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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19200532 No.19200532 [Reply] [Original]

I wouldn't call myself a culinary elitist, but what would possess someone to eat fast food, in a sober/non-hungover state, on a regular basis? I can understand being forced to eat it as a convenient lunch while slaving away at a job that can't give you a decent lunch break, and maybe the odd pang of childhood nostalgia or gastronomic masochism where you tactically subject yourself to the yang to further enjoy the yin, but beyond that the mind boggles.

t. perplexed by all the people/Americans on this board who seem to genuinely enjoy fast food

>> No.19200538

tastes good and I'm too depressed to cook

>> No.19200567

It doesn't taste good though?

>> No.19200593

Are you just trying to have an argument because you're bored? Go piss up a rope, buddy.

>> No.19200646

Not really I'm genuinely curious about the way peoples' tastebuds work. Gonna have to look up some studies when I'm sober. I reckon it goes beyond tastebuds and ventures into gut bacteria the connection between the mind, gut, and nervous system. It definitely isn't a simple matter of fat+carbs+meat+slat=mmm.

>> No.19200659

>I wouldn't call myself a culinary elitist
no one would ever mistake you for an elite anything
>but what would possess someone to eat fast food
they literally spend billions of dollars a year on research and marketing.

>> No.19200713

I thought the enlightend denizens of 4chan were supposed to be immune to marketing tricks.

>> No.19200746

there's literally a board where people trick eachother into crypto scams.

>> No.19200751

what would possess someone to drink alcohol and want to get hungover?

>> No.19201253

I think you just have fucked up taste buds or only know shit black teenager staffed mcdicks.

>> No.19201258

>on a regular basis
Fat, lazy, and financially irresponsible. Nothing wrong with crushing a burg or whatever every now and then, though.

>> No.19201475

What would possess someone to drink alcohol? It all tastes like shit in that state, males you dumb as shit, and leaves you feeling like shit when they drink too much of it. They're good as ingredients but seriously what makes people drink?

>> No.19201497

>It definitely isn't a simple matter of fat+carbs+meat+slat=mmm
it really is

>> No.19201713

The looser aesthetic

>> No.19201798

>judging anyone for what they consume

>> No.19201806

Are women into it?

>> No.19201810
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 1637274887352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flyover meme is real, anon. There are millions of people in the United States who were raised on fast food since a very young age. I'm talking multiple nights a week, sometimes even multiple times a day their deadbeat parents would bring home McDonalds or leave then a few bucks on the kitchen counter to order it themselves. Their taste buds have been molded from a very young age to crave the greasy, salty slop that comes of out of these places. As these people grow older they maintain these habits, never learning to cook for themselves and assuming it's totally normal to buy fast food all the time. I grew up in the midwest so I knew plenty of people like this. One of my friends can't even stand the taste and texture of real pizza, he can only eat the dry shit that comes from chains like Dominos and Pizza Hut. I'm extremely thankful that I was born to parents who weren't so lazy that they neglected cooking and eating dinner with their children.

>> No.19201832

This, honestly. Fast food was something we ate on special occasions for some reason. Both parents always cooked our food and I learned to cook from them as well. McDonald's was something we had maybe once a month, if that.

But there are some people who just fed their kids lunchables and always ate fast food.

>> No.19201834

It does when you never get a taste of any actual food.

>> No.19201841

Only ever eaten it once and it was absolutely vile. Can't even stand the smell of fast food stands.

>> No.19201844

You guys are dumb faggots pretending that fast food isn’t molded to be as addictive as possible. They have literal food scientists paid hundreds of thousands for the top positions to influence the molecular reaction your body has with their products. Not to mention they specifically engineer ways for their products to pair well with their other products. Why do you think subway bread is considered cake in the UK? Because the American sub bread has been engineered to be as addictive as legally possible in the USA. Now you sit there smugly insulting the addiction victims of predatory forced mass obesity like a dimwit.

>> No.19201848

It is literally disgusting.

>> No.19201849
File: 117 KB, 922x820, Screenshot 2023-04-25 082921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically how my girlfriend was raised. We visited her hometown in Missouri last year and it was literally just a strip of highway running through seemingly endless fast food places, car dealerships, and a single run down grocery story.

>> No.19201856

And you are literally retarded.

>> No.19201859

Eh? It's shit tier muck and it tastes vile. You could only enjoy it if you'd never actually eaten real food. It's just ridiculous fashion

>> No.19201862

Is this what fat people tell themselves
>I wish I could quit eating this slop, but it's genetically engineered to be addictive!
Sounds like cope to me. Put the fork down, fatty. You aren't a victim of anything but your lack of self control.

>> No.19201866

I can understand somebody living in a place with a garbage grocery store/nonexistent one, but people just eating fast food like regular meals and not even trying to cook a basic stew or make their own burgers&fries, pizza or fried chicken is absolutely something I find to be careless and preventable with learning to cook and having the self control to say, "nah, I don’t need it." when driving by a fast food joint.

>> No.19201870

>having the self control to say, "nah, I don’t need it." when driving by a fast food joint.
Have you ever met someone who doesn't have this level of self control? I don't want to seem like a total schizo but it's honestly made me believe mind control is real to some extent. My old roommate would come home from work every single day with a bag of McDonalds, and often he wouldn't even eat it. He told me verbatim once: "Whenever I drive by I feel like I have to get something", and so he did. It's bizarre, he was a really smart guy outside of that.

>> No.19201882

I know you’re a retard but keep your retard opinions to yourself you low class bum.

>> No.19201885

NTA, but why are you getting so angry over someone being critical of fast food? You don't owe McDonalds anything, just move on.

>> No.19201886

You’re just as bad as fat people as far as I’m concerned, I’m just pointing out that the fast food industry clearly has more self awareness than you do.

>> No.19201891

It’s not a McDonald’s issue, it’s a servitude issue. The FDA allows certain degrees of substances so long as certain societal tolerances can be gained from it. When you learn more in depth just how political and controlling the FDA and its subsidiary corps are and what they’ve purposely allowed to control the US citizen you would also be concerned when imbeciles on a basket weaving forum are oblivious to the absolute insidious actions goes on in day to day corporate FDA paperwork.

>> No.19201897

Whatever chatbot you're using to generate replies is garbage. This is barely even relevant to anything I said.

>> No.19201902

>calling someone a low class bum
>because he called fast food bad tasting
Nigga, McDonald's isn't gonna give you a handjob for simping. Nor is Wendy's or Taco Bell. The quality of food from them is absolute garbage.

I think you give fast food companies way too much credit and are trying to remove regular people's culpability to their own unwillingness to cook their own food. Again, I can understand a situation where you live in a place with a bad grocery store or one where the nearest one is several miles away. But being unwilling to even cook an egg or make a meatloaf isn't because McDonald's/fast food giant's advertising prowess or focus group committee, it's just sometimes there are a ton of people who do not want to learn, desire nothing more than an easy solution and who can watch funny tik toks but can't watch a tutorial or learn by trial and error.

>> No.19201905

Shut up you monkey, the fact you think it’s chatgpt just shows your lack of brain power. Like you said, don’t like it move on . Oh wait, you have no self awareness to take your own advice.

>> No.19201907

You’re a bum because your mind is about on par with one. Bum imbecile.

>> No.19201920

Fast Food tastes like bland slop, sorry your brain can't tell the difference between literal overprocessed corporate garbage and real food.

>> No.19201931

I wish this board was as passionate about actual cooking as it is defending fast food companies.

>> No.19201938

I wish you had reading comprehension above a first grade level but clearly that bar is too high.
You are a dumb monkey with no discernment to what good food is compared to bad food. You are just a trained animal taught your little monkey tricks to pretend to be something you’re not - human.

>> No.19201955

Why do people pretend that fast food tastes bad? I'll accept that that it's not as good as a high quality home cooked meal but otherwise you guys are just lying to yourselves to feel superior like the dumb fucks who get really obsessed with wine.

>> No.19201958

Why do you keep replying to this thread?

>> No.19201970

Because I'm like Bill Cosby with a bottle of pills. You can't stop me, crybaby.

>> No.19201971

>no discernment to what good food is compared to bad food.
I know fast food company slop is bland and unhealthy, so I make my own meals and learned to cook from my parents who learned it from theirs, and so on. Sorry dude, I grew up in a home where my parents took the time to make healthy meals for their kid and didn’t shove a McDonald's burger in my hand and said "There’s dinner!".

At this point, you sound like you lost an argument and are spouting insults like some discord kid who can't handle losing. I am legitimately sad you don't experience the thrill of learning a new recipe, buying a perfect looking steak/fish fillet, tending a small garden or even going to a farmers market to haggle a deal.

Calling other people animals, when you're the one being fed by handlers is top LOL.

>> No.19201974

I hate the taste of grease and meat

>> No.19202048

The responses in this thread really back up your points. There are Americans in this thread who can't comprehend how someone could not enjoy the taste of fast food. Stockholm syndrome of the tastebuds.

>> No.19202213

No it's because OP is full of shit. Fast food is popular world wide but he is trying to convince himself and other people that it's actually awful, and that he's the only one in the entire world enlightened enough to realize it.

>> No.19202273

Fast food is eaten by scum. Literal subhumans. Yes there are a lot of them about, but that doesn't make them any less fuck monkeys.

>> No.19202336

I'm pretty sure it's mostly one dude constantly bumping his own thread with bait replies. These threads are pretty common on /ck/ and it's almost always the same sort of replies in the same writing style.

>> No.19202346

It is absolutely crafted to be addictive and to attract people with it's smell. The thing is, you don't HAVE to get addicted to it, if you have any fucking self control at all. No one forces people to eat fast food. They choose to.
Just because you're a weak willed pansy doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.19202348

McIDF out in full force today

>> No.19202351

Based and true post. I am also glad my parents thought of fast food as an occasional treat.

>> No.19203256

>I'm pretty sure it's mostly one dude constantly bumping his own thread with bait replies.

t. OP

>> No.19203284

Imagine being this much of a pseud, holy shit. And over something as mundane as refusing to eat fast food, at that. Embarrassing.

>> No.19203461

+15 Burger Koins

>> No.19203677

>Burger Koins
mmmmm Burger King....

>> No.19203711
File: 60 KB, 674x768, 1651476266253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have enough ingredients at home to make anything substantial, I don't want to go shopping, and I don't want to spend lots of money for good takeout. I'll probably have it for dinner tonight. lately I've been having a nearly every day. I'm not going to pretend that it's great, I actively don't like talking about the fact that I eat it with anyone because I know it's so shit. but it's good enough and better than any frozen food you could buy. I don't make large meals that'll keep for a few days often enough, because I guess I'm just lazy and/ or I don't have enough recipes like like, that'll keep it from being repetitive.
>Tldr lazy fag

>> No.19203715

I'll make a cook along thread whenever I make something big. I did a perogis last time. Don't blame me.

>> No.19203782

take your meds retardbro