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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19404749 No.19404749 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it say to boil it instead of soaking in a bowl of hot water?

>> No.19404761

because soaking in boiled water doesnt cook them sufficiently?

>> No.19404802

It won't cook fully if just soaked in hot water. It's recommended to add noodles when pot water is already boiling, let it boil for 5 minutes, turn off and cover for 5 minutes (so 10 minutes in total) -- drain and add a teaspoon of lard/tallow and enjoy with cornstarch'd fried meats (I add chili honey soy sauce). I make sloppa homemade most of the time, but even though I know how to make fresh noodles/pasta, O just prefer premade already and I like Maruchan noodles.

>> No.19404810

Because you're a disgusing homosexual and should kill yourself immediately

>> No.19404839


>> No.19404856
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Nobody I know does this.
We just pour water from a kettle over it, stirr it up with the packets and cover it for 10 min to let the noodles soak, then consume as-is.
Thats the whole point. Aint nobody in slavic europe cooking hardboiled eggs, adding mushrooms, meat and green shit to it....
Just a noodle soup with enough sodium to cure 2 hangovers.

>> No.19404871

Well, I'm sophisticated, even if it's goyslop, bdhdhdh :-P

>> No.19405729
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I used to boil Indomie in a pot until I realized that the noodles are just your average cheap ramen noodles and now I just cover them in boiled water and cover the bowl before draining it after a few minutes. Same effect.

>> No.19405751
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btw i also started doing this with samyang and it also works, you just need to cover them for more time

>> No.19405840

>soak vs boil
boil, definitely. soaking makes the ramen mushy but boil gives them a nice chewy texture.

>> No.19405877
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who tf cares. Semantics. It should work to pour boiling water over it and cover. "hot" water is subjective.
I like mines al dente. Usually what I do is put the noodles in the water while it's heating up. It seems the most time-efficient. Just as the water starts boiling it finishes and then I throw out most of the water then add the flavor packet so it is extra flavory.

>> No.19405992

I didn't realize people still bought garbage like Maruchan, and then I read shit like this >>19404802
>10 minutes to cook the cheapest instant noodles
What the fuck are you people even doing?

>> No.19406002

Is /ck/ really too retarded to pour water over instant noodles and not under/over cook them? How do you fuck that up? This board was never good at cooking but what the fuck happened?

>> No.19406178

So that you can crack an egg into the pot when the noodles start to break up and poach it perfectly.

>> No.19406845

10 minutes in total for no crunchy noodles, bitch, nam saying?
>5 minutes boiling
>5 minutes covered and steeping
simple as <[°_°`]

>> No.19406863

Idk, the inmates at the jail I worked at would just find whichever cell had the warmest water in their sink and pour all that shit in a trash bag with chunks of slim jim and cheese packets then make a loaf. We wouldn't let them have coffee pots anymore since someone got assaulted with scalding water lol

>> No.19406885
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>10 minutes
the fuck
you boil it for like 3

>> No.19406887


Because they assume the person consuming it is old enough to be trusted to put a pot of boiling water on the stove.

>> No.19406892

>turn off and cover for 5 minutes (so 10 minutes in total)
>10 minutes in total

What the fuck? No way. Those noodles would have absorbed so much water being saturated in boiling water for 10 minutes straight.

5 minutes tops is all you need. Less if you want them to have more texture.

>> No.19406909

>chicken instant ramen
literally the worst flavor. Apply yourself.

>> No.19406914

Does your mommy not allow you to use the stove?
Just boil some water in a pot. It's really not that difficult.

>> No.19406926

Why are you buying maruchan when Samyang exists? Why are you living like it's 2005? Maruchan is shit noodle. So is Sapporo ichiban while we're at it so you don't buy them thinking it's premium because it costs more. Indo Mi is OK and Shin is dank.

>> No.19406933
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One of the best ramens if you can find it. Shits on that maruchan garbage

These are too spicy to enjoy unless you add a lot of veg and meat and even then it's too much.

>> No.19406935
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The cheese carbonara is actually decent. I expected it to be bad.

>> No.19406936

It's quicker and from a safety standpoint covers their ass. If you don't boil the water and get sick - it's on you, they warned you.
That said if you use clean water hot water is fine it just takes longer. Like it's possible to cook pasta in room temp water over a period of time. Unsafe but doable.

>> No.19407104

That's too long for me but you do you!
How does your 60 IQ brain think I got the boiling water in the first place?

>> No.19407115

>mix raw egg and spicy ramen packet in bowl
>boil noodles on the stove until slightly less done than you want
>stir the egg mixture quickly while slowly pouring in the noodle water a bit at a time to temper it until you have the desired amount of broth
>add noodles
simple as

>> No.19407526

Instant noodles have been 3 minutes since the beginning of time. Yeah, there are plenty of different options available now with different kinds of noodles and sauces and garnishes that are cooked in different ways, but fucking Maruchan isn't one of them. You must be eating your noodles with a spoon, becaue they're literally going to be sludge if you follow your direction.

>> No.19407530

Holy fuck you fucking stupid fuck

>> No.19407574

tried hard rolling boiling water
tried kettle "it's tea time" releases on electric kettles
never get cup ramen to my proper done-ness. and it's not that i don't like al-dente, but i go for softer for noodles rather than pasta.
there's always less-done part up top on the bricks/cups.

i get boiling water, add it to the brick ramen or cup ramen, and microwave for another minute or so.

>> No.19407638

>slurping up these instant noodles...with a straw
toothless quads

>> No.19407642

>How does your 60 IQ brain think I got the boiling water in the first place?
So you did boil some water in the end. My apologies you're actually a genius!

>> No.19407654

Do whatever the fuck you want fuck soak that shit add seasoning half way eat it? maruchan ban is fucking garbage btw I love the green ichiban ones

>> No.19408412
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I like these and the extra spicy ones a lot.

>> No.19408496

That would qualify as 'cooked to fuck'
So mushy as to be inedible.

>> No.19408788

Yes, compared to someone that fucks up putting noodles in boiling water, I am.

>> No.19408907

I’ll soak your head in the toilet bowl if you don’t smarten up

>> No.19408972

For me, it's the microwave.
>place ramen brick into 18 oz. Corelle bowl
>push down until bottom of brick reaches bottom of bowl
>add powder packet and any additional seasoning/spices
>add water until water is ~5mm below top of brick
>microwave at full power for 2:30
>remove from microwave and immediately flip brick in bowl
>wait about five minutes, then stir ramen thoroughly
>wait about five more minutes, then eat

>> No.19409068

after boiling them for 5 minutes they are done.. why the fuck would you add another 5 minutes

>> No.19409090

Well yeah, Samyang are in a different category. Maruchan is like mid, with stuff like MAMA being low teir. Most big noodle brick ones like that are med high tier.
Because its for an American market were most people dont have hot water dispensers or electric kettles. You can microwave them or just hot water soak most instant ramen cause the noodles are already cooked. Theres even some brands that sell them to be even raw.

>> No.19409092

I have only ever eaten these dry from the package.

>> No.19410543

beef is the worst flavor.
well, creamy chicken is the worst, but beef is the worst popular flavor

>> No.19411048

boil more water then they say add an egg, after couple mins add noodles boil more, remove from stove and add packet
simple stupid

>> No.19411051

>400 fucking calories

>> No.19411145

>get home from nightshift
>pour over a bowl of chingchong soup, cover with plate
>hop in the shower
>come out to a ready brekkie

>> No.19411818

>Why does it say to boil it instead of soaking in a bowl of hot water?

because it's a dehydrated food with no extra sanitation precautions you gibbering retard. No, not you specifically but all these morons soaking their noodles thinking its the same thing as boiling them.

When you put the noodles in water, you rehydrate them, but you arent cooking them. Putting them in boiling water sterilizes the noodles. jesus fucking christ no wonder young is so retarded, they actively consume mold spores.

>> No.19412546

I like to crack a couple eggs in the pot while it boils so they can poach. Plus boiling seems to give better results. For hot water get the cup noodles instead.

>> No.19412616

10 minutes makes porridge. Even the thick kind of instant noodle is done in 5

>> No.19412646

I think they are just spicy enough but not too much. the Buldak are fucking insane though same company but the original Samyang is the bottom tier of spicy for the brand.

>> No.19412880


>> No.19412983
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These are inferior to the cup versions.
Picrel is what you should be getting.

>> No.19413381
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Thicker noodles get a better texture from boiling, thinner noodles get a better texture from soaking; that's been my experience. Maruchan/nissin, shin black, all of those are better boiled. Mi goreng, cup noodles, 'lucky me' noodles, they all do fine soaked.

>> No.19413464

brown people thread

>> No.19414066

I just discovered these recently and I love them. Had some tonight for dinner

>> No.19414209
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>has fill line that perfectly cooks the noodles and leaves enough water for broth to be flavorful without being too much and diluting it to oblivion
>nice wide side handles so you don't burn the living shit out of your fingers due to steam or sloshing broth
>cleans in seconds under rinse
Serious invest in one of these glorious fuckers. Find them at any dollar general. Yeah you can use a regular round bowl but then you have to find a fuck off big ass bowl to cook and eat from that can fit the 4 edges. If you got time boiling in a pot makes a superior meal but more clean up more dishes more time.

>> No.19414719

A whole board of illiterate tasteless who can't follow directions. The instructions say add to boiling water for 3 minutes. Stir in seasoning. Serve.

/ck/ the type of retards to microwave their hot pocket for 2 minutes instead of the prescribed 1:50.

>> No.19414819
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listen to me, this is how you make noodles, it's easy. boil water, put the noodles in a bowl, pour water on it. put in microwave if necessary or put more boiling water. pour water out a few minutes later. put the soup/spices on it. finished. fast and nothing else to clean. and you're not dilluting the taste with a bunch of gross water.

>> No.19414826

i'm never eating korean noodles no matter how good you claim they are. they probably put ttongsul in it.

>> No.19415188

Let me get this straight. You boil the water in a pot on the stove, then pour it over the ramen to achieve the same goal, but in twice the amount of time? And you're calling other people retarded?

>> No.19415195

I had a stir fry version of this brand and it was kino. The instructions said to pour most of the water out, which was disgusting, but if you leave the water in for a broth they're pretty great