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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19599600 No.19599600 [Reply] [Original]

So on Sundays, I make a roast chicken. These are some pics and commentary on doing that. Split the skin doing a barrel roll with this non-flyer, but oh well. Uh seasonings were smoked salt with red pepper flakes out its grinder, ground some black pepper over it, sprinkle of Cayenne, poultry herbs. Oh, ghee. Ghee was slicked on before dey seasoning began. Had potatoes, and two heads of garlic in there as well. Oven was set to 325F. Kept checking on the bird in between teaching the neighbor kids to setup tarp shelters out in the front yard. When the bottom of the bird was perfect skin, flipped and repeated the ghee/season before returning to oven.

>> No.19599609
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Removed the taters to a nearby enamel pot, and squeezed the soft Roasted(poached by the end?) Garlic in there as well. Carved the bird, and placed the tray near where I would be doing the next step...

>> No.19599630
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...which is using this potato ricer. Gonna drop a lil worldly wisdom here, from one home cook to all of, whatever you all are. When you buy yer ricer, get an all metal, make sure the hinge is STRONK. Handles should be swole, need them beefy, it will feel better when squeezing with force. Most importantly it won't snap and shatter sending sharp plastic shrapnel into your face and food. that happened to a friend

>> No.19599638
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when you use the ricer, yer left with the skins. we are a skins in mash is ok senpai maybe you are not, you can fuck off, we are. after squeezing a spud, I cleared the chamber, and plopped the skins into the jus in the nearby tray. This is why I keep it nearby, to get one last bite at the apple with the skins taking on some more of the tasty tasty fat and jus and seasoning.

>> No.19599657
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Ran a knife thru the skins and crispy bits of potato that didn't pass the ricer so me, my wife, my CHILDR3N don't choke and DIE on half a whole taco skin. this is serious

>> No.19599679
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Before incorporating into the mash, we have to uh, mash it. With the potato masher. This one folds its head a full 90 degrees to let you mash potatoes around blind corners. The pinnacle of mashing potential and power. Oh, transferred spuds and garlic to a non enamel vessel, because the ricer and masher are both metal.

>> No.19599689
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I've always wanted to try deep frying these floppy square tube shapes, but haven't yet. Looks REAL strange here, but this is all part of the plan like Hannibal of the A-Team, I too love it when a Monster Movie is filming nearby and they need me to wear the rubber suit. Dat shit is my JAM

>> No.19599695
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I made butter today, and so some of that is going in. It is salted, but not that doesn't really matter, so moving onto the only liquid...

>> No.19599704
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I have buttermilk from the last time already cultured(fermented?) and what not, a little of this goes in. It is to be transformed tomorrow completely into some recipe, it's time. Used some of it to start...I completely have forgotten what it is called when yer culturing yer Buttermilk. That is totally word, and it's gone. Ha anyhoo, into the bowl a little goes

>> No.19599711
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...aaand we mix.

>> No.19599715
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Hav a BUMP!!

>> No.19599719
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Have some (you)s too..

>> No.19599726
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While this was all happening, ANOTHER thing was happening. IT'S WAS HAPPENING RON PAUL FACE.png Strained the jus, put the meaty and bony bits along with the carcass into cold storage with the others until the next big chicken stock day. Freeze dried carrots, dehydrated minced onion are added to the enamel pot I strained into. I will be finishing with an immersion blender, so as long as they soften over the course of the reduction, we good.

>> No.19599745
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Basically just kept it moving occasionally to try and make sure the veg is getting a chance at all the goodness before getting blitzed. Once they're soft, it's usually also reduced enough. Thickened with a cornstarch slurry, some buttermilk, and about 3 times more whole milkman than Buttermilk. So idk, it looked like I poured 3/4C whole milk in there. Then blitzed it. Uh, have a Braun, 400 Watt. Not going fer full blitz, want some flecks of orange here and there in the gravy/sauce. Seasoned to our taste.

>> No.19599769
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Ey wahla, she gone! I have no idea how to slice the breast and keep the skin. Near the ends, it is impossible, but in the middle, it is easy. inb4 "chicken breast is literally Satan and or Hitler!". I cook it right, and it's my wife's favorite cut, and SHE CAN HAVE IT. Kids and I will get the drums and thighs, it works out. Ohana means fambily. Very pleased I broke the thread's obligatory nazi reference right in my own conclusion, feels good man. oh. I'm done, stay cooking my frens. or stay hateposting and rage scrolling or whatever it is the rest of you that feel like you are a supermajority of this board do, keep on, doing that.

>> No.19599776

A-ARE you BAILING on your own thread after 15 poasts, Anon?

>> No.19599781

What do you mean she can have it?

>> No.19599785

Yes? I have to set the kitchen up for tomorrow. It's easier when the kids are asleep. But in all reality, I'm gone for at least next hour. Might check in later. This is a slow board anyhow.

>> No.19599790

When you roast a whole chicken, how do you ensure the fat renders in the dark meat without overcooking the breast? Genuinely curious as I've only cooked a disassembled bird.

>> No.19599809
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Fair enough.
Food looks good.
May have to RAPE.
I have roasted MANY whole chickens and it's never been a problem. A small fryer baked a 425°F for ~1 hour+ middle rack, usually sorts itself out.
I never get the "Flavor injected" ones though, and bigger isn't better.

>> No.19599975

I spatchcock whole birds and have never had a problem.