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19498378 No.19498378 [Reply] [Original]

Alcoholic beverages are falling out of favor entirely

>> No.19498385

That's not true, people have just switched from beer to seltzers, especially college students and soccer moms

>> No.19498388

>San Francisco

>> No.19498398

that's a good thing though
alcohol is a net negative for society

your subjective survivors bias of oh but I had fun!! doesn't cut it. Alcohol kills people and destroys families
it should be illegal for sale

>> No.19498459

This but unironically. Alcohol abuse is pathetic and sad, it's good that people are becoming more aware and rational.

>> No.19498538

Completely correct. There are occasionally cool flavors to be found in booze, but decent tea and coffee blow it out of the water in that regard and are way better for you. Prohibition worked, and part of me is jealous of Saracen countries where the stuff is banned outright.
>t. boozehound

>> No.19498559

>ban something anyone can make in a closet with some juice, sugar and yeast
Sure, go ahead.

>> No.19498564

At least a quarter of the world has banned it

>> No.19498571

Have these places also banned yeast and sugar? There is alcohol everywhere on the planet anon, even in Iran and Saudi Arabia

>> No.19498572

yeah while I agree booze is a net negative we've seen time and time again drug prohibitions don't work. whether it's booze or fucking heroin making it illegal just makes the problem worse. get people with problems help, don't punish them. that just leads to a repeating cycle that costs everyone money.

>> No.19498579

There are rapists everywhere too because having a penis is not banned

>> No.19498582

As a homebrewing Chad, a ban on alcohol would be profitable for me, so I support it

>> No.19498589

stop exaggerating you dumb monkey

>> No.19498597


>> No.19498605

What about those who don't abuse it? Say after a long day you enjoy 1-3 beers over a hot summer afternoon?

>> No.19498608

>alcohol is a net negative for society
the same people are just doing mdna, fentanyl, crack or whatever so they're completely hopeless now

>> No.19498632

Bummed me out a little, their beer was good. Anchor steam was good as hell

>> No.19498666

I hope they can come to realise that the momentary satisfaction is not worth normalising a substance which can, and does, very easily corrupt the strongest of wills. There's an endless number of other ways one can unwind on a hot summer afternoon.

>> No.19498670

Who are "they"? Where is this fictional scenario taking place?

>> No.19498691

Consuming fermented fruits and grains has been normal since before humanity lol, what's not normal is the overly complex, fucked up society which causes people to either abuse substances or abuse other people for doing so as you would suggest.

>> No.19498695


>> No.19498701

I don’t like drinking alcohol that much. It’s bad for you has a lot of calories if you’re drinking to get drunk
I still drink but it’s not much outside of the home bar I assembled in 2019 and haven’t had to replace yet or drinking with friends at a bar/brewery/party

>> No.19498703
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>> No.19498704

making drugs illegal for sale doesn't seem to go well, I would prefer we had a healthier relationship to alcohol as a world but making it illegal is definitely not going to do that

>> No.19498715

>something is normal in nature so it should exist in modern human society
What's the point of this argument? Now I will point out something that humans do which wasn't normal "before humanity" and some anon will cry about logical fallacies or something. It's about time our morals and ethics catch up to our higher intellect. Drunkards will whine to desperately defend alcohol, but it's just not good for the individual or for society.

>> No.19498716

gen z are all going straight edge and will compensate majorly and have a series of breakdowns once they hit 30-40 and realize no amount of decisions will ever change anything and they wasted their youth being 'le serious'.
fucking faggots.

>> No.19498717
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>our higher intellect

>> No.19498719

If the blood of christ is wine, his sweat must be beer. You sir are a boring loser that people don't like to be around. I'm going to get some tall boys and go for a sunday drive. You're going to drink boring water I bet and eat dry toast lmao take the L, bozo.

>> No.19498727

Our moral conceits and unnatural behaviors are a major source of our misery as a species.

>> No.19498729

Literal children.

>> No.19498735

Anyone wasting their time on the fast food board moralizing about the dangers of alcohol is unlikely to be having much fun in life.

>> No.19498737

morals are gay, people are getting dumber, and with continued proliferation and migration of the 3rd world swarm it is only going to get worse. the only way to save humanity now would be to eschew morals and eliminate the culprits who commit the majority of the "moral" crimes against humanity tthat out supposed "higher intellect" should already be addressing. morals and ethnics need to catch up to the fact that billions of garbage trash humans must die.

>> No.19498738
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drinklets are taking major Ls in this thread and all you've got is the 'NOOOOOOOO' meme lmao. salud mi familia. keep dunking on the chuds.

>> No.19498745
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>teetotals and dry drunks whining about people enjoying themselves

>> No.19498753

bradley poster has broken containment

>> No.19498838


>> No.19498932

People are always going to find a way to do bad things, but society should not condone it and enable it

>> No.19498943

Society also shouldn't condone or enable limp wristed puriteen faggots, but here we are

>> No.19498947

Certainly you can see the difference between eating an overripe plum that makes your head a little tingly and distilling the tingly juice into a pure refined drug which you slam back by the bottle full

>> No.19498996

>alcohol is a net negative for society
Alcohol keeps the blue collar men that keep your country running from fucking killing themselves so shut the fuck up and grow some pubes before posting this shit.

>> No.19499013

>inb4 'ackshually'

>> No.19499015

Some of my homebrews have exceeded 18%, with just fermentation. It's very possible to make a large amount of potent liquor without distilling at all.

>> No.19499017

The fuck were you fermenting? Pure sugar?

>> No.19499024

Found the alcoholic

>> No.19499026

You can't refute the point so you're resorting to personal attacks. Loser.

>> No.19499031

Black tea I added a fuckton of sugar to, so yeah basically. Throw some nutrient in there (can use dead yeast for that if you don't have it), spices or fruit or whatever you want for flavor, and you've got a strong, delicious drink

>> No.19499171

Supposedly Anchor got bought out and changed everything.
Though they weren't doing well for a few years.

>> No.19499189

Is san fran breaking down like other cities?

>> No.19499235

Checked and don’t you have a meeting somewhere you need to get to.

>> No.19499422

I used to love alcohol until I learned that it causes cancer. And as far as I know it’s not really talked about much. Sure people will say it’s bad for your kidney if you have too much or you can make stupid decisions, but no one ever told me it causes cancer. And I have no desire to ever touch another drop in my life.

>> No.19499449


>> No.19499455

aw that sucks, shame i hate when old companies go out of busi-
>San Fransisco
fuck em.

>> No.19499464

Fuck, this was the last really good beer in America. Maybe my favorite beer.

>> No.19499470

because everyone is on drugs
especially in that area, all the people that would normally be town drunks are all having their air stolen by the fentanyl ghost of the Fresh Prince of No Air

>> No.19499471

Prohibition but with Mexican cartels running bootlegging rings

>> No.19499477

>wanting the government to tell you what's best for you
Enjoy being a tool.

>> No.19499488

what a cope lol do you really see things trending in a positive direction anywhere at all? lmao
some crazy high % of Americans take some kind of drug every single day. drugs and anti depressants make for a crazy ride, so that rules out 90% of women. So there is almost half of your population already not drinking nearly as much as they used to. Then all the men are on an opiate or smoke weed. d00d weed dood! It's california.

>> No.19499496
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>People are always going to find a way to do bad things, but society should not condone it and enable it

>> No.19499497

Probably closing because businesses are taxed to hell and back to give money to fentanyl addicts and line admin pockets

>> No.19499532

>destroys stomach lining
>makes me sad
Just water for me thanks

>> No.19499544

i'd rather low alcohol or no alcohol beer/wine/spirits

>> No.19499558

>San Francisco
It's not an alcohol problem, it's a San Francisco problem.

>> No.19499567

Fermentation will always have more complex and usually better flavors than coffee or tea. That's just a fact.

>> No.19499588

lol most of this thread are either total plebians/pussies

>> No.19499635

They don't need to normalize it, it has been normal since long before the invention of writing and will be normal as long as mankind continues to exist.

>> No.19499668

Oh no, beer I never drank. Anyway, crafting scene is great where I am. New breweries popping up all the time.

>> No.19499687

I can't even drink one beer without getting skull splitting headaches hours later.

>> No.19499699

We are working on it.

>> No.19499747

>achtually you're eating alcohol
ever got drunk of bread you fucking retard? I don't give a single shit about this topic but god damn you must be fun at parties you moron

>> No.19499789

1. There are way too many breweries and this is a pretty unsurprising turn of events after the explosion of the past 10 years
2. Beer makes you fat and the new generations are way more health conscious
Beer is less of a daily drink and more of a special occasion for the weekends nowadays

>> No.19500085

I mean you can use sugar and yeast to make alcohol, you absolute mongoloid lol.

>> No.19500098

It's been normal since before humanity, anon

>> No.19500104
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>> No.19500107

good, if you still drink alcohol in 2023 you are a moron

>> No.19500108

>t. pot smoker

>> No.19500110

I wouldn't buy a damn thing with "San Francisco" on the label either.

Fuck that Marxist town of faggots.

>> No.19500143

>workers unionize
>business shuts down because it can't afford to pay wages to somebody who lives in SF
>workers just move on because lol not my problem

>> No.19500174

As someone who grew up in the Bay, it's sad what happened to SF, but considering the people there it's entirely unsurprising. US leftists are the laziest, most hypocritical people one could ever have the displeasure of meeting.

>> No.19500307

>he doesn't know that both coffee and most teas are in fact fermented

>> No.19500316

Black tea is not fermented, it is merely oxidized. That said, brewed tea can be fermented into a delicious beverage.

>> No.19500357

look at this tastelet and laugh

>> No.19500802

I drink alcohol occasionally, and have had many good nights with mates getting on the piss, but I wouldn't care if they banned it.
I agree that there are too many drop kicks that ruin it for everyone.

>> No.19500803

you fucking massive faggot you're still retarded

>> No.19500814

Alcohol is a cornerstone of civilization.

>> No.19500839

No one was fueling their alcohol addiction with craft beer from San Francisco

>> No.19500872
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yeungling chads, get in here. we won again.

>> No.19500873

>alcohol is a net negative for society
Not really.

>Alcohol kills people and destroys families
It doesn't though.

Here's your (You) I guess.

>> No.19500949

Anchor went out of business because the employees unionized and demanded a 30% pay increase.

>> No.19501108

Alcohol is empty calories.

>> No.19501146

literally never saw it in shelves or behind the counter.
bit weird, since its a San Fran based beer annd im in the hellhole called LA, so you'd think they would ship some down here.

>> No.19501209

>On March 13, Anchor employees voted 31-16 to join the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in the first known unionization among craft brewers.

Imagine paying more to 47 employees ultimately taking down a company. Just a few years before the vote their revenue was $33 million.

>> No.19501217

compare countries where alcohol is prohibited to countries where alcohol is permitted.

>> No.19501262

no alcohol = no gays and many wives
seems like a good deal

>> No.19501748

They're all stuck in the 16th century, from hygiene to literacy.

>> No.19501924

Sounds like a plus

>> No.19501943

>Alcoholic beverages are falling out of favor entirely
>$20 for a 6pack of beer
>$50 for the cheapest bottle of gasoline-tasting liquor
>even Fireball is $69 (nice) a bottle now
>wine only goes so far, even that's going up now
>weed is $400 an ounce
>cant even get weed anymore cuz every dealer is """"dry""""
which only leaves MDMA
there's a reason why MDMA is the most popular drug now, even beating out alcohol and weed.

>> No.19502066

Look at this straight edge faggot and laugh. Inebriation is a flavour.

>> No.19502078

I had to drink myself to sleep last night my dad is sick and I am in the midst of this grueling job application process and no matter how much I drank my jaw is still clenched tight and I could barely sleep. It’s going to be a rough week…

>> No.19502083
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>> No.19502085

I bet you smoke weed

>> No.19502087

Are these Australian prices? Because here in America you can get a sixer of Coors for $8.99

>> No.19502092

it's 7 dollars for a 6 pack and 15-20 for a bottle of liquor in the usa.

>> No.19502094

Reminder that alcohol is a drug and that any form of substance dependence makes you a weak faggot

>> No.19502101

>weed is $400/oz and unavailable
Australia? Bud is way cheaper in most of the US, and even the states with super expensive dispensaries have them in every city. The nearest small city here in CO has 6, and most of them have ounces for $100 (including tax) or less. WA is the cheapest bud in the country though, if you want $20 ounces go to Seattle.

>> No.19502109
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Is that including tax? If not, it's about the same price as ours.
You can find cheaper if you look for specials.

>> No.19502251

Nah, it's a mix of
>Brands that got too big too fast and over-extended themselves now having to scale back due to beer not being new and special anymore, and every town has at least 1-2 breweries
>The "Two Best Friends With A Dream"-style breweries now running into the end of various leases while the Two Best Friends grew up and got bored/burnt out of their hobby that's now just a job, so they're selling out or closing up.

The second happens ten times more often in the restaurant world, it just doesn't get noticed nearly as much because it's not as flashy as craft beer and doesn't typically happen one after the other. Also yes, Anchor had the problem of being based in one of the most expensive cities in the most expensive states. They didn't start pumping out seltzers and hazies (good for them) so the only people that seemed to care were boomers and super craft beer geeks who are basically just being tourists. I've had Anchor Steam a few times and liked it, but it was almost impossible to find it near me.

>> No.19502252

>Imagine your biggest overhead cost going up 30% and your business isn't able to absorb that increase instantly
Weird how people demand more pay, extort a business owner somehow, and then they're all surprisedpikachu when the business closes down.

>> No.19502261

They did. Sopporo bought them and started making dumb little changes to "modernize" the brand which just annoyed the boomers that drank the brand. And then the staff unionized which made things more expensive while San Francisco fell even more into hell.

>> No.19502279
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because that work so well last time right? retard

>> No.19502318

Obesity destroys lives and families who have to put up with caring for a sickly dying sack of lard and the social shame of being related to them. Your subjective survivorship bias of being able to control yourself with a family size pack of Oreos doesn't cut it, nobody NEEDS Oreos.

Any and all foods that aren't leafy greens and carefully engineered nutrition pastes should be outlawed. Society at large cannot be trusted with a ketchup bottle.

>> No.19502323

>San Francisco’s office vacancy rate rose to a new record high of 31.8% in the second quarter, marking three straight years of a market downturn fueled by remote work and plunging tenant demand.

>A net 1.9 million square feet of vacant office space was added to the market in the last three months, according to preliminary data from CBRE, a real estate brokerage.

>The office crisis doesn’t endanger only landlords. City officials project that property taxes could drop by nearly $200 million per year under a worst-case scenario, and numerous downtown retailers and restaurants have shuttered due to a lack of foot traffic.

It seems all the tech startups have all but eliminated the other industries based out of frisco, that and the ridiculous cost of living in the bum infested shithole leaving the humble factory worker no place to live.

>> No.19502334
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>> No.19502363

>first and oldest us craft brewery
but it isn't. maybe in california.

>> No.19502376

>Tries prohibition in 1920
>Everyone is publicly on board due to puritanical fervor
>Everyone individually starts ignoring the law in private (hey, I can handle MY booze responsibly)
>Everyone quickly ends up collectively ignoring the law in public
>Alcohol consumption and alcoholism gets WORSE because zero regulation
>Organized and violent crime skyrockets
>Fails miserably

>Average societal opinion in the western world is infinitely less puritanical than in 1920
>"Guys we should try prohibition again"

You cannot and will never stop people's self-destructive tendencies. You could ban everything under the sun and magically perfectly enforce it, they'd still be getting high off huffing gasonline. The best you can do is set a bar on just how bad things fuck shit up before you outright try and ban them instead of trying to regulate and do damage control.

>> No.19502381

i would not have developed social skills, would not have met my gf and would still be a neet incel if i didn't take up drinking

>> No.19502412

Lib cities tries the legalize everything strategy and that turns out to be way worse

Also nobody alive today was an adult during prohibition so all we have to go by is the propaganda laid out by the side that won

What I can tell you is New York was a much better place before weed and heroine were legal, and alcohol is even more harmful

>> No.19502430

The industrial revolution is a net negative for society.

Your subjective survivor's bias of "Oh but I'm doing well!!" doesn't cut it.
The industrial revolution kills people and destroys families.
It should be illegal.

>> No.19502451

>Also nobody alive today was an adult during prohibition so all we have to go by is the propaganda laid out by the side that won

This has got to be the dumbest take there is. There's surviving newspaper articles, bills, speeches, radio, all from the time it was happening, not post-facto propaganda. Also the fact that "the winning side" only applies inside the US, every other country also has documents that shine light on how prohibition panned out in the US and they have no dog in that race. Yes there's always propaganda and agendas involved but to think that automatically disqualifies everything and anything in the past is a load of shit.

>What I can tell you is New York was a much better place before weed and heroine were legal, and alcohol is even more harmful

Those places were nicer when people had reasons to live instead of most people nowadays up to their eyeballs in debt and only live to pay it off, their only escape being a crack pipe.

>> No.19502508

>Prohibition worked
prohibition gave rise to organized crime that ran several parts of the country for decades and had the federal government spend hundreds of billions of dollars combating it

>> No.19502519
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It's obviously the oldest if it's the first

>> No.19502524

then why don't you go live there if they're so wonderful?

>> No.19502526
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It's a leftist shill thread against alcohol while they praise castration and veganism

>> No.19502556

>127 years is old
Lmao. We have breweries from the Middle Ages.

>> No.19502572

True, but they've never had to live in San Francisco. It ages you.

>> No.19502582

This is probably an American thing because in my country they are already crying that they run out of bottles again because of the hot summer.

>> No.19502588

but it isn't

>> No.19502604

Leftists unironically despise beer because they associate it with
>Right wing rednecks if it's a macro beer
>Rich white men (aka their ex) if it's craft beer

Leftist railing against craft beer is the silliest thing ever, since so many craft beer breweries try to appease them and seem to never learn that you can't make leftists happy

>> No.19502612

I don't care if it's actually the first, I'm pointing out the shitty writing

>> No.19502616

It is 100% an American thing. We're just going through a phase where we realize that not everything has to be shit for the sake of shelf-stability and mass production, so we act like we invented something new.

>> No.19502621

Journalists don't really understand what "first" means, considering every single disney movie has the first LGBT person in it somehow

>> No.19502684

you've just perfectly described the war on drugs

>> No.19502800

I found some clearance Svedka vodka 8-pack mixed drinks for $5 down from $22. Came to $8 after tax.

>> No.19502808
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Incorrect. A drunk people is a compliant people. The soviets figured that out and subsidized vodka production so that everybody could afford it.

>> No.19502828

I don't care that you can't have a class of wine and be responsible. I can and I shan't be having anything banned you insectoid commie retard.

>> No.19502832
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You'll drink nothing and be happy

>> No.19502942

We smoke and take molly instead so I think we'll be alright. Desu~~

>> No.19502972

no. you dont. you don't do shit.

>> No.19503001

It finally killed enough of its customers to hurt business.
Next on the chopping block is video games, after all chuds die childchudless

>> No.19503008

>Alcohol kills people and destroys families
dumbass, alcohol creates families. Without it you wouldnt exist.
Its also useful in war.

>> No.19503042

alcohol is the most destructive drug in the history of mankind. i know facts and reality aren't your thing but go look up how many it kills each year, you'll probably be surprised

>> No.19503053

its expensive and we're falling on hard times.
we tried that once retard it didn't work. teach self control. If im cut off from sakeby the government i'm moving.

>> No.19503054

you guys are retards, Anchor is shutting down because their beers are so fucking expensive that nobody buys them
one 22 oz beer is like 30 dollars

>> No.19503087

What the fuck planet does this guy live on?

>> No.19503159

All these vampires will get what is coming to them.

>> No.19503169

honestly should just move to a different state, it would save them an arm and a leg in operation costs and taxes, but theyre californians so what do you expect.

>> No.19503174

And stroke and a host of GI issues. And mental retardation irritability fatigue sleep apnea. Alkies make for great wage slaves though.

>> No.19503179

Muslim brothers, we can't stop winning

>> No.19503188

This but unironically. This retard still thinks leafy green are health foods.

>> No.19503226

It's that easy to make plenty of illegal stuff. Bombs for example.

>> No.19503327




>> No.19503347

>leftist shill thread against alcohol
it's right wing and masculine to be against alcohol
sobriety, having lucid thoughts, and a physically fit body are right wing values
you can't fight for your family and jesus if you're drunk all the time

>> No.19503358

>newspaper articles, bills, speeches, radio, all from the time
ah yes politicians and media never frame the truth to fit a narrative, certainly we can trust them

>Those places were nicer
when republicans were in charge
objective fact you need to cope with

>> No.19503432

>Alcohol kills people and destroys families
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.19503948

I can't say I'd make alcohol illegal. Look at how well prohibition worked. But I agree with you regarding alcohol being a net negative. Quitting drinking is the best thing I've ever done for myself.

>> No.19503974

The coffee bean is not fermented. Certain teas are and they're pretty sought after making my point further

>> No.19503993

There's too many breweries, honestly. Sad to see one go with such a long history but it is what it is.

>> No.19504115

Having zero self control and wanting to punish everyone else for your bad decisions is pathetic, you'd rather violent criminal smuggling enterprises exist like the Mafia during prohibition than have the "horrible" decision to choose if you want to drink or not is the most self centered Redditor take you could have.
You're not the main character, you're not the most important person in the world, and if you love countries where governments want to be involved in literally everything you do because you're a literal manchild who can't make decisions for themselves then go move there.

How about this; don't buy alcohol if you don't want it. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to drink, retard.

>> No.19504745
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>Alcohol keeps the blue collar men that keep your country running from fucking killing themselves
Nah, nowadays that's increasingly pot, which is the actual reason alcohol's struggling
>Way cheaper to buy way more than you can use, especially in liberal states
>Dosage has more gradation from "just a little" to "absolutely heroic"
>Wide variety in form factor
>Easily concealable with eg. Edibles or a small vape pen.
>Not road testable if you don't admit to anything and just ask for your lawyer
>Can grow basically anywhere, easy to hide doing so if you have a lot of land (Eg farmers, homes in the boonies)
>No hangover
>Numbs physical pain, good replacement for weaning opioids
The only reason alcohol hasn't been COMPLETELY eliminated is because it's still technically illegal if a cop wants to give you a hard time, you can't buy it at a bar yet, and because many employers will drug-test for it.

>> No.19505333

wanting the government to ban things you personally don't like is the opposite of being a tool. it's tyranny

>> No.19505350

IDK man, I just know prohibition of alcohol would make people like me a lot of money. The average American is lazy as fuck, if they could no longer buy alcohol at the store they'd much rather buy it from their neighbor with a homebrewing setup than invest the time and money to make a brew themselves.

>> No.19505427

If you don't currently grow shrooms then you're full of shit. It's even easier than making alcohol and it's worth more money to sell, the inputs cost less, and it's easier to hide, so why don't you go ahead and get started?

>> No.19505444

Finding a market for psychs is harder than you may think, but considering the number of liquor stores here finding a market for alcohol if it were banned would not be hard at all.

>> No.19505456

Same here ban it. Ban porn too. Never got that into it. Statistics said it's mostly millenial women abusing it. I only drank beer for about half a year back in college. It wasn't that exciting

I would only miss the taste of wine maybe. But even then only care for under half a glass

>> No.19505465

Fair point, I guess it depends on your age and friend groups. I know tons of people who want them.

>> No.19505747

/Pol/ faggot

>> No.19505754
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>> No.19505855

why am i drunk right now then retard

>> No.19505857


>> No.19506048
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I swear to god if you people cause us to end up in topsy-turvy world where booze and cigs are illegal but fucking skunk weed is legal I'm going to become a terrorist.

>> No.19506060

Or maybe we could improve society so people don't need alcohol to relax.

>> No.19506062

The cannabis effect. People are switching from drinking to smoking a joint to escape from their shitty reality which is better overall for their health. Now you know why the alcohol lobby is against legalisation in most parts of the world

>> No.19506188
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Alcoholics drink Popov leave my beer alone

>> No.19506212

also their beer is par at best

>> No.19506297

based just for getting so many replies

>> No.19506482

Azn drink conglomerates are pure cancer.

>> No.19506494
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No actually, anchor was stripped for parts

>> No.19506495

drinkers subsidize my night life :-)

>> No.19506524

>dozens of blue-collar union jobs
We'll just ignore that same union demanded 35% pay raises across the board. What company can absorb 25%+ salary increases big or small? Hint: its none.

>> No.19506548

>Somebody think of poor Sapporo! Multinational companies can't just afford to pay their employees!

>> No.19506558

>Big company has big money, better extort them to get some of it.
>Decides to shut down the operation and give you a pink slip
How could this happen?!?

>> No.19506563
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>Anchor was founded in 1896, survived the big earthquake, fire, closures and reopenings, prohibition, a decade or two where they just sold sour beer, both tech explosions but Anchor Union ran it into the ground in three years
ftfy ya chapo tranny

>> No.19506573

I put more blame on Sapporo automating everything and cutting their production capacity in half because of it.
It was a successful company until Sapporo got their hands on it, a few extra dollars in workers pockets can't be blamed for that

>> No.19506582

Anchor was struggling when Sapporo bought it and the union was the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.19506587

I'm sorry but that doesn't make much sense when you take reality into consideration

>> No.19506601

The reality is that those unionized workers are all out on their ass for believing the sweet nothings that the union organizers whispered in their ears, organizers who all got paid and already moved on to their next grift.

>> No.19506616

>when you take reality into consideration
Yeah, company was doing so well they wanted to sell it to anyone willing to throw cash at them. Thats usually how successful companies go right?

>> No.19506618

National craft beer sales are a fraction of the national legal weed sales, craft beer specifically is irrelevant trash because alchys don't give a shit about quality and meme labels can only sell so much

>> No.19506628

So basically fuck them for caring?
The owner was about to die if I recall

>> No.19506665

Legal weed in CA is also struggling, because all the licensing is super expensive and takes years to get, and the authorities refuse to do anything about the illegal growers unless they're on public land.

>> No.19506669

Also you have to imagine that all of these ex anchor employees are marked for life because of this and are virtually unemployable in their field because of this. If you're the hiring manager at a brewery and you see the resume of a guy who got fresh off from contributing to the downfall of a brewery by being in a union are you gonna want to hire him? Nope.

>> No.19506813

>Drink Chinese beer to own the libs

>> No.19506823
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Gonna shove this jawn straight up your ass, bitch

>> No.19507027
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>> No.19507046

>buying beer from a dead nigga

>> No.19507054


>> No.19507056

the brewery yeast is harvested from his casket every 12 months

>> No.19507095

Never heard of it, maybe they should have advertised.
>San Francisco
Lol, gay
Shut the fuck up

>> No.19507864

Alcohol is simply a transgression I’m partaking in favor of the reward of good times.
That doesn’t mean I simply drink all the time though, I limit it to certain social occasions and never get blackout or borderline blackout drunk.
I also try to eat healthy and exercise and have all my shit in order. This doesn’t mean the risk is removed, I’m still rolling the dice every time I drink of the possibility of developing cancer down the line.
It’s crazy to think it’s in any way good for you, stop pretending

>> No.19508561

San Francisco taxes are too high.

>> No.19508656

they tried that in the US and it caused a crime wave that was so bad they banned submachine guns and repealed a constitutional amendment

>> No.19508880

This is such a soccer mom thing to say. This was exactly the argument the women came up to enact the first Prohibition. Look how that turned out.
Alcohol is humanity's friend, and you never abandon a friend.

>> No.19508883

Alcohol is humanity's greatest enemy, but humans are retarded, self destructive apes, so they can't live without it.

>> No.19509027

You call humans retarded but I bet you feel so smart and enlightened saying such a thing. Things like you are humanities greatest enemy. Your kind project your self hatred onto the rest of humanity. You are not human. You are a cancer.

>> No.19509034

it's all conservatives you dumb fuck. hippies make their own beer and mead

>> No.19509291

"Alcohol is God's apology to Man for making him self aware."


>> No.19509332

Soccer moms have cheap boxwine in their thermos things when they're waiting for their kids' games to be over. Look a little further towards the spooky rad-Connies. They're the ones claiming that video games and alcohol directly kill children.
It's alcohol? Not greed? Fascinating.

>> No.19509449

>Sapporo runs an American original into the ground
>OP jumps to conclusions
>people take the bait
I come here to look at food porn. That rarely happens anymore. Instead of food and cooking, it should be food and bullshit.

>> No.19509474

I'd drink if it weren't for the fucking communist minimum price law here. Too bloody expensive.

>> No.19510512

We tried that before and it led to the creation of the Mob and every other criminal organisation that copied them

>> No.19510525

It's by design, you know. Marx laid out the template for the modern labour union specifically to be used as a tool to disrupt industry, hurt the economy, and prime society for a socialist revolution. That's the only reason they exist.
>muh Europe
They're socialists. They even brag about it. The only reason they haven't collapsed yet is because the American taxpayer subsidises them.

>> No.19510533

All breweries began as craft breweries. it's a nothing term that basically means 'less successful'.

>> No.19510546

Those cities were nicer when the population was overwhelmingly white, you can just say it. Everybody knows segregation is better than integration, even lefties have quietly walked back on their commitment to integration with their whole "BIPOC safe spaces" stuff.

>> No.19510558

>Anchor died because automation reduced overhead costs

>> No.19510564

Cared so much they ran a 130 year old local business into the ground for their own personal gain, putting every employee there out on his arse

>> No.19510569

Funny how decriminalisation just makes it harder to grow weed.
Where do you buy Mary Jane seeds in Cali? Might swing through there and commit a federal felony

>> No.19510573

It makes perfect sense to leftists.

>> No.19510583
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Kek, imagine spending money on drugs or alcohol

>> No.19510602

Not reduced overhead costs, cut production capacity in half. If you're making half the amount of products you were before of course you're going to lose money. That's not to mention how much it would have cost just to set up that automation.

>> No.19510894

1896 was a much different time than today unlike what pol wants you to believe

>> No.19510934

Alcohol runs lives you 20 IQ pea brain retard. Get off the alcohol and work on your body and yourself for once

>> No.19511019

This is possibly the most retarded post I've seen on this website after 17 years of experience.

>> No.19511023

Prohibition basically destroyed the country and allowed for massive corruption in organized crime which just gave way for an entirely corrupt political order in its wake.

>> No.19512211

>get people with problems help

Stop saving them. Let the trash take itself out. Make Narcan administration illegal by first responders. Problem solves itself.

>> No.19512467

No. It just shows that Americans are corrupt criminal degens, regardless.

>> No.19512478

Fuck Islam and fuck you.

>> No.19512485
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Couldn't be me

>> No.19512562

teetotalers are so fucking gay and stupid its unreal.

>> No.19512568

You have to be 18 to post on this site

>> No.19512709

I'm 37 and a functional alcoholic. Please tell me what's wrong with human garbage taking itself out

>> No.19512716

>1896 was a much different time than today unlike what pol wants you to believe
You've got it exactly backwards.

>> No.19512720

something like 90% of all alcohol sold goes to the top 10% of the consumers. your 1-3 beers once a month is a microscopic blip on the radar, but since you're posting cope i imagine it's more like 3-6 beers after every "long day" which is at least 4 days a week

>> No.19512741
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About that

>> No.19512790

They'll probably make 10x the money selling the land than they could've by selling beer for the next century

>> No.19512812

>RUM HAM!!!!!

>> No.19513017

This is a token gesture, any workers who actually care enough to save the company don't have the money to do so, and the leftist union grifters will give nothing then move on to their next scam.

>> No.19513174

never understood this "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" act you guys love
you aren't going to get good boy points

>> No.19513188

the overwhelming majority of teas, and almost all of those found in the west, are not fermented

>> No.19513403 [DELETED] 

They also live in a desert and have slaves. They’re shithole countries anon. You know it but you’re still pretending like they’re cool while you enjoy all the amenities of America.

>> No.19513594

No way, it's because it's Cali. Doing any kind of business in Cali is basically just burning your money

>> No.19513746

You're the "I never drink because its bad for you" and "all fast food is trash and poison" and "only MY diet is good" kinda person aren't you? I'll bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.19513777

my uncle used to homebrew shitty wine in libya in the 80s. he was there as part of an australian farming compound to 'share knowledge' of how to grow food to the locals.

They brewed in shockingly large quantity.

>> No.19514031
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Apes together strong

>> No.19514330

It's a slippery slope to say
>let's just kill the alcoholics
because then everyone wants to get cute and double down to
>let's kill all the other groups we don't like!
Which inevitably destabilizes the government and society, because everyone wants to be the group driving that ship.

Every chud (and other political group) loves the idea of killing their political adversaries or taking out the trash, until some group with power finally gets to you and says
>This time, you're the trash, say goodbye
and then you're all like
The only solution we've come up with to avoid this "they're coming for you next" problem that's workable is only giving the state power for in-retaliation murder, where we only use it on people who already committed murder or an equally bad crime, and otherwise the government leaves all the people we hate alone.

>> No.19514578

i'm actually a massive alcoholic but i don't go to parties anyway bc that would interfere with my drinking alone time

>> No.19514755


>> No.19514886

I don't drink anymore but these were my favorite. Damn good beer.

>> No.19514918

>banning things will magically make them go away
you're either trolling or clearly you learned nothing from prohibition or the war on drugs

>> No.19514924

We just know the left cares more about replacing us with brown people, molesting kids, and acquiring wealth and power for themselves than they do about defeating the technocrats oppressing us all.

>> No.19514973

alcohol is objectively bad. most people who consume it regularly and in excess are overweight. it's a carcinogen. makes people talk too loud and extra annoying at best, predators and ragehounds at worst. drunk drivers kill waaaay too many innocent people a year. shrinks your fucking brain, literally.

i still enjoy a few glasses of wine and appreciate what goes into making it. but anyone here pretending alcohol isn't a net drain on society is retarded and a lot of people have an incredibly unreasonable relationship with it. i don't know a single person that doesn't have someone in their family that doesn't have an issue with it to varying degrees of severity.

>> No.19516128
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but we do need to kill the grabblers and joggers

>> No.19516145

alcohol objectively gets me fucked up and doesn't make my swimmers retarded like weed does

>> No.19516174

sounds like ur dad was a pussy and couldnt hold his liquor

>> No.19516207


Uhh hello? Based department?

>> No.19516986

based wood table guy continuing the cocktail crusade

>> No.19517087

Alcohol is not falling out of favor in my house until my doctor tells me I have to stop.

>> No.19517109

My problem is that despite understanding that alcohol is unhealthy in the long run, I feel 300% better while under the effects of alcohol

>> No.19517436

there's the problem, it's false marketing

>> No.19517606

based and truthpilled

>> No.19517780

Are abhorrent euro posting hours done yet?

>> No.19517878


>> No.19518011

If you grew up in the Bay you would know techies ruin everything they touch

>> No.19518061

Alcohol is a tricky issue. One one hand it is very bad for some bees and on another it is good for some bees. Ain't got no problem keeping the man who likes to get tight and beat his wife from the bottle, but at the same time who am I to tell a man he can drink a few brews as he's billing a bailer behind his tractor through his fields. Man have been crushing grapes for a long long time, and has survived this long despite that. Used to be a man would put hands on his woman one too many times and the rest of the fellas in town would take him back behind the tree line and he'd leave the woods limping & knowing next time he wouldn't be leaving the woods. Didn't need a bunch of negros and yids in Washington to make laws to protect them and tell them their morals. Nowadays you're just supposed to wait around and hope she calls the cops and they get their before she winds up dead. Just ain't right I tell ya.

>> No.19518080

>1-3 beers
You can't even settle on a number, alkie.

>> No.19518085

Who drinks just 1 drink?

>> No.19518101

The techies just accelerated the Bay's problems with money, lefties are the ultimate cause.

>> No.19518115

Makes sense since most of technology is for the purpose of making something easier/more efficient.

Like say you had some fancy doodad garden. Like it's just a little 10x10x5 foot box that robotically gardens, you just have to fill the bed with dirt, and the dif reservoirs with water/nutrient solution/seeds. Then it pants and the lil robo arms and scanners pick through it, gives constant soil readings, all kinds of analytics and what not until its ready to harvest.

It might sound real cool and all, & take next to no work to have a vegetable garden if you can afford it. You can't really explain to a techie why you wouldn't want that and would prefer to just go out and get your hands dirty. It obviously why artisinal products eventually flop. Can't engineer out the parts of a process in which your heart and soul get put into your work and still hope it turns out soulful.

>> No.19518125


>> No.19518149

Drinking 3 beers on a friday night with friends doesn't make you an alcoholic. You're the kind of guy to not finish a glass of wine at dinner, aren't you?

>> No.19518267

Having just 1 is impossible for both the alcoholic and the anti-alcoholic. Both types are equally insufferable.

>> No.19518284

>he doesn't know

>> No.19519272

Monks brewed wine and beer and got drunk all the time chud

>> No.19519299

meanwhile literally Jesus Christ of Nazareth
>creates 500 gallons of wine as his first miracle to keep a wedding party going

>> No.19519421

You are what's wrong with America.

>> No.19519424

>implying SF leftists don't deride, laugh at and attack people in red states or even just more rural parts of CA on the regular
Fuck your hypocritical faggotry, that is what's truly wrong with this country.

>> No.19519458

>Drinking 3 beers on a friday night with friends doesn't make you an alcoholic.
Lol hoo boy

>> No.19519464

Are you the kind of guy that believes boomers that your first sip of alcohol affects your judgement and impairs your vision?

>> No.19519484

they do, and they're also part of the problem, you are not exempt from being a shithead just because people you don't like are shitheads as well

>> No.19519518

a 180 lbs male who has 3 beers over 3 hours has a BAC of about 0.027%. that's one third the legal limit for driving. "Average individual appears normal."

>> No.19519639

that's where you're wrong fren

>> No.19520075
File: 566 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon, pic related, a brazuca remedy

1.5 oz Cachaca
2/3oz Linoncello
2/3oz Aperol
1/3oz Lemon juice
1/6oz Honey syrup
1/2oz Egg white
3 Basil leaves

>> No.19520103

keep it cheap, keep it good, profit

>> No.19520109

i get 710ml can of 8% beer for $1.80 tax included

>> No.19520135

Alcohol sales are virtually flat YOY though.

The loss in craft beer sales is easily made up by Mexicans buying Modelo/Coronas.

>> No.19520286

The federal government purposefully funded the crack epidemic that bloodied the streets of California for decades.

>> No.19520291

>Alcohol runs lives you 20 IQ pea brain retard

>> No.19520799

>legal drugs are falling out of favor
sure thing

>> No.19521337

kek, gen z are all on ketamine, weed, nicotine vapes and x

>> No.19521915

Ketamine bros.... we finally won

>> No.19521934

I stopped buying beer. It used to taste good. Now it doesn't- I was just so used to drinking it it was like a habit. But it was always making me feel terrible, too. Used to make me feel renewed the next morning, but it was having the opposite effect. Maybe they started putting something new in it.

I didn't drop alcohol. Expensive liquor is good. Those cheap wines that still taste the way wine would have tasted back in 400 BC is still good. I just drink much much less now. Catch me at a baseball game and I got water, I don't want beer.

If I want to treat myself I've realized that a quality soda is superior alcohol. Once every couple of months I indulge in that fizzy sugar drink.

>> No.19521940

Taters made bourbon unaffordable and craft enthusiasts made beer unaffordable. Everything else was already either expensive or undrinkable, but the poor man's refuges have been taken away.

>> No.19521977

they might be but at a remarkedly reduced rate compared to their predecessor so it means shit

>> No.19522002

Brace bros, whats our response
are we dumb overgrown children who have been sheltered from reality

>> No.19522101

>it should be illegal for sale
Which is retarded since illiterate retards in prison can still homebrew alcohol without much difficulty. Distillation is a little harder but still shockingly easy for anyone with a brain.

>> No.19522111

>Anyway, crafting scene is great where I am. New breweries popping up all the time.
How many make anything other than meme IPAs though? Craft brewing is just endless variations on over-hopped or citrusy IPAs at a too-high price point and it's boring.

>> No.19522120

>their revenue was $33 million.
Retarded communist doesn't understand revenue isn't profit. What a surprise.

>> No.19522202

alcohol is degenerate.

>> No.19522206

the only 3 sane people.

>> No.19522216

all the alcoholics coming out to defend their addiction.

>> No.19522219

>alcohol is a net negative for society
>your subjective survivors bias of oh but I had fun!! doesn't cut it. Alcohol kills people and destroys families
>it should be illegal for sale

>> No.19522221

>i need outside substances to not be mentally retarded
good work being a failure at the most basic of human skills.

>> No.19522225

Thanks Anecdote Andy but someone who's anti-drinking could pull up the stories of 10x more people who had their lives ruined

>> No.19522228

the "it's natural so it isn't bad" argument falls apart as soon as you point out all the other natural substances that will kill you upon inhalation or injection.
>sulfuric acid
>swallowing a rock
>inhaling water
>inhaling anything other than oxygen

>> No.19522230

Do you see the logical error in an outside observer pointing out bad behaviour in two groups, and then being told that it's okay because both groups do it?

>> No.19522234

>requiring outside substances to enjoy yourself

>> No.19522238

No U bitch it's a well known fact that high IQ individuals are much more prone to addictions

>> No.19522239

yeah, people not liking the other side of the political spectrum, that's what's wrong with this country.
not the fact that most of the anti american/communistic rhetoric comes from one party exclusively.

>> No.19522241

no, they aren't
high IQ stay away from addiction because they know how debilitating it is.
i know you want to pretend to be smart, but dont make up bullshit to defend your retardation.

>> No.19522244

Which party tried the coup, again?

>> No.19522249

A correlation means nothing if you can't explain its causation. Saying "smart people do X" means nothing; saying "smart people do X because X benefits them in this or that way and it leads to this or that good outcome" is a convincing argument.

>> No.19522251

uh huh.
remind me how biden is the most popular president in the history of the US again?

>> No.19522264

Among many others. Just because you don't know this fact doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Smart people do X for 2 reasons. First they are aware of living in a society and hate other people for being retarded, being smarter than everyone around you sucks shit. Life outcomes also fall off a cliff after about 110 IQ, midwits actually have it the best. Secondly getting addicted is really about learning, you have to associate even on an unconscious level the substance with the feeling it provides. Smart people pick this up faster and harder. I'm done with you stupid niggers though since you obviously don't know shit.

>> No.19522270

wow, two whole studies that don't tell us the IQ levels of those who drink. consider me convinced.
besides, it's a well known cope for smart people to drink so they can dumb themselves down to midwit levels like yours.

>> No.19522274

Don't care, still drinking beer

>> No.19522283

mass replier cope. prohibition didnt work, wont work, and will never work. if you wanna change attitudes towards alcohol its gotta be cultural.
sucks that you cant control yourself and have to drink all the time. im gonna continue enjoying alcohol a few times a month responsibly.

>> No.19522284

>smurt peeple drink muh alcohol
>i drink duh alcohol!
>dat meens im smurt 2!

>> No.19522286

Nah these days leftists love the Big Gay Empire, all it took was a little corporate support of faggotry and institutional racism against white people and now war and imperialism are great and anyone who says otherwise is a Putin loving bigot.

>> No.19522290

execute all alcoholics

>> No.19522310
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They went downhill when Sapporo bought them.
They had a great brand look. Then bam, this faggot shit rebrand.
You could tell something went wrong with the company.

>> No.19522365

I'm a drinker and this anon is correct. There is nothing good about alcohol.

>> No.19522371

People sure don't use heroin/crack/meth and ruin themselves, right? Some thing shsould be illegal because people simply cannot make good decisions.

>> No.19524043

shit is too expensive
they keep spending all their money on graphic designers and i end up with a 10 dollar beer