japanese, literally
>Thing, Japan

>> No.19609567

Kelp: quick soak variety for miso
Katsuobushi: use bonito flakes like a normal person, it barely takes 15 minutes if you want to take the ""legit route""
Miso: more than 3 colors confuse you?

This is a tantrum on the scale of hating french cuisine for using a brush instead of water to brush off dirt because they become water logged, something only the snobbiest culinary school grad would even consider.
Euro apes need to be hanged

>> No.19609602

>Kelp: quick soak variety for miso
>Katsuobushi: use bonito flakes like a normal person, it barely takes 15 minutes if you want to take the ""legit route""
>Miso: more than 3 colors confuse you?
You are a dumbfuck if the implications from my post flew over your head like that. Of fucking course everything becomes simple if you take shortcuts after shortcuts. Fucking swine. We are talking about the autism of the nips, your post is just laziness. At this point you should just use instant miso.
>This is a tantrum on the scale of hating french cuisine for using a brush instead of water to brush off dirt because they become water logged, something only the snobbiest culinary school grad would even consider.
Tell that to the Japanese who insist on wiping the kelp with a damp towel and not washing it, or only passing the kelp through tepid water, fucking idiot.

>> No.19609661
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lol did you spend 10 days researching miso soup? it's like you found some Michelin restaurant recipe in order to make a strawman about how a country makes a household side dish
thank you for authoring the most autistic chain of posts I've read in months though, you are why I come here anon

>> No.19609703

read nigger, read
>Of fucking course everything becomes simple if you take shortcuts after shortcuts.

>> No.19609748

>Of fucking course everything becomes complicated if you take more mental gymnastics after mental gymnastics

There is a fine line between hiding behind layers of irony and just being straight up retarded, buddy.

>> No.19609829
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>meme ingredients
>long prep time
/ck/ can't boil water, imagine my shock

>> No.19609836

Konnichiwa, dude!

>> No.19609842

All he had to do was follow the damn train (and marry sensei savior-sama)

>> No.19609843

It'll work eventually anon, I believe in you.

>> No.19609846
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I'll make you proud coach

>> No.19609926

That's just an exception.
If there was a chef who folded 10,000 times, you would call him autistic and put him down.
In France, Italy, Japan, etc., he is praised for his efforts.
It's just a general difference in national character.

>> No.19610224

>Sensei is a certified chef but only for Reiji Kurose
FTFY, now post her sensually eating creampuffs

>> No.19610596
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mate all he had to do was literally anyone in the entire story (even the detective probably would) and skip town with them and leave the rest to their devices
he doesn't because he's subconsciously a black hole and feeds off of being the center of their obsessions

>> No.19612122
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>> No.19612497

kek you fags tried (Chinese owned resturant's) Japanese food and are judging it?
If you want to try real Jap food, go to Japan, use Japanese reservation application to reserve a place at 1~3 star restraurants.

>> No.19612601

Japanese food is
The reason you think jap food is overrated is because you either hate all of these items or these just aren't your go to. I love seafood and it's one of my favorite foods, so I love Japanese food because 70% of it is fucking seafood, and good exotic shit too. Eels, octopus, squid, and they know how to prepare all of it right, even regular fish. I never have to worry about it being fucked up or incorrectly prepared because they end up dishonoring their whole family and country if they fuck up a meal.

>> No.19612633
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But let's all agree to like katsu.

>> No.19612636

what do you think about seanigger foods? they seem to tick all of your favourites, plenty of rice, noodles, soups that are tastier than Japan's , and plenty of seafood too

>> No.19612646

I like all of those, but honestly I still think Japanese food is overrated. What they are good at is having good quality control across Japan. You can get good food anywhere there.

Panko is one of the best culinary inventions. Have to give em that.

>> No.19612660

>good quality control across Japan
>cockroach in riceball
most media oulets dont cover these stories like they do for Chinese
fact is, it is impossible for Japan to have 100% quality control. Just more on average since they have good transit system.

>> No.19612663
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>mogs sushi
nothing personal, brah

>> No.19612680

yeah that's the good shit

>> No.19613079
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>Literally the sushi equivalent of sloppa.
No wonder they always say "Oh no!"

>> No.19613163
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The Japanese will eat that sushi with impunity just because they are concerned about the type of rice

>> No.19613530

Japanese cuisine done up as artsy haute cuisine for westerners is very much so overrated. Japanese cuisine that actual Japanese people eat is pretty nice though.

>> No.19613540

Sensei could still come back with a steel chair and kidnap Reiji to Tokyo...Imagine the dinner dates

>> No.19614747

Of course it is. The make fake food for you dumb Americans. Some Americans find out (and the rest of the world knows it since... Ever). It's like schnitzel for the Germans in Spain, American fast food for the US tourists in Europe, "Chinese" (aka Asia) food all over the world WITHOUT Asia. It's a scam for you fatties. Like the dancing ladys in Hawaii with the flowers for you fattie tourists. Do you think japanese eat like YouTube and instagram influencers? Dumbass... Of course it's overrated cause it's a US MARKET TOURIST Scam...

>> No.19614761

>>19577091 (OP) #

What I wanted to say: if you had the chance to eat with a normal family or a good cooking old lady, they or she would "cuisine the fuck out of you.". Not the Asia sushi US fucki fucki Scam. The viets did the same to you...regarding cuisine of course.

>> No.19616011

Followed by long deserved post-dinner nakadashi. One can only hope.

>> No.19616056

You mean Indonesia? You can't mean Papa New Guinea because their food is human flesh, not seafood.

>> No.19616679
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Sushi is overrated, but Japanese cuisine overall is pretty underrated.

>> No.19616690

>Japanese food, the one cuisine spergs & weebs wont shut the fuck up about, is underrated
Cool story

>> No.19616705

>Japanese cuisine overall is pretty underrated
yeah no I've seen grilled eel so many times in so many posts and videos now it's actually overrated

>> No.19616717
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Japanese food that Japanese people feel is overrated
>Chi Gyu
>Coco Ichibanya Curry

>> No.19616725
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>> No.19616751
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>> No.19618334


>> No.19619986

Okonomiyaki is good, the presentation matters.

>> No.19620084

I like Japanese food but I wouldn't put it at my #1 but I'll prefer it if I have a craving for it that particular day.
I'm with this at least for the part when it comes to this elaborate kayfabe marketing shit. Utterly asinine garbage where weebs will soy out over "They call the practice of rotating meat 'kyokuni' a delicate art that can only be mastered after 100000 years"

>> No.19620248

>Sushi chefs say women can't be sushi masters because their hands are too warm
That's a well-known lie.
It's a cover for the military-like working environment.
It is mentally and physically impossible for a woman to work in a restaurant with such old-fashioned thinking.
The only way is to work in a restaurant where even if you make some mistakes in cooking, the customers won't notice, for example, where there are a lot of tourists.

>> No.19620484

you can litteraly put everything one the table at once in your mouth

>> No.19620668

Human flesh is seafood if you fish the corpse out of the water

>> No.19621829

weebs make up a really small part of the population despite what this website might have you believe
actual japanese food is underrated and there's hardly any restaurants for it that don't only do ramen or sushi

>> No.19623485

why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.19624091

Imported Japanese snack: *exists*
California: *Proposition 65 warning*

>> No.19624118

>It requires a ton of meme ingredients and long prep time
The fuck are you smoking? You can make miso soup from scratch in basically no time.
1. Soak kombu kelp in hot water for 10 minutes
2. Remove kombu, bring to simmer, add bonito flakes, simmer 5 minutes.
3. Strain off the spent bonito flakes
4. Whisk in miso paste
5. (optional) Add cubed tofu and sliced green onions
6. Serve.

>> No.19624122

>Japanese restaurants run by Chinese or Koreans are overrated
>Non-touristy Japanese restaurants in Japan are underrated

Is this OK?

>> No.19624157

If you're a disgusting animal, yeah

>> No.19624457

I want to try takoyaki, sounds tasty

>> No.19624651
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Her cooking is so good it's criminal (milking Reiji was part of the recipe)

>> No.19625640

Not OK, but we'll call it fair..

>> No.19625679

This is true, the restaurants in Italy are 10x better than outside. The best Italian restaurant near me is run by an Italian chef that barely speaks English.

Pretty fucking obvious though. Why wouldn’t a chef be adept at cooking their home country’s cuisine?

>> No.19626243

a lot of traditional japanese food gets its flavor through fermentation, like all food in this category, you need to grow up with it to like it much.

>> No.19626245

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.19627695

It is

>> No.19627703


>> No.19627843

coffee jelly. Nowhere else makes it and it super nice.

>> No.19628246

retarded weeb detected

>> No.19629170

He's right though

>> No.19630113

Japan is the Britain of the east in every way.

>> No.19630120

holy shit the JIDF did NOT like this one

>> No.19630145

Rude, drunk, crooked teeth nd talk in funny accent with subpar food culture and acting all snobbery about presentation?

>> No.19630431
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>acting all snobbery about presentation?
I don't think brits have been there for awhile.

>> No.19630526
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Japanese cuisine is delicious.

>> No.19630540

It’s simple and well put together and flavours work well together and elevate and compliment each other. It’s simple yet sophisticated. Unlike Korean food.

>> No.19630541
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Japanese cuisine is delicious.

>> No.19630632
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>travel to japan
>finally get authentic experience unlike gaijin korean sushi restaurants
>get served single piece of kelp in plain water

>> No.19630671

>get served single piece of kelp in plain water
It is for shabu-shabu.

>> No.19630693

more like shit-shit
look mate I like nip-land food but stop pretending shit to be mind-blowingly good when they are not.
luv me some kushiyaki

>> No.19630739

There’s like 4 ingredients

>> No.19632243

>luv me some kushiyaki
Same. Sometimes simple is better.

>> No.19632497

I want to try sushi but I don't think my stomach can handle raw fish. Other than that, I love nip food

>> No.19632572

to your low iq overly spiced palett, yeah.

>> No.19632576

>but every aspect of Korean culture is a loathsome amalgam of the worst traits of East and West mixed with a seasoning reminiscent of the inferiority complex held by many southeast asians
holy shit. youre actually right but many will deny this.

>> No.19632583

>turbo autist attention to sizing, timing, heat, and detail.
something korean food lacks.

>> No.19632592

>Korean food kicks the shit out of the other nationalities in Asia.

>> No.19632645

I like Korean food but it can be a bit overpowering at times.

>> No.19632989
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>> No.19632996

I will always love how light their portion sizes are.

>> No.19633010


>> No.19634241
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That's actually crazy. Only been to "shabu shabu" in the US that use actual broths, but it seems that the predominate way in Japan is just boiling water?

>> No.19634250


>> No.19634256
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>> No.19634518

>overly spiced
It's okay to British sometimes, just leave the exceptionalism behind

>> No.19634533

Japanese cousine is not really that different than what their neighbours do with some dishes being the exception
That said they emphasize more on execution and presentation making it look more fancy
But that being said, i like Teriyaki chicken even though being pretty simple and i fancy the rice with raw egg

>> No.19634870

Japanese cuisine is overrated, huh?
Then mention at least 3 washoku combinations that include the ichiju sansai formula of rice, soup, one main dish, two sides and pickles (I'm trying to think of a dinner for my gf). No, you can't use teriyaki you underage swine

>> No.19635001

fuck dude, do you really need to cook 3 different kinds of rice for your hole too? White rice, rice mixed with red beans, rice mixed with sweet potato (all of these are nip rice, but not entirely exclusive to Japan, mind you), it's poor people's food.
basic fermented soy bean paste soup
clam fermented soy bean paste soup
shrimp fermented soy bean paste soup
get rekt
>one main dish
I'm assuming you meant 3 mains so you can mix and match?
grilled salted salmon, with pickled ginger sprout
chicken stew (stew with whatever, mostly white radish)
here's a bonus for you trash: braised pork belly in okinawan distilled liquor
seared tuna
>two sides and pickles
steamed immature soybean in pod (you will not eat ze pod)
rolled omelette (the Japanese are so fucking retarded, why do they make this sweet??)
steamed egg
a basic bitch pickle like salted chinese cabbage
pickle of 7 veggies
pickled ginger
There. Now go fuck yourself, you weaboo trash. I FUCKING HATE JAPANESE FOOD. FUCK OFF.

>> No.19636100
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>sensei thread
>almost hit bump limit
>actually learned a lot of food stuff
good op

>> No.19636514
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Japanese sushi

>> No.19636552

Japanese breakfast?

>> No.19636898
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>> No.19636921

You're specifically thinking of the Okinawa diet and that all ended up being bullshit. Those duplicitous nips weren't reporting their old peoples death so they could keep collecting benefits

>> No.19636952

Dirty rice, gumbo, smoked brisket, slaw, beans and I guess a big ol kosher dill

>> No.19636999

Why is Greece second?

>> No.19637554

it's breddy gud

>> No.19638609

So is French.

>> No.19639340

A Greek made this.

>> No.19640732

I made teriyaki sauce today but I don't like it very much

>> No.19640773

Did you make a meme teriyaki or did you just do 1:1:1?
You can burn reduction sauces, too.

>> No.19640845

>meme teriyaki
the fuck is a meme teriyaki

>> No.19641481

I put a little bit more of shoyu. I've never tasted teriyaki before so I don't know how it's supposed to taste. I didn't even boil the mixture so I doubt it's burned. Probably gonna add some more sugar

>> No.19641599

>I've never tasted teriyaki before so I don't know how it's supposed to taste
it's supposed to taste how you like it
it's not a universal sauce and anyone telling you to "must be this ratio" is amazingly retarded.
>I didn't even boil the mixture so I doubt it's burned.
ok why not boil off the alcohol? I mean if you want to get drunk off sweet salty sauce, go ahead lol

>> No.19641607

>ok why not boil off the alcohol?
I put it on the stove to let evaporate, it was simply not boiling (it was still a bit boozy to be fair). I followed a recipe btw, from Adam Liaw iirc

>> No.19642121

It often will, because natives know the right blends of spices and correct ingredients, whereas foreigners care more about imitation.

In the US, Mexican food suffers heavily from this and you get disgusting foods like American tacos because Anglos won't season the food properly.

>> No.19643253

If your table looks more plates than food, then you've officially failed as a cusine. Plus half of what's in the plates don't even look edible lol.

>> No.19643472

>If your table looks more plates than food, then you've officially failed as a cusine.

>> No.19643507
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>> No.19643520

teriyaki sauce with like 12 ingredients, it's good because it's simple. read the thread it's like italian food.
ignore the other guy, though deviating slightly and using more soy wouldn't ruin it, start from the base then adjust. I'm guessing it was watery? Sounds like you didn't reduce it at all. Also what kind of mirin did you use? If you use real mirin you have to absolutely reduce it well and boil or flambe the alcohol out. The generic grocer mirin has more leeway and isn't much worse even though it isn't 'the real thing'

>> No.19643707

>Chinese is the healthiest
LMAO I'm asian and this is the most ridiculous shit i've ever heard in my entire life, you white pigs are so hilarious

>> No.19643713

>I'd imagine rural Chinese have better water.
This nigga must be watching that chinese whore village cocking shit on youtube lol you know bitch is just an actor, right?

>> No.19643717
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I love Nippon food.

I hate the bad vibes that my communities have endured.

Victory to good food.

>> No.19643719
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Japanese food is really important to me and I feel these threads are sus.

I remember when 4chan was fun

>> No.19643729

>I hate the bad vibes that my communities have endured.
What the fuck are you even talking about, trash weeb fuck?
>Victory to good food.
Japan lost
>I remember when 4chan was fun
Then get the fuck out. You won't.
Remember, you are here forever.

>> No.19643741

>Chinese is the healthiest
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ignorant white trash at it finest

>> No.19643772

You are factually wrong, for 4 reasons:
1. Local food items such as fruits and veggies.
2. Proper cultural knowledge & skill is present
3. Tools of the trade are present
4. Adapting foods to local culture for money or due to 1

1 is easily provable - I can't get an actual wasabi root here in the US. I can get cans/jars/tubes of green colored horseradish, but never the actual root. This applies to various other things - fish, fruits, veggies.

2 is what your ass is claiming any dumb nigger can recreate in the kitchen. Which is patently false, a nigga seasoning some raw salmon with Lawry's and calling it sushi is NOT the same as a trained Japanese chef doing it right. Now if that nigga trained under a sushi chef and learned how to do it right? Maybe it would match, but that nigga still has to live with point 1. Meaning skill only goes so far.

3 is generally fixable with online ordering in the current year, the question is just are they going to be cutting corners and skipping shit for money reasons, especially if the locals don't care or appreciate it.

4 is the main problem - food gets localized when moving around, primarily because of item 1. So you end up with unique creations as a result. So an Italian pizza is going to be different than a NYC pizza which is different from a Chicago pizza. Are they all edible? Sure, but they are also very different from each other.

>> No.19643777

There are some bento making videos on YT, seems pretty quick and easy, most of it seems to be in the range of 15-30 min.

Rice is cooked by the rice cooker, so that is hands off. Soup is usually premade, just have to add the seasoning, tofu, and warm it up. So the main thing is just handling the main dish and working any side veggies while cooking.


The main thing is you HAVE to meal plan to do this regularly. Meaning you have all the meals figured out for like a week and prep for it accordingly. Once you are good at this, it is possible to wing it on stuff laying around and using leftovers, but you can't sustain that.

Also, kids eat what the adults eat, so no weird multi-meal prep.

>> No.19643779

>Rice is cooked by the rice cooker, so that is hands off. Soup is usually premade

>> No.19643784
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swine bone broth is a slavic cuisine staple, add huge swollen white beans, veggies and pasta, potatoes or dumplings to have a hearty meal
you dont know shit, flyover nigger

>> No.19643814

>using rice cookers is grim

>> No.19643847

It's good and simple. Much better than chinese cuisine

>> No.19643916

it's copypasta mate

>> No.19643950

>It's good and simple
you forgot the 100 extra steps between (aka folded 100 times) the raw ingredients, 40 years of learning, and the final dish

>> No.19644523

Spain, India, and Mexico that high?
Their food is just salty, and Indian and Mexican food is absurdly greasy.

>> No.19644549

>He thinks he can master the art of putting raw fish on rice in just 40 years
Baka gaijin... it takes a LIFETIME MINIMUM.

>> No.19645616

banana is showing

>> No.19646845
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>> No.19647090

Sushi is a meme. The average japanese person cooks oyakodon, miso soup, and curry.

>> No.19647593

what the fuck this thread is 3 weeks old

>> No.19647654

I thought they they didn't actually make the broth but instead used those miso cubes or something, no?

>> No.19647693
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>The average japanese
Temakizushi and chirashizushi are commonly prepared at home.
Ingredients are not limited to raw fish either.
Why don't foreigners do this?

>> No.19647802

>Why don't foreigners do this?
because they are already 20 steps ahead of you, trash

>> No.19647820
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Japanese are so behind that they make sushi with canned sardines

>> No.19649099


>> No.19649145

japanese ice cream bars.

>> No.19649484

Mama, the beardy fatty guy next door, with restd of pizza in his beard is lingering on our yard. He's screaming something. "it's OK, he's.. You know.. A little I'll, but ok" but mama now he's pissing on all the cars in the street crying about pizza and that he's not fat but it's a medical prob..? No he's writing frenetically on his phone and crying "I'll teach them, I'll teach them".

"ah... He is an INCEL. BECKIE coz have to know there are humans...and...

There are humans"

>> No.19649505
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>> No.19650348

>3 types of slop dished out by bare hands covered in shit
>cutting board scraps served over rice, some of them fried
>those feminine wrists
Do you at least have a cute face, Sameep? come over and I'll cook you some actual human food and then fuck you. ;^)
Please redeem.

>> No.19650380
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how is this thread still going

>> No.19650411

It's not often we get to poke fun at one of the most fearsome empires in history

>> No.19650457

>most fearsome empire
>bullied China and Korea a few times, took on some other asians for like 20 years but just raped some women before getting sent back to their islands
Imperial Japan was barely a step above the Italian Empire.

>> No.19650468

>death marches
>POW living conditions
>Unit 731
That's why we don't let incels take back their power becasue even they can't control themselves

>> No.19650882
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>> No.19651023

there's more dish than food lol

>> No.19651164

too hot for miso soup

>> No.19651549

sure, you used short grain, and miso soup, but as a whole, that meal screams western

>> No.19651667
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>A lot of meat, served on a plate with a salad.
It certainly feels strange.
Usually, there is less meat and the salad is served on a separate plate.
And a few more side dishes would make it look more like a Japanese dinner.