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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19193495 No.19193495 [Reply] [Original]

How do you recover?

>> No.19193504
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>> No.19193520
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Invest in proper storage containers

>> No.19193525


>> No.19193527

what's the problem? the flavour doesn't get imparted to food you put in it

>> No.19193529

lotsa dawn dish washing detergent like most oil spills

>> No.19193532
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They're a dollar for a whole set around your block at the dollar store. It's disposable. Stop keeping them you fucking retards especially YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES THAT KEEP THE LIDS WITHOUT MATCHING CONTAINERS OR THE CINTAINERS WITHOUT MATCHING LIDS IT IS A FUCKING DOLLAR THROW THAT SHIT OUT YOU FUCKING GIGGA NIGGER!!!

>> No.19193534
File: 425 KB, 220x270, 1645434355845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, good glass is so much better than the best plastic. worth the price.

>> No.19193538

This is abrasive, it will scratch up the plastic and it will start staining from everything.
Better just use bleach.

>> No.19193549

This. Stop spending money on garbage that fills you with microplastics and get some fucking pyrex.

>> No.19193560

It's not about the price. For putting shit in the fridge for a few days, I want stackable plastic containers. Glass ones never stack right and slide all over the place.

>> No.19193566

Soak it in bleach for 24 hours. If that doesn't work, resign myself.

>> No.19193567
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What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19193633
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That's not stacked, it's just resting atop one another haphazardly
Glass eating retards like you wouldn't get it.

>> No.19193672
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Keep eating your plastic

>> No.19193676

that's not flush or secure at all, but I don't expect glass chewers to get the difference

>> No.19193678

There's no difference unless you don't have shelves in your fridge and you need to stack 1 meter of them

>> No.19193693
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I only buy glass storage with plastic sealing lids

>> No.19193703

The lids stain as well

>> No.19193707

that's true. I agree with you, to retards there is no difference. you can go on with your "life" now

>> No.19193713

Not on this one >>19193693
And even if you somehow fuck it up, replacing a lid is easier than throwing out the whole thing
That pyrex dish will last forever

>> No.19193719

Microplastics ruined your already smooth brain

>> No.19193729

>seed oils
>fake meat
>fast food
the shills want you sick and dying. it should be abundantly clear to everyone now. steer clear of these products, dont even engage the shills

>> No.19193748

Yup, slay queen!

>> No.19193768

When I was a young schoolboy the cafeteria lady told me something I've never forgotten: my tray may look dirty, but it's clean dirt.

>> No.19193785

you can kvetch all you want, glass will always be superior

>> No.19193800
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>He doesn't use glass containers for leftovers

>> No.19193823
File: 270 KB, 1170x698, FBEAE8D7-EA8B-43D7-AFFF-DFEFCBDAE67B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not using plastic containers

>> No.19193846

Hey, someone already said to use glass?

Op doesn't care about anyone here. Anyway if someone have this problem too, a little diluted bleach will do.

>> No.19193857

>food factories store and ship using plastic
>Most food packaging is plastic
>Workers use plastic/rubber gloves to handle food
>Factory rollers, belts, etc are made in food safe plastic

And yet you retards spout the word microplastic as if you're actually saying anything of value, go tug your micropenis you microcuck microsperg

Also inb4 some of you start responding to me with graphs and studies from BuzzFeed

>> No.19193867

By throwing that toxic garbage away and buying glassware instead.
Glass containers can always be cleaned, they don't leech microplastics or anything else into your food, they can be microwaved as well as put into the oven, they last a lifetime if you don't drop them and they're really fucking cheap.
Take the glasspill today OP.

>> No.19193874

so your solution is to add more plastic to the equation. why are there multiple posters in multiple threads all advocating for lower quality of life? makes me wonder

>> No.19193998
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Do not put those lids in there microwave when reheating leftovers. I've had two lids deform in the microwave and it was difficult and expensive to buy replacement lids. Also, I've heard of this lids deforming in the top rack of a dishwasher.

>> No.19194064

I didn't tell you to do anything, you're the one with a problem that nobody else has

>> No.19194135 [DELETED] 

then shut the fuck up and leave. let the rest of the nobodies discuss the problems they dont have. if you dont like it just fuck off

>> No.19194149

>be teenager
>eat a lot of chili
>momma complains about stained containers
>say i just use the one out of the five because i do
>more whining
>get a job
>buy more containers for her and continue to use the "dirty one"
fucks sake

>> No.19194731

Where the fuck do I get large glass food storage containers with sealed lids? All the ones I see at my local retailers or online are tiny.

>> No.19194791

Amazon surely has many

>> No.19194840

if you get a good brand theyre basically indestructible, i dropped one from about 7ft onto concrete by accident and there wasnt even a chip. defo worth the money

>> No.19194853

Catfaggot food goes into the garbage anyway so not really worth the difference in price imo

>> No.19194887

plastic in the microwave is awful, always warps and shit

>> No.19194889

unless you overfill the container, lids usually don't touch the food inside it

>> No.19194934
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I'm pretty sure micro glass is worse for your system than micro plastics.

>> No.19195103

Shut the fuck up before I fuck you with my micro dick

>> No.19195231

Why the fuck would I ever keep the lid on when I'm microwaving it

>> No.19195440

Pyrex > all other kitchen containers. I will die on this hill.

>> No.19195618

I don't use microwave

>> No.19196036

The lids are still made of plastic, so wouldn't there still be a risk of microplastics?

>> No.19196047

If we assume the holocaust did happen, the bodies would've been dumped and cremated en masse. Little to no care for the bodies, just maximum efficiency.

Modern-day Italy isn't going to just dump a pile of corpses at the crematorium, they were still trying to treat every single body with dignity & respect, which requires more delicate processing.

>> No.19196059

>Bamboo lids
Hope your enjoy your microresins that join the bamboo pieces together, and the micropolymers from the rubber/silicone gasket that holds the lid in place.

>> No.19196104
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It's just a joke anon

>> No.19196120
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>> No.19196124

still kvetching?

>> No.19196129
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1679299581383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK did you just say about my daughter?

>> No.19196183

you don't, it's over

>> No.19196202

It all depends on how it lands. Sometimes it will land on a good spot and have the same effect as a prince ruperts drop. Other times you can drop it from like 2ft onto a bad spot and it will shatter.

>> No.19196224

not even once.

>> No.19196271

semi disposable objects are the only situation where bamboo is acceptable

>> No.19196293

By not owning Tupperware at all and always only cooking an amount of food that is slightly less than what it takes to get you full, so that you can fill up that last bit with things like olives, fruits, nuts, etc, that don’t need to be prepared. This way you will never have leftovers or need to deal with them. Ever having leftovers is a sign of poor planning.

>> No.19196296

How about don’t ever use a fucking microwave

>> No.19196329

>micro glass
Anon that's just very small sand.

>> No.19196662

>get some all purpose home cleaner spray, like AJAX or something, and spray it on the base / sides of the container
>fill up container with some water (maybe 50% full, don’t do 100% full because the water spills out on the next step
>put the lid on and shake the container for 30 seconds or more
>let rest for an hour or more
>empty container and rinse out with water
>clean the container with regular dishwashing liquid

>> No.19198205

put paper towel and fill the container halfway with hot water and dish soap put on lid and shake and the stains are gone wa la

>> No.19199135

I bought some glass dishes with plastic snap on lids a few years ago. The comments section on Amazon was full of people crying about how the lids were still plastic so you were still killing the planet by using them. Like fucking hell bitch you're planning on using these things for years and years holy fuck.

>> No.19199368

Fuck washing dishes, I live alone and I hate it. I even have a dishwater and don't like using it. I'm about to start buying paper plates and paper bowls, I mean because why not? Fuck it.

>> No.19199377

honestly, I buy different plates every week so I can just get rid of them. I don't like paper plates.

>> No.19199808

Why recover? Buy them in packs of 20; it's way cheaper than individually.

>> No.19200013

Throw it in the fucking trash

>> No.19200063

So long as you don't overstuff them and bend the lids out of shape, no. The plastic doesn't touch the food, the glass does.

>> No.19200300

Is your problem the stains? If so, just put it in a place with direct sunlight for a day or two. Wa-la.

>> No.19200407

throw it away you poorfag

>> No.19201351

melt it down and remove impurities and then simply recast it, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars easily