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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 844 KB, 518x644, brave_KHG7CDxhRM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19569635 No.19569635 [Reply] [Original]

we need to go back to pre-microplastics days....

>> No.19569642

Those look like plastic bottles to me

>> No.19569645

me too and i never lived in them to begin with

>> No.19569658

are you a genie?

>> No.19569661

Having to return bottles that weigh and cost more than their contents was kind of a pain.

>> No.19569662

stfu lol
that's kinda funny
>we need to go back to pre-microplastics days
>i never lived in them to begin with
youre funny though

>> No.19569716

>No plastic insight
I didn't ask for your opinion plastic

>> No.19569778


>> No.19569787
File: 538 KB, 518x644, 1691166406561630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice lol'ed and fixedpilled

>> No.19569791

I was alive in the 80s and pop came in plastic bottles back then.

>> No.19569796
File: 25 KB, 344x210, dilbito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not the plastics that turned everyone gay.
It was the Pee Wee Herman that done it.
He ruined an entire generation

>> No.19569797

Only two liters and not in the early 80s

>> No.19569800

Glass is not expensive

>> No.19569802

Zoomers wouldn't even be strong enough to help carry the groceries from Mom's car

>> No.19569811

It is to ship.

>> No.19569823
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1630628711331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, I think the microplastics are making people more susceptible to homosexuality and transitioning, if not that, it's a sure way to become retarded. That, and fluoride. Ever notice that trans people always wash their teeth with fluoride based toothpaste?

>> No.19569884

Less of a pain than having microplastics on the deep sea floor.
Plus, you can get money for returning glass bottles. In college I would save all of my beer bottles to help buy more beer.

>> No.19569886

it would be more expensive and BRING UP THE COST FOR EVERYONE
your probably next gonna say some communist shit like living wages for employees and water-sustainable farming practices and buying local food
yeah good luck having mangoes in december with your 'local food'

>> No.19569896

>Having to return bottles that weigh and cost more than their contents was kind of a pain.
^^^drive thru american
sacrificing their health and (wage)time for convenience

>> No.19569904
File: 34 KB, 600x317, nyeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme grab my tinfoil hat real quick...

>> No.19569908

Why would you need mangoes in december?

>> No.19569918

I'd rather have glass bottles which cost more than unhealthy plastic. Agreed.
there's a balance to be struck, and what we have now is too insistent on profit margins over public health and quality.

>> No.19569927

>le microplastic is le bad!!!!!
typical facebook mom ramblings

>> No.19569931

I am very easily ravenous when it comes to microplasics. When anyone mentions them, my mouth starts to foam up and I start to go on a rabid and violent microplasic devouring spree. This has gotten to the point of entire police forces chasing me and trying to put me into a Mental hospital, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to stop my horrific addiction to the consumable. I was caught on multiple occasions injuring and brutally assaulting staff and security guards that got into my way. I would often escape from the site and start breaking into people's homes for my search for microplasics, the government has issued me a threat to society and wants me put under lethal injection.

>> No.19569937

Ah yes, the good old lead-in-fucking-everything days

>> No.19569939
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>> No.19569946
File: 172 KB, 680x1150, euronews-study-has-found-read-more-euronewscom-babies-are-full-microplastics-new-research-shows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19569949

Why don't you drink ammonia?

>> No.19569950

why doesn't anyone blame it on airplane fuel still being leaded? It's literally making clouds of aerosolized lead there are thousands of flights a day

>> No.19569952

meh, a bit O lead nevah huwt anybawdy

>> No.19569955

How many trans people do you know where you can keep track of their dental hygiene?

>> No.19569980
File: 1.44 MB, 277x202, 1607699685785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried to tell the kids he was not gay but everyone knew he was and he did the whole time

>> No.19569989

It's pretty wild to me that all of these big companies switch from glass over to plastic, And then we as regular consumers with no alternatives get blamed for the pollution

>> No.19570000


>> No.19570002

Only some Avgas is well under 1 percent of all gasoline used (.14 to be exact,) and it's not to be confused with jet fuel, which is far more common and is NOT leaded.

>> No.19570005

Even if the entire planet stopped using plastic tomorrow, microplastics would be everywhere for the rest of our lives. When a plastic bottle gets dumped in the ocean it doesn't biodegrade, it just becomes smaller and smaller pieces until all you're left with is a fine powder of little plastic pieces that will float around for 500 years.

>> No.19570008

having a generation of low T xenoestrogen babies is more painful

>> No.19570022

Most plane fuel is unleaded. The reason Boomers are so fucked in because cars are ubiquitous and closer to where people actually are so they got far more lead poisoning than we would nowadays. Planes really aren't that common compared to cars

Might be interesting to see if there's more lead in the blood of people who live near airports though

>> No.19570030

I know your father very well, for example

>> No.19570036

who do you think coined the term "litterbug"? it was created by these companies to do just that. pit us against each other and pass blame on consumers instead of on the companies. it's was a huge campaign and Hollywood indoctrination for years. just like they do now with all other politics and agendas. it's social engineering.

>> No.19570062

By like 2045 they'll discover that all this plastic is cancer causing or some shit and that the corn syrup activates something in the plastic to make it doubly as cancer causing. That's what'll happen.

>> No.19570064

I can't believe big litter has done this to us

>> No.19570077

we've all been living a lie. it's time to wake up.

>> No.19570082

I definitely see some plastic in that cart.

>> No.19570086

>>19570077 digits
absolutely subversive pilpul

>> No.19570095

brush your fucking teeth before they rot from the inside out you idiot

>> No.19570096

Enjoy your transhumanism

>> No.19570098

your breath must stink like dogshit. I don’t know if its you guys being contrarian faggots or you actually buy into this shit, but this has gone full circle. (((you))) are now the same morons pushing an agenda that you so despise.

>> No.19570114
File: 23 KB, 600x501, feels good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

Glass is the ultimate KINO - not only because it tastes better but if the companies making it buy in and promote recyclability, you can make money back.

Any sort of glass bottles with a return value (like in Europe and Australia) are the ultimate Litmus test.

Fuck plastic, glass is the based choice.

>> No.19570116

I still buy coca in glass, I want to buy pepsi but is not sold in glass around my house

>> No.19570117

Here's the thing I'm not one for big government but it's well within the limited scope of government powers to tell a company "hey your packaging is toxic and polluting, you can't sell things in it anymore"
Meanwhile they take our drinking straws away instead

>> No.19570162

Retard zoomer

>> No.19570163

do you still think the government works for the people? follow up, do you have a learning disorder? I ask because only a retard would believe any politicians give a fuck about those they claim to represent.

>> No.19570255

Glass bottles are shit for soda because they don't have screw caps and so they go flat quick.

>> No.19570278

Enjoy your loss of enamel with subsequent tooth discoloration and decay

>> No.19570291

There was still tinfoil for your tinfoil hat back then

>> No.19570294
File: 80 KB, 604x454, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they take our drinking straws away

>> No.19570300

I've been friends with drag queen men and trans women for years and let me tell you something, they don't brush their teeth regularly. They apply makeup for an hour and rush out. The same squished out toothpaste tube can be around for over a year. Manly habits are hard to shake out, I guess.

>> No.19570302

nope those are glass I remember buying them.

>> No.19570322

I never claimed they were not glass. I said I wanted to live in a time in which this was the norm.
Learn to read!

>> No.19570329

anon, your baseless claim is the only retarded thing here

>> No.19570359

Same people who think they’ll take guns away.

>> No.19570373

Hey folks just wanna let anons in this thread know that these are all AI Generated replies.

>> No.19570374

>Ever notice that trans people always wash their teeth with fluoride based toothpaste?
yeah, like 99% of people. Retard

>> No.19570454
File: 39 KB, 911x195, posting at the retard who already got called retarded and doubled down on his retardation :D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to farm (You)'s and couldnt be bothered to come up with something original
>so im going to infer these posts are 'bots' instead

>> No.19570456

There is literally a plastic 2 liter in the fucking cart. I was also alive in the 80s and we had plastic and people didn't dress that way or have hair like that, this is mid to early 70s.

>> No.19570458

I just generated this post >>19570454

>> No.19570459

prove it

>> No.19570466
File: 19 KB, 989x152, 1675685686717958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shrimple as that

>> No.19570479

>newfag is new and a liar?
color me shocked lol
typing text out after the fact is not proof of the ability to generate an entire post in this format with this artistic style
you did nothing and you're a fraud too
stay on topic. this thread's about food containers and microplastics

>> No.19570481

Damn this thing is getting really good at replicating posting style.

>> No.19570487

nah, you're just awful at creating attempts at gens, and you couldn't post proof of your claim, so now you're deferring to calling my post algorithmically generated as a weak cope
if you could replicate 4chan's format, your false claim (subversivve efforts) would have had some merit, but you suck
cope moar

>> No.19570940

That's because women refuse to live in rural places with good ground water, instead they live in cities where they breathe microplastics and only drink trash from plastic like VOSS and FIJI

>> No.19570972

>everyone pining for glass and here I am noticing the all w***e family and who all combined weigh less than the average american of 2023
Glass was nice but we lost more important things along the way of progress.

>> No.19570993

England is fatter

>> No.19571000

We're all fucked man, humans were never meant to have this much. We aren't even going to reach Wall-e, it's going to get real fucking bad soon.

>> No.19571199

mexico still sells glass bottle of soda eveywhere faggot you are afull of shit.

>> No.19571211

you said me to to a response that said they look like plastic bottles. learn to read.

>> No.19571216

Everybody talks about microplastics, but how do I up my macroplastic intake? Do I just eat a GI Joe or something?

>> No.19571219

But regulation is bad :(

>> No.19571266

>>19571211 <<digits checked.
>you said me to to a response that said they look like plastic bottles
Never happened. My post here:
>me too and i never lived in them to begin with
responding to:
>we need to go back to pre-microplastics days....
I indicated I never lived in such a time, but I want to "go back" to those days as well.
You then thought I meant something entirely different. Why is that?

>> No.19571269
File: 136 KB, 958x960, edible_gunpla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19571298

>no plastic in sight
>the 4 pack of dnL
>the turtle killers on the pepsi shelf
>all them bagged greens in the trolley
>all the hairspray on the hole

>> No.19571450
File: 73 KB, 498x370, 1616547258933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no plastic insight
1) Literally everything in her cart is packed in plastic.
2) How do I obtain *plastic insight*?

>> No.19571465
File: 1.77 MB, 720x883, waha -melted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2) How do I obtain *plastic insight*?
you must be reborn into the plastic
be moulded by it
and eventually become it yourself
it takes years...
but in time you will gain what you are seeking

>> No.19571558

waste of glass

>> No.19571626

>Optimus Fry'me

>> No.19571636
File: 509 KB, 1000x667, when-the-sous-vide-hits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must be reborn into the plastic
>be moulded by it
>and eventually become it yourself

>> No.19571646

ok time for bed grandpa

>> No.19571676

You can tell autism mommy was cute when she was young

>> No.19571764

There a bunch of brands that sell in glass bottle but they also up-charge and label themselves as the "premium" version like premium a&w root beer or coke flavoured with quebec maple syrup. Also a bunch of small producers do the same thing.

>> No.19571767

giga cringe

>> No.19571782

>Ever notice that trans people always wash their teeth with fluoride based toothpaste?

>> No.19571788

Nothing's stopping you from buying everything in glass containers.

>> No.19571792

The county next to mine literally banned plastic straws. Every place that sells food can only provide shitty paper straws.
IT is retarded.

>> No.19571796

This ai is getting crazy, i wonder if it could generate a less homosexual reply

>> No.19571975 [DELETED] 

>Japanese/sushi restaurant
>Mexican chefs

>> No.19571993

>Ever notice that trans people always wash their teeth with fluoride based toothpaste?
yes and they also breathe air

>> No.19572001
File: 1.98 MB, 250x209, 1690665025597118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks glass isn't also full of microplastics
You're better off building a time machine to go back a 100 years into the past

>> No.19572205

She still is

>> No.19572210

I always assumed all voss bottles were glass but then I found out apparently burgers, bongs and some others have plastic voss bottles. Which defeats the whole point.

>> No.19572326

Based funny enjoyer

>> No.19572923

>Glass bottles are shit for soda because they don't have screw caps
Jesus Christ what third world shithole do you live in?

>> No.19572932

I don't give two shits about micropalstics on the sea floor. Why would I? I don't even eat fish.

>> No.19573005

I don't recycle. I just throw glass bottles at my neighbor's shed and give him a bill equal to the return rate.

>> No.19573079

Yuuum microglassshards

>> No.19573132

More like macroglass shards



>> No.19573219
File: 2.83 MB, 3000x4000, 16912544278192554499414818422539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glass is still very popular here in Mexico, why not in usa?

>> No.19573228

Because people got tricked into thinking that plastic is easily recycled [it isn't]

>> No.19573246

Stop spreading misinformation, PET is extremely recyclable and uses far less energy than recycling glass which is heavy and requires being re-heated to melting temperature as opposed to PET which is purpose-engineered for heat-forming. The whole "plastic isn't recyclable" is just another useless idiot corporate propaganda designed to confuse costumers and make it feel like it's impossible to win so that they can mass produce all the kinds of plastic that are actually near-impossible to recycle and mix them all together.

>> No.19573254

Oh and by the way that >>19573219 shipping container you third worlders are using is totally the kind of impossible-to-recycle plastic that's going to degrade into microplastics. You use them because they, like you, are cheap.

>> No.19573265

The bottles are returned to the truck that delivers them, everybody returns the fucking bottles, I was just asking why you guys who used to deliver milk in fucking bottles don't do it anymore, not everything has to be a fucking insult or a reason to feel superior.

>> No.19573267

Really? I thought turning glass into random crap was easy

>> No.19573270

enjoy impotence and cancer

>> No.19573292

>so that they can mass produce all the kinds of plastic that are actually near-impossible to recycle and mix them all together.
They alrady got their foot in the door due to widespread acceptance of plactics in packaging under the pretense that it's recyclable. It's a trick to make people not temper their consumption. People are ignorant as to what kinds of plastics are able to be recycled effectively and don't know what the resin code in the little fake recycling symbol means.

>> No.19573300

I would boan her

>> No.19573301

Profit margins. 2 million year old plastic (it's petrol) is cheaper than sand (that's what glass is made of).

We now have people who actually believe this nonsense >>19573228. Plastic can't be recycled. It can be used again for fashionable winter sport vests then thrown on the litter box. But that's it.

>> No.19573310

Yes, there are a lot of clothes made with plastic bottles, I don't like them, they burn easily.

>> No.19573322

you can re-use glass bottles pretty often, you don't need to recycle it immediately. returnable glass lines are usually more expensive and complicated and need more space than pet ones though so there's a big cost saving aspect for bottlers there

>> No.19573341

Yes massa, let' s start digging up the sand from the oceans to fuck them up even more.

Yes, massa!

God I fucking hate libshits it' s unreal.

>> No.19573641

micro plastics are a fucking greta thunberg psyop because muh plastics killing the planet. it's one od those really good ones too that make you think because it makes sense but there has literally been ZERO studies on the extreme negative affects it has on human health or animals in that matter. the most deadly thing that we consume (and yes the entire world no matter where you live) are chemicals found in our resources due to just humans being retarded, ALL of our sources are contaminated with some engineered chemical. we need to go back pre industrial revolution

>> No.19573653

I can contest and say that i know of a trans person that has been anti plastic since they were 8 years old because they grew up being extremely sympathetic towards animals and shit.. it's the chemicals in all of our resources, most especially americans.

>> No.19573689

yeah, but we could make sure that future generations dont have 10x as much plastic in their water,... 1488 or something

>> No.19573696

>Planes really aren't that common compared to cars
this is the dumbass argument that always annoys me "well bill gates and al gore ride in private jet planes, they pollute more than me"

dude 50,000,000 people idling in drivethrus does way more damage than 50 billionaires riding private jets...

idk. im starting to believe there are way more "really rich" people than i imagined.... they just hide out in nice resorts away from normal people, i guess?

>> No.19573702

>Meanwhile they take our drinking straws away instead
what happens when 1/4 the citizens want plastic straws to stop polluting and killing sealife, 1/4 the citizens dotn care about turtles and want plastic straws, and 1/2 the citizens dont care?

>> No.19573705

bring your own reusuable stainless steel straw

>> No.19573719

More expensive soda is utterly based though

>> No.19573740
File: 38 KB, 640x480, fruitcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would yall feel about carbon tax applying to shit like this fruit cup grown in argentina, shiipped 15,000mi to be packaged in thailand, and then shipped another 15,000miles to a usa walmart?

why cant walmart americans consume fruit grown in america? why cant they package the fruit in america? becuase the prices would be higher? wouldnt that create more american jobs and allow more people to buy the more expensive american-grownppackaged fruit cups?


our economic systems are run for profit, not for the better of society. is this okay or not okay?

>> No.19573753

Not okay

>> No.19574123

imagine seething this hard over your own failed troll
anon, you shouldn't try to lie to impress others
it's pathetic
use algorithms to create cool things, not weak lies meant to make you feel bigger than you are

>> No.19574189
File: 585 KB, 460x816, pol gf ice cream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hobos can make knives too easily with them and heavy shit is expensive to transport

>> No.19574196

>my health and your own are worth the money saved on transportation costs!

>> No.19574199

>glass breaks
>step on it

>> No.19574200

>total none issue
>implies drinking microplastics is worth sacrificing your health for because you're too clumsy

>> No.19574202

>non* issue

>> No.19574231

The biggest sources of microplastics are car tyres and nylon

>> No.19574239

I remember my dad breaking a 1 gallon glass jug of apple juice at the store in the late 80s.

>> No.19574242

yeah, but I would rather drink out of glass or ceramic than drink out of plastic

>> No.19574254

The ol' nagger knife

>> No.19574260

Yeah, plastics suck in every product.

>> No.19574597 [DELETED] 
File: 979 KB, 756x804, gay cops on fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo take: They move to plastic and tin cans because you can't make molotovs out of them

>> No.19574600 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1024x1003, faggot reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back you absolute poltroon

>> No.19574601 [DELETED] 

Where I live there is this one commonly found small independent milk brand, highest fat content, always in glass bottles.
2 years ago it was the most expensive one, and I was getting memed for buying it

Since then, inflation has made all the other brands more than double in price, and since this brand is owned by a small company with principles, it only went up by like 20 euro cents and is now the cheapest brand outside of a "mil drink" that is 50% milk 50% water (which is the brand Mcdonalds uses here for milkshakes kek)

>> No.19574612

Ever notice that 100% of trans people are exposed to water? We need to take the thirstpill my /pol/brethren. BAN WATER NOW

>> No.19574614

I think you're imagining scenarios then getting angry at them.

>> No.19574624

>the goyslop of today is le bad because it's not in glass!!

>> No.19574657

Hey, I get where you're coming from! It's pretty wild how technology has advanced, right? But seriously, I'm just a regular person here to chat and help out. No AI trickery going on, I promise. So, what's on your mind? Got any cool topics you want to discuss?

>> No.19574662

Agreed. Glass basically grow in deserts and beaches and is 100% recyclable. I fucking hate plastic! Worst human invention ever!

>> No.19574663

i can do without mangoies in december


>> No.19574670 [DELETED] 

is this artificial intelligence?

>> No.19574979

I like plastic when it's for things that last a long time. You ain't takin my fucking Lego away, boy. Single use plastic waste is the devil though.

>> No.19575119

we used to be a proper world

>> No.19575536

small companies are always last to raise the prices, and if they havent significanly raised their prices already, they probably have plans to shut down their buisness

>> No.19575544

yeah but can you deal with not having thirdworld labor available to make the majority of your walmart products cost 1/3 the price of their american-made counter parts??

think how high the prices would be if they had to hire americans to make the products. who would be able to afford them??? americans with jobs or something??

if you had to spend more money on produce, how would you afford big truck rims and jet skis???

>> No.19575556

>yeah but can you deal with not having thirdworld labor available to make the majority of your walmart products cost 1/3 the price of their american-made counter parts??

>> No.19575563

Fuck your lineage.

>> No.19575591

are you gonna do anything about globalist elite stripping away american wealth and resources?

>> No.19575614

fuck off kike
never been there and never will go there you absolute faggot
it felt right to say so I said it
if it comes from there i wasn't aware, but yeah I will stop saying that if that's the case. fuck.

>> No.19576798

glass costs more and will break if you look at it wrong
plastic costs less and is very durable
do you understand?

>> No.19576964

How the fuck have states like CA, OR, and WA not open their own state-run recycling centers?
They probably still send all their recycling to where ever and let them deal with it.

>> No.19577018

Funny how?

>> No.19577022

it was a pun
you could say i thought it was "punny"

>> No.19577025

sorry for getting med so often
idk. feels like the world is coming to an end, and i'm so hungry too so that doesn't help. think i'm might take some time away from everything, maybe

>> No.19577033

why are people on this website so bad at detecting obvious joke posts
I am literally autistic and even I can tell that this poster is japing

>> No.19577050

>period as a digit grouping symbol
European meme detected. Reported to the FBI for being European.

>> No.19577074

>Most plane fuel is unleaded.

>> No.19577090
File: 85 KB, 1080x607, 1688717350910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my bowls and cups are made out of glass or ceramic, and I recycle any and all glass containers I get from grocery stores all the time, I feel sorry for the kids who grew up with lazy parents who would serve their kids food and drinks in plastic cups and foam plates

>> No.19577102

you're doing good, but sadly your water has most likely passed through plastic pipes. it's inescapable man. it sucks

>> No.19577174

Like a clown.

>> No.19577231

When the dinosaurs died they became the petroleum we use today; when we die the plastics will create a new petroleum for future beings. The cycle repeats until heat death.

>> No.19577268

It's all about scale. The less, the better. Like with anything harmful in life. It's not black and white.

>> No.19577586

Nope, plastic bottles came out in the late 1970s. By 1981 most were plastic, glass was being phased out rapidly. I used to make R/C pontoon boats out of the 2L plastic bottles in grade school, so I know damn well what timeframe that was.

>> No.19577597

Are you retarded? All you have to do is google "does jet fuel have lead in it?" to find out. And you'll find out that it doesn't -- the only gasoline blends with it are for piston-engine propeller light aircraft. Even the large commercial turboprops use no-lead Jet A.

>> No.19577600

Most commercial jets don't use leaded fuel these days, it's mostly smaller, older planes that use it and obviously compared to cars small planes generate a minuscule amount of traffic

>> No.19577709

i use food and beer cardboard packaging as plates and cutting boards. the paper glue is non-toxic, ya?

>> No.19577831
File: 102 KB, 1017x1024, 16570231163721N7RT1WNML6RL6KMEVUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use uranium enriched dinnerware

>> No.19578045

funny hat people dont like it when people suggest real solutions that lower demand for oil and cuts carbon emissions

>> No.19578101

having to ship a product that is 10x heavier is a solution?

>> No.19578149

>noooooo the poor companyerino can't possibly suffer a .01% decline in profiterinos!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19578161

shipping is one of the largest sources of carbon pollution
funny how often leftard "solutions" never involve knowledge of math

>> No.19578162

Bring back soda fountains and bring your own damn glass bottle to the market.

>> No.19578214


>> No.19578216

Everyone is bored. If something isn't entertaining enough, might as well get mad at it.

>> No.19578221

damn louis ck that's deep bro

>> No.19578223

Because other people eat fish. And it's not good to have microplastics in everything.
But go back to eating your goyslop and watching Hulu, nothing for you to worry about.

>> No.19578227

Holy shit so I'd have to go back to eating seasonally when ingredients taste the best and are naturally the freshest? How horrible!

>> No.19578229
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good ol days

>> No.19578233

Just drink it out of the glass you fucking baby

>> No.19578240

I'm fine with it. It's a bunch of unnecessary logistics to justify companies being lazy shits and exporting labor overseas. Fuck em.

>> No.19578244

I would do the exact same thing if I were this woman. I paid for my ice cream, just give me the damned ice cream.

>> No.19578247

>Oh you, one person, can't bring down a multinational conglomerate on your own??? Hah! Might as well not even try to do anything and just consooooooom

>> No.19578255


>> No.19578278
File: 257 KB, 1340x638, reusablestraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart disposable resources convience american

>> No.19578279

Metal straws are dangerous.

>> No.19578294

It kept you from drinking too much goddamn sugar water and it also gave you an excuse to take a walk, tubbo.

>> No.19578326


>> No.19578582

>shipping is one of the largest sources of carbon pollution
don't pretend like you give a shit about the environment anon

>> No.19578591

>switch over to glass, slight increase in carbon emissions
>plastics also no longer being created, no longer polluting the environment, massive reduction in carbon emissions
funny how rightoids are incapable of seeing the bigger picture

>> No.19578599

I haven't seen any evidence that micro plastics are bad. These babies might be super babies because of all the extra plastic.

>> No.19578606

You're literally a fucking moron.

>> No.19578617
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>> No.19578639

her reaction when I show her my cock
If youre a retard and use one when you are driving theoretically it could get smashed into your head if you are in an accident or if you trip and fall, the solution is the not be a re re though

>> No.19579001

you're literally out of a fucking argument

>> No.19579028

>going out to eat
>grab keys and wallet
>okay I'm good to go
>go to restaurant
>order drink
>get a paper straw
>oh, darn, I I knew I forgot something, my stainless steel drinking straw
>the one that would be dirty in my pocket and would possibly stab me while it's in my pocket
go fuck yourself. either way, I'm against both plastic and paper straws. I'm just drinking from the rim from now on.

>> No.19579125

this is why I dont buy the milk that i like in glass bottles even though it tastes better, though the price of the milk itself is a little overpriced as well

why cant everything just come in cartons? even if its plastic-lined, which I dont think it has to be, thats still considerably less plastic and a move in the right direction

>> No.19579156

as schizo as that sounds, I think you're right. iirc, plastic, being oil based, attracts other oils that cling to it, and all kinds of environmental pollutants that are terrible for you in several ways including endocrine disruption are oil-soluble and will therefore be carried by that plastic

>> No.19579163

but I will add that I'm not concerned by fluoride toothpaste, just rinse your mouth well. on the other hand, flouride in drinking water is absolutely retarded. get an under-sink reverse osmosis filter for your home, for that and other things

>> No.19579173

You're just exchanging one problem for another. If it's not microplastics, then it's microglass, micropaper, microwood, etc. We're all invariably fucked, no matter what we choose.

>> No.19579278

thats fleece, right? wearable napalm

>> No.19579284

>chemicals found in our resources due to just humans being retarded

>> No.19579522

He's right though, you are a fucking moron.

>> No.19579583

lmao better not tell him about pens

>> No.19579670

true, no plastic in sight. but more important no fucking N-

>> No.19579694

>still no argument

>> No.19579710

>cuts carbon emissions
Whenever I see anyone say this the only the thing I want to see cut are their throats.

>> No.19579878

Think about it. A thin metal rod placed directly towards your esophagus. They can literally kill you.

>> No.19579886
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I've been drinking exclusively out of glass, ceramic, and stainless steel for a decade, but I just bought milk in a plastic carton today without thinking about it. Will I be gay tomorrow?

>> No.19579892

The damage is already done.

>> No.19579896

Fucking kek

>> No.19579905
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CocaCola tastes truer with the Cocaine in it.

>> No.19579906
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All matters.

>> No.19579915
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just use non fluoride toothpaste and don't use a plastic or nylon toothbrush

for me, it's non fluoridated toothpaste and a boar hair brush

>> No.19579946

There's actually a difference between in sight and insight. No one cares about the rules anymore. Just get your thoughts out for the whole world to read without checking what you've written.

>> No.19579961

You don't believe in living wages for employees? Or are you being sarcastic? I really can't tell.

>> No.19579965


WTF do you mean? Are you being French?

>> No.19579980

Is that how you types manage to justify voting for human shit piles like Trump? By insinuating that ALL politics and govt are fucked and that at least he's "standing up to it"?

>> No.19579984
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>thinking microplastics are from macroplastics
you need to go back

>> No.19579985

They'd rather have no teeth and eschew all fluoride. 'Tis better to be toothless than controlled by 5G! The government is Out To Get You!!

>> No.19579994

Spending a hour on makeup and neglecting dental hygiene are NOT manly habits. Guess which sex makes up most dentists. It's men. Don't project your own lack of brushing on to the rest of us.

>> No.19580006

Mark Borchardt production, 21st century!

>> No.19580018

No, we can get plenty from deserts. Why would we go to the bottom of the ocean for sand? And you think liberals are dumb? Oh, you hate us because we're not so ignorant as to assume sand comes from under the sea, LOL! Dumb redneck! Go mine some coal with your gun and bibble.

>> No.19580022

>I've been drinking exclusively out of glass, ceramic, and stainless steel for a decade
you're fine as long as you're not drinking water from Earth

>> No.19580028

atrazine. look it up.

>> No.19580031
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The fuck do you mean "French", I thought it was German... Nein Nein Nein motherfuckers

>> No.19580042

The American owners of the American corporations who are able to bring you international fruit in a cup any day of the year really don't want to pay American workers when they can greedily keep more for themselves by outsourcing the fruit, labor, packaging, and most of the shipping. If you're not one of the 1% getting rich off of this then you're just not working hard enough and you don't deserve a living wage. You should have come over on the Mayflower and started running shit 250 years ago like they did. Oh, but please vote for them. They really do care about you. You just shouldn't be getting any assistance from any government programs that dare to tax them anything.

It's not okay. Only those very few profit while society at large suffers.

>> No.19580044

Removing endocrine disruptors from food products is transgender genocide

>> No.19580074

Kek brutal

>> No.19580124

>having to ship a product that is 10x heavier is a solution?
local production cost more
but it also produces more jobs for locals.

>> No.19580130

unless everyone is buying directly from the factory it still has to be shipped fucknuts

>> No.19580132

>I'm just drinking from the rim from now on.
u could get covid from the rim of a cup

>> No.19580140

>>still no argument
i believe the argument was the the emissions of people driving around way more weight in glass and personal vehicles driving around to return glass will result in significnatly higher vehicle emissions. not just slightly more vehcile emissions.

my theory is that if its a bigger pita to buy cheap ass soda and juice drinks, then the lazy/slob fucks who buy them will buy much less of them and cut down on emissions. how much emissions does big pharma go through making diabetes meds?

>> No.19580170

that would be even worse: everyone doing the shipping in personal vehicles.

i did some googling and the ***s told me that plastic is more ecofriendly than glass bottles due to shipping weights/costs

>> No.19580510

Do you have one in your mouth all the time while driving anon?

>> No.19580530

Now just imagine some cunt knocking them off the shelf for tiktok

>> No.19580651

6 packs look like they got plastic rings on them.

>> No.19581191

Then stop buying that kind of shit, retard. Buy raw ingredients and make your own meals, stop drinking soda, etc. It's not even that hard.

>> No.19581313


>> No.19581525
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>old Publix store
>that diagonal floor pattern
You can still find them but they've all been remodeled to a large extent

>> No.19581599

Now its all plastic and brown people thank satan

>> No.19581619

>lose balance
>oops I spilled my drink
>congratulations you've now impaled yourself with your aluminum straw and you're dead

>> No.19581758


This is why leftist economics has failed. Instead of looking at the issue and the market these effeminate cunts pretend to be tough and virtue signal. Guaranteed their homes are filled with toxic garbage that cannot be recycled that they never needed. For them this virtue signaling is enough. Instead of looking at the consumer and the market and actually fixing a problem by building a solution.

Or even having a discussion on material sciences. Clearly we need major innovation and clearly we don't have the people to do it.

>> No.19581765

I have something called an oral fixation, it's very common

>> No.19581782

Want muslima gf

>> No.19581786

What the fuck is going on here? And when did ice cream cones start being handled with a stick in this dehumanizing way?

>> No.19581808

started going viral on social media, gets attention and more cash

>> No.19581824

>bro it's just like a sign twirler or an ice cream truck jingle
I would squash a Turkroach for this. Just give me my fucking icecream you greaseball half sandnigger.

>> No.19581833

all my tools came from the scrap yard
my food comes from foodbank/dumpster
I take majortiy of trips via bicycle and use my truck like once a week
i dont leave the sink running when i wash dishes though i do take long showers. i afford myself a few luxuries but i dont need all the jone's luxuries too

>> No.19581840

>Clearly we need major innovation and clearly we don't have the people to do it.
material inovations are used for profit, we need hang the people in charge of mismanaging out resources

>> No.19581930
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The left is motivated by envy and rank mental illness. People who are mentally ill, particularly the effeminate kind, do not want solutions. They want to be angry and they want to feel powerful themselves in empowering a regime that they perceive will punish / degrade people they see who have more that they feel do not deserve it because they hate them. The left is crawling with low-functioning people with trauma histories and personality disorders. They are possessed with thoughts of bigotry, violence and murder, which they project onto others, especially the guy that owns a Kia dealership and votes Republican. After all, he's the kind of person who should have those thoughts, not them.

>> No.19581944

bro your opinion belongs in 2015 along with your image. GROW UP RETARD STOP LIVING IN THE PAST

>> No.19581966

whatever you say chuddie

>> No.19581973
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These are very angry leftists. Probably having murder thoughts as we post.

>> No.19582001

why specifically 2015

>> No.19582019

you are exactly correct except swap "left" for "right"

GOP literally offers zero solutions. You can hate the left but at least they're trying. GOP literally has no platform, no solutions, no legislation, nothing except catering to billionars and corpos.

>> No.19582037


>> No.19582041

only 2 and 3 liters

>> No.19582048

We should all be using reusable glass jugs and markets should just have fountains of any liquid you want to fill them.
Less shelf space being used, less waste, less cost, less everything.

>> No.19582094

based third world retard that doesn't understand bottling

>> No.19582126


>> No.19582128

both political parties in america are absolute dogshit. can't believe people actually think these politicians care about the general populace. they say what people want to hear and that's how they get elected.

>> No.19582322

>oh no, microplastics in my flavored corn syrup

>> No.19583049
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I love my plastic bag ground beef

>> No.19583063
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>tfw microplastics enjoyer

>> No.19583710

even if they don't verbalize it or discuss it with others, I think a lot of people in america feel this way. there's no true leaders who care that are put in positions where anything can get done, and the ones holding the reins are sucking the blood of everyone else dry

>> No.19583741

>Bring back soda fountains
They went away?

>> No.19583749

Most in store machines disappeared in the 00's from supermarkets: bulk candies, coffee grinders, etc. but those are set to make a comeback and companies try to distract from over doubling of prices. I think it's Heinz that is preparing to roll-out ketchup mixing stations where you can customize bottles of flavored ketchup. Soda fountains with thousands of possible flavor combinations have been in resteraunts for awhile.

>> No.19583758

I don't think the grocery stores around me ever had soda fountains. I was just mistaking what you were describing with restaurant ones.

>> No.19583764

I don't know the feasibility of bottling 1L-2L bottles on demand in-store but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I was just more speculating on the coming trend since the cup fountains have been around doing weird custom flavors for years and we know companies are going to lean-into doing other custom items, essentially bringing weird machines back to store shelves.

>> No.19583772

Microplastics are a great idiot filter because schizos keep rambling about them without any facts to provide, but they completely ignore phthalates that have been shown to influence humans and can dissolve into liquids.

>> No.19584202

Imagine being smug about phthalates and microplastics when your harmonic vibrations are all fucked. I can already tell yours are orange declining to brown. Do you even use crystals, bro?

>> No.19584683

>even if they don't verbalize it or discuss it with others, I think a lot of people in america feel this way.
ehhhhh, in my circle theres a fuck load of people who just dont give a shit about politics, and then a huge amount of females whos political position is "i hate trump"

>> No.19584720

All women hate Trump, pretty much innately. It's actually irrelevant to whether they support him or not. That has mostly to do with their social environment and if they're attached to right-leaning men who support him. The seeming "exceptions", like the Ann Coulter types, eventually have to drop the mask.

>> No.19584830

i've met women who don't necessarily hate trump, but they're not huge fans of him either. it's more indifference. these are the ones with moderate views rather than extremes.
one told me that they agreed with his border policies and stances on immigration but not much else

>> No.19585283

Those ones just past the mountain dew? (looks like orange crush and...7-up? Those are plastic. You can tell because they've got the glued-on bottoms to make them sit stable. Those were introduced in the 70's. The pepsi 6-pack bottles in the lower right have thin styrofoam wrappers.

The clothing is probably all polyester.

>> No.19585328

>posting anime girls
you were already gay

>> No.19585555

Triggered lots of trannies with that one

>> No.19586159

the micro plastics is what gives it that oomph, that jenny say kwah.

>> No.19586175

I don't buy anything in plastic bottles, its not hard unless you're a goyslop addict

>> No.19586178

I thought that was a Soviet store for a second.

>> No.19586179

I just threw up in my mouth

>> No.19586187

These people are agent provocateur crisis actors, you retards fall for every psy op

>> No.19586195

>>paragraphs full of cope and fat logic
Just stop being fat

>> No.19586211

So do plastic bottles, nothing beats cans for soda

>> No.19586221

Tropo chico and perrier have glass, also there's a lot in cans la croix, liquid death

>> No.19586693

It was a sad day when one of the older Krogers near me got remodeled to the current nu-urban style. Shit is lame, desu.

>> No.19586742

You are confusing 100LL with Jet A. Jet A does not contain lead, and it is what commercial airlines use. 100LL is used by the old school private aircraft like C-150 Cessnas. And GA buzzes around less often with less volume.

>> No.19587030

our greatest allies convienced us that you can save the planet by paying a tax on the purchase of plastic bottles so the state can buy them back and totally turn them into new plastic bottles wink wink.they would never lie about this and throw them in incinerators to burn petrochemicals to make 'green' energy which they then charge you a surcharge to use.

>> No.19587033

>its okay when i do it, peasent

gentlemen im calling for total neo-aristrocrat death.

>> No.19587036

Cans are lined in plastic

>> No.19587090

Glass bottles of soda with the same amount of liquid as the cans are sold here for 15 cents less in Panama. And usually once you finish it you return it to the store, since you usually drink it all right there

>> No.19587151

Expertly crafted bait

>> No.19587166

Yeah but it captures leftists perfectly so it doesn't matter if they're real or not

>> No.19587279

>car tires and synthetic textiles are somehow not macroplastics

>> No.19588519

That's SO aesthetic!

>> No.19588526
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>> No.19588528

>15 cents less
Christ an entire day's wage just for some sugar water. I'm glad I'm not a third worlder.

>> No.19588534

>Ever notice that trans people always wash their teeth with fluoride-based toothpaste?
Correlation doesn't imply causation. Shit bait.

>> No.19588546
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Throwback Thursday...

>> No.19588552

>le walkable cities
Fuck off, Eurocuck. You're whole nations smaller than a single state and yet you all cluster around cities anyway because without crowding around historical pretentions you're nothing.

>> No.19588557

I love my cat jumping up on my desk and tipping over my bottle of MT Dew ANF it shattering on the floor into tiny pieces.

>> No.19588684
File: 43 KB, 464x327, 5chogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda wild how things change. When my parents were young water came in glass bottles or metal containers, sometimes i leather skins. Soda, alcohol and milk also came in glass bottles. Not a tv dinner in sight, my grandma would have been horrified. Pizza, burger joints etc weren't really a thing (we're yuropoors). My dad's childhood toys were wood or metal, mine are all plastic. Everything is plastic now even things that look like wood can be plastic in reality just made to look like wood.

>> No.19588718

fuck you from the bottom of my heart, you gay ass retard bitch

>> No.19588789


>> No.19588797

never seen a glass 2 liter bottle before

>> No.19588807

zoom zoom

>> No.19588813

no I'm not. I am almost 30.

>> No.19588821

Everyone's a low t, sickly, dysgenic faggot because of microplastics.

>> No.19588824

your poet is incomprehensible without a comma, fag

>> No.19588849

Real men are big enough that micro anything doesn't affect them.

Take your micropenis and pound back some soy from a glass.