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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 612x407, istockphoto-152951851-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19502636 No.19502636 [Reply] [Original]

are these safe to use? i am hosting a business lunch at the park but i heard vagrants urinate on them

>> No.19502639

They do

>> No.19502656

I'm not a vagrant but I urinate on them.

>> No.19502661

Whenever I've used those I just build a raging inferno inside it to vaporize any contaminants and to make it easier to scrape off the decades of stuck on grease.

>> No.19502671

The heat of the fire cleans the grill

>> No.19502692

Any student with the right amount of alcohol inside will urinate on them.

>> No.19502695

I always pee on them

>> No.19502700

The fundamental concept behind cooking is that heat is one of the greatest ways to sterilize a material.

Id wash my hands aggressively after touching it while it's cold, but once you've got some coals in there you're good to go.
The only reason you wouldn't be able to use it is if it was so rusty that it was actually breaking off metal shards into your food. And even then, a simple brush is all you need to clean it.

>> No.19502704

Use a pan/griddle/foil from home
Don't put your food directly on the grill

>> No.19502750

If you're really that worried then wash the fucking thing.

>> No.19502932

Use the poop boxes for what?

>> No.19502941

I usually put down a layer of heavy duty foil on the grate before I grill anything.

>> No.19502949

>take ball of foil
>scrub the grills
>put in a ton of coal/firewood
>let it burn

>> No.19502990

birds poop on the ones at my campground

>> No.19503014

>urinate on them
I only do that to put them out after cooking.

>> No.19503031

the heat of the grill cooks the urine

>> No.19503070

The urine adds flavor.

>> No.19503095

Third world problems

>> No.19503116
File: 189 KB, 600x433, Aluminium poisoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy pic related.

>> No.19503178

It sounds like some people cook on those little black toilets

>> No.19503224

>Potroom asthma
>The Myoclonic Jerks
>Speech Disturbance
Did I miss any good band names?

>> No.19503228

Sad times, bring a wire brush, clean grills.
light fire and burn well before adding food
>people pissing in park grills
Why we can't have anything nice anymore

>> No.19503248

I would use lighter fluid to increase the flames so it burns any sort of germs that are on it. there could be anything in there, including bird poop or whatever. also I would use an entirely different metal grate on top of it, can probably find it at the dollar tree.

>> No.19503258

This, don't do this

>> No.19503276

>Nephrotic Syndrome
>Target Cell Formation
>Lack of Curiosity

>> No.19503313

Why is everyone on this board such a hypochondriac pussy?

>> No.19503321

You’re talking to elitist assholes who spend their entire paycheck on a nice dinner so they can brag about it online. They aren’t smart people

>> No.19503326

>just eat the grilled piss bro

>> No.19503340

You don't live in the city

>> No.19503351

>Why is everyone on this board such a hypochondriac pussy?

well you obviously wouldn't get sick from eating on that grill but it's the thought that disturbs me.

like imagine if I used a pan to shit in and piss in for years but I cleaned it with soap, water, and bleach. would you cook out of my shit pan afterwards?

>> No.19503369

>You’re talking to elitist assholes who spend their entire paycheck on a nice dinner so they can brag about it online
Am I? Most of the threads here are about fast food.

I do. People don't piss in the public grills, you're just getting worked up over something that sounds semi-plausible

>> No.19503374

>hosting a business lunch at the park
why don't you just go to a restaurant retard? who the fuck hosts a business lunch at a park?

>> No.19503396


>> No.19503409

mallcore djent

>> No.19503457

The problem is everyone coming to the lunch you're hosting already knows what's up regarding the piss situation with those grills.
You might have a lot of leftovers.

>> No.19503466

bring a grill you lazy fuck

>> No.19503482

you lie to yourself and to others often don't you?

>> No.19503484

whether or not its true, your business associates would have heard the same thing about these grills. why not bring a portable kettle grill

>> No.19503493

Reminds me of the pasta about anons roomate shitting in the stove

>> No.19503494

urine is already sterile, but you wouldnt want someones urine in your mouth

>> No.19503512

>but you wouldnt want someones urine in your mouth
yet you still drink cum by the gallon

>> No.19503517

people ABSOLUTELY urinate in these things
this is a fact 100%
its not like im speaking from experience or anything

>> No.19503521

Buy enough of 'em so everyone can grill whatever he wants from the wide variety of (marinated) meats and vegetables you offer, for himself and to his personal liking. Make it an event, call it american tandoori or something. Don't forget to hire a few gigolos for your sausage fest too.

>> No.19503522

that sure was important enough to reply to so many people, nice

>> No.19503528
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Forgot pic

>> No.19503531

Not just vagrants, I do it all the time, have a house and am gainfully employed. I'm just an asshole.

>> No.19503555

I heard niggas fucking poo in these.

>> No.19503561
File: 42 KB, 460x500, this_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't you post this thread a week ago?

>> No.19503578

You can sterilize feces. Doesn't mean you want to ingest it.

>> No.19503609


>> No.19503643

I called the city and was told I'm not allowed to bring my own grill

>> No.19503682

desu id pretend I didn't call, and just plop my grill right next to one of those ones. I cant imagine someone saying, "hey sorry, you cant do that"

>> No.19503746

>I cant imagine someone saying, "hey sorry, you cant do that"
Depends on who you get but they very well could have laws against it, fire and safety shit. If some retard knocks it over on themself/others which causes injury and/or a fire whoever is in control of the park can get sued. Also I've seen retards just dump their hot coals places. Wild fires are no joke and you don't need to be innawoods to start one Usually though if you're not allowed to bring a grill it should be posted. If it's not posted anon should have just went ahead and without calling the city. He can still ask what laws and ordinances make it illegal to do.

>> No.19503785

This, though maybe the company is in the outdoors industry.

>> No.19503806

These used to be great 20 yrs ago, would go to the park they had volleyball nets, play ball, cook burgers and hotdogs, drink beer.
now everyone shits on everything

>> No.19503889
File: 1.57 MB, 1350x1340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use one of these.

>> No.19503914

>20 years ago
anon, i remember peeing on the park grills when i was in high school in the late 80s

>> No.19504005

Urine is not sterile you fucking idiot

>> No.19504013

throw a griddle ontop

>> No.19504026

I like urine

>> No.19504044

You can get one of those cheap, portable dome grills from walmart for not even $20. Probably has more surface area than that thing too.

>> No.19504048

It might be a good team building activity for your workplace to bond and boost your company culture. Everyone shares food off the pee-grill.

>> No.19504050

this. This isn't some birthday party, I'd be insulted

>> No.19504170
File: 819 KB, 474x266, DEAD like ME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bringing your own kettle grill or multiple hibachis
Seriously.. the time for these was during living in a pre-2001 HIGH TRUST society. That AIN'T now.
there are people who RELISH the thought of you cooking on their shit and piss--ever heard of ASS PENNIES?? Yeah, those are real.
We are now in steep decline and many just WANT TO SEE THE WORLD BURN.
Seriously tho- Just go get 2 small kettle grills, and some lump charcoal. when you are done cooking, dump the shit INTO the provided park grills--that's ALL they are good for now.

>> No.19504174

>reduction in glomular filtration...
I mean...
Piiiiiiiiiiiiissss..(with blood in it)

>> No.19504182

So Punk rock.

>> No.19504187

This faggot buy mattresses off Craigslist.

>> No.19504204
File: 76 KB, 585x588, AmongTheLiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT sounds like some bitchin' Grindcore.

>> No.19504209
File: 14 KB, 300x199, 3BF632CA-AAAD-4242-8753-4B8BF0675296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are safe and easy to use

>> No.19504214
File: 1.49 MB, 900x9794, Dat Fridge doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Summerfaggs need to know what REALITY is...

>> No.19504217

>urine is already sterile
ONLY if the person is healthy.
Why are you such a Piss drinking FAGGOT?

>> No.19504236

this image confuses the european

>> No.19504249
File: 21 KB, 474x266, mangrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i heard vagrants urinate on them
Too much effort for a vagrant. The real problem is teenagers rubbing dogshit on the grill.

>raging inferno inside it to vaporize any contaminants
Your lighter-fluid fireball ain't vaporizing shit (literally). Now you're just enjoying BBQ doo-doo with a petroleum marinade on your Costco Dinner Franks.

>Use a pan/griddle/foil from home
This, use a ManGrate.

>> No.19504261

Nah.. When there was a massive influx of mooselimbs in the US, we'd ALWAYS see muslim families in the parks where we played disc golf having large family picnics with giant tea croziers and little grills cooking meat on skewers.
I actually SAW this grill when traveling west, It had been installed THAT week. shame I didn't use it.
I'm sure euros have similar--humans have been cooking over coals for over 100,000 years.

>> No.19504264

Throw way too much coals on top and light it, let it burn for an hour. Make sure to spread your hot embers on dry grass and trees around the park

>> No.19504266
File: 379 KB, 1300x956, Tejas Grill inna park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19504267

more likely to be covered in bird shit.

>> No.19504293

Dumb hyperbole.
You're not eating the grill, you're just cooking with it. The main reason feces is gross is because it's rife with germs and it's already processed, but you'll still eat veggies and mushrooms that are grown in it.
Just cook the shit and you'll be fine.

>> No.19504339


>> No.19504353

Strangely fitting...
nice ambiance.
Am listening NAO.
>1 min mark...CREAM NAO!!...

>> No.19504365

they don't have public property to enjoy is the thing

>> No.19504405
File: 9 KB, 251x201, 1585005181637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't have public property to enjoy is the thing
What ever do you mean?

>> No.19504439

Europe isn't exactly known for wide open spaces or unclaimed wilderness, and the little they have tends to be heavily regulated.

>> No.19504440

Urine isnt sterile, it might be while its in the bladder but when it exits through the urethra it picks up bacteria.

>> No.19504441

this reminds me my fridge died and none of my housemates threw the food out. it got rotten and turned a weird color with maggots everywhere. every once in a while i'l spray some bleach spray in there to kill anything bad and to keep it from spreading out of the fridge. it's been there for 4 months and we still haven't thrown it out yet lol.

>> No.19504460
File: 1.17 MB, 2820x3840, 1640552023492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That SUCKS anon.
I always keep a dollar store spray bottle of Isopropyl on hand too.
Chems CAN be your friend if you are careful and aware of what mixtures can do...
WHY don't schools teach that VINEGAR and BLEACH are way more deadly than Ammonia and bleach??
It literally creates a form of mustard gas.
>pic rel

>> No.19504472

>WHY don't schools teach that VINEGAR and BLEACH are way more deadly than Ammonia and bleach??
Schools are for babysitting, not preparing children for life. The average retard could have done well with financial literacy courses instead of math

>> No.19504479

Why do Americans destroy things which are meant to be shared?

>> No.19504517

>The main reason feces is gross is because it's rife with germs and it's already processed
Sounds like something a coprophiliac would say.
>Oh hahah we would all eat excrement if only it didn't have germs and if it looked a little more presentable, hahah right guys.... right?

>> No.19504531

Just get the fire going and let it burn for a while so it sterilizes the grill and makes it easier to scrape off the gunk. If you don't want to do that, just use foil or get a flat top

>> No.19504550
File: 11 KB, 180x215, DeliberateDumbingDownOfAmerica_201404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... I DO know that's true.
But I've seen more than 20 people trying this foolishness.
I'm truly surprised more aren't dead because of it.
T. Charlotte Isyrbet spammer.

>> No.19504629

Stay up until 3 am, restrain your roommates then empty an entire can of bleach over every single one of them

>> No.19505037

I'm picturing someone in one of those giant utes sitting up the arse of a sedan while they have one of those bad boys on the centre console cooking up some snags

>> No.19505126

>Sounds like something a coprophiliac would say.
I've met your type before.
Lemme guess. Your mom gave you enemas as a kid and now you keep a turkey baster in your shower.

>> No.19505140

is having one of these in your backyard based or trashy?

>> No.19505148

Yes. Bring a scrubber and remove any stuck on junk on the grates. Scrape out any shit from the grill left behind - ashes, trash, anything really. Load with coals, set them alight, and wait until ashy. Be sure to sterilize the grate.

If you want to be a cunt about it, put a sheet of foil over them and poke holes in the foil to let smoke/grease through.

>> No.19505158

>business lunch at a fucking park
it's incredible how many absolute retards post here

>> No.19505174

Lets say you used a cast iron dutch oven to shit in for years. Then sold it to a good will, and some dude came in, bought it, scrubbed the shit off it, removed the rust, and polished it back up and re-seasoned it and flipped it, then yes I can eat off your old shit bucket.

>> No.19505197

Those things are designed so that people don't steal or deface them.
Just get a normal grill that you can actually remove from your yard.

>> No.19505376

Wrong on both accounts anon. What a weird projection for you to place on me.

>> No.19505402

>What a weird projection for you to place on me.
Your hypocrisy and lack of self awareness knows no bounds.
That's not a projection by the way. That's a simple fact.

>> No.19505418

I see people put 3 layers of foil on it and use it. In the early 90s though, I think they just used them as they were

>> No.19505424

>Why we can't have anything nice anymore
Nigga I wouldn't use these fuckers even when I was a child. I remember going to some school functions where teachers cooked on these things and I didn't eat anything they grilled on those.
I also never used the public water fountains after I witnessed some kid shoving his boogers down the hole where the water comes out in the 2nd grade. That little shit scared me off public use shit for life.

>> No.19505429

>you wouldnt want someones urine in your mouth
Blocks your path

>> No.19505430

Mexicans still use them for their public quinceaneras

>> No.19505443

This was almost me

>> No.19505442

You put tinfoil over the grates and/or scrape them clean with a metal brush.
You could scrape shit out of the bottom and coals would burn off any remaining residue in minutes. You don't put food on until the coals hit lower temps anyway, so there's nothing to get contaminated when the hot coals burn the thin layer that wasn't removed by scraping.

>> No.19505446

I wouldn't use one. People have zero respect for this kind of shit at least as long as I've been alive. I'm sure they were cool back in the 50's when people didn't just piss on everything

>> No.19505547
File: 537 KB, 840x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck 3rd world shithole do you live with those?
park bbqs look like this
electric, put a $2 coin in and you're good to go

>> No.19505576
File: 1.63 MB, 998x662, Aussie Park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from the Lyndhurst Capitol Park across from the Primitive Village Campgrounds in fascist Australia you cherry-picking faggot. Of course you can have those, abbos don't care about them as there's no liquor in them.

>> No.19505595
File: 29 KB, 665x461, 1607837653504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok autismo lol

>> No.19505705

>put a $2 coin in and you're good to go
Huh? I've never seen one you have to pay for in Gippsland

>> No.19506095

Same, I've never seen one you had to pay for anywhere in Australia.

>> No.19506135
File: 127 KB, 1302x1056, 1653815818865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19506137


>> No.19506166

>urine is sterile
>can literally give you AIDS

>> No.19506198

Its funny that this is something they still teach people in med school when they already in like 2012 found out that urine is in fact NOT sterile and multiple studies have been made around 2014 that proved yes, urine is, in fact, not sterile.

What a shocker, right. One of the ways your body gets rid of waste is in fact not sterile. Doctors are fucking retarded.

>> No.19506219

>People don't piss in the public grills,
Back in college we would do that all the time as a prank when we were drunk.

>> No.19506228
File: 3.42 MB, 1776x1332, AussieD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19506230

My first instinct as a drunk bum would be to piss on them but you can probably burn that off

>> No.19506720

I usually dump bleach on it before use, cleans up everything nicely.

>> No.19506734

I used one last weekend. I didn’t even clean it, it was fine. I just had to wrap foil around the outside to keep the wind out.

>> No.19508674

I only ever see teenagers cooking on them. You know when the teens have their family reunions in the parks when it starts getting hot outside?

>> No.19508894

Because they're meant to be shared

>> No.19508902

That doesn't seem very nice to destroy them then.

>> No.19508909

I'm only offering genuine insights here. Never claimed it would makes sense.

>> No.19508930

fire will kill anything

>> No.19508945

I mean, you need a blast furnace to kill prions, but yeah. Kill it with fire.

>> No.19508949

Why would there be prions on a park grill?

>> No.19508966

>how to have a weak immune system, the biography

>> No.19509001

people piss on those

>> No.19509061

we used to take dumps in them
nothing like a good log on the 'q

>> No.19509062

Hello fellow calibro, make whatever you're making in two nested sheetpans the day before. Only use this to heat your already-cooked sheetpans. Example: build a raging inferno to reheat your pork shoulder chile verde. Also before you even start, wrap the grates with aluminum foil so you can heat up tortillas without getting aids

>t.cali park party veteran

>> No.19509070

What third worlder wrote this?

>> No.19509071

> lives in the jew states that make you pay for a bbq

>> No.19509073


>> No.19509146

>Americans see thing for public use
>immediate thought is to piss on it and ruin it for others
What is wrong with them?

>> No.19509152


>> No.19509160

if you had the option of a stranger eating your pee or not, which would you choose? personally, I'm a lot happier with the chance of a stranger eating my pee than not haha

>> No.19509429
File: 38 KB, 1000x1000, portable-charcoal-grills-110702001-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high temperature is enough to kill all the bacteria and incinerate all the dirt, but I wouldn't eat something cooked on those, unless I'm in Switzerland or a place like that.
Just buy a cheap portable charcoal grill like pic related.

>> No.19509455


Most of the shitposters on this board are sheltered Midwest kids


One of the most delusional posts in this board

>> No.19509458

It's been a rough two decades anon. They took our trans fats and everyone got poor and stupid.

>> No.19509483

there are a lot of homeless people just hanging around that fuck with people just because they can
if they get arrested they get free food and a warm place to stay too so they have incentive to mess with you

>> No.19509516

Bro they're still cutting up baby dicks. Doctoring is not a science