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19557102 No.19557102 [Reply] [Original]

My tomato sauces always seem kind of lacking. Any tips on how to improve tomato sauces/dishes?

>> No.19557113
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put in three onions

>> No.19557115

You have to slice the garlick with a razor. Paper thin

>> No.19557117

more salt?

>> No.19557128

red wine if you have any.

i like to balance out the acidity of the tomatoes with a little pinch of baking soda and maybe a teaspoon of brown sugar

>> No.19557141

fennel seed.

>> No.19557145
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A good tomato paste and a high quality Olive oil will help ANY marinara significantly.
Have you played around with aromatics to your taste?
fresh Basil, Oregano and even thyme and Marjoram are real flavor level-Ups.

>> No.19557155

Taste and where required add:
Tomato paste - for richness
Salt - underwhelming flavour
Sugar - too tart
Vinegar - missing something

>> No.19557171

Also, so much this

>> No.19557176

And add some wine for a nice finish!
There's the 5

>> No.19557178
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these and a bay leaf or two

>> No.19557209

It REALLY does add, If it's fresh.
Subtle, usually.
Imma try an experiment where I make an Alcohol decoction of Bay Leaves and Spiced rhum, then wear it out to the Bars...
The last time I did a mass "Bar Experiment", it was playing PortisHead (I knew the Barkey,) and seenig how it effected/affected the women there.
>In unison, within 30 seconds, ALL the women were swaying...

>> No.19557218

What is your recipe for tomato sauce?

>> No.19557224

I'm making tomato sauce not onion sauce.

>> No.19557227

SOund reasoning.

>> No.19557232

Anchovies or fish sauce for umami and depth

>> No.19557248
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Could be KINO.
Just a scant touch, yeah?

>> No.19557280
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>> No.19557309

Add more flavor. Hit it with that onion powder, garlic powder, lemon pepper, paprika, Accent, and Italian Seasoning.

>> No.19557328

So tomatoes on their own don't taste good they are just a vehicle for spices?

>> No.19557374

I'd dump a whole can in there, but, I like anchovies a lot.

>> No.19557377

Tomatoes are where the sauce begins. If you're using shitty tomatoes it's never going to taste its best. Think I'm lying? Buy a couple heirlooms if you don't have access to san marzano and use them as your base. The price per pound is worth it.

>> No.19557456
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The ONLY Pidzer I HATED was Pineapple and Anchovy.
I did it Cuz I was bored and the manager at the local Happy's Pidzer gave me a STEEP discount for the pie.
Like i paid $2 for it, since it was a dare...
NEVAR again!
I love anchovy and old world Pepperoni, however.
t. haven't bought a pidzer for over 2 years.

>> No.19557460

Tomato salt and basil
Simple as

>> No.19557461

Pineapple, anchovies, and jalapenos or banana peppers is my favorite. Best by the single refired slice at lunch. Yum.

>> No.19557463

Best sauce is made from BEST PARTS

>> No.19557465

Forgot video

>> No.19557473
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The Jalepenos might have resurrected it, but truly, It COWED me as far as palate assault, and I eat some WEIRD shit sometimes.
I'll never game for that again.

>> No.19557484

Solid watch... Looks good.
I had an italian fren named Frank who made Scungilli like this, en masse, every year.
Shit was fookin' GREAT.
He ALWAYS made like 24 jars of it from his garden and the "Secret" fish market for the squid.
Keep throwin' that MAJICK Frank!

>> No.19557497


>> No.19557509

Bitch every traditional sauce requires a low and slow long simmer with onions included.

>> No.19557514
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NOT Mornay...but it COULD.

>> No.19557527
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Yes...Is good way.

>> No.19557601

Then why add anything to your pure tomato sauce? Why not just die?

>> No.19557636

Worcestershire sauce

>> No.19557674

good taste boomer

>> No.19557678

Just add monosodium glutamate.

>> No.19557692

I'm a GenX'er...That fuckers just need to DIE.
Granted, 2/3nds of my gen was pozzed, and "Bought In", but there are quite a few of us who are just watching...and Waiting...

>> No.19557697

splash some white or red wine vinegar at the end to taste, it'll wake everything up.

>> No.19557704

Could Might be...
Worth a try at least Once..
Mebbe Tice if you think you did it wrong the first time

>> No.19558360

You jes need to reduce it moar.

>> No.19558789


There's more than one traditional sauce, faggot. Puttanesca, arrabiata, many many sauces only take about as long as it takes to boil a pot of water+cook pasta.

OP, here is my basic framework for fast, yummy tomato sauce:

>Generous amount of EVOO, fully coat the bottom of a wide skillet (you want lots of surface area)
>Add a couple of cloves of garlic (sliced or crushed), a minced shallot or two (or an onion, whatever), a finely minced fresh or dried chili pepper (I like one or two fresh green Thai chilis, just what I normally have on hand), and a sprig of basil
>Simmer on medium low for a minute or two, add a tiny splash of water if the garlic is on danger of going brown
>Remove the basil sprig once it's wilted, toss in the compost
>Add a can of peeled tomatoes. Before you start cooking, crush them by hand and season with salt and fresh ground black pepper
>Crank up the heat to high and start reducing that bitch, you want it nice and thick with concentrated flavors
>When it's properly reduced, turn the heat down to low again, grab a few leaves of basil and tear them up with your hands as you toss them in. Tearing is better than cutting because basil is too delicate to handle the cutting board, you'll lose some of the oils if you chop it with a knife. Adding just before the end allows them to properly cook into the sauce without completely wilting into nothingness

The key here is layering the flavors at different stages of the cooking process. You add lots of flavor to the oil because it carries the aromatic compounds well. You season the tomatoes before they go into the pan because they compromise the bulk of your sauce, and black pepper makes everything better. You add some fresh herbs right at the end to preserve their delicate flavors. Then you can add your pasta and toss everything together. A little bit of pasta water can also help thin the sauce and emulsify everything together, if you need it.

>> No.19559105
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Just a tiny bit.

>> No.19559106

go to olive garden and stop larping as a pasta nigger

>> No.19560212
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it's literally impossible to make good tomato sauce without good tomato base. whatever it is paste, puree or crushed tomatoes.
the only good stuff you can get at a grocery store that isn't san marzano (much more expensive) is mutti. surprisingly this is their best product

>> No.19560317

kys and sage

>> No.19560337

kinda looks like goatse

>> No.19560346

Olive oil in pot, add in paste, keep it moving but cook it until it's much darker. Then add your sauce/crushed/dice/whatever kind of tomatoes you like to use to that with your salt and herbs.

>> No.19560375

I add carrot, celery very finely diced. Also a bit of mushroom powder, I have bellas I dry myself and just grind them in my spice grinder. Otherwise spices.

like this guy says some alcohol will pull out different compounds, vodka for just the effect, wine for some complexity

>> No.19560612
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This is what I do.

>> No.19560616
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And this is the semi dry basil. I find it in the produc section

>> No.19560689
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Use better quality tomatoes.
People telling you that you need sugar or wine or whatever are using poor quality tomatoes.

>> No.19560834


>> No.19560842

san marzano tomatoes, I recommend cento

>> No.19561447

Cherry tomatoes fresh directly from a vine, home-grown has a huge amount of flavour. Anything you buy in a shop will taste like water

>> No.19561469

I'm skeptical of the mashed San Marzanos infused with just olive oil, garlic and basil method. Maybe people are just that easily impressed with making something for themselves.

>> No.19561652

Anchovies are godlike in a tomato sauce

>> No.19561655

mine always seems to have an obnoxious quantity of seeds in it. idk how storebought manages to be both chunky and seedless

>> No.19561663
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betta acks somebody

>> No.19561704

replace the tomatoes with potatoes

>> No.19561713

how do I make good arrabiata? I tried making it by heating some olive oil and then throwing chili flakes in and frying them until the oil turned red, and then adding in some garlic and crushed tomato, but it just tasted greasy.

>> No.19561723

put a bit of Splenda fake sugar in it, my dad does it and its always way better.

>> No.19561746

>how do I make good arrabiata?

yes you have to cook it for 3 hours just like ragu bolognese

>> No.19561752

*continues buying jars of arrabbiatta*

>> No.19561771

You need tomatoes grown from your own garden, buy a greenhouse or a tent because tomato sauce does not begin from a can, it begins on the vine.

>> No.19561789

enjoy your sunflower oil with some spicy tomato on the side

>> No.19561792


I love this man

>> No.19561799

>learns exactly enough english to teach how to cook arrabbiata

>> No.19562069

That's a classic Marinara sauce. What's to be skeptical about?
It's the best way to make a tomato sauce when you want the flavour of the tomato to stay at the forefront.
Obviously good quality tomatoes are a must.
Why do Americans think that everything needs to be loaded with sugar and butter and cream and whatever to taste good?

>> No.19562075

because they are used to extremely low quality ingredients, always picking the cheapest option

>> No.19562503


No you absolutely fucking do not need 3 hours. Arrabiata is the fastest sauce ever. If your sauce tasted greasy use more tomatoes and a little bit of pasta water to emulsify. Basil will round out the flavors and cut through the oiliness as well. I personally prefer fresh green chilis, I'm addicted to that "green" flavor, but you can also use Calabrian chilis from a jar. Look up the video about it from Not Another Cooking Show, Cusato knows what he's doing. My secret is to make it really spicy, but add a nice dollop of mascarpone right at the end to balance the heat with some rich creaminess.

>> No.19563259

better still, a good spoonful of miso

>> No.19563305

Use your pan to cook some meat first, ideally beef. Use the fat to saute and simmer down your tomatoes. Pick good tomatoes, varieties with plenty of flavor first (hothouse tomatoes are usually just water). Add some dry red wine, a touch of balsamic vinegar, and a few spices to add some depth and cut through the fat - I go with Merlot or marsala myself. You can saute some mushrooms, garlic, onions, and other flavorful vegetables in the fat before the tomatoes, and reserve them for another use. Long simmering gives more depth of flavor in my experience. I usually use marjoram, tarragon, cayenne, rosemary, sage, sweet paprika, and mustard for my spices, but not too much; they should accentuate the tomato flavor, not overpower it. If you like a thicker sauce, you can make a roux and saute the tomatoes separately, mixing them afterward.

>> No.19563313

I saute fennel in the pan, usually the greens, and then add the tomato. Fennel seed is good though.

>> No.19563321

Anchovies work, though sparingly; I find they're easier to overdose than the time-tested mushroom.

>> No.19563329

Quality ingredients matter as much as proper technique.

>> No.19563341

This is effectively the same as using anchovies or mushrooms. It's just concentrated.
>t. added Marmite and maple syrup as secret ingredients in beef gravy

>> No.19563347

At least one anon knows what's up

>> No.19563511

Holy shit, I gotta remember that maple syrup idea, I can imagine exactly how it slots into beef gravy. I've tried parsnip trimmings for that sort of earthy sweetness before.

>> No.19565093

If it's lacking savory or salty flavors, add anchovie paste. If it's too acidic or flat, add something sweet like a teaspoon of honey or a shot of cream. Could roast the tomatoes beforehand or try a different cultivar. Plenty of other things like onions, garlic (add towards the end), wine, or herbs and spices that could be added.

>> No.19565106

canned tomatoes are fully ripe when picked bitch

>> No.19565114

If the dish involves meat, sear the meat in the sauce pot so you can deglaze it when you start the sauce

>> No.19565115

sorry meant to reply to this guy

>> No.19565121

Butter, tomato paste and anchovies.

>> No.19565241

use spices

>> No.19565296
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spices from the Æst?

>> No.19566310

If you are making sauce from fresh tomatoes, the absolute best thing you can do is puree them with a food mill after roasting. A food mill doesn't crush the seeds or let them into the sauce which can make it bitter.

>> No.19567045

My secret ingredient is jamaican jerk

>> No.19567054
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I just go apeshit with a potada masher and I get there in the end, seeds intact

>> No.19567102

Miso does add to a lot of dishes. It's insanely versatile, cheap, and lasts forever

>> No.19567213

but what if you don't want your italian-style pomodoro to taste like teriyaki sauce

>> No.19567261
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>give it that cali umami because BLM!

>> No.19567386

Vegetables can be improved with more salt. Try animal stock, or butter and oliv oil. Add dried pepper flakes, or dried peppers of any kind for heat. Tomatoes have a great taste if it is concentrated. Use tomato paste more, and make your sauce less watery. Use garlic and wine

>> No.19567414


>> No.19567428

Ur mommy

>> No.19567432

savor deez nuts

>> No.19567435

Try not adding sugar to it, lardass

>> No.19567442
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man now I'm craving blueberry pie. fuck.

>> No.19567651

Better a potato masher than a blender. When you aggressively break those seeds down you release some pretty unpleasant flavors. Whole seeds at least don't spoil the flavor of the sauce.

>> No.19567678
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yep, this is why elbow grease is historically an important ingredient

>> No.19567695

I just pour a ton of Accent, minced garlic, garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning into the jar of Ragu while it’s heating up in the pot. Everyone says it’s one of the best sauces they ever tasted. The trick is not telling them it’s doctored up Ragu. I pretend it’s canned San Marzonos just with onion, garlic, salt, and pepper simmered together.

>> No.19567700


>> No.19567830

I feel you use too many onions.

>> No.19567871

Honey, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and paprika. As long as you already added garlic and basil. Then that's it. But honey is the trick

>> No.19567995

these cooklets don't know that tomatoes already have free glutamates so adding anchovies is pointless.

>> No.19568003

add peppers.

>> No.19568004

make the marcella hazan recipe
expand from there with herbs/aromatics if desired

>> No.19568010
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This bitch is the magic maker.

>> No.19568013

This isn't the 19th century, you're not impressing anyone with your handwriting.

>> No.19568016

They do, but there ain't no harm in adding some more.

>> No.19568029

But the handwriting is shit

>> No.19568032

There is actually. There's more to savory (or umami XDDDD) than glutamates but you're a cooklet who only watches youtube cooks who talk about MSG and anchovies with clickbait faux-mysticism like it's the magic key to making food taste better which is not accurate.

adding anchovy or MSG to tomato sauce to make it more savory is like adding more blue paint to blue paint to make the blue paint look more blue.

>> No.19568038

Sauce is too sweet if you put in any onion. Powder might be alright but haven't tried it.

>> No.19568044

I second this, but you have to roast the peppers. char on an open flame and then cover, rest, peel, and dice into the sauce. I also like to add some extra dried pepper flakes or sometimes herbes de provence depending on the dish.

>> No.19568133

Adding more pigment to paint tends to make it more saturated. If you added tomatoes straight to tomatoes, that would be a more apt comparison. But you wouldn't think like that, because you need gotchas, and you want (You)s. So take this and reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Thanks for watching.

>> No.19568143

nope, adding blue paint to blue paint just gives you a higher quantity of the same blue paint. it's not more blue

Adding anchovies to tomato sauce may give you a more fishy flavor but it does not increase its savory flavor. Again, you simply don't understand how umami works. Based on what you're saying you think it's just glutamates. You're a cooklet who think J Kenji Lopez Alt is most knowledgeable cook on the internet. The guy who forgot to add salt to his pork cutlets.

>> No.19568147

>adding anchovy or MSG to tomato sauce to make it more savory
You're fighting a losing argument. Can't see the forest for the trees. You don't add anchovies to tomato sauce because you want to maximize savoriness. You add anchovies to tomato sauce because anchovy sauce is a traditional sauce that tastes delicious.
You can argue about your glutamates all you want. If anchovy sauce wasn't delicious then I wouldn't care enough to maintain my father's recipe who cared enough to maintain his mother's recipe who cared enough to maintain her mother's recipe.

>> No.19568161

>You don't add anchovies to tomato sauce because you want to maximize savoriness.
That's exactly the point I'm arguing for. Moron.

>> No.19568162

lmao how much fish sauce are you adding for it to actually taste fishy?

>> No.19568171

I never said adding anchovy makes it taste fishy.

If that's your interpretation of
>Adding anchovies to tomato sauce may give you a more fishy flavor
then try again ESL

Who woulda thought cooklets here were also retards

>> No.19568191
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Dash of Fish sauce?

>> No.19568207

i think you're just mad you're a zoomer who can't read it. for all you know, anon's mother could have written this down.

>> No.19568228

sorry, anchovies, not fish sauce
>anchovies to tomato sauce may give you a more fishy flavor

>> No.19568293

Ah right, chewing on pure MSG by the spoon is exactly the same as biting off a tomato, because that's how chemistry works, you are very smart, anon.

>> No.19568567

good advice. i also drizzle a small amount of balsamic, a quarter second pour or less. i might throw in some frozen bone broth for richness, might pour a little beer in there. usually add some dried chilis if i want it spicy like diavolo sauce. i like brown sugar but just a little bit, same for cinnamon. add just the tiniest pinch of cinnamon and i guarantee people you serve it to will get seconds. it's a greek thing

>> No.19568570

adding a small glug of nuoc mam (like a small bottle cap full to a big pot of sauce, not much at all) is a pro move

mushrooms/mushroom seasoning and veg/bone broth are also good ways for umami. or just a little MSG but the other ways are better

>> No.19568573

paprika eh? gonna try that next time

pineapple and anchovy? strange, that's the third time i've seen it mentioned this week and never seen it before. they must have sent out another wetware OTA update via 5G.

>> No.19568843

No. Crush it with the flat side of a butchers knife like an Italian nonna. That releases the oils.

>> No.19569100

So you've doubled down on being a retard after being confronted with the facts. Good to know.

>> No.19569295

White onions
Chopped tomatoes
Small amount of sugar
Sherry vinegar at the end

Blitz till fine with food processor

Put in cup drizzle balsamic/Basil oil on top.

>> No.19569323

Deglaze with red wine

>> No.19569333
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>> No.19569340


>> No.19569369

do people in Europe put sugar in their tomato sauces? i always see people from Europe get disgusted whenever an American chef does it and the funny thing about it is that they add more salt to it than sugar but they freak the fuck out

>> No.19569391


>> No.19569415

The lizardmen in DC don't want you to know this but both are good.

>> No.19569424
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>no ground beef
>no mushrooms
'>no green peppers

>> No.19569425

Anchovy paste

>> No.19569433


>> No.19569466

you fucking rube, just use onions

>> No.19569691

>gets butthurt over basic handwriting

>> No.19569695
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>> No.19570012

Start with quality ingredients and get out of their way. I use Marcella Hazan's recipe, and I like it more than any other.

>> No.19570032

As many anons have said, tomato paste is awesome. Try some paprika/bell pepper as well if you can find some. I swear by that shit in any tomato-based sauce.

And obviously a stock cube is a retard-proof way to make it better.

>> No.19570074

Thyme, basil, bay leaf, garlic, onion salt, methamphetamine.

>> No.19570680

to be fair the both of you are avoiding saying anything of substance with your verbose low effort to reward ratio shitposting, that you've only caught each other is hilarious

>> No.19570691

poor effort-reward ratio rather
that is, tryhard shit with few replies

>> No.19570693

Then use miso instead of teriyaki sauce

>> No.19570695 [DELETED] 
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You know what's good to do other than kids? Cook your dried pasta IN the pasta sauce. It makes the pasta much more flavorful.

>> No.19570828

well both of those are just obvious though.
green peppers i'm not sure on.

based truth teller

>> No.19570835

red boat fish sauce, just a bit

>> No.19570927

Add 1 carrot and 1 celery stock. 3 Basil leaves, remove after cooking, fresh chopped parsley. 5-8 garlic cloves.

>> No.19571490
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italians roasting people around the world for their sub par spaghetti sauce

>> No.19571516

stop doing kids

>> No.19571573

Add soy sauce and hot sauce to your tomato sauce. The heat of the hot sauce will cook the tomato sauce. Wa la.

>> No.19571587


>> No.19571843

"I put in two good onions in there"

>> No.19571911

If you're using sugar, don't. Use finely minced carrot instead of sugar
Also use fresh basil
I also add red pepper flakes to give it a little kick

>> No.19572013

maybe they're just making a lot of sauce