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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19467496 No.19467496 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, I'm going to a party next weekend, where there will be a pool and lots of women. I desperately need to meet women so I shall attend. The hostess of the party asked guests to bring their own beer and/or any food dishes they want. She'll be grilling chicken and hot dogs, but I really want to bring a side dish that will "wow" everyone who tries it. It's going to be a gathering of art hoes essentially, so many of them will be vegetarian.

What is the absolute most delicious side dish I can make that will make their panties wet? I want women to take a taste of it an immediately want my seed. I just don't know where to begin. I enjoy cooking, but I've never been a big sides person

I'm open to anything, but especially interested in dips or similar dishes that I can transport easily in a large bowl. What are your favorites?

>> No.19467503

boiled eggs

>> No.19467678
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Something with blue cheese.

>> No.19468277

Very interesting, thank you anon. Is that actually from a Gordon Ramsey book?

>> No.19468292

He must've been high as fuck on blow when he wrote or dictated this. Anyway, what's a good dish I can make with a bleu cheese then? I don't just want to bring a dressing or do like buffalo chicken with bleu cheese. Ideally no meat since I know many women there will be vegetarians. But if they're vegans fuck em

>> No.19468308
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Listen to me and listen to me now
Find a ripe watermelon
Try not to be a 4ch weirdo and not rape it
If you rape your melon go buy another

Half inch cubes of watermelon with feta crumbles, mint, shallot, green onion/scallion/vinegar/fish sauce/sesame seed/finely diced cucumber
>omg anon how did you make this salad
>i've never had this salad before it's amazing
>can i taste your dick
>mmm your dick tastes so melony

>> No.19468316

>art hoes
it ended before it began

>> No.19468321

>deviled eggs

>> No.19468350
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Homemade wine. Make sure to backsweeten and put in a bottle with a pretty label for maximum thot appeal

>> No.19468377

>Try not to be a 4ch weirdo and not rape it

try not to not rape it...got it. Either way that recipe sounds delicious and I'm not even big on watermelon. What does the sesame seed actually do though?

>> No.19468381

happening next weekend I don't have that much time to ferment wine

>> No.19468439

It gives it a nice pepper flavor
Black pepper, spiced without being hot, it just balances it
Plus because it's oil it makes the other flavors hit differently, I'm sure olive oil would work, too

>> No.19468452

Oh, sorry forgot oil
Sesame seed oil and sesame seed both
Or whatever, it's a savory fruit salad, have fun with it, maybe add tuna, too
Could be too much

>> No.19468463

whatever you decide to bring fucking PLEASE post a follow-up thread after the thing to tell us how it went. my suggestion:
>dinner rolls
You can make bomb ass rolls with zero baking experience if you can follow a recipe. Ingredients are cheap and it travels and reheats well, and Baking is a panty dropper. Also vegetarian and broadly palatable, unless you got a gluten bitch in which case good luck. Put some garlic and rosemary in there for le gourmet points

>> No.19468764

Salsa, art hoes love ethnic shit.
>grill/broil 5 poblanos
>5 jalapeños
>10 tomatoes
>put a bunch of garlic and onion into a blender
>add lime juice
>take vegetables off grill
>put into ziploc bag
>remove skins if you want
>throw them into blender
>blend till smooth
>season with lime juice and salt to taste
Be sure to use a chip to taste, bring some of that and chips

>> No.19469197

>whatever you decide to bring fucking PLEASE post a follow-up thread after the thing to tell us how it went. my suggestion:

will do, I probably won't do dinner rolls. I'm not really into baking and they'd prob suck.

sounds good but I have no blender. It's sounding like the watermelon feta concoction is best option at this point

>> No.19469201

cock and vag00

>> No.19469202

Fish sauce holy fuck.

>> No.19469212

>watermelon feta concoction
I'd fucking drop kick you if you served me watermelon and feta cheese.

>> No.19469300

>I'd fucking drop kick you if you served me watermelon and feta cheese.

why? is it bad? The way anon described it made it sound good

>> No.19469405

>no rolls
>but watermelon and feta power bowl is good
You're going to die a virgin

>> No.19469615

>maybe add tuna
do this OP
get the sushi yellow fin kind and cut them exactly as you cut the melon.

>> No.19469631

Just buy some twinkies, put them in tupperware, and say they are housemade confections baked by a local organic artisanal vegan culinary artist to support Ukraine.

>> No.19469638

Tater tots duh

>> No.19469641

Fuck ukraine and fuck russia, I don't care about either and dont want to pay for their shit war that has nothing to do with the USA,.

>> No.19469643

Fair enough, but OP was asking how to bamboozle NPC thots, hence CURRENT THING.

>> No.19469647

Not my problem, I have enough of my own to have to pay for asshole war. I dont need to pay taxes for other chumps problems.

>> No.19469652

I realize that these chumps hate each other but why is that my problem, sure it's military industrial complex as Eishower warned us about but I dont need to pay for it. It just enables them. In the end does it matter to us which one wins, no it doesn't.

>> No.19469686

Street corn

>> No.19469722

No he wouldn't, first of all, it's tasty, second of all, I'm way tall and thin, and thirdly, if he manages to have bad taste and somehow be bigger than me, I'd just shoot him
Watermelon feta salad is tits, try it for sure

>> No.19470420
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Hummus and some type of flatbread. Its vegan and tastes great.

Have sex.

>> No.19470741

Best post on /ck/ rn

>> No.19470818

I think that's what I'm gonna make, it looks really damn good

>> No.19471154

>is it bad?
It's a real salad but I've never seen it with fish sauce, vinegar and sesame seeds. I usually just use the cubed melon, cucumber, feta, mint and a light dressing of honey and lime.

>> No.19471190

Just a tiny amount for salt
It's something I picked up from an ancient Roman recipe compilation, they use garum for everything, even sweets
But the glutamates in it really bring it together
If not fish sauce for whatever veggie reasons Chinese light soy works, too

>> No.19471411

>It's a real salad but I've never seen it with fish sauce, vinegar and sesame seeds

I'd prob do a vinegar and oil dressing, idk if I'd use the fish sauce. I might try to make a small batch this week and then tweak it for the weekend party

>> No.19471418


>> No.19471499

>>deviled eggs

does anyone have any particularly good deviled eggs recipes? I do have 3 dozen eggs in my fridge that I need to do something with

>> No.19471544
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Unironically find the simplest, most basic bitch Betty Crocker recipe that calls for mayo, yellow mustard, and turmeric, garnished with paprika
The most important thing is the eggs
Steam them with the tops (fat end) up if you can and quench them in ice water
This will make them easier to peel and prettier/more uniform
Make the filling slightly, just barely too salty