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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 188 KB, 1693x1579, 1666769154492028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19353205 No.19353205 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19353211

most times ive had bk the presentation was pretty accurate, apart from the one on the M5 that shit was dire

>> No.19353231
File: 214 KB, 1440x1800, Missjazzyfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a legitimate complaint, although, it's to be expected in modern america. window licking zoomers and minorities work bottom of the barrel jobs for a reason. If they paid a decent wage you'd see competent products and timely service.
Whatever, here's some ass

>> No.19353261
File: 75 KB, 636x382, Photographer-Dario-D-found-that-most-of-the-burgers-he-bought-were-not-quite-as-tall-as-the-adverts-promised-they-would-be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really should be considered false advertising, since the bullshit they pretend to sell wouldn't even fit in the fucking box.

>> No.19353273

Jesus CHRIST those are some fucking LEGS
Could be Arnold Schwarzenegger from the waist down god DAMN

>> No.19353463
File: 245 KB, 1443x811, mcdees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its doesnt look like the picture
>gomenasai we fix immediately
the best part about Japan is how A the food tastes fucking better than any other fast food and B it looks like how its supposed to

>> No.19353522

Jesus christ would you retarded weaboos shut up about Japan for one god damn thread. The food is not that much better you faggots just suck nip dick no matter how shit it is

>> No.19353535

arnold is not that juicy in the rear.

>> No.19353576

>the food tastes fucking better
Source: Your ass.
>it looks like how its supposed to
>shows a picture of it wrapped up
Fucking retard lmao.

>> No.19353593

They have to wrap it, it is too big and fresh to fit into an American goyslop box

>> No.19353618

Don't care. When Fiji erupts it'll trigger the big earthquake that'd gonna happen before 2050 and vice versa. After China will take over and you'll be forced to obey your new superior overlords as we genocide your already declining population.

>> No.19353622

poorfags who cant travel and experience it need not respond. That said McDees is better in alot of countries it just looks perfect in Japan from my experience. Sorry you salty poorfags cant afford to travel there

>> No.19353627

>china takes over
Yeah take Taiwan first chink then you can talk

>> No.19353641

>japanese thing

>> No.19353643 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 564x743, IMG_2572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19353705
File: 26 KB, 700x525, 645eb2fed391de0019bdc78e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Japan people aren't ugly like this too? Left is average jap/mutt. Right is average chinese man

>> No.19353751
File: 111 KB, 636x382, Lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking pictures from various distances with nothing around it to provide a frame is bullshit. There's no way in hell this is accurate.

>> No.19353767

Use common sense you can easily see the height difference even without a reference point. It is bullshit, the burgers aren't that full or tall. They're flat and floppy. You think they're going to serve flat and floppy burgers in big empty boxes so the advertisement is realistic? They couldn't give a fuck about being realistic.

>> No.19353770

The real goal of advertising isn't to make your company known, it's to convince people you're not selling the exact same product as everyone else.

People would be shocked to know many products come from the exact same factory but with different packaging.

>> No.19353771

>not only does he not understand photography, he doesn't understand spatial reasoning
God help our dumbass species.

>> No.19353796

urgh those nasty cracked heels

>> No.19353799
File: 1.09 MB, 1408x1858, sub-buzz-10485-1529429692-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The width of the patties are the same. They'd all be different sizes if it was as simple as taking pictures at different distances.

>> No.19353804
File: 96 KB, 305x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the retard who made this sit on it

>> No.19353809

Good ole sysco

>> No.19353815

>the width of the patties is the same
It clearly isn't. Do you need your eyes checked?

>> No.19353816

Hes n9t wr9ng, I had mcdonalds when I was in Korea and it tasted fucking amazing compared to anything Ive ever had in yhe US. Not even made that Asians can make better American goyslop than actual Americans

>> No.19353825

hahahaha based anon

>> No.19353827
File: 54 KB, 768x432, skynews-burger-king-court_5729811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's why burger king got sued recently too, they push the patties out of the buns in the picture to make them look bigger than they really are very deceptive

>> No.19353829

Damn I cant type

>> No.19353831

I know some faggots who've legitimately demanded a burger like the photo and got their way. It was amusing to 17yo me, but 26yo me thinks that person is a retard.

>> No.19353844
File: 2.92 MB, 1080x720, China's Final Warning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really do rattle their sabers more than Russia, to the point where Russia added shit to their dictionary.

Doing things to food to make it look better in pictures and film is nothing new and shouldn't surprise you unless you're retarded. Pancake places put circles of cardboard between the cakes to make them look taller and fluffier and moisten the surface, and pizza places lacquer the pizza to make it look shiny and fresh (though poisonous.) Welcome to advertising. You think food is going to look good over a 6 hour photoshoot? They're going to do as much as they can to make it look ideal in every lighting they can try.

>> No.19353856

Sue em, you're ordering the pancakes because they look fluffy not because they hid cardboard between them. That's false advertising. Doesn't make it right just because boomers have been ripping people off for decades.

>> No.19353871

How about you pay for a lawyer, and you try to sue people for making a product attractive, in a country that made propaganda used against citizens legal under the Obama administration. Have fun.

>> No.19353872

lick em

>> No.19353878

There's someone suing burger king right now for false advertising. There's a difference between making your product look good, and moving all of your ingredients over to one side of the burger so that it looks so full the meat and veggies are spilling out. I can't sue, because I don't eat that shit. I have no standing.

>> No.19353881

Lying, stealing and cheating is how America was built. You can't possibly expect a billion dollar corporation to tell the truth.

>> No.19353882

I don't eat that either, nor do I have the money for expensive as hell lawyers in a case I doubt I'd win.

>> No.19353891 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.19353894

Why the fuck would you go all the way to Japan just to have McDonald's? You're either a shill or a complete pleb. If I'm going to Japan the last thing I'd want to eat is slopshit fast food

>> No.19353896

There are flights to Japan for like $300 lmao
Japan is insanely easy to travel to if you're a US citizen

>> No.19353906

you can see the drug use in her face

>> No.19353907

Makes you wonder who eats Burger King that regularly and also has the thousands of spare dollars to hire lawyers for a lawsuit

>> No.19353909

I'd give anything to be her fart slave

>> No.19353932
File: 47 KB, 574x500, MOS Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ended up there I'd try to find one of these instead of going through the hell of replicating one myself. They're damned tasty homemade if you just make the sauce meat/vegetable concentrate, but it's a nightmare to do it properly as that's not just meaty marinara.
It's probably going to be in the triple digits before it's over. Pure insanity.

>> No.19353940

>If they paid a decent wage you'd see competent products and timely service.
no you wouldn't

>> No.19353954

what on gaias green earth is meat sauce??
is it just thick sauce meant for rubbing meat but they just put a dollop on? or is it the brown chilli like substance i see beneath the tomato

>> No.19353983

Well, it's been a long time since I tried a copycat recipe. I think the closest people have gotten is a very thick red sauce with a ton of pureed mirepoix and beef mixed in and blended thoroughly. And a little garlic. Just google it and try to come up with the best replica, the worst that can happen is a good sauce but not that authentic.

>> No.19353988

>300 dollar flight to HND
U likely live in LA and cant fly to the rest of the world at that same price point but even if idc doesnt impact me
>why eat mcdee's in japan
because A if ur jetlagged and up at 4am the earliest thing to open is gonna be fastfood everything else opens at 10am also B if ur there for more than a week ur gonna end up having it outta convenience for some meal or snack and C cause why wouldnt you try it since they have different options and you know its gonna be good
I also ate at two michelin restaurants since I need to wave my dick harder in ur face

>> No.19353990

so its basically a more liquid version of sloppy joes?
is it like a lasagne or something

>> No.19353997
File: 94 KB, 448x336, MOS Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess it's like a thoroughly pureed sloppy joe with more flavor because of all the stuff in it. They usually put way too much on the burger though.

>> No.19353999

its probably some kinda pseudo demi glace, they have somme heinz demi glace shit in japan thats dirt cheap so something like that

>> No.19354003

Class action suits tend to pay for themselves.

>> No.19354004
File: 185 KB, 220x220, 1639966865297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking God, shut the fuck up you goddamn pathetic weaboo faggot. You're even throwing your hat in the ring about fucking McDonald's in Nipland?
>McShit >:(
>McShit - Japan :O

>> No.19354011

Good to know, and you're probably right. Demi-glace would probably be too dark, but like I said, concentrating vegetables seems to do it. Could be some sort of vegetable glaze type thing mixed with ground meat later.

>> No.19354013

Yeah but I got burger that looked like the AD because it was Japan

>> No.19354014

>I also ate at two michelin restaurants
Not that anon but what did you have?

>> No.19354016

im not siding with him but i do think they try to be presentable as possible in japan, he could be very right. then again could be wrong.

>> No.19354017

japs are picky about food, americans will inhale any slop served

>> No.19354026
File: 31 KB, 500x386, Lying Saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retirees in Japan have time to make intricate meals. A lot of Japanese eat cereal just like use, or commit crimes against rice by refrigerating or freezing it so they can quickly reheat it in the morning. Watch something about real people and not propaganda. There's a reason foreigners get confused when they learn Americans aren't all like Hollywood stars too.

>> No.19354029

Sushi Mitani (mix of sushi but also variety of items after)
Ukai Tei Ginza (Steak Abalone course)

>> No.19354039

You don't need a reference point to see that whatever is in the commercial doesn't even remotely look like what you get in the box. Pretty sure they use glue and other unededible shit to make it look that way on camera.

>> No.19354051

Yes, and I actually argued that is what's done. But you can't judge size on a 2D image with no reference. The food looks like trash, but claiming it's smaller of larger when you cut it out, flattened it, and removed the background is fuckretarded. I can't trust the company, but I can't trust the asshole who made that image as it reeks of manipulation.

>> No.19354052

That is a bit weird. Maybe some lawyer saw money on the table and took it.

>> No.19354067

Either way the consumer is getting buttfucked. It's not like I ever expect it to look as advertised anyway.

>> No.19354074

They stand to make a lot since it will be a class action lawsuit. The claim is that Burger King misrepresented the burger so that it appears to have 30% more beef than it really does. They just pushed all of the ingredients to one side of the bun. But that's a misrepresentation. It isn't even an idealized serving, it is literally deceptive. The patties aren't as big as they look, since no one would assume the back side of the burger is completely empty.

>> No.19354075

I don't know man, the KFC over there was just as greasy and salty as I remember it being in the US.

>> No.19354078
File: 26 KB, 409x393, Cat Cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the thread. I argued that as well. We live in a buyer-beware society. Unless something is explicitly stated before sale it is very hard to hold the seller responsible. Do I like it? No. Do I want people to be even more lawsuit happy than normal? Fuck no. We are one of the most litigious countries on the planet. Look into what you're purchasing. Please check out what you're buying before the sale, and unless they explicitly lied, it's on your ass.

>> No.19354245

that reminds me, I went to mcdonalds for the first time in years and was surprised how tiny everything is now. Shit's not even worth it anymore, I rather pay the same amount for a meal combo at some chinese food court and get way more food

>> No.19354645

Hate to sound like a weeb, but in Japan they manage to make food almost all look like advertisements.

>> No.19354822

Have you ever eaten at Mos Burger? Now try and tell me Japanese fast food is good.

>> No.19354898

ya Ive had it a couple of times and no complaints, other anons in here are posting about how they like the burgers>>19353997>>19353932

>> No.19354908

If I do it right, you whine about the speed. Why did this lady get her fries and coke before I got my double quarter pounder? I ordered first?
If I do it quickly, you whine about anything else, it's not photogenic enough for my phone to post about the 30th place I've eaten out since Monday.
How about you treat your food like your face and spend an hour making it up to look presentable? I gave you the ingredients, make it work.

>> No.19354912

I've had big macs that look like that box, mcdonald's is pretty good for it desu

>> No.19354998

It's false advertising, plain and simple.

>> No.19355080

>make the burger ruining ingredient a third of the content
These people should be dragged out and SHOT

>> No.19355195

Taiwan is China. Cry about it roundeye bitch :(

>> No.19355221

Its unfortunate. Thats why they say vote with your dollars, it's really all that counts.

>> No.19355440

Nah man Jap Maccies has way better quality control objectively speaking.

>> No.19355457

>Taiwan is China
Not that anon, but you are wrong.
Your shitty communist government can cry and moan all you want, you can even bully other countries into saying it is a "rebel province", but the fact is that if a province considers itself independant, has international diplomacy separate from your shithole country, and said shithole country failed to subdue it for literal decades, then your shithole country is just being a crybaby that is incapable of going big stick policy over it and is therefore not the owner of said region.

You sound just like Poland crying about the territories it lost at the tripartite agreement several decades ago.

>> No.19355480
File: 123 KB, 720x720, 1626426365419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not that anon, but you are wrong.
>Your shitty communist government can cry and moan all you want, you can even bully other countries into saying it is a "rebel province", but the fact is that if a province considers itself independant, has international diplomacy separate from your shithole country, and said shithole country failed to subdue it for literal decades, then your shithole country is just being a crybaby that is incapable of going big stick policy over it and is therefore not the owner of said region.

>You sound just like Poland crying about the territories it lost at the tripartite agreement several decades ago.

>> No.19355556
File: 108 KB, 900x668, 1682296946177698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't really cry over it but I would be reasonably upset over it. I do wear glasses and I did shave my head recently so you could say that I look like this and say this.

>> No.19355619 [DELETED] 

>If they paid a decent wage you'd see competent products and timely service
Lol no. It's going to be the same retarded niggers flipping burgers whether you pay them $7.25/hr or $20/hr. Nobody else wants that job because it fucking sucks.

>> No.19355632

>Why did this lady get her fries and coke before I got my double quarter pounder? I ordered first?
It's the opposite though, the lady got her quarter pounder before i got my quarter pounder even though i ordered first. Retarded wagies.

>> No.19355856

>the best part about japan is the fast food
Damn, that sucks. What a shitty country. You're probably right though because the best part of Japan sure as hell isn't their stupid cartoons.

>> No.19355902

>Roundeye bitch
am I Japanese or am I Western now, get your insult right ya stupid fucking chink

>> No.19355904

you must have ordered wrong or they realized you're ugly and not a priority

>> No.19355968

>The best part about Japan
And I stopped reading, just fucking move there if you like Japan so much.

>> No.19356095

i'm not taking the jab, biden.

>> No.19357301

Is there ever a day where zoomers don't live inside you rent free?
Even worse; a coomer

>> No.19357690

tomatolets should be ground up and used as tomato fertilizer for their transgressions against God's most delicious fruit.

>> No.19357860

>You live in LA
No, planes have connecting flights to LA and NY has a nonstop flight to Japan for eastern connections
Anyone in the US can get to Japan for basically no cost
Any poorfag can go there

>> No.19358045
File: 1.99 MB, 782x440, 1618160206198.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the fat white boy mad now? Aww maybe you can give your big boss a smoochie for me big boi, that will make it all better :(

>> No.19358221

>just mentioning japan in a good light labels you as a weeaboo
what the fuck happened to this site?

>> No.19358230
File: 15 KB, 677x268, literally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good word that had a specific definition got so popular and misunderstood that it became meaningless. once again 4chan ran a buzzword into the ground so hard that you'll hear it said in real life.

>> No.19358279
File: 466 KB, 1080x1363, 1649376223556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've eaten food that looks like a box

>> No.19358292

Kek, my wife and I watched The Good Doctor ironically but after that tranny shit it became too unbearable even for that

>> No.19358454

That has to be the saddest looking whopper I've seen in my life, is that why americans tend to hate burger king? It tends to be pretty good in europe, if a bit overpriced compared to mcd's. Definitely never seen one that flat and lifeless.

>> No.19358693

Seething amerigoy

>> No.19358696

>I am illiterate
You dont have to scream about it to everyone anon I know

>> No.19358765

Best looking Maccas I've ever had was in Prague.

>> No.19358780

>footfag notices the grossest part of any woman
as always

>> No.19358809

For me it's the Samurai Mac

>> No.19358999

>no there are connecting flights
>its still cheap
did you add the flight costs together anon, youre also counting a one way not round trip so either way thats out of scope for most people on this site and then you dont even have lodging for X days. pretty disingenuous statement

>> No.19359019

>tomato noticeably thicker than burger patty

That's a fruit sandwich with meat garnish

>> No.19359023
File: 464 KB, 1854x1896, Ahrbeas is gabage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this does not look good, and only a meth head hobo would think so.

>> No.19359490

fucking faggot

>> No.19359731

Actual whopper pic looks fucking great. Better than my local BK that's ran by poojeets

>> No.19359753

Shut the fuck up you goddamn weeaboo

>> No.19359765


>> No.19359768

Yeah, yeah you would.
I bet you eat cardboard just to cut corners, anon.

>> No.19359786

But I am here already?

>> No.19359791

Literally has been overthrown by 60 IQ zoomers and Millennials SEETHE