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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19545709 No.19545709 [Reply] [Original]

what's straight up just the worst meal you've ever eaten in an establishment?

>> No.19545714

your mom's stinky vag hole

>> No.19545726

some fat cunts mother's stinky vag hole definitely, guy on the way out told me it was horrible but I should have just listened

>> No.19545729

Two faggots assholes

>> No.19545739

anything prepared by a retarded frogposter like you

>> No.19545745

It was at a denny's, everything was undercooked, fries came out still slightly cold from being frozen like they were just thawed not fried and served. We complained to the server and asked for our check, he told us to just shut up and eat. As an added fuck you the whole place smelled like shit because they had a plumbing issue
I do not understand the pepe poster hate, seen it for a while now, pepe is like a 4chan icon, is this something new that I'm too old to understand?

>> No.19545751

>pepe is like a 4chan icon
no, youre too new

>> No.19545766

been here since 09, plz tell me why the frog hate started?

>> No.19545773

no thanks

>> No.19545801

Synonymous with zero effort posts

>> No.19545802
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I stopped by a Chilis somewhere in mid Texas, was pretty much the only place to stop/get food before a long ass drive through no where. The food was salty as fuck and nearly cold by the time it reached the table (took them forever), the salad was wilty, and the water cup tasted like it was literally filled with dirty dishwater with a hint of soap. Asked for a new cup and same thing.

Heres a sammich I made for lunch

>> No.19545812

Had a plate of bell peppers with noodles. The sauce was extremely watery, the meal was lukewarm and there were hairs on it. Still the best time of my life.

>> No.19545814 [DELETED] 

Steak sandwich, not shaved steak but a whole piece of beef, tough and gristlely, impossible to chew, could hardly choke down a single bite, was too much of a bitch kid to send it back, so instead spent the entire group meal trying to find ways to secretly spit into my napkins.

>> No.19545819

this guy drinks the water that hotdogs were boiled in
this anon is chill and i thank you for providing context. I have not noticed this to be true but if this is a newly established "rule of thumb" for new posters I can see why there is so much hate

>> No.19545843

I tried to eat ur mums puse at the local gentleman's establishment but it was no good

>> No.19545854


>> No.19545859

loser gayfag

>> No.19545868

Anyone actively wanting a "modern 4chan mascot" is a complete fag. It's why he's only posted by zoomers and liffestyle fags like /pol/tards.

>> No.19545872

A grilled cheese from a Greek restaurant (I didn't want weird Greek food) that was entirely packed with long hairs.

>> No.19545929
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, 4chan girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could have been here sooner I would have
4chan has always had a "mascot" of sorts, whether it was Moot, green hair loli girl or now pepe, things change as time moves on, I enjoy seeing the culture move forward

>> No.19546033

Went to an allegedly good restaurant and got a Greek combo plate. Every single element was as bad as it could be - dry/dense falafel, bland gyro meat, greek salad with shitty old veg, etc. Even shitty fast food is better than that kind of disappointing restaurant meal, because they at least have the decency to add MSG to make it tasty.

>> No.19546087

>green hair loli girl
I regret posting in your thread.

>> No.19546127

I ordered fish and chips at Radius Pizzeria & Pub
in hillsborough NC and it was some fish that was literally all bone.

imagine fucking up fish and chips...

>> No.19546136

this is not my thread, highjacked it, but if you know her name plz enlighten us anon

>> No.19546148


>> No.19546277
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I once ordered Pad Thai at a Vietnamese restaurant. It's my own damn fault for ordering Thai food at a Vietnamese restaurant, but I wasn't expecting it to taste this off.

Their take on the dish was basically rice noodles covered in balsamic glaze, topped with shrimp, peanuts, bean sprouts, basil and cilantro. It honestly is most of the way there, but they really dropped the ball with the sauce. Most Pad Thai I've had were normally light brown or even a pale orange in color, but this one was a very dark brown. I had them take back the dish after three earnest bites and didn't even ask for a takeout container. I paid for my dumbassery and left.

>why the fuck did you order Pad Thai at a Vietnamese restaurant?
I had moved to a new city at the time, and there was no proper Thai restaurant. I went to a Vietnamese restaurant, fully intending on ordering Pho, but I happened to notice Pad Thai on the menu and ordered it, because it's one of my favorite dishes and I haven't had it in a while.

>> No.19546410

I went to this mussels place in Vilnius, Lithuania called Brussels Mussels. Like a dumb ass I ordered the ribs rather than the mussels and holy shit they were so bad. It literally tasted like salted fat slabs with almost no meat and literally zero salt. Horrid. I couldn't even finish them.

>> No.19546429

Some pasta from Cheesecake Factory. The noodles were undercooked, to the point of being crunchy at times, the sauce tasted like it came from a jar and the cheese was minimal and bad. Ive made better pasta when plastered with $2 to my name. Worst part is it was somehow 1800 calories and cost me $25

>> No.19546715

Holy summer. Lurk more, retard.

>> No.19547391

That was without doubt the Irish Stew I was once served in an "Irish Pub" in Germany. Obviously plain tapwater with a few bits of overcooked waxy potatoes that were weirdly flaking apart, chunky bits of carrots and some randomly cut chunks of beef. I have never been to Ireland, I dont have a drop of Irish blood in my veins, I have never seen a recipe for Irish Stew but I bet I could make a better one that that fucking disgrace.

>> No.19547403
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I had a stupid long 14hr day at work once on a friday and when I got home at 9pm I was too tired to cook shit so I ordered some vindaloo online from a nearby Injun place to pickup (it was like 2 blocks away so fuck waiting all night for d'livery).

Apparently between the time I left my apartment and arrived at the restaurant they had called me to say they are closed and can't fulfill my order, but I didn't have my phone I was just scooting down the road to pickup my delishes vindaloo.

Whelp, I arrived as they were on their way out the door, they had their coats on and everything, and I said haay wait I'm here to pickup my vindaloo. They went back into the kitchen and clearly dumped a whole mixture of shit they just threw in the trash into a takeaway container. It literally wasn't even beef, it was fucking trash from their trashcan.

I ate half of it at home and then cried myself to sleep. I DID NOT GET SICK THO. It was fucking terrible though. They collapsed a month later with covid, fuck that place.

>> No.19548661
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What if I told you that what you ate was actually surprisingly close to authentic? Take out the carrots, replace the beef with lamb, and you've got the real deal.

>> No.19548669


>> No.19548680

oldie but a goldie

>> No.19548684

I’ve lost count. Been far too many. Why I rarely eat out and cook most of my own meals. But most people are lazy and will settle for mediocre shit most of the time.

>> No.19548702

Weird ESL story.

>> No.19548709

cream of broccoli soup. im 99% sure it was straight out of a can and heated in a microwave. dont have it as soup of the day if you are just going to half ass it

>> No.19549022

your moms hairy cornhole

>> No.19549043

A place in Rome that took ages to serve a really burnt shitty frozen pizza. I've kind of hated Italians ever since.

>> No.19549058

>green haired loli girl
Holy fucking boomer imagine not knowing yotsuba and climbing you’ve been here since 09. I think Facebook might be more your speed bud.

>> No.19549095

I threw away a subway chicken wrap once
it was chewy :(

>> No.19549097

>I ate half of it

>> No.19549204

>pepe posters are zoomers and /pol/tards
What are you even talking about? Jesus, you're just looking for people to bitch about.

>> No.19549260
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ive done long workdays out in the sun and i cant fathom how someone would ever reason to devour literal garbage just cause theyre hungry. go a 24/7 place you animal

>> No.19549278

i realized it wasn't the vindaloo I was expecting but it only dawned on me gradually that tthis was actually a mix of a bunch of random shit and that's when I stopped eating.

and also I was living in canberra civic, nothing is fucking around or open in canberra

>> No.19549423

uncleaned shrimp on the east end of Long Island, didn't even look right, but i was like twelve and though it would be okay.

>> No.19549435
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I went to Arby's as a kid once, with my Grandfather, brother, and uncle. I ended up getting a roast beef sandwich but it was so slimy and gross, I couldn't stomach a bite of it and never ate it. I tried to get a soda to wash it down but I was only met with soda water instead, which made the experience worse. Never said anything about it though, I was very chickenshit as a child.

>> No.19549452

But he's mostly right. Oldfags and categorical newfags aren't posting pepe pictures unless they're shitposting. Or feelsbadman posting or some shit.

>> No.19550783
File: 23 KB, 400x302, wdytwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since 09
>calls yotsuba "green haired loli girl"
why do boomers larp like this?