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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 1200x900, ADDB42F7-DC92-49B3-8B6C-2E81ABF59276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19357088 No.19357088 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something here? It seems to me like I’m just paying someone else for the privilege of cooking my own food. Did Koreans come up with this just to fuck with Westerners? I wouldn’t mind if it was cheap but usually these places are among the most expensive in town.

>> No.19357094

I believe the "make your own" restaurant movement was started by a fellow by the name of Cosmo

>> No.19357121

No you have to cook yourself in KBBQ restaurants in Korea

>> No.19357137

Why you are really there for is the tiny tiny bowl of radishes marinated in sprite.

>> No.19357146

its because in Asia you dont have space in your own 3 sq ft apartment to fire up a BBQ and you're not allowed to just fire one up in the park or at the beach.
so instead you go to a bbq restaurant, pay $9 a head to grill unlimited meat for 2 hours
then the best part is you dont have to clean anything up, you can just go about your day.
problem with firing up your own grill is cleaning the cunting thing before and after you use it, getting the coals just right etc.
in a korean bbq place its all organized for you. you just literally show up and you're grilling within a minute of arriving.

its also why airfryers are a thing. they dont have ovens in kitchens in asia, usually because their kitchen is also their living room and bedroom at the same time.

>> No.19357153

>It seems to me like I’m just paying someone else for the privilege of cooking my own food
they cook the food for you at the table. See that guy with the sheers in the pic? That's the waiter. They cook the meat for you and cut it into manageable pieces and leave it on the bbq platter.

>> No.19357171 [DELETED] 

Why dont they just, you know, not be subhuman bugs?

>> No.19357201

Marinades, variety, convenience, banchan. How stupid are you?

>> No.19357210

Why are asians so obsessed with food being cooked or prepared in front of you?
>Korean bbq
Are they just that lazy and narcissistic?

>> No.19357225 [DELETED] 

they're asian

>> No.19357252

>they dont have ovens in kitchens in asia, usually because their kitchen is also their living room and bedroom at the same time
That can't be true. They have a jet engine in the kitchen for their wok, but they don't have an oven?
How do they roast meats? How do they bake bread and cakes and pies and casseroles?

>> No.19357260

A lot of Asian kitchens don't have ovens that's why Asians living in America just use their oven to store pots and pans

>> No.19357265

>How do they roast meats? How do they bake bread and cakes and pies and casseroles?
they dont

>> No.19357266

They can be really good, just go with a cute Korean girlfriend and shut up, let her do the ordering. It always turns out best that way.

>> No.19357267
File: 1.18 MB, 1875x1055, p10-odonoghue-cooking-with-dog-a-20150523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians literally buy all their food at 7/11. What little cooking they do is on single induction burner by fucking poodles.

>> No.19357276
File: 35 KB, 600x410, sec01-img10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a typical "kitchen" in most apartments in Asia
this is in the hallway that leads to the front door, to the right of the kitchen is the washing machine and to the left of the door is the toilet/shower
the "bedroom" is a loft above the 4ft by 8ft living room, or if you dont have a loft you roll out a futon on the living room floor at night when its time to sleep

this apartment was $600/month in countryside Japan, but you'll get shit half this size for 4x that price in dense cities like Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong etc.

>> No.19357283

Hahaha, that's the shower on the right? WTF!?

>> No.19357287

nah thats the washing machine, the shower would be a little doorway to the left of the fridge
the whole apartment would fit in a typical American bedroom.

>> No.19357302

Is that why they have such dainty little feet? They're worse than our women.

>> No.19357305
File: 557 KB, 862x863, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that why they have such dainty little feet?
nah thats just cuz they're all 4ft2 from being malnourished for 2000 years

>> No.19357308

I cant help wondering and don't want to know personally but the smaller the feet the more they hollar at you for a bunch of nothing. And 2000 years is nothing and no reason to be annoying.

>> No.19357311

Seven decades of GIs probably didn't hurt the tit quality either

>> No.19357328

>the whole apartment would fit in a typical American bedroom.
i'm surprised that this is literally true. my own bedroom is a bit over 100 square feet

>> No.19357342 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 350x260, Triumph-Comedy_Insult_Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need some Triumph the insult dog. Why is it that doggos love barking at blacks and asians?

>> No.19357528

it proves it's fresh

>> No.19357719

Do asians seriously not cook their own food? Is that why street food is such a huge thing there?

>> No.19357757

koreans were literal dirt eatting peasents until the western powers propped their entire country up post ww2. before that, the only time they'd ever get to eat beef is if someone's cow died and even then, the local nobility got first dibs on the beef. So to them culturally, meat is rare and special and a symbol of luxury.

real korean dishes include such amazing things such as: literal raw beef, dipped in gochujang sauce and fermented vegetables!

because when the western nations set up their country, they made sure to concentrate all the political and economic power into the hands of a few ameri-loyal families and everyone else is still peasent tier (but with modern consumer goods!)


all that wef own nothing shit actually started with the fabian socialists over 100 years ago, and those crazy boomer fucks are part of the people responsible for modernizing asia after ww2. asians are bugmen not because they want to be, but because they were made into it. Just like how most germans are spineless cuckholds from post war conditioning, many asian countries were used for various forms of social experimentation.

>non schtizo explaination (meds taken):

the population growth of modern urban centers in asian countries outpaced domestic production for housing and consumer goods which lead to a trend of minimalist lifestyles.

>> No.19357782
File: 442 KB, 1114x629, S.Korea Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just reeks of insecure cope. Koreas boom didn't start until the mid 70's, way after the war and long after any aid. Japan actually received more western money post their war to rebuild than korea ever received, and japs were the aggressors which was odd. Today korea has the highest gdp per capita than china and japan.

>> No.19357846

>Japan actually received more western money post their war to rebuild than korea ever received, and japs were the aggressors which was odd
Not odd at all. Read "The Mouse That Roared."

>> No.19358835

that's grilling, not BBQ

>> No.19358862

If you've never tried it, radish kimchi is the easiest kimchi to make. It's great.

>> No.19358864

Yeah, Koreans are great.

>> No.19358870
File: 21 KB, 474x315, carpaccio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw beef can be really nice. Was it chunks of beef, though? Then, not so much.

>> No.19358882

>that's grilling, not BBQ
In American English, yes. In British English, it's barbecue.
American grilling = British barbecue
British grilling = American broiling

>> No.19358904

The Brits don't know what barbecue is. They don't even have a word for it.

>> No.19358910

Even in the northeast as a kid people would say "Barbecue" to be more generally any cook out.

>> No.19358921

That's because yankees are heathens.

>> No.19358943


>> No.19358954 [DELETED] 

>he couldn’t handle spicy food

>> No.19358960

These suck. Went to one on a date and we were hot and covered in grease by the end of it

>> No.19358961

I felt the same way but after a few beers it's fun as fuck. It's also funny seeing people fail to cook shit properly.

>> No.19360432

welcome to /ck/, the cooking board where OP doesn't know what a restaurant is
you go to one of these places for a nice meal with friends ("friends" are people willing to be near for a while)
the goal is to enjoy the evening, not calculate the labor costs of the place and whine like a jew

>> No.19360587

i'm asian and i never use the oven.
but then again i'm not an obese white person who has to roast everything in 500f

>> No.19360973

>1 won has been deposited to your account

>> No.19361485

this is true. ovens are not common in asian kitchens

>> No.19363080

You sit around a table with friends and other people do all the cleanup and prep
Also if the place makes money on you, you’re a 96-pound woman, an alcoholic, or both

>> No.19363774

>put thin piece of meat on a grill
>cut it with scissors
>eat it with chopsticks
Asians are so weird