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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19604278 No.19604278 [Reply] [Original]

We gotta do something about this. Eggs are getting too cheap again. This has gotta be hurting our farmers. What can we do?

>> No.19604305

>buy more
>increase demand
>demand and sales cause increase in price
profit (for the farmers and megacorporations selling them)

>> No.19604312

Everyone profits.

>> No.19604355

Yeah, in a way, and I would if I had more fridge space.

>> No.19604361

That's what I was about to say. What you can also do is children freeze. Break them all up whole into ice trays or put them all in a blender and blend. Then you have either a whole egg or scrambled always ready and willing.

>> No.19604382

Break the Big Egg yolk

>> No.19604414

What? No. Economies of scale is on their side and efficiency is at an all time high. They also keep meticulous records.

I say we should encourage mega egg farms and focus just on that so you can do the absolute best with just ONE thing. Mega farms have created systems to do things much better, cheaper and more efficiently with every one unit of input.

You go to a place like a local farm... ok... I get it... it will probably be fine and you will probably also get a good egg. But is that small farm ONLY making eggs? Probably not. Their time is split up between other crops and animals and they can't give their all to just making good eggs. Also they work so much harder for no reason creating more waste per egg. What if the chickens get sick? Big companies have dedicated jobs to check on the health of the chickens who are educated and can fix things quickly.

Some local young yuppie farmer (probably) doesn't know everything and is really just learning himself.

Let us just all agree to do more research in developing mega farms to give people the best eggs at a reasonable price while costing us the least amount in production.

>> No.19604424

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.19604429

Fuck you and everything you stand for. Fuck off shill.

>> No.19604432
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eat moar egg and I will

>> No.19604437

Eggs are getting really cheap. I just hope the companies are making money.

>> No.19604440

Saying fuck off to better, more efficient production practices and lower price.

Haha you silly troll. You can't even refute.

>> No.19604459

That's very subjective, and most factory farm eggs are tiny and discolored. The price isn't great either, especially when you factor in shipping costs:
>1 dozen from the farm down the road
>1 dozen shipped across the country
There's a difference in both quality and price, and small farms tend to have the best of both.
Also calling people who disagree with you is the weakest cope you could use.

>> No.19604518
File: 804 KB, 3738x2252, 20230815_112712_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally 92c
>same farm (green valley) less than 60 miles away
>eggs are delicious and normal sized

I eat ALOT of eggs and I love green valley eggs. What other bs are you going to come up with? Why are you even trying to defend wasteful practices?

>> No.19604530

Anon, it works differently here, and local eggs are much cheaper than the ones sent in from out of state. The ones from factory farms. Also, the factory farm eggs we get here are small, weak shelled and discolored on the inside. You live your life, I will live my own, but I don't like seeing people suck corporate dick. I don't like to see people degrade themselves, even for money.

>> No.19604553

can't tell if ironic or glowing

>> No.19604575

>suck corporate dick

You can get a dozen delicious eggs for 92c? Damn... I thought the price of feed at tractor supply/agway was high. I reward those who do the right thing, innovate and use resources wisely.

I am not saying if you want to help your friend out by buying his eggs is wrong. Go ahead, be you as you said, but big companies created ALOT of good things that you enjoy in your life. ESPECIALLY in agriculture.

That's why I sometimes get worked up when people badmouth companies like McDonald's. They've invested more man hours in food preservation and keeping food high quality, fresh and cheap that they have openly shared with the world more than any single other company, university or government organization that is currently helping solve world hunger.

So yeah, big companies are great and can do alot of wonderful things and obviously people think so because they support them and love shows showing the miracle of modern agri-farming. They can do so many more things that some podunk part time egg farmer can possibly imagine.

>> No.19604605

>I reward those who do the right thing, innovate and use resources wisely
You clearly don't, and again shipping cost per unit of distance is a factor as well as quality. Local free-range eggs are much more efficient to ship and better in quality.
I mean, you're clearly trying to rustle jimmies, but you're making yourself look like a fool too. Oh well. Fun is fun, Amirite ;D

>> No.19604625

I am just doing my job being contrary to the trolls like yourself and reminding people to support the big food industry in times when they may not be doing so well because in reality, big farms are kinda like a eighth wonder of the world and we have so much to be thankful to them for. But if you want to act like being some anti-capitalist, anarchist and "the man" is just putting the small farms down... I guess that's your prerogative.

Still gonna call you out on it. Also, the longer shipping distance in certain cases is a very small expense compared to the huge cost savings and built in efficiencies big farms have. That's how they've been so successful.

>> No.19604635

>I'm lying for (You)'s and attention
I know

>> No.19604645

let's all buy twice the amount

>> No.19604648

wow thanks brandon

>> No.19604683


Prove it.

>> No.19604691

the color really doesn't matter

>> No.19604700

ban cage eggs, go to a dollar an egg like new zealand

>> No.19604704

>I am just doing my job
t. argument janny

>> No.19604739

The color of the yolk and white is indicative of the quality and nutritional content of the egg.

>> No.19604964

Get the cheapest grade A or grade AA and be done with it. They are all pretty much the same and if want to pay 4-8 times the amount because they are free range, organic and all that BS, have fun.

A fool and his money.

>> No.19605024

a chicken fed inferior feed and forced to live in a factory in close quarters with other chickens will not produce the same quality of egg as a chicken allowed to live as it would in nature *more or less
there's a difference. you can taste and see it

A fool an his health! (*snarky cocksucking laughter* pleb pleb pleb Faggot :D)

>> No.19605049

Fortunately they are fed high quality feed and get vitamin supplements that maximize and even push the limits of egg production safely controlling all aspects of egg production.

You really need to cut out the last part of your message. Just makes it easier to spot you are just trolling. Lol.

>> No.19605058

No. the chickens in factory farms suffer for the sake of production, their eggs are shipped further which increases cost, and the quality is much lower on average as well.


>> No.19605065

only the small faggy eggs are 99 cents here

the regular american sized eggs are still marked $5.99

>> No.19605079

no, it's indicative of the color of whatever they ate was

>> No.19605083

Eat small and faggy, be small and faggy :D
Really though, raise your own chickens *if you have the space. Sorry about your pricing and selection. It's not the same here, and I hope that changes for you.
Yes, and nutrient deficient, activity deficient chickens produce discolored, pale looking eggs. (Meaning the yolks mainly)

>> No.19605134

Sucks to be you because regular large eggs are 99c.

>> No.19605176

I’ve got it, let’s all call our local grocery stores and when they answer we say a slur and then hang up.

>> No.19605486

An eggcellent thread

>> No.19605503

perfectly healthy chickens can make lighter colored yolks, it literally just depends on the color of the stuff they eat

>> No.19605513

It's obvious. You have to eat all the eggs. This will create shortages and drive the price up, which will help egg producers.

>> No.19605575

We are saying the same thing in different ways, but you seem to be thinking it's only coloring, when there are nutrients involved which ultimately determine the color.
It's the nutrients in what they eat which determines the color. You're not entirely wrong, but the diet determines the color because the diet also determines what nutrients end up in the egg. Unless some factory puts dye in the feed or something like that. Tricks aside, it's the nutritional quality of what the hen is eating which pigments the egg.
The thickness of the shell along with the size of the egg and color of the yolk do say a lot about the nutritional quality therein as well.
>the color of an egg yolk is not influenced by the chicken’s breed or the color of the eggshell. Instead, the color of the yolk depends on the diet and the health of the chicken that lays the eggs.
>On the flip side, if your chickens are fed with commercial feeds or just green vegetation, then they won’t consume enough carotenoids. The results are egg yolks with pale yellow pigmentation.
>Something else you should note about yolk color is that the color can sometimes alter the taste and the nutritional value of the egg. Some professional chefs argue that deep-colored yolks have a more vibrant flavor than light-colored yolks.

>> No.19605629
File: 2.89 MB, 720x720, goyslop_model_feeders.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly webm related produces the best milk

>> No.19605654
File: 912 KB, 220x224, tears-of-joy-tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing such a perfect example of efficiency brings a tear to me eye

>> No.19605668

>the future they want for us.webm
you are what you eat, goyum

>> No.19605697

color doesn't effect nutrition or flavor, it's just a myth that dumbasses such as you repeat

>> No.19605747

Have y9ou asked yourself what causes the color in the yolks? It's the nutrients in them which determines the coloration. And consequently, there is a richer flavor in eggs with more color more often than not.

>> No.19605771

you literally can't tell the difference in flavor between them when doing a blind taste test, people have done tests, they taste exactly the same

>> No.19605793

I can, and you're dodging the issue too. There's a difference in color due to their nutritional content.
I posted a link a few posts back.
There's definitely a difference.

Your argument hinges on the fact that even with the addition of extra vitamins and minerals, there's no qualitative change in the outcome.
That makes no sense, anon.

>> No.19605820

you think you can because you imagine that's how it works, but if you did a proper blind test I guarantee you would fail

>> No.19605895

>strawman argument
You're not selling your point very well, and you've completely ditched your original argument now.
Your opinion does not define reality, but the content and color of a yolk does determines the eggs nutritional value more often than not.

>> No.19605908

I didn't realize how cheap that had gotten. I just bought 6 dozen for 11 dollars in upstate new york.

>> No.19605914

Bullshit or you are buying shit organic yuppie shit.

>> No.19605996

$6 for 5 dozen near me. Good egg prices are back boys.

>> No.19606367

I thought you faggots were complaining when people were selling eggs for like $10

>> No.19606378

They replaced the eggs while there was a shortage. The shells are harder and when you finally get it open the yolks are rubber. No liquid inside. They're some gmo horror now.
I've bought a duck for eggs from now on.

>> No.19607047

Oh momma

>> No.19607050

10 is a bit high.

5 dollars a dozen seems about good.

>> No.19607468

>$6 for 5 dozen
that's a deal

>> No.19607470

>This has gotta be hurting our farmers.
>implying farmers actually saw a penny of the price increase.

>> No.19607525
File: 464 KB, 1200x1200, 0013595280_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The egg simply is brothers. The price is irrelevant. A human construct.

>> No.19607767

For downtown Manhattan maybe. A dozen eggs should be around $2 anywhere God hasn’t forsaken yet.

>> No.19607803

dumb esl poster.

>> No.19607841

Don't forget you can pickle them and they keep for 6 months too

>> No.19607877

92 cents for 10 eggs? fuck thats 9cents per egg

here in my country its like €6 for 20 egs, thats' 50 cents per eg

>> No.19607987

No, a dozen. It's even cheaper if you get 18 eggs.

>> No.19608149

My diet is 80% eggs so this is fucking wonderful timeline.

>> No.19608205

Very healthy diet anon, my diet is around 85% meat, dairy/cheeses and eggs. If I had to average though, I only eat three eggs or so a day.

>> No.19608642

Uncultured swine

>> No.19608658

>sends a zillion eggs

>> No.19608719

Yes anon, there must be a balance. Eggs shouldn't be this cheap. They shouldn't be 10 dollars either. 5 dollars a dozen is just right for such a perfect ultimately nutritious food.

>> No.19608761
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>5 dollars a dozen is just right

>> No.19608793

Well... maybe 4 dollars if things are kept tightly regulated and efficient.

>> No.19609931

>I say we should encourage mega egg farms
the reason the prices went up (and are still $7 for 6 eggs) are because egg factory farming was literally outlawed earlier in the year
only free-range eggs are allowed to be sold anymore

>> No.19609945

bros.... is it true???? have we avoided being white genocided for the time being???? oh, praise Yakub!

>> No.19610103

Is that some Europeon thing?

>> No.19611501

no one likes pickled eggs dude