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19329589 No.19329589 [Reply] [Original]

I smelled and tasted blue cheese today.
I fully belief that a man loving blue cheese is gay or a latent homosexual.
The why part is obvious, it smells like dick cheese and tastes like it too.
Eating this constantly will turn you gay or atleast open up your willingness to it.
No, I will not eat this again or I might start sucking cock for all I know since I am used to the taste.
I wonder if blue cheese eaters pop a boner when sniffing it too.

>> No.19329593

How do you know what dick cheese tastes like?

>> No.19329607

Why are all the non-american names short and elegant but the american ones are all "SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHNG COMPANY'S SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING CHEESE"

>> No.19329635

Smell = taste, mostly.

>> No.19329640

The European names are usually legally protected so only cheese from certain places made in certain ways can be called that. In the US they don't don't that as much and go by brand names.

>> No.19329677

shut the frick up

>> No.19329685

That's incredibly wrong when talking about a lot of cheeses.

>> No.19329696

But not for blue cheese so the dick part is correct.
I like to smell it and masturbate while saying no homo.

>> No.19329698

brown hands typed this.

>> No.19329699

fpbp, op is a faggot and so on

>> No.19329709

just not true, sorry your shitty packet of blue cheese crumbles that came with your salad made you think of cock, but that hasn't happened to anyone else

>> No.19329730

You are a woman aren't you? that's why you don't know what dick cheese smells like aka blue cheese.

>> No.19329732
File: 399 KB, 1536x1152, IMG_0540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By god, you are correct. After many years of heterosexual preference and loving blue cheese I realize that I am a gay. A bit of Roquefort a and a cock up my ass sounds pretty good.

>> No.19329757

Does it taste like dick cheese?

I've eaten blue cheese before, and it tastes good. I have never eaten dick cheese.

I have never smelled it either-- you see, I practice good hygiene. I have never had the occasion to smell someone else's dick cheese either.

I am not a latent homosexual, but you seem to be indicating that you are a disco-dancing Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy. You know what I mean?

>> No.19329828

its true i love blue cheese AND like bud light (if you know what i mean)

>> No.19329829

You like it which means you are latently gay.
Never got the cheese? seems you are feminine.

>> No.19329834

real men dont eat cheese.

>> No.19329842

you dont know what its like to be a girl, all thoughts and processes going to fadings looks and youth.

>> No.19329897

When I read posts like these I can't help but think you're some kind of third worlder. Probably from SEA if I'm being honest.

>> No.19329953

You can tell an American made this image. Only an American would dedicate half of an image about cheeses to American cheese

>> No.19329961

lol. i was told danish blue is just factory cheese.

>> No.19329971

I’m half flip and I love blue cheese. Please sirs, do not such things

>> No.19329975

yeah lmfao i just noticed the mad esl. like grammar and just the entire format. probably some pajeet or SEA person thinking that they are "taking over your jobs and your governments."

>> No.19329976

I have never met a proper Asian who liked blue cheese

>> No.19329979

>No, I will not eat this again or I might start sucking cock
No, I will not eat this again or I might start sucking cock AGAIN.

>> No.19330006

in canada, pajeets have blocked off a street saying they dont want to be deported.

>> No.19330016

I disagree
It smells like the skin underneath my toe nails and I think it tastes great

>> No.19330063

gay guy here, I actually don't love blue cheese but I'm hoping to get into it a little
being gay is ok it doesn't make you a bad person

>> No.19330210

Op is here, cheese is all okay but too much smell not good.
i just want to say it appears the gay men are the men that eat this blue cheese
since that true, if not a gay person eat the blue cheese, very latently the eater is a gay also.

>> No.19330233

ok but being gay is not bad
gay is ok

>> No.19330246

I love blue cheese. I also wish I was gay, or at least bi, but I've never felt any attraction to another guy, and the thought of touching another dude's dick disgusts me - especially if they're uncut. Did you ever think that your constant obsession with COCK is a sign that you might be the latent homosexual?

>> No.19330256

My drividians brothers think that is not true. india here everyone here very happy but not gay. we drink many cheese from cow and milk, when gay man come, many times gay choose blue cheese.

>> No.19330263

fk you. cock is on your mind. are you not thinking properly? you always cock in your mind and have many boners thinking about cheese with blue smell. it is very obvious you are latently homosexual in the truest sense. even the French people not so gay as you are.

>> No.19330396

>it smells like dick cheese and tastes like it too.
. . . you are gayer than Nicado Avocado's cursed butthole.
Gross dude. Just fucking gross.

>> No.19330775

more men eat cheese than drive trucks
its fucked

>> No.19330986

>having such immense knowledge of what dick cheese smells and tastes like

>> No.19331015
File: 229 KB, 1018x670, 1642048018755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19331074

it really makes my tummy hurt, no other cheese does this

>> No.19331084

cheese doesn't exist anyway
it's all a psy-op
you guys are fools to think milk can actually transform into that

>> No.19331360

None of the American blue cheese belongs in that pic.

>> No.19331367

>it smells like dick cheese
Jesus, OP. Wash your dick

>> No.19331383

wtf I like gordon ramsey now