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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 600x900, Russian-Navy-Style-Pasta-with-beef.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19422873 No.19422873 [Reply] [Original]

Usually I start this thread with Shit On a Shingle but today I am spicing it up.
This is Macarony Po Flotski, Soviet Navy style macaroni and meat.

Please post foods that are traditionally cooked on military ships, like kaigun kare, SOS, british kidney pies.
More obscure dishes are welcome: Korean, Turkish and so on

>> No.19422879

tube steak

>> No.19422880

Haha penis

>> No.19422943

I would live to try it

>> No.19422951

any sauce on this dirty bitch fucker? anything to lube it up?

>> No.19422999

I think the meat is fried with onions so that generates some juices my man

>> No.19423081

How do you know someone was in the navy? Don't worry as soon as they get the dick out of their mouth they will tell you.

>> No.19423095
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1717, 4_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I know haha glurp glurp

The "10 o clock soup" in the canadian navy, which can be any kind of soup.
Pic rel is Tinola Soup a Pinoy dish and a woman who does not look Pinoy at all

>> No.19423226
File: 115 KB, 1300x957, rea-sea-december-19-2022-this-photograph-shows-the-meal-of-the-special-diner-between-french-president-and-...mber-20-the-elysee-presidential-palace-announced-photo-by-ludovic-marinpoolabacapresscom-solely-for-sipa-and-abaca-2M4AH0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dinner on the Charles de Gaulle
>foie gras
>white wine
Can't ID the sloppa

>> No.19423280

>a woman who does not look Pinoy at all
>Asian girl with dark skin, bleached hair, visible tattoo and a Spanish name
Anon what the fuck are you talking about
The only way this woman could be more filipina would be if she were wearing nurse's scrubs

>> No.19423288

First the filipinos take over the merchant marine, now our navy?

>> No.19423509
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Haha thanks guys no hate only food on water here

Next up a staple of the mighty USN: Bean Soup.
Guys, this is what the warriors who won Midway, Coral Sea and Guadalcanal Naval Battle ate a lot of the days.
Maybe some sailor can tell us if it's still common nowadays

>> No.19423514
File: 89 KB, 1200x1200, japanese-beef-curry-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese curry is the bomb.

>> No.19423525

Great pic!
Was getting to that but of course what better navy dish is more famous than the Kaigun Kare of the IJN and now of the JMSDF

>> No.19423628
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next we go to the Indian Navy.
They wat with their hands and have red dots on their forehead.
Of course it's all vegana food sir haha

>> No.19423648

I love the huge salty cuts of boiled ham and beef that they cook.

>> No.19423652

literally just busted out laughing at this

>> No.19423673

>Macarony Po Flotski
I had no idea this had a name, I ate this as a kid and it was called "Dad was making dinner"

>> No.19423684

Well you learned at least one thing today my friend!

>> No.19424329
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230626_194923093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this thread and made this stuff, legitimately one of the tastiest pasta dishes I've ever had, you weren't a faggot today OP

>> No.19424352

wow! look at you, very nice

>> No.19424360

Hmmm I'm on here debating what to make for dinner, I might try this too. What did you season it with? I found several recipes but some added tomato paste, some had paprika and pepper. Any recommendations?

>> No.19424434

Smoked paprika, garlic powder, black pepper, and salt, along with a bunch of butter and excess pasta water

>> No.19424711

filipinos be like heh-lo my name is ching chong rodriguez

>> No.19425417

That was nice, glad it was useful.

Haha that's exactly how they are

>> No.19425422

I'd rake that leaf so fucking hard. Right un the asshole

>> No.19425458
File: 106 KB, 780x520, 0284def7-2630-4275-82d1-dc78b2b40770be06edc521b9ce09cd_navycurry_keichan_1005 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and all of us buddy haha

Now let's go for that mythical, that Mount Fuji of all Navy foods: Imperial Japanese Navy/JMSDF Kaigun Kare!!
Wow what a great fish the Japs got from the British to prevent beriberi at sea.
Hot from the pot, with some steamed rice, a bowl of green salad and a tall glass of cold milk! Wow, have a bite and you are now on the bow of Musashi or sweeping the deck of the Soryu!!!
Still a staple today, friday is curry day.
A lot of us here are giant weebs so I guess all of us made Jap curry at least once.
You can eat curry in every Japanese port, they have competitions and stakes are high!
Rivalry between curry joints are worse than the IJN/IJA rivalry haha lmao

>> No.19425526

looks like ham & beans; delicious

>> No.19425537
File: 76 KB, 945x610, 5ebb8f3e2582f6080785f3faca5e24b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes indeed my man

The ships biscuit. Wow, what a classic my friends. And boy as sailors do we love to hate them! As sailors in the age of discovery because today there are no more hard biscuits.
Fun fact: biscuit means "twice cooked" in French alrhough they werent baked more than once haha

>> No.19425559

Simple, but I got a bad memory so I did a thing to remember to try it.

>> No.19425565
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ops i forgot, of course

>> No.19425571

She looks like she's supposed to be attractive but somehow it eluded her.

>> No.19425573
File: 27 KB, 450x321, jb04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice and what an homage to the soviet sailors!

Next we delve into history!
The scary UBoat of the Kriegsmarine! Dont want to mess with it if you are a cargo ship on the north Atlantic route!

Lets see a list taken from the Internet:

Example of a food stored on a Type IXC boat (12 weeks)

494 lbs. fresh and cooked meats
238 lbs. sausages
4,808 lbs. preserved/tinned meats
334 lbs. preserved fish
3,858 lbs. potatoes
397 lbs. dried potatoes
3,428 lbs. other vegetables
1,226 lbs. bread dough
2,058 lbs. preserved breads
463 lbs. rice and noodles
595 lbs. fresh eggs
917 lbs. fresh lemons
2,365 lbs. other fruits
551 lbs. butter and margarine
611 lbs. soup ingredients
408 lbs. marmalade and honey
309 lbs. fresh and preserved cheese
1,728 lbs. milk
441 lbs. fruits juices
154 lbs. coffee
205 lbs. other drinks
441 lbs. sugar
132 lbs. salt
108 lbs. chocolates

Yummy? Definitely yummy! If you can set aside the fact that you had a 70% chance of getting killed during the war in a Uboat, those Jerries sure ate good...all the nights haha

>> No.19425578

My friend we all love women and boy I sure love women! But the main thing is that soup and the Canadian Navy tradition haha

>> No.19425630

Guys come on let's post navy foods.
We all served or have someone close who served in our country's navy what did you eat?

>> No.19425700
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1225, chipped-beef-recipe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in for a treat!
What a classic, SOS or Shit on a Shingle.
Chipped beef in a white sauce on toast, what a treat for first watch.

Here is a recipe cooked by a Beardy McBeardy type from an original 1944 Navy Cookbook:


>> No.19425727

I’m sure you would sailor boy ;)
Open wide…

>> No.19425738

But you gave up on your faggot sailor larp when you posted your Indian joke that is obviously not sailor food. You ruined your own thread like the giant faggot you are.

>> No.19425758

Hello Rakeesh and welcome!
It was a mere joke, pajeets are more than welcome tobpost Navy food, I couldnt find any on the Internets

Haha I am in love with women my bi friend haha

>> No.19425777
File: 65 KB, 1000x1500, S.O.S.-Hamburger-Gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another version of SOS: the one with minced meat (or hamburger meat as our free friends call it).
It's browner and looks richer than the chipped beef but all together yummy? Yummy!

>> No.19425835


>> No.19425855

That seems logical but what dishes do you know and love?

>> No.19425876

Fish and chips

>> No.19425888

Fuckin Americans that's not Macaroni that's Penne.

>> No.19425895

Yes but in the soviet union they said macaroni to all pasta haha

>> No.19426005

It's not foie gras, it's pâté.

>> No.19426016

Very classy anyway.
How to search for Marine Nationale food?

>> No.19426023

Go to seafood.com

>> No.19426026

Not what I was searching for anon

>> No.19426027

>literally just ground beef and noodles
This is like a depression meal. You know when you have depression and you're absolutely fucked to even get out of bed much less cook anything decent but after three days the hunger gets to be too much so you put this slop on and eat it alone in the dark sitting on the kitchen floor in your underwear.

>> No.19426033

My man this became a staple in the soviet navy somewhere arount the beginning of the 20th century. It was just filling and it was given to sailors after some particularly hard task, like shoveling coal.
Of course it's not a fancy schmancy dish, but it was special considering peasants ate dirt and oats then

>> No.19426139
File: 485 KB, 1826x898, Screenshot_20230627_152934_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow friends!
I found a gem!
You can make this right now and feel like a british submariner.
Pic rel: Cheesy-Hammy-Eggy

>> No.19426150
File: 1.21 MB, 400x300, COVFEFE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet-era dish
>This is like a depression meal.

>> No.19426610
File: 374 KB, 1395x1467, 1683257530152834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i much prefer chipped beef over ground beef
the ground beef just reminds me of a shitty biscuits and sausage gravy

>> No.19426685

Wait so chipped beef on top of ground beef? That's a crazy combo but Navy guys are loco haha

>> No.19427087

>Usually I start this thread
How did your autism get so bad that you take comfort in making the same thread over and over on a mongolian basket weaving forum? Just read one of your old ones and bask in your hugbox.

>> No.19427127

He's saying he prefers chipped beef
Ground beef is not how it was originally made
Chipped beef has a completely different flavor

>> No.19427136

>Just read one of your old ones
Thanks man, that's flattering, but I just have to do them from time to time because I am a Navy food fiend haha

Oh oh my bad B

>> No.19427158
File: 73 KB, 600x600, beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel it's worth trying
In some places it's a little expensive but worth it at least once, look for it by the tuna or Spam

>> No.19427190
File: 38 KB, 560x420, 1659970423048021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh oh my bad B
So much for being a Navy food fiend.

>> No.19427200

Thanks for the pic but I am in europe, maybe I will order some over the Internets

Haha I don't compute

>> No.19427211
File: 34 KB, 376x380, 64685454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am in europe

>> No.19427212

Nobody is perfect lol

>> No.19427251
File: 321 KB, 2093x1219, MV5BZjQ1MDgxYTEtMWUzYS00OTg3LWFlMTktM2E2YjVhNTdlMDFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA4NzE5MTA3._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say this just because it's kinda pertinent to this thread -- some of the galley segments from Life At Sea are fairly interesting scenes.

>> No.19427268

You might have something like it if you have a dry beef sausage that's cured with nitrites
That's all it is, a very simple salami made with beef not pork
So you can see how that would taste very different from ground beef

>> No.19427275
File: 148 KB, 1200x630, 15-BS-package-website-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat this all the time. You can use any leftover meat.

>> No.19427283

Thanks guys.

I wanted to ask Americans and I will leave it here for when they wake up: are there naval food themed restaurants around big navy bases, like Norfolk, SD?
I mean like they have the curry restaurants around bases in Japan

>> No.19427290

Iunno I live in the mountains
There's a seafood restaurant inside our aquarium, though

>> No.19427304

Not that I've heard of, but that doesn't mean they don't exist somewhere. I grew up eating at diners and they usually have a decent selection of "military style" food; SOS, chili, variety of soups, chili mac, etc.

>> No.19427307
File: 245 KB, 1227x745, front_en.3.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19427326

Classic. Also good with ground beef if you happen to have that on hand. Can't believe the price of dried beef these days.

>> No.19427334

Now THIS is bullshit. Kroger can eat shit and die.

>> No.19427351
File: 27 KB, 648x393, kroger-empoloyee_37786438_ver1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19427357

>t. 15 bean virgin

>> No.19428154

Hamburger helper?

Throw some mozzarella on that shit and there's no way it's not amazing

>> No.19428241

My grandma would often take me to a place that was naval themed and served shit on a shingle which I always got, at first because it was the one time I was allowed to say shit but I ended up really enjoying it, don't think it was near a naval base though

>> No.19428531

I want her to kick my ass

>> No.19428799


>> No.19428941

Norfolk doesn't afaik

>> No.19429514

Thanks guys

Who wouldn't haha

>> No.19429518 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 1200x1200, Budae-JJigae-Korean-Army-Stew-Takestwoeggs-FINAL-SQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean Army stew Budae Jjigae
Did not find conclusive evidence that it is served on Korean Navy ships, because I dont't read chink, but it's a strong possibility

>> No.19430382
File: 779 KB, 940x788, Butteries_2022-04-26-114222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel are butteries, traditionally made for sailors and fishermen in the North of Scotland.

These are essentially just lazy croissants, made by stacking layers of dough with a mix of butter and lard in between each layer. Unfortunately the ones you get at the stores in Scotland are all made with gay fats like rapeseed and palm oil.

They are a bit on the dry side and salty, both of which improve their shelf life, quite handy for a long voyage.