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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19568274 No.19568274 [Reply] [Original]

>...and salt to taste

>> No.19568284

yeah cocksucker, add salt until it tastes good to you
if you're making like a stew or a soup, add one teaspoon per liter of water and work up from there

>> No.19568287

I put in a crank of salt just to appease the spirits. Salt as a flavor only pairs well with potatoes and I will die on that hill.

>> No.19568289

>Noooooo! Won't someone please tell me how to live every single moment of my life! I have no independent thoughts or ideas of my own!!!

>> No.19568415

I think OP's point is that going out of one's way to say "put in enough salt so that it tastes good to you" is such a braindead non-step that it's on the same level as writing out "eat the food when it's done" as a step

>> No.19568420

i think you're giving him too much credit, cocksucker

>> No.19568421
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does that mean if I don't add salt I can't taste the recipe?

>> No.19568424

yes (unironically)

>> No.19568433

in a roundabout way yes

>> No.19568471

Steelmanning is a virtuous action

>> No.19568482

About 1/4 of a teaspoon per 3 cups of food (a sprinkle of salt : around one plate served), give or a take a little bit depending on the dish is a good ratio. Meals with ingredients that are presalted like cheese, processed meats, and pickled goods need a little less salt; while foods that are high in liquids or starches that absorb salt will need a little more than that. There is also personal preference and current electrolyte level that will change your flavor response to salt.
Given all these variables you should sprinkle a little salt, take a bite, and if it needs more add another sprinkle until perfectly salted. Its much easier to say "salt to taste". Im sorry you're autistic and/or OCD with no proper support to navigate such difficult conundrums.

>> No.19568797
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>> No.19568899

I can taste without salt, thanks

>> No.19569091

flavor rock is taste rock

>> No.19569103

Last night I zoned out put way too much salt on something and ended up scooping all of it out, but I thought there would be excess residual salt so overcompensated by lowering the salt on everything else. It's amazing how little it tasted. It didn't taste like the 20 other ingredients, it just tasted like soggy.

>> No.19569108

But it's true. There are a lot of variables that go into the proper salt amount, not just user preference. You cook it until it's done and you salt it until it has the proper amount of salt.

>> No.19569186

They don't say cook to taste so why put salt to taste? Why don't they also say pepper to taste and so on? The point of a recipe is to be as specific as possible to recreate that version of that dish, being able to use as much or little of this or that part is an implied given...except with salt?

>> No.19569240

please do

>> No.19569248

It's a recipe, not a general advice blog. You don't get to henpeck me over how much tomato sauce to add down to the teaspoon and then suddenly puss out when it comes to the salt. Your "recipe" might as well just say "combine ingredients and spices in a way that tastes good".

>> No.19569253
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>such a braindead non-step that it's on the same level as writing out "eat the food when it's done" as a step
But that's actually much more useful advice than some "recipes" that tell you exactly how to do something when that something doesn't work in all circumstances. Any time I hear someone say "cook your burger/steak for 3 minutes per side and it will be perfect every time" I want to push their head under the water and hold it there for 3 minutes per side. You cook the thing until it's done. If you want it medium-rare, you cook it until it's medium rare. If you don't know how to tell when it's medium-rare you can easily look it up. Stop looking at *exact* recipes and start paying attention to the food that's in front of you. It's the exact same thing with salt. They don't say "salt to taste" because everyone likes a different amount of salt. They say it because ingredients are always different and sometimes the exact same dish will require more or less salt, so you need to taste it.

>> No.19569290

For something like a soup/stew thats fine, but I do think they should give a baseline amount for recipes that you cant really taste before cooking, and cant easily evenly distribute salt after cooking, like savory pies. Imagine if bread recipes said "salt to taste" and you just sprinkled salt on top after baking.

>> No.19569301

>he doesn't cook with feeling

>> No.19569441
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>remove from oven when fully cooked in the middle

>> No.19569450


>> No.19569475

>last step

bitch don’t use your mind tricks on me , I’ll enjoy what I please and if I don’t like it I WONT

>> No.19569505

This. Going by exact measurements doesn't always work because of the potency of the seasoning, fattiness of the meat, whatever. There are so many factors in cooking that you can't always quantify them but you just need to use common sense and taste it to decide how much you need. Food made by people who rely on their gut will almost always be better than food made by people reading from a script.

>> No.19569516

Why no seasoning?

>> No.19569523

you have to add salt or it wont taste like anything white boy

>> No.19570015

>Decide to make mash potatoes
>Got my recipe and my ingredients
>Suddenly realize that potatoes aren't the exact same weight as the ones that the recipe author had used
>It just said "4 potatoes", are they big potatoes or medium?
>The moisture content of the potatoes is different, the potatoes were harvested from a different field at a different time in the season and stored for a different amount of time
>Realize the atoms in my potatoes are not the same as the one of the potatoes of the recipe author, nor are they to the same ratios and configurations other than the bare minimum enough to call a it a potato
>These planks of wood and pitch and sails are not the ship of Theseus; I will NEVER get to enjoy the exact mash potatoes the author had created
>Go to grab the butter from the fridge and dawned with the knowledge that this butter was not made from the same specific cow the author had used
>What if I use a grain too much? Or a kilogram too little? They never specified the amount
>Have a meltdown in the kitchen

>> No.19570031

Catfaggots cant think for themselves

>> No.19570044

>you know that thing that's so vital to the consistent functioning of our nervous system that we evolved to taste anything that doesn't have enough of it as bland?
>yeah, I don't like the taste of that junk
Suuuure. You sure are impressing all the ladies with your gutter trash dna.

>> No.19571051
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Literally take a fork or knife or skewer, poke it in the middle, pull it out, and observe: if it's warm and the texture is typical of the cooked dish then it's done.

>> No.19571060
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>salt to taste
>you can’t taste it until it’s fully cooked and salt can’t be added anymore

>> No.19571073
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But you'd have to open the oven door, disrupting the environment in there, and needing to add time to the recipe.

>> No.19571163

Yeah, and? Oh no, if it's not done yet you'll have to wait an extra minute or two to enjoy your tendies. Boo hoo. And if it is done, wala the door is already open for you.

>> No.19571189

You have to be unironically severely autistic to not understand that it means to add salt to your liking. If you need exact measurements then you are on the spectrum.

>> No.19571222
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look at him! look at him and laugh! the idiot who can't add salt to his liking and has to rely on someone else telling him EXACTLY how much salt to add.


>> No.19571227

>They don't say cook to taste so why put salt to taste? Why don't they also say pepper to taste and so on?
well tard actually they do. I see many recipes that say to add spices to taste.

>> No.19571231
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BRAVO anon... very nice.

>> No.19572167

OP Jean-Pierre made a video concerning this topic and how to train your palate with tasting exercises to do this correctly:

>> No.19572180

Based rational eater.

>> No.19572193
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>> No.19572195
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Dog-lovers base their whole case on these commonplace, servile, and plebeian qualities, and amusingly judge the intelligence of a pet by its degree of conformity to their own wishes.

Catlovers escape this delusion, repudiate the idea that cringing subservience and sidling companionship to man are supreme merits, and stand free to worship aristocratic independence, self-respect, and individual personality joined to extreme grace and beauty as typified by the cool, lithe, cynical, and unconquered lord of the housetops.

The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his sense of importance.

And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because somebody else wants something,

so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice.

>> No.19572390

Cat-lovers smell like cat toilet

>> No.19572441
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>bake in an oven until done
>doesn't give the temp and/or time

>> No.19572672
File: 215 KB, 563x439, 31732086_10216759762133401_1213486470535315456_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sneeze of paprika