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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 500x700, 06391921-ED2E-4EB3-A236-E13799E07E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19190871 No.19190871 [Reply] [Original]

>have 30 people for wedding
>Looking for cheap restaurant for dinner
> Find good place where all the meals on the normal menu are $15-20.
>Call to make a reservation
>"Oh a wedding, you need to rent a private room and a special menu also we have a minimum purchase rate of $2500"
>I Just wanted to sit down at two large tables and have everyone order from the menu
>"No, that's not possible"
> Your restaurant seats 200 people right?
> And your usually full meaning you're cooking for 200 people at a time, right?
> Then can we get 40 seats and order off the normal menu?
>"Your party needs to rent a private room and have a special menu. The minimum purchase price is $2500"

What the fuck?

>> No.19190876

You’re supposed to say “nevermind I can cook myself”

>> No.19190879

Don't mention it's a wedding next time

>> No.19190881

>hang up
>call back an hour later
>I'd like to make a reservation for a party of 40 people
simples :)

>> No.19190885

should have said it was for a sales pitch thing

>> No.19190912

Restaurant work should be mandatory the same way military service is mandatory in certain countries. It seems so simple, but even really smart people turn into complete retards when they start talking about restaurants and how they operate.

A party of 40 in a restaurant that seats 200 would completely fuck up the flow of everything, not to mention they're likely going to stay three times longer than regular tables.

>> No.19190917

Flowershops do the same thing.
>"I'd like a bridal bouquet"
>"That'll be $200"
>Hang up
>Go to the store
>"I'd like a bouquet of such and such flowers"
>It's exactly like the bridal bouquet
>"That'll be $40"
Everyone jumps the price hike gun when weddings are mentioned. I blame the Americans for normalizing bankrupt tier weddings. I can only imagine how many husbands and wives break up because they completely shat themselves with spending on their wedding with associated debt.

>> No.19190918

Because wedding parties are LOUD.

>> No.19190931

Everywhere I've worked would want pre-order at minimum for table of 40

>> No.19190939
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ur ghey

>> No.19190943

Americans normalized this? Have you seen a Chinese, Indian, African, or European wedding?

>> No.19190947
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And no one wants to deal with your bridezilla for normal pay
And you have outed yourself as lower class by even doing such a think in lieu of a proper catered dinner.
Just from the information ITT its easy to see that this dinner has a 30% chance of becoming a total nightmare for the staff.
Yeah , fuck right the fuck off with your wedding dinner on the cheap idea.

>> No.19190953

European, yes, otherwise just movie crap and no movies are as popular as grand American wedding movies.

>> No.19190962

In theory you're paying a kind of quality insurance for the event but it's a scam, you should have said it was a party
>wedding cake: $500
>party cake: $150

>> No.19190964
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>I Just wanted to sit down at two large tables
One large table seats six, you are talking about pushing tables together.
If you call back later trying to make a reservation for 30, I hope they remember you and tell you to fuck off

>> No.19190967

just do a bbq wedding in the park like a normal person

>> No.19190972

>A party of 40 in a restaurant that seats 200 would completely fuck up the flow of everything
A restaurant that seats 200 people could logistically be cooking and serving over 500 meals on a busy night. They should be well prepared to cook and serve 40 people in one party, what the fuck are you on about. A 200 seat restaurant is not a fucking diner or a hole in the wall take-away joint.

>> No.19190996

You're talking about nearly a quarter of the entire restaurant putting its order in at exactly the same time. Do you really not see the problem there? Pay attention to the word "flow".

>> No.19191034

>Do you really not see the problem there?
No because I've actually worked in a 200 seat restaurant while you work at a fucking KFC.
>40 orders in at exactly the same time
Think about this for a second genius and how those orders are taken by the waitstaff and pay attention to the word "flow".

>> No.19191083

I worked for a photographer who hated doing weddings and I found out why after we worked one. People are super demanding about what to do for weddings and it normally involves being apart of the planning for the wedding and doing the mock runs before the actual wedding. You can spend days of time working on these stupid events and the couple normally ends up ordering 10-100 prints at most.

If some place is telling you that you have to order off of a special menu, it costs more, and you have to be in the private room, they are telling you to fuck off because they don't want to do it. The photographer I worked for would overcharge for weddings by ten fold for normal events and highly encouraged the bride and groom to look elsewhere or just do a few shots at his studio.

>> No.19191132

Heh. My dad was a photographer, back in the day before Walmart and cellphones ruined the business. Weddings were actually his bread and butter. The money was made in selling the package, then praying after the wedding people ordered extra prints. But they were a nightmare to work. Nobody ever wanted to do what you asked, and this was a few years back when people were more civilized. He’d get the wedding party together before the ceremony for alter pics and pose them, and when they wouldn’t comply he found the best way of dealing with them was to simply sit down. Nothing made BRIDEZILLA or HER MOTHER more angry than seeing the peasant photographer sitting down. They’d do the yelling to get everybody organized, lul. My father was a brilliant man.

And this is why they want you in a private room. I’m assuming you were booking for a wedding party the night of the rehearsal after they’ve done their run throughs. Everybody is starving. Everybody is drinking. Lots of short tempers towards wait staff and bursts of raucous laughter. A proper restauraunt knows to hire extra staff to handle ONLY that wedding party and to isolate them from the rest of the restaurant. They don’t want return customers storming angrily out because of several loud tables that staff appear to be treating special instead of kicking out. Wedding parties are also notoriously LOUSY tippers, because typically the groom’s parents are picking up the entire bill and get sticker shock. Guests don’t tip, because they think it’s all covered.

>> No.19191135

>how those orders are taken by the waitstaff
The waitstaff is going to put the entire order in at once (or rather, on a few separate tickets back to back, ideally starting with the most important guests at the table), because they're working for tips, and a wedding party is not going to be happy if one side of a table is getting their desserts while the other is still eating their appetizers. People are fine waiting 15-20 minutes for their food on a busy night, but if the kitchen is doing a 40 top ordering off the menu that's going to push every other table back, and then there's the basic logistics of having a few servers to bring it all out so that the window doesn't get backed up. But go on, tell me more about your extensive restaurant experience.
>they are telling you to fuck off because they don't want to do it
That's not true. Restaurants make bank on banquet/catering type gigs. They just need advance notice and the staff to plan for it. A special menu is used because it's a lot easier for a kitchen to form an assembly line and get out a ton of a handful of plates, rather than having to do 40 different orders with substitutions, etc. The only people who don't like it are the cooks.

>> No.19191140


>> No.19191148
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>because they're working for tips

>> No.19191160

It's supposed to be payed by the father of the bride to get rid of his money pit daughter.

>> No.19191165

Stop trying to change tipping culture you're not going to change tipping culture

>> No.19191167

Was there anything in the OP to make you think he wasn't talking about the US? Retarded frog.

>> No.19191171

Father's aren't nearly as "bound" to pay for frivolous bullshit for their DAUHTERS as a husband.

>> No.19191182
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OP has been BTFO and probably not coming back.
But also he has for sure not absorbed the information given him. He has no idea that he is a nightmare customer and does not want to internalize this so he will just leave to avoid all the mental gymnastics of him trying to still think he is a good person

>> No.19191184

Hey look, an incel has wandered into the thread. That's cool. They're always so funny, and original, and insightful.

>> No.19191191

OP, what you should do is rob the restaurant two days before the wedding, so you'll not only have enough money to pay for the food, but they will be so grateful to have the money that they won't even care if you don't leave a tip

>> No.19191208

OP BTFO holy shit

what an awful take

>> No.19191216

Yes anon. Father's surely feel obliged to spend loads of money on their daughters frivolous excess so they can keep having sex far more than a husband would. You got this incel mentality backwards.

>> No.19191232

are you a woman?

>> No.19191235

Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper these days to just put the groom and the bride in a green screen room and make a CGI wedding in real time using AI, and then broadcast it "live" on the internet?
Later, everyone could tweet about how much they enjoyed attending the wedding while eating a tv dinner.

>> No.19191252

Believe it or not, the bride actually finds it important to have friends and family there in person when she and the groom declare their love for each other, and their intention to spend the rest of their lives together. Maybe nobody else wants to be there, but it's just something you endure for the sake of this whole "marriage" thing society has deemed important.

>> No.19191259

>hi, I want to give your business 40 paying customers
sudoku immediately

>> No.19191276

Maybe, but if you're doing a CGI wedding, maybe you could set it up so you can see the avatars of the invited guests. Like you could have a nazi pepe sitting next to a colored pepe, who is sitting next to a handrubbing jew, and so on.

>> No.19191301
File: 102 KB, 740x1024, 1617815880547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like one of those people who makes a giant fuss over one little mistake and demands to speak to the manager. You then tell them how you're A PAYING CUSTOMER and they have LOST YOUR BUSINESS.

Do you know what the manager is thinking while he calmly explains how sorry he is that your experience was less than stellar, and how unfortunate it is that you wont be returning? He's thinking, "good riddance. Fuck that guy. I'm wasting my time talking to an idiot who is making a scene when there's a hundred more important things I should be doing to keep everything running smoothly. I've never even seen that guy before so his business isn't worth much, and I hope I never see him again."

>> No.19191312

This happens outside of the US too. You mention "wedding" and the price goes way up in India.

>> No.19191336

picrel looks like she wants that BBC. why else would she have all those waddymelons?

>> No.19191339

>one little mistake and demands to speak to the manager.
its called having standards u stupid nose ring wearing hair dyed t shirt wearing wagie.

>> No.19191340

brb. gonna run this by my girlfriend.

>> No.19191344
File: 75 KB, 900x542, 1677922671950516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to give your business 40 paying customers

Whats that I hear? is that the mating call of the Splittailed Karen?

>> No.19191354

>Americans for normalizing bankrupt tier weddings
You have no idea what you're talking about. Weddings have been huge community events since long before Spanish cock ever raped its first squaw.

>> No.19191359

>its called having standards
No, it's called being an entitled cunt who thinks their time is worth more than everyone else's.

>> No.19191365

>No, it's called being an entitled cunt who thinks their time is worth more than everyone else's.
My time is, from my perspective, literally worth more than everyone else's, because if I were to cease to exist, then so would everyone else. That means that any time wasted by figments of my imagination are an inconvenience.

>> No.19191378

>Nothing made BRIDEZILLA or HER MOTHER more angry than seeing the peasant photographer sitting down

>> No.19191380

>Whats that I hear? is that the mating call of the Splittailed Karen?
Is it wrong when I get a boner from looking at girls doing dumb things?

>> No.19191383
File: 56 KB, 460x576, 1616656107514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize you're talking to a 14 year old who's probably never paid for a single meal in his entire life

>> No.19191390

>wagie is angry
not that anon btw

>> No.19191393

Why would you associate split-tail with your dick? You got a forked tongue kind of thing going down there?

>> No.19191410

Anons boner is coming from the action of the woman in the photo
An action you probably do not recognize

>> No.19191418
File: 104 KB, 1500x1000, Steve-Buscemi-30-rock-30ba25aa664442dd8cdf3f7eac5591e7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah. All those old people who need to waste their time going to a job just so that they can have a bed to sleep in and food to eat are retarded. I don't have a job and I get by just fine. It's easy. Us kids are so much smarted than everyone else, amiright?

>> No.19191429

I love that tshirt
I wonder if they have them on amazon

>> No.19191439

Not sure if serious, but you can buy literally any shirt you've ever seen a picture of on the internet these days.

>> No.19191444

When you pay 5 times what you would be paying for anything except a wedding of course you are going to make sure you get your moneys worth

>> No.19191460

I think people are so horrible now, that small business are just going to start closing their doors even though they are profitable

>> No.19191472
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Once again 4tranny wagies being lazy faggots who will do anything to get out of actually doing their jobs.

>> No.19191481

pay up fag

>> No.19191485

Yeah, working kind of sucks, anon. And we're all here right now wasting our time posting on fucking 4chan. What does any of that have to do with the thread?

>> No.19191494

But he greentext quoted

>> No.19191524

Shouldn't have told them it was a wedding

>> No.19191557

>go on, tell me more about your extensive restaurant experience
And anon was neither seen nor heard from ever again. I know it can be amusing to go on /v/ and fake a leak because your dad works at Nintendo, but that doesn't work everywhere, and pretending you have industry experience when you obviously don't is just cringe, because you're going to get called out every time, just like you did.

>> No.19191567

yes but the content of his post was about the photo

>> No.19191583
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OP is trying to get out of paying his share for burdening us with his horrible wedding party.
Will will do our jobs , but he is paying full price

>> No.19191648

we will , not will will

>> No.19191780

This isn't even about it being a wedding party thing. Yeah, that's definitely a part of it, but there's always been a significant anti-restaurant sentiment on /ck/, because most people never stop to think about how restaurants actually function.

There are so many threads about how anon can buy a steak at Walmart for a third of the price they charge at a restaurant (and he can always cook better, obviously), so why would anyone ever be stupid enough to waste their money going out to eat? Of course he just completely ignores that many people are getting paid to prepare the food and do all the other things that make a restaurant function, as well as all the costs that go into renting/owning a space, paying insurance, utilities, etc. Or people will complain about servers, and tipping, when all they do is carry your plate from the kitchen to your table. They never stop to consider all the other things the servers are doing, or all the other tables they're dealing with, and just think, "I could carry my own food, so why do they deserve a tip?"

It may be a shitty job, and most of them are shitty people, and tipping shouldn't be a thing, but it's still real, actual work. And when you're paying three times the food cost for a meal those other two thirds are going to labor and upkeep, and whatever little bit is left over is either going back into the restaurant or being the little bit of profit the business is making. That's why the margins are so thin, and that's why everyone is constantly stressed in restaurants, because everything is stretched to its limit just in order to keep the place open.

>> No.19191806

I agree. My buddy owns a popular restaurant and its a ton of work with low margins.

What I see here is how people are getting worse and worse each year with every batch of kids that graduates college.
Sometimes I wonder if there are just more autistic people coming up because of some unknown environmental factor

>> No.19191818

Poor people problems.
You just aren't based enough.

>> No.19191820

>ok just let us not pay extra for a wedding party that will obviously be extra fucking noisy, drunk, and stay forever because it's a fucking WEDDING PARTY
>sry sweaty but no lmfao pay the wedding fee so we can quarantine you fucking retards for the six hours you'll be sloppy drunk all over the restaurant

>> No.19191826

>That's why the margins are so thin, and that's why everyone is constantly stressed in restaurants, because everything is stretched to its limit just in order to keep the place open.
Why not raise the prices so employees don't have to rely on tips?

>> No.19191828
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>because of some unknown environmental factor
Anon...it's the internet. Over the past two decades the internet has fundamentally changed society, and just the way people interact with the world and each other on a basic level. We're now reaching the point where "adults" never knew a time before this change. That's why irony no longer exists; there's no longer any distance or perspective.

>> No.19191833

>Why not raise the prices so employees don't have to rely on tips?
we have been over this again and again
many countries do it like this and the service is not as good.
In the usa , we really like over the top service and are willing to pay for it.

>> No.19191838

>complex financial situation
>some retard with zero life experience shows up saying WHY NOT JUST TELL THE PROBLEM TO GO AWAY
you remind me of that girl who was getting angry about inflation, being like "UHHH ITS JUST MAKE BELIEVE MONEY, JUST SAY IT'S WORTH THE SAME, WHY EVEN LET INFLATION HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE" lmfao

>> No.19191841

The real reason is that employees actually make more from tips

>> No.19191853

yeah, most of the people ITT have never eaten in california and it fucking show lmfao, you have no idea what shit service you get from a fucking american server making $11/hr already just by showing up. it's literally like you walk in the door and they hate you, it's wild. good servers know they can make bank by working their ass off in a major city like houston or atlanta and absolutely DO NOT want higher wages from the restaurant, people lose the incentive to tip, good servers leave, and bottom of the barrel dregs come up to the table like "yeah uh what do you want?"

>> No.19191866

>restaraunt work
Manual labour like construction, forestry, agriculture, etc. should be mandatory first, or at least mandatory for going to University or something. Mandatory restaraunt work would be retarded.

>> No.19191867

You need a private riom because a party of 40 is disruptive. Some asshole will probably even make a toast

>> No.19191872

>why not guarantee universal healthcare?
>why not lower the retirement age?
>why not close tax loopholes and raise the marginal tax rate to 95% on everyone making over a few million dollars a year?
>why not improve public transportation so that there are less cars on the road, and make rail a normal thing?
>why not put any kind of regulation on guns?
>why not make working from home and the 4 day work week normal?
>why not have a universal basic income?
>why not put heavy fees on properties that go empty for most of the year when you can't walk out the door without stepping over a homeless person?
>why not guarantee pre-K and community college to everyone so that the most powerful country in the world doesn't keep getting stupider and stupider?
I don't know, anon. It's really a mystery. Maybe there's some kind of structural problem with having a representative democracy in a capitalistic country as large as the US in [current year], or maybe Americans are just really dumb and don't want things that would make their lives better. We'll probably never know.

>> No.19191877

>Dude free shit

>> No.19191879

Nothing in this post is correct.

>> No.19191884

getting reddit vibes from u. ur lazy

>> No.19191886

>why not guarantee pre-K
That has been shown not to work.
The studies that made it popular were shown to be deeply flawed.
The fact is that you cannot increase someones IQ
You can decrease it with poor nutrition and stress but you cannot increase it in any meaningful way.
Similarly you cannot teach critical thinking. No one with an IQ under 110 can do it effectively

>> No.19191887

Nothing mentioned in that post is "free shit". Getting rid of tipping wouldn't be "free shit" either. It would mean raising the wage for servers and passing that cost on to the consumer. Most people think that would be a better system, but you can't just wave a magic wand and make it happen.

>> No.19191889

95%? Who are you quoting?

>> No.19191893

its called having standards. judging by how entitled wagies are, i am not surprised at the lack of service considering the type of people that they hire for these positions now. You hire third worlders who hate the country they are in because every moment reminds them how inferior they are and the place they came from is and their service to customers is horrible.

>> No.19191903

>mentions having standards
>whines about fast food workers
dude i live in midtown NYC because i have standards. i make big money because i have standards. i eat at some of the best restaurants anywhere because i have standards. and the staff there are all incredible, because i have standards. i don't go to fast food restaurants because i have standards, and i don't whine about their staff because, and let me be clear here, i'm not an unsuccessful loser who thinks being patriotic means dumping on people because you had a bad time at the jack in the box last week, you fucking loser.

>> No.19191906

You can blame the wagie and their third world seethe because they are in a country that is better but at the same time, they know that they are at the bottom of the country. so they lash out during their shift. trust me, the third worlders come here and see the first world infrastructure but working a wagie job and they dont like it. but at the same time, their country is worse. so they lash out.

>> No.19191915

>show up
>order "thing"
>receive "thing"
at what point are you fucking up the process here, princess

>> No.19191917

I agree that you cannot raise IQ, in as much as IQ is even a real thing. But pre-k is about getting a child prepared to start learning, and having a better chance of thriving in elementary school, which can absolutely affect their development. It's also, you know, a way to allow people with young kids to go to work? There's kind of a labor shortage, if you weren't aware. I also disagree with you that critical thinking can't be taught. You can literally look at the statistics of college educated voters and non-college educated voters and the ones who learned how to think critically overwhelmingly lean left, while the non-educated make up 100% of Qanon followers and anti-vaxers.

>> No.19191927

honestly the boomers are right about the decline in work ethic except that they omit the part where their parents worked ten times harder than them
in the 70s the grocery store clerk loaded your car for you
in the 20s you just gave him your list and he picked your order for you

>> No.19191940

you live in nyc, which is the most disgusting place in the world, excluding the third world. i dunt care if ur area is nice, in the west, everything is mixed together. a 5 minute drive in any direction and i can see the trash.

>> No.19191942

>What the fuck?
Private room makes sense for any large restaurant reservation.

>> No.19191947

yeah i lived in tokyo, live in nyc, i've lived in a lot of big cities cause that's the kind of boy i am, squirt ;)

>> No.19191948

and you live in the usa, you have no clue what a clean city looks like. And i dont care how expensive the places u eat at is, the staff are all third worlders. i dont fall for the 5000 michelin star meme anymore. i just need to see the staff.

>> No.19191955

i grew up in a financial captial and see pradas on every street corner and brands that would make the average north american go ooohhh. wtf do u know? my ppl are known for having wealth lol. sit down.

>> No.19191956

>I also disagree with you that critical thinking can't be taught.
You are not disagreeing with me anon , but rather the literature on the matter.
Those college graduates? Most of them have an IQ over 110 while the non graduates have a lower IQ on average.
Correlation does not equal causation
Similar stuff going on with the pre k data.
The theories seem to make sense but dont stand up to testing
Once again, correlation

>> No.19191957

i lived in tokyo which people jerk off as being the cleanest city anywhere and will happily show you all the filthiest and sketchiest parts that don't make the reddit front page lol, what's your point? don't have the chops, too scared to try, better to die never knowing if you had what it takes to be successful in a major metropolitan area. typical.

>> No.19191961

the largest LV opened in my city and we have the highest consumption of luxury goods and gambling. and we are known for being huge spenders. wtf lol. i come from one of the most advanced places in the world. wtf do u know.

>> No.19191967

>i happened to be born somewhere, ran away from it, and have never tried establishing myself by myself and being a self-made man in a competitive area
i know your type, squirt, just another small-town person who never made it more than a few miles where they were brought up and think it makes them anything other than lazy and unimaginative to people who actually strike it out in the world

>> No.19191968

my point is i doubt ur better than me.

>> No.19191970

lol you have never seen anything or the world. youre probably american. what class or culture do u have? none because america is too young. but least ur travelling and seeing the world and learning what culture is

>> No.19191973

you strike me as an indian living in france and super insecure about it lmfao

>> No.19191977

if you live in nyc, which is so diverse, then you have the options to eat lots of food. Therefore, sometimes you eat quick service food, which gets you shit service. or you go to a daily fast paced store or you go to supermarket and the chick at the counter is rude. You are retarded, almost all counter people are third worlders (because thats the poplution of usa now) and they bring their attitude with them.

>> No.19191979

>reddit is a left wing site
>4chan is a right wing site
The only people who say this are literal election tourists who migrated from T_D to /pol/ and still haven't figured out that /pol/ is a containment board. That was never what the reddit hate was about.

>> No.19191980

Being from an old world country does not make you any more interesting in any way
The achievements of your countrymen do not reflect on you personally in any way

>> No.19191984

going to a pizza store and expecting first world service is called having standard now lol

>> No.19191986

lol its almost like when u bring in the third world, the country becomes third world.
>Being from an old world country does not make you any more interesting in any way
>The achievements of your countrymen do not reflect on you personally in any way
ofc it does, tell people where you are from and ppl treat u accordingly.

>> No.19191991

youre just a typical seething zoomer, immigrant, or third worlder or poor person. which is what has the biggest voice on reddit. On reddit they deny stores are closing in usa cause of theft lol.

>> No.19191995

you definately dunt understand reddit hate. its the persona. the soy boy, everyone is equal mindset.

>> No.19191997

i live in midtown. i eat lots of food. i go to my favorite places where the staff get to know me and all do a great job, from diners to stalls to high end steakhouses and japanese izakayas. i don't eat fast food in new york, the closest is ordering pizza sometimes and when the local place sent just mushrooms instead of mushrooms and pepperoni (what my mother wanted when she visited) i called and they sent me another pie free of charge after seeing how regularly i'd ordered from them over the last few years, and i continue to mostly order from them when i want pizza. great customer service is all over here, you just need to play a part in it, and sperging out the first time you hit a problem or being a cunt is likely why you struggle so much to order food.

>> No.19191998

>That was never what the reddit hate was about.
go browse a reddit thread. reddit is all about deny racial differences lol. and ignore black.brown crime.

>> No.19192002

>tell people where you are from and ppl treat u accordingly
Not at all. You are judged by who you are as a person and that alone

>> No.19192006

there isnt any food i cant afford. you probably have low standard nonetheless or you dont mind being in proximity with a third worlder.

>> No.19192010

you sound like a miserable person, i hope things get better for you, sending hugs :3

>> No.19192012

lmfao, see? reddit vibes. your skin is your badge and clothing. and your race.

>> No.19192013

no i love being able to not be brainwashed and not have a system malfunction whenever i see black/brown ppl and have to believe these people are equal to me while seeing they are not.

>> No.19192014

a Second Life or VRchat wedding with your valued guests giving you csgo items as gifts

>> No.19192020

hey, im not the one that hates this country because it reminds me my home country and my people are trash tier third world subhuman garbage. u dunt know what its like to black/brown and having to be compared to first world standard when biologically third worlders do not have what it takes to build a first world country.

>> No.19192025

imagine one day you wake up and everyone is 30 iq points higher than u. thats what its like. so u go to work and u hate it because ur working with co workers who are as retarded as u while living in a world that ur people have no capacity of creating,. u wud feel like "but but im in da first world nowww"

>> No.19192027

Weddings and funerals are highly profitable because people don't want to seem like they cheaped out on them.

>> No.19192029

There are no studies because we've never had universal pre-K or college in the US. You're acting as though it's some kind of meritocracy and it's just a complete coincidence that the people who go to college overwhelmingly just happen to come from more affluent families, and something like generational wealth just isn't even a thing. Critical thinking is a skill that can be learning like anything else. Obviously a higher IQ helps, just like anything, but it's not like it's just this natural faculty smart people are born with. Plenty of highly educated people lack critical thinking skills. Have you ever met a STEM major? Have you ever watched a STEM major try to navigate a kitchen? Yeah, that's probably not the best example of critical thinking, but it's definitely in the same wheelhouse. You can be capable of doing high level, abstract calculations, brain surgery, or coding without ever having a critical thought in your entire life, and those are the sorts of things an IQ tests the aptitude for.

>> No.19192030

notice how i havent insulted u once yet? lol. all i have to do is say that the west is like an open market where anyone can come but at the same time, the history of it and infrastructure is something most of the inhabitiants in it are not capable of replicating. thats why these inhabitants want to destroy it.

>> No.19192036

>i eat lots of food.
lol I eat lots of food. i used to bodybuild.

>> No.19192049

>pizza store
You're talking about a fast food carry-out place. Those are in poor neighborhoods. Of course you're going to get bad service if you go to a shitty area, whether it's a poor neighborhood or a 3rd world country. But those places don't even have servers or tips, so you're just entirely projecting.

>> No.19192066

from what i see in the news, even the richest areas in nyc and la has starbucks. so ur telling me ur starbucks wagie isnt a third worlder? pizza places are everywhere. wtf? lol.

>> No.19192070

you must live in a utopia if u can go a few days without seeing a third worlder in one of the stores u visit. i dunt see how is that possible, esp. in usa. even bezos and arnold has third world servants.

>> No.19192088

>everyone is equal mindset
That's exactly what the reddit hate has always been about, except you've got it backwards. It's about the form, not the content (and yes, the kinds of people who enjoy that form tend to be insufferable normies, but that is unrelated to any specific opinions or political views they may have). People hate reddit because everyone is a namefag, and everything you post gets upvoted or downvoted, and your visibility is tied to your "points" based on how many likes you get or whatever. That makes everything you see lowest common denominator, low effort, repost, regurgitated jokes, etc., because that's what gets upvoted because the safest formula when you're being judged on everything you post is "we did it guise!" It's the marvel movies of the internet. The problem is not that you can't say anything controversial or contrarian; it's that nobody ever does because it's more about spending 5 minutes on your phone earning points looking at [latest thing] and feeling like you belong to a community. 4chan was always about everyone being equal. It means you have to wade through a bunch of shit, but it's much better than the alternative where it's nothing but shit all the way down.

>> No.19192098

Based life and times of tim enjoyer

>> No.19192113

the reddit point downvote and upvote thing is something i never even thought about. i just read the comments and its all denial of racial iq.and they bitch about having to work on major holidays when they are in restaurant industry.

>> No.19192118

what i meant by "equal" is redditors think that some some low iq person is equal to a high iq person. like they ignore that certain people burn down cities and say we are all equal to those people.

>> No.19192124

>4chan was always about everyone being equal. It
people can be equal but different but ignoring the differences is what reddit does. "ohh theyre not violent apes, they just lack oppurtunities!"

>> No.19192148

lol did u disapear. i wanan hear about your first world experiences

>> No.19192158

>something i never even thought about
That's what it's always been about. Again, probably over half of current /pol/ came from reddit, because they have boards about Trump, just like they have boards about antifa or blm or whatever. I'm sure a big political split happened in 2016 when the main Trump board stopped being shown if you didn't search for it, but those people are still redditors despite their political views. It's why off-topic /pol/ shit has become so rampant in the last few years.
Yes, I understood your point. You somehow completely missed mine, or the fact that you're constantly arguing with low IQ people and "certain people" on 4chan every day, and while you can post as many times as you want about how much you hate those groups and consider yourself above them, you're literally swimming in the same tub.

>> No.19192170

>There are no studies because we've never had universal pre-K or college in the US

I dont think you know how studies work

>> No.19192178

Thread completely derailed.

>> No.19192185

>Critical thinking is a skill that can be learning like anything else
Turns out this is false

>> No.19192217

>the fact that you're constantly arguing with low IQ people and "certain people" on 4chan every day, and while you can post as many times as you want about how much you hate those groups and consider yourself above them, you're literally swimming in the same tub.
technically i live in the same world as them too

>> No.19192222

idk, seems like pol isnt race blind while reddit is.

>> No.19192231

>big political split happened in 2016
definitely, trump brought out the inner retard in a lot of people.

>> No.19192238

I never knew how retarded celebrities were until trump showed up. i also never knew how much third worlders hated the first world until trump showed up

>> No.19192247
File: 191 KB, 1022x686, 1682208870435167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is america btw

>> No.19192270

>open a thread with an idiot OP who thinks it's perfectly normal and expected to walk into a restaurant with a party of 40
>turns into a bunch of midwits arguing about trump and universal pre-k
Anyway OP I hope the back of house at Chili's has enough spit for all 40 entrees

>> No.19192286

>back of house at Chili's has enough spit for all 40 entrees
probably, just look at the demographics. -----> >>19192247

>> No.19192303

what is she doing wrong here?

>> No.19192312

advancing our species

>> No.19192331

i see

>> No.19192344

>open a thread with an idiot OP who thinks it's perfectly normal and expected to walk into a restaurant with a party of 40
>>turns into a bunch of midwits arguing about trump and universal pre-k
>Anyway OP I hope the back of house at Chili's has enough spit for all 40 entrees

OP was trying to make reservations you deranged troon. The thread is about the restaurant wagies trying to grift him out of $2500 bucks

>> No.19192357

>also never knew how much third worlders hated the first world until trump showed up
Lol, you must have been too young to remember the GW years. I was in high school in 2000 and it was kind of shocking to discover how much of the world hated us. It's not like we're being indoctrinated to think that America is the most amazing place in the universe; we're just never taught what else is going on in the world, or why we have such a comparatively high standard of living.

>> No.19192371

>we're just never taught what else is going on in the world
why should we care about third world issues. look at our countries now, we imported them and now we have become them.

>> No.19192374

>OP was trying to make reservations you deranged troon.
No one wants to seat 40 people out on the floor, with or without a reservation, as has been explained to you by several people in this thread. This is the sort of assumption made by autists who have no idea how restaurants work or the bullshit one puts up with on a daily basis

>> No.19192376

>kind of shocking to discover how much of the world hated us
to them, its like they are the normal kid in the class for gifted youngsters. so they hate class.

>> No.19192380

>the army is america
You realize we haven't had a draft in half a century, right? The people who join are the dregs of society and we pay an outrageous amount in taxes to fund the system that both gives them a free ride for life but also somehow can't take basic care of them if they get wounded overseas. The people in that image are the last people most Americans want to associate with. They're basically trailer park tier high school dropouts or religious fundamentalists, or just dorky white kids who've never been kissed and just want to shoot someone with impunity.

>> No.19192392

you do realize that to third worlders, even when they are here in the first world, they know they do not belong right? to them, its just a vacation in a foreign place that they do not belong it. and that is why they dont like it. why do you think so many american citizens hate america? because america was great while they are inferior.

>> No.19192399

>The people in that image are the last people most Americans want to associate with
demographically, you are not correct.

>> No.19192412

>the poor are america
Based Comrade!

>> No.19192416

>the thread is about the restaurant wagies trying to grift him out of $2500 bucks
That's never what the thread was about. That was OP's misunderstanding of the situation and the entire thread is people calling him an idiot for not understanding something so basic. This is why we need universal pre-K.

>> No.19192420

demographically speaking? you seem not to know much about america.

>> No.19192421

have 30 people for wedding
>Looking for cheap restaurant for dinner
> Find good place where all the meals on the normal menu are $15-20.
>Call to make a reservation

Fucking learn to read faggot

>> No.19192430

>No one wants to seat 40 people out on the floor, with or without a reservation, as has been explained to you by several people in this thread.

>> No.19192433


>> No.19192442

>restaurants don't want 40 paying customers
Ok zoom zoom, reply to me when you actually understand how business works

>> No.19192469

People on active military duty account for less than half a percent of all US citizens. I know you probably see a lot of "support our troops" bumper stickers when you're driving around, but the number is lower than if you combined the number Hmong and Khmer people living here. It is a miniscule demographic.

>> No.19192493

>hey anon, those handmade cufflinks you've been selling on etsy are pretty cool
>i'd like to buy 4000 pairs and have them delivered to me 3 days from now

>> No.19192521

so you are ignoring all the mexicans in usa?

>> No.19192526

>walk in as a party of 40
>FOH either has to reserve a block of tables in advance or wait for them to clear all at once
>restaurant has neither the lobby space nor the bar space to hold your party while you wait to be seated, not that you are going to pay for drinks beforehand
>either way it's unlikely they have a space to put together ten four-tops in the first place
>now your loud-ass party is sitting smack in the middle of the floor, making servers and patrons squeeze around you
>need at least four servers, will likely have to change areas in the middle of dinner rush to cover (assuming they show up for work that day)
>servers and bar getting 40 drink orders at once
>BOH just got 40 entree orders at once, probably 15-18 with substitutions, sides all over the place, zero control over which items are ordered and what state food is prepped
>takes servers eight trips to bring out your food, not enough space to expo (assuming they are classy enough to bring it all out at once and I'm sure you will complain if they don't)
>drinks constantly going back and forth, food probably getting sent back
>ties up half the restaurant with low turnover
>meanwhile no one in your party can socialize with more than the five people around them and opposite ends of the tables may as well be seated in different restaurants
>this is all because you're so cheap you can't pay for banquet service for your fucking wedding and have a normal and expected experience for guests, all the while creating more trouble for the restaurant employees and other patrons
>"what do you mean you added a gratuity?"
You are retarded if you think your "40 paying customers" are worth the hassle of even half as many people in smaller parties. Just take the L and serve your wedding guests the same way people have been doing for thousands of years for a good reason

>> No.19192530

I have no idea what you're even asking, and even less of an idea of why so many ESLs seem more concerned with American demographics than most Americans do.

>> No.19192542

you mentioned that the army pic does not represent usa. and i was saying that there are many mexicans in usa. therefore, that picture does represent usa.

>> No.19192555


>no mommy I dont want to do work at my job its so unfair I am going tom shid and piss my diaper

>> No.19192556

pay wedding toll

>> No.19192557

I worked in kitchens for 10 years, all the way up from prep. Cook to a culinary director. I know exactly what I'm asking for and it is not a big stretch.

>> No.19192562

You're looking at that picture and seeing different races. I look at the picture and see a bunch of kids who all have the same retarded look on their face and share a common socio-economic background that led them to see joining the military as their best option in life. That is the demographic I'm talking about. I don't even know why you're bringing up Mexicans. There's literally one guy in that image who is obviously hispanic.

>> No.19192563

This is fair. We have a 3-hour open bar before we go out to dinner. I'm going to be completely fucked.

>> No.19192565

It helps here to have a little bit of empathy, although in this case since you've never worked in foodservice it might be better to relate it to how you perform your own job. For example, how might you feel if 40 cocks all stuck through the gloryhole at the same time? Ah never mind, you already have an erection

>> No.19192567

Lol suck my dick wedgie. I bet you work at Applebee's

>> No.19192571

>Getting married
>Eating at restaurants
>Going to loud parties

This is everyone's fault for just going along with what society deems normal. Just be happy, you don't have to do any of this stupid shit anymore. It's 2023, you're free.

>> No.19192575

I too love having the freedom to die alone after years as a bachelor shut-in

>> No.19192576

okay but the thing is, in usa, everyone has become very mixed or as they say "muttified". if you look at the picture, that is what you see. no one even looks like any race, they all look like they are mixed together.

>> No.19192584

I'm back in black. Suck my cock fagot

>> No.19192588

in the major cities, there are lots of mexicans, and we are talkign about legal and illegal ones. there are lots of refugees at the border also and ive heard they are being busssed all over the country.. For example, I heard they bus somalians into minnesota by the busloads.

>> No.19192590
File: 53 KB, 777x900, 1680312507410477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're wrong, I have. It was an amazing experience, because I put in a tiny bit of actual effort compared to my fellow zoomer employees complete lazy apathy and I kept getting raises for it.

>> No.19192596

you are a zoomer and that is with how you will be judged. you are part of the generation with the lower T.

>> No.19192598

Holy shit dude. Look at all these replies to me and you. It's literally a bunch of fucking wages whining.

I got out of food service to be an accountant. I suggest you guys either better yourselves or get to cooking my food kek.

>> No.19192608
File: 205 KB, 1600x1153, 1661100067931163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen X baby. I was in between real jobs

>> No.19192619

Paying over four times the price for the same menu items. Yeah no thanks.

>> No.19192624

>I too love having the freedom to die alone after years as a bachelor shut-in
Nobody said people can't just fall in love and stay together without getting married. Marriage is expensive, and so is divorce. Not having to pay for a wedding is great because a couple will be financially better off. Societies stupid expectations bankrupts happy couples.

So people can be happy without living up to the insane expectations of society.

>> No.19192627

go back home!

>> No.19192628

Did you not read my post? The restaurant is charging four times with a normal prices. I completely find paying normal price maybe even double for having such a large party but four times?
They can get fucked.
If a sandwich is $17 and a drink is $3 why do I now have to pay $80 a person because we're a wedding party?

>> No.19192631

>"Dude just pay four times the price on the menu for the same items. Just do it bro. You owe them"

>> No.19192632

Just find a better deal or pay the wedding toll

>> No.19192635

Service, you dumbass bitch

>> No.19192644

Who the fuck serves wedding guests a rootin' tootin' western burger and diet coke

>> No.19192652


>> No.19192657


>> No.19192665


>> No.19192676

Oh yeah, I get it now. I had a coworker just like you. He got a bachelor's in business but was an ROTC fag so he was commissioned in the Army and served for like eight years. He "retired" and even though most companies will fall over their own dicks to hire ex-military he ended up working at a country club grill as a "change of pace".
He always had a chip on his shoulder and was always trying to impart his life lessons from leading a platoon of ditch-diggers in Jordan between the Gulf War and GWOT on the 18-19 year olds around him, all the while being a model employee who showed up fifteen minutes early each day to wait to punch his time card.
But here's the thing, he was an idiot who had no common sense. Ticket comes in with substitutions and he disregards it because he assumes the server made a mistake. Or he wants to "optimize" the kitchen and moves pans around or tries to come up with a new way to prep or clean because he assumes that since he's the oldest person in there by a decade and is a "natural leader" he's the de facto shift manager showing initiative. Then he goes in and negotiates a higher rate from the head chef and passes it off as being worth more although his coworkers are literally college students. All the while everyone else is going in behind him and fixing his mistakes that he doesn't acknowledge, not from arrogance, but simple obliviousness.
I think he ended up getting a make-work job from one of the club members who knew his family.
He's totally the type of person who would think it's OK to make a reservation for 40 people and assume it's fine because he could have handled it, even though he could not have. Your name's not Jeremy, is it?

>> No.19192679

Still not going back.

>> No.19192695

What a fucking pussy. I worked in restaurants for 10 years. I worked in a restaurant that had seating for nearly a thousand.

We did large parties, no problems. 40 tops are a walk in the park. Suck my nuts. You just suck at your job and don't want to work.

>> No.19192698

>it's 2023, you're free
Haha, gave me a chuckle.

>> No.19192701
File: 235 KB, 2000x1000, 1655871850325599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's quite a blog you wrote there. Too bad I am not reading any of it.

>> No.19192716

If you want to work so much cater your own 40 person wedding party

>> No.19192722

Service these nuts You fucking fagot lol

>> No.19192729

>no one even looks like any race, they all look like they are mixed together
I see a bunch of inbred white guys of the "school-shooter" phenotype, a bunch of black guys, one guy who looks mulatto, and one guy who looks hispanic. This is not what the US looks like practically anywhere. Those people don't even come from the same areas. All they have in common is that they grew up poor and are kind of stupid. You might as well post a picture of the special olympics and claim that that represents a good swath of the US population.

>> No.19192732

One I don't need to. I got out of the industry and bettered myself. You could learn a thing or two from me.
Two if I had my old line and my old team I could bust this out in less than 15 minutes and would if I could pay the price we were charging customers at the time.
I do it in my fucking tuxedo well completely shit-faced from our 3-hour open bar.


>> No.19192733

Don't care, still don't have to serve you. Either pay the wedding toll or go find somewhere else to do it.

>> No.19192740

>I want to work... but not that kind of work! b-but I still could if I wanted!!

>> No.19192742

>my old team
oh so you're the dickhead manager who bites off more than he can chew and puts it on the people actually doing the work

>> No.19192747

you WILL bake the gay cake

>> No.19192748

>For example, I heard they bus somalians into minnesota by the busloads
Minnesota has been taking in Somalian refugees for over two decades. The biggest ethnic groups in Minnesota Nordic and Eastern European, and guess what? They don't give a shit, or feel like they're being "replaced". They're actually really nice people. They even elected a Somalian congresswoman a few years ago you might have heard of - oh, and her district is also around two thirds white. Stop repeating shit you see on /pol/ or Fox News when you have no clue what's actually going on in this country.

>> No.19192758
File: 133 KB, 1226x786, minnesotanice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19192759

Did I deny you service for being a protected group? No, my stated reason is because it's a wedding, which the law doesn't give a fuck about.

>> No.19192763

relax its joke

>> No.19192770

I thought it was pretty obvious from OP's account of events that it was a gay wedding
First of all, it's OP, obviously
Second, only gays demean weddings by taking their party to Fuddrucker's
Thirdly, only gays get this bitchy about not being served to their liking
Finally, it's OP

>> No.19192771

>Can't breed
>Can't defend themselves

>> No.19192780

I know you're joking, but even if it were a gay wedding, you still don't have to serve them as long as you say it's because it's a wedding, not because they're gay.

>> No.19192787

>Did you not read my post?
Who knows? You clearly weren't the person I was replying to. And the OP didn't even say anything about charging 4X the price, or anything like that. He said there was a minimum purchase price for a special event like that. It's been explained a dozen times already in this thread, but I'll try again since you seem lost. IT IS A BIG HASSLE TO CATER A LARGE GROUP. PLANS NEED TO BE MADE. EXTRA FOOD HAS TO BE ORDERED. EXTRA STAFF NEEDS TO COME IN. TIME NEEDS TO BE GIVEN TO PLAN AND PREPARE WHILE THE RESTAURANT IS STILL FUNCTIONING NORMALLY. IT IS NOT WORTH IT IF A PARTY OF 40 IS GOING TO SHARE A FEW ENTREES AND DRINK WATER. YOU ARE ACTUALLY PAYING LESS PER PERSON WHEN YOU BOOK A BANQUET STYLE EVENT.

>> No.19192793

desu senpai it's natural selection in action
whites weren't meant to rule, they are too gullible and trusting and lack the conviction to defend themselves even in the face of extinction

>> No.19192798

I don't know about that. Current whites maybe.

>> No.19192805

that doesn't mean anything
if you act this way in times of excess you'll act this way in any time of excess
it's in your genes

>> No.19192810

Do...you honestly think those are Somali immigrants? And that's just what Minneapolis looks like on an average day? You might seriously have brain damage, anon. Like seriously, get checked up on.

>> No.19192826
File: 161 KB, 1140x797, notanaveragedayinminneapolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19192829

>one white dude
>appears to be looting a lego set

>> No.19192830

Absolutely nothing at all. God bless Darwin.

>> No.19192835

Speak for yourself. I was taught extensively about the plight of third worlders from age 9 on. It made me hate them.

>> No.19192846

No u

>> No.19192848

lego sets are pricy dude

>> No.19192851


>> No.19192920

>Says he doesn't want special menu and wants people to just order whatever, but will probably still expect 40 completely different dishes to come out at the same time
>Doesn't want to pay for a room, but will be fucking pissed if any other patrons interrupt by being too loud or, god forbid, one table has a choleric baby
>Doesn't understand why there's a minimum purchase when his party would otherwise tie down 10 tables for much longer than your average patron would because it's a wedding

k dude I can do normal price for 40 top

>Be OP
>Everyone in my wedding party enters, to quote, the cheap restaurant
>Everyone seated in pushed together 4 tops
>Some other family has a 4 year old running around all the fucking tables giggling and being annoying
>Catch your mother-in-law looking at you in bewilderment as she gets her appetizer as your cousin at the table right next to her's is finishing his entree
>Best man stands up and tries to make a toast; girls-night-out table erupts in laughter over gossip, OP asks them to please be quiet as the spaghetti falls out of his pocket
>5 seconds after resuming the toast a baby starts going apeshit and the mother doesn't want to leave, it'll only take her another 5 minutes to finish her food; best man just sits down
>Your cousin's table was first to finish and now the servers want them to fuck off and clear and move the table and chairs back for general use, cousin asks if they're supposed to wait or something
>Look at mother-in-law's table
>They just got their entrees
>Nervously suggest to cousin they go wait in their car or something

Have a fun wedding dude.

>> No.19192960

She didn't turn on the machine

>> No.19192998

Her boyfriend asked her to dress as "nerdy" as possible to pose for some company photos, but forgot to tell her that the soldering iron would be hot as shit where she's holding it if it were plugged in.

>> No.19193011

ah thanks
I guessed something like that but didn't really know
thanks anon

>> No.19193055

Anon, shooting sprees would rise about 10,000% if that happened. Restaurant workers are the shittiest, stupidest, most fucked up worthless people on the planet. I can’t even fucking stand going to restaurants.

>> No.19193062

Someone has to cook for you lmao

>> No.19193076

It is physically impossible to get 40 meals out at the same time in any restaurant. And you'd just have people waiting half an hour while one half of the group is finished.

>> No.19193109

No one fucking cares how a restaurant functions least of all the customers.
I will not sit and listen to you whine about having to work a job and do things you dont want to do like everyone else on earth. I will pay what’s on the menu, I won’t pay that 18% bullshit because serving people should be expected in a service based job. I’ll give you a 5 dollar tip because that’s all your worth. Get a better job if you want more money.

>> No.19193122

It's a soldering iron.
Tends to not feel to great holding by the iron; You see that big fucking handle in the back?

>> No.19193123

good luck booking wedding anything with that attitude

>> No.19193143

Lmao. No one gives a shit where you live. They give a shit about what you are. A fuckin drunk Irishman, a street shitting indian, a fat American, a gay Italian, a bat eating chinamen. Expecting to be treated with respect because you live somewhere is hilarious. I hope a waiter spills your drink on your lap :)

>> No.19193145

Just have your wedding at home and order catering

>> No.19193154

>no one fucking cares how a restaurant functions least of all the customers
No one cares what happens to their trash either, as long as it disappears every week. The difference is that the starting salary of a garbage man is double that of an average line cook, and includes full benefits. You can say "get a better job" all you want, but people would riot if they couldn't go out to eat, just like they would if their garbage stopped being picked up, but because of the decentralized way the food industry operates and people's expectations of what food should cost, the restaurant industry is completely fucked and the people in it are treated like shit.
>inb4 i'd be perfectly happy if every restaurant went out of business
Yeah, because you're a fucking loser. It's an essential service whether you like it or not, and people who work in it shouldn't be treated worse than garbage.

>> No.19193159

Bro it’s just daycare because both parents have to work for a living now. Those shitty pre k teachers aren’t teaching. They’re just watching your retarded child shit themself and color on things.

>> No.19193180

Then maybe you should ask why both parents need to work these days just to support basic middle class family. I'm pretty sure the problem isn't people being too woke, or women just getting too uppity. Maybe - just maybe - is has something to do with the lack of investment that's been made in our social infrastructure? But that can't be right, because you'd obviously be worse off if any of those commie libs tried to raise taxes, amiright?

>> No.19193191

Service doesn’t change you fucking loser. They’d still have to bring food and drinks if it wasn’t a wedding party. You’re just greedy faggots that make shit money. Fucking drug addict murder felons pretending they dont Deserve an execution instead. How much of that 2500 do you see? 0. You’re being a stupid retard to make your boss more money when you get NOTHING for it.

>> No.19193220
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Watching a NEET spend hours trying to derive some sense of self worth by shitting on the imaginary wagies in his head never gets old.

>> No.19193226

As mentioned in
This is a classic thing all places do for Weddings. markups are insane. Want to rent out hotel ballroom for a meeting? $5,000. For a wedding? $15,000 plus tip. My buddy reserved a hotel for a "gathering" and they threw a fit when they found out it was a wedding and the contract they offered was for their regular price and not the wedding.

A lot of places now will require you to use their "approved vendors" so you have to go through them for catering and alcohol as well. 50-90% of what you're paying for is a wedding toll.

Same thing goes with wedding "bartenders" you can't buy the alcohol for them, you have to pay triple their prices, and caterers charge insane fees for weddings.

>> No.19193227

This is the cooking board. Learn to work that big hot box machine in the kitchen anon. It heats food up for you.
Brainlet fuckin faggot lmao

>> No.19193232

But they are worse than garbage because they can’t even get paid more than the garbage man. It’s not “essential” if it can be done at home. Quit pretending you’re important or that you’re valued. Everyone on the planet is capable of googling and finding 1,000,000 recipes in 0.66 seconds.
Get a real job or shut the fuck up

>> No.19193240

I would be worse off, yes. I’m not willing to pay more for you to get free housing and food and benefits that real adults don’t qualify for. Get a better job or starve to death you fucking loser. Fucking tired of bitchy poors and homeless cunts.

>> No.19193250

So no one in here was defending a cheap restaurant charging 2500 dollars for 30 customers? Is that what you’re claiming? It’s so disgusting that you schizo fuck-ups weren’t aborted. Now you have to waste my tax dollars being alive.

>> No.19193280

>So no one in here was defending a cheap restaurant charging 2500 dollars for 30 customers? Is that what you’re claiming?
Um, yeah. That is correct. I might not have read every post, but as far as I'm aware nobody ever defended that, or even claimed that's what was happening. This entire thing you're getting so worked up about is all in your head.

>> No.19193281

>Muh tax dollars are going to waste, what right do you have!!!
The natural state is every man for himself. You have something I want, I take it, and I bust your head open with a rock if you stand in my way, or you manage to stop me by busting my head open. That's how things have always worked since the dawn of man. The only difference nowadays is that we work in groups. Pay your membership fees or you'll find yourself outside of the group's protection, and the enforcement arm will pay you a visit. Your say to what we do with the money is the same as everyone else's, again, unless you want to try to take everyone on. Don't like it? Be my guest and try to start your own group and monopolize violence on your own turf and over your own members, your possessions will make wonderful war spoils for the group.

>> No.19193617

You've never been to a gala dinner haven't you

>> No.19193902

>many countries do it like this and the service is not as good.
lol, lmao even, why try to justify tipping

>> No.19193903

The most expensive options at banquets give guests the option of two dishes, no substitutions.
More likely they are serving all guests without hard dietary restrictions the same courses with no choice.
The dishes offered are invariably items that can be prepped in large quantities and portioned out, such as pot roast or baked chicken/fish.
You can knock out several hundred of these easy peasy, assuming you have access to a catering kitchen. What you can't do is offer guests the full menu and take over every station in your kitchen trying to prepare them, sorting out subs and sides, and hoping you have ingredients on hand and prepped.

>> No.19193907

renting a private room is pretty much standard and i advise you to do it kek

>> No.19193932

OP seems like the type to jew out and not get a private room then complain for the whole dinner because of the service, atmosphere, etc.

>> No.19193944

Lol what a fucking retard. I've literally done this hundreds of times.

Maybe it's impossible to do at outback or Chili's but in real restaurants they do this every night.

>> No.19193956

But that's exactly what's happening.
If we went in as 10 10 tops we would be charged 16 to $20 a meal a total of $1200 But if we come in as 1 30 top they're going to charge us a $2500 minimum which is $83 a person.

>> No.19193963

This is because brides are incredibly picky and temperamental because they are women, and so are their moms who want to be involved in every aspect of the process. Also they like to do last minute changes because of a bouquet they saw on Instagram the day before the wedding. And if they bruise a flower they complain about it. The only customer we ever had sign a contract because of how often they wanted their money back. I always preferred doing funeral and corporate arrangements for this reason.
t. former florist

>> No.19193967

If you go in as 10 3-tops you'll be seated over a span of twenty minutes all over the restaurant, balanced among available servers, and will get your drinks, appetizers, entrees, and desserts at wildly differing times with checks split.
If that's an acceptable level of service for you then go for it. Otherwise you pay for a private room so your party can be served appropriately
But as >>19193932 said you'll do the cheapest thing you can then complain because you got what you paid for

>> No.19193971

I have no problem renting the room but I rather have a rental price for the room and then just being able to order normal food.

I have to order from a limited menu of like three things and also spend four times the price for the same menu items.

A normal meal price is $16-20 at this restaurant but they want me to spend $83 per person.

For example
>Shrimp poboy on normal menu $16.99 deink $3
>Shrimp poboy on wedding menu $30 drink $6

But still this only comes to $36 They are requiring I spend $83 a person. What the fuck else am I going to get them?
Do I have to get each person an appetizer, dessert, soup, salad and multiple cocktails? Even if I did this and ordered a bunch of food that won't be eaten I would still not reach the required minimum spend and I'm already paying double for everything I'm ordering.

This is a complete grift

>> No.19193975

Cooking yourself will cause you serious injury or death. It's not a good idea.

>> No.19193987

See my post below.

I have no problem paying for a private room. What I don't like is I have to order from their party menu which is the same food for double the price and even with paying double the price I'm still going to be below the minimum spend.

If it was a $500 room rental and then the menu items were normal price I'd have no problem.

Say the room rental was $500 a normal meal for 30 people would cost $1200 my total would be 1700.
they are charging me $2500 for $1200 worth of food and a private room.

>> No.19193988

>I have no problem renting the room but I rather have a rental price for the room and then just being able to order normal food.
>I have to order from a limited menu of like three things and also spend four times the price for the same menu items.
Once again the restaurant is limiting your menu because it's very difficult to be prepared for forty guests ordering off the full menu at once and expect to expo their dishes at the same time.
Same for the price, they are pricing in the increased service your party needs and will likely be reserving part of their staff and kitchen to serve you.
Restaurants do this for a reason, they are not simply trying to milk you and there is enough competition in the market where they can't afford to do so.
Your group has special needs in the hospitality sense just like you have special needs in the sense that you're mentally retarded.
Also who serves wedding guests a shrimp po'boy? As implied by the name this is poverty food.
Have you called Golden Corral yet? They should be good to go.

>> No.19194001

OK then let's walk through this one step at a time, I will try to be as patient as your future husband must be, he is a saint by the way.
You pay for the private room, in this sense you are paying for the restaurant to reserve space that could otherwise be used to seat paying customers and to ensure they have waitstaff on the clock at that time to serve you.
If you want to order off the regular menu are you then prepared to have your guests get their drinks, meals, etc. at intervals that might be expected of 40 random guests in the main dining area? Do you think this is acceptable of your guests?
I get the feeling you'll then complain because your party wasn't served to your standard and some guests are halfway through their entrees while others are still waiting. This is why you pay a higher price for the banquet menu.

>> No.19194024

>all the other things the servers are doing
Like what? Incessantly trying to upsell me and pushing their shitty, WAY overpriced drinks on me? I'd pay them to NOT interact me after taking my order and bringing it if that were an option. If I want something I'll call you, otherwise stay the fuck out of my sight.

>> No.19194027

>the service is not as good.
Maybe by Amerishart standards where you think waiters being all like "Yes, massa, thank ya, massa, anything else I can do for you, massa, like maybe suck your dick and tickle your toes, massa?" )all while bifurcating their face with the fakest of smiles and straining their voice trying to sound as happy as they are actually unhappy) is the bare minimum they owe you.

>> No.19194054

When you start complaining about people politely doing their jobs that's when you know you're trying too hard to dunk on Americans

>> No.19194056

>hurr durr we have never risen above tribal animalistic thuggery.

There should he a mandatory IQ and psychopathy test at 21 and if you don't meet the bar you are slain.

>> No.19194058

Anon we're still operating on tribal animalistic thuggery. The only difference is that we dress it up and make it palatable so midwits like you can pat yourself on the back and tell everyone you're cultured and civilized.

>> No.19194072

no need to dress it up, just a trapdoor leading to a woodchipper will do

>> No.19194081

We got a bunch of them with the vaxx but we still have a lot of work to do.

>> No.19194098

based psychotic retard that will never know what the regular human experience feels like

>> No.19194116

People who are like little children and can't recognise feelings and can't deal with them behave like that. The adults sure as hell don't behave like that. It's the rightwing fucks who behave like little children because they think they are ABOVE feelings when they are always angry.

>The natural state is every man for himself.
No. Humans are not like lions. Humans are like elephants and apes, live in groups you stupid edgy fuck. It's called a society.

>> No.19194133

>The adults sure as hell don't behave like that. It's the rightwing fucks who behave like little children because they think they are ABOVE feelings when they are always angry.
Wow anon! You sound really cultured and civilized! You must be really smart!

>> No.19194136

>he thinks acting like a narcissistic baby is specific to rightwingers
kek, it's a universal problem. rise above the left-right dichotomy (and become a fascist)

>> No.19194373

>only [other tribe] is tribal!!!!!
Motherfuckers like you are why the rightwing fucks keep winning.

>> No.19194513

Yes, I like that , I am willing to pay extra for that service

>> No.19194552

Trying to squeeze as much money out of my to appease their owners in that unmitigated capitalist hellscape of yours isn't accurately described as "people politely doing their jobs" unless you'd use the same energy to label the work of gas chamber attendants.

>> No.19194557

Suit yourself, clap, I'll stick to my (heavily regulated) guns.

>> No.19194833

>what are taxes

>> No.19194845

No they dont, hence why you have to pay more so they can prepare it all in advance.

>> No.19194876

You got me to watch Taxi Driver for the first time. Not bad

>> No.19195053

Because we're getting married in New Orleans. It's a destination winning.
Also because it tastes good.

Are you a Jew or something you can't eat shellfish?

>> No.19195130

> Then can we get 40 seats and order off the normal menu?

Honestly it's because someone with 40 people in a party expects near simultaneous delivery of every dish, so they have a simplified menu with like 3-4 choices.

If you wanted to just be sneaky and have 4 different reservations for 10 people you could. But different tables will get their food at different times, as they can stage dishes within a party of that size relatively close, but not relative to all 40 people. So if you want people to be sitting around and have one table eating 20 minutes before another gets served, go ahead.

>> No.19195233
File: 503 KB, 499x315, good job.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is going to ruin some restaurants night and make all his friends uncomfortable

Good job

>> No.19195340

>That's why irony no longer exists
Most normalfag memes these days operate on some level of irony.

>> No.19195543

Ah yeas the "flow". Are you the anon who said "don't order extras for a hamburger it fucks up the flow"?
I made reservations for more than 40 people and it was never a problem to order anything from the menu for everyone. What's with this shit "fuck up the flow"? When I get an usual amount of samples at work it does not fuck up any flow, it just means I have to skip a coffee break and work a bit more. Are chefs actually autists that can't adjust to more people being in the restaurant? Also you call and tell them how much people want to dine, I assume the people working there talk to each other. Holy shit dude just stfu.

>> No.19195601

Why the fuck would you go to New Orleans today? Don’t. Just don’t. If you’re dragging 40 other out-of-towners into that unironic shithole EXPECT somebody to get robbed. EXPECT. I love NOLA and stopped going years ago. All of my friends and family have moved out. Even the “homeless” have cleared out for safer places to panhandle. Don’t do it, man.

>> No.19195616

Hey man, they could atleast waste my taxes on something slightly beneficial for Americans. So tired of gorillions of dollars going offshore to help some dipshits thousands of miles away. They can spend billions on a whim for that, but a couple payments to Americans? Horrifying socialism.

>> No.19195624

>wedding dinner
This some poor people thing where they take all the guests to McDonald's or something? Why don't you get catering?

>> No.19195651

It is an opportunity for the groom’s parents to showboat a bit without mogging the bride’s parents. Well, used to be anyway, back in the days when we had a middle class and people could afford houses and get married. This whole thread is a bit of a time capsule, sadly.

>> No.19195682

The reception venue is frequently not the wedding venue, especially when it's a church wedding. It's not even slightly uncommon. They each need different types of facilities.

>> No.19196093
File: 131 KB, 622x448, 2CLOCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ has multiple loli/shota threads up at all times
>there are several boards dedicated to various types of hentai
>/lgbt/ exists
>/pol/tards still pretend 4chan is a conservative website

>> No.19196274

not the same anon, but i have no idea how any of this would require a private room. how is being in a different room going to make any difference to the way the food is prepared or how the waitstaff take orders? i can understand paying a fee to have a special menu since things need to be arranged slightly differently in the kitchen from usual, but that should only cost an extra couple hundred bucks, right?

>> No.19196292

Indian bridal bouquet is dried cow turds, semi dried dog turds garnished with fresh liquid pajeet turds.

>> No.19196459

I don't think that's what is being argued, more just that it's not a faggot-affirming, tranny-loving, nigger-patronizing website full of soyboy beta libtards, anon. Yes, those are a lot of buzzwords in a single subclause but it gets the point across. 4chan has typically not been and at least mostly continues to be not following whatever new retarded ''''''progressive'''''' trend [CURRENT YEAR] has in store, especially not political correctness in all its imbecilic forms. Regardless of whether or not everyone always means what they say, it's a place where you can speak your mind in ways that would get you banned for life on any of the sterile corporate websites dominating the web today.
Sure, /pol/troons take it to far and assume everyone's a jingoistic, academia-scorning, women-hating, sieg heil-ing wanna-be KKK member on here and those who claim they aren't are either lying or newfag/tourist scum. But they at least get the general direction vaguely right, wokies and other assorted Discord gaylords who for some reason wander into this place are definitely way more out of place than the former.

>> No.19196487

earliest saved images from /b/ in my old hard drive are from 2008. you are the tourist scum that infested this place since 2016. you're an election tourist. that's all you'll ever be. everyone knows you're a faggot, you'll always be a faggot, and the only thing that's gonna change about you is you're gonna be an even bigger faggot.

>> No.19196525
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point out a few please, neighborhoods or cross streets, I want to look on Google maps

>> No.19196534

Yeah, and that's why they aren't funny.

>> No.19196538

i don't believe you've been using same hard drive since 2008

>> No.19196539

anywhere in shibuya/ikebukuro at night, rats racing out from under vending machines and cigarette butts/smashed bottles everywhere, and any busy station near last train will have just piles of puke nearby from salarymen who either love alcohol, or are forced to drink by their coworkers but absolutely can't handle it. if you look up soka station in saitama and look around the station area, you can spot walled off apartment buildings with a heavy gate in front, these are yakuza residences. yakuza don't really live among the population, they keep their families all together in these blocks to stop them from communicating/fraternizing with civvies as much as possible (like any crime organization its equal parts cult)

>> No.19196554

retard, you're literally making a joke right now that relies on irony, you absolute fucking moron

>> No.19196565

Scientist should plow the fields comrade
8 hours of physical labor mandatory for non party essential workers

>> No.19196573


>> No.19196577

>When I get an usual amount of samples at work it does not fuck up any flow, it just means I have to skip a coffee break and work a bit more
Lol, this guy is taking multiple coffee breaks and thinks he's working harder than a chef. Of course there's no "flow" to your job when you work in a carpet store. There's no urgency to anything you do. It's "get this done by the end of the week" or "I'm going to need this by the end of the day". People eat food at certain times of the day and there's nothing you can do other than accommodate them when they show up, because if something isn't ready or one person falls behind you could lose that customer, or get a bad Yelp review (and that actually matters for restaurants). It's like you're planting daisies while I'm playing on a professional sports team, and somehow you're the one complaining that it's a little warm out today.

>> No.19196911

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19196921

>They don't give a shit

You have never talked to anyone from there in your fucking life

>> No.19196949

The Tldr is his shift manager bosses him around and he doesn't like it so he made up a wierd story about it as if he isn't working as a dishwasher under the guy.

>> No.19197010

>dumb amerimutt servers only work for tips!!!
>dumb amerimutt servers try to get their owners more money!!!
pick one and stick with it

>> No.19197021

I take it back, if you are inconsiderate enough to drag guests to Nawlins for a destination wedding then I doubt they will be surprised at all when you tell them your reception is just walking into a restaurant and feeding them shrimp po'boys.
This one has "so sorry, regret we can't come, oh yeah we'll totally get you something off the registry whoops slipped my mind" written all over it.
Hope you get Katrinaed OP

>> No.19197135
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>t. 42yo dead end line cuck at waffle house

>> No.19197169

A private room is primarily to protect normal diners. Ever been in a restaurant after a game lets out? Suddenly the dining room volume swells in excess of OSHA levels (at least it FEELS that way) and service slows to a crawl. It really is best for everybody that a wedding party have it’s own little room with dedicated staff. A minimum of $2500 seems rather steep but since OP let it drop that he’s dragging everybody to New Orleans for this I no longer find that price point surprising.

>> No.19197194

>Anon, shooting sprees would rise about 10,000%
>Restaurant workers are the shittiest, stupidest, most fucked up worthless people on the planet.
they can't be all that bad if they aren't doing shooting sprees every day. just shows you how shitty some people in the general population are, like you for example.

>> No.19197416

Stop projecting, nigger.

Okay, so you're a newfag, got it. Lurk more, post less.

>> No.19197433

They're doing both, Shartnon, but I get that someone with an intellect as limited as yours would fail to see how. And granted, it is kind of contradictory. See, the average wagie waiting tables at a restaurant is so indoctrinated by Americlap work culture that they'll do anything to wring just one more shekel out of the goys for their boss Mr. Weinstein, since that is simply the American way and what a good slave, I mean, wagie would do and what they get paid (below minimum wage) for after all!

>> No.19197440

Pretty funny how you're insulting him when you're too daft to understand how someone being stupid and fucked up would explain how they're not capable of shooting up a place. His point was that well-adjusted people who, under that plan, would be forced to work there would NOT be able to put up with these conditions, unlike the cattle working these jobs nowadays.

>> No.19197980
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what a garbage thread

>> No.19197984

you don't even know what you're mad about
>americlap work culture
imagine getting angry because people on the other side of the world do their jobs
it really is a mental illness with you thirdies

>> No.19198260
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Anon, anon, anon, reading comprehension clearly isn't your strength but at least make an effort, c'mon. The problem isn't them doing their "job", it's what they consider a part of it. Pestering me while I'm fucking eating, in order to make me spend me more shekels there, ought not be part of their "job", they oughta stay the fuck of my presence instead like the menials of yore and neither be seen nor heard until I call for them. But I understand that's a concept too posh and foreign for Ameriswine like yourself who have simply gotten used to their entire way of life being centered around having every single cent of their money squeezed out of you. I think it's what you "people" refer to as "consumer" ''''''culture''''''.

>> No.19198356

>Pestering me while I'm fucking eating, in order to make me spend me more shekels there
no one does this, when they come by while you are eating they are asking if your meal came out ok or if you need another drink or anything else. if they didn't come around at all you'd be pissed because they were too lazy to do their jobs. you're literally making up shit just to be mad and you'd be mad no matter what they did just because you want to be
listen I don't care if you want to be mad at americans, and pretend you're better than everyone else, it doesn't affect my life one bit. but if you're going to come on here and shit up the board wasting our time with americans this and americans that at least make sense with the shit you're spewing
also, pro gamer tip, spending money is like a fat person overeating, you are allowed to say "no". you can even be as rude as you like and we'll chalk it up to your being a foreigner who doesn't have a lot of experience living in a civilized society

>> No.19198455

>no one does this
>describes how they do in fact do this
Again: Stay the fuck out of my sight unless told otherwise. I don't need you (((checking in on me))), I'll let you know quite clearly if I have an issue.

>a civilized society
Anon, while it is unsurprising that you, as someone who didn't grow up in one, don't understand this, civilized societies don't have multiple shooting sprees a day in which fat NEETs massacre some kindergartens or nignogs turn their respective downtowns into gang war zones. Civilized societies also don't let their mentally ill citizens roaming the streets drugged out of their skulls, shitting wherever they please and masturbating in public. Furthermore, they do not need to imprison an entire percent of their people, strip them of all rights (making exceptions for literal slavery in their case) and delegate that process to for-profit corporations who pay off judges to send even more "customers" their way.

That's something that failed states do instead, except even Somalia is able to look down on you in some of these aspects. On a side note, it's also quite funny how you think that only thirdies (which, if we're being honest, you qualify as) would mock you for all this. It is, in fact, us actual first worlders who watch in horror and bewilderment this morbidly obese circus show your country is putting on