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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19192832 No.19192832 [Reply] [Original]

>want to cook myself dinner
>roommate has been sitting in the kitchen talking to some due for two fucking hours

>> No.19192842

just cook anyways you autismal fuck

>> No.19192847

cooking with other people around is hellish, especially random strangers
everyone knows this

>> No.19192853

stop making these threads and just move fag

>> No.19192855

this, idk why it is like this, i wondered why my parents didnt want anyone else in the kitchen growing up, now im the same way. i still dont know WHY though

>> No.19192858
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>random stranger

>> No.19192860

I literally said he's talking to some guy in the OP
One of his friends I'd assume but I don't know any of them so to me it's a stranger

>> No.19192863

>cooking with other people around is hellish, especially random strangers
Then ask them to head to another room while you cook dinner. Tell them you're going to be making some noise or you need some room to work. Fuck, it's not that hard. You can speak, right?

>> No.19192869

I'm sorry, in my country "due for two fucking hours," means a owed or waiting for that time.

>> No.19192877

my bad, that was a typo, meant to say "dude"

>> No.19192878
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>not narrating everything you do in the kitchen while pretending to host your own cooking show
You can have a whole conversation by just saying it out loud instead of just in your head

>> No.19192879

Sorry, OP, that's the rule. He was in the room first and therefore gets to determine what it's used for.
You're going to have to wait until he leaves or falls asleep for more than 45 minutes.

>> No.19192882

>Hey are you making anything?
>I'm thinking of cooking ______, do you want any too?

>> No.19193146

I do not share food, he buys cheap nasty frozen shit that I don't want anyways

>> No.19193222

Assert your dominance. Turn up your stove as high as it goes and sear your meat without turning on the overhead fan to smoke them out of your kitchen.

>> No.19193267

>Get in there
>Cook without lids
>Fill everything with steam and smoke
Assert dominance!

>> No.19193283

I feel you OP. I don’t want anyone in the kitchen when I cook. I had some dumb, fat, annoying bitch watch out dogs over our vacation that turned into a fucking disaster, her flight got delayed and she was trying to do dishes she didn’t do while we were gone (I had already put a full load into the dishwasher) when I was trying to cook us dinner and I about killed her. Stay the fuck away from anyone cooking imo. Unless they ask for help, don’t go in the vicinity.

>> No.19193290

That's a massive skill issue on your end, I don't mind people around while I cook at all. They tend to just comment on it smelling good and making small talk about my cooking and then whatever else the conversation leads to.

>> No.19193294

i'm that dude, your roomate/gf is cut af bro

>> No.19193321

You should have your own mini-fridge if you live with other people.
Electric frypan can cook 90% of everything. I use an upside-down baking sheet as a heat sink if I want it on full blast.
Can also get rice cooker, microwave, deep fryer.

>> No.19193322

Unless you are a shit cook they will want your food and make comments as if you are expected to give it away.

>> No.19193324

75% of people do not have thoughts in their head. Letting them know that you do will only endanger you.

>> No.19193344

Only open surface I have in my room is a glass-top desk, would be a bit concerned about running an electric frying pan on that with all the heat. Could maybe run it on the bathroom counter but that's just gross

>> No.19193375

as a shut in piece of shit with MONTHS of not working in a kitchen, I was able to learn confidence of "clear out, please and thank you"
then I haven't had them be pissy or confront me. i follow up with "try a bit, see if I didn't fuck it up"

>> No.19193459

stand by the doorway to the kitchen w your dick out it will be a staredown but most guys give up if they don't expect it

>> No.19193604

Why is everyone here so autistic?