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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19235111 No.19235111 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

RTD edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, get scammed by any italian roasters lately?

Previous thread:>>19221101

>> No.19235120

tea master race

>> No.19235131

I drink better tea than you too.

>> No.19235163

you drink CUM and PISS

>> No.19235204
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>Alberto still hasn’t answered to my email

I don’t feel so good bros…

>> No.19235214

Is it normal to start feeling depressed after not having coffee for a few days?

>> No.19235217

He absolutely limits his technology time during the week. Patience.

>> No.19235221

I've been wanting to try the spray method for avoiding static when grinding coffee, but it seems like it would gunk up the burrs after a while and require more frequent cleaning.

>> No.19235239

Just sprayed my lunar for lulz. .1g of water. Its not enough to gunk up anything.

>> No.19235301

Last time he answered the day after :’(

>> No.19235324

>my gea > your "tea"
simple as.

>> No.19235334

he has lots of male clients anon
im sure he will get your "coffee pics" and respond with his "advice" very soon.

>> No.19235337

yes that is called drug withdrawls

>> No.19235347
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Dai, con calma, piano piano.

>> No.19235355

my nigga
literally everyone with a brain does the spray or the wet spoon method.
it doesnt do shit to a grinder.
i have over wet my beans like used multiple sprays until every bean was visibly wet, and ground and the only thing that was even slightly wet was the hopper.

just make sure you cleaned the cadmium out of your water supply and you will be fine.

>> No.19235373

I feel so good bros...


>> No.19235418

>faretto moka

Che basamento

>> No.19235461

Alberto pls answer I still can't moka good with Giamaica beans I promise I'll pay you soon :(

>> No.19235467

Aeropress is the best
Get a room
Yeah that's one of the withdrawal symptoms, but it doesn't last very long

>> No.19235470

In regards to all the recent anons having issues with their chinesium handgrinders I want to challenge the idea that a lever cranked pepper mill is really a good recommendation. Yes Im the bozo that has argued this before but I thought maybe you have seen the light now? Get a real electric grinder and stay safe and far away from italians and moka

>> No.19235485

love me rok vertically cranked bench mounted hand grinder
love me E&B Lab 6 cup aluminium moka with the competition filter
love me specialty $100+/kg medium roast coffee
love the hoff
hate italians

simple as

>> No.19235488

It was two anons who didn't understand what a "full rotation" and "zero point" were. One of those anons can't figure out how to make coffee without sending out 15 emails. Hand grinders are fine, they would also struggle with adjusting an electric grinder.

>> No.19235498

You are special and valuable, and your rok is not included in my criticism

Two representative consumers who got bamboozled by claims that its so easy and much better than real grinders for the money. How many more?

>> No.19235518

>two people don't know how to use hammers, just buy a nailgun instead
The first anon's "problem" was fixed when he figured out what a rotation was. Its entirely user error.
>real grinders
Smart grinder pros aren't real grinders pal.

>> No.19235555

>grind finer
>goffee loses body and tastes like water

But why

>> No.19235599

Nice get. Your extraction was more even at a coarser grind. Water found its way around the coffee rather than through it(channeling, bypass, etc).

>> No.19235608

Thanks and checked.
How do I fix this in a moka pot?

>> No.19235626

Same way you would for espresso. Better "puck" prep, paper filter.

>> No.19235633

Should I buy a WDT tool for it or is it overkill?

>> No.19235671

>You are special and valuable, and your rok is not included in my criticism
my coffee tastes sweeter after my burr alignment and clean.
also i adjusted it and was able to get 3 clicks finer.
before my burr alignment was so shit that if i went too far it made this scraping sound because it was tilted so 1 side of the burrs was touching at a certain point in the rotation.
no touching.
i think thats pretty cool :)
also that means less fines, and more consistency.
oh and it so much smoother and quieter to grind with.
im pretty happy
this should tide me over till i get the craig lyn. :)

i decided to cut out food delivery and eating out ($50 per day) so this should help me get to my goal faster.
bills are getting more expensive every quarter tho which sucks.
even tho im way out in the country shit is expensive.
thanks for reading my blog :)

>> No.19235679

For moka, probably a little overkill but not unnecessary. Just get a paperclip or needle for now. I'd suspect a finer grind would need a little better heat management as well.

>> No.19235682

dont listen to that guy
only fags use paper filters.

im thinking of getting a wdt but im not sure yet.

>> No.19235695

I use a paper filter and it helped me with the moka although if I grind finer I have problems with the moka bubbling and shooting steam from the chimney at half the extraction, so I have to let it bubble and hiss until all the coffee is in the top part.

Does this behaviour means that there’s channeling? When I used to grind coarser the extraction was perfectly controlled.

>> No.19235707
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>MHW-3BOMBER Moka Pot Cyclone Coffee Distributor Adaptive Height Professional Espresso Leveler Tools Home Barista Accessories

>> No.19235724
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>drink coffee
>feel good
>drink espresso
>feel good

Caffein bros I dont feel so good

>> No.19235731
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>> No.19235736

I ordered a hammer as you recommended. My grounds are somehow larger than the beans I put in and I have cadmium poisioning. Accidentally started two revolutions. My neighbor who spent a similar amount on a nailgun got it with next day shipping and has been drknking dialed in coffee for a week. I want to die because of your hammer recommendation

>> No.19235764

Jesus thats dark.
Higher brew temps, higher extraction, more foam with an ap filter.

>> No.19235766


>> No.19235773

its up

>> No.19235786

This guy might be a bigger dipshit than trabatti.

>> No.19235816

You should be dosing and wdt, not using some kind of eyeball measuring.

>> No.19235832

How much coffe weigh for 1 cup?

>> No.19235842

With moka pots you want to use at capacity.
So fill the basket and weigh it, then use your wdt.
You can adjust from there every time you brw to fine tune it.

>> No.19235849

Is it necessary to buy a dosing ring? Are espresso potafilter rings compatible with moka funnels?
My funnel measures 58mm

>> No.19235858

>How much coffe weigh for 1 cup?
1:dont make a 1 cup ever, its such a tiny amount of coffee its not even worth making
2:the moka is filled by volume not by weight, you need to fill the basket and then level it off. no tamping or pushing or pressing.

>> No.19235871

Yeah but I need to know how many beans I need to grind though

>> No.19235895
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Hand grinders are bad because anon is scemo.

>> No.19235902
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>> No.19235905

Aiutami stronzo, sto soffrendo qui

>> No.19235918

Put empty basket on scale, tare, fill basket, weigh. Different coffees at different roast levels will give you a different volume, but weighing an initial dose will give you a general idea where to start. Adjust from there.

>> No.19235927
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Excuse me, based preground espresso coming through

>> No.19235936

K thanks, I was filling the funnel with beans and grinding them getting more ground coffee than needed

>> No.19235949

you weigh after knowing the volume
so for me
i have a little holder for my basket
i then put the holder(with the basket on top) onto my digital scale and tare it
i then put the basket and holder in a bowl
i can measure by eye about 30g of beans
i grind them
i dose them into the basket
i level it off
i then put the holder(with the basket on top) onto my scale and see what it weighs
i then know that whatever that weight is is exactly the weight of these specific beans(you will need to do this for every different kind of beans you buy, if you buy the same beans every time then just do it once) that will fit into the basket so i only need to grind that amount of beans.
my current bean weight for a full 6 cup E&B Lab moka(the E&B Lab moka has a slightly larger basket allowing for a much higher dose(depending on the beans) than the standardised bialetti basket) is 27.4g, my highest dose is a little over 32 or so(it was a while ago) whereas for the same size moka in a standardised format is going to be much lower, i doubt a bialetti 6 cup basket could reach 30g simply by over filling and leveling it off.

>> No.19236029

this is so fucking stupid just drink your coffee

>> No.19236042

Much love anon.

Fun fact: Trabatti says to weight 6 grams of coffee for 1 dose (1 cup) and I grinded 18 grams of coffee ended up with a fuck ton more ground coffee that I had to store away.

>> No.19236171
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>Trabatti says to weight 6 grams of coffee for 1 dose (1 cup) and I grinded 18 grams of coffee ended up with a fuck ton more ground coffee that I had to store away.
Because light roast coffee is roasted for less time, it's denser and heavier than dark roast. The richione mangamoshe is kvetching for Alberto roasts lighter than Continentale.

>> No.19236280

God his feet are huge, what does that mean?

>> No.19236308

anon those are clown shoes

>> No.19236500

You shouldn't take advice from people who ghost you in your time of need.

>> No.19236592
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Excuse me, real based preground espresso coming through

>> No.19236711

It's close. Both are far better than bustelo.
Used to make nice cappuccinos with Pilon in a pressurized machine. Miss that.

>> No.19237149

I think I'm pouring too fast and agitating my beds too much

>> No.19237213

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

>> No.19237452
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I just like it bros.

>> No.19237529

Top tier moka beans. Good choice.

>> No.19237976

yep im thinking its goffee time

>> No.19238051
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Enjoy your coffee.
Don't forget to clean your teeth afterwards as coffee stains the teeth.

>> No.19238088
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Goffee is love, Goffee is life


>> No.19238133

>coffee stains the teeth
Yes and kids get sugar rush and the tounge has different zones of taste. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and dont go over that ridge, there are witches

>> No.19238142

overly nice teeth make you look weird
i'm mediocreteethmaxxing

>> No.19238143

catbox is such a pile of shit.

>> No.19238463
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Do people seriously pay $150 for a scale that can only go down to 0.1g when you can easily buy accurate reloading scales that go down to 0.01g for $30 or less?

>> No.19238466

Oh my bad they go to 0.006g, it's .01 gr

>> No.19238491


>> No.19238494

look at him melt

>> No.19238512

>NOOOOOOO he doesn’t roast on order NOOOOOOO


>Large or small, your Coffee batch is tailored on your order, with the maximum care. Today 250g of Colombia Rum Barrique Fermentation have found a proud owner. Here is taken the moment in which they come to life, filling your senses with an unforgettable smell. Available only by order on the Web Shop.

>> No.19238551

nice link retard.

>> No.19238562
File: 206 KB, 523x569, 2023-05-05 - 09-39-30 - John McDermott on Twitter- -A growing contingent of people says caffeine is just as potentially addictive and dangerous as other psychoactive chemicals- and that it-s time we start thinking .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be "that guy" who posts Twitter screenshots but I'm gonna be "that guy" who posts a Twitter screenshot.

>> No.19238568

>click it
>loads video

I’m not uploading the video on catbox like the anon above, I’m not as kind as he is

>> No.19238574

What is the point of your previous post and this one? Talk about coffee or leave

>> No.19238576

Why the fuck does everything need to be regulated?

>> No.19238584


>> No.19238586
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>> No.19238588
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>Large or small, your Coffee batch is tailored on your order, with the maximum care. Today 250g of Colombia Rum Barrique Fermentation have found a proud owner. Here is taken the moment in which they come to life, filling your senses with an unforgettable smell. Available only by order on the Web Shop.

>> No.19238597

I'm old enough to remember when banning gas stoves was a "right-wing conspiracy."

>> No.19238605
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Hear my idea.

These days when I was dialing in my grind size I kept the ground coffee of different sizes inside an airtight container because I’m retarded and didn’t put the ground coffee back in the grinder to grind it again but finer.

My idea was to create an improvised V60/filter coffee using the aeropress filters.

I’ll make a cone using 4 paper filters clipped togheter using a stapler, fill it with all the coffee and pour near boiling water on it without knowing what the fuck I’m doing and in the end drink whatever there’s in the cup.

Will it work? Suggestions?

>> No.19238608
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Buongiorno goffee lads, what's your toscano pairing for a mid-roast espresso?

>> No.19238612

Sounds horrible and pointless

>> No.19238630

Anything cheaper is considered commodity scales. Wait untill you hear about third wave water.

>> No.19238641


>> No.19238643

>Japanese V60 paper filter: :O
>Homemade V60 paper filter: :|

>> No.19238649

Do you think Tortellini is spamming his own shit itt? This seems like a direct response to earlier comments. Also those sad beans lmao

>> No.19238656

coffee is gross and the caffeine makes me feel bad

>> No.19238713
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your gullibility is impressive.
i kneel.

>> No.19238762

toscano antico or classico.
for more tailored roasts toscano il moro 2022 l'aria

>> No.19238763

Literally cant understand what you are trying to say. If you are looking for discussion try being a bit more structured in your communication. If you just want to advertise a business buy some facebook ads, maybe your husbando will reply to your email if you do

>> No.19238792
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Almost aperitivo coffee time brehs

>> No.19238799
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>Literally cant understand
It's conspicuous, worry not. Don't forget to enjoy good bean juice from time to time.

>> No.19238813

Just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on

>> No.19238877

Where's the tea general then?

>> No.19238882

Anyone here tried PSA's Caliber Coffee?
Also recommend me some good freeze dried instant coffee for rucking/hiking for extended periods of time.
I was thinking of the Mexican Nescafe stuff

>> No.19238934
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>> No.19238939

Recommend me a good coffee to make Irish coffee affogatos with

>> No.19238959

Nespresso ristretto

>> No.19238965

this isnt the place for you

>> No.19238966

Why are they in the tiny cups? Wtf is that for?

>> No.19238978

>Doing physical activities is anathema to ctg

>> No.19238999
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this place is for specialty coffee
the only specialty instant is too expensive for you.
also we dont talk about instant here.
so take your shit, make your own thread, and dont come back.
also, just say you dont bripe and fuck off.

>> No.19239048

Damn straight brother and nice trips. Only proper chocolate dark roasts with intense aroma allowed here

>> No.19239080

If you liked espresso more than drip coffee, but didn't care about coffee so much that you'd spend a lot of money, would you rather buy the cheapest espresso setup you can find or save your money and abstain altogether?
>t. In this situation

>> No.19239093

Buy a moka pot and become a moka gentleman

>> No.19239099


>> No.19239103

Scales that price are "smart". A fancy coffee scale that doesn't connect to your phone is like $40 iirc. Mine was $15.

>> No.19239116

its not as good as a webm or a youtube video.
i can watch an 8k youtube video and it loads instantly and i can click around to any part and it will play without buffering or loading.
i cant do that with catbox.
fucking thing sucks,
>only a tiny buffer
like holy fuck kill me.

>> No.19239125

Yeah but uploading a file is simpler and anonymous. As for how slow it is, it's because it's gotten very popular so the bandwidth is very taxed. Usually runs fine enough for me though.

>> No.19239233
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Nah that just the resident retard just ignore him.
Coffee mixed with physical activities is extremely pleasurable and birthed Trek–Segafredo, Alpecin–Fenix; Alpecin–Deceuninck or Saeco cycling. Coffee & cycling is a match made in heaven.
For hiking i use GSI Ultralight Java Drip but not as a v60. I immersion brew the coffee in the pot on the stove the use the java drip as a filter on my xmug. Essentially brewed like a french press.
Do instant if you're into ultralight but still want coffee taste instead of pure caffeine..

>> No.19239268

>he still hasn't written me back since tuesday

Alberto, I...

>> No.19239297

Anything in that below $50 range that has all the same things as Acaia scales sans the "smart" features?

>> No.19239316

I believe his holiday starts tomorrow till May 28th.
Tommorrow you may find him in Fossacesia Marina - Ortona.

>> No.19239329
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Too late, I ordered.

I was unsure about the Brasindia blend and swapped it with the Peruvian specialty.

God speed, Alberto-kun.

>> No.19239333

I'd abstain until I felt like buying a flair neo and kingrinder for ~$200.
The worst thing is people buy knockoffs of $220 scales that don't actually have the same functionality. This is a $70 dumb scale so people who don't have the money for an acaia can still feel special.

>> No.19239450
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>fill water tank on espresso machine
>brew yield changes

>> No.19239464

you did reverse osmosis your water and then re add the perfect amount of minerals right anon?

>> No.19239467
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wtf is up with all this gimmicky shit in coffee gear?

>> No.19239505

Is that semi sphere what I think it is?

>> No.19239506

its hard to be profitable and sell high quality cheap products that last a lifetime.
so you have to keep making up bullshit.
like pour over is a kettle and a paper filter and a cone.
i mean you could have bought a ceramic v60 like 80 years ago and still be using it no problem.

>> No.19239509

my first thought was that the ball was hot and was used for some like secondary filtration while not losing heat.
but that sounds retarded.

>> No.19239523

You know how jap iced coffee is good because you're preserving more flavors you'd lose to steam by flash chilling? Its like that with no dilution.

>> No.19239524

Nice performance moka-frà. Did you end up with a nice Giannina flow? How's the grinder treating you?

>> No.19239528

Definitely not your grinder, beans, dosing or distribution bro, 100% the water tank level, plumb up for those lungo yields

>> No.19239533

Other way.

>> No.19239537

>using a webshop

>> No.19239561

I just made 3 cups and the flow was almost perfect.
The grinder is very cool and I like it, I’m experimenting with the grain (so far I’m at 2 full rotations) and the taste is correct, spot on with the same coffee I used to drink pre ground last week.
This Continental is a good after dinner coffee but it loses body if I brew with the paper filter, it becomes excessively clean while if I drink it without filter there’s extra body and persistence.
This morning I made 1 cup without the filter and I found no grit in the cup, unlike when I was using pre ground.

For the Giannina flow, I used a thootpick to “WDT” the grinded coffee in the funnel, then I tapped it to level the coffee and brewed.

I’m under the impression that there’s something wrong with having a reducer moving freely into the funnel (when it’s upside down in the 1 cup position it’s 95% still) because it makes the bed uneven, so maybe that’s what creates the my problems and it’s a fault with how the pot is engineered.

I wish I could have a 1 cup funnel and a separate 3 cup funnel with fixed bottom perforated filter like in Bialetti moka pots.

>> No.19239568

Reducing sublimation/evaporation of volatile compounds makes sense to me but I'd rather just brew a concentrate over ice

>> No.19239569
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Forgot the piggture.

Ps. The 1 cup Giannina model has the fixed funnel because it doesn’t have a reducer, however I need to see if it’s as tall as the 3/1 funnel otherwise it can’t reach the water if I use it in my pot.

>> No.19239571

Oh shit

Grind, dose, beans, etc was the same, so I'm guessing it was a tamping issue, unless something is fucky with the machine. Wouldn't be the first time... Breville duo temp pro is kinda finicky. Really want that robot.
Unfortunately, it was right as I was getting to the end of a bag, so I didn't get to poke around with it much.

>> No.19239586

can i make coffee in a slow cooker turkish style

>> No.19239591


>> No.19239599

ok cool how should i prepare coffee in bulk then

>> No.19239613

What about microdosing coffee? Taking one sip every hour of the day?

>> No.19239642

cold brew.
it scales infinitely, is dirt cheap, super easy.

>> No.19239649

what coffee?

>> No.19239672
File: 500 KB, 1000x1000, U6617%201%20ice%20cube%20tray[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a 10 cup moka and brew it, then pour the cooled coffee in pic related and make frozen coffee cubes.

When you crave coffee, take a cube outside the freezer and let it melt in a cup or microwave it.

If it's summer you can make coffee popsicles.

>> No.19239675

I bought some steel balls on azon. I had a small mesh strainer that fit over a nice glass. Works great for espresso.The ones I bought are glycerine filled so I'm not quite sure if they'd work as well as the paragon's solid steel one for a bigger volume like pourover.

>> No.19239678

i might have to buy a jug of water just for the jug and do this.

tried this once as a kid it sucked

>> No.19239686
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Great news. Have fun, experiment with the grind, funnel prep & wdt. Remember do not filter the oils. Cafestol suppress the rapid growth and migration of prostate cancer cells. Playing with the grind & funnel prep you'll be able to mimic filter resistance without filtering the bean juice.

>> No.19239712

I can't wait to get Torrefazione Penazzi coffee, I'm curious of these artisan crafted beans.
Let's see if Alberto delivers.

Also I definitely want to try V60 coffee now.

>> No.19239870

Makes a liter over night for under $20. Do that regularly and bottle it up.

>> No.19239980

Extremely based cigar and coffee poster.
Do you match the coffee to the cigar or is it just happenstance?

>> No.19240119 [DELETED] 
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What am I lighting up brothers. Illusione rex? Tatuaje petit?

>> No.19240131
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What am I lighting up brothers? Illusione rex? Tatuaje petit?

>> No.19240400

Based Giro spectator

>> No.19240510

Seattle was a mistake.
>you can't blame all espresso autism on Seattle
99.9% sure the spray was popularized, if not started by some Seattle barrista looking to gain a few points at their next competition. The last 1% is Japan.

>> No.19240515


>> No.19240619

Nope, just one of /ctg/s predecessors. Its from an usenet coffee schizo's post from 05.

>> No.19240647

If I go to a local (not starbucks) coffee shop and get a double espresso about how much caffeine is in it?

>> No.19240654

Should be around 150 mg at most

>> No.19240663

About 2 goffees worth.

>> No.19240695

Should I be making my own water for brewing? My tap water is relatively soft with low amounts of dissolved minerals relative to "ideal" brew water

>> No.19240709

if you're not making coffee using the urine of a tibetan yak then you're not gonna make it

>> No.19240726
File: 154 KB, 562x1000, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my espresso machine has a water softening filter attached tot he hose coming from the water tank

>> No.19240732

it's pretty good for a dark roast
t. light roast guy

>> No.19240972
File: 30 KB, 100x100, 2025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has coffee with onigiri

>> No.19241104

Nigger I will kill.

>> No.19241293
File: 2.27 MB, 1904x1056, jlever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the JLever with its superior ergonomics.

>> No.19241475

Nice motion there.....

>> No.19241515

you disgusting drongo

>> No.19241738

its goffee time brehs

>> No.19241797

I hate modern journalism so goddamn much it's unreal.

>> No.19241994
File: 144 KB, 500x832, 7D806AB7-55B6-47DB-B934-B44AC8F43535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s never not coffee time

>> No.19241998
File: 34 KB, 720x719, face5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Seattle for a couple months for a contract
>Never have I met such arrogant soiboi cucks and femanazis in my life.
>Made Portland and NYC seem like fucking Mayberry
>Even worse than SoCal faggots which I thought was impossible

>> No.19242137

yesterday i got a coffee from the coffee shop and poured in some cream and it curdled.
day ruined.

>> No.19242144
File: 508 KB, 1080x1080, INSTAGRAM-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if these origami filters are any good?

>> No.19242172

amature move.

>> No.19242178
File: 17 KB, 736x416, 7CD297CA-D522-4798-96C3-0C4F3199F36B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck coffee it tastes like shit

>> No.19242182

Why does my coffee taste better without filtering it with the paper disc?
Does the grit add flavour?

>> No.19242202

of course it does you dunce

>> No.19242212

>no paper filter = more oils = more flavor
>paper filter = less oils = less flavor
its that simple.

>> No.19242215

skill issue

>> No.19242229
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, 1670704488920858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the face of those who visit moka pot collectors! I’ve never spoken directly with Alberto Trabatti @alberto.coffee before this occasion, and I discovered a totally unusual and special person! First of all that he is a great storyteller, and that he has a very unique story. I&#039 ;ll tell you an anecdote: On the sign, just above the entrance door, it says: "Torrefazione Del Caffè Penazzi 1926". Mr Penazzi is neither a friend or a relative of Alberto. But the story is much more intricate and is full of connections to his life! Soon you will listen to it too, get ready for a super mega #coffeepippone ! #coffeechat #coffeetalk #mokalovers #mokacollection #mokapot #mokapotcoffee #arounditaly #ferrara #emiliaromagna #coffeestreet #torrefazione #roastery #microroaster #collezionismo #collezionista #coffeetime #coffeelover #visitferrara #italia #coffeepop

>> No.19242239
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I used them on a v60 because I'm a retard. They're fine. Had a longer drawdown time but like I said, that was on a V60

>> No.19242244

So why did this nigger and your beloved homo anglo subhuman lie to me?


>> No.19242281

hes wrong.
simple as that.
the E&B Lab competition filter is all you need.

his technique is also shit.
the move off and on and off and on shit is stupid.
the words he is saying is more or less correct but the actions he is showing is really not necessary.
its easier to control the brew speed with heat control instead of physically moving the pot around, unless you are a robot you will never replicate moving the pot physically but you can replicate the heat control knob.
if you refine your technique while taking note of time + heat control knob position you can just repeat the same method again and again while knowing its not changing, allowing you to dial in other parameters faster and more reliably

hoffmann also has this weird on again off again technique in his video.
the classic adage of "do as i say not as i do"

>> No.19242286

>most attractive italian female

>> No.19242341
File: 135 KB, 1080x1349, 1677870926181751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The results are up bois. First Giro d'Italia stage.
First italian is seond place, almost perfect.
First caffeinated sponsored rider is eleven place. Not enough robusta or sram shitting the bed, we'll never know.

>> No.19242346
File: 2 KB, 66x76, 1682106067726844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the most flexible/optimal moka pot size?
i'm torn between the 4-cup and 6-cup versions

>> No.19242348
File: 38 KB, 452x428, Screenshot from 2023-05-06 09-37-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u absolute cutie

>> No.19242358

4 cups is optimal for me. 6 cups starts to be an awful lot of caffeine and chugs grounds like a motherfucker.

>> No.19242368

Where the fuck is the Aussie anon who bought the ILSA moka pot from germany?

>> No.19242384
File: 149 KB, 1400x1096, Fabio-Verona[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Leave Trabatti to me"

Holy shit he also had the gut to call his video "La moka perfetta" like Alberto's masterpiece.


>> No.19242655

>out of beans for the weekend
>beans I ordered didn't get here on friday
>forced to buy cheap supermarket beans
>it's not really even bad when ground properly
How much placebo would you say the price adds to the experience? I can't help but think that this HAS to be worse just because it's half the price but is it really? It's certainly different from what I prefer but I wouldn't say it tastes bad or even objectively worse.

>> No.19242665

Does anyone have that ostentatious espresso prep gif with the whisk?

>> No.19242679
File: 3.54 MB, 3072x4080, 1683393360569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The origami is a cutie, my coworker got me one before she left. I think the filters come from the same factory the 40 pack of Hario 02 does.

>> No.19242738

I just finished a pack, about as quick as abaca or mediums. Maybe a touch quicker. Roguewave says they're the fastest filters they sell but i think the newer abaca+ are even faster.
>These filters are more porous and rougher than Hario V60 tab filters. The result is quicker draw time on the V60.
>Our Notes: We find these papers to be the fastest of our current filters (Yes, faster than the Kono).

>> No.19242856
File: 73 KB, 1080x1080, 1668327101770430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much placebo would you say the price adds to the experience?
it's inversely proportional to your IQ

>> No.19242906

What's the current electric grinder meta under 1k usd? My 2nd k4 just crapped out on me and I'd like something that can deliver coffee as good without costing me over 1k. Preferable something from a trustworthy company so I know it's not gonna crap out on me in 5 months too.
I do manual espresso about 80% of the time, the rest is french press but I was thinking of trying v60.
I saw Lance's review of the Sculptor but I didn't come out convinced if it was a good match for me because he kept orgasming about how good the 078 was for filter. The other one I'm considering at a glance is DF83 just because the burrs seem easy to change around if I don't like it, but I have no idea how trustworthy it is against Timemore. In general I have no idea what's supposed to be "good" for electric grinders, I wasn't planning to switch to electric until this morning.

>> No.19243001

df64/83 and the timemores are the chinese kings under 1k. If you wanted a similar blendyness to the k4 burrs you could look at eurekas. Traditional messy italian shitboxes. People still really like Baratza varios once you put in the 54mm ditting steel burrs. If you wanted to look into the more modern italian grinders the Fiorenzato Allground is in that price range. All depends on the coffee you're drinking. How in the fuck did you break two k4s in a year tho?

>> No.19243018
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>decide to give up and just pour some water from my boiler straight into the v60 and give it a bit of a swirl after, and just eyeball the amount of water
>it tastes better and has a better bed than when I do a pouring method and measure the grams
am I just retarded?

>> No.19243049

From your comment it seems you view Timemore & DF64/83 as better than the k4? I basically started taking coffee seriously about a year ago, so I'm looking something I can grow into rather than something that will coddle an inferior taste. I used to drink dark roast and I've moved to medium roasts, I was thinking of experimenting with light roasts when I got a v60.
>How in the fuck did you break two k4s in a year tho?
For the 1st one I was switching the grind from french press coarse to espresso and didn't notice that the clip had fallen out at some point. I load up the beans and long story short it came apart including the top external adjuster, which has spring-like balls that don't snap back together. This morning I was loading up the beans as usual and I noticed the clip was loose, the mechanism was shut close despite the external adjustment being set as usual and the top can't spin. I put it back in it's place but for some reason it was still shut close, I changed the setting to as coarse as it could get to disassemble it but it was still shut close at the bottom. I checked if anything was stuck inside that was preventing the gap to open and the mechanism to turn but after using a flashlight and a pick and my brush, nothing is in there. Don't bother showing me a disassembling tutorial because I've watched them already, at the point I was the central burr should have been easy to come out but everything is closed and shut together. I'm done.

>> No.19243144

>Timemore & DF64/83 as better than the k4
Not better, just different and with the opportunity to easily change if you don't like that particular different. The stock italmill flats in the df64 will be pretty similar to the k4. The k4 is a knockoff of the jx which is a knockoff of the kinu that uses an italmill conical burr. I ran a kinu from 2019 to 2022 before upgrading to a big flat like you're thinking about. If you like the "traditional 9 bar 30s blendy" espresso you've been making, you might not enjoy something a bit "thinner" with more clarity as much. I went from kinu to 80mm lab sweets. The kinu was and is still an amazing grinder, but I also really like my flats now. The switch also coincided with me getting a flair58, grinding finer for that, and roasting way lighter since I wasn't limited by preheating anymore. In this past year the grinder market has changed even more so I'm not sure what I would buy today at a grand. Df83/Niche Duo/Sculptors didn't exist when I bought my wug. Now you've got ssp making 83mm lab sweets and MP opening up your options. If you've got the cash, Zerno Z1 third(?) batch orders are about to open up at $1199. I almost hopped on the first batch at $999 last spring.
>everything is closed and shut together. I'm done.
Jesus christ anon. Hopefully you don't manage to mangle anything expensive.

>> No.19243167
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gongfu2go shit kinda fire

>> No.19243196

Coffee comes out from my moka at intervals, like if it needs time to build up pressure in the boiler to push up the next flow of coffee, this until it's finished and starts gurgling steam.

Does it mean that I grinded too fine and the puck chokes the moka?

>> No.19243306


>> No.19243436

I still have no idea what happened. Why would the bottom gap clamp closed? I used it two days ago without any problem, today it doesn't open regardless of the setting.
On your recommendations I'm checking out the Zerno Z1 since it's only barely out of my 1k goal, I just signed up to the website to hopefully I'll nab one. If I can't I'll look again at the Vario/DF83/64/Sculptor

>> No.19243445
File: 110 KB, 965x1233, Si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porco dio.

>> No.19243450

Sounds like you like the taste of "less agitation" of doing a single pour vs "more agitation" doing multiple circular pours?

>> No.19243474

I still did 2 pours. Maybe it was the temperature difference, the gooseneck is usually right off of a boil

>> No.19243487
File: 142 KB, 1440x1440, 340680485_572957114637841_5949018069754845346_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zerno is doing some real cool shit. Hopefully you can snag one. Only grinder to do blind 64mm right now, different augers coming out soon with different feedrate/prebreakers. Only reason I didn't hop on the $999 launch price was it very well could have been vaporware at the time. Its like 3 guys in Chicago designing and having shit made. Now a year later they've done two successful runs and people are real happy with them.

>> No.19243532
File: 4.00 MB, 512x640, 1654388709128553.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19243674

Is this video intended to agitate autist?

>> No.19243758

I like how he had to do a hard cut when the kinder bar melted because it didn't fall into the cup

>> No.19243780

>milk in espresso machine

This fucking kills the water pump

>> No.19243887

if you want 4 cups just stop it early
you cant get 6 good cups from a 4 cup moka.
you could probably get 6 shitty cups but what's the point in that.
meanwhile a 6cup can get 4-6 good cups
also its more standard so more people can help you/ more recipes apply 1:1 instead of having to be scaled down.

>> No.19243898

>t. weak genes + poor

>> No.19243911

>another video proving italians are incapable of creating good coffee
you love to see it.

>> No.19243914

>not really even bad when ground properly
you have bad taste.

>> No.19243931

no but i would like to see it if you find it

>> No.19243934
File: 255 KB, 1080x1350, B0EB7D1F-D722-4B87-A1BB-5E4D218BDD93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19243939

>open video
>its lance
>close video

>> No.19243943

my biggest concern about the 6 cup size is the amount of coffee it requires
30 g for a single brew is quite a big amount

>> No.19243945

Ummm, sorry sweetie.

He learned it in Italy.

>> No.19243947

Could you give me a vague idea of what would be the taste difference between the same espresso shot prepared with the Kinu versus a bigger flat burr? I brew longer espresso shots (1:4ish) from filter roasts ground by the Kinu and I am thinking about upgrading. I mean at cupping particle sizes the Kinu grounds look disgusting compared to my filter ghost burr grinder which can’t do espresso so I am thinking about what I am missing by using the Kinu

>> No.19243950

Nobody does shit like that here.

>t. Guido

>> No.19243953

probably a hand grinder with a power drill
and you get a drill that can be used for other stuff too.
hand grinders will always be higher quality and cheaper than electric grinders because the motor and the electronics
and those electronics can only be used to power the grinder so why not get 2 objects that can be used solo or together?

>> No.19243960

post pic of grounds and puck.

>> No.19243961

did he learn to use preground coffee in italy too?

>> No.19243965

>Chadberto Trabatti

>> No.19243966

Too late anon, I cleaned. :(
The puck was solid and looked good, also the goffee tasted good despite the long extraction with random pauses.

What bothers me is the early gurgling that bubbles out the rest of the coffee with steam.

But again, the coffee tastes good so it’s my autism speaking because I’m used to other aluminium moka pots that have linear extractions so I compare my pot to these. My pot is different.

>> No.19243973
File: 53 KB, 400x553, 5e067ddc592c5c73e931e01464deb609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian beans ground over 9000 times with diamond encrusted blade/burr grinder forged in Roman times with the finest purified tap water sourced from the Tiber, and a Kinder Bar from the sales stand ran exclusively by big-breasted Italian women.

Ummm, he saw it in Italy and is a super secret trick only know by Italian baristas since the introduction of coffee to Italy.

He has a heckin' Youtube video, so you know it's legit.

>> No.19243974

my jimmies have been rustled alright.

>> No.19243978

>30 g
thats not true.
the average 6 cup moka dose is closer 25

>> No.19243981
File: 223 KB, 1080x1350, 28D5DD4A-A5AC-42CA-8153-6022AA5A4D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19243983

your brew is stalling
this is bad.
even if its slow it should be a constant, uninterrupted flow.
and there should never be gurgling or sputtering.

>> No.19243984

I was thinking about the Bialetti aluminium one, that one holds 270 ml of water so I assumed the basket would hold around 30 g
25 g definitely sounds better if it's true

>> No.19243992

>The puck was solid
it shouldn't be. are you tamping?

>> No.19243997

>that one holds 270 ml
what do you mean by that?
like the base?
the maximum(optimal) yield for a 6 cup is between 150-160 ml

>> No.19244007

people only drink coffee because they havent experienced cocaine
its like much better drug

>> No.19244008

I endorse this product or service.

>> No.19244013
File: 32 KB, 622x622, 1676678853430991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I meant the base
I'm assuming that it works on a 1:9 ratio (270ml-30g)

>> No.19244029

No, I’m not.
I pour the ground coffee from the grinder cup into the funnel and tap on it to level the powder, then destroy the lumps with a toothpick and tap again before closing the pot.

I always have gurgling when I use the reducer on the 3 cup side, sometimes is at 3/4 of the extraction and sometimes at 2/4 and I have to finish brewing with steam and bubbles.

The stalling happened today when I grinded finer, so probably is this the reason?

When I ground coarser the extraction was perfect but the coffee was under extracted.

>> No.19244035

here watch this(i have no idea how he is getting a 40g dose, the highest i have ever got even in the larger E&B basket was 31g)
if you have not seen both the moka voodoo videos and the entire hoffmann moka series i highly recommend them for an up and coming moka user.
like i mentioned earlier in this thread for both the wired gourmet and hoffmann you should take a "do as i say not as i do" kind of approach, the principles they advocate are sound but the actions they show are often unneeded/simply wrong.
but they overall get more right than they do wrong so they are still a great resource to pull from.
also if you are interested in some light reading you can check these out

>> No.19244040

i've already watched both
I'll check out the articles, thanks for the help

>> No.19244041
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1350, 1679226535179992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E&B Lab's the best

>> No.19244051

i see you brought milk with you..

>> No.19244057



>> No.19244066
File: 244 KB, 1080x1080, 6094F924-D7BE-4A84-AD68-5133451DF305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross and unsophisticated

>> No.19244079
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, 1663325395685296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19244081

I still have a softspot for regular-ass mom n pop diner coffee

>> No.19244083

>4chan spoon


>B*aletti alzheimer pot

Not based

>> No.19244085
File: 544 KB, 2254x1116, gagneditting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> same espresso shot prepared with the Kinu versus a bigger flat burr
I can only give my direct experience on two specific burrs, everything else is from chatting with others. Going from kinu to lab sweets really illustrated what the fuck they were talking about by "body" vs "clarity". I still have 95% of the body/texture and nice blending of the kinu's shots, but the flavors are more clearly separated if that makes sense. I'm tasting more and the flavors are still rounding out nicely on the finish. Its like looking through a cleaner window. The view is similar, but you're losing some detail by trying to see through cloudy glass. It immediately gave me a much better understanding of what I'd gain and lose by trading less texture for an even clearer burr like Weber ultra low fines. That extra clarity will amplify any defects/shit you don't like that a more blended burr might round out.
>I brew longer espresso shots (1:4ish) from filter roasts ground by the Kinu and I am thinking about upgrading.
About what I'm doing. Single origin espresso 95% of the time, couple cortados and tonics. My shot earlier was 16.5in 60.5 out in ~9 seconds at 6bar peak. It was phenomenal. Significantly better than the same coffee same ratio same peak at ~24s. My range of what tastes good feels like its about 10x bigger than the kinu but its been a while since I pulled it out. After a year I agree with this guy, its very hard to make bad coffee on LS. Apparently some people get warped sets from the casting process that fuck with espresso. I can choke pullman baskets just fine with mine. Maybe SSP clones are a bit more consistent since his casts are newer and he's running way lower volume than ditting? A year ago 80mm was the only way to get that geometry. Now there are clones at 64mm(SSP and option o), blind 64mm, 80mm, blind 80mm, and 83mm. Lot of options. You could pick up a df64 with LS burrs for like $580.

>> No.19244087
File: 281 KB, 1080x1080, 1658695904323297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The perfect match! Excellent mix!

>> No.19244091

>another colomba/panettone infused with Penazzi coffee

Holy based, I need to start shilling his products in the panettone thread this Christmas.

>> No.19244202

Did Alberto reply to your email?

>> No.19244212

>less than 6 cups
yep shes retarded.

>> No.19244249
File: 421 KB, 640x502, 7d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare italian coffee
>hario mini mill
Sounds about right.

>> No.19244322

Just made some iced coffee. What did I think of it?

>> No.19244339

So you mean the ability to weigh something? They're more accurate.

>> No.19244344

What's a good price for a moccamaster, esp the cup one? Sure not paying MSRP

>> No.19244370

Built in rechargeable battery, water resistant, and accuracy. Also, if it looks pretty, that's a plus.

>> No.19244378

Again, reloading scales are accurate to 0.006g and have to be. Rechargeable battery is a net negative unless it's removable.
>Weighing water when you can use volumetric measurments because it's literally 1:1

>> No.19244379

Speed as well. Accuracy doesn't mean shit if your readout is lagging behind your pour/pull.

>> No.19244487

Videos like this validates China's censorship.

>> No.19244661
File: 91 KB, 768x859, 20230506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLAIR review by Hoffman

>> No.19244688

Anon they've been out for 2 years.

>> No.19244715

Lol, lmao even. Getting a hand grinder and a cordless drill will be higher quality than buying components that were designed and specced together how do you figure? Never mind that a heavy drill will put lateral force on the burr axle making proper alignment impossible you are not ready for that discussion yet, just tell me how you reached your conclusion that your frankengrinder will be better than equally costed matching components. Dis gon b gud

>> No.19244717

you wish you had posted this later for better digits

>> No.19244721

>medium roast
my guy thats burnt.

>> No.19244723

If I had posted it later then I wouldn't have JUST made iced coffee. I would have made iced coffee a while ago at that point.

>> No.19244726

just is a subjective time period
you could have just lied.
or used different words

>> No.19244730

>Support my local roaster
>Buy some natural Ethiopian or some shit
>No roast level listed on the bag
>Open it
>It's fucking burnt and full of quakers
This is what I get for supporting le local businesses. Local businesses can get fucked for all I care, I will continue to import my coffee from 4 states over. The shipping is free so it makes no difference to me.

>> No.19244731

>you could have just lied.
I follow a strict code of honor. I never lie unless it's as a part of a joke. Even on 4channel I don't lie.
>or used different words
Not how this works. You just wouldn't get it.

>> No.19244794

What state are you from?

Not water, but liquid in general e.g. pulling shots.

That's another good criteria.

>> No.19244815

>her first morning pee after drinking coffee all day beforehand

>> No.19244818

>What state are you from?
You're mom

>> No.19244836

Recently I have been having more consistent result with the cafec light filters which clogs a little bit. I don't know but with fast flowing filters the variation is huge (using hoffmen technique or april's one). With clogging filter I just do bloom and slow pour and it's always good, just have to grind a bit coarser. Is anybody in the same boat. Using JX pro btw and some April beans.

>> No.19244854

I've never had luck with lights. Too much clogging/stalling on cones and flats. I'll give them another shot in the morning.

>> No.19244859

It does clog but the results are still fine. I guess I use a very slow pouring flow

>> No.19244867

Thank you for the detailed answer. It sounds like the difference between the Kinu and Apex in cupping.
Would it be useful to try and sift the fines from the Kinu grinds with a Kruve to get a feel for increased clarity or it is just a waste of time and coffee?

>> No.19244909

I do very low agitation melodrip shit. I guess I just haven't played around enough. I've got two packs of lights just sitting around so I'll try to report back tomorrow.
Probably a waste but knock yourself out. I bought the full set of kruve sifters as a "stopgap" between the kinu and wug2. They didn't get used too much. I did use the bean graders to even out some greens last week though. Maybe wasting time getting a more homogeneous roast made those 9 second ethiopian natty shots so good.

>> No.19245344

serval get away from the coffee pot you are already a cheeky little critter we can't have you running on the gosh dang walls all night

>> No.19245375
File: 232 KB, 1080x1349, 1652195532904996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK bois, are you ready for stage 2 of Giro? Nice way to relax in front of the screen and take in the magnificent italian views.
Today is a 202km long stage with 1400m altitude gain leaving Teramo and arriving in San Salvo.

>The city of Teramo is one of the four provincial capitals of the Abruzzo region. It is located at the confluence of the Tordino river and the Vezzola stream, on the slopes of the Gran Sasso and a few minutes from the Adriatic Sea, an ideal position to easily visit the characteristic Teramo area.
>Founded at the time of the Phoenicians, it was submitted to the Romans who gave it the name of Interamnia Urbs, which means “city between the two rivers”. It was during the rule of the emperors Augustus, first, and Hadrian, then, that the city experienced a flourishing period, witnessed by the presence of numerous monuments, temples, theaters, amphitheaters, and baths still partially visible and visitable.
>During the Middle Ages, the city experienced a second moment of splendor, despite the bitter struggles between the two dynasties, Angevin and Aragonese.
>In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Teramo had an intense cultural life, opening to the ideas of the Enlightenment of illustrious scholars, such as Melchiorre Delfico, to whom it gave birth.

You may watch the race free of charge on the "tiz-cycling-live(dot)io".
Time to race start: ~1min
Enjoy lads

>> No.19245378


Any of you ever try this? It's pretty good. I got a big order from them the other week and pretty much everything is banging. This one to me tastes like blueberries and graham crackers. Very nice.

>> No.19245517

Stay in /cyc/, thanks

>> No.19245593

So, I just use a standard auto drip coffee maker. Off brand Mr. Coffee idea. Which I have no problem with. My household usually drinks Lavazza Espresso Crema E Aroma because that's the best Costco has got, and it's not bad if a little too dark. We grind up the whole beans so it's fresher than preground. So suffice it to say my coffee habits are not complicated. Drip machine and I use a grinder. All I put in my coffee is a lil bit of half n half 10%m.f. So what I'm wondering is, could I get some suggestions for good, relatively inexpensive coffee, whole beans, that I can order, possibly from abroad, that would be good when made in such a way? I live in Canada. Is ordering coffee from abroad even allowed?

>> No.19245640

Try Amazon ?

>> No.19245671
File: 175 KB, 1080x866, IMG_3518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the discomfort on his face
>the lack of body contact with the person near him

Why is Alberto so racist bros?

>> No.19245700

>possibly from abroad
Torrefazione Caffè Penazzi for that exquisite italian taste

>> No.19245701
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>> No.19245706

bretty comf

>> No.19245709


Based and makes the chinese whisk autists seethe

>> No.19245711


>> No.19246046


>> No.19246149
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>> No.19246443

Just finished some. Think I have 200g of the greens left too. I was shilling it to rokanon knowing he can't get good goffee in gaussie.

>> No.19246468

Hmm wtf.

My moka with the funnel in the 1 cup position holds 6-7 grams of coffee but in the 3 cup position it holds 13-14 grams? Lolwut

>> No.19246483

I checked the Zerno page and apparently they don’t get shipped until August or so. I don’t think I can go that long without a grinder. I checked the comparisons between Vario/DF83/Sculptor, and I think the Vario edges out with the proven reliable customer support. It’s only my first electric grinder so I’m not super comfortable pulling it apart and after 2 hand grinders crapping out on me I’d like the reassurance that if things go sideways I can receive support. I’m still open to opinions and suggestions but so far I think the VarioW+ is best for me (it already includes the steel burrs and metal chamber vs the Vario/+)

>> No.19246543

Vario is a Ditting design that Baratza purchased to have made in Taiwan. People like them. Ditting knows what they're doing. At that same pricepoint and burr size, Malkohnig also has the x54. Same parent company as ditting, can use the (ditting made) vario steels, but its made in Germany. First home grinder from the king of commercial grinders so its very well built and they've got great CS. Shares alot of design with their e65s and e80s shop grinders, so you'll have to pay for the single doser if that what you're into.

>> No.19246558

Thats a very strange autocorrect after I copied the name from the url. Do better google.

>> No.19246666

Moka is not a science it is a art

>> No.19246668
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>> No.19246725


I wish I could understand this art.

Tomorrow I’ll film my workflow so I can show you the moka bubbling. This evening it bubbled again, I’m losing my sanity here.

>> No.19246762

I tried the iced aeropress method on the pastebin. It's better than I expected.

>> No.19246797

his foam looks like shit

>> No.19246807

>more cups = more coffee grounds = more coffee
how is this hard to understand.

>> No.19246812

It’s clearly a cup of over extracted coffee that tastes like burnt shit.
Alberto clearly is laughing in the background.

>> No.19246815

1 cup = 6 grams

Therefore 3 cups should be 6 x 3 = 18 grams, no?

I grinded 14 grams of coffee and I had to pack them tight.

>> No.19246818

For me its la moka.

>> No.19246827

That looks like some horrible espresso

>> No.19246838


>> No.19246851
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Got one of these, great coffee

>> No.19246853

Had one at home, a gift from N*spresso.

It's shit, holy fuck, all the pods taste like water.

>> No.19246857
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>> No.19246867

>I had to pack them tight.
excuse me?

>> No.19248838

How do you coffee your coffee?