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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19172550 No.19172550 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate on British food so much? They have some really good food like fish and chips and Sunday roast.

>> No.19172555

>British food sucks, Brits have an ageing population and a lot of people living outside of massive cities so they never developed food culture
>I instead enjoy italian-chinese fusion cuisine. My favorite is pasta cooked in a big pan with oil and garlic

>> No.19172558
File: 85 KB, 684x768, bill burr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares of what sack of shit thinks?
Imagine being so braindead you exclude Ant from the Patrice benefit because "he's racist".

>> No.19172722

Probably some kind of snob factor. British food isn't spicy, doesn't have many interesting flavors, and generally looks like stuff in different shades of brown, but it's really comfy.

>> No.19172763

Bongs cant cuisine, simple as.

>> No.19172920

Four words:
smack barm pea wet

Verification not required.

>> No.19172948

Just mindbroken Muricans mostly

>> No.19172954

Their only contribution to world cuisine is beans on toast. That's it, they couldn't come up with anything beyond that.

>> No.19172957

it's pretty good though.

>> No.19172966

It baffles me that people still find this kind of shit funny.

>> No.19172998

What about black pudding, eh?

Nothing funny about Bongland "cuisine."

>> No.19173005

Burr is based. Give the 4chan contrarianism a rest for 5 seconds.

>> No.19173011

/ck/ is now full of 14 year olds

>> No.19173028

It's literally a literal fact

>> No.19173030

Anon don't hate him for that, hate him because he is someone that has participated in Hollywood culture and thus has done things that would make any normal person sick to their stomach.

>> No.19173035

It’s all browns who have serious white envy or resentment.

>> No.19173040

If planet earth had a Mom, Britain would be her kitchen, and traditional British food would be her homecooked meals. Keep your Asian noodles. Keep your kebab. Donate your mole sauce to a homeless shelter. I'll keep the hearty stews, the cheese and the beer for myself.

>> No.19173046

Yeah it's a desperate cope to one up their old rulers and masters
>Yeah well you might have ruled us, owned us and stole all our wealth and we couldn't stop you and you only left of your own volition but uh toast sandwiches!
Weird how you don't see china men seething like this over singapore, maybe it's because the chinese actually did something with their country, people and culture when the british left compared to their neighbours

>> No.19173049

Haha thats a good one man, its funny to think someone might believe British "food" can offer anything better than pasta cooked in a big pan with oil and garlic

>> No.19173062

Beaner food is all trash, slap some fackin beans on toast mate

>> No.19173081

do british really?

>> No.19173090

>>Yeah well you might have ruled us
Laying a finger on a precious brown citizen, regardless of circumstance, will land you in prison.
Face it, they own you.

>> No.19173096

It gets me fucking fumed up when people talk shit about English food. It's brilliant. Go to a country pub and tell me it's shit you fucking tastelets. We don't need to overly season things because we can cook properly

>> No.19173155

>wybo talm bow dey here seeznin

>> No.19173177

>As American gets browner they become more and more anti-europe
Makes you think

>> No.19173197

I only had fish and chips once but I actually did enjoy what I ate in the UK, even got some jap curry in Camden Town that was darn good.

>> No.19173199

Go ahead tell me if this staple food originates from Italy or china

>> No.19173209

Mmm yes plain breaded and fried fish, and plain roasted meat.

>> No.19173226

oh its brutal

>> No.19173371

fuck it I might as well stir the pot some more and cross post

>> No.19173375

>shits on Star Wars for a bit for years
>sucks Disney off violently after they give him a spot in the Mandalorian

>acts like a tough guy
>goes home to get abused by his gorilla wife


>> No.19173394

I thought his character was pretty good, really took advantage of him being an asshole.

>> No.19173423

retard beaner take

>> No.19173536

Fuck off back to your squirty orange cheese slop you fat processed cunt

>> No.19173593
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projecting much bean boy?

>> No.19173627
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>> No.19173629
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>> No.19173643

Yeah I love beans so what. I eat them on toast, I eat them with dinner, I'll eat them straight out of the tin. Until you've actually tried it why don't you just shut the fuck up. You don't even know the heaven that is cheesy beans on toast, but you never will because you don't even have real cheese. Sausage cheese and bean slice? Nope you won't have that either. Baked bean pizza? Nope. Why don't you just end it all. I would if I didn't have a cupboard full of beans.

>> No.19173646

Beans beans good for the heart, beans beans they make you fart. The more you eat the more you fart. Beans beans good for the heart

>> No.19173668

I eat pasta every day but I think british food looks good. There are a lot of recipes I want to try, and the few I have made (like british-style baked beans) I enjoyed.

>> No.19173675

Why do Americans seethe about beans on toast anyway?

>> No.19173676
File: 284 KB, 2000x1500, 5A719C77-0A57-45E2-AD01-803A978559EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best food in the UK is eel pie

>> No.19173685

Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot the better you feel, let's have beans for every meal!

>> No.19173689 [DELETED] 

British cuisine is designed around food that is enjoyable while drunk or that can remedy your hangover without any intention of being fancy. Bill Burr of all people should love it but maybe he was butthurt that he could've get a high tier slice of pizza at 3:00AM.

>> No.19173695

British cuisine is designed around food that is enjoyable while drunk or that can remedy your hangover without any intention of being fancy. Bill Burr of all people should love it but maybe he was butthurt that he couldn't get a high tier slice of pizza at 3:00AM.

>> No.19173748

Went to Goddards in Greenwich and they had eel on the menu but I passed it up, is it actually good?

>> No.19173775

we find it funny you seething beaner

>> No.19173795

Do British people ever turn their beans into a paste/dip? Mexicans do and it's pretty good. I think it would make a good spread for your toast and that you'd like it. Maybe you could even blend some marmite in it.

>> No.19173835

British do not eat Marmite.

>> No.19173837

I thought they ate marmite and aussies ate vegemite

>> No.19173843

I never saw it.

>> No.19173844

I think it all stems from the baked beans on toast thing desu.

>> No.19173848

idk what they're on about, you're right

>> No.19174431

>They have some really good food like fish and chips and Sunday roast.
Those aren't particularly unique. At least the Scots invented fried chicken even if the original version was shit.

>> No.19174516

Bill Burr is the opposite of "based" and is a quintuple vaxxed zogbot.

>> No.19174710

Based vaxchad.

>> No.19174807

No he’s not.

>> No.19174924

Because it’s weird shit like eels and wood pigeon, brah

>> No.19174973

cause its trash. beaner food sucks, simple as

>> No.19175016

lol cuck burr

>> No.19175041

the same people who relentlessly shit on it will defend eating the most rancid animal parts because muh poor people tradition. every culture has good and terrible dishes, treating it like sports teams is cringe

>> No.19175239
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even nips know the truth

>> No.19175244

Bill Burr was based 20 years ago. Not now. Not even close.

>> No.19175248
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, laughing1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burr is based
Maybe a little bit 20 years ago when he was into conspiracy stuff.
He's a 100% Hollywood woke leftie cuck now.

I can hate him for more than one thing.

>> No.19175363

I feel like he's in too deep and just playing a character

>> No.19175386
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>> No.19175394


>> No.19175398

Marrowfat peas.

>> No.19175946

Because they struggle to find a dish even half as good. Jealousy

>> No.19175959
File: 53 KB, 1288x725, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ is now full of 14 year olds
is that so...
any of you guys wanna party? i can buy you beer

>> No.19176099
File: 36 KB, 578x538, 23DD3E61-3A99-4B9B-9C9C-7487F9156F45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176113

What's the avocado green thing on the left? An avocado?

>> No.19176119

I mean I'm all for stuff absolutely smothered in gravy.

Love gravy me

>> No.19176137

>one small piece of fried fish
>some week old oil vat "chips"
>a whole avacado
>mashed peas
>everything covered in bbq sauce and ranch dressing
Really is a shame hitler didn't make it to england. They could have used some cultural enrichment.

>> No.19176147

Fucking retard.
Oh well, it’s only the food and cooking board I suppose.

>> No.19176153
File: 89 KB, 640x836, B05F4393-13C9-44C6-B543-BB9B5B09D07B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176192

>British do not eat Marmite
Oh yes we do.

>Maybe you could even blend some marmite in it.
Lots of Brits put Wooster sauce on their beans but I like a smear of Marmite on the toast first, same with cheese on toast.

>> No.19176295


>> No.19176305

Looks like absolute shit

>> No.19176316
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>> No.19176374

Thanks, that's a huge one.

>> No.19177253

Britain invented sandwiches. Their cuisine is the very air we breathe.

>> No.19177284

>"It's bad because.... BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK?!"

>> No.19177292

burr isn't based go back to r*ddit

>> No.19177301

>Britain invented sandwiches
Do humans actually believe this?

>> No.19177348

Eel is delicious. Give it a try sometime.

>> No.19177407

He is a racist though? He literally got fired for going on a huge racist rant on twitter? So why should he be invited for a memorial for a black comic?

>> No.19177426


I don't hate on it.

I'd love to try a proper Fish & chips aye

>> No.19177448

People go on racist rants on twitter all the time and don't get fired and are celebrated for it. It just depends on who the target of their racism is.

>> No.19177455

The trick is to go on racist rants about white people. Then you get a promotion.

>> No.19178096

After 3 minutes of learning what Bill Burr's wife looks like I now understand why he's so fucking angry all the time.

>> No.19178106

She won't let him buy a gun or admit the right's alright and pretty white
Fucking even Bert Kreischer fucking rocks out with his Glock out
But he can fly a helicopter which is fucking based

>> No.19178139

Couldn't fucking believe it when I saw De Niro's family for the first time. Like of all the people you wouldn't expect it from.

>> No.19178232

I've never considered looking into that myself. Would you like for me to do so?

>> No.19178246

We are called MAPs now.

>> No.19178251
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>all you can eat crisp sandwiches.

>> No.19178265
File: 1.07 MB, 3024x4032, 0u1m06vlxpqa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a quiche sandwich

>> No.19178266
File: 467 KB, 474x409, 1658895086407315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that lady eating some bizarre taco with fish?

>> No.19178289

That just a tortilla. Tacos are hard.

>> No.19178291

Fish tacos are a thing yes.

>> No.19178298
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A piece of fish on a soft tortilla isn't a taco. At best, it's a misshapen wrap.

>> No.19178304
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>> No.19178333

God damn what a kino pic. Insane how the painting mirrors what’s happening right there.

>> No.19178353


>> No.19178385

Congratulations. Your wrapped fish tortilla failed.

>> No.19178391
File: 265 KB, 1040x1040, 33265823 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we keep the best stuff for ourselves, feel free to seethe more though and keep demonstrating your ignorance.

>> No.19178412
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would eat, but i would pick this british food every time. i bet mutts dont even know what this is kek.

>> No.19178417

Set aside what you personally think of racism. It's the Patrice O'Neal benefit. Not "Bill Burr Presents The Patrice O'Neal benefit". Patrice and Ant had a tremendous friendship. One built around their differences in race, which ultimately brought them tighter. Heck, Patrice has a two hour rant on his show titled "I Love Racism." He even goes into how important it is to allow the presence of it to expose who you should and should not surround yourself with and the importance of freedom of speech. It's not Bills place really to interject when the benefactor is dead.

>> No.19178472

oh my god

>> No.19179016

we call them empanadas, argentinian food. pretty good or shit depending on where you get them

>> No.19179026
File: 274 KB, 1584x1056, beaner food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beaner food is literally the same ingredients cooked and presented differently
tortilla, veggies, cheese, beans, meat, sauce
quesadilla- tortilla/cheese/meat
burrito- tortilla/cheese/meat/beans/veggies/sauce
enchilada-tortilla/meat/cheese and sauce

>> No.19179036

Don't feel like I've had that many tostadas. Feel like they are under represented compared to the popular ones like tacos and quesadillas

>> No.19179038

Also a chimichanga is fried or something isn't it?

>> No.19179043

You in Argentina right now?

>> No.19179045

ya, its like a fried burrito. very good if you can get 'authentic'

>> No.19179046

...what is it

>> No.19179048

no, i grew up in texas with lots of beaners

>> No.19179055

tostadas are good, just messy
pupusas (el salvador) are where its at if you want to branch out
chile relleno- fried chile thats stuffed with cheese and meat

>> No.19179089

Aye there's a Salvadoran place in my town ... been really wanting to try pupusas. Just haven't gotten there yet

>> No.19179192

No, it's vile in texture and taste. The pies and liquor are great though

>> No.19179519
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>bri'ish fusion cuisine

>> No.19179523
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>poutine al la norf sans le gravy

>> No.19179528
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>bunny chow chippy style

We have a diverse range of international cuisines in Britain due to the amicable nature of our colonial endeavors.

>> No.19179533
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>> No.19179538
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My insides are like clay at this point, what with the amount of low quality bread I consume. Couple of pints of stella should shift it

>> No.19179544
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we keep the best stuff for ourselves, feel free to seethe more though and keep demonstrating your ignorance.

>> No.19179690

so good. give it a shot, you wont be disappointed at all

>> No.19179694

lol, looks like what id make when i was in bootcamp- spaghetti sandwiches

>> No.19179699

There's a Salvadoran place by me and it is S tier latin American food

>> No.19179704

caribbeaner food

>> No.19179817

Given a British Curry or an Indian Curry you fags will choose the British one everytime.

>> No.19180217

Only a demon spawn could eat beans in the morning. I dunno man eat eggs, sausage, bread, jam, honey, even cheese if you're med but god damn don't eat beans for breakfast

>> No.19180240

Refried beans with some over easy eggs and a little sauce are pretty tits in the morning.

>> No.19180849

100+ posts in and still no pic of bongmeal that doesn't look like chips with vomit.

>> No.19181033

huevos rancheros is top tier

>> No.19181079

This is a high iq post.
Also british food isnt just beans on toast and chip buttys. A lot of it is stews, pies and red meat cooked over an open flame. Roast beef is delicious, cmon now.

>> No.19181083

I would eat the piss out of this

>> No.19181106

>beans on toast
What an odd, clearly working class name for Grumblethorpe's folly. Do your lot typically name foods by listing their ingredients? Next, you'll tell me you call Cosby tarts "sugared rohypnol pies."

>> No.19181159

Brit bots activated

>> No.19181592

Do Americans really eat that goyslop?

>> No.19181688

How do you season a sandwich exactly bean nigger?

>> No.19181698
File: 40 KB, 829x515, mcdonalds-Sausage-Egg-McMuffin-2_1-3-product-tile-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they eat exotic foods introduced into their culture by the white man like the mcmuffin

>> No.19183139

>Yorkshire Pudding
>Roast beef
>Lamb in all possible variations
>Scotch eggs
I don't think that many people really cook it, so they connect it with the basic middle european dishes mother serve their children without much cooking. And all the pudding dishes look like shit

>> No.19183147

Is it fuck you dumb zoomie cunt.

>> No.19183158

Because Britain is a twitter approved country to shit on, due to colonialism and more recently Brexit. It's a safe thing for progressive types to unleash their bile over.
And 4chan takes most of its cues from twitter these days.

>> No.19183172

It's a meme. That's why. Same thing as 'Brits have bad teeth' when they have Top 5 healthiest teeth in the world. Memes perpetuate because nobody challenges them. First hamburger recipe? English cookbook. First potato chip recipe? English cookbook. Lasagna? Well, could argue it came from, you guessed it, English cookbook. Shit isn't clear cut and people are dumb. The guy in OP saying he eats in 'England' is just dumb because there is no such thing as an 'English Restaurant'. Or British. If I go to the UK for a day trip, I will see hundreds of different kinds of cuisine. So the guy is actively being retarded.

People, again, just like to repeat memes. Much like all Dutch food is 'covered in mayo and friend onions' or 'mystery sauce'. Or all German food is sausages. Or all Finnish food is pickled herrings. All Icelandic food is piss whales. Memes perpetuate because, as I already said, people are dumb and learning stuff about a country is more effort than repeating memes. Would the average American check to see they are over twice as likely to have rotten, missing or damaged teeth than Bongs? No, of course not.

>> No.19183559

Yeah, it really lined up perfectly

>> No.19183601

>fish and chips
The japanese have a better version
>Sunday roast

>> No.19183607

>The japanese have a better version
Raw fish and french fries?

>> No.19183684
File: 79 KB, 1024x904, 1606245950260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roast beef
>fried chicken
>fish and chips
>apple pie
Bongs invented all the best foods. At most you can say that their food is kind of ugly like in >>19179544 pic, but all that tastes delicious despite looking like mush. Compare this to something like Mexican food which is just the same five or six ingredients arranged differently.

>> No.19183752

You can thank Britain for any dish that uses Suet. Everyone else just rendered it into Tallow but Britain figured out how to make some of the best savoury pastries using the hard fat.

>> No.19183803

I am an australian. today for dinner I ate a burger patty I froze a few weeks ago with egg and onion. I eat the very gristly bad meat pie a few times a week. I made a packet curry last night, I enjoyed it.

I went to britain about 8 years ago. When I went to a nice restaurant the food was good, but the 'average' food was fucking horrific jesus fucking christ. terrible coffee, terrible pizza, terrible sandwiches from a busy lunch cafe, terrible fucking *kebabs* and how do you fuck up a kebab?

I didn't have fish and chips or a roast there but they're probably fine, its hard to fuck up those dishes

>> No.19183814

these were all my grandmother ate for the two months before she died

I think they did not cause her death but instead comforted her in her final moments

>> No.19183827

I'm not a Jap, but I eat natto on toast most mornings now. The problem with the baked beans in tomato sauce that bongs eat on toast is that it's incredibly bland out of the can. You have to add cheese and seasonings to it for it to be palatable. It's the opposite of what we have in the US where canned baked beans are sold in barbecue sauce loaded with so much sugar that it's practically candy.

>> No.19183849

Pathetic, that's like swedes pretend they had invented meatballs.

>> No.19183885

Other people probably invented things like fried chicken concurrently, but bongs were the first ones to write the recipe down as far as we know.

>> No.19183946

I find it particularly bad faith when Americans talk about beans on toast or mushy peas when those are like, low tier poverty foods. Like Americans themselves have shite like raisin potato salad or all their other horror creations but think that they're better than the people who are at least eating some kind of vegetable? LOL

>> No.19184107

>poverty foods
Have you ever looked at the price of branded baked beans

>> No.19184112

>resistant starch
They're literally an ideal breakfast food.

>> No.19184463

>english people invented sandwiches!
Bread is fucking ancient and predates england. People have been making sandwiches for millennia.

>> No.19184531

But they're named after an English guy so I'm calling them English.

>> No.19184780

I've eaten in the best restaurants in the world, and I still go weak at the knees for a good steak and kidney pie. Brit cuisine is subtle.

>> No.19184928

British food can be very good, the only problem is that the average Brit is too retarded to know how to cook it properly
t. Brit

>> No.19184992

British food isn't bad, it's just ugly and most cultures attribute presentation as a part of the meal. The fact that British food tends to be sloppy, miscolored, and mushy repulses people so they assume it must also taste bad. Also, the British are probably the most hated nationality in the world since they're historically pretty aggressive and demanding, so people just resent things that represent them.
Probably a reverse snob factor since most people's experience with British people outside Britain tends to be rich. It's probably a partly populist thing, people want to imagine the shitty aristocrat or colonial officer that used to rule them as enjoying lesser meals for some reason.

>> No.19185033
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>Brit cuisine is subtle.

>> No.19185038

Reminder that chicken tikka masala is British food.

>> No.19185083
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, finished-tikka-masala-with-vegetables-and-roti-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite traditional British meal

>> No.19185575

Burr is such a sellout hack. Whiney little bitch.

>> No.19185680

>They have some really good food like fish and chips and Sunday roast.
Both pretty mid DESU. Desert puddings and the better meat pies would work better as the face of British food, but even those don't really knock your socks off. The fish and chips I've eaten in non-British British style pubs was better than the fish and chips I had in London.

>> No.19185769

>a quesadilla is 10% cheese

>> No.19186738

bludeh lovely tha knows
get some down ya
proper scran
'kin champion lad
lovely jubbly
get in mah belly
proper nosh that

>> No.19187056

i don't get it

>> No.19187204

bongs invented mac and cheese too. along with the best cheese in the world, cheddar

>> No.19187211
File: 269 KB, 293x508, morrisons-tikka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have genuinely, despite visiting dozens of various eastern cuisine establishments, not experienced anything that can top the mighty morrisons chicken tikka sauce in a jar.

>> No.19187221

It's French propaganda. Same reason why everyone thinks French cuisine is the best in the world even though it's snails and frog legs.

>> No.19187420

Homosexual post

>> No.19187427

Wikipedia lies
Romans are thought to have invented it first

>> No.19187474

>Wikipedia lies
Especially the English language Wikipedia. Anglopedia, for example, says that alfredo sauce is Italian, despite no one in Italy having any idea wtf it fucking is. Italian Wikipedia says it's American (because it fucking is lmao)

>> No.19187477

How the fuck did England have such shit food when France is right there to influence them?

>> No.19187974

british cuisine used to be highly respected. people like to joke that brits eat like germans are flying overhead, but the world wars really did a number on britain's cooking culture. not that there isn't good british food, its just that our parents are shit cooks and their parents were shit cooks etc.

>> No.19187990

the romans obviously stole it from the celts.

the earliest known recipe for modern mac and cheese was in an english cook book, but yeah people have been putting cheese and pasta together for a long time.

>> No.19188005


Speculation. You know the ONLY primary source we have on the Celts is Caesar's book?

>> No.19188028

Precursors to pasta were known in the Med before the rise of Rome.
The Celts hadn't even woded their balls blue yet by then.

>> No.19188030


>> No.19188031

Woaded. The dye is called woad.

>> No.19188082

yeah they defintely have this. Also, i think most people today forget that the Brits were the global super power before USA. and instead of the usa, they actually had culture and spread tastefulness around the world.

>> No.19188087

you never had eel? and eel pie looks good. holy shit ur a fkn pleb

>> No.19188096

British people have their british food and its a legit cultural food. Americans dont have culture. and wtf is american now anyways. the food that represents america most is their BBQ and even then its nothing worthy.

>> No.19188102

>historically pretty aggressive and demanding,
in todays time, having standards and expectations is considered aggressive and demanding lol. "but i should be allowed to have piercings at work!"

>> No.19188103

diarrhea in a bottle

>> No.19188120

>"but i should be allowed to have piercings at work!"
Yes, when that's acceptable where you are. What's unacceptable is when you go into someone's home and tell them how to live IE what the Brits have done in literally every place they've ever set foot.
Now, they complain that the people whose balls they busted for a century have followed them home and are doing it to them. Ever wondered why there aren't nearly as many Indians, Nigerians, Pakistanis, Chinese or AfroCaribbeans in Ireland as there are in the UK?
The Irish never went to their countries and busted their balls.
Let the savages self destruct and leave them alone where they are and they won't follow you and you won't have to worry about them knifing you to death while you're trying to buy crumpets for your tea, Nigel

>> No.19188151

jewish discourse

>> No.19188320

>Why do people hate on British food so much?
It's a massive cope by Americans from the midwest, trying to gaslight themselves into thinking that their own food is the world's best.

>> No.19188344

why the midwest? why not yanks in general?

>> No.19188428

Other parts of the US actually have some decent homecooked dishes. The Midwest has nothing but unseasoned meat and recombinant cuisine ie they open a bag of X Brand x, combine with a can of Y Brand y and top with a box of Z Brand z then bake. Examples are French's French Fried Onions green bean casserole (Libby's green beans + Campbell's condensed cream of mushroom soup topped with French's fried onions), chili pie (combine boxes of Jiffy corn muffin mix with a bag of Kraft pepper jack cheese and pour over cans of Wolf chili as a topping then bake) and Kellogg's Rice Krispies treats (combine a bag of Sweet Baby Jesus marshmallows with some Better Than Butter margarine and mix with a box of the aforementioned cereal).

>> No.19188439

>recombinant cuisine
As Neal Stephenson put it:
>Having now lived for a few decades in parts of the United States and Canada where cooking was treated quite seriously, and having actually employed professional chefs, he was fascinated by the midwestern/middle American phenomenon of recombinant cuisine. Rice Krispie Treats being a prototypical example in that they were made by repurposing other foods that had already been prepared (to wit, breakfast cereal and marshmallows). And of course any recipe that called for a can of cream of mushroom soup fell into the same category. The unifying principle behind all recombinant cuisine seemed to be indifference, if not outright hostility, to the use of anything that a coastal foodie would define as an ingredient.

>> No.19188472

*avora cadovora~

>> No.19188475

>Meanwhile in France

>> No.19188486

>Neal Stephenson
>colossal faggot

>> No.19188494

They are a soulless, servile people, and their commoner dishes show that centuries after the end of their monarchy, they still don't dare use flavor or techniques in their food. They think mashed peas are a condiment and vinegar is a spice. Their only passable food is degenerate hangover chow as a necessary recovery method for their national drinking problem, which is the only way of dealing with a continued state of existence in Britain.

>> No.19188500

>the food that represents america most
I'd say it's either dishes that were adapted from Native traditions like American style baked beans, frontier survivalist foods like jerky or modern convenience foods like hot dogs or burgers
>they open a bag of X Brand x, combine with a can of Y Brand y and top with a box of Z Brand z then bake
That's true of the UK too; take Richmond sausages and McCain oven chips and cook in oven, serve with Heinz baked beans. Really that's just the food of most working class people who have neither the time nor the inclination to properly cook but rather just want to bung something in the oven and do whatever while it cooks.

>> No.19188503

The Midwest was doing this shit in the 50s, when housewives were more common than otherwise.

>> No.19188525

>has to fuck that everynight
Yeah, I get why he's salty at white women that he couldn't get one

>> No.19189608

it was a joke lads

>> No.19189616

I just got caught up and apparently there's Patrice benefits in 2023? Lmfao he been dead for 10 years. Why are they milking his name?

>> No.19189622

Yes we do, stupid.

>> No.19189704


What the fuck is that slop the britchicks holding.

>> No.19189708

My father works for Britain and says British don't eat Marmite.

>> No.19189715


Oh you delightful little shit.

>> No.19189902

lol obsessed