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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19512796 No.19512796 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here take the steak tartare pill?

>> No.19512802

I usually have tartare sauce with fish or seafood.

>> No.19512991

Absolutely. Try hangar steak next time you make it. Hand diced. Excellent flavor and texture. A butcher recommended it to me and it was amazing.

>> No.19512996

enjoy your parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii

>> No.19513001


>> No.19513016

No different from cool rare steak. However, I deep freeze all my beef to kill t. Gondii. It's a leftover habit from having a gravid wife. You can get it from raw veggies and greens too so be sure to grill your salads.

>> No.19513024

what species of bird is she

>> No.19513206

french "food" lmao its not even fucking cooked!

>> No.19513280

ok bugman

>> No.19513429
File: 224 KB, 1500x1000, Classic_steak_tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in picrel is uncooked and is literally what actual bugs eat. you fell for the "french haute cuisine" meme and youre a low iq fag.

>> No.19513449

bugs will eat cooked meat too, you're retarded

>> No.19513450

yeah im retarded because i wont pay exorbitant prices for raw beef with a raw egg cracked on top because its french "fine dining"

youre a genius.

>> No.19513453

>bugs will eat anything
>everything is bug food
grow up

>> No.19513456

do you realise you can make it yourself?

then again you are probably too retarded to be able mince meat or crack open an egg

>> No.19513459

not an argument

>> No.19513461

the fact you can make it yourself means jack fucking shit homo. this gigantic global meme of french food is the best is objectively wrong and stupid. french food is actually pretty fucking bad when you actually look at it instead of just going oOoOOooHhH FRENCH FOOD.

its mostly dogshit.

>> No.19513466

you were the one claiming that it's inherently expensive moron

just because you got filtered doesn't mean you have to have an autism attack, stick to your muttslop

>> No.19513478

>eats literal raw minced beef and eggs
>accuses others of eating muttslop
the french mind parasite is really something else. newsflash bozo, the vast majority of """FRENCH FOOD""" is shitty stew (or, in the case of tartare, literally raw), because historically french people have been dirt poor. your fancy food is actual dogshit.

>> No.19513485

you're the one claiming it's inherently fancy and expensive

it's not, you're coping

>> No.19513495

Not necessarily expensive. I know that practically any restaurant outside of France that would offer steak tartare would price it extremely expensively. And faggots like you would eat it up because OOoHohoHOOhH FRENCH FOOD because youre a midwitted fucking retarded faggot

>> No.19513501

I make steak tartare myself, keep coping

>> No.19513523

most people have been dirt poor historically.
what made the french standout is standardizing and creating the "science" of cooking in the last centuries. writing recipies and techniques down and improving them over generations is whats the real innovation.
i dont know anyone who thinks tartare is fancy. must be some mutt thing. in europe its considered on the poor side, in fact its the cheapest meat in restaurants. theres even a Mr Bean episode when he goes to the restaurant and orders the cheapest thing and its a tartare steak

>> No.19513531
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the french national dish is literally just boiled meat and vegetables. regional dishes are usually a stew like bourguignon or bouillabaisse. quit trying to pretend like french food is some amazing thing. if all of the french recipes that are out there instead came from midwestern america like say wisconsin or something, they would be laughed off as shit.

>> No.19513550

>boiled meat and vegetables
let me guess, you NEED more?

>> No.19513566


>> No.19513595

where did in my post say its amazing? i said its standardized and improved over generations you illiterate mutt. the rest of the world was throwing shit in the pots too. it's consistency (that americans are so fond of with chain restaurants today) that made the french stand out long time ago.
i also said nobody things french food is fancy or amazing in europe, its a muttistan thing probably based on shit from a century or 2 ago.

>> No.19513608

>seething frenchfag with shit diet
sucks to be you homo

>> No.19513622

not french fagit and i dont even like them. its called being objective
youre the one seething with your hate for "fancy" french food because mutts buy everyday shit like croissants or baguettes for 10x markup.

>> No.19513630

>clearly french
>clearly seething

>> No.19513645
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>> No.19513648

french confirmed lol.

>> No.19513676

Hell fucking no, I'm not a french homosexual that eats raw meat.

>> No.19513688

You need to toast the breads a bit...
I eat from time to time and I do it with supermarket meat but making sure I buy the more expensive brand.
Once I bought the meat from a butcher but as it happens most places stock minced meat which is already made from older stock and while it was edible it didn't taste fresh at all.

>> No.19513747


Peasant food is the best food, everywhere in the world, because they had to develop techniques to make simple things taste good. I think french food did get overhyped, especially in the late 20th century, but many of those stews you deride are very good. French is not even in my top five cuisines but it's not garbage.

>> No.19513942


>> No.19513948

is your wife a primigravida or a multigravida?

>> No.19513959

Enjoy your worms lol

>> No.19514170

>exorborant prices
It was only $15 at a tapas restaurant
All of europe eats it
>haute cuisine
It’s not half as fancy as you think it is. Back to McDonalds with you

>> No.19514180

If that was a japanese stew you’d be cumming your pants over it

>> No.19515125

>15 dollars
>for uncooked food and a chopped onion dropped on a plate
jesus christ.

>> No.19515131

Seething poorfag

>> No.19515141

Not sure why steak tartare is so popular. Had it once when visiting Belgium... would rather eat corned beef out of a can.

>> No.19515148

well its just the principle isnt it? raw beef and egg, thatll be 15 dollars. the labor cost involved is practically nil so whats with the gorillion percent markup? dummies like you will pay it so thats what they charge. totally insane

>> No.19515158

inb4 he says youre paying for "the atmosphere" or some similar bullshit cope defending restaurant scam artists

>> No.19515180

>inb4 he says youre paying for "the atmosphere" or some similar bullshit cope defending restaurant scam artists
Maybe some people just like eating raw eggs on their raw hamburger (without a bun)

>> No.19515187

sure, eat it at home for 2 dollars then. no you will pay 15 dollars for "the atmosphere" because you are easily manipulated

>> No.19515237

It’s a few oz of quality steak along with other things. How much should it be? $3? $15 is not much for a tapas plate sorry you’re broke, the McChicken price increase must have been hard on you

>> No.19515251

Yes, I live in Prague. It was a revelation

>> No.19515252

>$15 is not much for a tapas plate
Yes it is, objectively. You attach the "tapas plate" qualifier as some kind of justification like "that's just what tapas costs". You're a retarded faggot hipster.
>Sorry you're broke
This is a massive cope.

>> No.19515255

$8 max you are getting raped in the ass paying $15 for that and the restaurant is laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.19515260

Go buy your $18 Big Mac, Porkeño

>> No.19515262

>doesnt know the value of money
>spends exorbitant prices on shit that is not even close to worth it
>hurr durr youre just a poorfag
this is how i know you will never be wealthy ever

>> No.19515493

This is hilarious. When’s the last time you ate at a tapas restaurant? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, looking at the catalogue being full of people eating taco bell and other shit.

Again this is over FIFTEEN dollars. Jesus christ lmao. Imagine thinking FIFTEEN dollars is a financial flex. My gf and I got six plates and two glasses of wine for $80 total at that restaurant. That’s what you think is riddiculusly expensive? Top kek

>> No.19515736

its raw disgusting food what are you so angry

>> No.19515833

>bro I bought a tapas plate of literal human feces it was only $15

>> No.19515852

Very average glass of wine is around $10 at a restaurant. So your wine came to around $20 (or more), your tartare was $15... means your other five plates averaged to $9 each. This is assuming it was $80 not including tax and gratuity.

So basically your most expensive plate by a wide margin was the food that wasn't even fucking cooked and you are furiously defending it. Braindead fucking moron.

>> No.19516548

>french version of raw fish on rice
ah yes, haute cuisine

>> No.19516563

15 dollars per place of tapas? lol. idk i grew up in a time where the word tapas wasnt even created yet. its pretty much appetizer right? idk. i dont go to places with a tapas menu, its too diversity-ish for me. why not just go to a real asian place?

>> No.19516571

tapas and "expensie mexican restaurants" and expensive third world restaurants are things i will never be into. i grew up real civilized and not every race is equal.

>> No.19516574

>i grew up in a time where the word tapas wasnt even created yet. its pretty much appetizer right?
yes, they are overpriced small sharing plates. total scam.

>> No.19516587

i have no idea where tapas came from but i started hearing it around 2015. i think its like small sharing plates with like 2 bites lol. and the restaurants all look shitty aka trendy

>> No.19516649

I'm not him, and I mostly agree with you but...

15*6 + 2*wine > 80

>> No.19516670

anon is probably going there for the ambience and not the food. most places that use the word tapas are like that. gimmicky modern style restaurants. not saying the food is shit, but u know what i mean. fancy little plates so the s oy boy can creme his panties.

>> No.19517307
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Don't mind me, just making sure the mutts seethe.

>> No.19517330

not often, but when presented I never hesitate.

>> No.19517336

bugmen literally eat raw fish retard.
and live frogs. anything really.

>> No.19517500

I want to try it, the egg puts me off actually, I would happily eat the beef

>> No.19518456
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>thinks tartare de boeuf is "haute cuisine"

>> No.19518881

for me it's carpaccio

>> No.19518923
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for me it's Mett

>> No.19519084
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>> No.19519120

complete retard

>> No.19519486
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>> No.19519529

reddit moment

>> No.19519538

He said it's a meme. Faggot redditors think French food is somehow the best of the best, so no matter what kind of dogshit a French person serves up must be "haute cuisine" and will pay premium prices for it, even if it's fucking raw meat and eggs.

>> No.19519753

rocky ate raw eggs. be like roky