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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 572x400, adjustable-grillreduced-landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19206782 No.19206782 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever use the provided outdoor grills at your city parks?

>> No.19206795

Somehow i can smell this image, and I burned all my fingertips off

>> No.19206796
File: 2.56 MB, 300x424, terry-a-davis-terry-davis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you ever use the provided outdoor grills at your city parks?
No, I'm white.

>> No.19206800

yes but theyre abit different in the uk
its just stones in the middle of nowhere with someones old grill shelf sat on top, you only really see them in beach areas where surfers/ fisherman camp though(or stupid drunk teenagers)

>> No.19206802

This and only this. And if I do go to a park, it's early on a M-Th day so I don't even have to look at these fucking people.

>> No.19206932

once I think, when I was a kid. mostly we brought our own.

>> No.19206936

not since I saw how much bird shit was on the grates.

>> No.19206941


>> No.19206942

I did once, with friends during the pandemic. Not much to say. Wish I had a grill brush. The shape makes it weird. The grates are a little far apart.

>> No.19206951

Clean it the best you can. Wrap the actual grill in aluminum foil like a condom. Let the charcoial burn off pollutants and sterilize stuff with heat thoroughly before cooking. Cook everything in foil packets anyways because it looks gnarly.

Did that a few times when homeless.

>> No.19206975

Yes, we go out and grill steaks on them.
>let the charcoal turn white before cooking
>take wet paper towels and wipe the smudge off the grill until the towels stop turning black

>> No.19206980

I'm not black or latino so no

>> No.19206996

We did once. Problem was that the charcoal took ages to get hot.
At one point it was okay and we grilled the meat we brought. Then we went to a friend's place for more beers.

When I came by the grill on my way back couple hours later the coal was still glowing and pretty much perfect temperature.

>> No.19206998

put foil on the dirty grates

problem solved

>> No.19207033

I can't even imagine how many animals piss and shit in there every night. You'll get raccoons and possums jumping up there to lick whatever food is left and they probably piss to mark their territory after so no one else comes. That thin layer of foil isn't going to be enough.

>> No.19207040
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Problem solved

>> No.19207044

Seems dangerous and unhygenic

>> No.19207231

They are the perfect size to put my Webber go anywhere on.

>> No.19207234

Me and my friends did it once when we improvised a 2 am barbecue with alcohol, almost burned the woods by throwing alcohol in the grill because funny I guess.

>> No.19207238

Where I grew up for some reason those were where everyone pissed.

>> No.19207251

If you get them hot before cooking that should be a non-issue, but it's still gross, as are the people who do that. I've never lived in a community like that. I actually lived in an apartment complex once that had grills like those per every couple of buildings, and some swings and other children's entertainment, like a minipark.

>> No.19207259

yeah, one time we were bbqing at the skatepark but didnt have a bbq so we went to the other side of the park and bbq'd on it. yes, were mexican. then i heated up a bunch of dumpster donuts on it with the last of the coals.
iirc someone removed it and re-installed it next to the skatepark benches.
garunteed its not there anymore see below
>its just stones in the middle of nowhere with someones old grill shelf sat on top
that sounds like a lawsuit risk and would be removed in the usa

>> No.19207280

I've attended bike club BBQs at them, but haven't gone there myself. There are around 70 nice stainless charcoal grills spread around various parks in the city, and a dozen of the older rusty kind.

>> No.19207286

What is a "dumpster donut"? Sounds like a euphemism for taking a shit.

>> No.19207304
File: 26 KB, 563x563, Okay Purral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sounds like a lawsuit risk and would be removed in the usa
There needs to be a federal law passed that states that if it commonly known your actions could harm yourself or your property, and you could have avoided the accident by not acting, no one is responsible but yourself.

Basically you can't do stupid shit and sue others for you doing stupid shit.

>> No.19207329

>yes, were mexican.
These are the only people who do this, they have grill brushes and cleaners and don't see anything wrong with inviting a big group and having a party in the middle of the park.
I still ate it, the food was pretty good.

>> No.19207341

I literally saw this the other day. A group of about 20 mexicans having a massive cook-out and playing music. What is it with mexicans and grills? Why do they not just buy their own? They're not even expensive.

>> No.19207344
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I only ever see blacks using them. For that reason, I make sure to piss in them on my nightly walk home.

>> No.19207350

I have never seen one of these in Canada.
Camping involves campfires.
Parks exist in theory but nobody really goes outside.
Public washrooms are also non-existant.

In Australia they had flat grills which are disgusting, just pools of grease. They were at least available to the public as well as public washrooms with showers.

>> No.19207370

The park has one for free and you can spend the money on beer.

>> No.19207376

Weird pig

>> No.19207399

It's a pitty. A cig. A cag. A big fat pat.

>> No.19207414
File: 1.47 MB, 360x640, 1672097123959854.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds painful

>> No.19207440

I don't cook in homeless toilets.

>> No.19207474

Under what circumstances would you touch it like that even if it was cold?

>> No.19207481

I have always seen these devices but never actually considered what they are for or seen anyone use them.

>> No.19207789

Looks like he was explaining that the meat is going to go in the pan, and was a retard.

>> No.19207936

Yeah, friends and I do a barbie in the park pretty commonly during the warmer months, had one on Tuesday for ANZAC day.

>> No.19207942

Watch out a dingo might steal your baby.

>> No.19207944

Sorry not gay enough to have kids.

>> No.19208085

Sadly no, there are none in my county.

>> No.19208109

Me and some friends tried to use one once in high school and some cop/park ranger showed up and told us we actually aren't allowed to because it's a fire hazard and they're just relics from a bygone era.

>> No.19208120

That officer was being a dick to you

>> No.19208127

What state? People use them all the time in Oregon. He probably just didn't want to deal with you all burning the park down.

>> No.19208140

fuck no hobos piss and shit in them.

>> No.19208142

>it's early on a M-Th day
Meth day?

>> No.19208199

It's a fire. Are you such a genetic dead-end you can't work a small fire? Are you afraid?

>> No.19208202

bags of old donuts the donut shop throws out. i find them at foodbanks a lot.

>> No.19208205

>and don't see anything wrong with inviting a big group and having a party in the middle of the park.
whats wrong with doing this?

>> No.19208220

Trash people doing trash things.

>> No.19208235

Teenagers wipe dogshit on them as a prank. Bone apple teeth.

>> No.19208241

only ever use the electric ones, easier to clean and you dont have to tidy up afterwards
otherwise they're based, because the law states that you can drink in public as long as you have 3 or more people around a lit bbq in a public park

>> No.19208243

For the people doing it? Nothing, it's a great time.
For everyone else? You now have a big group of drunk mexicans in your park.

>> No.19208245

Yep, as teenagers we would hang out in the park and play volleyball (they had nets)
we'd clean the grills with a steel brush cover with foil and grill burgers and hotdogs
good times innocent fun.

>> No.19208282

Cool fact: FIRE kills GERMS

>> No.19208289

Monday through Thursday, you rotten little shit

>> No.19208290

Hell yea, just bring a scrub brush and let the fire clear off any shit before grilling. Last time was at the pavilions next to the beach near me. It's great, you don't need to haul a grill with you.

>> No.19208293

So you're saying you're comfortable with eating dog shit as long as it was sterilized first?

>> No.19208305

The grill at my park is between a police station and a firehouse
This neighborhood's so white the only blacks speak French because they're high-class Africans
The Jews don't even live here, they get their own neighborhood across the street with a little wire all around it
So it's a pretty cool grill that gets a lot of use by happy people drinking and grilling

>> No.19208313

>thats weird wire around jewish communities that allows them to break the jew rules

>> No.19208330

Yeah, what's the deal with that
There's a Polish diner inside the wire, they serve meat and cheese and ham and bacon and kielbasa with their platskis, they're not kosher at all
I've seen rabbis eating there

>> No.19208343

that's what the lighter fluid is for

>> No.19208346

yees. most recently with a group of mexican families, we made some skirt steak marinated in tequila and chilis and lime

>> No.19208381

Park in Philly has a bunch of them as well as picnic benches under pavilions every nice summer weekend they are packed with "locals"
grilling and chimping it up
Every Monday morning you hear about the shootings that took place there

>> No.19208401

yes when im with my friends at the park

>> No.19208556

Negative. Saw some teenager pissing in one when I was younger. Never EVER trusted them after that.

>> No.19208624 [DELETED] 

mexicans have a good time socialize in the park: problem
4chan incels piss on bbq grills: what great guys!

>> No.19208730


>> No.19208838

Bums and retarded kids pee on them, but just let the fire burn for a little while before you start grilling or just use foil. I use them every so often during family cookouts at the park and no one has ever gotten sick

>> No.19208855

the wire is a loophole, they're basically saying its a fence, and on sabbaths you're allowed to work on your propery within the fence. The fence bascially evolved into a thin wire over time. theres one around the entire manhattan island too, its weird.

>> No.19209023

The heat of the grill evaporates the piss.

>> No.19209206

Me and my ex gf drove to like 5 parks before we realized the city removed them all because of the basketball players who left their trash behind

>> No.19209215

smart ranger, he knew you were little retards so he made up some shit to get you to fuck off

>> No.19209222
File: 642 KB, 800x1422, ezgif-1-bfb1abb8ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 we just toss a coin in, scrub them with beer and newspaper and *I'm told* it's good to go. what could possibly be wrong

>> No.19209632

You're not white. Only the white man makes positive financial contribution to public installations and therefore only the white man and his ilk should have access to those installations

>> No.19209640

>the wire is a loophole,
sounds jewish

i bet they treat our laws the same was as that talmud

>> No.19209641

yes but you have to bring a grill brush to clean them off usually

>> No.19209648
File: 311 KB, 1300x955, walstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all these proud white men making our country great again, not funneling our money off to jews and china!

>> No.19209651

fyi, ive been spending the past couple months building public infrastructure out of my own pocket.

what have you been doing?
racking up big dollars so you can dab on poors?
>but i pay my taxes!

>> No.19209659

The area inside the wire is officially designated as "indoors" and the area between the wire, ground, and poles is a "window". In NYC they have Jews watching the wire 24/7 and they have a communication system to quickly alert every Jew if it falls down

>> No.19209669

I live in america so the answer to this is lol, lmao even.

>> No.19209676

Ooo they get rowdy? That doesn't happen in the parks near me, it's boring here.

>> No.19209695

Man, I love how every park on a weekend has an extended Mexican family and a bouncy house. Good folks.

>> No.19209798

>white men

>> No.19209812

THAT'S what those are?

>> No.19209888

It seems nuts to think cheating the rules like that wouldn't be a sin, how the hell did that interpretation of the talmud catch on in the first place?

I wonder if there's any orthodox pushback on that idea actually being 100% wrong and God being super pissed off with his chosen people for flagrantly skirting holy law like that..

>> No.19209907

No. Jews exist and they're like any other people. Get over it and stop writing idiotic fanfic about them. You're not even Christian.

>> No.19209916

Given Jews history of misfortune it almost seems as if God is treating their "chosen people" pact like its just a technicality. I wonder why he would do that?

>> No.19209924

>I started a fire because I'm too stupid to put water on hot coal

>> No.19209942

we only have outdoor grills at campsites here and yes i use them when i'm there

>> No.19209943

People pee on those.

>> No.19209947

>People pee on those
sounds like its just 12 year olds and 4channers in their earlier/current life who pee on those.

>> No.19209985

Hell no, what if the last person to use it was some homo with aids? I bring my own propane camp stove and cook on the picnic table.

>> No.19209992

I used to and I always brought something, at least foil, to put over the grill itself because the grill was always nasty because Mexicans and blax can't use a thing without destroying it. Ever since I inherited my parents' house I just grill on my back porch so I don't have to deal with dudes trying to steal my shit.

>> No.19210003

pretty obviously to check if it is hot.

>> No.19210009

Sure lots of times. It's illegal to use anything else where I live. None looked like that thing though.

>> No.19210018

A charcoal grill from the wally world is like 25 dolans. A couple cinder blocks and a stove rack are free if you know where to look. A pit and a stick costs about twenty minutes of effort.

>> No.19210024

So yes or no?

>> No.19210171

I usually scrub them with a ball of foil and then make a bigger fire than I'd normally do so the heat burns any residual crap off. That being said you aren't going to die from occasionally using a public grill. You probably take more damage to your health from all the air pollution and the greasy food you grilled.

>> No.19210224

>greasy food you grilled.

>> No.19210226
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>if it commonly known your actions could harm yourself or your property, and you could have avoided the accident by not acting, no one is responsible but yourself
The whole legal industry of America would fucking love armwrestling about if something is "commonly known" or not. I guess they could just poll people with a large enough sample sizes to establish shit like that.

>> No.19210233

Americans hate it when someone actually uses public infrastructure

>> No.19210241

Fucking commies in government using my taxes to build grills. They ought to be privatized and run as a corporate chain.

>> No.19210255

No. They are always occupied by feral, uppity basketball americans. Also, I have a backyard with a charcoal grill, propane grill, and a blackstone griddle.

>> No.19210395

what a retard
and this is the people who a famous for cooking?

>> No.19210425

>having to pay to use a grill
In America it's a basic human right we all get for free

>> No.19210475
File: 41 KB, 798x644, b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking food on the dog-waste incinerator
Those are only for park and public-works staff to use anon.

>> No.19210851
File: 498 KB, 700x525, victoria-park-camperdown-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pay for the fuel you tard. it's a gas grill in a city park

>> No.19210859

>gas grill
Oh, you mean a Ladies' Grill. But those have been replaced by microwaves and air fryers.

>> No.19210870

No because Mexicans use the to burn trash

>> No.19210881
File: 1.07 MB, 1400x688, redfren park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a public park anon, you can BYOG but I think it's nice they offer this. I've had a lot off fun with frens around those gas cookers :<t

>> No.19210890

>dogs on top of the table
Utterly uncivilized.

>> No.19210900

OK, sorry for trolling. In my country I would never trust any public exposed shared cooking surface (see previous comments about contamination), but if you live in a homogenous society that retains some semblance of social order, then yeah, I can see how public grills could be pretty neat, gas or otherwise.

>> No.19210909

I don't like flavoring my food with poop and pee so no.

>> No.19210913

people puke and piss on them and bin chickens shit all over them. I'm pretty once a meth head OD'd on one. probably a lot to be honest. one time there was even an Indian family cooking food right there in public. wild.

yeah you sterilize and scrub that shit before you do anything. frankly it takes a bit of stubborn determination that not everyone has the stomach for

>> No.19210926

>Walk up to unattended grill
Owo what's this??
>Carefully sneak up to her
What are you doing here sweety?
>Rub my nasty stuff all over her
The next guy to user her will be nine the wiser

>> No.19210944

>holy law
Most of those Jewish "laws" aren't even written anywhere in scripture, they were added as interpretation by Rabbis for reasons that may or may not be relevant today, depending on the rule, and there's no mechanism to repeal them. It's similar to real jurisprudence, where despite the fact that laws can get repealed, they almost never do.

>> No.19210947

>your city parks?
what sort of communist hell-hole do you live in?

>> No.19210951

carbonized. the key word here is carbonized.

>> No.19210978

>Do you ever use the provided outdoor grills
The trash cans? Yes.

>> No.19210990

once it dries out, shit burns; there's even places where it's used as fuel

>> No.19211001

Pretty soon it will be illegal to eat anything except raw dog shit.

>> No.19211025

used to when I was a kid and my state was 99% white, now I proly wouldn't touch em.

>> No.19211047

Dog owners are the worst. They let their vermin run wild even in areas that clearly state a leash is required. Last week I had a dog come charging full force out me from out of nowhere. Luckily it wasn't a shitbull or I'd probably be dead by now, but it's a good way to get your dog shot by someone with a CCW.

>> No.19211209

t. cat
He was probably happy to see you, honestly.

>> No.19211312


>> No.19211367

>that sounds like a lawsuit risk and would be removed in the usa

lol. It's not the 90s anymore. Everything is fair game now. Just say you're trans.

>> No.19211391

city is still in the habit of removing everything

>> No.19211490

Some gay dog ran up and started barking his head off at me when I was walking across a soccer field to meet my wife and kid, in a park with mandatory leash signs everywhere. I was a hair away from putting it down with the .40 while the owner slowly sauntered over, explaining that my hat was the problem, “sorry lol, he doesn’t like hats”.

>> No.19211529

>No, I'm white.
As a public fixture, you can only use these in white areas. Otherwise they're either vandalized or non-existent.
Pick a road and keep going until the pavement isn't cracked. Then you too can use one.

>> No.19211534

Should have said "sorry I don't like dogs" and punched him and when the dog tries to protect his owner shoot it out of self defense

>> No.19212322

Based. Once I was at a park and some dipshit woman had 4 dogs running loose, one of them went out of sight and ran in the road and narrowly dodged getting made into roadkill. She had no idea and the dog ran back to her and she just kept letting it run lose. I didn't say anything, hoping that car would come back to finish the job.

>> No.19212330

I go to the park with a bag of charcoal some lighter fluid a pack of these a cooler of brats and have myself a time