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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 899x1599, 54e84e9a-c8c1-498b-8846-879b2d5befdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19516406 No.19516406 [Reply] [Original]

have food prices been soaring in your country? cost of living crisis is out of control here in NZ. This 1L olive oil was $16 full price just a couple of months ago and even that was marked up from last year.

>> No.19516421

cost of fresh fruit and vegetables is up 25% from last year. We produce enough food for 40 million people but a cucumber is 7 dollars

>> No.19516434

Budget eaters have proven the price of a lot of common goods have over doubled since Biden took office. It's not everything, just a lot of staple stuff. It hurts for your average joe.

>> No.19516440

The Jews are out of control.

>> No.19516442

I go to Aldi and still feel ripped off

>> No.19516444

All currencies in the West are based on the USD
The US doubled the number of USDs in circulation under the current administration so if you live in the West, you're fucked
I live in the West

>> No.19516446

It affects everyone, meme burger places also have to buy more expensive produce so the price of take out will go up

>> No.19516447
File: 761 KB, 1770x1700, Inflation Printing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No surprise. It's like people don't notice who is doing what, and history.

>> No.19516448

Are you even boosted? You sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist.

>> No.19516477
File: 646 KB, 848x1036, 1623930467745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's insane that Biden has already turned around Trump's terrible economy after just 3 years when it took Obama almost two terms to clean up Bush's mess. It wasn't exactly a secret, but maybe some people will figure out that putting a "businessman" who has run all of his businesses into the ground isn't exactly a good choice to run the country. The more insane thing is that some of the cultists actually want to inflict another 4 years of terrible policy on the country and put us into an actual depression.

>> No.19516523

>ram something into the ground
>it was always the last guy's fault
I love Democrats. This is why you guys are so good at running major cities right? What levels of delusion are required to ignore a nosedive everytime one of you has or holds power?

>> No.19516524

>anime tranny
Every time

>> No.19516525
File: 141 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_20230720-123127~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Democrats too

>> No.19516529

Now post crime statistics, or rape statics, or corruption statistics.

>> No.19516530

This map correlates almost perfectly with minority populations.

>> No.19516531

Nah, I'm sure you have them handy

>> No.19516534

It's actually a wealth distribution map

>> No.19516535

Lol. You can post literally any map of whatever wellness/prosperity/happiness metric and it's going to look exactly the same. You can also compare the US as a whole to the other most prosperous countries and it always goes up when Democrats are in charge. The idea that it's the left who is ruining things is pure delusion.

>> No.19516537
File: 65 KB, 870x490, Rapefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah actually. Once you've got tens of thousands of pictures in different folders you stop saving everything. Or forget what it's saved as.

>> No.19516540


>> No.19516541

Red states have far more crime than blue states. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.19516544
File: 1019 KB, 1321x1125, 1621792291016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i did my own research so hard that i had to stop so just trust me bro

>> No.19516546
File: 7 KB, 229x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tragedy of data hoarding. It's a genuine struggle.

>> No.19516549

Well depending on what it is yeah I can feel the cost of shit hitting my wallet extra hard due to inflation,etc. Other things the hit isn't as bad. On the good side of things; more incentive to cut out the "discretionary" spending so I end up spending pretty much what I did before things went to hell. Now if life would leave me alone far as "major shit" all wanting to suck my wallet dry things would be peachy. Seems the last 2 years have been nothing but "major shit" all piling up at once. Be nice if finally that type of thing could go away for a few years to let my wallet fatten back up.

>> No.19516551

*Red states enforce crime
Not the same thing, Anon

>> No.19516552

>You can post literally any map of whatever wellness/prosperity/happiness metric and it's going to look exactly the same
Which is why hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing from blue states and into red states every year.

>You can also compare the US as a whole to the other most prosperous countries and it always goes up when Democrats are in charge
It's the exact opposite, actually.

>> No.19516554

It's not even that. Big blue cities have simply stopped compiling crime statistics. There's no crime if the government says there's no crime.

>> No.19516556

Democrats are better at managing the economy. It's the simple truth. The trillion dollar debacle that was Covid relief happened under Trump. Look up how much inflation relief dollars went out under Trump vs Biden. Look up how much the economy was shut down during Trump vs Biden. Or just remember.

The Biden recession never arrived. Yeah inflation sucks but there are jobs for everybody and people overall haven't taken much a hit in their lifestyles. I'm against Biden's student loan scam but other than that all he has done is invest in this countries infrastructure and people.

>> No.19516561

>What the fuck are you even talking about?

We are talking about food, which depends on fertilizer, which in turn is made using natural gas. Price of natural gas goes up -> price of food goes up.

Back to /ck. I'm into more lentil and bean soups. Cheap and healthy. Can also be spiced up with whatever leftovers are around.

>> No.19516562

How convenient for you that actually the stats are only right for your guys.

>> No.19516565

If we're still talking about shit like violent crime, let's compare Illinois to a neighboring poor redneck state Kentucky.
5.4 to 1,000 in IL vs 2.8 per 1,000 in KY. You guys can't manage crime.

>> No.19516566

>The trillion dollar debacle that was Covid relief happened under Trump
It happened under Biden, dipshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Rescue_Plan_Act_of_2021

>> No.19516567

It's literally been "the last guy's fault" for half a century, and "the last guy" was always a republican. You have to be literally retarded to think that a switch get's flipped ever 4/8 years the second someone new gets elected. Obama inherited Bush's terrible economy. Trump inherited Obama's great economy. And now Biden has inherited Trump's abysmal economy, but prevented a recession and has somehow managed to do a bunch of actually good shit despite 100% opposition from the other side (who takes credit for all the good shit when they go home).

>> No.19516568

Lentils are crazy slept on by Americans. Dal is probably the easiest and most flavorful you can make and it's still healthy AF

>> No.19516573

>Nearly 40% of all law enforcement agencies — including in the nation’s two largest cities — failed to submit any data to the feds

>> No.19516577


You are reading some distorted info if you think it's correct that "hundreds of thousands" of people are fleeing urban areas to "red" areas. Instead, more and more places are turning blue. Anybody who left a metropolis to a small town just brought their "blueness" with them. Your ignorant movement is a lost cause, which just becomes more apparent every two years as demographics and elections turn against you.

>> No.19516579

>you always just inherit the shit we fixed and break it and that's why your stuff is always great and ours is always terrible
The mother of all delusions.

>> No.19516581


>> No.19516582

Damn right. Fuck giving those who willingly took out mega loans a break to go to college. No one forced them to do it. Is anyone going to give me a fat check to pay off my credit card debt or my house? Hell no. I'm expected to pay that shit off myself. You give those a break on paying for college you might as well just give other types of debt a break to.

>> No.19516591

This conservative anon is edging mightily close to the ancient custom of jubilee which creating extremely stable societies over long timeframes

>> No.19516593

So you're saying that hundreds of thousands of leftists are escaping the shitholes they created and then recreating those shitholes in their new homes. How does that contradict what I said?

>> No.19516595

So you guys get paid to post in /ck/? I wish I was that poor

>> No.19516598


How old are you? We literally got checks from the dude with his name signed on them.


>> No.19516601

Remember the day after Biden's inauguration when people immediately began blaming him for gas prices before he'd even been in office 24 hours? I remember.

>> No.19516603

I don't because it literally never happened.

>> No.19516605

Remember immediately after Trump's election when dumbasses burnt down DC? No one else does.

What the fuck are you trying to prove? That's a speculative market.

>> No.19516608

Yeah, and then Biden spent another $2 trillion dollars just on "covid relief" and we didn't even get a penny out of it.

>> No.19516627


No I'm saying that you have incorrect info. I live in Chicago and we haven't had a hundred thousand people leave in more than ten years. People leave, people move here, but the pop hovers around 2.7 mil and that hasn't changed in a long time.

The people leave went off to the suburbs and are hopefully counteracting ignorant morons like you.

>> No.19516634

Remember, with a lot of those bills even the fucking comptroller doesn't know where millions of dollars are going to. The fucking person in charge of handling the money doesn't know where the money is going. And often it's ending up in extra budget for the executive branch ops somewhere in the over 1000 page documents.

>> No.19516638

Then you're one of the retarded NPCs who does that shit every 4 year
>what the fuck are you trying to prove
Use your fucking brain and stop playing team sports

>> No.19516643

>Use your fucking brain and stop playing team sports
I'm just going to assume it's a glowfag from /pol/.

>> No.19516644

You're the one with incorrect info. Illinois loses about 100,000 people every year. California and New York lose even more. Almost every blue state is losing population and almost every red state is gaining population.

>> No.19516660

>"Stop acting like only the Democrats or the Republicans do this thing"
>Ah, this must be the CIA
what is fuckin' wrong with you people

>> No.19516683
File: 56 KB, 440x486, 440px-Bael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greed is outta control.

4L of OMO laundry liquid at Coles:

Fourty seven ducking dollars.

Same exact thing at discount store: $5

They are seriously just wallet-raping the mindless boomers at this point who simply cannot stop buying the same brands at the same stores every single week of their lives, because to change anything or think about anything they are doing disrupts their TV world boomer trance, and that will lead to anxiety and public freakout.

Spending the kids inheritance on fucking $47 fucking laundry liquid.

Supermarkets are basically poker machines now. Same customer base, same mindless money pit, same predatory class and same victims. It won't stop until all boomers are completely broke or dead.

>> No.19516695 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 701x1300, FBI 8chan Dumbasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a dumbass if you don't know this is a honeypot.

>> No.19516710

You're a dumbass if you don't see how far gone you are when your immediate response to somebody pointing out something as basic as the constant gas price blame game is to assume Psyop.

>> No.19516715 [DELETED] 

>ignore the evidence
No doubt you have alerted the mods lol.

>> No.19516729

Please walk me through your reasoning as to how, from that screenshot and extremely commonly known fact that the feds are hooked into this website, it follows that you're not retarded

>> No.19516739

delete this

>> No.19516746


Illinois is a red state. Chicagoland is the only blue area in this state and it is not losing population. I know because I live here. You are most likely out in some random rural place ... but I digress. Just wait and see. 1 year from now, 5 years, 10 years - the cities will still be thriving and you will still live in some backwards area and be inundated by urban transplants who think you're a retard.

>> No.19516756

Food costs went up so much I switched to pak n save like a fuckin peasant. eggs are almost 1 dollar each now.

>> No.19516762

WTF, that looks like some kind of euro condom dispenser.

>> No.19516766

interesting that that also lines up with minority populations. I wonder what ties these things together?

>> No.19516768

What are you on about you moron, $0.99 and $1.39 for a dozen eggs. Where are you getting your stupid numbers from?

>> No.19516772

>Chicagoland is the only blue area in this state and it is not losing population.
The Census bureau says that Chicago itself lost close to 80,000 people since 2020.

>> No.19516775
File: 174 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230721-000459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, dude, that sucks. I'm US and earlier this week got 18 eggs for $1.79 at Kroger.

>> No.19516776
File: 39 KB, 680x640, 113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part is people blaming the other political party, when there is actually only one political party and both sides will fuck us over regardless of HOW HARD you vote

but the money printer goes brrrrr and the border is nonexistent regardless

>> No.19516780

in NZ a dozen eggs is 10 dollars. This is largely due to a new law which has banned cage eggs, meaning demand now outpaces supply. there are limits on how many eggs you can buy (1 tray or carton per customer). yes I'm serious.

>> No.19516781

Weird, did anything unusual happen in 2020 that may have led to that?

>> No.19516782

By what rationale do you lefties think you are good for the economy, you don't even care about the economy as a voting point, and half the time you act like you don't believe economies are a real thing.

>> No.19516783

yep all the big chains are teaming up and trying to blame inflation despite making record profits.
in the US we are getting raped by the likes of vons/Fred Meyer etc.
They have no reason outside of being able to hide behind inflation when they are making RECORD FUCKING PROFITS

>> No.19516784

That was murder capital of the USA, so no wonder they lost 80k.

>> No.19516791


Ok you are a correct -
2,746,352 vs 2,665,039 - i got that from the census website. I still don't agree with your conclusion but I stand corrected.

>> No.19516793

>did anything unusual happen in 2020 that may have led to that?
Yes, Democrats being fascists and shutting down businesses and locking people in their homes except to riot and burn down buildings full of children. Hence the people fleeing blue shitholes for the halfway normality of red states.

By the way, Chicago lost about 30,000 people in 2021.

Yes, that's my point.

>> No.19516795

dont look at the cost of fish

>> No.19516800

or the cost of milk or bread or really anything

>> No.19516803

>stimulus increases profits
No shit

>> No.19516834

rockets and parachutes

>> No.19516875


Which building full of children got burned down? Let's hear it. What was the address?

>> No.19516943

What if you want to buy two cartons, are the egg police going to come down on you?

>> No.19516950

they just wont sell you more than one at the register. I bet you could go to self checkout and do it and nobody would really try to stop you but idk

>> No.19516959

I wish my favorite olive oil was only $16 per liter

>> No.19516972
File: 12 KB, 225x225, US_Marshal_Matt_Dillon-Dodge_City-Kansas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be pretty funny if some Federal Marshall like Matt Dillion went down on some dudes for buying more than the allotted supply of eggs.

>> No.19517010

>here in NZ
Expensive to fly heavy glass bottles from Italy to remote island nation on opposite side of globe. Consider locally produced sheep lard as substitute.

>> No.19517043

Don't they fly large vats over and then bottle them locally?

>> No.19517050

I don't know but Hawaii has unique soda cans, designed in the 80s, from the rest of the US because it doesn't make economic sense to ship full cans of soda there, so manufacturers built factories in Hawaii, and then later when modern engineering let us redesign cans to be slightly more space efficient and use less material, Hawaii didn't have a large enough market to justify retooling the machines for the new design. I have autism.

>> No.19517090

thanks for that autism anon, I always thought that was some kind of Hawaii tourism gimmick but never bothered to look it up

>> No.19517094

>It would be pretty funny if some Federal Marshall like Matt Dillion went down on some dudes
Yeah haha that would be so crazy >_< what wold that even look like lol

>> No.19517103

i spend 350+ per month now.
before covid never was more than 250

>> No.19517112

yeh but I don't really care. I'm not a retard and have insulated myself greatly from the coming pain.
Looking forward to seeing all the braindead fuckwits that mocked anti-vaxxers and called us nazis starving to death.

>> No.19517130

Reminder: there has been no reduction in food production or major increase in demand. This is 100% engineered by the ruling class because they view you as sub-human cattle and enjoy watching your suffer.