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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19309328 No.19309328 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do?

>> No.19309336

free hotdog

>> No.19309348

At best I'm going to offer half price, if they decline I'm stealing them.

>> No.19309367
File: 5 KB, 300x168, john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19309382

>haggling and stealing
t. half black half j*w

>> No.19309387

Ask if you can borrow the female cashier's.

>> No.19309400

Bring my own.

>> No.19309463

I don’t want none unless they got buns (hun)

>> No.19309500

Buy all 5 and eat.
Rape the cute cashier afterwards.

>> No.19309564
File: 51 KB, 749x739, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19309590

Isn't it supposed to say No, More Hot Dog Buns!

>> No.19309601

walk by, too much grease and i rarely go inside convenience shops anyways
blackies are funny

>> No.19309607

>we is-
Incapable of linear thinking.
What else is in the store that I could eat it with? It's just a roast sausage. Otherwise leave it be.

>> No.19309622

use them for cram

>> No.19309624

Throw them at wagie and yell why the fuck are you still cooking them without any buns?
Can you not count?
So many dogs and equal amount of buns, not hard to do.

>> No.19309627

Giggle giggle squeak.

Okay, so I know many of these stores will simply mark off a container of milk or cream as a business expense for the coffee counter so why in the shitting fuck of a cunt won't they do the same for a package of hot dog buns?

>> No.19309633 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 855x1041, 130EEA46-A406-4B03-8788-4CC189F162B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger speech comes from cornish culture originally (they would say “we be”) which is where southern whites came from and where the term redneck comes from. Blacks are a product of southern redneck culture and a poverty culture exacerbated by leftism. Or as Thomas Sowell puts it, leftism has been worse for blacks than slavery, citing that blacks reversed their gentrification process in the 60s.

>> No.19309645

No idea what you just said and happy I don't have that shit in my brain

>> No.19309650

>we Cornish now
No. French protestant, Scottish, Central-English, Irish, Mediterranean. I'm sure there were some Cornish people there, but the fact that every last fucking thing wasn't shoved in a fucking pastry tells you they weren't Cornish.

>> No.19309674

Racism is dumb, like asians have 105 IQ and whites have 100 IQ and my take away from that is supposed to be that asians are smarter? Those are both terrible IQ scores, it is like midgets and dwarves arguing about who is taller. There are so few geniuses that even if they are born proportionately and asians have 5% more geniuses they don’t actually have that much of an advantage.

Racism is also collectivism, the same garbage that leftists push. All bigotry is collectivism and all collectivism is just bigotry which is why we all think that lefties are the real hateful ones etc, the word bigotry is just a meaningless tautology constructed to make their collectivism legitimate (all collectives must be opposed to another), similar to how the United States uses the word terrorist.

>> No.19309681
File: 32 KB, 400x560, thomas_sowell_min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searched Thomas Sowell
>prominent black conservative
>wrote a book about whether einstein was an autist
look at this clown

>> No.19309690

He isn’t perfect by any stretch but Sowell is a real one, takes on any and every claim of socialists and destroys it with thorough research. Just like milton friedman, yeah he kinda sucks but his take downs of socialism are great. His recent books about the leftist elite are right up /pol/s alley too.

>> No.19309692

>we is
*we BE

>> No.19309695
File: 480 KB, 1080x1440, Tumblr_l_179767923855901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19309712

>this garbled jargon brought to you by gamespy

>> No.19309718

Carve one into a glazed donut. If they try to charge me for more than the hot dog, leave the donut hot dog on the counter. It's not like they were going to discount me the value of the bun.

>> No.19309727

>drive thru speaker is covered in half torn off stickers
Never in my life have I seen such behavior, wtf

>> No.19309738
File: 17 KB, 316x239, 1676568145957678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19309746

>pays full price for half the product
guess being an idiot means you aren't jew

>> No.19309747
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, send in the clowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genius on 4chan
sure if you think you are

>> No.19309753

I like Sowell but I take offense with his hypothesis that niggers are niggerish because white people made them that way.

>> No.19309754

>right up /pol/s alley
shouldn't you be heading home then? >>>/pol/

>> No.19309772

They could not do the needful

>> No.19309777


>> No.19309783

I wake up everyday and see on the news how many black people shot each other over night,mostly kids 20 or younger...

>> No.19309807

they're niggerish because leftist ideology, leftist ideology comes from hollywood mostly, mccarthy was right about hollywood, and the soviet union had alof of ethnic jews in the founding.
Therefore the level of nig depends on the layers of judaism.

>> No.19309978

That is definitely not his opinion, he attributes black people being the way they are due to rural culture not white culture

>> No.19309985

>slice a hotdog down the middle
>put another hotdog inside sliced hotdog
>you now have a hotdog with a bun that is also made out of hotdog

>> No.19310043

lenny kravitz bitch

>> No.19310933

This. The bun wasn't necessarily in the first place as that sausage was going right up the cramhole anyway.

>> No.19311959

>slice hotdog down middle
>use as bun for other hotdog
>refuse to pay for 2 hotdogs since they ran out of buns

>> No.19312074

kek is every wendy's is run by jeets?

>> No.19312090

>What would you do?
Buy 3 4Locos and a bag of chips.

>> No.19312121

I'd start throwing hot dogs around the store. I'd start squirting the condiments all over the roof so it's really hard to clean and stains. I'd spray the stupid Jeet cashiers in the face. I'd ejaculate on the rollers, then take a piss. I'd make my way to the fridges, stopping to stomp on every bag of chip in the store. When I got to the fridge, I'd take out all the packages of hotdogs and even the sausages - heck, maybe even the burgers! - and then I'd carry them back up, this time being sure to knock over all the soda/pop/soft drink. Then I'd start to tear open each package with my teeth, then begin to throw the uncooked hotdogs at both the staff and customers gathered around with cell phones to make videos. After that, I'd go to the mayonnaise and start opening that up. I'd start to scoop large handfuls of mayonnaise with my bare hands and slathering it all over my body and flinging it in every direction. After that, I'd rip open the hotdog and hamburger buns on the shelves and start eating them and piling some on the rollers, being sure to turn the temperature way up. After that I'd start ordering Uber Eats and Doordash orders of dozens upon dozens upon dozens of hotdogs to the store and as they showed up, I'd start to eat them while I sit on the front counter and then everyone would clap.


>> No.19312358

>thinking the bun is worth half the price of the whole hotdog
What a bad business man you are

>> No.19312365

This is the fast-food themed /pol/ board you retard.

>> No.19312369

my f.lux is on so the "onions" basically blended in with the paper where it was barely readable which made this so much funnier

>> No.19312392

an even bigger hotdog sliced down the side for the smaller hotdog

>> No.19312396

eat the sausages, what else could I do

>> No.19312904

Found the nigger jew

>> No.19313282

based f.lux enjoyer

>> No.19313310

Maybe they can cut one hot dog open and use it as a bun for the other hot dog.

>> No.19313316

Stop looking in the mirror and you won't next time.

>> No.19313508

How does he suck?

>> No.19313569

The HOT of the onion cooks the Baabhabhiat

>> No.19313598

>I never eat bread anyway. I just grab a tornado baggie and put 4 or 5 in one and 1 in another baggie. I show the one to the cashier and pay for it with food stamps. They dont give a shit to check or ask "how many" most times so I get 4-5 for the price of one.
Easy Eats haha.

>> No.19313599

>Go to hotdog station
>Get the hotdog box
>Jam 7 taquitos in there
>Eat the 8th while in line
>Pay for one hotdog

>> No.19313638

Sowell? He is an islamophobic boomer that’s all, and he isn’t an anarchist which imo is a lack of commitment. Milton Friedman is actually terrible but it takes a learned economist to see what a tool he was. He was a paper monetarist and personally responsible for the economic system we have today that replaced the gold standard, he also tried to get Nixon to create UBI. Again both of them are great at dismantling socialism in a plain and obvious way.

>> No.19313644

>isn’t an anarchist
double based

>> No.19313876

The economics of providing poor experiences is not the concern of the consumer, a bunless hotdog is less than half as enjoyable and thusly offering half is generous in my estimation.

Capitalism baby, that's subjective value for you, don't like it go to China or Canada.

>> No.19313884

>Stanning for a jew run gas station
>Trying to finesse the goyim his hard earned sheckles by artificially reducing calories/$
I hate Nazis and think you should all be brain scanned and euthanized, but like, how do you not see that "no buns" is a Jewish psyop to get you to pay more for less? Literal sheep

>> No.19313890

Sowell is cool, you sound like a nigger.

>> No.19313913

The buns are what is counted as far as stock is concerned. Hotdogs get tossed at intervals anyway. This appears to be a scam.

>> No.19313918

I have read a few of his books (vision of the anointed, basic economics, economic facts and fallacies), he is cool sorry I didn’t mean to disparage him he just isn’t perfect. I have high standards I guess.

>> No.19313944

tell them to shove it between my buns

>> No.19313960

Said the cattle on the farm

>> No.19313975

Anarcho capitalism is the least sheepish ideology possible

>> No.19314104

Call the police

>> No.19314142

It's all just lack of a prefrontal cortex. They have underdeveloped brains.

>> No.19314144


>> No.19314160

The desire to put everything into easily quantifiable boxes is the most sheepish behaviour possible.

>> No.19314201

nigger this isn't twitter.